St Louis Cardinals vs Dallas Cowboys 1985 Week 13

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it's not only starting but how healthy is I mean if he's going it 75 80 percent I don't think that'll be enough they need Roy green close to 100% I think those nods were nods of hope now let's go back to Brent Musburger speaking of which happy Thanksgiving to all of you that's the way the eastern division stands right now Dallas at 8 and 4 tied for the Giants in Washington at 7 and 5 Philadelphia 6 and 6 and the cardinal disappointing and surprising to a lot of people at 4 and 8 good afternoon and I'm Pat Summerall and again Happy Thanksgiving the cowboy success this year in every game has been turnovers you talk about situation substitutions and computers but turnovers have been the answer when they give it away more than they take it away they lose when they take it away more than they give it away they win with me of course is the coach John Madden or a CBS football analyst superb and John how do they expect to accomplish those takeaway situations well the biggest thing that they do is that for a whole defense if the Cowboys use you know that's when where they have four defensive linemen no linebackers and seven defensive backs now they've been doing that for a number of years but when they first started doing it they would take those seven defensive backs and they'd always cover with them you know they double here double there and so on and now lately they've been going on what they call a max blitz instead of covering they're putting up four of them and they're bringing a total of eight now you see with the problem that breaks see here's one here two three four so that gives in in addition to the four defense alignment that gives them eight they bring from the outside and boom to up the middle now you can see that the offense only has seven guys to block that eight so there's always going to be a free one in this case it's Dennis Durbin now what the contest is here can Lomax get rid of the ball before Thurman hits him because he's the free guy they leave one for the quarter now sometimes he won't get rid of it sometimes he'll have to throw it before he's ready to then the Cowboys win now the other thing here we go again it's the same thing one two three four then you have the four defensive linemen bringing the eight again now here's Roy green if we get the ball to a healthy Roy green before they get there that can be trouble for the Cowboys so you see what happens you see them coming here again they're going to come into blitz to up the middle two from the outside a total of eight coming only seven blockers now as we stop it here here's the free guy here now if he can get the ball right there if he can get the ball off before he gets here look what they can do we see Roy green there now that was a year ago that's a healthy Roy green a year ago I thought he was the best offensive player in the NFL because he was a one guy that could make things like that happen remember when they bring eight they only have three left back there to tackle guys like this guy and Roy green has helped somewhat in doubt in fact when we started today's game it wasn't certain whether he'd even be able to start now we hear he will start the Cardinals have won the toss Raffaele sep DN will kick off for Dallas Clyde Duncan is the man in the middle back for the Cardinals Ron wolf Lee and Leonard Smith back there with him set the in set to go with it [Music] who probably started running back [Applause] knocked him out of bounds along with Bill Bates let's check the lineups first of all for the Cardinals the offensive backs and receivers Lomax stuff Mitch shoulder runner along with Wolfie will start Roy green and Pat chilly the wide receivers in green is starting up front at sharp Dawson Clark plastic Lance Smith at right tackle and duck Marsh is the tight end [Music] [Applause] wide receivers chilly Mitchell is alone setback in JP Smith is the other this is Mitchell averaging over five yards of carrying he gets about five on that breaks him down on defense it Jones John Dutton Randy white and Jim Jeff go to the front the linebackers Heckman and roar on the outside and Eugene lockhart in the middle secondary walls and fellows the corners Clinkscale and downs the safeties second down about four Green is wide right Chile is wide left Marsh comes in motion yard shy of the first down before the middle linebacker eugene lockhart comes out and makes the hit the Cardinals have had a very disappointing season this year and one guy who seems to be out for this guy Mitchell stump Mitchell talking to him last night he's a bright eyed guy who was ready to play you know less I really felt that if there's anyone that is down on this team I'll guarantee you one guy it's not it's this guy number 32 he's just so happy to have a chance to play full-time Oh Jay Anderson did not make the trip the load will be shouldered by the stone [Applause] is the move man yes that's up up quickly the cowboy first this down the balls on the ground [Applause] Eugene walk [Applause] the safety man up in a hurry they always are one thing me the Cardinals are starting off running here against this flex defense when they have the the three linebackers in there it is a tough defense to run again Michael downs a free safety read that all the way and he was up in the backfield before Scott Mitchell got to the line of scrimmage Cowboys in a hurry up quickly first and ten from the Cardinal 33 then do some the back sandy white goes right to work to throw you guys has caused a spectacular catch by duck gospel [Applause] let's see if we can watch that thing and how close be again he gets good pass protection Crosby's going to come all the way across Danny white sees them here gives them the ball over to this side but to do that to bring that tight end all the way across like that yes to have good time you see the protection he gets close be in there behind those linebackers made a heck of a one-handed Kent first down Cowboys at the Cardinal 12 that's Newsome moving chocolates they give it the Dorsett we skipped over the right side gets back to the line of scrimmage Nico Douga knocks him down no gain on that play the cowboy offense has Danny white at quarterback Tony Dorsett and Timmy Newsome in the backfield of Tony Hill and my current fro the two runners the two wide receivers beg your pardon up front it's Chris Schultz that left tackle that's a permanent move down Titan sir Rafferty Peterson Cooper Cooper and duck costly the tight end Hill has put wide to the right Sekhmet can side back there quickly the Cardinals use what we call an under defense they are over shifted to the weak side on that play the Cowboys tried to run right into it and they didn't gain anything where would you run well I think I think you start off and you want to run away from the under but then to keep it honest you want to run towards it now I like to run at it with the counter play start one right and then come back at here's that defense again on the left side every man is covered that's the reason they call it the under and the over [Applause] intro I believe moved early it's been a frustrating when the offense 15 Bob Frederick is the referee let's take a look at this under defense see here's one man over the center to three then you get this linebacker here now that gives him four on one to three C so that's the overload that they have to this side that's called the under defensive you shift it to the other side to the strong side of course that would be the over D it what seems so logical that you attack it to the other side away from me that lobe but that's not as easy as it sounds Cosby is lending up in the slot this time the pass has high crusting has a touchdown but there's a flag on the play [Applause] Jeff Griffin Cosby couldn't hang on the ball was there but the flag was dropped before it ever arrived that can't be pass interference it has to be holding which it is because the flag was dropped at about the 10-yard line and of course the ball was thrown into the endzone [Music] that should make it first in gold Dallas it has to be whoever was covering Cosby I think Jeff Griffin your Cosby has some offensive fouls but he also draws a lot of defensive calls on holding and pass interference when you get it guide that he created he's holding number 35 this down [Applause] Osby number 84 in the middle the screen see right there Griffin hits him that was okay then he held him with the right arm so cause we couldn't get away that Cosby once still got away and still beat him in the endzone I think the reason for that is he is so big six six its first down not first and goal there back [Music] you're heard white safe get the game drops on it right there and that upsets a coach because he knows that something is out of sync in there as you said Danny white was given directions it looked like he forgot to get his hands under there and get the ball Timmy Newsome was on the wrong side then he got him on the right side then he didn't like where he got him so he'd put him out farther then he brought him back and then he dropped the ball that'll make it second in about 11 back at the 18-yard line [Applause] the ball whimper understand it is a touchdown eighteen yards [Applause] [Music] so far it's another happy Thanksgiving Day and for the Cowboys not for Jim Hannigan gravel cept DN will try for the extra point with poker boom holding [Music] in 46 running the first corner we can see that the Newsom goes in motion that takes the defensive back out of there then four runs of slant for the touchdown 7-up in Kabul see Thanksgiving Dallas seven st. Louis nothing with 946 left first quarter Cowboys got the turnover again and took advantage of it Eugene Lockhart recovered the fumble and Danny white threw the touchdown pass here at the end on the side of his foot [Music] [Applause] funny-looking kick was look like no trial let's look at the touchdown again we'll see what happened here Newsom goes right he comes in motion that brings the strong safety up to bump here and it opens a hole right in here and Mike Renfro comes up slants right in here between the corner and the safety see the effect of motion now the motion man comes that brings a strong safety out boom there now right in there Renfro goes right in that hole that he vacated and boom Danny white hits from there is Mike Renfro over on the sideline a guy who gets I guess 110 percent about out of his ability wouldn't you say well that's right you know Tom Landry calls them just a real pro he said whatever you ask him to do Renfro will do last week I know we saw the films in their game against Philadelphia and he made some big blocks oh yeah wide receiver and sometimes those wide receivers are more proud of the blocks than they are of the touchdown catches Clyde Duncan at number 86 for the Cardinals of at about his own 13 - about 228 before they're down in a mass led by Steve deeossie the Cowboys covered well [Music] Dallas seven st. Louis nothing Roy green so far in 1985 of course it's only caught 32 passes and that's again because of the injuries of toe injury first and the ankle injury and you know there's two problems with that one that he hasn't been able to play in some games but the other thing he hasn't practiced at all I think obviously that hurts Roy green but also hurts Neal oh man [Applause] this is duck Marsh in motion back to throw first down before Michael downs brings him down yeah one of the reasons that you want Roy green in there's exactly this play here Pat Tilley is going to come underneath in the middle Roy green runs deep that takes the Dallas Cowboy defenders deep with them you see then that opens up that hole for Tilly watch what Roy green does so he's the outside receiver he's just sprinting up the field now watch how he draws a crowd see he drives that defense deep vein you can get underneath green at Chile this time boats with wide to the left now he's artillery emotion back this way again [Applause] the cowboy 47 Everson walls was the defender I think this is what Neal Lomax needs is a little confidence here you know he really hasn't had a lot of confidence and that's a problem that he has is we watched till he come in motion I think yeah that's you know he's only 510 but he jumped and right there when the ball got there he was about 6 for 10 years he's been doing that Pat Tilley scuba gloves today 75 Tilly put wide to the left down here comes green in motion