Spirits of Griffintown - World's Scariest Hauntings - S01 EP4 - Paranormal Documentary

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foreign [Music] ghosts appear in many forms see them what was that we can hear them I am not afraid and sometimes we can even feel them we've gone around the globe in search of the most terrifying spirits and supernatural beings who continue to live on long after their deaths on world's scariest hauntings anything can happen because you never know who's watching when the lights go out in this episode a trendy neighborhood built on top of a mass burial site as soon as you unearth bones you're gonna have some kind of backlash from that memories of a troubled past hang in the air they're so vivid you can almost touch them I was kind of in a state of disbelief I kind of felt Shivers crawling up my spine and I felt pretty uneasy the streets of Griffin town in Downtown Montreal are haunted by a bevy of terrifying spirits the ghosts of Mary Gallagher is said to return here every seven years to look for her head where is it where is that bucket where is that head [Music] [Applause] [Music] Cosmopolitan Montreal in Quebec Canada is an unlikely setting for a series of ghost stories but hiding away in the modern world is a small neighborhood with memories of a traumatic past [Music] Metropolis but the Swanky apartment blocks and restaurants can only paper over the cracks of a torrid history where famine disease and murder were regular occurrences [Music] Anton golikov runs paranormal tours of the Haunted area known affectionately by the locals as the Griff there's ghosts everywhere I think it's a ghost town right all the people that got evicted everybody that just uh had to leave you know a lot of them died a lot of them passed away here because they had nowhere to go they didn't have any money they couldn't move to the other side of the canal this whole neighborhood was ravaged so there's a lot of old souls that still permeate this area [Music] it's not uncommon to hear of an entire area that is considered to be haunted and in the case of Griffin Town it would sort of fit that blueprint very well because there's so much troubled history to the location so it makes a lot of sense that people might feel that there's something sort of haunted to the area [Music] people often report maybe somebody watching them from behind a curtain or looking in through the new windows from outside the street or sounds coming from the pipes just something is there [Applause] in recent years gentrification has turned the once industrial location into one of Montreal's wealthiest neighborhoods but many believe that the seemingly endless construction work has woken the Dead [Music] Griffin town is undergoing lots of Redevelopment at the moment it's becoming a new Metropolis there are bones being dug up and there are spirits that are seemingly now Restless as a result of all this Redevelopment and building works any kind of change to the spirit's natural place or habitat or their home affects them very much as it affects us so all the spirits that you know aren't laid to rest or the spirits that have passed down there the spirits that it was their home I definitely think it would affect the supernatural nist that happens on the land a lot of the residents also around these parts they feel like there's a presence you know particularly in the basements and the foundations of the buildings so you know you build a new Foundation like there you know you dig a hole but sometimes you find bodies bones all kinds of surprises one of the spirits who remains very much alive in the local psyche is Mary Gallagher a local prostitute who lived in an apartment on the corner of William and Murray streets in Griffin town the house has been demolished for a while but the story remains you'd often see people sitting in lawn chairs on the evening of the anniversary of the death of Mary Gallagher and oftentimes what they'll see is a headless corpse walking around kind of ambling probably looking for its head some Spirits like to show themselves on dates of significance such as anniversaries birthdays or even the date they died it's fairly common and there are examples of like gray ladies red ladies and those kinds of apparitions historical apparitions seen in notably haunted locations on exactly the same date every few years Mary's story dates back to June the 27th 1879. Mary Gallagher and her friend Susan Kennedy went out for a bar hop and they went all the way down to the Old Port which is a bit of a walk away from here and it came across this one man named Michael Flanagan very robust drunk Irish man sitting in a bar by himself drinking whiskey perfect client you know perfect person to bring over with them and uh they started working their charms on him the trio headed back to 242 William Street now the story has many different angles the best witness the most reliable witness was a woman that lived downstairs she was a housewife and that morning as she heard first of all a scream followed by just this whacking sound this continuous kind of whacking into a wooden floor right above her dinner table and she looked up and she saw a little hole start to form in the wood and a little bit of blood started dripping down through this new hole in her ceiling later that day the police found the lifeless body of Mary Gallagher the strangest site that they saw actually was near the bed there was a bucket and in the bucket was her head so it was a headless corpse bleeding all over the floor There Was X marks on the wall ax marks on the floor so the body had been chucked and actually that's what caused this hole to form in the lady's ceiling despite a lack of evidence it was Susan Kennedy who was imprisoned for the rest