Eerie Encounters: Inside Mermaid Inn - World's Scariest Hauntings - S01 EP6 - Paranormal Documentary

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[Music] thank you ghosts appear in many forms we can see them what was that we can hear them I am not afraid and sometimes we can even feel them we've gone around the globe in search of the most terrifying spirits and supernatural beings who continue to live on long after their deaths on world's scariest hauntings anything can happen because you never know who's watching when the lights go out in this episode a 12th Century hotel where many of the guests have never left all these important events have happened here all the emotions are being expressed here somehow left its mark on the atmosphere of this place murderers thieves and Smugglers have all trodden the floorboards in the medieval corridors we were on the route for the hawkhurst gang and it's actually written down that they would sit in our bar with the guns on the tables and no one dare say anything against them everyone was writing of them some guests at the Mermaid Inn refused to ever check out they pulled my clothes and it took them quite hard actually I'm used to Spirits it's been around me all my life but he was quite intimidating even for me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rye in East Sussex is a quiet picture postcard town just two miles Inland from the south coast of England the cobbled streets of this historic tourist destination aligned with idyllic tea rooms and quaint bnbs but one medieval Hotel stands out from the rest it's played host to the notorious band of Smugglers known as the hawkhurst gang and some 500 years later paranormal enthusiasts believe the Bootleggers still haunt the 12th century building Judith blinko has owned the Mermaid Inn for the past 30 years and has learned to live with the supernatural beings inside [Music] it's quite funny because I can go into some buildings and all the hairs will stand up in the back of my neck and I feel quite spooked out whereas if there's anything here they've accepted me I've been the only person here in the entire building when we're in close for Innovation I've never had a bad feeling sometimes I felt like someone's watching but never a bad feeling although Judith feels comfortable at the hotel the guests staying here often have frightening experiences I came on duty on receptional morning and a couple from room 10 had woken up during the night seeing a figure walk through one wall out of another came downstairs slept on their couch and they refused to go back upstairs so I had to go up take all their clothes bring them down they got changed down here and it's not just room 10 that can leave couples terrified when they check out of the Mermaid Inn oh this is room number one when guests stay here sometimes they when they go to bed they put their clothes on this chair and in the morning they discovered their clothes have moved to that chair and they'll argue all the way to the car park with each other human clothes you move the clothes so funny it's always the same thing that happens in this room same things people say and these chairs are in fact the third set of chairs we put in this room it doesn't matter what sort of chairs people have always seen the same thing happen [Music] well I would say that it's a mischievous Spirit if you're a trickster in real life you can be a trickster in death at the end of the day it could be them just letting them know that they're there and not doing anything harmful but just being playful clearly there's some form of interaction taking place there between the physical world that we know and then something that is not of that physical world [Music] to be attributed to a poltergeist or an intelligent Spirit to Poltergeist some noisy spirit so they're able to manipulate their surroundings and interact physically with their environment so the movement of objects movement of clothes physically being touched by a spirit could all be attributed to a poltergeist we've had various mediums and sorts come around and they will say it's a poltergeist or geists plural but in two people arguing and maybe they you know through things and that's how these clothes move [Music] despite its quiet demeanor Rye has a torrid past local historian and town Sergeant Paul Goring knows more than most about traumatic events that shaped the area oh why has got a long history being raided by the French two or three times in history has been lady um in 1377 was the worst raid the French burnt the entire town down apart from the church in the castle they stole the church bells carried them over to Normandy 16 people died so the following year in retribution a party of Rye fishermen when those Normandy seized back the same church bells and the sit the bells up as a watch Bell against the future French invasions the Mermaid Inn was built in the 12th century on Middle Street the road itself has since been renamed after the infamous hotel that stands upon it it was originally built in the 1150s so we look at about 850 years the um original building was burnt down by French pirates in 1377. what's left was rebuilt in 1420. the building you're seeing now is roughly 1420 and a little bit of 16th century as well the place is actually made up of hundreds of little bits of buildings that were not totally charred because the beams were from different eras different ages ships Timbers all sorts of things all cobbled together one picture captured by a ghost hunter in the mermaid Inn shows a ghostly