The BEST Weapon in Splatoon 3 is...

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what is the best weapon in Splatoon 3 well there's no one answer everybody has their own personal best but if you're like me you've probably had several favorite weapons and just can't decide which is your best so today we'll look back at every weapon I made since Splatoon 1 first came out in hopes of finding my personal best [Music] the first weapon that I ever maimed in Splatoon way back in the Splatoon one days in 2015 was the Splat roller just the vanilla regular Splat roller now obviously the kit is a little bit different but I would say this is good enough now obviously a lot of things have changed with the roller over the years I mean the kits have been different across every single game they've added new specials they've added new Subs blah blah blah the biggest change of all though is the vertical flick we didn't have this in Splatoon one back in 2015 we had horizontal flicks only we're trying to figure out why when Splatoon first came out this was the one that I gravitated I mean we're talking about my first main weapon this was the weapon that I was like that's the one why was it roller I don't know I was delusional back then I made bad choices what can I say well here's the thing right I I clearly I've lost my touch with the roller but vertical flick has made this just so much fun it just it's a whole different play style and I think it's dope because of that oh Jesus okay all right I'm just throwing it away it used to get so frustrated just on the topic of lamenting about when I first started playing Splatoon I used to get so heated at this game especially the original Splatoon oh man it felt it was brutal man especially when I played Splatoon on a school night I would get so pissed if I lost a match and then had to go to bed because I was a child and had a bedtime I don't know maybe that was just maybe that was just me though Dan no I'm sure there's a lot of salty kids that play Splatoon even now I'm sure there's a lot of adults that could relate to it honestly nothing has really changed if I'm being honest I still experience this there's a squid plush I never noticed that it's like a little squid hat that's weird that's like making a hat designed after a naked dude would you wear that some of you would I would I need my roller main skills to come back to me dude I gotta start cooking here this is oh no no no no no no no no no no okay we're fine we're fine oh my God this is so stressful dude how did that bomb even hit me it was on a Ledge no no we ain't about to lose nice now it's score time hey come take him take him take him go go go go go go go we could do this we could do this there we go baby that's a win ggs that was the longest game of Splatoon I have ever played cheers to that right ah nothing like flounder Heights and splash-a-matic gameplay to really make you feel like a child again but the thing about the splashmatic that I find to be very interesting is that this kit has stayed the same when I became a splash-o-matic main in Splatoon 1. I used the NEOS plus because I loved burst bomb I was like burst bomb is dope this thing is nice and this weapon shoots really good so I'm all about it and then in Splatoon 2 they had the same kit with a different special but they still had the burst bombs in this one they don't have the splashmatic Neo yet but the regular splashmatic does have burst bombs and they still kept true to probably the best sub weapon available so I'm all about it gotcha oh I still got it baby hang on but still score there we go now we're making moves the splash of Matic seems to be one of those weapons that despite its entire you know ever-changing history and despite splatoon's ever-changing history this weapon is just always good you know what I mean people who may not stick to it for life except for me there's like five other weapons on this list after splashomatic that I switched to I have to adjust my play Styles like four times over today even more than that I've had a lot of mains the one thing that this video will teach you is my incredible indecisiveness when it comes to committing to a single main weapon I just I've definitely bounced all over the place especially in my earliest platoon one and Splatoon two days I don't know if any other Splatoon players especially those that played Splatoon one also experience this back before I learned that every weapon is good in its own way I thought that it was like an upgrade system so when you started playing Splatoon you got the splatter shot Junior it's like the you know wooden sword of Splatoon so to speak eventually you would just get a certain level where you got the Ultimate Weapon or whatever I don't know I thought that was the splashomatic whenever people would play with the splashmatican game I was like that's the good weapon that's one of the high level weapons I gotta I want to earn that one nice those are two in and that's the lead baby let's go splash thematic jmoji was the best jmoji I'm just saying that was my Peak era [Music] now in Splatoon 1 there was a weapon called the Bento splatterscope which was a splatterscope that had Splash wall I think the sub weapon or the special weapon was echolocator which is a long dead special weapon but you know the Splat charger is all we have in this game so this is the closest we're gonna get now I was a charger main between Splatoon 1 and Splatoon 2. for probably a total of like two years indeed for a year of Splatoon and a year of Splatoon 2. the ink conservation is probably the most difficult thing for me a lot of charge remains are very intentional with their shots they're very precise you know they only take a shot if they know it's gonna end in a kill and they have a very high shot to kill ratio right you know I mean if that's even a thing it is now I just made it up so here's the thing right I am not that I am so I am distracted by this family of jellyfish trapped in this plastic bag I'm the type of charger Mane that likes to just kind of shoot until I hit something I'm not nearly as intentional I just kind of take a shot and if it gets somebody it gets somebody if not oh well I covered some Turf I justify it by saying that it covered Turf and sometimes I get the job done other times I miss like that okay I'm gonna blame the map and say that it's not a charger friendly map that's what I'm gonna do that's what I did a lot of in Splatoon one and it worked for me