If Super Mario Odyssey Had DLC...

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Super Mario Odyssey has a major problem no DLC nothing both Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3 have huge DLC expansions Wrath of the what hold on breath of the wild has amazing downloadable content even Mario Kart 8 Deluxe gets the booster pass like 37 years after release and still Mario Odyssey has no new content especially new kingdoms and that's a problem no longer because a mod developer by the name of zpl has graced us with Super Mario Odyssey the kingdom pass adding nine new kingdoms with new obstacles and moons to be captured and on this channel when there is a big mod like this out there it's my job to explore it and if you want to see even more deep dives into the wild world of modding be sure to subscribe to help us get to half a million subscribers thanks there are so many custom kingdoms here I think there's nine so we're just gonna start with the very first one the tropical Kingdom right off the bat this is so cool now I don't know how many moon there actually are so we're just gonna go in and collect as many as I feel is necessary what is that is it like a durian underwater what's going on there the water I forgot that water kills Goomba stack oh there's a Survivor hold on hold on he's alive he's alive and well he's dead okay well that was that was really unfortunate I apologize that for my younger viewers who had to witness that Miracle of Life and the sweet Embrace of death are merely years apart for if you're a Goomba it's you got 15 seconds Max I knew there was a reason for the Goomba stack oh too bad I let them drown in the water violently hey there's some more victims I mean victims I mean Goombas over here the Goombas lost Moon well it wasn't very lost it seemed like all three of them found it uh it's lost now though because I stole it and use them using their bodies for my own game that's just Mario Odyssey right use someone's body for your own gain hey we got a moon I love this music it's from 3D World I think I wish I played a wind instrument right now that'd be great I do play a wind instrument it's called my vocal cords a chain chomp are you wild hang on can a chain chomp eat a Goomba we're gonna find out okay well if he's gonna miss like that yes he can and here's what he did okay I'm assuming there's something to breaking those ah There's a Moon inside them there we go happily thank you very much remains of the broken rock not much remains of it oh my God I know we didn't get everyone there's gotta be another one hidden somewhere there has to be Mario art are you okay he's probably fine right he does this too often for it not to be okay hang on hang on buddy slow your wow whoa he's in the tree oh God not cool dude good Lord give me a heart attack no he's on top of the tree there he is ah hidden in plain sight yet again boom snail guy the snail guy's right there hold on I want to say hi to him I love the Rocks here I even saw the moon on one of them that's great man oh oh I love it up there oh this is only the first Kingdom of like nine of them so there's a lot we still have yet to explore and this is just the beginning before we move on our Expeditions even like 16 moons how many did I get ow I'm trying to count dude I don't get attacked by a Goomba by getting while counting stop 13 14 15 16. I got 16. I got all the moons so we're good dude cheers to the very first Kingdom it is time we move on to the next one now on to the Candy Kingdom which I'm pretty sure is from Adventure Time probably a different Candy Kingdom but I don't know we're just gonna go anyway this is um it's very uh diabetic wow hello this is amazing look at this place ow I'm trying to look at this place all right toad what are we dealing with this time how many moons we need to find Candy Land here we have 15 moons to be collected three of them in the pipe so we'll head in the pipe now and get those over with because I want to get these out of the way oh my God it's a race track it's like a smaller sweet sweet Canyon from wait a second there's gotta be a moped somewhere right there's no way I just run on this track no I don't see a moped I think I just straight up run on this track okay if you say so who's panel they don't really work but they're there in Spring oops don't drop into the fudge you fall into the fudge you're done end of a tasty trip that's three moons so I think we got everything from that I think that's the whole section covered if this is a Mario Kart map by the way super cool should it be a Mario Kart map a hundred percent I love that it looks like sweet sweet candy but it's like different what's in here probably a moon thank you very much the donut Moon as it's probably called digging the chocolate why is that a question this is chocolate right why'd you say that like unsure chocolate it's chocolate definitely little chocolate