reminder of its bloody past [Music] a Saxon Soldier possibly with a the shape of a helmet covering the eyes historically there was a period of time where there would have been Saxon soldiers in the town or what is now currently the town so I would be in keeping with the history of the town [Music] very often that you do Picture People on photographs when supposed to there was definitely something there it's hard to tell exactly what perhaps you did capture one of the ghosts that haunts the mermaid in at the end of the day I do believe Spirit can be captured but there is no exact definition on what it is you're capturing or what makes it real what proves it to be real what disproves it so it's very up to opinion so I would say things like that definitely get me excited because it shows you that there are unexplainable things out there [Music] the Mermaid Inn has been welcoming guests for nearly 100 years it's no surprise that out of the tens of thousands of visitors some remain in the historic rooms long after checking out all these emotions have been expressed here over the years all these important people that visit here they've all sort of permeated the atmosphere here and I think can be picked up by people who are in tune with such things Charlotte Underwood is a medium and Paranormal Investigator who has first-hand experience with the spirits who still reside in the hotel there's a lot of unearthly souls here the sort of people that haven't realized they've passed some do realize and want to stay here because it's what they knew and some can't go because they're trapped and it's things that happen to them when they were living that stop them passing over some of them do want to interact with you some of them don't it's an interesting place to come along and investigate in Charlotte's many visits to the mermaid she has made contact with some playful entities we encountered numerous Spirit while we're here there's quite a lot of children here actually young children there are some that are from the Victorian times here you can tell by what they're wearing and one of the little boys he's about 10 and he goes around with a little ball and like a cup to catch the ball he likes playing with that and he kept throwing it to me thinking that I could throw it back to him bless him I believe the place that they are in when they're officially crossed over into another time is a Timeless place it's in a place without time so I believe they're aware of us but I don't know if they're fully aware of time Hotel owner Judith has also experienced the power of mediums contacting the spirits of children in room 15 called Dr sinsberg chamber five members of Staff we all went into a total non-believers it was all loadful rubbish we made sure no one went in there first they couldn't trick us they made himself he said I will now call upon the spirit of um and it was the person he asked for to come inside me and you will see my face change and we all looked at him and we all saw his face change into the spirit and that was a real sort of a deep deep breathing moment and by the time we left at sort of two in the morning we really believed that what we'd seen the spirit of a little girl with a dog we all felt the dog we all stood up and we actually felt the dog and we all saw our hand disappear into smoke all five of us and we all went in there not wanting to believe or anything and it was all a load of Hocus Pocus and it wasn't it was so so bizarre the Mermaid Inn is home to many spirits but not all of them are innocent young children the ghosts of a notorious gang of Smugglers have been known to terrify guests at the medieval hotel for centuries the Mermaid Inn is one of the most haunted hotels in Britain the 12th century building famous for its eclectic mix of guests from criminals to royalty is nestled in the historic town of Rye in East Sussex was a sort of industrial hub for the country one of the five leading ports that were used frequently and it was very sort of popular area lots of business and trade and obviously a lot of Ships coming and going and it was also a very easy target for Smugglers back in the 1730s and 40s which is the height of the Swagger's activities mermaiding was actually the main street in Rye because back in those days Roy was still a major port and mermaid Street was the streams LED right down to the keysight so the Mermaid Inn was in a very prominent position it was a street that everybody passed when it came off the boats it's played a very major part in rice history Queen Elizabeth stayed here William Shakespeare at his company actually produced a play here in 1590s so it's always been a very uh prosperous very central part of rye [Music] for 14 years between 1735 and 1749 the mermaid was a major hub for one of the most infamous bands of criminals in Britain the hawkhurst Gang the Hawkers game a notorious gang of local Smugglers they were originally based in hawkhurst in Kent but Rye was one of their main bases and particularly the Mermaid Inn the league of the game was a chap called Arthur gray whose portrait is actually in the foyer here at the Mermaid Inn and his second command was Thomas Kingsmill they linked up with a chap called Jeremiah Curtis he was rumored to be the illegitimate son of the mayor of Hawaii James lamb they would sit and say anything against them so they were just in front of everyone just sit there everyone was writing of them ready to challenge anybody who looked like they were taking the interest in them they were completely blatant about their