Splitting a 3155 John Deere

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well guys right out of the gate I'm gonna I'm gonna head you off at the past I know it's an old pile of junk tractor but this is a kid that's just starting his own cow herd and it's gonna be a feed tractor his grandpa ran this tractor till it completely gave up and about maybe three years ago we give him the tractor so he can kind of get started and then he used it for a couple years and started giving it anyway what we did the first time is it it was really bad I mean it was really bad and I was trying to help too you know this kid as much as I could without going broke myself you know but the high/low unit was totally destroyed in it and we we actually got salvage parts from I think God what did we get those from Allstate AG parts anyways they used it pretty hard for a couple years again still runs good I mean it runs really good engine runs good well what's going on now is we've got no hydraulics no steering we've got charged pressure problems we did not change the charge pump when we were in there but here's what I'm so he he had the tractor and he rented it back to a feedlot that was using it for a winter trying to make some money with the equipment well I went out to the feedlot numerous times and it had some leaks back here that were really bad that we had to fix the roof I mean they ran it out of oil like four different times and one winter and what happens if you run them at all well enough it's gonna your charge pumps usually gonna get scored up and get hot and that's more than likely what happened just get under here and I'll show you what I've got going on but you know this it's an old junker but it's still it'll get him by for next couple years or he can build some money I understand it you know I started out with you know I've got a fairly good a pretty damn good service truck now which according to California aside any good because it's not missions compliant but its I think it's a wonderful truck I started out with a 1999 I'll tell you how I started out with service trucks I went and bought a had a farmer that I did some moonlighting for when I worked for the company good friend of mine and he had a he had a 1993 f250 sitting in his barn yard over there that had problems with it and he just kind of gave up on it and I said well I'll buy that pickup from you I bought the pickup from $1,500 I got it running I did a whole bunch of work on the engine got everything to work just ran like a top I even put a new catalytic converter in it went and had it I was living in California at the time I actually took it down to my Rican had a smog tested past its passed a smog inspection had a 460 in it so it had that it was a 250 so it had that dana 50 wishbone piece-of-shit front axle honored I had a Dana 60 straight axle I took that 50 and put the 60 in there and then I put some blocks in the back to get it leveled out and then I found a I found a service bed at the wrecking yard for a thousand bucks and I took the regular bed off and put the utility box it was a real nice Napa hide box this was a 250 I kind of made it into a 350 with single tires but anyways I ran that thing for two years and it got me the f-550 I saved my money I've got the f5 15 then you see what I got now so you know this you know people people sometimes on YouTube gives people a hard time because they get some piece of junk equipment but sometimes I don't think they really know what the the circumstances are behind them having that piece of equipment everybody's not born with the pile of money and can go out and buy a brand-new stuff to start out with and for a young kid that wants to go out and do something for himself and wants to take no money and tries to make something with nothing hey man more power to you and I'll help you out as much as I can so that being said here we go on this old tractor we're gonna try to get her fixed up for him again we didn't put a charge pump in it because the charge pump was absolutely fine so I think what put the nail in the coffin was them guys running it out of oil you rented it to you three or four times there's a special test plate you can take the filter let's take the transmission filter out with take your transmission now here's a warning - yeah I had a little bit of silvery stuff in here fine really fine stuff like something like you would see out of like normal where like on a gear train on a rear end or something you know that kind of silvery looking stuff laying right in the bottom no chunks you know if you got chunks of stuff and down in here when you pull this out don't do this test with this test plate because you're gonna be sending metal back through everything else because you're basically when this test plate you pull this out you're bypassing the internal filter which I'm pretty sure we're gonna be splitting it anyway okay so this test plate is right here gee I'm trying to repeat the number it's a little bit dark under here jdg 387 and I got this test plate from a guy named Mike at complete diesel service in PA and good guy anyway you gotta in and out and make sure it's going the right direction cuz it's gonna these there's arrows on the on the porch citizens pointing that way which means it's out so you know it's gonna come through here oils going that way there's a check valve here so you'll know it's cut sometimes if you if you get a low charge pressure you kind of second-guess yourself and you're wondering if you get it hooked up right because this one's hardly doing anything but I know it's doing something because my pressure gauge comes up and I can watch my needle it lose moves a little bit but I'll show you here at 2,000 rpm wide open on the throttle control here for the full meter supposed to have around 11 to 10 to 11 gallons per minute and then supposed to have seven to eight at 1500 rpm and that's what the oil hawked so I mean oils cold I'm not gonna have as much