of her life for the murder of Mary Gallagher the one thing to keep in mind here is that Susie was a little bit jealous of Mary Gallagher they had this very keen professional relationship but on the personal level there was a little bit of jealousy between the two of them everybody kind of claimed innocence in this case but the police pinned the murder on Susie Kennedy because of these stories of jealousy because of these other clients that had witnessed these two women fighting despite being brutally murdered over 130 years ago Mary Gallagher still visits her now unrecognizable home we often hear ghost stories in general this sort of notion of a an angry Spirit or a spirit that holds a grudge and perhaps they've been murdered or they've been an event that they felt they'd been wronged and until the spirit can avenge it then it's it's not able to ascend to wherever it's going to go next the ghosts of Mary Gallagher is said to return here every seven years to look for her head that is no longer on the second floor where is it where is that bucket where is that head [Music] before Griffin Town existed the land was a Portage route for Native Americans after the British arrived in 1760 the area eventually fell into the hands of an anglo-irishman named Thomas McCord while Thomas McCord was on a business trip back to England get a very unscrupulous partner that sold his own land to a certain Mary Griffin where the name Griffin Town comes from the underhand founding of Griffin town in 1799 is very much in keeping with its history ever since [Music] Griffin town is kind of a portrait of Montreal a lot of demographics a lot of different peoples came through here in the 1840s there was a big influx of Irish immigrants and became a shanty town basically one of the biggest Shanty towns in North America [Music] maimed an impoverished area of Montreal this place was eventually rezoned by the mayor of Montreal in the 60s and because of that we saw one of the mass deportations of people from a neighborhood and from what was a large population of 85 thousand people went right down to about two thousand one thousand people a lot of The Unwanted things were brought here to Griffin town and dumped into this canal with such a checkered history it's no surprise that the ghosts of the past have been awoken I think that this place like I said has seen a lot of tragedy it's seen a lot of death from disease from crime just a lot of suffering a lot of people suffering Still Remains here the energy is still very heavy you could walk down the street and feel like something is following you and that's probably the past that's following you a past full of Anguish that refuses to be forgotten in Downtown Montreal you'll find one of Canada's most haunted regions founded in 1799 Griffin Town sits uncomfortably in the modern world a neighborhood with a dark past the Lachine Canal is the lifeblood of the district known as the Griff in the 1850s as whole place expanded the canal actually grew for bigger shipping uh bigger boats that would pass through here see the swing Bridge which is behind me over here and it connected Point Saint Charles which is on the other side to the Griffin town which is here the Wellington swing bridge is no stranger to tragedy and Supernatural sightings on the bridge it's been reported that there's a ghost of a little boy that is walking along the bridge to the very very edge of it right on the left over there he's wearing a suit he's well dressed he's uh looks like he's returning from church or something like that and he seems to be in a rush he seems like he's going somewhere in a rush and he starts to run at one point at the end of the bridge and then he jumps and just disappeared so we don't see him anymore don't know if he maybe he's fallen or something it looks like he's just gone reports from September 1908 tell of the 13 year old boy's horrific death so the operator in this building over here pulled the lever the bridge went to its position right like that and the boy was waiting in the middle of the bridge for all the shipping to pass and then as the bridge started to turn he started to run and he wanted to jump onto the embankment over here and unfortunately he fell and he got crushed as the bridge came into place [Music] they called the local doctor here you know people took a look at this kid he was dead [Music] his name was Arthur Carr and they put out a notice you know Arthur Carr dead at the Wellington swing bridge and nobody claimed his body his parents never came there was no family that came to claim him the theory is that his Spirit Still Remains here untouched and still tries to cross this bridge every now and then the boy that's seen frequently running across the bridge in a sort of reenactment of what happened the day he died so that would be considered a residual ghost it's sort of the notion of something being played out over and over again I think you could say that would be linked to the weight of the tragedy of the event which is you know it was a a young boy that was killed in in quite terrible gruesome circumstances and B that apparently his parents weren't around or no one ever claimed the body so I think that a story like that is retained in the public Consciousness for a very long time and that you know would contribute to this idea if it apparently instead of being seen quite often makes a lot of sense to me because he's waiting for somebody to probably come get him and show him the way home you know can you imagine being a little kid and losing you know your place or where you were or not knowing where your parents are and being stuck in almost your own Cosmic Loop of trying to figure and find out and being scared and so that's definitely why he's still there and