activities here the entire Hawkers game would have gathered here million stayed here Thomas Kings Mill's wife is supposed to haunt one of the rooms here has also does one of the other Smugglers sweethearts so there was a very strong connection between this place and the Hawkers gang [Music] foreign as I understand it there were a series of tunnels that were built underneath the Inn in order to help them escape and evade capture and Ferry there stolen goods up from the coast into the town one time the um the people of I were very much in favor of the Smugglers because everybody in the town benefited but once in linked up with the Curtis game they got so vicious actually revolted the local people and people started to be willing to be to inform on them and so forth nowadays tend to view smuggling is something quite romantic and the Four and Twenty ponies tragic of the dark sort of thing but the Hawkers gang were very very vicious they were utter thugs people that cheated on them or spoke out about activities were tortured caught and murdered there were Tales of um people in Rye being crucified against their own front doors by the Hawkers gang the gang's main trade was smuggling tea they ran the South Coast by intimidating locals through brute force and fear a chap called James Marshall who took too much of a interest in their activities outside this Inn disappeared was never seen again they killed chap called Richard Hawkins for um allegedly stealing some of that tea then found afterwards they simply miscounted the amount of tea they had but they were a very very vicious gang of Smugglers medium Charlotte Underwood is certain that she contacted one of these mean-spirited Smugglers when she attended a sales down in the cellar of the Mermaid Inn there was four of us down there and we basically were just stood in a circle there was another medium that was present on the evening and I allowed her to open and a gentleman named John stepped in [Music] I could hear him initially speaking about tobacco and rum and he said where are the barrels where are the barrels and he kept looking turning to see if the barrels were coming so I don't know if there used to be an opening in the cellar where they could transport them but that's what he said he used to smuggle in the cellars here still date back to time in the original in 1156 and there are allegedly tunnels which run from these sellers right across the right to various places in life in particular they go to the Old Bell being in the High Street there was actually revolving cupboard in the Old Bell at the top of the tunnel so smuggles could disappear from the mermaid in and reappear in the Berlin just by twisting a cupboard round you might understand the entrances on these tunnels still exist although the towns themselves are blocked up can no longer be used mugler that Charlotte had contacted in the cellar turned violent towards the group not the nicest character in the world they pulled my clothes and it took them quite hard actually and it did also put his arms around one lady but he was speaking to her and I could hear him as well and he was formed for better word swearing and he didn't like the fact that there were Ladies down there my beliefs are that Spirits manifest in different Realms so you will have negative energies who who tend to be on a lower level but they will obviously Harbor in certain rooms or certain areas but you will also find that there are nice spirits within a property as well it's like the good and evil Jewel sort of thing I'm used to Spirit now it's been around me all my life but he was quite intimidating even for me so yeah we cut it short foreign 17 of the Mermaid Inn is said to have been the preferred quarters of one of the hawkhurst gang's leaders Thomas Kingsmill we actually stayed in room 17 and myself and two other ladies um and we experienced the door being slammed shut for no reason there was no draft a couple of nasty characters that Walk The Halls really they walk down the corridors especially in room 17 they can be quite unpleasant so anyone who is coming here just watch out for them you do tend to smell her cigar smell as you're walking around and that's linked to one of them the mermaid's headquarter Glenn Bailey remembers his first paranormal encounter in room 17. I was asked to take some champagne Etc up to him like we do and as I took it up there I'll put it on the table which is like right in Frontier and as I'm still just in there make it all nice and tidy as I made it nice and tidy someone just pulled me around sort of things you'd say look don't see what I was doing sort of thing since then Glenn has become fascinated with room 17 and often tries to capture the spirit of Thomas Kingsmill on camera this is my favorite room this is the most things that happened to me in this room and not just to me to guess and people who come and visited here for maybe just a lunch and I bought them up here I've given them paperwork to read so this is the room room 17 the king's Mill this is where I actually had the video footage of where I was sitting on the bed which is just here and this is where obviously the chair was and this is where I saw the person the figure or whatever you want to call it standing right here I was like aching it on and cooling it and that's what turnaround said to him um I can see you you send him on the picture come on you bought the chair I could see you you saw two wolves come up and then obviously it's coming closer and I'll zigging it on come on as it got closer to me you stay in