sand see it's chocolate glad we could confirm that had me nervous for a second there because I oh look at this cake multi-layered cake oh delicious absolutely scrumptious you know what else would be delicious if there was an objective such as a moon ah there's one can't hide from me for too long only hide for so long candy cane Moon okay I see you have a defense mechanism set in place in the form of a really awkward defensive hitbox that was just really moronic of me just generally speaking come on sir you got this you got it there we go truly I can grab this Fork guy who appears to be stuck inside a cake can you help me out here there's a lot of candy in these parts there has to be a lot of moons on them I'm aware of that this is only candy wait a second thank you Fork man you may have saved me just yet aha Moon number 12 this cake looks like it's like vanilla Rock vanilla icing again vanilla cake chocolate cake cookie butter or cheese cookie vanilla strawberry vanilla chocolate very multi-layered cake not one that I would have at my wedding personally but you know what to each their own you know I'm not much of a cake guy myself I know nobody asked for this information but I'm just gonna blare it out there just because I'm not a cake guy whenever I say that people are like what do you mean Everyone likes cake cake is a universal thing no money is a universal thing I like money okay call me Mr Krabs because I like money but cake is not money and everybody likes cake but me apparently that's not true I like party cake ice cream and cheesecake which are both technically not the the least cake things that are named after cake There's a Moon two to be found actually there are three and three is a lot when you've only got 12 moons I don't know about you I don't see one I don't see two I don't see three I've gotta pee and I could go to the bathroom but I need to get some more moons okay I've looked everywhere and I do not see them so I'm gonna throw in the towel because I want to see them I want to see more of the kingdoms all right Candy Kingdom I don't remember this from I don't exactly remember looking like this from Adventure Time but you know what it's done and done because we can move on to the cave Kingdom next this should be interesting hopefully this you're gonna crash okay let's just let's all pretend that we didn't see that and move on to the cave Kingdom floating Goombas don't think I don't see that there's a lot of goombas here so I'm just gonna get the biggest Goomba stack I can possibly get oh it's like an underwater too oh this is a little bit creepy what is the maximum height out for a Goomba stack I could just keep going this is a tall Goomba stack dude I can't I don't think they get any higher than this I think I've collected every Goomba that's even here what do I do with this now all right I don't think this Guma stack is gonna make it off these islands because this thing cannot jump but I can do the most satisfying thing I have ever done in this video game oh the dopamine release that I get from that wait you were hidden this whole time I didn't even see this you're gonna dice alone just because of that was really messed up this cave is making me do horrible things what happens in the cave stays in the cave it's a little foggy under here maybe this is salt water um I can't see a damn thing I do have the hiccups but I do see that Moon I'm gonna go ahead and grab it oh not a good time any hiccups moon in the water focus on my breathing these hiccups don't get worse because if they get worse I'm just going to be in hiccup hell I don't want to go to hiccup hell I don't want to do that I don't think I deserve it frankly oh this could be a good one it has potential to be a very good Goomba stack five I'll do I'll do you one even better bro 15. just give me a sec this is what nightmares look like I'm I'm actually too big to walk in certain parts of the cave oh you need five how about how about 20 Goombas is that enough I think it is cave Goomba stacking that is certainly what I did that's the most exciting part of this level if I'm being honest my question is there's holes at the top of this cave Hannah wait a minute can I exit the cave no way I could I can I could just exit oh I can't exit whoops I need to get my stack back Goombas are you guys okay are you guys are you guys good oh they're just walking as a unit oh my God it's time for the ultimate satisfying Mario Odyssey moment from oh they're respawning oh I was like bro no way there were more Goombas than I didn't know about them I saw a shiny patch somewhere around here did you now you're just gaslighting me is this a gaslighting snail what's a gaslighting snail doing in a cave hate Gaslight snails oh there's a moon right there okay well he wasn't technically wasn't lying I guess I haven't been in this area thank you very much 13 14 15 that's 15 that's every single Moon we