Satanic High Priest Comes Face to Face with Jesus | John Ramirez | Something More

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[Music] [Music] DC: Welcome, everyone, to "Something More." I'm Donna Chavis and my guest today used to be known as the son of the devil. Well, no longer if you know John Ramirez, John. Now you are- JR: I am a son, the follower of Jesus Christ. DC: Kicking the devil- JR: All day, every day. Kicking the devil, eviction notice. DC: [Laughs] Amen. Well, you know, if anybody knows your testimony, you were a high priest in satanism, a satanic high priest. JR: I was more like a satanic high priest. But my rank was a general in the kingdom of darkness. DC: Wow! I was a general in the kingdom of darkness. Nothing moved, nothing operated in the spirit realm unless I was involved. DC: My, my, that's, that's so hard to believe. Knowing you now, because you're just full of the power and the love of God. I don't know if everybody knows your story. Let's start there. Well, give me a little background. Your childhood? JR: Well, my childhood I mean, I grew up, the leadership in my father's side of the family, it was all witches and warlocks. And we practiced spiritualism, Santeria and Santeria, they, they call it worship of saints. And they're just, that's just sugarcoating it because in the background, the back door of Santeria is worship of demons. And I grew up, at the age of seven. You know, I at the age of seven, I knew that I used to see my father, my father was worshipping the devil in the home. He had, he had a room that he would go into and worship the devil. You could feel the presence of the devil in that room. I would, I would stand by, not far. and I'd look into the crack of the door. He left it kind of open and now I'm a seven-year-old looking in and see this, this, this, thing in the room that was so ferocious, and the fear would just grip me. And I would just run into the living room and my father would come out of there and then he would put the living room on fire and he'd take me, my brothers, and jump us all over the fire. And he said, that was good for us. And before you know it, you know, I was just so wrapped into the occult. And from the age of eight years old to the age of thirty five, twenty five years of my life was going into the occult from devil worshipping, from demonic church, going to be trained by witches in warlocks how to be a, how to move in the spirit realm. DC: Yes. And I know I probably asked myself, how does someone get into something like that? But your father was very abusive, and you didn't feel any love from your father. JR: No, no, not, not at all. You know, I think I think that, you know, the love that the love of the father is so important in every family and that was not the case in my home. My home, the love of my father was absent. Not only absent. You know, my father would still be home, and he'd still be absent because my father didn't know how to love. DC: Right. JR: Because he was never loved. So, he didn't know how to love us, me and my brothers. So, we wanted that recognition. You know, hey, you know, go to the baseball game, go out to the park and play catch up and go take the bike or, or take us to a Yankee game or do something with us or, you know, we came with the report cards home. Or, you know, maybe a pat on the shoulder, a hug. There was there was nothing like that. So, so, that was so absent. It was so, so empty. DC: It makes you desperate, doesn't it... for acceptance. JR: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. DC: For acceptance, for love. JR: Acceptance. I mean I think we all do. I think the young, old, in between, every person is looking to be loved. DC: Mm-hmm. And you actually did some type of a ceremony to be inducted into this cult. JR: You know, I was you know, people don't know this. And I said, I've shared this a very few times, but I was, I was, even though my father was practicing, my father practiced witchcraft for many years, my aunt was still a witch. She practiced witchcraft, she's still into witchcraft, my aunt. and in Santeria and spiritualism. [Unintelligible]. My, my, just to say this. My induction to the, to the occult was at the age of seven. I was in a playground schoolyard playground, Brooklyn lot where the building was demolished, and I was standing there, and this necklace fell from the sky. And from the second heaven, and it hit the ground. And it was the colors. It was, it was called, the seven, it was called the seven colors of the dark side, or the seven powers of the dark side, is the seven powers of the dark side. When it fell on the ground, I took the necklace, I put in my pocket because I wasn't afraid, and I didn't want them to take the necklace. And I heard my mom's voice. And I think I know that was my mom's because I was miles away from my house. My mom couldn't scream that loud. It said, "Johnny, come home!" So, when I went home, I put the necklace on and that was indeed my induction from the first and second heaven where the principalities reign and rule. And then from there, I