orb come up here and my phone was knocked over down in my hand an orb is believed to be some sort of form of residual energy left over from the dead or a dead person but it presents as a spot of light rather than the whole human form it's quite common that when Spirits are present they draw energy from the environment but they can also draw energy from an individual and some people are more susceptible than others so when these Spirits are present they can often make you physically feel the sensation of sickness dizziness or that kind of feeling of the hair standing up on the back of your neck so they can interact with us physically as well as emotionally and sometimes on a psychological basis as well Glenn is certain that he was shoved To The Ground by a brutish Smuggler who was executed over 250 years ago I personally think it was King's Mill it was obviously one of the people's in charge of the Hawkers gang and this is debate which we're talking about where the people who sit on the side where they've had their legs pulled or been pulled at the bed and this is a film where people said that where things have happened in there and it's not just Glenn who has experienced the strange occurrences in the room I walked in there once showing some people around and the ceiling fell down right in front of me and I've never had that ever in the 34 years I've been here that was a bit embarrassing there's one item of furniture in the king's Mill room that particularly terrifies visitors one of the hauntings that's been reported at the Mermaid Inn is a rocking chair that guests reported seeing sort of moving back and forth they'd wake up in the middle of the night and it would be rocking and so we're talking about Good 30 years ago the chamber maze used to only go in in twos because room would suddenly go cold for no reason and the rocking chair would rock and it's got stage where the mermaid didn't routinely take the rocking chair out of the room but guess who stay though who want to see it can ask to have it put back in the room so they can experience this this is the rocking chair the rocking chair only goes in here when people ask me to go in um because it does all different sort of things people have walks and people sat inside there there's some of the orbs going around them they've got hot cold all sorts of things possible for the rocking chairs mysterious movements the rocking chair would have to be moved or pushed by spirit with a substantial amount of energy to be able to move it so I guess it would be Spirit training to let you know that they're there maybe that's a room that's their room you know and they are aware of us I would call that an intelligent haunting then scary if you're just laying in bed and all of a sudden the rocking chair starts to move the physics-defying chair both excites and scares Glenn in equal measure for some reason I don't know why but I've never ever sat in this chair and I've told people they've actually worse I don't know I just don't really want to do it sort of thing many people fear the unknown and with so much Supernatural energy inside the Mermaid Inn it's no wonder some people are too scared to spend the night here [Music] the Mermaid Inn is one of the world's most haunted hotels ghosts reside in the rooms of Rise historic medieval building and the stories of these Spirits have become folklore the idea of the haunted building is very popular in the kind of stories of hauntings in general because there's this sort of feeling that if something terrible had happened inside the building in a way incubates that event and it continues to exist somehow locked inside the building and we of course will always associate that space with the terrible things that have happened inside the Mermaid Inn will forever be linked with the illicit activity of smuggling one person who was killed at the hands of the notorious hawkhurst gang is still known to roam the corridors to this day another reported sighting of a ghost at the Mermaid Inn is that of a maid that's been seen moving around with rooms and it's thought that she was a girlfriend of one of the Smugglers who frequented the Mermaid Inn back in the 18th century but unfortunately she gossiped a little bit too much about their activity so they end up cutting out her tongue and then killing her but she still haunts rooms one and five trying to find her Smuggler lover so we're in one of the oldest sections of the hotel I came along here thinking about something completely different so I was standing outside room one there was a lady walking along here long flowy hair long flowy dress and I turned around and she gone and there was nowhere she could have gone there were no rooms left in that section there's a door at the Forum that makes quite a creaky noise and she'd have had to be the speediest of all Runners to have got through there without me knowing where she'd gone so many people have seen this lady that's just then vanished the maid is seen different places different times so I would say she's more of an intelligent haunting I just think she's become familiar with the people that are you know running the mermaid and that she feels comfortable enough to show herself because spirit will also do that they feel comfortable with you it's easier to communicate or if it's somebody that you know looks similar to somebody that they loved they're easier to come to you because of that that familiarity the murdered chambermaid is one of the most documented ghosts at the mermaid the whole time I've been working here I