Spongebob: The EVIL Truth About Gary’s SECRET Past! (Gary: Part 1) [Theory]

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[Music] it was only a matter of time you knew this I knew this it was destined Gary purports to be the most innocuous little snail around the most innocent kind hearted character in the show well he's not he's a vicious intellectual trapped in a cocoon of meow inducing limitations his role in the universe must be sustained by copious amounts of energy for one day he will gift the omniverse with his mighty into beautiful presence of Absolution [Music] hello I'm the theorized er and this is Gary the snail I've had a very interesting very fun time analyzing the psyches and backstories of all the spongebob characters but for some reason people are incessantly demanding Gary to which I finally know why normally when a spongebob character is this recurrent but still not primary I'll do what I did with mrs. puff scanned through every single episode in which the character is billed as major but the thing about Gary is that it seems his oddest moments are offhand and brief so my usual methodology for auditing a character won't work here this is both good because the puff methodology is extremely time consuming but bad because there are so many little bizarre moments that I feel like all complement one another and fit together to piece the perfect puzzle of what Gary is we need to do what I did with Patrick instead a generalized audit thus I took to the dreaded community tab on YouTube and asked the people of the world where I should start Gary's vetting process the answer the dream episode in the episode sleepy time spongebob is intensely thrust out of his dream and he astral projects into the dreams of others in Bikini Bottom first he infiltrates Gary's dream where he discovers that Gary has an extremely vivid internal world akin to a mind Palace where he is an intellectual philosopher of sorts surrounding himself with books to entertain and educate he accuses Sponge Bob of violating the sanctity of his dream before showing him around anyways Gary reads some quotes about how presumably he has attempted to create an incredibly detailed a dream escape by trying to imagine the same library every night for his whole life and then of course there's the obvious Gary is in a tall robe and can't before I used this as evidence I must figure out if this whole astral projection mental possession episode was just more of SpongeBob's dreaming things are said and done in the dreams he visits that he couldn't have any knowledge of spongebob is in his own time generally insane as we've discussed before additionally at the end of the episode they wake him up infuriated that he ruined their dreams this points to the whole episode being likely to have happened somehow so then this is Gary a philosopher locked in an incapable body commanding the consumption of as I said in the intro copious amounts of food the official spongebob youtube channel also confirmed that this is Gary's most important moment in the series he is intriguing SpongeBob's all like you're smart and Gary claps back with a did you think my shell was full of hot air no we thought it was full of that bouncing thickness curvature ass and ass vivisecting the intricate mentality of this gastropod mollusc is going to be a fascinating endeavor because everything is implied with him he but grudgingly exists within the physical realm demanding his energy be conserved for the more mental tasks he takes on during sleep in other episodes though he's just a happy or aggressive or annoying little snail he behaves like a snail unless he doesn't need to but he always rolls his eyes at SpongeBob's ridiculousness and thankfully we no longer need to be confused because now we have confirmation that his intellectualism is not limited to the dream world due to the episode where he gets a local collar this episode is a newer one and it's odd it feels off the animation is too fast and slapstick II there are too many sound effects and it feels like it's under new management and yet they've tried to mimic that old style of dark comedy a little bit a lazy self-aware parody that I'm not sure whether I enjoy or detest despite what the credits claimed I don't know if the original creators had a whole lot to do with this season when it was being made I'm not sure if they've left at this point or what but it feels off regardless it is still technically canonical so it applies here Gary basically gets a meow translator and the Machine speaks what he is thinking as usual the same sophistication from his dream several seasons prior remains however this time he claims he's often been dreaming about world domination we see this similarly in plank another limited creature if I recall Gary caused a snail revolt and uprising during that pet show episode so these ideals have been in place for quite some time the thing about Gary though is that he could achieve this which brings me to my main point the fact that his ideal self image mimics that of the Illuminati dolphin who watches over the solar system and sponge out of water in the second spongebob film a very very weird scene occurs in which the Osten plankton and spongebob create a time machine to save Bikini Bottom from their lack of Krabby Patties after some chaotic space time warping they glitch out of their existential plane and enter what I purport to be a fourth dimensional space station containing aliens we perceive as the Illuminati who dedicate their lives to the prevention of a global catastrophe which for some reason is implied to be ever presently imminent I say this because of the tetrahedron the Eye of Providence and the 3d stop-motion implying a change in fundamental perspective as well as the literal fact of requiring a no clipping time machine to access it and during the epic Rap Battles segment it is claimed to be the home of the space-time travelers they meet the currently employed watcher who happens to be a dolphin named bubbles an agent of this saviour alien race I'm not sure if they merely see him as a dolphin or not but his constant chirping tics are in favor of him being some sort of dolphin or rather the dolphin species is based off of these aliens it is a reference to the real life known intelligence of dolphins but in this world the implication would be that dolphins are based off of these things given bubbles far older age anyways bubbles claims to be the one preventing earthly catastrophe as well as what he is currently doing preventing a collision between Jupiter and Saturn question is this even real this is dolphin shape in this nebula could it be a simulation the physics of it are all off and these planets have no reason to collide like this unless the physics are just a joke and the collision is being caused by some ulterior malevolent force bubbles takes a bathroom break and for some reason doesn't tell spongebob and plankton to do to prevent the planets from colliding he must have expected them like he knew it was his job to help save the treasured bikini bottom as he later raps