Remake Part 3 Release Date, Game Details & HUGE Secrets | Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Ultimania

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hold up pump the brakes and stop everything we just learned when the final part of the Final Fantasy 7 remake Trilogy project will be released and we just got rebirthed less than 2 months ago I thought it was time to let Final Fantasy 7 rebirth rest for a bit as we focus on other games for 2024 but with the release of this monstrosity right here how could I not give you one more video on Final fantasy7 rebirth before we finally move on to some other stuff so grab a seat because we got a lot to go over let's not waste any more time it's time to take a look at the Final Fantasy 7 rebirth ultimania and what we can expect from Final Fantasy 7 remake part three now as a disclaimer I need to say a couple of things first I will not be going through the entire 751 pages of this book it's just it wouldn't be possible and might actually give you an idea as to why this might not be out in English for some time second I can't really post full scans that are nice and clear of the pages as square is actually pretty protective of this stuff it just released and it can lead to some takedowns and even copyright strikes so I'm not dealing with that so I've selected some sections from the book I want to go over and then talk about in details that I was able to translate I also triple checked with my wife on some of these translations for the kanji to make sure I understood exactly what was being talked about and I simply give you a quick glance with my camera but that'll be about it of course some other small bits can be left up to the player and how they might interpret something even some of the dev interviews mention this if you also want to be kept up to date on a lot more of this stuff you can also check out some other content creators here in Japan Jaan and others around the world who have gotten their hands on this book as well they give brief summaries as they translate it themselves one that I 100% recommend is Audrey on Twitter she's a huge Final Fantasy fan and knows her Japanese Sher Archaeology is another great reference as well make sure to check out both of their Twitter accounts down below down in the pinned comments oh and of course spoilers for the end of rebirth if you have not finished the game you've been warned okay first things first let's go over to page 742 where we get some questions answered by tety neur himself along with now let's answer right off the bat what everyone is wondering when will part three release well this was asked to both of them and according to them the story is actually already complete at least the main points are and voice recording is already planned to start very soon they don't want to rush things but they don't want to make players wait too long they've made great progress on the game thanks to the work on rebirth and based on this hope to have the game ready in 3 years which uh I'm just going to say right now called it 3 years after rebirth releases would land the game in 2027 which just so happens to be the 30th anniversary of Final Fantasy 7 in fact back when remake was about to release he say said that he wanted to get this down to two games if you check out the end of page 742 and the start of 743 but it would require cutting a lot of planned stuff that would not expand on the stuff that they wanted to think gun Gaga certain members being more like the original in terms of being optional members instead of mandatory members in fact during this time the team team actually came together and did not like this idea at all saying no we don't want to cut this stuff so two games became three and that is why we're getting part three instead of only two one thing that also helps a lot is that over 80% of the staff from remake have stayed on for both rebirth and now part three they are putting their hearts and souls into this project and it definitely shows now if you're in love with the world of Final Fantasy 7 then this is obviously great means more games to play if you don't though then this might is a bit of a uh kind of a drag moment I've even talked to some friends who said that they want a lot of that bloat gone but me personally I'm 100% down with adding in as much extra stuff as they want Audrey herself actually notes that namura mentioned that the whole project is touching upon all the completion Works related to Final Fantasy 7 including Games movies novels and more so while some might look at this and say man this is just extra bloated stuff and I will admit parts of remake definitely had a few extra sewer moments I myself am 100% okay with this as I mentioned before another part in the interview is on page 744 where they talk about one of the biggest challenges with making part three and that is the Airship the moras ask about the high wind or as it's called in Japanese hik if you played the original Final Fantasy 7 then you know that you could fly around the entire world using the Airship nura comments that back then this was easy since the world map was pretty basic and needed to land a giant Airship made sense but now with much greater detail in the world this is the biggest obstacle the team currently faces this also goes in hand with the hope that with part three they want to make the world even more open and free to travel since the rest of the world will be open as we travel to places like wuai which will have a much bigger presence in the original the submarine and of course going to places like the northern crater this makes me wonder if this is going to be more of a combination of what we saw withu rebirth and maybe some exploration like we see in something like breath of the wild some people might like this some people might not we'll have to wait and see what they're going to do other parts of the interview questions are more related to the end of rebirth including how a empty material orb is actually going to play a pretty big part in part three which I think a lot of us actually guess this since ath literally hands it to us and cloud is staring into it at the end of the cut scene another thing they noted on is that this whole game is really a battle between seph and aith which again goes back to a theory that's been going around that the virgins of these two are from after Advent Children and they're making their way through the timeline and the live stream to either stop one another or get what they want this is also noted when seph's line of I underestimated you in the final battle with cloud and aith was actually directed at aith and not cloud personally I would not be surprised if the aith that showed up at the end of the final battle is a combination of our current aith from rebirth mixed with the future aith that we know from like advent children and just basically the end of Final Fantasy 7 which is really just a fancy way of saying Liv stream aith finally kitas himself hopes that cloud and all the other characters end up finding some form of Happiness whatever form that might take which you know what I'm actually kind of all for it don't need to pull a Marvel and make it all sunshine and rainbows or anything with time travel but you know what when the settles and everything's done let them find some form of happiness I don't need all dark and depression in my games with stories I know that Final Fantasy 7 is very deep to a lot of players and I don't just want to say reset everything obviously but at the same time it's