that's just so sad he needs a spirit rescue Anton has experienced the ghost of Arthur Carr first hand while taking a paranormal tour around the canal [Music] we were standing around here and I was telling the story about the boy getting crushed right over here and as everybody peered over the side a big splash came in the water didn't make any sense it was like an upward Splash it wasn't like something fell in but like something was trying to come out we all witnessed this nobody threw a rock or anything there was no there's no reason for that to happen you know just kind of acknowledge the fact that maybe the spirit still does live around these parts obviously a tragedy has happened on that bridge that poor boy lost his life so he will still be trying to make that jump now as a spirit child he'd still be trying to make that jump so people will be able to see him people often say what is a ghost doing or what is their purpose are they trying to remind us of the past are they trying to hold on to some kind of piece of the past I'm not sure I think that the spirits relive certain traumatic events that might have happened to them and they relive them over and over and over again because there's a certain kind of I guess disbelief there's a certain kind of Agony in the way that they died and that's something that remains here if you stand around here you could really feel that kind of uh the kind of vibration you know [Music] not all the ghosts of Griffin town are believed to be human some lurk in the dark terrifying the local residents Catherine ridyard has lived in and around the neighborhood for 25 years she vividly recalls her Supernatural encounter on the streets of the Griff was late summer it was about 2 20 in the morning and I was coming home from that direction over there and I stood on the corner where the light is and I looked this way and I saw what appeared to be it looked like to me like somebody was squatty on the sidewalk it was somebody squatting that's what I thought I realized that no no that's not a person because it was just too tall to be squatting on the sidewalk and then all of a sudden I got this feeling and it it looked up at me and it noticed me noticing it and it looked at me it had red eyes and the first thing that went into my my gut feeling was it's hungry the unworldly being that scared Catherine so much is believed to be a shadow person Shadow People is a name given to a spirit that looks or resembles a dark shadow it's normally faceless and they move within the Shadows some are seen as being darker than the Dark of the actual area they're seen in some say Time Travelers some say nasty negative Spirits some just say it's a manifestation of spirit some say it's your own shadow so it could be a vast array of different things I mean I could tell the outline of it was look like somebody was like like a big frog almost like an appearance sort of but it was a black shadow and it had it like a head and but it had also red eyes and it scared me with some trepidation Catherine has returned to the location of her terrifying experience it was here and I came back the next day and I looked at the ground and it was it looked like there was some kind of black goo on the ground now this music gotta remember this is eight years ago and then this poll has been this way ever since I still get a bad feeling just standing here you know I just don't I don't like it I don't walk on the side of the street at night or in a daytime for that matter Catherine has since begun to study the strange beings I heard something about Shadow People and red glowing eyes and that kind of thing and I looked it up on the internet and I saw the exact same Shadow the same squat posture the same head and black exactly the same with the red glowing eyes now I've I researched this particular kind of shadow person and it's very bad one to have around or to even be anywhere in your vicinity and it's uh it's supposed to be really demonic not nice at all nor any other Shadow People in my opinion there but this is like the worst one to have shadow people are not why would class as a human being they would be a manifestation of a presence now this could be negative or it could be positive energy sometimes from past experience shadow people have been known to be negative people so the fears of the feelings have been watched and fear and panic and things like that are usually associated with with shadow people Catherine has continued to be haunted by the Dark Shadows I've sort of getting sick as things are happening like bad luck stuff I was hearing knocking noises in my room I refused to sleep in my bedroom anymore after that I was there at the kitchen table and that that was freaky too [Music] I took a picture in a mirror and this thing was beside me in the mirror and it wasn't there when I was in the bathroom taking the picture all walks of life we can sit there and say seven years badler comes from smashing a mirror you know how many times is that actually true whereas if you come into contact with a shadow person there could be a negative presence associated with that that she would have sat and probably thought to herself that I've seen this and this could be associated with it Catherine is on the road to recovery but she'll never forget the night she came face to face with evil if I hadn't noticed it as quickly as I did it hadn't noticed me before I noticed it I think I may very well have disappeared you know because I think like I think in that I'll be there there's something there's a doorway or something and like this pole here is still here and it still like looks like it's eaten away and I think it comes out once in a while and it might just grab somebody just standing here gives me goosebumps my health