mean we when we first bought a hotel 25 years ago I went to local library got quite a few stories and that was a story which was of the turn of the century which was where a couple um sort of spray it in one of the rooms and that was the lady as well so all these stories keep creeping up I think somebody when they've had their life quit short when it wasn't supposed to I think they do actually stay where they are they're Earthbound basically and but that's because they weren't ready to leave they usually find it hard to move on so yeah it wouldn't surprise me that she still remains within the Inn obviously her life was cut short by means not of her own hand and obviously a not of natural causes so that would lead me to believe that's the reason why she stays being murdered being taken again that creates an imprint on the space that that also could make her feel held there or maybe somebody is keeping her there or she was taken too soon she might be confused she might not know she's dead there could be an array of different things but I want to say because of the traumatic event that happened to her of being murdered that that's why she she stays she's got some stuff she's got to work out before she can cross over although the focal point of paranormal activity in the area the Mermaid Inn is not the only mysterious place in the Southeast coast town of Rai there was supposed to be 72 active ghosts within the center of Rye it's a very old town possibly because the town has hardly changed since the 18th century the port declined rapidly from the middle of the 18th century and from that point onwards it's no money to build new buildings in the town and so much of what you see today is is right in the 18th century and as a result of that many of its former residents are still living here still visiting the place one such spirit is that of John Butcher breeds an Infamous murderer from 1742 who is part of the local folklore he attempted to murder the mayor of Rye the second identity he murdered the deputy mayor by mistake he was caught but the mayor was actually his judge he ordered him to be hanged and then his body was kept in jivi cage in the marsh for over 50 years until all was left of it was the top of his skull which is still kept in the Attic of the town hall to this day and he is seen in the churchyard people walk to a church all night have actually seen John bees lurking ready to strike his fatal blow somebody who did the ghost walk about two years ago as they passed a spot where John breeds appeared they felt a sudden awful blow in their ribs she came down to Heritage Center the next morning said John breeds punched me being attacked by a spirit or an unseen force is not common at all however the the more you put yourself into a position where you are in the vicinity of spirits the likelihood of you being physically assaulted or touched is quite high and myself and my experiences I I have been physically assaulted recently I was punched in the face by a spirit and this was something I call on a camera using an SLS camera I mapped a figure that was a seemingly stood in front of me I asked it to step forward and then bang It Felt Like A Rush of cold air hitting me straight in the face it knocked me over he's here he's here he's here I've got interested in front of me he's right in front of me guys I'm mapping him now I'm recording yeah oh I've been hit in the face is something that clearly scares you it shakes you to your core but as an investigator you get back up you try to carry on and act professionally it's very difficult [Music] another of the haunted rooms at the Mermaid Inn is room 16 also known as the Elizabethan bed chamber people who stayed there have reportedly waking up in the night to find a duel being fought in the room two guys two to clothing with swords fighting each other after a few seconds one of the guys kills the other guy and throws it down a secret passage which does actually exist behind Elizabeth womb before they disappear passage originally laid into the bar and would have come out above the bar area and people working behind the bar have actually seen all the bottles of glasses jump off the bar exactly as if a body had been thrown onto them [Music] regular guest King Hendrick has been visiting the Mermaid Inn for the past 25 years I think we've stayed in virtually every room but we always when we go at Christmas for our anniversary because we got married there we all stay in the same room the Elizabethan chamber with the full post to bed Kiki is one of the lucky people to have witnessed the ghostly Jewel when she and her partner were awoken in the dead of night Robin and I both sat bolt upright and we heard a commotion in the corner and everything was freezing cold and I remember it was all this like Clashing of knives and it was a bit sort of Misty and slightly out of focus but we could tell something was in the corner it sounded like fight we figured well afterwards the next day when we were talking that somebody must have had a fight and one killed the other because then we heard this if they'd fallen down and then it was silent but deadly silent and still Stony cold it was like I was in another time and I think it was because it was Stony cold we both said it was like we're in a Time Warp this kind of phenomena is simply amazing imagine waking up to see two people sword fighting in a bedroom and then disappearing out of you the simple fact that these two Spirits are fighting and an oblivious to their surroundings and to the people that are observing