this problem back to Mitchell Mitchell out on the grass but Michael downs gets close to a first down John Dutton finally made sure he was down that's one thing those Cowboys safeties do when they're not blitzing that's the thing that Jim Hannifin was concerned about is Michael downs and Dexter Clinkscale the minute they see run flow to their side Pratt they're right up in there in the backfield and they're hard to get blocked because you can't assign anyone to him because you don't have enough guys [Applause] with clay packs her than two at the Dallas 44 [Applause] another Cardinals first down before Eugene Lockhart the middle linebacker and Michael downs get him down [Applause] both Landry's gone to the long coat well he got that he goes to that from Thanksgiving on he goes to the long coat or maybe the week before Thanksgiving and then the rest of the year he'll wear the long coat where's his clipboard is he usually got a bunch of notes in his name I think he has a guy holding it now see when they're on defense he has someone hold and then when they get the ball I think they hand it back to her that one you can stuff you don't have to hold the the plays during defense Bremen motion that Cowboys come on a bread and green hammers down inside the Dallas 30 Emerson walls knocked him out of bounds this is the thing that we were talking about Pat where they're bringing aid here they're going to pray the linebacker here that gives them three one two three then Michael downs also comes to give him a watch the three linebackers come there's downs right there that gives them eight but Lomax was able to get the ball off before downs got there and downs was a free guy the Cardinals blocked that by designating Mitchell to pick up what they call dangerous man this is wrong with a football over the left side it Jones made the stop along with Randy white the rest of it after they get if they do get the most dangerous man blocked is up to Lomax himself that's a tough part you know that most dangerous man rule if I were Lomax I would always think the MDM is the guy they don't want the bride because stump Mitchell's running back has to take the MDM it's usually an inside Russia and the outside Russia is usually the free gap if I were Lomax that'd be the most dangerous terrain wide to the right so max back to throw looking left and throwing left intended form our vision complain all bounced up in the air and nobody got close to it Dexter clicks Gail made the hit [Applause] you know one thing I think that was important is probably Lomax getting off to a pretty good stunt and we see there he's throwing the ball well I mean he threw him right in there Tamar she has to catch that ball again his hands were too close to his body but bounced off his shoulder pass and seven Lomax's three out of four [Applause] in this grade receivers that get breathe take it down by Victor Scott but enough for a st. Louis first down and they can move it and again we see that all-out blitz we see them coming here here only one in the middle and the only reason that is because there's four wide reciever so they're coming here they're bringing seven on this play but Lomax is able to get rid of the ball you see they got him coming from the outside they're able to get him all blocked except the middle one was built bate but he got rid of the ball before Bates could get there another Cardinal first down at the Dallas 13 side hammers down inside the chin to about the eight before Jeff roar trips him up number 50 you know sometimes it's a it's an advantage pad for a head coach like Jim Hannaford who's taken a lot of heat this year and the quarterback Neal Lomax is also taking a lot of heat sometimes it's good to have that short wait because his handle from says you don't have a long time to think about that last block there was the other thing is is playing away as second at six martien motion this is Mitchell and he hammers down to about the one Randy wife kept him from story he was the last man it should be first and goal or close to it the right side of that offensive line joe vosdek and lance smith the rookie did a pretty good job cuz there was a pretty big hole over on that right side it all fired out they got good movement on that cowboy defense first and goal the ball is at the to Mitchell got enough Cowboys leading seven up thing with 425 left to play first quarter [Applause] the official on the far side says touchdown and yes it is deeossie made the hit on and got into the endzone you'll see DRC coming in there he's going to jump the same time stop them c55 jump in there he got a little late start and by the time he got his jump at the apex because stuff Mitchell was in [Applause] for the extra point store is tied at seven however there's a penalty flag down I think that's going to be against the Cowboys bad for being offsides are in the neutral zone or one of those things they call it'll go on to kickoff defense number 27 was offside the point was good will be carried over to the following kickoff rodfellows was offside Tom Landry has his team now tied at 7-7 apiece between the Cowboys and the Cardinals with 4:16 left to play first quarter stop Mitchell just scored his sixth touchdown of the season there's an interesting story you were telling last night about the best football player in the country coming out of high school when he came out I was on a train yeah and an attendant was telling me the best player coming out of college I said George Rogers the best ryman he said Don I said it's a guy named stump Mitchell how do you know about it like I said my son's his coach let's go back and look at stump Mitchell's touchdown then I'll tell you the big black here's Steve deeossie now he's going to kinda kind of he's going to quanta jump at the same time stumped is but watch it job that Randy Clark gets out here fires out on him meets him so that he can't jump before that then after he gets off the block it's too late watch Clark fired up boom right there see now by the time he gets off stuff is into the end zone or the ball is into the end zone breaking the plane it's very close so here he can take off head Clark not stopped the assi the Aussie would have met him about two yards back but let's where the ball is all the ball has to do is break the plane of that line Mitchell has seven carries for 22 yards and the touchdown boy of itchy about to kick off for the Cardinals and he has different color shoes the jersey out gloves on change [Music] replacing the answers Robert love bet as the kickoff returner gets just outside the 20 score tied at 7 with four minutes and three seconds left to play in the first quarter we were talking about the Cardinals earlier and you know how it's been such a disappointing year as stumped Mitchell was saying last night he says we don't have anything to lose he said we can just go out late free and easy we've already lost everything but I think the thing helped was that drive and getting a little confidence for today first down Cowboys Dorset remains the there's new some flakes out to the right [Music] - about the 27 Bob Harris number 50 over to make the stop after a gain of six by Dorset there's little chess game going on that play the Cardinals shifted from an under to an over defense and I think Danny quite audible eyes from a strong side play to a weak side play Renfroe and he'll again split wide to the left this time we're in froze on the outside now they swap places [Music] the producer he wasn't ready but I don't think you can blame it on Timmy Newsome he never had a chance to look back I think that Danny white was distracted by the Blitz and middle linebacker EJ junior came right up the middle he was picked up by Kurt Peterson but it looked like Danny white maybe threw that ball a little quicker than he had to EJ juniors number 54 watch is going to come straight ahead right at it you see Peterson picks him up there I don't think quite had to rush that pass the way he did the Blitz was picked up third and three [Music] formation car goes to monitor West Dorsett has the bomb hit and the Cowboys will have to punish all right through his hands and hit him in the Hat [Applause] that's a you know that's why you know coaches and always teach players receivers to get your hands out in front of you catch the ball out in front of you because we see examples of it every game when you don't you get those hands too close to the shoulder pads then it would go off and through and bounce out number four is Mike Saxon JT Smith this back deep for st. Louis Saxon is the punter Rafferty is the center [Music] some room hammers into Dallas territory is down at the cowboy 45 and the Cardinals will take it over in good shape first and ten from the Dallas 46 Happy Thanksgiving Pat Summerall of John Madden at Texas Stadium words the Cardinal 7 then Dallas 7 [Applause] Jeff roar is that who that is leaving that was Jeff roar yeah now usually when they take them inside like that stretch away walls is back there and green made an excellent play that from being intercepted [Music] Everson walls who's a leading interceptor in the NFL this year had that read all the way what if he's going back he knew what Roy Green was going to do it was like he was in their huddle he randomly sliders going deep he just kept going deep and then he became the receiver and green became the defender it's amazing they just swapped places to name green of course used to be a defensive guy [Music] [Applause] so you knock him down to try to intercept him under new tackle um it'll bring up a third down Everson walls is such a good player you know you see him leading the NFL and interceptions and then you know you watch him cover a Roy green then you watch them come in here and play the draw that green blocked him or the safety they may have had a chance and then you remember that when the draft came right he wasn't even a free agent ragin couldn't run faster [Applause] down and eight for the Cardinals and Lomax shifts back deep no pets coming this time but a rest is coming lomax out of the pocket he might have been over the line of scrimmage chilly [Applause] cat [Applause] it'll be first and goal a gain of 40 [Applause] Neil Lomax isn't thought of as being a scrambler what happened is the is the Cowboys used their three-man line Randy white was a linebacker rushing from his left side he saw that he didn't have anything he got outside a containment now that gave Pat jelly the time to get deep and all the way across the field watch him come in here and that's a second Tilly's made today and it's first and goal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Dexter Clinkscale is the first cowboy there to knock him down the problem by the way with Jeff Rohr is that someone fell on his right ankle and they have taken him inside for x-rays it'll be second and goal for the Cardinals score tied at 7 [Applause] I left to play first quarter the rest of the Dallas defense don't say so yeah yes they do [Applause] and that's a big one all big a page on Dutton and head to toe of Jones what's the left side here the defense they really beat the off and c72 he get some penetration in there he knocks his tackle then he knocks her back and then they're able to come in and converge in that wall and get the too tall Jones made a heck of a defensive goal line play first down cowboy learn about their own - they were here a couple of weeks ago against the Bears and it was disaster Dorsett after the five [Applause] it was a disaster because Danny white went back to pass and they didn't get Hampton blocked and he knocked the ball up in the air and Richard dent intercepted it for a touchdown and that was the beginning of a long day for the Cowboys coach Tom Landry probably remembers that and he said now this time coming out of here I think maybe we'll just keep the ball on the ground seven seven the score at second and seven for the Cowboys [Applause] about the seven Curtis Grier was the first man in red there we talked in the beginning of our broadcast about the 1985 turnover ratio in the eight wins there plus 19 in the four losses there - for 15 that's the story of almost every game that I can recall John that we've done and I think that that's that's the story in the lake you know if you look at the teams that lead that turnover ratio they they're the top teams and usually that the bottom are also on the bottom of the standings that's end of quarter number one at Texas Stadium with a score seven seven st. Louis 7 