anyhow when he returns they clash a little and the protagonists escape back into the timeflow later bubbles returns with no animosity and he has been fired but enjoys it and has come to grant the Bikini Bottom i'ts a wish using what I presumed to be magic aka brainwaves attuned to electromagnetism he enables them to exist as air-breathing characters in the third dimension as opposed to the otherwise realistic and dried out animals they've been in episodes of the main show it allows them to retrieve the krabby patty formula from Antonio Banderas who found a prophecy and stole it another time point is Bikini Bottom is at bare minimum a two point five dimensional flatland that is just as mystical to the surface world as we are to it I'm not exaggerating need I remind you that this is the film which blatantly threw an acid trip to Jupiter in the middle of it these explanations are needed all of this is important because it is the single most relevant detail to something crucial being that Gary is or has read about or idolized this omniscient Society British accent shared marine intellectualism shared high collar cloak check the details are fuzzy but this whole scenario overall is going for the same philosophically surrealist feel and it succeeds this rendition of Gary and bubbles the bottlenose are going for the same mood and I believe they are the only ones who share these traits aside from the cephalopod Lodge which upon inspection is not related to these in the same way unless they worship the symbols alone we see in the episode of hell for Gary what basically equates to a Lovecraft abomination and Gary takes out the trash in another important episode it's revealed that Gary is the descendant of royalty but again this is just the vessel he was granted with all that said and with what is known about Gary's newfound world domination in ten I can knock out two birds with one stone and ask them is it possible that Gary is the villain causing these planets to collide no if it can't be that's an enormous leap I mean as you know normally I thrive off of details that can be used to piece things together my natural form is analysis not brainstorming so I need to convert this whole situation while there still exists little evidence beyond what I have described and therefore very also little to disprove it I encourage you to comment more because here's my theory Gary had knowledge of or some sort of connection to the race of interdimensional sea creatures that bubble is a part of perhaps he was of a competing race or perhaps he was one of their own and I'm not sure exactly what happened but he left or was ejected for malpractice perhaps he allowed planets to collide perhaps he allowed Bikini Atoll to be converted into a 2.5 D radiation filled void I'm not sure but he left and there may remain some form of animosity in being ejected from such a situation he lands in the second dimension of Bikini Bottom which makes sense given it being shown to have a direct connection to the observation tetrahedron when plankton and SpongeBob glitched out into it and also given its similarly sapient marine creatures reborn to royalty whether it is relevant or not I cannot be sure but he still sees himself as a bootleg member of this race of the marine hyperspace beings and this limited form has changed him he is becoming more snail-like as the series progresses until all that remains is the clueless vengeance he desperately retains in his subconscious fury at his limitations despite the royalty he supposedly pushed himself into banished to a gastropod with an enormous world inside of his shell something physically impossible in our dimension Gary is the evil force that wants to collide the solar system he is a nihilist and we see it gary is very changeable he often loves spongebob other times he doesn't care he's all over the place because he knows this is all temporary his diagnosis he's not a psychopath he plays with everyone and allows his abilities to be used by metal detectors like crabs because he is bored he's a nihilist disgruntled with the forum he is bound to again the biggest evidence is his pocket dimension she'll no matter the situation he violates physics and 2nd and 3rd dimensional logic in a way no other spongebob character really does his food levels truly do sustain a mind that doesn't belong there I'm happy because so much can fall under this and be explained something usually only applicable to the disgusting hypotheses known as dream theories in his mental library he tells spongebob the story of a man who dreamt that he ate his shoe and then woke up and realized he did it in real life too this would parallel how Gary's rich inner world can interfere with the space around him could have caused of a planetary collision during his furious confusion as snail king in the film this overall is the best explanation for the sheer fact that Gary demonstrates odd abilities throughout the show this is outlandish on the surface given the initial situation but the only logical way to deal with all of the weird things he does remanent of his old omnipotence cuz really Gary does a lot of unexplainable things and the most important moment he's ever had in the show compares him to bubbles this is direct he is a lord of space-time an impossibly large mind and pocket universe shell he roars and breaks the laws of being a snail eldritch horror I do wonder if the snail plasma that turns Sponge Bob into a snail is the sort of thing that just further suppresses the Lovecraftian residue in that shell of his but what gets me most of all is this new stop-motion spongebob film coming up which just so happens to be all about Gary bubbles is stop motion coincidence we pretty much never see this elsewhere the films have a selectively retroactive continuity they're their own thing there is an amazing amount of evidence for all of this craziness I just need more instances of it what I'll probably do is make a follow-up video but call it the truth about bubbles or something since they are so intertwined and yet people need to find these independently to really get the gist of it so make sure to subscribe I'm not sure if my next video will be the proof or comments for this theory it might be I expect a few counter facts as well good good make sure to ring the bell and stay updated I will be updating you until the end this is ridiculous I'm the theorized ER [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 733,543
Rating: 4.8898244 out of 5
Keywords: Spongebob, Spongebob Squarepants, Spongebob Squarepants Full Episodes, Theorizer, The Theorizer, Spongebob Theory, Theorizer Spongebob, The Theorizer Spongebob, spongebob theories, spongebob gary, spongebob trailer, Spongebob Gary come home, Spongebob Gary come home full episode, spongebob gary song, spongebob gary episode, spongebob gary theory, spongebob movie, spongebob gary chatterbox, sponge on the run, sponge on the run trailer, spongebob movie trailer 2020, skin theory
Id: bsqLBilN8RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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