them indicates that they are residual in nature they're not intelligent they're almost being played back like an echo of the past Birds believe there is a scientific theory behind the ghostly projections Stone tape theory was an idea that became popular in the mid 20th century um and it's this notion that materials can withhold events much like a tape would retain You Know audio so as sort of time goes by these events have played out again much like you're playing back a tape because they are projections of their environment residual hauntings can regularly be seen we would probably say that if it happens you know more than once a year or anything like that is it is a common occurrence usually on battlefields anything like that that holds residual energy you'll probably see it on once a year when that battle actually took place you'd hear the clanging of the swords you would hear them shouting you'd actually probably see them but you wouldn't be able to interact with them you probably wouldn't want to walk through them because most people are actually scared um our the brain actually doesn't recognize that what they're actually seeing is real however it's it's very real and you probably could walk straight through them and they wouldn't they wouldn't even know that you were there the dueling swordsman had a profound effect on KiKi it's something she'll never forget Judy one person saying something but I we both saw it and we both we both saw it felt it heard it it was quite scary if I'd been on my own I think it probably would have been even more scared with nearly a thousand years of History it's no surprise that Spirits within the Mermaid Inn continue to terrify and Intrigue guests to this day foreign is a 31 room hotel in Rye on the south coast of England that's full of History if you look up at the ceilings you'll see how owners new and old have tried to protect the building from Evil for hundreds of years funny early Victorian custom this part of England was quite heavily into a white witchcraft so every room downstairs at the moment has got a witch's ball on the ceiling and the idea is if a witch walked past the window and put an evil spell on the room it reflects back on her so it brings you good luck it Wars off evil spirits and that's one of the reasons we put balls on a Christmas tree to World of evil spirits bring us good luck many people that believe they live in a haunted home often have certain idiosyncrasies or rituals that they do and it's a way of either protecting themselves or protecting those that are in the property and appeasing the spirits to some extent and some of these rituals are things like placing a certain object in an area of the house and not moving it or not allowing people to touch it or putting salt around door frames and Windows using crucifixes holy water all of these kind of things to almost ritualize the fact that they're living in a haunted property and they don't want anything to attack them there are other balls of light that have been captured on camera in the hotel but these ones aren't attached to the ceilings in the Paranormal Community orbs are considered to be a kind of manifestation of some sort of movement of energy of a of an entity of something that we can't see with the naked eye but uh can sometimes be captured in photography so your spirits are drawing energy from the ambient environment and they're trying to show themselves as light forms and these often appear as balls of light and they can be picked up on cameras or be seen with a naked eye this photo taken by a tourist shows an orb floating around the halls of the mermaid it's claimed that in this picture there is an orb you can see the sort of fine bit of light in the center of the corridor and then just behind to the back there's also what looks like the outline of a figure I say that it's an orb because it appears very very bright um usually dust and stuff like that will rise up and you'll see a lot of it not just one so that's what makes me believe that it's an orb and then there's a white sort of wispy figure in the back far away I believe that's how Spirit manifests and forms and whether it's a wisp whether it's a shadow whether it's an orb so I definitely think that there was energy captured there the Mermaid has a huge history it's come through stages of you know years and years and years of harrowing events such as murders um fights and things like that so a bit like the stone tape Theory again where energy is housed within the building however there are some intelligent beings within the mermaid that would potentially be the subject of a full-bodied Apparition now if that's the case then the light anomalies could well be first stage of a manifestation you go in as an investigator to disprove everything that is being said to find a rational explanation and that is where we've very much come up with the unexplainable things that we say are paranormal because it's there's no way to explain that like how did that light glitch get in there some would say a camera flare but if you were there and you saw that there was nothing there and nothing's wrong with your camera your best ghost hunting tool is your body and what you're seeing and what you're feeling when you're there and you'll be able to figure it out from from that point but definitely you got to disprove it and then it becomes Supernatural unexplainable foreign [Music] high up in the eaves of the Mermaid Inn is room number five medium Charlotte Underwood has had many Supernatural experiences in this extraordinary