An Orphaned Falcon, An Abandoned World 🔅 Falcon Age • #1

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hello everyone and welcome to Falcon age set on a alien planet where our people have lived as the colonizers of the world for quite some time we are going to be facing against our robotic overlords with our own Falcon so basically the gist of what I know about Falcon age is that we are going to be raising that adorable a little bit bird down there and we are going to be teaching him how to help us take back our land from the robots that have become our colonizers they have come into our traditional home they have eradicated our culture they have thrown us in jail and we as a young girl named ara are going to try to reclaim our heritage our world and our history all while bonding with this adorable Falcon here so that's the gist of it otherwise I don't really know how this is going to go but I know that that little guy is going to be our buddy so let's go ahead and dive on in the story mode all right here we go guys kind of nervous but hopefully everything will turn out alright a little baby fella Kade oh he's so freaking cute look at his little squeaky noise and where are we wow we're in prison you guys like wow I wonder what God has thrown here that's a really cool that she's built a nest like right up against here so that's us there's our toilet and our water there's oh you know a little treat the woods good job little guy alright so I guess that's us let's go ahead and wake up day 15 so we've been in here for 15 days bad oh and it's a little robot that talks to us and we can get some food look at mom mom is watching us in the baby oh that's my nourishment oh look we shared so we get these little rations oh and I have to go to reorientation but I want to watch the Falcons get fed like this is really cool and I guess this is the food for us gross can I leave it for the Falcon okay we're gonna go ahead and eat both of those I guess this robot knows that we need exactly three hamster human pellets a day but there look she's feeding the baby jeez that makes me happy and the robots are really insisting we go to reorientation but is this it's a rag I was hoping it was some sort of note all right well you hang in there little guys you're definitely more free than I am all right so reorientation huh oh um okay geez is he holding a baton oh man can you feel how like helpless this situation is okay maybe I can pretend I didn't see him can I go anywhere else I guess the robots would just have infinite patience so they don't care if their little human hamsters don't go where they're told I can't kick it anything can't poke at anything so I can sit in my room and watch the Falcon and I would love to do that but I don't want them to get hurt if this robot guy comes for me so strive for excellence the outer green company work offworld and you can earn a pet what they don't let you have pets unless you work off the world Wow okay talk to the guard at least you put the baton away felicitations oh zero five zero seven is this a splendid day I'd feel fortunate if it what if I wasn't you I'd feel fortunate if I wasn't you Thanks not even the brilliant minds of the outer ring company can come up with a way to fully replace human labor you are special you are somehow still useful to prepare you for even more exciting responsibilities off planet are they gonna like just kidnap me and take me to like work there asteroids or something where everyone else is in the colony that had journeyed weeks ago did they kidnap like my entire family and like send them away weeks ago let us begin with part 15 of the orientation whatever oops I said okay I was trying to go for whatever now I will ask you a series of basic questions please answer them correctly and we can both begin our journey to a better place I like it sass classic sci-fi sassy robot what makes for a good citizen obedience I have no idea or subordination I have no idea whatever what makes for a good community I guess things don't matter I would say probably service to the community but I mean this is kind of meaningless because you're just gonna make me do whatever you want there's no point to this what makes for a good civilization trust I mean I would say unity you really need to be united together but maybe they'll be my like 15 twist together you have earned outdoor time what fun you will enjoy sunshine exercise and a chance to serve our great community Wow can you imagine that feeling living in a world where you can't control where you go if you can have pets when you could go outside I mean it's not that hard to imagine we've done that to ourselves as humans so many times and it's still happening too so I've got goose bumps go outside and collect or zero five zero seven can I just watch the pets but I guess you know what we should probably go ahead and go outside because if we don't we might run out of time to be there outside okay all right what do we have here oh of course a drone to keep monitoring us on our on our ability so this is the pouch are these my tools one hammer one pouch break rocks he says follow me to ore deposits fine let me close this I guess alright so we close that break rocks alright fine here we go I mean it's something to do break rocks with your hammer and collect or okay hey why don't you come on can't reach him also I'd love that plant that's growing on the side it was worth an attempt not that I know where I could go yes man he's very repetitive break the rocks with your hammer collect or it looks like we pick it up automatically thankfully alright okay how much my allowed to gather yeah it does look like we pick things up automatically which is good oh good and you can see my inventory our objectives the options that we have so this is my outside time yeah if you Britt if you couldn't look closer I might try freaking your head I wonder how many they want us to collect just like all of them I can reach I guess I get sunshine this planet must have the kind of son that I can actually stand out in good environment Orban's maybe I can collect some extra things let's try just gathering a few more maybe I can speak some of these back to my room OHP Corbin's huh alright how many do we have 14 and how many are you gonna take from me deposit okay yes alright activity time is over I got to keep eight or pieces we are those the houses of people can I return it return hammer to enter the compound oh they're really keeping a close eye on us aren't they I think that everybody else is actually gone too I can't