Splitting the 4520 to diagnose the P.T.O issues!

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we're gonna auction probably and [Music] with quite loose out there she's snug no yeah it's kind of a strange idea isn't it dot snug right sideways that's watch your hand okay watch out [Applause] they're about ready to come apart you push on a little more so we had to try and undo that then what a stupid idea that is yeah making connection up here no split minute and then they hook it up there unless that's a farmer add-on they're just a murder together poof that smells like burnt clutch yep hey let's I'll get my light turned on so you can see here two pieces yeah there's pieces in there that might be what is wrong gross look at the rock star on it - yeah that's surprising I never seen that like that much before it's like it was sitting in off okay well I think we figured out the problem with the 4520 so dad got his book and there's no way to really test the pressures for the hydraulic engage for the PTO so I guess you pull it apart and put clutches in and if it burns them out again well then you know there's something wrong with your pressures but we had good pressures at the SCV's back here so there shouldn't be anything wrong with the pump runs on low pressure no low pressure well nevermind then they just couldn't make it easy eh should have just had a TA in there instead exactly oh well anyway we're gonna get it pulled apart here and see what we can see I guess like the where shims these are war halfway through the fingers of war halfway through I have to get him some new fingers to yeah this is unreal oh the welds all the way around here you know never seen that oh no it's that 130 horsepower torque rate apart [Music] weird look at the clothes material though seriously dope that's a factory mmm gross yep some cleanup and taking an ax parting oh well we'll get her back together nothing money can't fix well and I think dad's figured out what the issue was here some of it anyways yeah that's not supposed to be two pieces and then that's not supposed to be multiple underneath of there definitely got every ounce over that yes it's amazing that it still worked at all shapers pretty sure we found out the problem anyway good YouTube content toast a hut you're doing something else there's other people in here you know J purse so what are you hammering him there then cardboard painters tape painters tape have why didn't the grease work there's no seal on the back side of that bearing grease is just coming back through it pushed the seal off and Antoine eat all his lunch so they didn't have any bread to hammer in there cuz apparently that's something that can work push the seal off on this side mustn't be anything on the other side well isn't that handy hum de demonetized and delete it because you've offended someone anyways we'll see if the painter's tape works or not red would be better what bread would be better eat it up yeah right grease flavored and burnt clutch for texture all right gonna be the whole roll of tape [Music] you can see it coming it's gotta be there lady ha ha ha look at the nice bearing we made I don't need a diamond earring just grease it real good she'll last there was still a seal back there ah I was just pushing the grease into it would you look at that and ass not too surprising brick really would never it probably not do something can't hurt you're getting there figured out there too on one-inch impact on their remember Titus field-goal know what oh well can get hammered on there tight can be the next guy's problem just sell it right away anyway so we've been a little bit of a gap between the first part of the video in here but we were waiting on parts to show up but dad's got everything here now it's just a matter of putting it together but it's suppertime now and we don't think they sent a thrust washer with the bearing here so I guess we might have to try and I just ordered what you said don't worry dude anyway we're gonna have to try to find one of those tomorrow I guess so that's probably where I'll leave you for now so I guess thank you much for watching and leave a like and a comment go check out straight pipe acres he's having a rough day today and we'll talk to you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 14,134
Rating: 4.9626975 out of 5
Id: xNSmmYuwfWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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