Metal Gear Solid 3 - The Movie [HD] Full Story
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Channel: KefkaProduction
Views: 2,586,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Gear Solid 3, MGS3, The Movie, Movie, Longplay, All Cutscenes, Cutscenes, HD, Long, Story, Full Story, Final Cut, MGS3 Movie, Metal Gear Solid 3 Movie, Metal, Gear, Solid, MGS, In 2 hours, In 3 hours, story trailer, trailer, epiic, in 10 minutes, the boss, big boss, naked snake, snake, ocelot, shagohod, volgin, eva, zero, 720p, hd collection, collection, fan, tribute, ending, harry gregson williams, hideo, kojima, mgs3 movie, fox engine, mgs5, phantom pain, ground zeroes, new
Id: zndcY57Tijo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 260min 45sec (15645 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2013
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I really want a prologue with the boss, she is a great character and I love the voice
Holy shit I was listening to the OST while watching this. Coincidentally these lined up. Give it a listen:
Here you go
One of the side ops has you eliminate a tank unit and there was one guy I didn't want to fulton so I was forced into killing him to complete the op.
The real moment of betrayal for Jack, that he couldn't be on team bad guy
I don't like to leave them alone on the i just shoot them in the face while they're still sleeping.