Square Enix Lost HOW MUCH?! Truth behind FF7 Rebirth Sales, Future Games & More

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so did Final Fantasy 7 rebirth hurt Square Enix Beyond repair of course not I swear to God if I see one more headline about Final Fantasy 16 and rebirth couldn't save square or extraordinary loss for square just to get clicks I'm going to lose my mind that's a good one yes I know I know it's all marketing they need people to click on the site to get that Revenue but come on have a little dignity so many are only going to read the headlines without even looking into the actual details however I want to go over what is actually being revealed and what we can expect from Square Enix going forward there has been a lot revealed over the last couple of months talked about from tweets board means financial reports analysis and so much more in between so I want to go over all of that then finally what does this mean for the games that we as Gamers want and will get from this company that is square enex going forward there's a lot to go over I've got my own opinions sorry if I sound he did at some points but you know what I'm I'm a little passionate about this especially after this last month of just seeing all these headlines and going use brains use your brains people I of course want to ask you what are your thoughts on all of this let me know Down Below in the comments when it comes to Square Enix and what games you still want to see from them and what do you think is actually going to be made over the next couple of years years and actually I want to add just one more broader question that I just kind of love asking when it comes to any type of video like this what is your favorite Square enus game of all time if you've enjoyed one go back to the '90s if you want to Mid 2000s you name it I want to know your favorite Square enus game ever released and if you haven't to enjoy the video and discussion videos like this then leave us a like down below so that we can see that in the old algorithm and that tells us that you like these type of videos and that we'll make more of these and if you really want to then maybe hit that sub button to the channel as well so we can actually reach our end year goal of 5K Subs all right enough Bea around the bush let's get into this one thing I want to mention real quick is if you have seen this kind of information already or you may potentially seen into different video we have time STS down below laying out exactly what we're going to talk about so if you're not interested in any of the information that we just got recently and you want to skip ahead to my own personal thoughts and opinions or just anything like that time stamp down below you can check that all out but first we're going to go over what is released to the public from Square Enix and their plans right now then I want to go into some stuff of that almost all the outlets are forgetting to mention or they kind of mention it but they kind of tiptoe around it things like talking about Final Fantasy 7 rebirth sales and other games and things like that then finally what it means for games going forward what can we expect from square and what we'll probably not see and why again time stamps down below let's get into the first topic now when it comes to the information we got from square and Square's president Takashi kudu the company is looking to revise the group's approach to the development of high defin games with the intention of being more selective and focused in the allocation of development resources that is a direct quote by the way this is coming after they expect to take a 22.1 billion yen hit or $141 million when converted to USD now while not stated outright many are assuming smaller games and projects that have been worked on either have or will be cut very soon this lines up with earlier news this year that square decided to conduct a fundamental review of all of its development process in an attempt to improve the quality of its games according to Bloomberg this decision actually followed the appointment of tekashi as the new president now some of this is not new to square all we've seen this across the industry and like many in the industry after 2020 to 2023 the publisher is simply looking to reduce the cost in development and focus on its in-house projects some of this is good some of this is bad as we've clearly seen from all the layoffs and a lot of these companies focusing on their bonuses and their investors and not the actual product that they're releasing in fact if we actually go back just a little bit more into 2023 this came after Square wanted to start identifying existing IPS with the potential to be upgraded to what they call AAA status now the big question obviously is what would actually qualify all these smaller games to get this rating of AAA status is anyone's guess since let's be honest Square Enix has always had crazy expectations for its games even when they sell let's say a million copies or 5 million copies and this can to go all the way back to like 2010 this is nothing new for square anex combined with all this news is actually some changes that are going in some of the studios aka the naming of some of these Studios For example creative business unit was changed to creative Studio CBU 3 is now now called creative Studio 3 if that name sounds familiar it really should because that is where Yoshi p is actually now the studio head instead of Simply the general manager from beforehand for those of you who don't know creative business unit 3 was what brought Final Fantasy 16 to life finally to wrap this all up Square Enix actually saw its