Dallas 7 as we begin the second quarter Thanksgiving Day and the Cowboys been very successful the game on Thanksgiving Day thirteen three in one they are loosen up by Anusha EJ jr. was right there with him [Applause] I think John when you look back at the record even more significant than thirteen three and one is what happens after Thanksgiving Day yeah the game that they play after Thanksgiving Day they've been sixteen and one I think that's been one of the successes of the Cowboys and why they're always in the playoff they always have those winning record is they play at home on Thanksgiving win most of the time and then get those 10 days off and always win after that game they're on their way for the stretch drive Saxum standing back chief Smith who got a good return [Music] Smith way back to his own 39-yard gets it back into Dallas territory Brian the solonian down to make the stop this Sunday don't forget an NFL doubleheader here on CBS earlier in the day beginning at 12:30 Eastern Time most of you will see the Los Angeles Rams against the New Orleans Saints others will see Minnesota against Philadelphia and still others will see Tampa Bay against Green Bay and later in the day the defending world champion 49ers play the Redskins at RFK in Washington [Music] check your local listings for the games coming up Sunday here on CBS the dennis 44 marsh and moses - Mitchell and Lomax going on tour gets it out tomorrow down after a gain of about three by everson wall that wasn't it you can't make a living throwing those kind of passes can you bet those are those high percentages that don't go very far I think he hit Marche on the line of scrimmage and he gained about two or three he gained just about as tall as he is yeah I guess you have to do some of those things that you look goodness nafs is completions they don't get you very far they don't get you in the end zone quick count side quick dimension Lockhart and stop Mitchell [Applause] left Lockhart looking fellows knocked him out of an know with OJ Anderson out in fact OJ Anderson didn't even make the trip today stumped Mitchell has to take all the plague he says he enjoys that he says he likes tit go on Monday or in this case on Friday the day after the game he feel hurt soraa's different in a whirlpool do stuff like that setups upon a football he'll have to chance [Applause] to [Applause] boy 36 - throw is Lomax tumble a bit on the way back but gets it out the room [Applause] the cowboy 23 [Applause] if Roy green wasn't hurt he might be now he really took a hit from walls yeah right at the end of that run he did the bright green is up on type sim come in motion then he comes inside to tight end he stops trucks now he's making adjustment he hooks then he slides to the outside there's police killing I watch walls right here right at the end he just hit him in the back and bend them backward boy dreams coming off the field he's headed for the sideline that had and Katie Smith stood wide to the left [Music] over the right side for about three Eugene Lockhart [Music] hey I'm impressed with this Cardinal offense today you know they they've had those turn there's two turnovers but other than that they've been they've been moving the ball Neal Lomax looks confident Roy green looks relatively healthy the offensive line is doing a nice job and if you take those two turnovers there they've had a pretty good first quarter in the half take those two turnovers away in there ahead in other ways it's probably more important lomax back to throw hit cuts batted away at the last second I think John Dutton guy and knocked it down but it was pressure from it Jones that caused Womack's to hurry yet Jones says that this is one of the biggest days in his NFL year he enjoys his whole family comes as mothers sisters brothers a whole family and they come here watch the game he gets tickets for the whole group then they all go and eat turkey after the game he said this is a game to play the best is that I have too many people here watching me and just play average I mean he's got cousins aunts and uncles it every the whole group they just motive all in here then take them all they all go down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to the big six easily flag is down back at the line of scrimmage walls was back there with green [Applause] the area the flag is it is in the offensive holding area brain was complaining look at his shoulder pad that thing get pulled off there somehow he was complaining he was held or interfered with I'm sure this penalty will go against the Cardinals there were some reaching and holding and fingertip dragging iliac formation on the offense will be declined Werth down [Applause] Rick says illegal formation it will be the kind boy a to attempt the field goal I've heard about five different ways to pronounce that name [Applause] CDH on the animal [Applause] ciao he kicks the ball through from 38 [Applause] dan yeah that's some whether it's play of victor boy of he sure knows how to react look that shook tails at good thing watch that right arm he starts wailing whoa [Music] CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League is sponsored by Budweiser beechwood aged for that clean crisp taste this Bud's for you today's Chevrolet who invites you to live the style performance and fun of Chevrolet in 86 and by Honda all-terrain vehicles Honda follow the leader [Music] boy having to kick off James Jones back deep as the Cardinals have taken the lead seven [Applause] Freddie Joan unn who was the Cardinals first round draft choice down to make the stop don't forget CBS Sports brings you college football tomorrow with the Cavaliers from Virginia against Maryland live at 2:30 Eastern Time Maryland headed for the cherry Bowl live at 2:30 Eastern tomorrow here it's also live at the 31 and the Cardinals lead Dallas by the score of 10 to 7 Dorsett as the lone setback ocean ocean air person some hammers to the 40 Anderson weighs about 240 that's an interesting thing is that way started in motion and then came back out 12:04 left to play in the first half and the Cardinals leading ten seven one upset already today is the Detroit Lions beat the Jets 31 20 do some did there he started in motion got to that end and then worked back out the defense went in with him it couldn't get back Doosan stood up wide to the right and Renfro comes in motion the Dorset and caught from behind by David Galloway [Applause] Roy green is number 81 Katie Smith sitting next to her Roy green seemed not the enthusiastic electric guy that we saw last year Denis well you know what he was saying he said that you know it's been such a frustrating year with all these injuries he said you really can't practice you can't play he said I don't know until tomorrow if I'll be able to play or not and you can't try it out you were in the lobby of the hotel [Music] white back on first down facing a st. Louis blitz ball at ten Tony Hill and knocked away at the last second by Cedric Mack [Applause] you know one thing that Cowboys were saying yesterday is that is that this secondary of the Cardinals has played well there's Cedric Mac in there he's all over Tony Hill covers him well that he's able to get back boom and get that right hand over there but that secondary a range Smith and Lonnie young Leonard Smith and Cedric Mac is one area that has been playing well this year for the Cardinals make it second at 10:00 fight back the Dorset [Applause] EJ jr. tripped him up give him eight it'll make it third and two perhaps an interesting thing that the we were talking with Dennis Thurmond and Dexter Clinkscale and they were saying the Cardinals that secondary you were just talking about they said they know how to play us while they do and and and the thing he was talking about is one they play man-to-man the Cowboys are better against his own and to the defensive backs crowd to receiver and the Cowboys have never liked their receivers being crowded [Music] and more as he hammers down to the Cardinal 44 Jeff Griffin made the Oh Dorsett get right in there behind his big right guard Kirk Peterson he knows how to follow that watch the right guard 65 pull see him come down here I watched her said he sees him gets right in there boom he gets the hit there and runs right off that those little backs always find those big guards they hang around in the stuff good job by Peterson and picking up the middle linebacker right there these bags like Dorsett likes to just hang out like right in his back pocket left like that Cardinals 10 Cowboys seven white boots Hill to the right side gets to Newsome about the 39 David Galloway on the bottom of the file the x-rays by the way that they took on Jeff roars ankle were negative and it is possible he could return Gary ho kaboom signaling in the place that's the way they you know more and more teams are doing that the way to keep the backup quarterback in the game instead of just sitting there with a jacket on at the end of the benches they have them signal in to the quarterback second and five white sunset screen and he's got sick good play by two they did get a first down again [Applause] I'll tell you Dorset does a good job see he starts over on this other side she was going to make a countermove hide in here let that line go by now sneak down the line let your Center and guards get out in front and see the three men won't make it one and then EJ jr. was down out of me he was taking in need was forced to cut right back into him first down Cowboys final 33 once again [Music] looking back inside gets inside the 32 the 29 takes him down there's a flag I'm that thing down there I think they're talking about that one gain of three then there is a penalty marker Bob Frederick facemask is number 45 in the defense and it was a five-yard facemask that means it was unintentional on Leonard Smith and it also means that when he grabbed the facemask that he didn't you know keep it and jerked the head back if they do that then of course it's 15 and he the five-yard is the less flavor [Applause] white back to throw in fro [Applause] no flags Cedric Mack right with him the Cowboys said that if they were going to work on someone today in that Cardinal secondary was going to be Cedric Mac now remember Cedric Mac is a guy who played defense then he was switched off fence this year then he was switched back when Washington was injured of course he has that one thing though that you always want in a quarterback he has four five forty over on the sidelines where the sticks are they have second down on the scoreboard it has third down and it is furred that guy's ATS handling the sticks over there just forgot to flip that over one now but Dorsett got the first he'll get the flip it's the one this Jim Shatner over talking with Landry and Hoda boom they have quite a huddle over there but this is where we call a roll draw where the full-back goes first in front of the halfback he stands here or delays and then he can see the hole when he gets the ball as Dorsett just did that time Merced has great eyes great vision [Music] now it's first down Cardinal 20 new SEM emotion again the door not much there this time his vision told him to get quickly to the ground [Music] [Applause] that's the one thing that the Dorset can do you know that's why he's been in this lake for nine years and been relatively healthy he has great vision now this is where the Cowboys anticipate the Blitz they say anytime you get inside 220 the Cardinals are going to blitz you so they're going to have some pass ball now for a quick situation second Niko Noga [Music] for duck Cosby [Applause] [Music] they have stuff for a strong safety to cover duck cause baby cej junior here in the Flint Niko dog he had pretty good coverage that was a nice throw by Danny white getting it over know his head and then Cosby can come down with it so the Cowboys recaptured the lead 1310 ten men on the field and that's the reason they've taken this time out someone will hear about that Brian's alone and just came onto the field Cowboys 1310 Dallas 13 say Louis ten Cowboys had a ticket timeout because they only had ten men on the field now they've got it squared away and rat fieldset be able try it with Gary hoga boom holding [Music] ceptin makes it 1410 but six and a half minutes left [Applause] here's the touchdown let's see what after they see here's one receiver two receivers three receivers see the Cowboys had three receivers so here's one defensive back to three defensive back