room including making contact with a French woman she came to me she was actually speaking French and I understand it as English and she was crying and she explained that she was lost and I questioned her I asked her why he lost and she described a child and it turned out that she had actually lost a child so she'd given birth to a child and lost it in that room and she was held captive by one of the smuggling gang [Music] fascinated Charlotte held a sales in room number five using a special tool to try and make contact with any Spirits trapped there the angel board is basically similar to a Ouija board but it's protected a little bit more there's a prayer on the underside of the board as we're going along this little person popped in at the side of me and rather than a person I should say entity and but to me they're like people um and he a little boy can't have been more than seven or eight and he had blonde hair and he just looks so beautiful the color around him it was the yellows it was gold it was so bright and he just popped his head in and he looked around like this and then in that time he'd gone so it was very very quick um but it gave me a sense of Peace actually it was lovely Angel boards Spirit boards anything like that you're opening a portal to the other side what you actually get out of that regardless of whether it's an angel board or a spirit board is down to what you invite in with a spirit board you usually have a glass that's turned upside down this could be also classes glass divination now what usually happens is that the energy flows through the finger of every single person that's there and actually generates enough energy that Spirit can communicate with us through the board it's said that our energies are interacting with the spirit world and this board itself is opening up a portal to the other side so there's a way of communicating with these Spirits intelligently to some extent however Spirit boards are often perceived as being very very dangerous and they do need to be used with caution it's not a game and you do in fact open up a doorway to the other side Spirit boards also known as Ouija boards can be dangerous if used incorrectly one of the things that people worry about often when they're using Spirit boards either at home or with friends is that they fear the idea that they might have brought something into the world a darker force that might be threatening them people are automatically afraid of it because they don't know what to expect so fear alone is an energy that is is quite forceful and especially if you've got four or five people around a spirit board who are quite fearful it warrants quite a lot of energy they could potentially have enough Collective energy that they can summon something that's quite powerful people don't properly protect themselves so you're walking away from a Ouija board but you just opened up a line of communication you just opened a door to the other side and you didn't close that that's just like you leaving your house door open then the mice can get in a squirrel can come in you don't know who's coming through the front door if you leave it open [Music] the Mermaid Inn fascinates and excites tourists and ghost hunters from around the world all hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the many spirits who continue to reside in the 12th Century Hotel it's a very very old building it's got a very very long history they are 850 years or of there being a building on this spot and the existing building has been here you know six seven hundred years and of course then you've got the smuggling connection which was very dangerous very edgy but also a little bit romantic as well and so you've got all these associations which are all of us have left their mark on the structure of this building all these important events have happened here all the emotions are being expressed here all of this left its mark on the atmosphere of this place I would say it's exciting for a Paranormal Investigator to go there because of all of the activity um a lot of places that have such vast history and have so much attached to it I mean just saying murder and mystery alone you're you're going in there and you know you're going to come into contact with something Supernatural Spirit doesn't just go on command so you're going to a haunted location with so many different kinds of spirits so many different kinds of energies you're walking in there as an investigator knowing that you're going to come up with some kind of evidence or experience something and that is exciting [Music] definitely one of the most active places that I've been to if not the most active I would say is one of the most haunted places in the world Judith still hopes that one day she'll find something special at the Mermaid Inn a bounty left behind by the hawkhurst gang my most important thing is I know somewhere here is buried a huge treasure chest and it's full of pieces of eight and gold to balloons and they're mine and I will before I die find them here and hopefully maybe a spirit here they'll tell me where they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] foreign [Music]
Channel: Banijay Documentaries
Views: 23,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark history, ghost, ghost stories, haunted, horror, paranormal, paranormal investigations, supernatural, the mermaid inn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 11sec (2651 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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