Eerie Hauntings at Leap Castle - World's Scariest Hauntings - S01 EP2 - Paranormal Documentary

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foreign [Music] ghosts appear in many forms see them what was that we can hear them I am not afraid and sometimes we can even feel the meal [Music] we've gone around the globe in search of the most terrifying spirits and supernatural beings who continue to live on long after their deaths on world's scariest hauntings anything can happen you never know who's watching when the lights go out what the hell is that in this episode a medieval castle once home to a bloodthirsty Clan if you've got people being thrown into dungeons you imagine the actual emotional anxiety that they're going to go through it would obviously have a massive effect on the energy levels that are absorbed within the fabric of the building murder and torture were a daily occurrence in the aptly named bloody Chapel invited but here to be paid and they held the banquet up in the bloody Chapel or when they got them up there the the poison dollar 29 of them [Music] what happened to me here is something that I'll never forget it scared me that how much power they can have over here [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] stands an imperious Fortress once home to a family of brutal Warriors the building is now inhabited by a bevy of terrifying ghosts [Music] with Tales of Bloodshed and Slaughter let Castle wouldn't look out of place in a Hollywood fantasy world but the stories of death and torture here are very much real Sean Ryan has owned this medieval stronghold for over 25 years we were just lucky they came up as a time when there was nobody interested and it was very cheap I had loads of energy and I just fainted having a water and that's how it came about but the lighter we did we loved the place during his time at Lepp Sean has learned to live with his ghostly lodges there are lots of spirits in the house they don't interfere with us and make life difficult they let us know they're here and we live alongside that Sean often hosts paranormal evenings for ghost hunters from around the world Warren Coates from Northern Ireland makes regular visits from across the Irish Border I took a bit of persuasion that can the others into the castle but obviously Sean being the gender Marias let us in and race from the word go there was just things happening it was again a cloak of energy just put around as soon as you can come down to it about a couple weeks after myself and another two group members came down and up in the chapel at the top with stone stone Harvest again they also was just trying to draw attention you know people sort of freak out and thank our social trying to harm us things they got enormous bird just trying to draw attention Warren Works alongside fellow paranormal Enthusiast Neil mcmenamin first time I was overwhelmed because it's such a big hype for this building and you're so excited and you're expecting so much but it took two or three goals in this building before I got what I wanted what I got out of it Neil and Warren have captured many EVPs during their investigations at LEP Castle EVP stands for electronic voice phenomena it's a way of capturing ghost voices or disembodied voices normally using a digital audio recorder or a cassette recorder please make a noise for us now oh my God I've been to tons of locations and things happen your noises your bangs doors close multiple different things happen this place affects yeah emotionally so I don't know how to explain that I can explain all the other ones but here just message with your brain please make a noise for us now I don't know how to stop it I don't know how to protect myself from being that way because that'd scare me foreign [Music] County Offaly Ireland has stood proudly for at least 600 years LEP Castle is located right in the sort of Heart of Ireland the Irish Countryside and was apparently built sometime between the 13th and the 14th century and quite early on had come into the ownership of the O'Carroll Clan who were a notorious Clan of the area who supposedly had kept a very sort of bloodthirsty reign of power over the castle they didn't emerge down here really at the time they did so of where the border now is with the north was way back in the 9th century it was so Troublesome they were driven out and they moved down through Ireland eventually it came on this country which was ruled by a town known as the urbanans but the occurrence very quickly took over and the abandons became like a sub tribe of theirs and lived back on the schlieblo mountains [Music] The Fearsome O'Carroll Clan remained at Lepp until 1659. then at some point it came into the hands of the Derby family sometime in the 1600s and there's one woman of the Derby family who apparently brought evidence of potential hauntings at the castle to the public attention [Music] the Darvis lived here then until 1922. it was Barton Soul then many times during the 1900s until it came up again in 1991 and that's when them we've been probably a little fit of Madness decided we're biased early 94 then I started the restoration I would be I've slowed down a little bit now because the madness is over but we have enough space to live so that's fine for us [Music] under Sean stewardship LEP Castle has thrived the history alone places like this need to be kept and restored and it's given the Paranormal world because it keeps see like the money produced like doing the fence and all here that brings in a ton of money that's been used to restore then we help Sean restore the building and keeps it up to date and stuff and on keeps more people visiting them from all around the world because this building is known all around the world it's just in me as in building in general so it is it was the history alone that first persuaded Paranormal Investigator Ray Mullen to visit Lepp it's a very