Hauling the 2188 to help with flax 150miles away!!!

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we're gonna auction probably and [Music] you hey guys how's she going today well we're doing something kind of crazy here today we're taking the 2188 on a road trip and we're going to Indian Head to straight pipe acres and they're gonna help them get that Hawk and flocks done because if it's not done by Thursday I don't think it's gonna be done so he hired a truck and implement trailer and it's gonna come pick the xxi up grandpa's place me and Rob got it out and circulating there last night it's a real nice out actually so easy on the combine it's not real cold out should make for some ok calm binding - so it's gonna pick it up and then on the semis return trip he's gonna haul old Bundy home for us so that'll be pretty nice and we'll have that at home to work on here - but Dad is over at the 21 right now putting a shot of fuel in it I had to swing through town get some gas for my good truck because that's what I'm gonna go out there with follow the 21 down the road and other than that should be a pretty fun few days there I think so I guess I'll talk to here and we get things moving well we got her loaded up thought was pretty scary it was sliding around on the ice on his ramps there and I needed to get blocks and all man Haley got her on there we're about a half an hour away from where we're going and it's starting to spit but he's over there where it's trying to be sunny so I think we'll be all right anyway or otherwise we'll wait till tonight when she freezes or whatever we'll get here but anyway I just keep plugging down the road here and see what happens when we get a little farther up the old trail here oh look at that just the loving life the old girl so you got the 21 off crying video not for his video so go check that out there straight pipe a kiss Christ what a disaster in here oh this door won't open from the outside but and the other door doesn't shot [Music] nice I can try well close it up again still see even little state try and ratchet strap a truck what's up oh yeah what do you think there Alan Jackson's gonna work oh yeah what do you figure good enough good enough surprising it didn't kind of me didn't even come with a goal they'd figure out the door that doesn't shop oh okay yeah she will be Oh Kirby yeah come here Kirby oh there's just a big ol there's a couple of them they're eatin eatin your profits er yeah good enough yeah they got her all done there the time lapse of the big buddy he walks it yeah nice then I watched dad there make some waffles there and there's one video yeah told him if you wanted to go for a drive he could come and make us some there any day that's true yeah I told look what do you got in there that he likes that much marijuana marijuana I was trying to eat the pliers just like the measuring tape Hey Christ your fatty bread or really fat one of the two Oh No Bundy just got home and we're just gonna head out you try the flax here got a little bit of a drive to where it is but it's starting to spit so hopefully it's not over there cuz I don't think she's gonna go if it ends up getting too much wetter than it already is but whatever we'll see what she does we brought a semi load of his stuffy combine last night was tough - one of his neighbors or they're gonna dry it for him and the other two combines are out there and I think he's got some his dad and his brother coming to run him so we get the three of them going that'll be pretty nice hopefully we can do some trash in here but won't see you and we get over there Sol talked again in a few well it's snowing raining like a I didn't even really try here they is dad shut er down and all it wants to do is rap on old rate Khan's combine - and spending the last full 20 minutes here now I'm trying to cut that out of it so I'm gonna turn my Columbine 21 here and try to get some light on that so we can see what we're doing and that's probably where I'll leave you for today's adventure I guess no probably not I probably don't have enough to make a video and all how keep her going a little more tomorrow or well figure it out anyway I put my sweater back on again because I didn't want to get the seat all wet play this we'll walk over there I'll show you what's going on watch your language the blade wasn't even out stupid oh gosh turn the front of the kids in there oh I'm sorry I know goddamn mess flax Emma told us and relax right Khan just loves it yeah blow a little dust out Emil puffs rate up and that'll be the end of them knock the wad oh yeah jiminy Christmas eh it is it's snowing real nice that look see look at that it looks nice against the lights of the combo real nice just need a John Deere out here be christmas time for real then nice and green wow it's rainin it's no one like a saw gonna run them both they're all three of them back together by the road and that'll be it till tomorrow I guess see what the happens it'll probably be during the night or something that a guy can actually combine while it's froze see what happens I mean you're not gonna be able to all right now as soon as it hits the ground it melts everything's just soaked real gross real nice just what a guy needs so high yes I'll run this over by the road and see what tomorrow brings at least the combines here and I'll be able to give a guy a hand if it ever mertens up a bit again and Bundy Manor homies in there all with all the other ones so that's real that's kind of nice and I guess now I got a two hour drive back home again that it really uh wasn't sure what was gonna happen today so I didn't really bring anything to it and stay here but not much point in staying if a guy isn't gonna be able to do anything till tomorrow night so I guess is what it is kind of shitty but not much he knew about it so at least he got Bundy home and this back over here anyways a little bit of its combbind I guess so whatever well I'll get her eventually so anyway I suppose make sure you go to straight pipe bakeries there see his part of this video I don't know when this one will get put up or when is will get put up probably around the same time anyways but see the ground is starting to get white that's that's nice that's dandy that oh well anyway I guess make sure you check out straight fight bakers and subscribe to him subscribe to me if you're not leave a comment like the video just like the video go yourself I don't really give a and I guess we all talk to you guys in the next one soul thanks for coming for item hopefully we can get something done in the next one thanks for watching I'm a video in us now that guy [Music]
Channel: South Sask Farmer
Views: 13,795
Rating: 4.9168663 out of 5
Id: vpB26FIZMco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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