and four here to safety so that leaves no get the strong linebacker having to cause man-to-man untuck Cosby now the free safety looks this way the side of this side closby comes up man-to-man and has the whole corner here to work on the linebacker who's right on him see the two receivers over there the safety there in the middle favors that side now watch right down here nokia has Cosby man demand all the way that's a mismatch but it was pretty good coverage by Logan plus we still got the smiles that I like that when they put the lane back right on me and he has to cover me all the way down in the Phaedo so Raphael chef Pierre [Music] for the cargo [Applause] four hammers out to about the thirty outside the thirty good returned by Ron wolf Lee since all Britain bill Bates finally got him down a gain of twenty nine don't forget CBS Sports brings you on Saturday the seasons premiere of NCAA basketball the Yellowjackets of Georgia Tech led by Mark price against Michigan the Wolverines a lot of people think they're the number one and number two teams in the country and after that it'll be Notre Dame against number four ranked Miami that's football James headed for the Sugar Bowl [Applause] finale for Gerry foul he gets about three before Dexter Clinkscale comes up to knock him down Long John Dutton but the Cardinals are trying to do here is go to tight ends then put their two wide receivers out and get that secondary get that Michael downs out of there so that he can't hit that run at the line of scrimmage that's what they did then spread the defense out spread the secondary out and then pray and pick away at that middle gain of five so it'll make it second and five Cowboys 14 Cardinals 10 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lomax back to throw had some time has some time we Shinto chili rebound and it's a first down a la carte okay one thing that is good pass protection because that allowed these guys to run around watch till he's running it out he sees Womack scramble he starts to scramble back in then out then tips the ball as he was going back where he came from there's a lot of stuff going around in there but watch his pass protection here here's Louie sharp against Jeff go boom they're fightin down there in those trenches Randy white in there cutting down that's a good job [Applause] 450 left to play in the first lomax look quickly to the outside Tilly again rodfellows took him down but Lomax quickly to Tilly a gain of 17 and another cargo first down yeah when we talked to Neil Lomax last night bad he sounded awfully confident he did we see him playing today he's playing with a lot of confidence what says he comes back he's going to throw this slant over here to the last one two three brief step drop crack get Tilly in there it looked like till he caught that one backhanded didn't it he caught an earlier backhanded over on the sidelines like that it's the audibles they were talking about to us last night has the ball knocked out of his hands and out of bounds by Eugene Lockhart he got a gain of maybe two stumped Mitchell as he walks back there he said you know that's one thing that no running back likes to do is ever have that ball knocked out of his hands he's having a little problem with it today and one thing you know as a running back you never want to be known as a fun boy I think that's the worst thing that they could say at any time that even if they're out of bounds that ball gets knocked at they get off way upset let he get that reputation and then it sort of sticks with you and the people on the other side start to kid you about it Jessica to waiver just gets it away intended for pat chilly fellows was back if Lomax had had more time Chile had a couple of steps there was the thing when that blitz comes Lomax has to get rid of the ball course he hopes when he gets rid of it that someone is open and that play he did half of it he got rid of the ball but of course he couldn't get it to telle here's the big down here here's when the Cowboys win therefore Oh defense with their seven defensive back this is when they start bringing those people up the middle and this time [Applause] Lomax thought there the end zone Roy green was complaining to the official Emerson walls was win [Applause] Michael downs coming on a blitz [Applause] of course if that's against the Cowboys it's an automatic first down watch it will be in the slot right here you see walls he's on the slot on Roy green right there they had a pump there a bench number we know about that one push down I am pushing at the position and green went into him I mean I don't agree with these penalties here but he didn't do anything right there and they have to let these guys on defense play football and if they interfere that's one thing but when they do something like that you have to [Music] [Applause] inside the cowboy 2015 Mitchell and he is hit just as he gets the ball by John the stuff might have lunged free yard I think Dutton must have taken an inside move on Joe Bostick it doesn't even look like Bostick hit him on that play dutton was in the backfield before stump mitchell got to the line of scrimmage John Gottman what [Music] to 68 now he was over 300 he was well over 3 for the Colts [Applause] [Music] here comes the Blitz there's downs and get the ball out to Mitchell and he is tipped over Hickman only about a yard this is what we talked about earlier you know the Flitz here we see Michael downs coming in he's right here he's going to blitz now what Lomax has to do is go out here and get the ball away before it downs can get her watch downs he's going to time it here he comes he's freeze coming right up the middle there I watched Lomax can feel him come and say I have to get rid of her right now they only gain the yard on the play played by hedge fund to be out there on the coverage quickly [Applause] wide receivers the car [Applause] once again but this time they don't come back fit of the pocket has a man wide and he gets a first down for st. Louis Denis Thurmond hammered him out of bounds but the Cardinals will have it first and goal after a gain of 13 again the Cowboys don't come on a blitz this time Phil Bates is up there faking it but he holds but look at this pass protection look there they're able to get those guys out give Lomax time then he can step up and he finds JC Smith out to his right but I'm impressed with the job that this offensive Ryan is doing a pass protection and absolutely they have done a good job that's the two-minute warning Dallas leads by four but the Cardinals are at the door [Music] that summer all John Madden at Texas Stadium Dallas 14 st. Louis Tim but the Cardinals have it first and goal at the Dallas five-and-a-half yard line and as John was saying just a minute ago the Cardinals have done an excellent job protecting Neal Lomax [Applause] maybe the Cowboys were right they do know how to play [Applause] once this year go max back to throw looking [Applause] lomax to green and the Cardinals get the lead again pass from five yards out it's interesting they put bright green on the left side that flame his bad ankle is the left ankle but when he gets on the left side he can make this out cut watch him right here at the bottom of screen he's going to plant his right foot to make the out cut you can see it right here see here he is he's working right into the endzone but by it but by doing this by getting up here now he plants off the right foot and he can make that quick 17:14 as for yobics next report is good Roy green is starting to feel a lot better not delight it for the moment at least Neal Lomax you know John Matt and I were just talking when we spoke with him last night he did seem very very confident and very loose very much up about this this contest he's still you know I think one of the things that Elfie is talking about the long day they had they got up in the morning they had meetings they practiced they had an hour to get to the airport to fly down here they were late getting here they had dinner and a meeting maybe that helped them not having a lot of time to think about it of course this guy here's helpful too just him being out there in the field and being maybe 80% it's pretty good for this office 80% of him is still pretty darn good it comes up with go back to 21 Charlie Baker down to make the stop nine plays they went 69 yards they kept the ball four minutes 33 seconds and Lomax finished it off has to be a very satisfying time right now for that man Jim Hannifin he's been under fire and this is a big game for Jim Hannaford could be one of the biggest of his career because it really is funny how everything can go wrong you can have injuries and players out and missing and guys dropping balls or missing tackles but they always blame the coach he's the guy that has to go Jim Hannaford is a good coach he's a good guy [Music] that store set moving in motion and it pitches back to Newsome [Applause] [Music] - about the 30-yard line a lotta young was the man he bowled over gain of nine the Elana young came up there easy free safety he came up there got in position in position to get knocked over [Applause] here's Danny white back to throw on sending down a world outside the door set push it gets out of bounds gets it up for a down [Applause] besides someone hit nor sent way out of bands there's a flag that's where you don't want to do it because when it's on their sideline the minute that the hit is there they're all starting to yell you know how to bounce out of bounds illegal hit then it's Leonard Smith on that side right personal foul on the defense number 45 pushed down it is you see Leonard Smith coming up that door said is I don't know that's close to I mean that's getting awfully picky I think there's somewhere between hard play and dirty play to me you're coming up the guys making a cut you make a play like that I think that's awfully picky anyway said seven five on one about the 17 cédric Mack [Applause] was awfully sharp by Danny right man far was the guy [Applause] turn around a corner he's going to get fine man now off to this side cutting it off vormax older okay that was Danny right saw something he's fought that tight coverage and he said seven out there that must be the seven route to corner route to Renfro and he came back looked at him all the way in the back door first down Dallas at the st. Louis 16 [Applause] [Music] six [Applause] impressive drive [Applause] start up and then run inside to see what he started doing he's funny Geoff Bricklin up then made terrific turn and then he crept right back inside and the touchdown and Dallas moves back in the lead now 2017 set the end for the extra point the hands of hoga boom [Music] 1:08 left to play in the first half an exciting first half at Dallas up by four [Music] happy Thanksgiving from us too along with Tony Hill right now it's a happy moment for that man that's the first pass by the way that he's caught today [Music] put the Cowboys ahead [Music] six - about the 27 for Danny go [Applause] we're going to see all the pressure the Cardinals are overloading to this side and trying to get pressure Danny white does a good job Newsome steps up and block he has to get rid of the ball Tony Hill runs a slant right in here after these guys blitz you see the area they vacate see them both coming now now the hill is going to go into that area Newsome picks up the Blitzer Danny white does a good job of getting rid of the ball and of course Tony Hills in the end zone [Applause] come wide to the left in the slot JT Smith is off Lomax gives to Mitchell who gets hammered by the right arm of Randy white to bring him down I guess that's what you get for being strong like Randy white is you don't have to be in position you don't have to get both arms around them you don't have to do anything except foot a hand that's good you just put that right hand at their booth but I'll stop went right down 21:17 Cowboys over the Cardinals in would seem that well now they go back into the spread I started to say that hand the Cardinals might want to rest Max is going back to work and he gets enough work done for a first down before click scale and Bates knock him down Lomax scrambles for 14 in the Cardinal first 17 seconds left to play in the first half and a timeout by st. Louis [Applause] don't forget that coming up at half-time Brent will have a live interview with the new coach at Notre Dame Lou Holtz [Music] at Arkansas successful at Minnesota successful email hopefully