first time I came here and we actually came on a day trip you know we just we just came to have a look at the castle and we actually were staying in a near Castle Kennedy Castle and we were really intrigued by it was like a feeling as you walk in that door and we decided we'd like to stay the night here you know so we had the group set up at that stage so we said okay we we give it a go and see and see what it's like and the very first time we stayed here we were scared because we cared so much about the castle there was a few things happened that we couldn't explain noises and stuff that we we were Amazed by certainly we have hot smells like in the galley room upstairs we're real strong for a disgust and smell a bit of wafted across and then a split second hitter Mel's gone you know and you also get that drop in temperature many believe that activity like this is all down to an unworldly inhabitant of LEP Castle Elementals are what I would class as low level entities basically they're not human they've never been human they've never walked the Earth as a human hence why the elemental name is given the elemental that's supposedly in leopard Castle is classed as a figure but it's also accompanied by the smell of a rotten flesh and people say that this is more of a demonic entity within left Castle rather than obviously a positive energy now it sounds horrific and all that and it was written about by eminent people at the time who stayed here and experienced it and out of no colors to doubt them stories of the elemental date back centuries [Music] Elementals are very common in folklore particularly in sort of Irish folkloric mythology talk of fairies and the creatures of the country in Hidden realms we sort of see them cross into ghost stories because they have properties that what we think of as traditional ghosts might share and you know some people have even suggested that what we take to be a ghost is actually an elemental one that's a whole different thing in itself I believe that they reside on a different plane than us within our plane but not to where we could see them or be a part of their world and from what I know of Elementals the one in LEP Castle was conjured was brought through in a negative way to do negative things one group of Ghost Hunters decided to fight negativity with negativity at LEP castle and captured a disembodied voice on camera [Music] I mean this is your place you're supposed to be the boss here James look again your face leaked to your mouth just like in this particular audio recording you can hear a clear no response now the investigator is provoking and trying to get the spirit to interact communicate and respond but the response is quite clear and it's whispered and there is a definite no there [Music] tried to provoke Spirit to get them to communicate with you but I really just think it pisses off the spirit I mean I'm sure you get what you're looking for in terms of provoking the spirit but I think it's a very dangerous game to play but I guess it works for some people anger and negativity are two strong feelings that run deep at LEP Castle years of Bloodshed and torture have left a legacy of tyrannical spirits LEP castle in the rural Irish County of Offaly has dominated the picturesque landscape for 600 years the family most synonymous with this stronghold is the brutish O'Carroll Clan who defended the land around them by any means necessary throughout the 16th century one particular story from 1592 reads like a plot line from a Hollywood fantasy drama the o'carrolls hired a neighboring tribe the mcmahons to act as mercenaries for them after helping the o'carrolls train for battle a feast was planned to celebrate back here to be paid and they held the banquet up in the bloody Chapel for them but when they got them up there the The Poisoned all 29 of them The Poisoned the wine the experts would say the only reason is they didn't want to pay them there is an account written by a father at least in saying that on the night end they went crazy because they started cutting the heads after mcmahons and they kicked them out the windows of the top and made footballs out of them around the barn the bloody Chapel has been known to leave a lasting impression on visiting Ghost Hunters I've been here four times so I have and there's an amazing location so it is it affects your emotions some shotgun at is a total different feeling it sort of it's hard to explain but it wipes you exhausts you it's Tyron it's enjoyable it's an amazing location it's only when you're here on your own you know at night time when things generally happen some people say it's it's ridiculous it only happens at night time it's just I think I think the reason for that is because you're on your own and there's not many distractions going on Warren Coates remember spending the night in the chapel another Chapel over at the far side doesn't turn you walk into the actual Chapel itself there's a doorway the left hand side of it and we were I was worth a figure stand in the doorway but I thought I suppose I'm a Navy I thought it was like a dummy or something I had Sean it set up just for audits or a Fear Factor we walked into the room I sat the stuff down and I looked over and figure it was gone um I never said anything to one of the other group members I went I could have sworn over somebody standing there was a monster over there and we thought it was Sean's way for his daughter I never found out there was nobody down here we actually went down to that room and there was nobody at all there but I say you'll be stopped here and you hear the noise as you hear the Doris Roslin do you hear the chairs rather than on the stone flagons and you hear the footsteps up above as well [Music] Warren's fellow paranormal team member Neil mcmenamin had a terrifying experience in the Unholy Chapel [Music] I don't know why I went off my own but I just went off for