How To Add Song Requests to Twitch Streams (Without StreamElements or StreamLabs) 2024

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hey what's going on guys it's me here brething jet back with a video and in this video I want to show you guys how you guys are going to be able to implement song requests and playing audio on your streams without the use of stream elements so let's Dive Right on into it all right guys once you guys are here you opened up your web browser and you went to whatever search engine of your choice whether it's Google Bing whatever uh you're just going to want to type in the search bar go and type in Songify this number one result right here Songify calling home you're going to want to go here once you are here you're going to want to hit this little button called download now for free it's going to drop you down to this download from GitHub link all righty once you guys are here uh this is what the GitHub form should look like you guys are going to want to scroll down from this page right under the full change logs you will see the assets don't worry about source code ZIP uh source code tar.gz not important you're going to want to click on sonify dzip all right guys once you guys have downloaded the zip file and you open it all up it should look like this uh you can extract the file to whatever folder you would like I personally have it a streaming file but for this situation I downloaded a fresh copy for you guys just to show you if you double click on it uh if you're on Windows you might get this Windows protected your PC uh popup just hit more info and run anyways once this comes up you should have this box that says please link your Spotify account it should be a little popup this is all it's going to look like all you're going to want to do is go to file and then you want to go to get go to settings you're going to want to come on down go to Spotify link it it should automatically sign you in if you have Spotify on your computer and now my account is suddenly linked and then what else you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go to Twitch not necessarily the twitch bot log with twitch just Twitch account login with twitch all righty guys once you have both your Spotify and your Twitch accounts linked the next spot you want to go to is song requests what you want to do on this screen is you want to make sure you have enable Sr what that does is making sure that you do have song requests enabled and and channel rewards go along with it as well you also have some other settings on here like I have clear qon startup what this basically does is any songs that were in queue from last stream or anything like that they automatically get cleared soon as you start up uh Songify all things that I have on here is allowed user levels for the song request command I just have that set to viewer for everyone same with the reward that doesn't really matter to me as much as I am a a small streamer all right guys another setting I want to discuss is Max sr/ user basically what this is is the maximum amount of song requests per user I just have the set to viewer nvip sub and then I bump this up from the original the default is one I bumped it up to three just because I am a small streamer I don't have a lot of viewers at one time I do mainly have friends that are in the chats and they do like to request songs but if you have it say as a default is one if they request a song they cannot request any more until their one song that they have playing has uh finished so I just bumped it up so they can request a couple more at the same time and then these other things like command cool down I just have that as a default and Max song l 10 minutes nothing longer I don't need a 10 hour anything like that the other spot you want to go to is commands all right once you're in the command spot this is what it looks like uh you have some descriptions and you have some toggle on and off I'm going to go through each of them you do see my personal preferences of what I have and what I have them set at but I will go over each individually first and foremost we have enable Sr command this is a big boy along with the channel command over in song request this is a big one you have to have this enabled if you do not it will not function on your channel while you're streaming the trigger for that that people will have to put in the chat is exclamation point SSR this is changeable along with these other triggers you can change it to whatever you want it to be so if you like just Sr or song Wreck whatever you want it to be you can change it another one I have on is exclamation point song this just displays the current song in the chat whenever somebody puts it in when I do have off which is the next one it displays the Q position of the user song request so if you do have a lot of viewers and people requesting songs and one of the viewers is like man I feel like I requested my song like 5 minutes ago where is it they can throw in this exclamation point POS in the chat and they can see the position of which they are for when their song's going to come up the next two which I do have on is the next feature which just shows what song is next in the queue pops up in the chat hey this is playing up next and then skip which is only for broadcaster mods or requester so the original person that requested the Audio I do have this on mainly like I said before I am a small streamer so my friends will put some funny songs in there or some long songs that I just don't want to listen to all the way through so I'm like all right that's enough Skip and it just skips to the next song with being a small streamer I don't have a lot of people that I really have this feature turned on vote skip if you do have more concurrent viewers at one time this can be a very usable feature of people are not vibing with the song that is currently playing and then you have these last three that I all have off it removes the latest song request to the user um it adds the current song to the playlist specified in the Spotify configuration which you can have a specific playlist that's selected and it could add songs remove songs stuff like that and then you have a play and pause which just pauses the uh the music or resumes it I have that off as well just because I usually have Spotify I'll have it uh connected to my phone or something like that that I can stop it or I move it on to the other monitor and I stop it or move along with that way all righty guys that is about it for today's video as long as you have your Spotify and you have your Twitch both linked properly to Songify and you make sure that you go in and you enable song requests along with the commands and other settings that you prefer you're ready to rock and roll again this is a way to be able to stream music from Spotify onto your Twitch streams without use of platforms like stream elements or streamlabs I hope this video was helpful and it was informative and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: ItsBreathingjet
Views: 1,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gaming, #gamersunite, #fun, #network, streaming, streamer, helpful, info, tips, tricks
Id: dE2TULXqiUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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