was ushering by humanity, my dad and my family. I was ushered into Tarot card reading, Tarot card reading at the age of eight. And that's how I got inducted from the age of eight. Thirty-five years old, I was engulfed in the dark side. DC: And when you say a General of the dark world of darkness, you actually would astral project yourself. You- sacrifices, what, what kind of things? JR: Animal sacrifices, cutting, drinking animal blood, drinking your own blood. You have to cut yourself and drink your own blood. Going, going, doing different ceremonies. Different, different territory demons. Grand demons, principalities, knowing their rituals and the ceremonies and knowing the language, a demonic language and moving into the ranks of the demonic round deeper and deeper and deeper as the devil allows you to move in trust issues with deeper secrets of the demonic side. So, in that alone, I moved up to the, I mean, I got married on Halloween night, a demonic wedding on Halloween. That was my true marriage on Halloween I got a demonic wedding, Halloween. So, so moving into the ranks and then the devil allowing you and then making different, different contracts with different demons. That, that had the powers to take your soul out of your body and astral project. So those contracts, I did all the ceremonies and the witchcraft for, till there was no more ceremonies to do. I even did the last ceremony, I did before I came to the Lord Jesus Christ, was called Sanse which is a Haitian ceremony that they, they, they, close the ceremony with ice bucket of water. They do that. And that was the last ceremony. And in my last meeting with the devil was I went to a meeting and I was still between two worlds. And I went to the meeting and the devil came down. At the meeting after twelve o'clock. And he said, "My son," in demonic language. He said, "My son, could I talk to you?" I said, "Sure." And I wasn't even there because I was so numb. And I was so numb trying to wrap my mind around, DC: Yes, yes. JR: Which direction I wanted to go. And he said, "You know, why God threw us out of heaven?" And I said, "No, I don't. I don't know." He said, "Because God was jealous of us. And that's why He threw us out of heaven." And then the devil left. And I walked home at 4:00 in the morning. It was 10 degrees. I didn't feel nothing. DC: Wow. JR: And from there, you know, Jesus Christ appeared. DC: Yeah. Let me ask you one more question before we leave that. When you were talking about astral projecting around neighborhoods, countries, even. JR: Regions. DC: Regions. Yes. And speaking curses and putting curses on, on people. You said and then, and then sometimes you would see a different scenario when you were doing this. And it was people in their homes and they were praying and speaking the Name of Jesus and, and, JR: God showed me the spirit realm because the thing, see, the devil's got, the devil is very powerful. You know, it's undeniable. Let's say that. But he doesn't have the right power against Christians. So, I would astral project leave my body, go around wherever the devil, wherever the demonic demon had a contract with. That's what they call a civil court, because some of course not a civil court. A civil court is not a civil court, it's a contract. [unintelligible} of what you make. So, when used to leave and go over these regions, I would curse nine out of ten regions, I would curse. The poverty spirit, homosexual spirit, witchcraft spirit. Alcohol spirits. I would straighten out the corners, the four corners of that region because it represents the four corners of the world. I would curse it, make it stronger. So, there were no way that they can preach gospel there. So, I would do all these things. But there was a set of Christians. There was a group of Christians. I called them special ops, [Music] DC: Special ops, JR: Spiritual snipers. They know how to pray. Spiritual warfare. DC: So, what would happen when you would encounter that? When you would see them? JR: When I would come in, into that region, I would come into the neighborhood. I would come in. And I was already in the spirit and I would set up to kill steal and destroy everything and just reinforce the devil's work in that region. And I would see a group of Christians holding hands in a circle. A circle means unity. You can't break that unity. You can't break that. There's power in unity. You know, there's power in unity. You can command a blessing, in unity. So, they had a unity going on. And I know they were the church, because they would dress funny. DC: [Laughs] JR: So, they would dress funny, had long clothes. You know, I knew I knew, though, that they were not devil worshipers. I knew. And they would pray and the power of their prayers. The, the arsenal that was coming out of their mouths would paralyze me and would push me back and would chase me out of that neighborhood. And I was so frustrated because I knew that the devil was going to be disappointed with me that night because I didn't accomplish nothing in any area. In a neighborhood. That region. That