imagine being like the only human left the only life life left now there than you guys well alright I just won't go to bed day 23 a whole bunch of days past no the baby it's not an intruder stop it all of the moms are tracking him oh no the bomb you guys know where's the baby oh the baby the baby geez she just grabbed him like like like nobody's business Oh little wide oh he's hungry so his mom died and they came and took him away there you go baby oh my gosh can I feed you okay I think I have to feed myself alright we've got more food coming oh I need to wrap my hand oh because it would definitely be too dangerous to hold a baby Falcon barehanded oh my gosh you guys we're soothing the little baby [Music] okay so we want to feed the baby brown hand joy put you down little one go to reorientation day 23 okay are you going back to the nest okay good look at him fly he's getting so strong guys alright we'll be there with you shortly little one you again I wonder if I am the last human here it's so nice to have other life but I'm so sad mama bird Salutation zero five zero seven it is a lovely day somewhere in the universe I'm sure we both want to be where everyone else is don't we huh this planet has nothing after all had some or it is a primitive in fact it is primitive and backwards and there are birds who will destroy your friends he's really upset about his friend who got destroyed by the bird I know how I feel about that this is making it very conflicted I mean if he has a functional AI system does that make him living the questions you have to ask yourself when you jump into sci-fi games let's start today's reorientation whatever I'll do another interview I guess I will ask you another series of questions these will be easier than the last please answer them correctly so I can expedite our departure is your face twitching ignore that two zero five zero seven focus on the questions what is the best way to be good I mean obey and disrupt that would completely depend on the circumstances sometimes you should disrupt and sometimes you should obey so I have no idea whatever what is your one responsibility as a citizen service vidiq to the community don't care or be grateful as a citizen to you I don't care can we just get off to the Manuel Libre already hit good enough zero five zero seven a few more reorientation sessions and we might finally leave this place you have earned outdoor time here cooperation go outside and break rocks zero five zero seven remember the or is more important than you or me haha okay that means can I get the baby bird hey little one oh I can't get Oh fine he's got me harvesting or fast today they don't let you back into your bedroom unless you actually oh hey it's my little guy no way check it out it is my little guy baby oh baby high-five baby snuggles you guys we just got birdie fist bumps okay I'm in love all right come on little guy fetch a red pepper from Cliffside there's a red pepper you mean that red pepper all that be so cool all right so we need to direct his attention up there can you get it little one he's got a red pepper for us look guys were training him we have our own little red pepper oh is that a bird okay fresh red pepper Earl a mouse let's try again oh I think I sent him off on a hunt did you get some food good job little one [Music] come on down are you there you are oh my gosh look she got bunny meat and it's shaped like bunny meat I can't believe that can I feed it to him can I put it away we did it we got rabbit me that's important for him we'll be able to feed him oh that's such a relief all right now oh my gosh did you guys see that that was so cool all right well hang in there little one I've got a little bit of work to do really don't mean to bug you do be careful I think that this is just our life now like we just like being able to hang out with our bird I really don't want to accidentally hit him with this hammer but I think we're better than that there we go oh this is so cool hang in there the lawn yeah I know we've got this alright guys so we figured out how to hunt with him and I think get ourselves a poor food now as a result cook it for a minor health boost I can cook things yes that would be so useful if we could actually cook things right now we still are working on collecting or okay I think our little friend has decided to fly off for just a second but that's good he needs to practice all right it's not enough for for the day I mean how is there more already all right so we went outside we collected the org he must be nearby all right pause at the or how much do you want [Music] there we go activity time is over deposit the hammer can't take the hammer with me I wonder if a hammer is a really really threatening thing to a robot because we could just take it right to his face though if he has AI now I feel conflicted again but not if he you know is evil robot overlord who kind of took over my whole planet hey little guy you want to come on down yeah check it out guys oh he's so cute alright I think our objective now is to go ahead and go to bed again as we continue what's that can you bring that to me yeah what you giving me a little one Oh a cup nice did I just obtain a cup huh well I got a cup but I don't know oh I put it on the ground today okay I just dropped it on the ground that's fine but alright can you put him back here do you want to go back to your little nest oh he's in bed he's snuggled into the nest oh that's precious well alright I guess for now this is her life trapped by a twitching robotic overlord in a more or less abandoned planet raising a orphaned baby bird we're in this together little one but alright guys thank you so much for joining me on this new journey it definitely seems like it's going to be something really special if you guys could do please leave a like for our little guy or girl I'm not really sure what we're gonna call our Falcon yet and if you would like to join us on this and literally thousands more adventures to please consider subscribing but most importantly stay curious and I'll see you guys next time bye bye you
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 1,167,032
Rating: 4.925096 out of 5
Keywords: falcon age, falcon age epic games, falcon raising, falconry, falcon game, falcon age gameplay, falcon age let's play, seri pixel biologist, pixel biology, falcon age walkthrough, falcon age guide, falcon age story, falcon, falcon age pc
Id: Hr3CN37mTE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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