successful at Notre Dame he'll be live with Brent at the hand and again in case you missed it earlier today the Detroit Lions Club sent to New York Jets 3120 that's sort of clouds that picture in the AFC's doesn't it cloudy here today too that's the thing I think it's cloudy in the entire AFC in the NFC you know they the Bears have kind of stepped up and said we're the team were the dominant team this year the AFC there really hasn't been a dominant team now for a while you think of Seattle and they go down the Raiders and then they lose a couple and you think of some jets and they move to Detroit there's the one dominant team right there that team on top and two weeks from Saturday John Madden and I will be at Giants Stadium to see the Bears take on the Jets and that could be for the Jets very meaningful outing Muroc has replaced dutton now gets it down the middle [Applause] gets it completed to Ernest graves and again the Cardinals take a timeout that's enough for a first down a gain of 12 now what they're trying to do the Cowboys are trying to move Randy quite around here they have him over here they want him to work against the rookie tackle Lance Smith so instead of playing a right tackle they put him over here he's gonna run a stunt with two tall - tall supposed to start in take both of him then Randy White's going to come underneath but I'll tell you the rookie did a pretty good job for Dan Smith and didn't fool anybody bad he kind of picked off to table Joe Bostick waited for him to come inside no Lance Smith is number 61 and he was a guard rookie and playing in their guard most of the time and when Judy Robbins got injured they had to move him from guard to tackle and not only being a rookie is being tough but moving from guard to tackle and he's done a pretty good job by the way Tony Hill would that touchdown catch his first of the day his first pass catch of the day as now Clark passes in 57 straight games that's just one short of the record the cowboy record held by Drew Pearson Tilly comes out wide to the left [Applause] Roy green is in the slot to the right and JT Smith [Music] [Applause] [Music] Herman denis stemming from the backside [Applause] some help from the other side I couldn't tell who that was well that's when they bring 8 baths that's when we're talking about they only have 7 blockers the free guy is going to be Thurmond out here he's coming from this backside they're coming here too in the middle i watch service in the the gray the most dangerous being inside no one blocks Thurman and Lomax doesn't have a chance the other man there was bill Bates who came up the middle and that's the end of the half that an exciting first half there cowboy is 21 the Cardinals 17 [Music] now in the palm of your hand the computer experts and by ACDelco the smart parties [Music] can Happy Thanksgiving Dallas 21 st. Louis 17 as we get ready to go with the third quarter looking at the halftime statistics first downs to st. Louis yards rushing to st. Louis yards passing to st. Louis total yards the st. Louis and unfortunately turnovers to st. Louis they also kept the ball more than the Cowboys have Dallas leads it 21 17 temperature when we started the game they said inside the stadium was 49 degrees and overcast and rather brisk outside in the parking lot which is about a hundred yards away it was 40 so a 90 degree difference between here in the parking lot it's just a little hole you know it's rather you know it's bad if there was no hole it'd probably be like 72 degrees in there see that that hole there that keeps down about 10 degrees different now if they close that up it could be you know about 20 degrees different Neal Lomax has had no problem through the weather in the first half 14 out of 19 one touchdown boy of it set to kickoff James Jones back deep for the cowboy behind the wall they had a return right setup and he couldn't get behind the wall Dallas first half possessions five plays touchdown three plays a punt replays a punt got it at their own 31 and got a touchdown got it at their own 22 and ended up with a touchdown in four plays they started good ended good were mediocre in the middle huh Andy widest thrown three touchdown passes [Music] [Applause] [Music] in motion they go along hammers lifts and gets it up for Mark Duda on the bottom of the pile made a stop hey Tom Rafferty did a nice job on David Galloway in that play Galloway was a nose tackle who just about jumped offside the ball was going to his left for effort he fires into him what you see is on Rafferty's left shoulder seam kind of hooked him reach out there and then bring him back in now that makes that hole back in there for Newsome so that he can get a couple yards on that play because I was outside with a fool and hooked him in second and six Newsome got four that's cosby up in the air by Al Baker [Music] a little bit upset with himself because he thought he might have been able to bat that ones where he could catch it in score Baker does the stuff that too tall usually does over on that side you get that rush up the field you don't have to get to the quarterback then when he turns towards you and starts to throw you go up in the air remember that happened against the Bears right here from that same side it was dan Hampton rather from that left down with a bear touchdown by Richard dent your said his house in Pearl pose in operates out of the spread formation [Applause] anywhere to be seen booing because they thought there should have been a penalty but that looked like a good defensive play so I think Wayne Smith is quietly been having a pretty good year he's out there and you know if they don't throw the ball on your ladder or catch a lot of passes on you or you don't have any in offense they don't talk about you much that's right sometimes the coroner's best day is when his name isn't mentioned that applies to offensive tackles as well mike sexing back to punt for Dallas and JT Smith back deep floor st. Louis sexing off the side of the room dan quickly is fits-all Britain who makes the stop for the Cowboys but the Cardinals get it up close to midfield the Western Division standings in the NFC the Rams 9 and 3 San Francisco 7 at 5:00 New Orleans 4 and 8 in Atlanta 2 and 10 and this Sunday is a big day for the NFC western division race early in the day the Rams take on the Saints and their new head coach Wade Phillips bumsang the 49ers take on the Redskins in Washington you know that place is going to be rocking [Applause] it's completed they say he was juggler possession and it's incomplete the way Pat till is looking he agrees with him to see wall the way the Cowboys played they looked back into the backfield at the quarterback he was playing his own there I don't know I don't know that he did bobble it from that angle looked like he just caught the ball there's only about three or four yards until he says well the last time we played these guys I gave it away with a premature spike so I'll let them have that three or four yard to play there I think it was just a trade out no complaint they go on a cookout again and this is Metro with some room close to a first down my coke downs Eugene Lockhart tripped him up Cardinals going on quick counts that happened the last two plays in a row so the Cowboys really don't have a chance to get those people up in blitzing situations or to adjust you know you look at this st. Louis first half possession and you realized that in that first half they were really never stopped except by themselves and a half time gun I mean either time they either scored turned it over or it was half time well you look at the measurement for the first down and also you look at that grip that graphic we just showed you and nowhere in there was there a pun birdsong has not kicked Earnie start nur the Dallas defensive coordinator he's signaling in there the defense and of course that just means short yardage defense hazard in inches Gene Stallings alongside Ernie he's telling every the defensive lineman four-point stance get low penetrate a feeling Lomax Mike [Applause] yes green and Tilly wide left he gets the Mitchell got enough not a bunch but enough Eugene Lockhart and Michael down early once it stopped young when he's there he wants those guys to get stopped course when they get that first down now he has to start thinking first down defenses this is this is what he looked like when he wants to play Ernie Sigmund first and he says well they got it okay they don't like that Ernie has a very very distinct way of telling you how you feel 21:17 Dallas leading Green is wide right Tilly comes in looking after Oh max back to throw out of the pocket he come for completest fellows grunts with him stride for stride little Frank us going on fact up by the line of scrimmage at Jones and Eugene Lockhart Randy Clark of the Cardinals number 64 involved [Music] you know what happens when the quarterback starts to scramble those defensive guys are chasing him and they want to get there before he gets rid of the ball I hate to run that far and get that fired and not being so sometimes after the guy throws it then they give a look and then of course the licked start to fight why is it if it's a running back and a defensive lineman has a shine okay let's just tackling quarterback let's knock his head off if we can by the running back they get a lots of shots at running back throughout a game they get very few shots at the quarterback thumbs downs up threatening and showing blitz whilst those with green and low max runs a drop way [Music] after all of the maneuvering and adjusting no gain you know that forw defense we see that they ran at eight times blitz three and they got one sack out of it but the Cardinals have really done a good job against that they've averaged 11 yards so that's not bad and here comes the Foro defense on this play for old John meaning there are four down linemen no linebackers and everybody else is a defensive back [Applause] outside again flag is down full green downs and walls back there with Rory brain but a flag was down early I think what happened Pat I think the Cardinals were thinking that they would come with that forw match blitz the penalties against the Cowboys just take that down over but what happens Roy green ran a post pattern that was a pattern that you would like to have against the Blitz that one-on-one coverage no safety they're Cowboys came into four oh but they didn't bless Bob Frederick defense number 72 offside burned down will be replayed [Applause] and Jones was offsides and he lined up that Jones is right here you seen that that must have his hand being there or moving first but he's right there lined up over the guard is over the ball [Applause] getting picky to us six which goes on again Thank You kid we know that there's always going to be a free guy and the free guy is right here here's a free guy this time now again Lomax has to get rid of a ball before Downs gets there now watch it right here you see he's not blocked stump Mitchell goes inside right there downs as a free guy Lomax does get rid of the ball the pressure side complete boy Irving from 53 yards away try a field goal with [Applause] Kingfield goals have made that one was a bit much to ask for that remained 2117 [Music] there is what a woeful time the Cardinals have had kicking field goals all year long boy avec toi avec is their third this year they started off with O'Donoghue then they got just half consumed they're novo your set goes back deep first in $10 pitches back to Connie [Applause] okay Phil Chris Schultz really does the job on Curtis grins beginning of the play what Schultz he's 66 he tries in there gets both hands into his chest stays square on his side stays rhythm stays with him space with him and by the time Grier comes off course and had gained about eight yards there's a guy who is really improved really worked and has become the starting left tackle Cowboys six eight and eighty-eight here not enough for the first down David Galloway rode the play out you talk about Chris Schultz being 6/8 you know he's from Canada and you know obviously now he's down here playing for the Cowboys but he wanted to be a hockey player really yeah I don't know that they make him that I mean those hockey players are usually shorter type guys I think that's six eight and you'd put those skates on you'd be about seven six they would be bad for the ice pick going just fill out the goal [Applause] down and to [Applause] as Carl Cole for down