a wee walk so I just saw how we look around and and I work my way up at Lloyd chapel and everyone's downstairs having fun eating all chilling out uh go upstairs and I came in here and a member I think it was nearly an R went by and no one came looking for me I didn't even know it was gone and it was just getting dark so it was I was just standing and just looking about and there was black Shadows floating about here in the air kept outside my eyes kept catching them so I did and I was calling out something overcame me I was sort of working way towards the window something was telling me I'll be okay I have a job I'll be okay I know what it sounds about crazy so it does but I must be standing there for a good 20 minutes they're going to take another squeeze through that window and looking down the forest blue must help me you'll be fine you're not gonna get hurt you're gonna jump it'll be 100 fine nothing's going to happen to you and logging off one of the other staff members came up the stairs and called me and I just snapped out of it so whatever it was in and it sort of freaked me out it's terrified me of this bloody chat book because I don't really want down around near my own do you only have a mirror up here again I'll be up here with people so occasionally we might hear of a ghost sighting or an interaction with a a ghost that involves the sensation of having been taken over by the spirit or you know in a way possessed by the apparent spirit and it's certainly not restricted to let Castle it could be that something in all the history and the sort of the drama and emotion of of these stories and then being at the location I think can sometimes sort of uh people can maybe embody something of that through the atmosphere of the building and the history of them I think if you're up here on your own there's a good chance that you could have something that pushes you to do things you don't want to do [Music] paranormal expert Joe Lockwood was also affected by something in the bloody Chapel when she paid a visit to LEP Castle it's a gravel floor you've got to really be careful where you're standing because one failed move you would be out the window and all of a sudden I felt a wave of emotion come over me and it was like I was spinning on the inside of what I would perceive to be a Vortex or a portal and I felt like I was spinning round and as I came to I was stood right near the window and one of the people who I was with actually said to me you need to come away from the window so that leads me to then think maybe there was something there that was asking me to do something and I wasn't aware of it it's strange occurrence it's not something that I want to repeat again if I'm honest lots of people are susceptible to spirits and that means that they're able to be taken over by them especially mediums or those with clever one gifts so sometimes mediums can Channel spirits but it's very rare for a person that doesn't practice that kind of spirituality to be taken over by a spirit but when this happens it's a sometimes scary and very very dangerous thing going into haunted locations you healing were such sad spirits that make you feel the way that they're feeling and there have been accounts of people being taken over by spirit it's not a common thing but I think it's more common to have a spirit project onto you what they're feeling makes more sense than being possessed and being in such a place of of such destruction and Terror and torment and torture definitely makes sense that you'd walk in there and you would feel everything that those people felt going through what they did at that building in that location Neil will never forget the power of the spirit in the bloody Chapel very High Spirits can actually control you and do stuff to you that you don't think I thought I was nowhere in hell I think I'm stronger than them do you know what I mean I never thought they would have as much power on me [Music] LEP Castle is synonymous with Bloodshed but not all the ghosts at the medieval stronghold are linked to its brutal past Emily and Charlotte are two child spirits that are often seen and heard playing at Leb Castle both their Spirits have been seen playing on the staircase and has reported that Emily's scream has been heard as she's fallen from the battlements paranormal investigators believe that Emily fell to her Death Around the turn of the 17th century lots of people will see a rope ladder because where she got up to to fall she had to go up on a rope ladder and quite a lot of people who were touched with things see that rope ladder now what we experienced is we hear a scream we think it could be the screamer for falling we're not sure I mean we can't be 100 sure but it's the only thing that raises the Goosebumps you know when we hear that screen and it's really short it cuts off like a knife although Emily can be heard falling it's her companion Charlotte who appears to be suffering an injury and she is a very badly deformed right leg it's almost completely turned backwards and she hobbles around after Emily remain as if my brother my sister something bad happened to them and I couldn't find them on the other side and they were where they passed away I would stay with them just to be together yeah although not much is known about the history of the two children it's not uncommon to have young Spirits inhabiting a haunted building there are so many reports from paranormal investigators and eyewitnesses of children being seen and heard playing in various locations across the world it's common for spirits to stick around in their place of death because of the torture and the torment and the traumatic circumstances that these Spirits would have died in something uniquely tragic about the idea of a child having lost its life even a child being murdered and then this sort of sense of them being left alone to haunt a place and being trapped