then why wouldn't it work for me now you know oh there we go baby that's what I want to see that's shooting with intent legally speaking that's that will definitely not hold up in court I also haven't really gotten a kill with this special ever so maybe maybe today will be a first that's right baby they actually have the lead so we gotta we gotta get moving here hi jaymoji come on go go go go come on come on come on go go go clam ball get it get it get it get it get it score I don't care about that score I scored okay this is so bad we are not gonna get the lead oh man being a splatter scope man those were the days huh oh good no aim is on my team that'll be what are they wielding oh they're building ink brush ah they won't need it I'm sorry yo I'm sorry that was a joke please don't kill me it was a joke I promise I'll never do it again bye you run into a bomb bro I have no room to talk I've run into I just I am like magnetic when it comes to bombs which reminds me about a Splatoon one ability called bomb sniffer it would send you like it wouldn't send you a notification yeah it would send you an email text or a push notification to your phone that would say there's a bomb nearby um no it uh it was like a little thing where like that bomb would have an icon over it that I could see through walls so I would always know if a bomb was nearby and I distinctly remember my Splatoon one gear had that ability because I would just run past walls that had bombs behind them and then blow up all the time they got rid of that ability because I met a loss I don't know why they got rid of that ability I still kind of need it if I'm being honest really helps people like me who you know don't pay attention I'm alive I'm alive I need more oh my God I got the shot oh my God I got it no everyone died oh everyone died but me and I was the only guy alive and then because you're the only one alive and I didn't have a clam ball I couldn't score I hate when that happened okay next weapon the first weapon that I maimed in Splatoon 2 was the splatterscope probably because I was on my Bento kick or whatever and I wanted to continue using the splatter scope but because we just did that we're gonna try the Splat charger without the scope because you're probably watching this video thinking Jay I'm not gonna find the best weapon in Splatoon if we look at all your dumb weapons that your dumbass played over the years but maybe the splatterscope isn't for you maybe the Splat charger is your thing I don't know let's find out if it's my thing it's not spoilers but who knows I'll get them oh nice baby oh nice baby one more for the fans of course yeah it is a problem for me I got killed by squid bag I'll get them that was so personal I feel like I should write a twit longer sharing my experience about how much that hurt me I've experienced enough pain look at this guy stop get him Jay Jay come on bro just uninstall the game I I need to uninstall the game you know I have the receipt the receipt for Splatoon three maybe I should just take it back because this is disgusting oh hey oh what a shot see sometimes I can make shots like that and sometimes I make whiffs like that oh this guy is so dead oh this guy's so dead of course it's umbrella accompanied by a backflipping Blaster are you joking crusty otaku oh this guy gotcha that's what I think of you really uh I'm feeling really aggressive right now like a real charger main see I knew I still had it does this make any sense am I making any sense right now probably not who cares right I'm a charger main I don't care what you think that's actually our motto you Blaster that's our other motto very famous well-known quote within the charger community come on dog really that's how we're playing this game come on they're gonna win they're gonna win they're gonna win please I'm a charger main I know it deep down in my heart I was always a Charger player you're telling me five years ago I bought this for nothing got a scope though it's pretty dope take the scope off oh God that was close I was almost a Splat charger main for a second whoo what a relief we are now moving on to my longest era of using a weapon ever I was a splattershot Maine in Splatoon 2 for probably three years the kit that this weapon had back in the day burst bomb splash down the ultimate combination I love this weapon this was the weapon that got me to x-rank when it came out and in the spirit of such we're gonna play X battles and see if it's to oh I have a really high X power though let's just do Anarchy open just to be safe let's be safe we don't have to do maybe X in another episode we just gotta be safe that's all just be safe this was the longest that I made a weapon probably technically second to the Nautilus because I use the Nautilus a lot more I just you was a sweater Scott May there I go saying splatter Scott again who is Scott I don't I don't even know anyone named Scott it's just not the same without burst bomb and Splashdown man and I know a lot of people used to say oh Splashdown sucks and you know what I say those people yeah it did I don't really have a Counterpoint it just it did suck but I loved it and I believed in it and I think that's good enough I still feel like I use this weapon so much that when I get desperate I'm like I could just break out the splatter shot I know how to use that at least and I do I haven't lost my touch with this weapon objectively and before there's 40 comments that say and I quote damn Jay you lost your touch with this weapon shut up shut your mouth that's what I have to say to that I don't know why I gravitated towards the regular splatter shot I don't know what it was that made me come back to it it might have just been the same mentality that I had with the with the splashomatic right I was like well it shoots a lot and that helps that helps in a shooter game doesn't it nice ggs oh dude I still got the touch I still got the splatter shot touch baby a while the splattershot era may have been my longest there is only one weapon that I have maimed in recent years that I have played more than any other weapon won the most battles with dominated with the most the holy the Almighty the Nautilus on May 24 2021 I uploaded a video to my second Channel Jada Deluxe go subscribe by the way where I tried out the Nautilus and discovered that I love this weapon and every single day since then I have used the Nautilus and battle religiously let me show you what the Nautilus is all about