SPOOKY PRINCESS SLUMBER PARTY! | Minecraft Babies (Minecraft Roleplay)

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[Music] whoa we both house it's so cool it looks just like her Oh pinky it also looks very delicious but don't eat it I don't think the house is made out of candy though really great it looks like a starving cake eating did you guys even rule she said that nothing else but candy and all we can I know she was so strict so I brought a candy ball more peppermints more Tandy and some flutes aka marshmallows I got a rainbow pop-tart probably his favorite lollipop chocolate roll caramel fudge and strawberry shake chocolate around and I brought chocolate donut and gummy bear okay don't reject normal I'm so excited she said on the invitation that this would be the best slumber party ever this Korean is a slumber party that's right gets wet princess aiya I'm wearing two flower crowns because I cannot decide on what to wear I'm ahead are you know of our princess yes it is right I've made my own pizza I am the princess of the flowers are Shay no no what are you I am a princess of Pat G oh I think was an actual princess yeah she was a princess not make up your finishing said well I don't know she wasn't very specific on the invitation that's true come on discovering the doorbell okay I'm excited all you ready to the music princess party sleepover rainbow we're here with now I getting good and now and welcome to my awesome super princess candy Samba show your hymen are beautiful thank you where she is your queen or princess I don't know are you done in you and then I'm appointing oh okay well princess are we allowed into your beautiful kingdom well first you have to address me by my proper name what princess mi princess peach and whether your princess means I am princess flowery flowery shake it good I am princess kitty and I'm Princess Jasmine I know it into it okay and then for n sweet um I would end invitation yeah where is it but oh okay here you go wait we got the candy corn oh yeah yeah Mandy get can eat some peppermint ow oh hey you can add about guests ever I didn't do my movie at you but but watching theater okay come on guys come on come on I'm so excited to show you the house whoo Wow first I'm going to show you where we're not allowed to go upstairs my parents are still sleeping so we can't go up there okay oh I can't hear someone snoring up there I think I'd say heavy sleeper yeah they are so we can be as loud as you want I don't think you're gonna hear it okay and here is my beautiful princess play castle where we are right now close low in pitch dressed up right now no no no you have to finish the tour first we could play dress up later okay fine okay this is where um we didn't have a good party yeah yeah que gastar today thank you and this toys yes and we have tons of toys for everybody this point princesses let's go princess quad yes crud and after we finish playing we're gonna be hungry so we're gonna have candy dinner in the kitchen oh boy can had real food um not tonight I saw my mom only candy oh I think I just let you do it yeah she has to do everything she's got very cool Oh what's his post day oh this poster is my yummy sweet treat poster isn't it cool Wow so each day you're gonna eat something new each day when I spell when I say the correct words my mom would give me the candy so what's funny is that the full date is ever after leaving what is it that Polly Remo um as if Polly is a kind of potato cookie cuz I actually don't know what is it shaking up pepperoni is upside down cake I want to eat an upside down cake maybe we can make one later yeah we can look at it and make cool food so what else are we gonna do okay so after we have our delicious candy dinner we're gonna go play in the backyard here is my ice cream sundae making station for dessert whoa this looks so cool are we here did you take and eat all the ice cream you want this is long as you don't throw up I don't want nobody throwing up in my pond nope no throwing up hey do you think rainbows eating too much candy I think she already had too much candy okay let's just keep following this guys how we come down here what this is so cool yeah this is my pink bonfire where we didn't have some more until ghost stories my daddy I love Danielle a heavy yes I told you is the best and over here oh my Nessa it's hot chocolate water slide is it actually hot chocolate yeah taste it oh wait we can jump it I'll tell you to do it oh my gosh it's aa high chocolate Oh rainbow this is the coolest thing ever I know I told you can see summer parties in the best number pot I could just drink and bathe and drink some more and the ticket back at the same time okay and then we go all the way over here and we have our princess bouncy castle let's wait what no way wait quick who knows to inertia Doudna I'll tiny sorry I was just drilling at the ice cream seat and this really delicious okay we can eat ice cream later oh and its sister secret sandbox with milk giants princess castle here yeah cool I can grow my kingdom here cool wait you have more princesses coming on no I only have my this three princesses you guys waitin there who's that princess who went to tour but I don't know maybe somebody so online and I thought my party was cool and someone else is coming or the sacred suited no I'm here to destroy your princess party because the emo yeah grab our wet day yeah grab our candy weapons here's our weapons you have a weapons store um not really a honey cake instead no daughter I'm not going to submit any lollipop respect you know why I say why we would use the lollipops I will use this donut as my shield and boom she all right I can live over there yeah my still print okay let's go - knocking - tippy-toe should we open it oh oh wait no no it might be someone dangerous you got to look outside the window hello Wow who dared enter is my castle well be anyone wait three dresses wait oh hi black Oh Paris make a moon no no can you not read the sign it's at weight where somebody knows it's an unclean whatever quiz you see my knight helmet where we fully castle do I go to change the sign no I see you well in order to be a prince at the princess party which it was a princess party before you need to have a prince costume and you do not have one okay okay wait I have one way gentlemen come back and you need to bring an entry fee of candy yeah you got it big candy dracco you recent have a princess huddle what okay should we get back oh go to our people well I guess but do you in her enough sleeping bags oh yeah we do and if not you could just sleep in the hot chocolate okay only if Drago brings the entry fee he