stock prices raise 6% in Japan investors feel that the bad news has run out and hope for a recovery going forward not going to lie though I did not see the stock actually going up 6% even if it is only in Japan so here's hoping it works out but as of right now that's all the information that's been provided to us and that we've been able to find as of May 2nd 2024 so with all that being said let's get into some uh more personal stuff if you will now obviously everything we went over is a lot of information and this is covered pretty much across the board no matter where you look whether it's small YouTube videos or big articles in fact we can also expect a quarterly financial report in the next couple weeks since the first four months of the year have now passed in 2024 this will hopefully include plans for the next following year sales data and more but that's for another couple weeks and I want to talk about this right now speaking of which I also want to point out a few things that no one else is really talking about like I said it back in the beginning of the video and to start that off I want to get into the $141 million mentioned above that square is expected to eat now if you pay attention to any amount of gaming news especially when it comes to Square Enix then it really should not be a surprise that square has lost this money and it's not let me repeat not because of the games like Final Fantasy 16 or Final Fantasy 77 remake and rebirth while those games have sold really well it was never going to balance the books for Square's terrible decisions for going in on things like nfts failed life service games like the Avengers and first Soldier and everything in between every time this is brought up when it comes to sales numbers going down for stock or revenue or anything like that it's because there is so much red that only a few patches of green are not going to balance everything so the next time you see an old comment pop up on anything new going forward saying well Final Fantasy 16 only sold 3 million in a week or it couldn't stop this from happening take a second and think about how is one game really going to balance the whole book for an entire company and their other failed projects that range from super bad aka the nft focus to whatever like certain life service games I mean heck Square had some amazing games in the form of Neo the warlands with you octopath and many more yet failed to even Market some of these games I guess the nfts could spare a few thousand to help push some of these actual good projects I may not run a multi-million dollar company here square but maybe helping some of those smaller projects reach new people would actually sell more to actually help them Reach those crazy sales numbers you always want and by the way I have to say this in almost every video that has to deal with square don't expect a small IP like the world ends with you or anything like that to reach the levels that Final Fantasy 7 has over almost 30 years of being out it's just it's ludicrous I know Japan has different standards when it comes to what to expect from a company and everything like that but ser ious some of their standards are just way too high speaking of sales I want to go off topic just a little bit I want to briefly mention the topics of sales with Final Fantasy 7 rebirth this has been a hot topic for the last month or so ever since the game released back at the end of February 2024 people calling a flop to talking about how it's sold under half of a remake made and I just got to say this I am so freaking sick and tired of seeing this so apologies for going off but I've got to get this off my chest first off remake released 2 months into a worldwide lockdown where everyone was home and could actually play video games second the PlayStation 4 base at that time was over double what the current PlayStation console is right now third sequels rarely sell better than the first game not to mention many are waiting for the PC release which actually based on the trailers should hopefully be within the next month so that's actually awesome that's way better than what remake had or simply fact that they're simply waiting for the third game since this is a Trilogy which again some people don't like I personally do but but you know everyone has their own opinion the fourth reason is some just not wanting to return to rebirth after remake due to simply not liking certain things that they played which is totally fine by the way if you don't like a particular game then yeah don't come back and play the sequel cuz you shouldn't expect some huge change after the first game it just rarely happens Fifth and this is kind of a big one right here the sales that we have seen across the industry from 2020 to 2022 have made the industry believe that they can see those sales continue to grow without the natural decline that we we should have seen pre-2020 and then grow from there I mean let's think about this logically for a second right if you have these huge sales due to something that is not normal and then all of a sudden that thing ends aka the pandemic and everything then you should expect your numbers to go back down that's just going to happen it really is I hate to break it to people and again I don't own a multi-million dollar company and you would think that some of these companies would know this but I would think just simply using basic arithmetic logic that that would happen in I don't know maybe I'm wrong if someone wants to prove me wrong down in the comments below please do but that just it seems a little odd in my personal opinion when it comes to that I mean heck let's imagine a world