country. DC: Wow! Wow. Well, we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, [Music] John is going to tell us about a time where he ran right into a power that was greater than the one that he served. We'll be right back. [Music] [Music] DC: Welcome back to "Something More." I am here with John Ramirez and John; I want to make sure we don't move too quickly past what you just said before we went to break. When you were astral projecting all around these different regions to, to put curses on them and you would encounter believers. I just want believers to know how powerful that was. JR: You know, at times the enemy tricks you. He, he, he puts it in your mind that your prayer's not working. That your prayers not being effective because a lot of times we focus too much in the natural. But God is a supernatural God. And I believe every prayer works. And, you know, so, so these group of Christians that I encountered when I used to astral project, where there was another country or region or neighborhood. They knew, they knew that their prayers were powerful. Nothing comes back more, when you put the Name of Jesus. Nothing. Nothing comes back empty when you put the Name of Jesus. And nothing comes back undone when you put the Name of Jesus. Your prayers work. Your prayers are fearless. Your prayer's unmovable, unshakable, all powerful. Your prayers are like a nuclear bomb dropping into the devil's camp and the devil- You bring back the devil to the Flintstone ages. He will have nothing to accomplish, anything grip you or anything that he can do. When you start to pray. And one thing I give an example, my daughter was very- going through a lot of stuff. And now, one thing, one thing, this is, this is, this is the strategy that I had. I would say Lord, what about my daughter? What about my daughter? My daughter is fragmented. My daughter, she's not saved. My daughter, you know, she speaks, she speaks wordly. She will curse me. She will curse at me. And that was you know, and one thing I've learned in my prayer language, in my prayer life, I've learned. The Lord said, "Take care my house and I'll take care yours." DC: That's good. Yeah. JR: And, and when I went out, I started doing altar calls. All little people, all kids. I started to pray over them. Pray over and pray over them. I will pray everywhere I go. I would do altar call for all people, every churches and every- And what I'm saying with this is the power of prayer- that the devil can't do nothing because the devil got power, but not power against a real believer. And now I started to pray. And I start to pray for the people. And I start to do things for the other teenagers and other kids. And know what? God. Now, today, my daughter calls me for prayer. DC: That's awesome. JR: My daughter calls me to look for spiritual, for godly wisdom. And today, I have such an amazing relationship with my daughter. And I'm saying this that you can, you know, one thing. Pray for your neighborhood. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for your community. Go around. If you see things in your neighborhood that aren't Godly. Lift them up and pray to the Lord. "Today, we shut this down in the Name of Jesus." Lord, I pray that this place will become a church a front for a church, Lord. Pray into the atmosphere. Pray into your neighborhood. Pray into your region. Pray to your community. Change the atmosphere in your community, change your neighborhood. And God will change your family. DC: Yes. Wow! Tell me about how that transformation happened to you. You had met a girl. You liked the girl. She invited you to church. So, you're like playing the church thing but weren't willing to give up the demonic thing either. So, you kind of found yourself maybe, JR: Betwixt. Two ways. DC: Right. So, what happened? JR: So, I was committed to one and falling in love with the other one. And then when the girl was, I think the girl was, she was something that God used at the moment because I was like, well, I go in relationship for her, she lived right in my neighborhood. I don't have to move my car. So, I thought, you know, I said, gosh I said, gosh, I don't have to go far. We can walk around the neighborhood, get something to eat or whatever. And that was my, my thinking because I wasn't involved in the witchcraft for us, for her. I'm not into witchcraft, I wouldn't lead to witchcraft for my girl, my mom, my daughter. I'm here to the end. I know I'm going to hell, but I don't really care because you know what? I'm going to finish everything I need to finish. The devil wants me to finish. And that was my mindset. You know? And somehow the girl says, "Hey, you know, we got together." And she said, "So, if I stop dating people. And you stop dating, people, and we date each other." So, Okay. "Well, you know, you're convenient. You live two minutes away so that it works for me." And she's very pretty. I'm taking nothing away from that. But the thing was, that was God's plan. And I came to church. And when I came to church, I asked the devil permission first. I asked the devil