over by Lahti young but the Cowboys getting their first down yardage boat did a nice job of holding onto that ball because he was he was hit by Lonnie Smith just as the ball gets here watch Khloe's number 81 coming to the inside gets away from each a junior the balls there Lonnie young is there and he held on to it get the first down little whiplash maybe a lot of stuff was bouncing back where it came from first and Ken Newsom is split out wide to the right Dorsett moves in behind white [Applause] Smith was back there with him Hill had some room [Music] Danny wait saw that too because he did have he did have Hill there was no safety there in the middle that's what Shultz on career there career gets the inside move on him and then what jokes does is just run him right by it here's Tony Hill on the under end of that thing you see wait Danny White was so upset is he had man to man with no safety in the middle and he could really lead him in there they had some room no question about it second down and ten boys operating from their own for rent fro flank [Music] Hill outside in the retro moons in motion cars on a blitz white turret frog Jeff Griffin on the coverage that's the thing you know you know the Cowboys are doing a good job - here watch EJ jr. he's going to come on the Blitz but the Cowboys do a solid job of protecting for Danny white here see now jr. does a good job of time and he gets there right as the ball snap picked up by beat erson letting Danny white get rid of the ball it was just a little sooner than he wanted to throw him and maybe it made him throw that hair off to the so it's third down and why the shotgun DJ Junior [Applause] Osby white was ham his head down on the turf and his slow getting to his feet that's the first Dallas turnover as Baker and Galloway were back there they were there Danny white through now this was really a double coverage because each a junior was behind him he was running underneath them and Bobby Johnson was the deep guys so they had him kind of shortened deep well affiliate David Galloway did hit Danny Way watch him the other thing with that turf the turf doesn't give and that's the way these quarterback into the turf [Applause] have the ball [Music] [Applause] the right side and neighbor after a gain of about a yard it Jones and John Dutton were there as each a juniors sitting there dressed he's talking about it now he's usually the middle linebacker on that play he moved out on duck Crosby and ran all the way with him underneath he did have help deep Jessie pinned by the way has taken Jeff roarers places he's the Dallas right side linebackers second down to go [Music] [Applause] fifteen the pocket looks in the direction of Chile is hit by Jim Jeffcoat and the pass goes hi remember the first time the Cardinals played the Cowboys in st. Louis Jim Jeffcoat had a big game against Louis sharp and today I think sharps doing a better job that was the first time that they've put an inside move in for Jeff go where he just taped the inside but here we see he's working against the guard at that time he'd wait it wasn't against sharp anyway that he got there he was on his fun they had Randy white going to the outside and Jeff Cook came to the inside Max is all for for this half [Applause] and complete bluemax get it out there to him [Applause] max did what he had to do we'll see downs is going to come be the free guy again but again Lomax has to get rid of the ball before Downs gets there you see he's not being blocked now he's looking towards him that's an advantage when the Blitz the free guy is coming to the side you're throwing too so coming up the Cardinals first but today birdsong bill baits back deep for the Cowboys [Applause] [Music] good kick Jonathan Patz [Applause] [Music] Bates 45-yard punt 10-yard returned so they met 35 and the Cowboys take over with 755 left to play [Applause] season premiere next Saturday the Yellowjackets from Georgia Tech against Michigan and after that Notre Dame against the number four ranked Miami Hurricanes all that coming up Saturday here on CBS right now Cowboys lead 21 17 this is Newsome over the right side and he got about six Freddie Jonah and the Cardinals first round draft choices of last year tripped him up sort of settle down here in the third quarter a little bit after a lot of fireworks in the first hand we had the interception and the Cardinals couldn't take advantage of it there that drop pass and then they had a punt now the Cowboys get it back again you know this Thanksgiving Day I wonder now if most people have eaten by now are eating or eat after this or when they when they get up there to the table a lot depends on the time zone I think here's the set over the right side Tony behind some cooking gets the first down Leonard Smith made the stop gain of nine talking about turkey and Thanksgiving Tony Dorsett's mother is in town and she goes over and cooks a dinner for him so she's taking care of all that stuff that's all going on right now while he's out here running then he said the best deal of this thing is to get the game over with when then go have that turkey and those 10 days off before you have to play again turkey ham carrot cake and chitlins a bunch of chitlins in 30 pounds send some of that to the refrigerator cigar here's white back to throw and going deep for coffee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] earlier on the interception they had him double-team short and deep this time they haven't double-teamed inside out they got both sides of him there was no interference there nothing husband looked like he just tripped up there in the carpet there at the end duct Cosby has tendinitis in both knees and after he plays a game like like for the first couple of days he can't even walk after that he said there's nothing you can do for ice and aspirin but about a week you play the game long enough you get this corset trying to get to the outside gets very little Freddie Jonah on the tackle 607 left to play third quarter Cowboys 21 Cardinals 17 as Freddie Joan un-- number one draft choice of the Cardinals as you said but supposedly he can run that they 40 and 4.5 now that's as fast as Cedric Mack does who plays out here in the corner that's why they put him at corner and wide receiver the way he bursts there he looked like he could be done at four or five he can run faster in dorset [Applause] percent was probably for for it be good racer would be set these forty pounds bigger the hill touchdown [Applause] I gotta see that again there was some pushing and shoving [Applause] he started to pull [Applause] right fire [Applause] the bank has him here now right in here he pulls up soup right there max but he thought the blows in the air I wonder if he'll gave him a fake by looking or sent ball or something because max stopped looking to play the ball in the middle around I think when Tony Hill looked back he pulled up thinking the ball was going to be short they have a dream last week next report was partially blocked but ref you'll set the head still got it through and it's good winner 28:17 [Applause] and Danny white has many reasons to be happy right now he's shown four touchdown passes today Dean kicks off the fly Duncan [Applause] has taken down at about the 28 yard line by Brian cilona let's watch the touchdown pass again here to Tony Hill he starts off the line now there's a period right in there you see when he looks back there then Cedric Mac for some reason thought the ball was there because he's taught not to look at the ball to look at the guy and when he looks up you look up he'll looked up but that was just a faith now let's watch what happened and the extra point was blocked here right there this comes across he's going to block it right there all he did was change it out of him and it was still good and the cowboy late is 2817 the man in motion the third face Jones [Applause] and gets out to midfield this Albritton finally got him down step lull him to sleep then he dumped gave him a little what they call stop and go up there looked like slow motion he got that and he just stopped right in motion no it's the way they usually do when they're out of bound watch him he'll start up here I just stop boom I think that Lockhart that he runs right by him breaks the tackle cuts back to the inside Michael down says hey I'm not going 20 is hopefully goes over the right side for about two more stop by hit Jones and Don John Dutton that'll make it second and eight as the Cardinals move back in the cowboy territory with 420 left third quarter last night when the Cardinals arrived here in in Dallas at their hotel someone delivered stump Mitchell a bunch of balloons I guess they call him a bouquet a balloon he said I have no idea who they're from the only thing is he said I'll keep them they may be from 1 ey somehow out there greenstone here's that balloon the Blitz again that's his face and the ball gets on the ground Michael was a little late but it still worked he timed it pretty good because Michael downs knows that if you're not going to get there watch him here's Michael downs here he's going to come up if you're not going to get all the way to this point then stop and jump and knock the ball down now watch downs he's timing it from here here he comes full speed right up in that Center guard gap he sees a ball he just dies gets that hand up there and picked it off with his left hand that's pretty good that's pretty good handle pretty good athletic ability right there [Applause] [Music] gets it out the take you sniffing it'll be enough for a first down [Applause] Plus 18 and a first down st. Louis again he got the ball off before dousing I watch this here's downs here again this time not coming in the middle coming from the outside again Lomax getting back getting rid of the ball before downs gets in again they're going to block the inside we see Bates coming up the middle they take him and then they came off on down they took to the air with that one the JD Smith was able to get up and Lomax was able to get him the ball first down Cardinals we're at the Dallas 30 [Applause] [Music] with a lot of time going for green and green is Willie had a couple of steps garrison walls was chasing along with Dexter Clinkscale that's out of the end zone hey one thing a bad Roy green when he's out there whether he's eighty percent ninety percent or a hundred percent he still draws double coverage Dexter Clinkscale was there in the double with him no Dexter twinks Dale scale was saying something important or interesting about Neal Lomax yesterday about when he throws deep he tips his shoulder back then he can't come off it and go short he has to go deep that's exactly what he did so it's second down Tilly a gain of 12 Harrison walls the defender that Tilly just caught that last pass but this is Pat Tilly underplayed before the one who went to Roy green because Clinkscale came off on him to govern covered green no one was on Dylan he was upset so he probably went back and said hey Lomax hit me Lomax said ok and he hit him for a first down Tilly is caught 6 for 115 yards its first down Cardinals down leaving 2817 [Applause] go max back to throw flushed out of the pocket and chased and hit chance for an interception [Applause] again the same thing happened to Danny white and that's that's a tough thing about this artificial turf flomax is walking towards a cowboy sideline I wonder if he's not been knocked out he's walked over to the Cowboys sideline but watch says as he gets hit and I watch him he gets driven into that turf that it doesn't give he's down on one knee and the Cowboys sideline filt Bates came out to help him and so did Gary Hogan boom and then they signaled over to the Cardinal sideline to get the medical staff out here you know it happened Lomax instead of walking back to the huddle started walking to the sideline but it was a cowboy sideline and Scott Bruner begins to warm up nope Neal Lomax is record today now they're checking his left shoulder but I think his head hit the turf as well I think so at first I think you know he had dad the smelling salts out there and I think that that you know he may have been a little dizzy or woozy Bruner has taken his place looks and there's the ball in the air boomer out it I think his arm is going well half doyen see [Applause] Mike Hickman was down they do say it was a [Applause] [Music] take money still that's the thing to do they're going to come the Cowboys are going to come from the outside then