can come to the princess and Prince sleepover party it is candy she'ii good thing he was in a wobbler as I would have smashed him on the head with his lollipop yeah okay and then Wow to get that outfit from Drago oh my mommy disturbed by this button is it for Halloween it's wait I think that is how do we cost you um well okay I mean like we all have pretty princesses and Prince asked you uh-huh yeah well now Prince jackal pop it up yeah I bought purple dummy bean Hey not good enough wait wait we have son yes at my house purple jelly yes hi this leb not a chance this is so many at my house you know did you record it the entry fee is candy okay half a GD that she tongue just eat really well so do you think with witnesses of the dum-dum or subsidiary do you think we're a joke and with Maya I was hiding you 28 over to the wheels dig twisted and you trying to poison me I hate spicy food okay side I was doing this for the a of I guess you could tap into candy ball whoa do a so I get to keep the ball it's my fault okay fine you can find a ball put the candy in the house thwack ohh welcome to Princess Peach rainbows magical kingdom of the light thank you thank us day this is our fifth is a tasty posting so what do we do no what do you guys want to do friend I don't want to kill it mmm let's see let's see sink it's your pot slumber party rainbow I think you get to decide okay oh I didn't notice today like we think for it yes it's various Dora's house pig chica whoa wait what's in here Wow well rainbow has so much food in here it's all candy ignored that real food stuff pretend it's not there okay so can we play twice up first yes go please wake up oh my little way to a stop all day okay so we go in here oh you have either have a lot of toys rainbow three this week Jonathan yeah would my princess care as if it's a toy box don't I want to be a magician to an ask a magic why would this equipment in the never lose a current year or we have cake and here's a doughnut for you princess so let's go in here and grab ourselves I'm going to wear this and now I don't want this clown here Drac oh can you put the crown on your crown okay that's why subscribe comment and I will put on this I am the knight of what a bill why did you yeah I don't know is your flower knew she was a dragon helmet oh oh my god doesn't hey Leon you kind of scary why I am the majestic hose dragon that this does not suit my head I will slay you with my scissor no no don't do it don't care your dragons wait Rock will look silly she's wearing a crown on a crown he say would that make him a king are you still a prince thinking the Prince I'm a double king just beyond such thing is double king but you can have a double way can you put this on too no I don't think so I will put it on I put in a crown on that flower crown whoa fun your mom is super powerful to me yeah wait Luna what are you I am a wizard princess flash gasp princess hmm I'm getting kinda for a dear TV oh yeah oh we kind of moved all my TV to the basement because I don't watch TV I did today but it's kind of scary down there so I feel like going down there wait wait what's wrong with your basement I don't know I owe you sir voices coming from down there I don't like going down there that is an exaggeration Pacifica if you don't go down yourself when I think I heard of this story before I've wet it on the Internet so I've heard if you hear whispering coming from your basement it's probably a mouse jana your your house is probably really dirty because you eat too much candy rainbow and you don't clean up so this mouse is undergoing screening and decided to you and i might be true rainbow well if it is a mouse then i could be kind of like and I said you know how to make pretty princess dresses for me right what was that oh yeah huh I think it was coming from the basement right ask the candy daddy pop fun oh we hit you down no no no no no stitch should we just get your parents this beeping he says don't eat them up words are gonna get mad ah okay just definitely something in the basement I think something just broke down there it sounded like glass breaking honey it's probably because you said you was a mouse in effect I'm not a mouse oh yeah a second I'm prepared I have a weapon you have a bad nose where you can see tickle someone today yeah okay boys we're going to sacrifice twits to echo down the hatch okay then go for it there's wave wave opener open yeah what she attacked your dead friend why what why cuz label doesn't have it yeah I'm scared of heights on it yeah basement hoste I know it's a difficult down as I said spirit hey I'm pushing on the fam gonna go you're the second boy with vinegar okay Luna's going down we're gonna close the door just so it Lunas wish a Quebec up yet you know are you okay with barbecue si what what Luna I do kidding me you took that was pretty quick I had take advantage of you gotta so scared you almost gave me a proof attack I almost fell before dying Komal here's my breakfast out of the big days is that bad if I go back and tear down there but it's not that bad remember what is wrong with your basement I don't know I told you it's scary and sooner obviously got possessed she just say she didn't well I'm talking about that new disease that she just got and I really want to watch it so can we just go down there and watch it okay fine but I'm only going down there because you guys are coming with me young age is the where show lead the way waynebow let the princess lead the way first actually the princess go yeah when you talk with you better go further boy she she she rides as the princess of flowey flowey I will go down to the basement first are we ready yes yes fine well that is all for this episode we are going to go to the basement and we are going to go watch this DVD next if you did enjoy this minecraft babies episodes make sure to smash the like button down below for more we're trying to reach 5,000 likes don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and we will see you all in the next one bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 12,252,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, Role-playing Game (Game Genre), roleplay, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh, funneh, minecraft, minecraft school, minecraft adventures, funny minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, mmorpg, rpg, no swears, minecraft channel, minecraft babies, minecraft babies sleepover, minecraft babies slumber party, slumber party, princess slumber party, princess, princesses
Id: hKiIGi4jG08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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