flow but I mean you should still be fairly close I mean you can you can you can tell you know even if the OL it was cold you should be able to tell that you've got a bad charge pump or not let's go ahead and another thing is I'll show you here in a minute go to 2,000 rpm [Laughter] like three [Music] [Laughter] [Music] 30 psi a charge pressure [Music] 1,500 rpm [Music] 1,500 rpm did have about seven or eight gallons a minute [Music] I'll be 80 at all five there's grateful [Music] let's crank it back up to 2,000 rpm Dean as the oils getting warmer it's getting worse [Music] so pretty much know that we okay so here's things you want to check next before you split the tractor and go after the charge pump now this this style remote I don't know there's a filter relief valve right up in here behind these I don't know if you can see it's kind of right up it's right in here we'll pull that out make sure it's not stuck wide open and then the next thing you do is I'll pretty much pull the tractor inside because I got a feeling we're gonna be splitting it and we'll have to dump all the oil out and pull the suction screen out which is right here and see if it's plugged or something and if you don't see that much or not and then the next step is to go to the go directly to the splitting the tractor in half and pulling the charge pump out of it and there's some other things associated with that that can be wrong there's some lines and stuff up inside the case that loop down around and I've seen some of the mines rub holes in them and some of them crack and the wordly the charge pump will actually suck air so there's a lot of things that go into this so the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to get this filter relief valve out of here without pulling this whole block out alright guys so I went and did the irrigation clutch repair last night I started video and this in the morning till the parts came in for that then I took off and went did that emergency job and came back last night and pressure-washed this greasy thing of course I couldn't get to the top of the transmission so anyhow I dump the oil pulled the suction strainer out and I didn't see I saw I saw a little bit of material which was intended because and what was going on here I knew it wasn't gonna be causing low charge pressure the next thing I wanted to do is pull this filter relief valve out but it's behind this SCV block selective control valve block we're going to pull this block off and and get it out of there but somebody I want to mention real quick guys if you guys like watching this kind of stuff somebody I think deserves way more way more subscribers and what he's got is a guy named David Haley I really like watching his channels he's a kind of a kick in the butt to watch he's funny he's always got something funny to say and he's really mechanically inclined he does a lot of his own work he works on big iron like Tim cows and cats and you know it's his own logging equipment forwarders out in the woods and it's really interesting I like watching you know I'm I I do a little bit of the log and stuff here every now and then and it's kind of interesting to see him because he him and and other outfits back east how they do things it's just it's just different from here and it's interesting to see how different parts of the world do different things you know in logging industry so check out David Haley just put that name in and then the last name is a chi or HL h EI l ey so david Haley and you'll you won't regret it he's a good guy so anyways I guess what we're gonna do now is we'll pull they're gonna have a constant pressure here coming off I think that's a constant pressure going to this vowel block I don't think you got to pull the remote handle to make the loader work I think that's just constant pressure and then they got the return line this is a return line it was going back and teed into the return coming off the filter head that's already loose because we got the we got the transmission filter out of it I'm gonna clean up this floor sweep that I threw under here last night so a lot soap up ice off up some of the drips that was Dripping on the floor so cleaning it up and then what we'll do is we're gonna pull this and CV valve off the side of the tractor and then pull that relief valve out and make sure that we don't have a relief valve problem before we split tractor because that's the only thing left with that kind of charge pressure problem I think the nail on the coffin on this thing was those guys running it out of oil so many times and they had that leak and it puppy probably got the pump hot you know it was probably cavitating and I might be wrong we might get in there and I've seen them but there's a charge pump sets up kind of high and I've seen the suction tube where it goes down into the case rub a hole in them and they'll sit there and just cavitate and suck air so which I don't think is happening because I dumped the oil after I ran it I mean pretty soon after I ran it and it didn't look like it was aerated usually it'll look you'll see a lot of discoloration or the oil will actually be milky because that arrow getting that oil and it'll also cause moisture in the oil so in Italy it'll make the oil look real milky so all right let me clean up the four sweep here where I can climb under here and I have to lay in that and we'll get this valve block off of here okay so we get the valve block out of the way [Music] roll pin sometimes you can grab it it's like so so far I'm not seeing a problem with this valve will double check it make sure it's [Music] Oh squares light of day there's this spool inside there in the roll pin will pop the roll pin out of it and let's go put it in the vise and pop the roll pin out of it okay with this cam rad just kind of do our due diligence here and see what you do we wanna I guess it really doesn't matter I just don't really see anything wrong with the valve I shot