there I think that plays on all of our emotions child Spirits tend that you may tend to find that child Spirits are more stuck in people's minds because they like to call things they like to mess with people's hair they like to tap you and things like that which is intelligence especially for a child's spirit Emily and Charlotte are often seen alongside another Spirit known as the governess [Music] [Applause] we might often hear as well stories of how they're supposedly being looked after by a governess figure or a nanny or some sort of caretaker and I think that sort of emerges from this idea of the tragic notion that a child is somehow being left behind by their parents and it's comforting to think that they're actually being looked after by somebody so it's all us around from the two girls are around but she touches our people it's like somebody passing you and kind of brushing off you a lot of our visitors they'll experience that so even in debt they'll be looking under them because job in life so she would still continue to do that in death so shy and retiring some of them are ready and willing to make themselves heard eat eat [Music] [Music] County Offaly in Ireland is home to one of the most haunted historic structures in the world LEP Castle foreign Ghost Hunters regularly make the journey to this rural location in the hope of experiencing the unexplainable it's an amazing place there's definitely something here because of the bad past that LEP would have had maybe it's because so many people have died in that castle that maybe that's the reason but it's hard to really put your finger on it a lot of stuff's happened here a lot of history nearly every person that's came here has been affected in some sort of way Ghost Hunter Warren coats has been passionate about the Paranormal from a young age so always had the interest but it went this is rubbish you know there's no such thing one day to try and disprove it wrong and I went to a couple of sort of local supposedly haunted locations um witnessed stuff that just could not put away as natural occurrences looked at all the possibilities almost left with one thing it was a paranormal so since I've been believer eventually Warren's curiosity led him to LEP the first time we came here was around 20 years ago number four left Castle now is known as one of the most haunted castles in Europe during one of his many visits Warren captured something out of the ordinary photographs for half is actually a couple of great members were up in the room with the balconism were the Elementals supposed to be seen and one of my group members was actually looking in the mirror and I was standing there for sale a table and I took a photograph a lot of people say that it looks like a fierce looking back at them could this be the face of one of the many men who lost their lives at LEP Castle you've got people being thrown into dungeons who are going to be left there you imagine the actual emotional anxiety that they're going to go through it would obviously have a massive effect on the energy levels that are absorbed within the fabric of the building I would say that it's common for a spirit to stick around where they passed on due to it being so abrupt or so horrific that they don't know they're dead they feel like they can't move on it really goes back to the story of the spirit and what happened to them [Music] the bloody history of LEP Castle attracts ghost hunters from far and wide Ray Mullen and his paranormal team are based in Dublin but they often travel the 90-mile journey just to carry out investigations here we've come to let so many times we've had voices on Clips which are which you just can't explain it just doesn't make sense Ray Works alongside his paranormal teammate Derek Johnston I think it's just the history of the bloody Chapel that gives this place its reputation and turns while the groups need to come and visit I'll just keep your drive back to the place Ray and Derek have perfected a way of capturing the spirits at LEP what we do is we set up some cameras we set up EVPs and we just talk Caesar anything there and if you get any answers most of the time you'd be talking away having a general chat and you just hear a voice and maybe in the background on your listing back and it's when you least expect it there's two of the larger on the balcony where John grows the grapes and we were setting up the cameras on the inside and I was shouting out to Stephen who's there was about how to hire another cameras and then we got this EVP that it's it's and then laugh I could be eaten alive [Music] Derek would would listen to a lot of footage he spent so many hours it takes a lot of dedication he sits down he goes through all the tapes and you get a phone call from Derek to say I've just heard something I really need you to listen to this particular clip there was no female there that night we're just setting up equipment and it's like you can hear a female advice it's like as if she's been watching or something you know in the background while we're setting up the equipment it's saying eat eat and laughing and like this malevolent nasty laugh sounds like a clear EVP I would definitely rank that high on the EVP scale like this still Exciter seasoned investigator like Derek because I said I'm a skeptic as well so I don't usually believe in other stuff but I can't explain that not all Spirits know we're here some of them are intelligent some of them are just residual so those intelligent Spirits are able to see us and perhaps interact and communicate with us but the residual energies these ghosts are just moving around their kind of everyday World they aren't able to see us they aren't able to hear us or interact with us but we might well see them or get a glimpse of them in their own world on the very same night Derek kept his recorder rolling shortly after that then there was another EVP within the