permission because you had to ask the devil permission for every step of the way. So, I sat down that night. I spoke to the devil, the presence of the enemy, came to the room. I said, "Some girl invited me to church, should I go?" And he said, he said, "Go, those people are weak." DC: Ohhhhh! JR: "They're weak people. You can go. You got more power than they do. So, I went to church. Then some, lots of stuff happened after that. DC: But when you got into that place where you were feeling pulled, you know, the demonic. And then, you know, this introduction to true Christianity and believers. I mean, you got to the point where you, you wanted out of something to where you are even thinking of committing suicide. JR: Yes, you know, it came to a point, it came to a point. I got demon possessed in church. I grabbed the pastor by the throat. I picked them up in the air. I said, "I came to kill you today." The pastor couldn't breathe, the pastor was turning purple and people who rushed, all these men rushed and tried to take me off from him. Other people went into spiritual warfare, praying for me, a person that, you know, you should of hated A person that you should have been grossed and disgusted, why he's here in church. This person is the enemy. "Well, well, we have to pray for him." And people went into spiritual warfare praying for me at that moment. It happened twice and then I would feel like I was being torn by the enemy this way, and, but I was feeling like I was being torn by the Lord Jesus Christ this way. And I was losing my mind. So, I said, "Well, maybe I'll commit suicide. I can leave my daughter the insurance because I love my daughter." Because of how messed up I was. I loved my daughter. I didn't know how to love her, but I loved her. And I shall leave her the money. I'll commit suicide. I sat on the bed that October night and I felt God was still, God was still trying to get a hold of me. But it was so hard to shake the love of Jesus. It was so hard. I mean. It was so even to the point, I came from a club one night, to just make a long story short. There was a man in a wheelchair, and the devil said, "Attack him!" And I tell the man, "You got in the wheelchair because it is," I said, "It's a false prophesy." Um, I had a guy that was a New York City Narcotics Police officer. This guy was hardcore. He started to cry. I said, "I'm not going to hang out with you anymore, you're a sissy." So, I walked away, and I went home that night. And in my bed, I said, if I commit suicide, the devil can't get me, and Jesus can't get me. So, my daughter would get the money. And I said, then I just I just said it like this, I said, "God, I don't know who you are, Jesus, whatever they call you, I don't want to be part of you. I said, "Where were you when my mom was getting beat up? Where were you when my brothers and me went hungry? Where were you when my brother and me was wearing the same outfit, the same clothes to school for three years. Where were you when my mother was getting beat up all night long? You didn't show up. You left me at the schoolyard. DC: Yeah. JR: As a little boy, you passed me by at the schoolyard. I said, You don't love me. I'm going to finish my course with the devil. DC: And did you really? John, did you really say to God, "You either prove to me who you are or leave me alone." JR: Yeah, I did, because that was it. I was up to here; I was up to here. This is the first time I was feeling depressed. The first time ever I was in depression where I would dance to the commercials. I'll be in every club, I was in, and that was up to here already. I was I. I said, "Listen, I don't know what they call you, Jesus, God, whatever your Name is, leave me alone. If you're not going to prove to me that you're not bigger than my daddy, the devil, then leave me alone. I don't want nothing to do with you. I renounce all this stuff. I don't want nothing to do with you. I told you. Leave me alone." And I fell into this deep sleep like Adam. And now, I mean Jesus took the Pepsi Challenge. He showed up. And I left my body. I left my body for the first time ever, like never in my life. I used to astral project. Like I have more mileage than any airline. Astral project so much. I was so addicted to astral projecting, I would astral project during the day. That's how, you're supposed to astral project at night only. I was so hooked on astral projecting that when I left my body that night. And then it ended up in this place that has an address called Hell. I walked the portals of hell. I was on a train that was hell bound. I left my body and I ended up in a train, hell bound. And the train hit hell. In such power and such speed. That speed is not even described on the earth. That's how fast I was going to hit. Opened the doors. I stepped out into hell and I said, "I don't belong here." And when I stepped on the grounds of hell, it was breathing. And I saw people from the occult in hell that were still alive on the earth saying that they're not going to make it. And I walked the portal of hell and the cross of Jesus