has improved 100 I'm happy about that but I'm also you know I'm very wary of things I believe that things go bump in the night and that's the way it is and in Griffin town there are many other Spirits That Go Bump in the night Griffin towns Lachine Canal officially opened in 1825 turning Montreal into one of the world's major ports [Music] this channel of water has become one of the grift's most paranormally active areas certain areas of Griffin town are said to be more haunted than others there's a particular area by the canal that has seemed to attract more Spirit phenomena than others and that might well be due to tragic circumstances we are on the extremity of the canal we're actually right next to the peel Basin on the other side of the canal over here there's a lot of ghost sightings that happen a lot of people take photos around these parts a lot of tourists come by here and people notice on their photos after they've taken them that there's orbs there's little white dots that are floating around in the photos it's a very strange phenomenon you know it's kind of indicative of spirits that might be still living around these parts during the Irish Potato Famine between 1845 and 1849 many people fled Ireland and headed to North America loaded onto cargo ships they arrived malnourished and carrying diseases like typhus many were quarantined in sheds alongside the canal in Griffin town to the Old Port of Montreal getting off the ships and just dropping like flies so these fever Shacks that they built here in 1847 housed all of these very sick and uh dying refugees at the time in 1847 Montreal was a very small City it was a population about 50 000 all of a sudden have to accommodate 75 000 new people the citizens of Montreal were not happy but the fact that there was this vast sea of Irish that were contagious and bringing this disease into town with them drastic action was taken by the authorities the Army was called they were put on all the rail bridges on all of the bridges that would cross into town it was almost kind of like a zombie apocalypse type thing you know they put this fence alongside all these people that were sick on the other side couldn't cross over and if they would they would be shot or they would be thrown into the canal over here that's the kind of thing that people don't sort of forget very easily and and it's there's something very haunting about that of course so it makes sense that we associate an area like that with ghosts and sightings and hauntings and that sort of thing one of the ghosts who has been spotted near the canal is a former mayor of Montreal 1847 there was a certain John Easton Mills he was actually American but uh he was the mayor of Montreal elected he was a very generous man he was aiding the sick in a way he himself took it as his responsibility to help the people that were dying on the other side of the river inevitably John Easton Mills succumbed to typhus the mayor himself at the age of 54 contracted this disease was his last Act was to bring food and water to the poor there and he passed away so in a way this Apparition that we see over there is probably still doing his duties to these people he was trying to show compassion and humility to these people and I think the land very much imprinted him doing that so that's probably why he's still seen to this day doing the same thing to to show that these people weren't you know animals they're humans and they feel and the mayor saw that obviously he did have that care in nature about him in order to look after those people who were quite ill and it is not uncommon for people to actually come back and still care for people that they think is still there [Music] the typhus epidemic of 1847 claimed the lives of 6 000 people the victims of this tragic event are buried just below the cycle path that runs alongside the Lachine Canal today there was so much death that they had to build trenches to get rid of the Dead they had to build these huge huge trenches they dug these trenches and they would just throw hundreds of bodies at a time and bury them on this site here right now it's a bike path so you know a lot of people that are biking there they feel this negative energy they don't know what it's coming from but it Still Remains and a lot of the excavations that are happening in Griffin town a lot of the new buildings that are popping up once the foundations are being dug once the buildings are starting to be built they discover remnants of the bodies right underground there one man who is more than aware of the Paranormal energy that crackles in the air of the Griff is Louis Lamontagne I guess in the process of being gentrified there's many condos popping up so a lot of the history is being forgotten but there's a lot of kind of dark and really interesting history around this neighborhood Griffin town exploring the area when he moved to Griffin town my first time here I was with a couple of friends and it was mid-January pretty cold day and we are going for a walk We Came Upon This bridge and suddenly we just stopped for about 20 minutes and uh I was staring off for what seemed like at least half an hour after a while I felt like I was in a bit of a trance-like state I saw kind of a orb glimmering amidst the grass it was kind of a translucent orb letting out kind of a diffuse milky light kind of something dancing about that felt superimposed on my vision almost like holographic I wasn't sure that if I went up to it I'd be able to touch it but I could definitely feel it was tangible orbs are thought to be essentially disembodied spirits of you know the people who have died and sort of unable to leave or pass on to wherever a spirit would go after death so they've frequently described as being like