got him cave Kingdom consider yourself conquered [Music] so windy about this place oh I say okay suddenly the name the windy Kingdom makes complete sense oh music from the Zelda I like oh you know you know what time it is baby Goomba stack in time can gumastex float by the way nope okay goombastax for some reason are way too heavy maybe Goombas are just filled with lead oh there's a terrified man here get away from me he's just scared of the Goomba stack he's scared of the potential that we have that's all it is I'll talk to him later I'll confront him another time all right Goombas time to time to get hold on I can collect the music and the Goombas at the same time who says I can't have the best of both worlds hold on hold on hold on hold on Buddy wait your goddamn turn Jesus Goombas are Fierce that is a weird looking tree everybody join join the party join the you're so invited all of you guys are invited don't you dare jump off the map why don't you dare fall off I swear oh you idiot you could have been part of something greater this might actually have more than the cave did at this point like this is a lot of goombas dude I can't believe there's no limit because you know in the vanilla game like they don't put 40 Goombas in the same level so they don't they're like I guess they're like we don't need to make a cap to the Goomba count then the mod Dev steps in and puts 600 Goombas in one Park oh Jay don't die now is not the oh this is a really tall Goomba stack 36 come on number 37 wait wait wait wait wait if I step on this I'll get full health which is kind of what I need right now go okay I got it 37 38 there we go we actually get 40 Goombas this is so not this is like the most the world's best side quest I'm playing right now 42. ah there's 43 get him oh my God and get the moon for health the moons are just the moons are just held at this point so my goombastack can get taller yo if we get 50 Goombas in a stack I'm actually popping off oh the wait wait wait wait I think there's several four wait 47 hold on hold on 48 here we go here we go here we go oh there's so many dude 49.50 51. oh my God 52. 55 . look at the shock wave as it goes up I can't even see the top at this point you can't see the top or the bottom I mean you can see the bottom oh my God 60 Goombas I'm not even focusing on the moons at this point let's go over here and not get hit and get this Moon so I can get sick no my gold bus I can save them I can save them I can get them back hold on oh this is not good my group of stacked up 60 Goombas just focus on the bottom one he's the one that's that's grabbing them this is I hope we got all 62 63 I don't know if we did but we definitely got a bunch no they keep there's got to be a limit then I flew too close to the Sun and now my insane Goomba stack is in shambles all right you know I give up on the Goomba stack thing okay you know what happens I can't help but I have to keep doing it it's just so much fun all right this is looking good here we go here we go oh my God that was like a billion that was like a billion we had 60 earlier but that that was a billion whoa this is um not expected I wasn't expecting Mario Galaxy level okay I guess I got it the planet's core this is from Mario Galaxy whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm a parkour master I am an absolutely legendary parkour master I'm just gonna wait here until I see it again it's rotating two goddamn fast I can't see what's happening nice rotating Planet two of two rotating Moon two of two sorry okay we can get out of here because I don't like this place it scares me gives me nausea I really want to see what's down the pipe you don't you don't though it's not you don't want to go oh shoot a little embarrassing I request that everyone closes their eyes and looks away for that part of the video thank you and then ride this wind over here and then we get the moon okay there we go I did it these look like giant pillars of Ginger by the way anyway how many moons is that it's a relevant information but I thought I'd say it 1670 that's every single moon right there baby that is every single Moon take me back to the Odyssey I didn't think I would get every Moon actually that was really good right when I was about to give up I found the remaining ones that's dope all right sweet next Kingdom Here We Come we are not even halfway through the Super Mario Odyssey Kingdom pass DLC and there's still so much more to explore too much to fit into one video stay tuned for part two coming soon and if you haven't subscribed already now's a good time to do it so you don't miss when it goes up thank you [Music]
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 70,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaymoji, nintendo switch, mario odyssey
Id: A8YrzL1-3dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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