okay to have some happy moments now like I said before this book is massive so I'm going to move away from the interviews as there's actually some Secrets such details found around page 686 some of them are very simple Secrets like how characters look when you hit the PA screen at certain points in the story like with red 13 after Cosmo Canyon another big is actually the reveal that there are currently six worlds now I can't show you a highdef version of this picture but as it stands right now here are the worlds that we know of the first and obvious world that everyone knows about is the Beagle timeline this is the main one with our main Heroes going through the main story of rebirth the second is the terrier timeline where Zach is alive but aith and Cloud are both in comas then based off the Zach timeline there are actually three branching paths one is referred to as the sad Terrier where Zach tries to go and find a cure for cloud one is called the Pug world where Zach goes to save bigs and then there is the final one where Zach is sitting at the church deciding what to do aka the Corgi timeline final world the talk about is where a version of aith recreates her date with Zach that she didn't takes Cloud on aka the chihuaha timeline after the six world it's also noted that we don't know what world Zach is in at the end of the game when he's simply in a church we don't see any pictures of dogs or anything so a lot of people are assuming this is going to be a seventh timeline it's also worth noting that the sad Terrier World follows Zach's original other world world yet if he goes to bigs or the church as we also saw in those cut scenes then these are completely different worlds so it goes from a normal Terrier aka the one that Zach is alive in during the cut scenes in the game but then turns into a sad Terrier so we'll have to wait and see what this means going forward in part three but it's worthy of noting that the book makes sure to point this out that these two are the main timeline of that and the other two are just completely separate worlds by the way I know I'm not sticking to just either world or timeline it's it's all a big mess in my opinion but regardless they're all connected in some way now I am only about 98% certain on some of these extra little details but regardless heck I mentioned beforehand but the world that Zach is currently in right now is most likely going to become seven you know because Final Fantasy 7 and seven being a lucky number in Japan and anyway there are a lot of Worlds bottom line if you like all these World stuff you're going to love part three if you're not a big fan of it I don't think part three is really going to make a difference however I've got a note on that near the end of the video now some last minute stuff I want to mention before we head out of here is just some more extra fun details that I got to see throughout the book at the beginning where the book has details on characters Marlene AKA Barrett's daughter has a note that confirms that she learned some of what will happen when aith rescued her back in the remake game and this is what allows her to tell Zach All About Sethro another note when it comes to this book is that there are a total of 20 Pages dedicated to Queen's blood alone which is more than any other miname in this entire game just something funny I notice while I was reading this thing there's also some really cool concept art and official art that we saw leading up to the release which I always find be pretty interesting to see there's obviously a bunch of details when it comes to the battle bosses and everything so if you expect this thing to be released in English yeah this book would probably be at least double in length and this thing's already 700 plus pages so who knows the final thing I want to bring up relates actually back to the ending theur says that in the original Final Fantasy 7 in order to depict the cruel loss of someone you cherish they had Cloud be a bystander when aith was killed in rebirth however they wanted to fight back against Destiny and have Cloud make an effort however when you lose someone you cherish in the real world you're not able to accept it right away Cloud psyche actually reflects this in his State of Mind basically at this point namura is confirming aith is dead I mean if you played the original Final Fantasy 7 you know that she technically needs to die to become part of the live stream to help activate holy and everything now I already know that people are going to bring up the rainbow that we got to see when both cloud and sephra swords collided only time is going to tell however though I mean it's even been stated in the book that there might be some who expected Cloud Breaking the Barrier of fate back in the remake game to also alter what befalls of aith however it's also stated that the concept behind the Remake project itself AKA all three games is to generally adhere to the story of the original time will tell with game three what's really going to change if I had to take a guess right now say this for 2027 by the way then I think that the whole world thing will return to Simply one world and the whole Zack part is actually aith in the live stream getting his help to defeat the final version of sephra and then both of them will remain in the live stream parts of this is kind of connected to the the whole live stream novel that was written a while ago then if we look back at the rest of the team AKA Cloud Tifa Barrett and so on the rest of them are going to move on to the events of Advent Children remember as stated before they're using all of the forms of media for this project so time will tell but that's going to be my personal guess if you Haven to be seeing this video in 2027 and I'm right or wrong let me know that in the comments below and as always let me know your thoughts on what you think is going to happen with all that being said I'm going to leave it here though hopefully this is the final final video that we get to make on Final Fantasy 7 rebirth for some time don't get me wrong I absolutely love this game it's my game of the year No Doubt and I wish I could simply replay this again for the very first time but we got other games to cover like the Final Fantasy 16 DLC Stellar blade and much more releasing this week at the time of this recording so if you're interested in any of these other games make sure to hit the Subscribe button to help us reach our year-end goal of 5K and of course if you like this particular type of video with deep Dives and discussions then hit that like button with all that out of the way I've been taling with direct gaming I hope you have a great day and week and I can't wait to see you all in the next one and hopefully 2027 will be here soon and we can finally play the final Parts Final Fantasy 7 part three Johnny [Music]
Channel: Direct Gaming
Views: 3,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy VII, ff7, final fantasy vii rebirth, ps5, pc, final fantasy vii rebirth secrets, ff7 リバース, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending, ff7 rebirth final sephiroth fight, cloud and tifa, ff7 rebirth, ff7 rebirth ending, is rebirths ending good, no promises to keep, ff7 rebirth ending theory, ff7 rebirth ultimania secrets, ff7 remake part 2, ff7 rebirth spoilers, when will ff7 remake part 3 release, ff7 rebirth ultimania, biggest ff7 rebirth secrets, ff7 rebirth interview
Id: pPu27zYHBiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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