sort of balls of electricity uh floating through the air it really captured my attention and I just stared at it for a while and as soon as I considered walking over to Sea if it was a trick of the light or what was going on my friend nudged me and told me to go home Louis knew he had to come back and explore some more it was actually a couple of weeks later I was walking by by myself this time at night around midnight or so and I could see this conglomeration of white orbs kind of dancing above the Mounds so whereas last time I only saw one this time it looked like there could have been thousands but I could hear kind of in the background these voices in my head so I thought I thought I was having I couldn't auditory hallucination or something like that all of a sudden I just kind of close my eyes to focus in on what I was hearing and it sounded like the Wailing of voices at first I thought it sounded maybe like a choir or or something like that but I realized there was an element of pain in the voices as well I kind of collapsed like slumped over on the mound and when I came back to my senses I could see ships kind of ghost ships just floating above me I guess paired with the sound of these voices coming again [Applause] Spirit shows you things when they're trying to communicate with you and tell you certain things so whatever they show you from that point on whether it's in your mind's eye or physically in front of you I really believe it has to do with the spirits that are there and the story that they're trying to tell the person that they're communicating with the sheer size of the Paranormal event stunned Louis I was kind of in a state of disbelief I didn't really trust my senses I was pretty curious as well but also pretty frightened I kind of felt Shivers crawling up my spine and I felt pretty uneasy if a person is quite open and quite sensitive to go into a trans-like state which would enable his subconscious to actually communicate with the orbs and obviously followed them as to what he was supposed to do then it could be a possibility that they've actually led him to where they wanted him to be after a while it just kind of dissipated and I was just left there kind of bewildered wondering what I was doing and got back on the bridge and and I walked home before his mystical encounter Louis was unaware of the history of the area at the time I had no idea that this was a burial site so I thought I was going a bit crazy and I just kind of brushed it off and it's only when I spoke to my friend a couple of weeks later that he told me that this was actually a mass burial site from the mid-19th century 1847 was called Black 47 here in Montreal all these dead and dying still buried on the other side of the canal and the orbs are the Vestige or that they still float these spirits that are forgotten and Underground [Music] the renovation of Griffin Town may explain why the Paranormal Activity is so Rife another sort of Trope that we often hear coming out of stories about ghost scientists Griffin town is this notion that somehow Spirits have been disturbed because bodies have been dug up in the process of rebuilding the area this is quite a commonly held notion in many cultures throughout the world the idea that if you disturb a body after it's been laid to rest then it somehow creates a restlessness in the spirit or indeed if a body hasn't been properly laid to rest the spirit will remain Restless until that has been rectified unearthing any human remains in general and disrupting the ritual and the laying to restness that has been done will definitely riff the spirit because again you're disrupting a Holy Ground a holy place whether ancient or modern as soon as you unearth bones you're disrupting that Spirit who's laid to rest you're going to have something some kind of backlash from that whether it's karmic or Cosmic Louis still can't quite believe what he experienced that night the only way I can just fight in my own mind is that you know maybe in certain places where a lot of things happen it can leave some sort of Trace let's say on electromagnetic level or something I don't know it really did feel like time was an illusion at that point and the spirits of the people who suffered here and arrived here almost 200 years ago felt very much alive the Paranormal energy generated beneath the banks of the Lachine Canal continues to show itself even in the modern surroundings of 21st century Griffin down girl many of the ghosts of Griffin town are believed to be projections of its traumatic history but one of the most iconic landmarks Harbor Spirits from a more recent past this is the land of beer Montreal is the land of beer you know Griffin town uh because of all the Irish was a very you know popular drinking place in 1861 there was a man by the name of William Dao it was a very brilliant businessman he kind of make this big conglomerate 13 companies all together and they opened this Brewery which is behind us over here eventually this whole place just fell to ruin the Brewers no longer used the facilities were a little bit dated so it got abandoned the brewery is believed to be one of Griffin Town's paranormal hot spots there's a bunch of urban explorers that still go in there take a look around see what's in there there's rumors about the Montreal Mafia uses this place as a sort of Dumping Ground for for bodies they say that there's a few bodies that are buried in concrete in the big silos that are back there on the other side [Music] in the top floors there's oftentimes paranormal explorers that go to see what's going on in this building they say that there's a very intense horrible ghostly activity up on the top floors the ghost that's particular to this place kind of doesn't fall in line