they're going to come up the middle and again one more they're going to breakdowns up the middle do you get the new quarterback and you give them that eight-man rush watch it there's downs there from the right of the screen again he's the guy that dives through gets free up the middle then you get them from the backside in front your front side and Scott thrown around every way you could get it he sure did [Applause] let's get it [Applause] and doubtless from their own joyful mr. newsome mission Smith young have to make the stop young we were talking to me hello max he said against this blitz the toughest thing is getting the laces right and I think that's what happened to Scott pruners he was trying to get the ball in one position he pumped her by the time he brought it up again it fell right out of his hand then he was hit after that after he fumbled anyway Andy hello max over on the sidelines still a bit stunned by what happened a hammy [Applause] [Music] sim again trying for the first down he's close Nico Noga [Applause] remember we talked about at the beginning of the game when the Cowboys take it away more than they give it away they win every time they won this year before today that's been the equation that's been the result it looks like it might hang through again 207 left to play in the third quarter new symptoms of the backfield leaving Dorsett back there alone Royston channel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] or set now has some room Wayne Smith a gain of 19 [Applause] and Cardinal defense shifted just before that play started and Dorsett came away from the strength that was the interesting thing let's see if we watch it the gears is aligned they're going to shift now the Cowboys were going to run that way now they shift they run into the shift now Dorsett stops and comes back away from the way that they shifted watch this their lineup here the Cowboys are going to run to the right now watch your Cardinal defense boom they first steps at all we ran the wrong way we ran into it let's run away from see it we got runner at first to Tony here is going to propel past the Cosmi and he's wait for it they're inside the five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it was there [Applause] watch in the left corner their plan Busby's runs great fire Tony Hill Tony Hill used to be a quarterback time Cedric managed to get back there cause to the 40-yard line Joannie Hill was indeed a quarterback at Stanford first and goals for for demo and they gave two darchele who cuts back inside to the two very nearly broken Leonard Smith on a stop Noga also gets an assist those the thing with the short weeks you know you're not going to see a lot of those special plays because they don't have time to put them in and work on it I think the Cowboys had to reverse and then Tom Landry added that one thing well let's have Tony Hill come on the reverse and throw the ball [Applause] he was [Applause] fifty-two seconds left third [Applause] further a trunk [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cake is going to be good viola Drew Pearson coached through Pearson down there with six plays 75 except Dean's extra point is down in a tunnel [Applause] flag is down on that last extra point bicep the end [Applause] must be against st. Louis Bob Frederic will tell the point was good and there was 12 men on the field for the defense and that will be carried over to the kickoff [Applause] [Music] right what's that touchdown again there Fred corner dwellers away he's right here he's going to come in both [Music] four senses going to come in boom it cuts right off that one what's portable come across leading right there and that second guy and then corsets just ran right in he didn't leave much of a block because he had penetrated too much Burt Peterson got an excellent block [Applause] he annihilated his man Dorsett 17 rushes today for 70-yard the biggest one of today was an improvisation and the Cowboys are gonna win he has to get 30 bort this isn't there a lot of statistics every time he gains on regards Cowboys win [Music] dala scoring drive it took six plays 175 yards 2 minutes 33 seconds dorset's new yard run but the big play was the reverse [Music] [Applause] and we'll look at that a minute after the kickoff by set the end on a sack of brunner you might remember that Mike Hickman was down he's gone into the locker room to have his right wrist x-rayed and it's unknown right now if he'll be able to return so Jeff Rohr one of the linebackers and Mike Hegman the other linebacker both injured Lomax has his helmet back on Raffaele ceptin will kick off Clive Duncan back deep for st. Louis in the direction of wolf way and he takes it ball is loose and the Cardinals come up with it Smith Cowboys had a shot at it them and Smith him up with the recovery that could have been disaster 90% of the time a fumble is bad but this is one that the Cardinals got about five yards a field position on it watch when he fumbles bill Bates hits and that ball pops out about five or six yards roughly I'll set the end started do a little twist returner there Smith taking away from [Applause] Lomax is back in the game it throws out wide [Music] quickly his everson walls brian's alonein is out there as well he's taking Hickman's place 27 seconds left to play in the third quarter Dallas 35 single is 17 [Applause] they know but I know they want you to coach but Syracuse president of what I have know president of the puppet Club night of bad bodies associated that you can handle Gorbachev they're stuck Mitchell on the ball [Applause] takes a shot at mrs. Brian Sullivan and Eugene Lockhart stop him after a gain of five well stump got that Jersey twisted around a little behind there yeah I got the name stuff he was saying he used to hang out with his brother his brother who's about five or six inches taller and he called him stump before he even went to school and that's all he was ever known as Mitchell [Applause] the end of the third quarter with the score the Dallas Cowboys 35 single is 17 we now pause for a word from your local station poly is sponsored by Toyota who remind you to get more from life buckle up who could ask for anything more Stroh's and stroll light now you're talking good times and Stroh's this spoken here and by Sears where you'll find great values there's more for your life at Sears [Music] Summerall John man where Texas Stadium and Happy Thanksgiving one more time Cowboys 35 Cardinals 17 the Lions Pete the Jets earlier today 31:20 [Applause] to operate out of the spread on third [Applause] Smith has the first down Dennis Thurmond was the defender Lomax hung in there and got a gain of eight and a cardinal first down it's going to be an interesting last three games for these Cowboys you know they get that ten days off and then they always get tough after that then they have to play Cincinnati and then they end up with the 49ers and play the Giants in between [Applause] [Music] that ought to be some battle down here and yesterday that was the one that we're talking about is that you think this is what he said wait till the Giants come in here we'll show you some football good protection taste by Randy white you give that half of that credit to the Dallas secondary because Lomax didn't have time for the good coverage that I think he was knocked down by the wind or Randy white the wind of that right arm going over his head watch number 54 white he just bangs into the guard on his side then he comes around I watch that right arm swing at that he swung and missed the head I think the air from the push knocked him down that's the third sack of the day by the cowboy defense era up among the leaders the Giants lead the league in a category quarterback sex and the cowboys and the Bears right up there close to him he white standing up on the right side Lomax doesn't like what he sees and the 30-second clock as here with all the stuff that goes on in football today it's amazing that they get to plays off with the coach calling down to another coach and signaling into the quarterback to the quarterback call into play and getting up there to the line of scrimmage plus you never really know when the clock is going to start that 30-second clock some people start it more quickly than others [Applause] the Cowboys he gets out of it gets it out to the side this television maybe back at the original line of scrimmage okay this cowboy defense is fired up now they can they can spell the win here and there they're flying after him they're flying after him on the pass rush that time Randy white was knocked right by Lomax Lomax got the ball off and all those secondary guys come running around here much Pat dilly on that play it was that they're open but Lomax was back here in the left side he can't see you over there totally worked back to him and he was being chased Tilly comes out why to the left [Applause] this time Oh max up in the pocket chased and caught at Jones with one hand you never saw mm all that family here he said I got to get out there and make a play watch too tall he's coming from here we're going to get a little stunt in here between these two guys and tooth dog gets him back here with that right arm watch the inside to see it twist in there in the middle too tall lurking out there and the rookie plant Smith just worked right by him put the right arm grab that Jersey birdsong has to come nothing doing for Bates the Cardinals down in good shape each Jake jr. leads them down a putt of 39 a return of two so they net 37 1151 left to play Dallas 35 st. Louis 17 it is a little frisky in the neighborhood here comes Mike back dr. Marvin Knight [Applause] and done so well almost as long as the franchise [Applause] the twits are faking one [Applause] cowboy [Applause] I have 12 scuse me John Ross he's having a pretty big day today you know he says I would look at that right now boy he got some stuff hanging out there some making it I wonder what it looked like I could be some pumpkin pie or something he'd put his elbow in way I eat I look like that after I eat how about blood well Bloods good too but you don't get a lot of that here in this place you know he says usually I don't catch a lot of passes he said if I catch 10 or 11 passes it means we're behind and that's the only reason we're throwing that much but he's had a pretty good day today that's 400 yards or so touchdown it's an average day he says Bob Harris Cardinal linebacker just limped off to the side total offense things have changed a bit Alice 172 now 174 two second Cardinals at four yards in the first - dreadful turnovers firstly I'm Cowboys their own 41 that's Dorset speeding emotions in the last one institution for just a couple David Galloway on the bottom of the vial 10:55 left to play now and the clocks still running and with a score 35 17 the Cardinals have to start being more than concerned and so does Jim Hannaford [Applause] Lomax although he has played the last couple of offensive series as if he has a slight concussion after watching see yours behind County hero Cedric the defender what a good good catch by Tony Hill obviously but what a good throw by Danny white you know the thing that was interesting about that play pad as a Danny white threw that ball before Tony Hill made the cut Tony Hill is here Danny White has already thrown the ball the ball is already in the air while Tony Hill is still going up the field that's what you get when you have a quarterback and receiver who has been together as long as these two guys and Tony Hill has just limped off the field and been replaced by karo cold [Music] that's Renfroe emotion tight gives to doors there's absolutely nothing there as Nikko Noga had it diagnosed imperfectly see Nikko Noga when he got ahold of Tony Dorsett there he was going to take him down you know he was from Samoa born in Samoa and he said he has some monster in him said he gets that from his people he said inside this body is a monster really they said the only place that I can take it out on people and get this energy I have in this body out is on a football field [Applause] there's some moving in motion to set up the screen pass and has it set up the both set Dorset skates to the other side really no place to go got away from a couple of tacklers for a gain of choose Griffins and finally knocked him down I don't think there's anybody around John who goes back against the grain better than Dorsett and on this run it's only going to gain a few yards but