and I am gonna go into Clan Blitz with this yeah I am gonna do that actually cause I'm brave now for some reason I don't know why I don't think we needed it but they gave Nautilus a buff in the latest patch in the time that I'm recording this it was the latest patch for whatever reason they made the firing length the time that you fire your weapon is longer now I don't know why they did that but I'm so happy about it now I picked up this weapon in Splatoon 2 and I have no idea I might have to rewatch that video but I have no idea why I picked it up I don't know what enticed me to pick the Nautilus but I was just like you know what I'm gonna try the Nautilus today and I did and I have never put it down there's a lot of unique weapons in this game but this one for some reason just speaks to me the most that being said they did kind of mess up the kit moving on to this new game they gave it rain cloud I don't know why they gave it rain cloud but they most definitely did that you know a lot of people would argue that in this in school two and three they kind of nerfed the Nautilus or as failboat would describe it they neutered the Nautilus but I don't know I think the Kit's not that bad I think it's pretty good wow I'm here gassing up the Nautilus and my awesome gameplay and I just got the floor wiped with my face what was I saying oh yeah I was talking about how dope the Nautilus is uh it's dope I think despite the fact that the kit is not what I would prefer let's just leave it at that you know um I don't think it's that bad I don't think it's that bad I actually really dig the rain cloud the point sensor I actually really dig the rain cloud I mean I could say that much okay here we go no the point Center is good if you use a lot I mean I could totally see where that crab tank is now would I be able to see him before that's Up For Debate I got you I got you brother I got you team you got nothing to worry about as long as I'm here with my true Mane I was built to be a nautilus Mane again I don't know why they buffed this weapon but I'm because of that I'm seeing a lot more Nautilus players nowadays and I think that's pretty dope we are an under appreciated Niche said everybody who means a weapon that isn't meta but but you know what but you know what I mean though every weapon deserves some recognition and the Nautilus is getting that and I think that's great ah damn it ah he pushed me off the map literally made me jump off a bridge come on bro there's no way they win it's impossible because I'm here with my Nautilus baby boom that's game over ggs the best weapon in Splatoon 3 in my opinion now I love the Nautilus let's not get this Twisted okay it's the best weapon in the game in my opinion I love it I'll always use it but every weapon is the best weapon for someone everyone has a different favorite weapon right for me it's the not but for you it might be something else now there is one weapon that I have discovered recently only in Splatoon 3 that I actually kind of like and you might like it too [Music] now I know what you're thinking really dude that's disgusting stop thinking that anyways let's play Splatoon those of you that have been watching my videos for a very very long time look at double Nautilus on the other team the moment I unequip the Nautilus suddenly there's a nautilus party that I was not invited to thanks for the invite guys anyways blaster time so here's the thing right if any of you have been watching me for a very long time first off thank you look at these Nautilus twins I can't get over this I'm gonna kill them one by one I'm sorry brother I just kind of feel bad about that anyways so you've been watching me for a long time I'd love to get to this point you would know that way back in the Splatoon one days when blasters were considered overpowered um and I guess they were to a certain degree I used to hate blasters I used to despise them the Luna Blaster get that within six feet of me I'm barfing on command on impact instant barf right nowadays I've learned something about Blasters for some reason in Splatoon 3 blasters are just so much fun to use they're so like they have a perfect balance of like they require good aim and precision but they're so satisfying when they get kills it's just oh it's just a joy to have this weapon I love it no don't get it twisted I'm not gonna give up the Nautilus for the for the for the Blaster okay what an insane villain Arc that would be I'm just saying it's fun watch this I was like it would have been really cool if I got to kill the Blaster means who have been the main sensible dude one are like oh finally dude somebody who gets us I get you guys I get it this thing is a blast and now I'm officially banned from the Blaster club for that one pun this is not acceptable Oh What a Beautiful kill Oh What a Beautiful kill ready for it oh what a beautiful kill Booyah for myself I'll take that and that's a dead guy this thing is so fun it's so there's so much power in my hands when I have this thing oh your inkvac cannot protect them last that's what I get that's what I get man I get cocky in this game and then all of a sudden Parma comes back to you it's like it's programmed into the online multiplayer of this game by the way when I say I hate a weapon I mean like I just don't like them because I can't play them you know what I mean it really is amazing how every weapon in this game for the most part is applicable in some scenario where it's good and there is no bad weapon in Splatoon and to kind of put a nice bow on everything there is no best weapon in Splatoon but these are my best and maybe for some of you guys out there they're your best too I I hope they are Nautilus fans where are you at represent okay well look at this guy Blaster fans I know where y'all are y'all are everywhere do we we see you guys all over the place there's one in this game right now I mean it's me but it's my point still stands and throw the bomb and that's a successful game of Splatoon right there if the clock were still going all of y'all would be done for you're lucky Saved by the Bell another successful day in Splatoon 3. I don't know how to end this video other than it's over bye [Music]
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 207,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaymoji, splatoon, splatoon 3, nintendo switch
Id: sKOdvSGncRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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