three minutes of that clip there's another night near the end of it it's a very faint voice probably if I was a hero but it sounds like I had to go past Jesus Christ or something like that in this audio recording you can hear what sounds like a male voice and it says something like I had to go past Jesus Christ it's a definitely a sentence it's definitely a male voice that's speaking just as the door was squeaking open sometimes you get something that you're like what was that I'm gonna have to break that down and you know amplify that so I can hear it then you have EVPs that are clear as day as this one that you can hear exactly what they're saying and I say that's a damn good EVP it was a fantastic capture for Derek and Ray scare us you know it's just really really strange you know but now you know you sort of get used to it so we wouldn't have had a huge amount of times it's happened but when it does happen there is no explanation for it where the device come from there must be something so there's something in there that says there is something you know capturing intelligent spirits on tape can be extremely difficult and often the responses they give are seemingly random is it possible that they're not even aware that they're being contacted I don't think it's that they don't know I think it's that they don't care to know I believe the afterlife is very much what you perceive it to be what you want it to be but as I've come to know is they're aware of time but they're in a Timeless place so how aware of time can they be so they know that we're there and that we're you know still living and on the other side but I don't think they're like oh it's you know it's four o'clock Eastern Standard Time you know gotta hurry up it's getting dark outside I don't think they're aware like that [Music] LEP Castle has stood in the Irish Countryside for almost 600 years so it's no surprise that there are numerous stories of paranormal occurrences Within the reports of an old man seen sat in the fireplace at Leb Castle but only the top portion of his body is seen now he could well be a residual energy a ghost but the reason why is only this part of his body is seeing is because the floor might be a different level than it was back in the day so what you're seeing isn't really there but the building has changed and the structure of the room has changed so much that we're only seeing this portion of his body when Joe Lockwood visited she felt the presence of this mysterious man I was sat in the fireplace because it was really really cold when we went there left Castle is situated quite far back and it's quite high up and once I was in there it was very very cold because it's all Stone and I was actually drawn to to a seat and I actually asked the gentleman who actually owns the castle said is there a gentleman who sits here and he said yeah you're right is how to pin him down to a time you know because we don't know how he's clad or anything but he doesn't seem to be aware of us he often sits just here in this corner it seems to be staring out that window there and doesn't seem to be aware of us at all [Music] I don't know why only half of his body shows up I don't know if that's the imprint in time or if he had no legs or that's how Spirit comes across but I would count it as residual energy because you've seen it the same place every time in front of the fireplace he really doesn't try to communicate with anybody he really doesn't say anything he's just seen so I would say he's residual energy that was a prominent place an important place to this gentleman that was his time in front of his fireplace when we hear it goes to the disembodied and only partially visible people tend to think of this as representing one of two things which is either that when they originally existed the place that they sat on or where they used to walk was sort of below where it is now you can't sort of see below the floor so that might be one explanation another being that if it's a residual ghost whatever's keeping it here it's starting to wear out over time and it's sort of Vanishing yeah with such a vast Treasure Trove of spirits it's no surprise that LEP Castle continues to excite paranormal experts from far and wide LEP Castle is one of the most haunted locations in Ireland a history of Bloodshed and torture has left a whole host of paranormal energy within the building I suppose we kind of want to associate Spirits with places like LEP Castle because they're sort of quite dark and mysterious and sort of a traumatic history so it really captures the imagination of what we associate the haunted place to be in the Castle's most notorious room the bloody Chapel The Apparition of Father Thaddeus O'Carroll has been seen on many occasions it's quite common for the spirit of monks or priests to be seen haunting locations in this particular case the Leb Castle the priest was murdered by his own brother in the bloody Chapel Thaddeus was one of the members of the barbarico Carol Clan who once ruled over LEP Castle unlike in so many tribes the leadership did not pass down to the son of the chieftain instead the elders would select a short list of candidates and decide between them when Mal Rooney O'Carroll died in 1592 Thaddius and his brother tag were in line to take over two of them were awful chieftaincy at the time and one of them tadius was a priest tied with the other one started a mass one Sunday before tide arrived and type reckoned it was the worst insult ever paid him and he killed him but closely was getting rid of the opposition and he did when he became truthful [Music] where normal experts believe that thadia still roams the chapel in search of Revenge as in Japanese folklore spirit is known as a raycon and you can actually get a very specific ghost called a yuray so uray is a ghost made specifically because the spirit was created through a violent Act so in that