Christ showed up. The devil tried to kill me in hell, but the cross protected me. I came back into my body in nineteen ninety-nine. I knew that I was my only chance that God was giving me to surrender my life, to the Lord Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ said, "I always loved you." Wow! DC: And that is exactly what John did. He surrendered his life and now, look out devil! [Music] Because John Ramirez is ready to evict you. We're going to be back in just a moment with more from John Ramirez. [Music] [Music] CD: Welcome back to "Something More," everyone. I'm here with John Ramirez, and as you just heard, John was miraculously and powerfully saved. And John, now you are like a coach that knows all of the strategies in the whole playbook of the enemy. So, what are you doing with that? JR: You know, I today, you know, I sit in the office as evangelist. I travel the world, preach. The Lord has given me a ministry to work. I would say God, giving me something to glorify His Name. And I always say when I leave the earth, I'll make Jesus Christ, Proud and the devil will rejoice that I left a battlefield. And I know the plans and the schemes and the wilds, and the patterns and cycles of the kingdom of darkness. See, the kingdom of darkness works in patterns and cycles. That's why you see people get free. Six months later, they're back in the same situation because there's patterns and cycles that the enemy has a grip on that person. Whether it's fear- you know, fear starts with worry and your worry starts with panic. And panic turns into fear. DC: Yes. JR: And it just trickles down like, like, like a ripple effect. And I am teaching believers. I'm teaching people all over the world that you can give fear an eviction notice. You can cut the rope. You don't have to live in fear. You don't have to be tormented in your mind over something that is temporary. Storms don't last. And I got the playbook of the enemy. How you can break away. And be set free. DC: Yes. Yes. Well, I want you to pray before we leave. I'd like for you to minister to those that might be suffering from any type of fear today. And then also a salvation prayer for those that want to know this powerful, powerful God. JR: Amen, amen. So, I just, I just want to just, I just want to speak to your heart today. You know, I, I grew up in a place that was broken, fragmented. I grew up in a place that were, the pieces were missing. And the only person I know how to put the puzzle together, I think He's the Master Architect of your life. It's Jesus Christ. All you have to say. You could say like John Ramirez said, hey, if you're for real, show me. Wherever you are. You can say, Lord, show me. And these are simple prayers. Say Lord, you know, forgive me for my sins and be my Lord and Savior. Come into my life and write my story. And I believe that God would take that challenge. He will write your story. And I just want to pray for people tonight. I just want to pray for people today that, you're gripped by something. You are paralyzed by something. And a lot of times we, a lot of times, we grow old, but we don't grow up. A lot of time we're stuck in a place that we should have been further up ahead on down the road. And I'm praying for you today in the Name of Jesus Christ, because that's the Name that's above every name. So if you're oppressed, depressed, if you're going to suicide thoughts, if you're going to fear, anxiety, whatever situation, there is a Name that is above every name that we just mentioned, that Name is the Lord Jesus Christ. Every name has to bow down to that Name. So Father, in the Name of Jesus, today, we paralyze, we break, destroy, dismantle, uproot, we curse at the root in the Name of Jesus Christ right now, fear and any demonic, satanic attack over anyone right now that is listening. We paralyze the devil's camp. We confuse their language. You let those devils attack one another, the Name of Jesus. I set your family, free, set you free. Whether you have infirmity. DC: Yes. JR: You might have cancer. You might be in a place that you think that you're done, but you're not done. It is a beginning, a new beginning. So, Father, right now we put the devil on notice in Jesus Name and we break these demonic powers over every person. Over every person that is listening to the sound of my voice. God, this is a divine appointment to set people free. So, we thank you, Lord, for the freedom and the healing, [Music] and the deliverance power of Jesus Christ. Amen. DC: Yes. Amen, John, thanks for being with us. JR: Thank you so much. Amen. DC: Thank you for watching "Something More" today. Hope you'll join us next time. [Music]
Channel: ISN – It's Supernatural! Network
Views: 1,559,243
Rating: 4.8724203 out of 5
Keywords: John Ramirez, satanism, church of satan, high priest of satan, son of satan, supernatural, Jesus, general of darkness, prayer, faith, Holy Spirit, God, ISN, Something More, It's Supernatural! Network
Id: 7Yr8l4Ud9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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