there's no one else in football and not many guys that can make some of these moves he makes on this play catching the ball and moving back against the grain at the same time making this cut right here stopping and going back then finally Geoff Britten puts a hammer on him I think he made about two or three moves in there that maybe only Tony Dorsett could make Heelys back in the game white retreats to throw intended newsom incomplete knock wipe down and Danny is again slow getting up but seems to be okay well I still think that's a problem with this turf and I think it's one of the things with his football today they let these guys hit you know after they throw and I watch Bubba Baker coming from this side number 60 Danny white throws the ball is unprotected now he takes him grabs him and then when he drives them into the ground you see the shock see how that head snap from the body shakes that's it that's a tough thing with football today he's the man who did it hurt him to Al Baker Saxon is back to punt just over eight match left to play in the Cowboys reading the pythons 3517 jteem spinach they let the 30-second clock run down and they'll back him up five that was one that the Cowboys did purposely they what they decided is they were too far for a field goal didn't want to go for it on fourth down they were going to punt anyway so they might as well run as much time off the clock take five yard penalty and Punnett we met John and I did yesterday at the Dallas practice Danny White's father it's amazing how much they look alike they do I mean Danny White's father looked like he'd been in a few football games Lilly has been kickboxing soars into the end zone 45-yard punt will bring back to the 27:53 left to play [Music] and that's coming up tomorrow tomorrow Virginia against Maryland Maryland hit it for the cherry Bowl then on Saturday it'll be Notre Dame against Miami college football continues here on CBS pro football also continues here on CBS as Neil Lomax is back at quarterback for the Roy green and out of bounds after a cardinal first down a gain of 16 the Cardinals had been able to move it they gave him a lot of room don't they well they're still doing you can see that as the game goes on he's limping more and more it says left ankle this is a tough one this left cut you see there in fact usually when you cut to your right you plant your left foot he used his footwork there that he could cut to his right off his right foot and I think he's just coming off saying that's about as much as that ankle take today guys and it's been a year that's been full of one injury after another for one of the league's most exciting players Roy chief Smith has taken his place Lomax looks in that direction now [Music] dammit he gets out to about the 39 Jessie pin fellows bring him down [Applause] equipment man Jerry Fowler over on the Dallas bench and now they're starting to shovel a little bit out on the field you know it all started with duck Dawson and Randy white they started after the play doing some exchanging then they just kept going and then other guys started and some Cowboys came in some Cardinals came in it just got bigger and bigger see what did happen well you can see Randy wait to see him there and Dawson you see there at the facemask then they start and then shark comes in and then he starts pushing against dutton Randy white sir he's staying calm now and [Music] Oh max back to throw flushed out of the pocket for a minute gets it to duck marsh and that'll be enough for another Cardinal first down Eugene Lockhart and Michael down there to converge but they'll move the sticks again at ten [Applause] [Music] clock continues with 645 Romanian Alice than at first and 10 Cardinals but they need to put some points on the board in a hurry well I'll tell you they need about one every two minutes they need three scores [Applause] Green back in the game comes applied to the left chili out wide to the right sucks into the pocket Green [Applause] Jessie Pam boy on the scene when he was that's one thing misty the Cowboys still have that respect for Roy green given him those cushion the Cowboys have gone from the pressing defense now to the zone defense they've gone to a soft defense meet three scores [Applause] get it easy or quickly [Applause] 17 [Applause] stop Skip's outside knocked out of bounds in the far side of the field yard child the first down we got a block on everson walls but ever some walls was still able to get a hand stop or what's right green there she's gonna come up right there on wall he blocks walls but walls got that right he Michell pretty good playing was a pretty good block that it was the guy goes down and bowling it's clock continues to run now just five minutes remain Cardinals with its second down chase [Applause] we're going Randy white started to come up swinging on that play against John Dutton here's Randy brain right here you see him I'm the pass rush I think he's he said he's going to drive right into his guard you see and then reach that left hand over stumble and get now watch here with Dutton hits him he looks up to who is that [Applause] [Music] down about 12 Lomax for the shotgun is there that'll be [Applause] well they're still coming on that blitz I thought they were going to go on the zone that time Dexter twinks Gale Bates up the middle the outside brush still bringing the eight guys on romance one split skill he could spy this guy move down which dances well Randee love tried to pick up the [Music] but there were two of them there [Applause] for wide receivers in romance in the the pass was deflected and JT Smith came up with it that was a lot like that play on Monday night when Pat Tilly caught that tip flight it was to that same sad except till he ran all the way in the end zone well he you spike to the battle yard short of it but he had to write I did but it was the same type of thing gets the Cowboys in the first game ball tipped early second guy catch it here it's JT Smith right in front of Dexter Clinkscale and Phil Bates on fourth down Lomax says ok now we get some more down first down Cardinals the Dallas 15 just outside [Music] [Applause] well at that time they brought Michael downs on a blitz it looks like he's getting tired of Blitzen here here he is he's going to come right up the middle here and jump but the jump doesn't have the same thing in it that it did earlier watch boom boom boom boom boom now watch this jump he just kind of stayed in the ground he jumped about like I do that was a more of a lean as I good poop he's like that second it can [Applause] [Music] max puts Kelly in motion he Sprint's to the left that's it quickly optimistic it was caught behind by Jesse Pan taking the place of jet roar [Applause] you know they had Jesse pin here rated as the top linebacker to draft this past year and they expect big things to him I mean you know he's one of those guys that has all those athletic fellows he can run tackled cover in fact earlier in this season they were using him as a past defender right tired human relax 5:17 to score the Cardinals quickly out of the hole Lomax looking for some place to go fiers hasn't bet it away by fate Mitchell the intended receiver although Bates is right there Bates is starting to feel good now he has a little blood on him now you see that the shirttail starting to come out he's starting to show how he did it stop Mitchell was open Bates got in there and knocked that ball down and then he's showing walls and those guys he got a little blood into Jersey - pants whoa stuff hanging out there put that mouthpiece in right pull the deal down ready to go again that will [Music] [Applause] comin up here maybe they get another 5:17 leading [Applause] quickly outside to Randy by Everson wall with just over two minutes remain [Applause] thirty-five st. Louis seventeen [Applause] Pat Summerall John Madden we're at Texas Stadium where the Cowboys lead the Cardinals 3517 with 2 minutes and 2 seconds remaining Cardinal just tried on fourth down to get the first they didn't so Dallas has just taken over [Music] Fred Cornwell and Devdas beat both of the games and off the Dorset Jimmy Newsom I beg you pardon and that'll be the two-minute warning [Applause] forget this Sunday the NFL today sins Irv crossed to Washington for the critical San Francisco Washington game and it'll all begin at 12:30 with comparison between Jim Brown and Walter Payton and Jim Brown will be in the studio after that these are the early games the Rams against New Orleans Minnesota Philadelphia Tampa Bay against Green Bay NFL today by the way begins at 12:30 Eastern Time and then John Madden and I will be in Washington at RFK for that key match between the 49ers in the both of whom still have playoff hopes playoff wishes and they are indeed very much in the picture Dallas with this win today unless there's a st. Louis miracle moves to 9 and for the Giants 8 and for Washington 7 and 5 Philadelphia 6 and 6 st. Louis will drop to 4 and 9 what do you think John about that Washington San Francisco came today I think that the winner of that game is probably going to go to the playoffs and the loser is probably not so to both those teams is about as close to a playoff game as you can get the other thing I think about that that those Rams even though there are two games ahead in their division you know that's the good news the bad news is that the guys that are two games behind the 49ers last year's world champions who are chasing and they still have to play each other yet play the Raiders after that here's Danny white rolling cause before boy first down Cedric Mack stopped him flag is down back at the line of scrimmage you know that's one of the toughest plays in football to defend there's a holding penalty against the Cardinals but that bootleg where the backs go one way the quarterback comes the other way and the tight end comes across that's really one of the toughest things you can show it D hurting number 62 defense while we sit in a penalty will be declined the result of the play pushed down we've scented seen it's good B so successfully run by just about every team in the league over the last three years well you know in the last couple weeks since Jim McMahon has been out to the Steve fuller has been the quarterback of the Bears they've been making a living on that type of thing and Walter Payton one way fuller coming the other way and throwing the ball to either reitman or Moorhead that's the thing and that's the thing that you know they do so else the thing that Danny Point has done well over the years that boot Lake the fake and then come out and work with his played in Doug Cosby Cosby has caught five passes today for 111 yards and one touchdown over the air the foot warmer was Mike's accent upon her he had a lake in front of that heater Kramden that's how they warm it up they stick the lady set loose back deep [Applause] handoff institution Newsom gets over the right side for about five before he's tackled by EJ Junior 35:17 thought running with 135 left to play now both teams have all of their timeouts remaining is he smiling I think he's going to write a wish oh we almost caught his file Jim Shoffner smiled next to her he was about ready now shoppers not smiling anymore he won't Raphael set the end behind this always been closed close to a first down and the officials want a measure so they'll stop the clock with 52 seconds remaining the executive producer Terry O'Neill that's of the NFL here on CBS the senior producers Charles Milton the third sandy Grossman the director to own Vautrin oh the Associate Producer and the field technical manager is Artie can by the way well we have just a second there are some other people we'd like to recognize we've put in a long number of years with CBS in addition to those people Carl Prince and Johnny poom oh and loose cannon and Joe cheer party Jenson and George Nader and Larry Crim 35 years they've been around us retiring we just like to say thank you to them as well and to all the rest of you people have a Happy Thanksgiving we'll wrap it up improves to [Applause] Tom Landry waves over to Jim Hannigan Cowboys improve their record than for say most and we'll be back Justin
Channel: Richard Waldrup
Views: 14,839
Rating: 4.8716578 out of 5
Keywords: Cardinals-Cowboys 1985
Id: pJWe0R3GSIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 50sec (8690 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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