Building the bin pad!

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[Music] come on smile son [Applause] look at that concentration [Applause] [Music] well I just got him to back my phone here from that it's not at all what he was telling you while he was videoing but anyway we are hauling a bit of gravel here at the forty twenty in the scraper this is our gravel our little pile compared to the butt belongs to the RM button and we're using this nice crushed gravel to make an a smooth path that'll be easy to shape but this loose gravel shows how not watertight the scraper is so we got wet dirt and wet clay it doesn't leak but the loose gravel sure does so Haley he's gonna rip that back into the yard and dump it I'm gonna do the same of this and we'll talk to you and we get there we'll push that around at the 50-point Ino and see how much more we need to schools and level things off I'm gonna pull in the crash here again but there's about 12 buckets to fill out thing 1240 20 bucks anyway I'll get this dumped out and we'll spread it around see if we can get some bins put into place I can get one [Applause] [Applause] a little bit of pushing and pulling their own butt get it smoothed off pretty good with the old 50 20 CAD [Applause] [Applause] all righty I had quite a few people asking all kinds of questions about this unit here and no we aren't the ones who built it but yes it is homemade it belongs to the neighbor the Lant ones great-uncle and he bought it from an auction sale and from before that no one really knows where it come from but what it is is the frame of a mobile house trailer like what would be underneath of the house and the axles from the house trailer you can see they've got electric brakes in there that aren't wired up but that's post trailer stuff right there and that's all the frame of it there like that would be if that was all connected and got cut off there but it should keep going and I would make the length of the house so someone made this majority of it from that host railing that I mean the rest of it is iron from other things but someone made it anyways it wasn't us so the way it lifts it's got that cable the spool up there your winch and then it runs all the way up and down through a pulley and I'll show you inside here up there you can see that the way the sun shining on it it's a two half circles four quarter circles and there's a hook in the middle of it with a pulley and the cable swings down through and let me just put that through the hole in the roof there and that how you lift your bins up is with not certain there's quite a few people who haven't seen bins moved this way and there's all kinds of movers like this and ones you put there like a fifth wheel gooseneck four and they pull them behind semies that's how they move the bigger five and ten thousand bushel bins on hoppers and see this thing here and now we're just using it as a crane but we've got some bins I gotta bring home and you'll see it but he picked the bin up and then this whole thing here with the bin it'll cradle have been in there and the whole thing lays down and then the you can pull behind your tractor you're pulled behind a half-ton even like a bin doesn't wait hardly anything neither does this mover so but yeah that is what that is and it's a little bit of a story behind it so I'm going to pick this bin up set it with the other ones and keep working on that floor here on the pad without there they're calling for thunderstorms it's really really hot I wouldn't be surprised if we got one I don't have anchors yet to screw them down over there so you're setting them there and I'm anchoring them to the anchors that hold the other bins behind them there so or if the wind picks up they don't all go tumbling like have been tumbleweeds so I'll get this all girl here fire it up and move that ball I thought I would oh wait a minute I know what's wrong one second mean to hit the didn't mean to hit the end button there but the neutral start switch is getting kind of touchy-feely in this thing here you gotta have it just Eversole so wasn't quite in the right spot as my guests there that's the way she should start all righty part neutral [Music] there's his floating we'll lean your back a little bit here so I cradle holds up hazy Encino like you would lay that rate down and that's how you carry your business hey wait I'm gonna get that set in its place and I'll talk in a minute I haven't showed you this that I bought either for the 4640 some nice suitcase wheats for the front instead of that big flat thing that's on there right now all I need is the bracket the guy didn't have one so I'll have to I'm thinking I probably just make one for all that it's gotta be easy there's six of them there anyway so I want to get a full rack but that's a start anyways their new style John Deere one so anybody's got something they want to sell real cheap I'd probably get a few more just to double down on the wind breaking effect put a couple tandems there too so anyway that's probably where your roller we're gonna end here for this evening anyways now just bringing a few buckets of gravel with the 40 20 up here we're gonna shovel it around a little bit to some of the lower spots but I think it's pretty well as good as it has to be no tomorrow I can't Annette well tomorrow's Amanda's birthday so I'm promised her I'd take the day off so high I'm not gonna do a hell of a lot but I might go pick some anchors up to have them here and then the next day we'll get them spun in and set the bins here and table them down it won't take too long to do that there's gonna be one hanker on the end one in the middle one in the middle and one on the end so it'll be tied to the floor and then this one in the middle be tied to that one this one then same here this one to this one and then that one be pulling its own tied to the the other one on the end so anyway I guess that's about all that's happening here it's supper time no so I guess probably we're rolling that I guess you like what you saw and you haven't subscribed yet do so everybody else hit that like button see if we can get a thousand likes again here we've done did at once let's see if we can do it twice so alrighty I guess thanks for watching talk to you guys in the next one see you later [Music]
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 16,741
Rating: 4.9719191 out of 5
Id: ryRdi8ZAbj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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