with the mafia stories or the Brewing stories or anything like that it's actually the ghost of a little girl mediums who have investigated inside the Dao Brewery have dated the death of the girl to the late 1990s oftentimes people report hearing the crying of this little girl coming from the ground and when she hears people passing by she stops crying and she starts calling for help she starts asking people to pull her out of this hole in the ground I think obviously the the atmosphere tends to absorb any sort of energy now usually with tragedies murders anything like that you would assume that the trauma and the traumatic experiences of those people have been absorbed by the atmosphere so that would lend itself as to why the voices of people are heard and screams ahead and obviously it just replays itself over and over again we have no idea where this girl comes from and why how she ended up there there are some theories maybe she was one of the daughters or something of a Mafia Boss or something like that she got put into the ground we're not sure but she's definitely in there she's crying for help and if ever you go in there you'll feel that energy up on the top floor [Music] with so many Irish immigrants entering Griffin town Saint Anne's Catholic Church on the corner of Mountain and Basin streets was once a bustling part of the town we're in the ruins of the Saint Anne's Church which was uh built here in 1698 originally this little chapel stood for about a century and then it burned down the church was rebuilt in 1854 it was a lot bigger all the Irish would come here they could convene here from Mass you could take a look just down the line you see we're actually in the uh in the church right now the benches that they have on the sides are where the pews used to be the foundations you see all the stone on the side there and behind us in the forest the uh there used to be a priest house the priest used to live right back there next days Griffin town was turned from a residential area into an industrial Zone a lot of buildings got uh knocked down demolished population of about a hundred thousand shrunk right down to about two two thousand people everybody got moved to the other side of the river over there everything became parking lots industrial areas big factories on either side of the canal and there's nobody to come see the parish anymore so they knocked it down as well and these are the ruins that remain ing is glitchy has remained within the footprint of the church a lot of people are reporting that they're hearing certain things in the middle of the night people usually hear footsteps following them in the middle of the street some people even hear bells which are coming from this Forest Area just like church bells that are going on in the middle of the night there was a man who was actually I believe he lived in one of these condos here he was walking down the street going home and he saw a priest having a funeral ceremony [Music] they all walked down this aisle to the entrance of the church and as they reached the entrance they all just disappeared it's as though as they were exiting into the streets they were gone now there was no noise there was no sound but the person who witnessed this said that the mouths were open they were singing and there should have been noise this is an example of a residual haunting because the spirit seemingly moved through oblivious to their surroundings and then suddenly disappeared somebody obviously passed away that was grave importance to the land or the people that are in the procession and it made an imprint on the land so it shows itself from time to time replaying as residual energy does [Music] foreign [Music] Town remains a mecca for ghost hunters from around the globe fascinated with searching for old Spirits within the new world I definitely believe that towns can be haunted especially with the type of history that Griffin town has with all of the Irish immigrants that fled the Potato Famine and came over on boats with horrible conditions and they were sick and then they died and then they just threw them in Mass graves in the canal I mean so the canal is just a mass grave that would definitely hold a lot and bring a lot of energy negative energy because it's not like they were given their own Tombstone and laid to rest in the traditional form they were just thrown together in a hole and and buried I wouldn't be rested if that was me I think a lot of ghosts remain for diverse reasons some for more benevolent reasons others like the boy that got crushed in the bridge for the agony that they might have encountered and endured there's a lot of anger there's a lot of suffering and I think it's within the atmosphere here even as the million dollar apartment rise above the Old Town experts believe that the ghosts of the past will continue to be uncovered in the Griff it's a land of gentrification you've got all these really expensive apartment blocks which are going up on old factory sites on Old land that has seen a lot of tragedy so the new residents the Young Generation of young professionals that are living here nowadays report a lot of ghosts and spirits and sightings of paranormal activity around these parts they're digging up the past and now finding all that old history and all the old secrets of the Griffin time [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Banijay Documentaries
Views: 25,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark history, ghost, ghost stories, griffintown, haunted, horror, paranormal, paranormal investigations, supernatural
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 29sec (2669 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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