where 2020 did not happen sales and charts would simply have continued to climb like normal for the most part not some steep climb and then a dip or anything like that now can I confirm this of course not I can't I can't go into an alternate timeline or anything that's kind of cool that would be but simple logic can kind of paint this picture right there and finally the last thing I have to mention before before going on to the actual topics we're supposed to be talking about in this video is that rebirth release during a time when inflation is creasing around the world people are having less time to play games people have less money to spend on games and just many more that I could probably get into but we'd be here for a while heck Square itself I'm going to definitely Nag on Square for this one did a terrible job at marketing one of the greatest deals that they had with rebirth there was a ton of marketing for rebirth yes but they had one of the best deals that if you pre-ordered rebirth you could actually get the first game remake completely for free before the game released and yet squares out here saying oh no you don't actually have to play remake or anything like that you could have marketed this to so many people and made so much more money if you simply said hey by the way you didn't play remake that's okay we've got this bundle over here that basically gives you the game for free the try out right now and then when rebirth releases guess what now you know exactly what's happening in the story and the gameplay and everything like that also one side note I literally just thought of as I'm writing this script is that when it comes to this particular game and whether or not the sales didn't do as well cuz I'm sure they probably didn't do as well as remake it initially this is kind of more of an evergreen game Sony is covering a lot of the cost when it comes to this whole entire remake project so don't think square is really getting that hurt by this okay I could obviously keep going on with this but I think he kind of get the point okay it just IR me every time I see these kind of headlines and everything so sorry had to get off my chest though it just again irks me every time I see this moving away from that now let's move in toward our last point which is the games going forward that we can expect from Square we've gone over the information that was provided to us and we've gone over some topics that a lot of other people are not really covering that I wanted to at least provide to you and now the big one what about the games what is going to happen What can we expect going forward and what can we expect from Square well I don't think anyone really needs to worry about things like the Remake part 3 or Final Fantasy 17 or Kingdom Hearts 4 those games sell well do good in reviews and everyone is generally happy like we said in the beginning of the video Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 remake did amazing for square both sales-wise and bringing in new players heck recently this year in 2024 squar said 16 yes 16 that so-called controversial game that you see online and everything like that expanded to way more new and younger players so yeah I think it did just fine however moving away from those games though not everything is positive for all the other games games like for spoken babylon's fall and Avengers did not do well at all over the last few years so don't expect for spoken two or anything like that couple that was Square looking at all of its games to see what can be made into quote unquote AAA and provide it with more resources it's already pretty clear to see that not every game is going to be able to get that obviously one example of a game I can think of that will probably get can/ won't get into the game for either quite some time or ever is unfortunately the world ends with you first off I have to say if you have not played the world ends with you or the sequel Neo the world ends with you you are truly missing out those two games are amazing and I hear any slander about it however unfortunately the game did not sell well at all at least based on what Square's expectations were even though the games were received well by both fans and critics alike just go look at reviews everyone for the most part agrees they're pretty good games however this game does have something in common with rebirth in terms of how certain parts of it were handled and that is the marketing I stated before that square did not Market this game at all I remember seeing the reveal trailer for Neo and being super excited about it I love the original back on the DS but there was absolutely no marking up to the release of this game AKA Neo I mean Heck if someone like me who has kept up to date on most things gaming and gaming news barely sees anything about this game what hope did Square have for the average consumer for those of you who don't know those of us yes you and me by the way who keep up to date on gaming news Watch trailers live streams discussion videos and more are actually a very small minority when it comes to the total amount of Gamers out there in the world so the world ends with you did not stand a chance which again just makes me super sad I love the heck out of the first two games that are currently out and I absolutely wish that we could see a third but after this report from square and the fact of how long it went from going from the first game to the second game I know it's going to be unfortunately a while and I'm super super sad about that if we move on to other games I have seen tons of comments on social media and other video comments talking about how people are