moment of violence or heightened emotion the spirit transforms into a ghost called a uret which then will come back to haunt whoever they consider responsible for their death or creating that moment but with Thaddeus being a holy man it's possible that he's not out for vengeance and perhaps just wanders through the chapel he once called home so his ghost Still Remains there which makes sense because he might be protecting it he may be trying to warn people to not go there if it's a bad place if it's a dark place because there's just a lot of heavy Darkness surrounded around that energy so maybe the priest is sticking around to bring light and love and to maybe keep the Darkness at Bay I could protector like there to protect and oversee and and make sure that there is peace brought to the land I don't think he's stuck I think he's there at his own will to do good while searching for Thaddeus Paranormal Investigator Warren coats saw The Apparition of another religious figure in the chapel it was apparently just it looks like a stereotypical monk that walks about but he would sort of hide if you're over at the far side where liubz he sort of hides over in the background and he would sort of stay there and then when you walk away it's as if he's following you throughout the castle keep an eye on just what you're doing we tend to hear a lot of stories about religious goats or particularly in the United Kingdom and Ireland ghosts of the Christian faith frequently hear of monks being cited near religious locations or places that have been Sanctified and I guess the reason for this is that the association with the Ascension to heaven but only being possible once you've had a proper burial so for any religious figure to have not been buried properly or to have been murdered you know to being killed unlawfully we'd somehow disturb their spirit and therefore that's why we might see them still hanging around these buildings religious ghosts are actually quite common and it might well be because they've died perhaps in such traumatic circumstances that there is this kind of comparison to their good fulfilling life and the way they actually perished so their Spirits are trapped in this ether in this plane you don't even have to be inside the bloody Chapel to experience the ghosts Within cross the value and over almost to say that the light in the chapel again but by the time we get to call and get well it's gone you know so we actually haven't seen this ourselves but they do see us and their English I've actually seen those lights first hand I went to let Castle back in June of 2016 and went along with two other paranormal investigators and it was a little bit strange to say the least like the novelies have been seen in the bloody Chapel quite frequently now this is common because Spirits use energy including light energy to try and manifest and show themselves there was a massacre that took place in the bloody Chapel that these Spirit energies are still residing there and they are trying to form into something and give themselves some kind of body to show themselves and that light anomaly is quite a common occurrence we often hear reports when people talk about strange sightings particularly possible ghosts or apparitions you commonly hear stories also of strange lights being seen at the same time or something glowing that might happen at night time and there's not a light source around so you know the fact that this is something that happens at LEP Castle apparently would be quite a common occurrence thank you [Music] foreign Castle is a fascinating place that constantly simmers with paranormal energy it's no wonder that the people who visit feel so enchanted by the place what happened to me here is something that I'll never forget and it's something that I don't really talk about because it's a bit of a touchy subject sort of thing and it scared me how much Spirits can do how much power they can have over here muscle itself is in good hands and there's no reason why it couldn't stand for another 600 years what Sean's done here is amazing and Sean took us over with sister Shell you know when he's done all the work and that's why he is so accepted by his bird energies to live here but there's a history flap has a hobby knocked down years ago you know it would have been a field here it would have been somebody's big mansion house built here now you know when the history would have been gone the allergies would have stopped in here stories would have still been here on all the folklore but have still been here but you know once you lose Pierce I guess I say I'm going forever you can certainly build a replica but it's not good enough even if it wasn't haunted or even if it was nothing whatever was going on here it would still be amazing building to come and visit take photographs bring your kids there's an amazing buildings for this it's really important to the Haunted World [Music] [Applause] who is maintaining the Legacy and the legend of LEP Castle I'd probably never finished it you know unless I lived in Lime bundles or something that doesn't mean I want to stop I've slowed down a good bit the mad rush is over but then we have enough space to live and that's okay but we're still working all the time at it [Music] everything that he possibly could keep the police going he keeps the history of it alive it's like when I come here I try and imagine what it would have been like to live here maybe 600 years ago you know and it would have been quite a different place it's an amazing Castle [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Banijay Documentaries
Views: 34,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark history, ghost, ghost stories, haunted, horror, leap castle, paranormal, paranormal investigations, supernatural
Id: D6ECypoo-lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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