it too tight why sure my hand over the end here that way spring decides to pop out here I got [Music] there's a chunk of material in there but I just just not causing her problem no it's just not it was not stuck yeah we'll clean it up put it back together and then I think we'll proceed on to splitting the tractor into you there's nothing that it's gonna call us you know that's not gonna there was a little chunk of stuff in there but it's it's it wasn't causing what was going on there because I revved it up the higher I revved it to pump problem you know it's just common just experience you know when you rev it up and and you get a little more flow out of it and then you can idle it down less flow the oil warms up and gets hotter and thinner and then it works worse than it was so it's a pump problem I'm pretty certain Hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get a hold of the cravings who can get her out of her okay I got the loader frames off the next thing I'm gonna start doing is I'm gonna get the canticle front wheel drive drive shaft out you're just unbolt it on this end here a couple 17 millimeters you'll know on the 3155 everything on this metric this is a European tractor basically these 31 55s were like the the the bolts here between the transmission and the engine they're all external torques head so and they're pretty good sized ones - I'm trying to find one I could show you but you can kind of see one right - ground cable right there dark but we'll pull the drive line out and basically anything you know these are your cooler lines going near hydraulic quote cooler then you know a steering that's coming off the steering what's on this side over here then of course then hook the battery which the batteries are off the battery boxes are out of it these cables all have to come loose coming off the starter and then your heater control or if your heater hoses that will have to probably dump the water and pull the heater hoses off and then here's some more hydraulic lines during once ones a cooler in one steer and I think remember these are steering here that's steering gonna be Stern return but yeah basically anything that's gonna hold the tractor together from there to there cuz that's what we're gonna do we're gonna roll it in - so oh I'll do most of the recording when we get into the good part which is when we're splitting the tractor and when we get into the transmission well guys we've been pulling our our case hath bolts out this is your big external Torx head bolts kind of a goofy looking bolt but when I first time I ever did one of these 31:55 I had to call snap-on and because nobody in town had a external torques that big and he had sat on the truck and I said give them to me I got a whole set of himself that's actually the biggest one in the set so I got lucky all right so there's two you gotta pull the floor plate out to climb up here I'm gonna split and stand and there's two big long ones right here see them I got a mountain loose and there's one tucked up underneath this case web here back in the corner here one there it's another one right here there's three regular bolts five-eighths regular bolts on the bottom down here by the pan they go up under there and then kind of the same story on the other side let's go pull the last bolt out and I got a a block in front of the tire and one behind the tire over there and in a balk here the jack on it to support this with a jack stand behind it just in case things don't go very well and it falls at least the Jack's and we'll catch it so I've never had one fall I ain't gonna lie to ya I have had one had my head up my rear end one time and I was pretty young kid splitting the tractor I think it was my second tractor I split the place pretty pretty much it's pretty much a novice it at doing oh man I forgot to take the counterweight off the front and man it was coming apart really hard and I just never dawned on me what was going on as soon as it cleared the input shaft on the transmission as soon as that nun spline finally and I had a bar probably the part of my crank right over on its nose that was just a kid I didn't have a crane or anything or a service truck and I grabbed it I grabbed a cherry picker and I actually got it wrapped around the counterweights and raised it back didn't hurt nothing could have killed you if you weren't paying attention but I just raised it back up with the cherry picker the nose I grabbed it by the counterweights and you know just raised it up and what the heck did I do I come along get down to something and tied it down on the back end and then I tooked it then I took the counterweights off got myself out of that Jam okay I think I've got all I think I've got all the bolts out maybe kind of surprised they don't see a gap there like I thought I would see even all right let's see what we can do here this one back in the cab here you can do is get your caster wheels kind of point and I should have done that before I put tension on it but I didn't these are gonna try to turn the wrong way as soon as you start to kind of roll it apart I should have turned them around the other way and I didn't [Music] and one more to go we're a little bit nose-heavy huh okay walked away square you know you can the dealerships they got a fancy angle earn saddle but that the front wheels will sit in it'll go straight I've I'm not bragging but I just I split I don't know just probably on the videos alone I probably shown I'm probably guessing at least fifteen or twenty maybe I don't know I split a lot of tractors I've never had to use one so if you want to build one you can build one pretty easy but I just haven't had to took at the time to do that Oh our slave cylinder and our clutch
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 47,483
Rating: 4.9615178 out of 5
Keywords: no
Id: 4wvWCR3R0kI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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