super worried about other games like Dragon Quest out Riders and other small games that people would love to see sequels to or remakes or anything like that but now it's definitely not looking like it's going to happen on one hand I understand cutting back on projects after the last couple of years it's been happening across the industry for both good and bad reasons that being said if Square had not focused on things like nfts and other stuff that everyone told them was going to fail then we would not have to be cancelling these small projects that could eventually actually take off and do well no all of them mind you not every single project ever in the world takes off and does well but a good chunk of them probably would do well if they had been able to focus things like development costs and marketing into those particular projects and not into something stupid like nfts or anything like that what is the right move going forward square has most of its games on PC PlayStation and Nintendo even that's assuming that the switch can actually handle it though and with more games slowly actually coming over to Xbox now I'm not going to get into why exactly Xbox and square don't have as good of relationship as the others or why certain games don't appear on Xbox right from the get-go because we actually have a full video on that and it's still pretty current in terms of the news on the channel so go check it out just look for the thumb that you're seeing on screen right now it goes into all the details right there one thing I can definitely think of when thinking about this particular question is simply trying to release games on PC the same day as console Square tends to release his PC games later or even if it's a month or two even up to a year that would definitely benefit but from a lot of developer interviews that I've seen over the years and even more recently games like 167 remake and so on yes I know they had their exclusives in terms of Sony and everything like that they prefer to actually make a game on one Platforms in terms of these developers and everything and then Port it over to PC and other platforms like that on one hand this does suck though if you're a PC Gamer but at the same time Parton me understands it because that means that the port can generally be good I know 7 remake didn't have the best port or anything like that but here's hoping that Final Fantasy 16 does have a good port I mean let's be honest when it comes to PC ports the last couple of years as of the recording of this video have not been the greatest not all games B you but a good amount anyone remember Jedi Survivor Star Wars yeah that was I don't want to visit that game ever again regardless we as people on the outside can only speculate about what the correct answer is and whatever that answer is we'll just have to wait and see what the future holds for square when these changes start being implemented I just hope that a lot of the smaller games including things like the world ends with you can be given another chance whether it's via another publisher or something can be done down the line and I'm sure those of you who are watching this have similar thoughts when it comes to other games that you particularly love but are probably going to get the hammer just like this game time is only going to tell though unfortunately but here is hoping one thing is for sure though the investors believe good times are ahead and we can 100 expect to still see things like the PC release of Final Fantasy 16 USP we believe in and remake part 3 which should be releasing sometime in early 2027 if you want to know more about that we have an entire breakdown of the ultim Mania that I bought here and why that time frame seems to match up pretty well with all that now finished and me rambling on as much as I possibly can I want to turn the question to you now and I want to ask you what do you think is going to happen with square over the next year or so what games do you think they're going to focus on and what games got the unfortunate Hammer let us know what you think Down Below in the comments and we will try to apply as much as we possibly can also by the way before I completely end this I want to give a big thank you to all of you yes you watching this particular video and just everyone who has watched our videos over the last couple months our channel here at direct gaming has grown a ton in the last 2 months and we are super close to hitting our year- end goal of 5K Subs our analytics show that more views are returning for each video so if you enjoy these type of discussion videos please consider hitting that like button or at the very least leave a comment down below an emoji doesn't matter but it helps us out a ton with all that being said though I've been time with Z gaming thank you so much again for watching the video I hope you have a great day and week and I can't wait to see you all in the next one and let's see what the future of gaming holds when it comes to square enex until next time everyone Johny [Music]
Channel: Direct Gaming
Views: 7,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy VII, ff7, final fantasy vii rebirth, ps5, pc, final fantasy vii rebirth secrets, ff7 リバース, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending, cloud and tifa, ff7 rebirth ultimania secrets, ff7 rebirth spoilers, square enix, square enix 2024, is square enix dying, did final fantasy 7 rebirth fail, final fantasy xvi, ff16, games 2024, upcoming games, final fantasy, square enix and xbox, the world ends with you finished
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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