Bizarre Story Of The Winchester Haunted Mansion | William Shatner's Weird Or What | Absolute Sci-Fi

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foreign [Music] for a while met some interesting people done some crazy things see you just might think that there's not much that can take you by surprise you'd be wrong the world is full of stories science and things that amaze and confound me every single day incredible Mysteries that keep me awake at night somebody can answer oh there's just defy logic are we living on a hostile planet in Newfoundland a small community is devastated by a mysterious explosion it really looked like the barn had gone afterward was it a secret weapon or a freak of nature foreign Michigan a yacht vanishes into thin air it's this is the most extraordinary thing I have ever ever witnessed was it swallowed by an evil fog and in the Indian Ocean two giant flashes of light send the nation into Panic everybody knew for sure this was something to be very concerned about yeah it's a weird world and I love it [Music] listen nature isn't it wonderful you know Mother Earth she's all we had over 6 billion of us occupied possibly the only planet in the universe that sustains life but yet we take everything from her you give very little back is she getting mad at us our our killer tsunamis Quakes and tornadoes the Earth's way of saying enough is enough maybe but there's something else going on with our planet freaks of nature that are impossible to explain and can strike you out of the blue Sunday April 2nd 1978. twelve-year-old Darren Bickford was making his way home on Bell Island a small community in Newfoundland on the east coast of Canada I was outside riding my pedal bike and I knew one of my favorite shows came on television at 11. so I was pedaling back home but Darren wouldn't get to watch TV that morning instead he would witness one of the world's greatest Unsolved Mysteries as I approached the end of our driveway Albert stopped chirping all the dogs stopped barking it just went so still and then it was boom like a shotgun blast followed immediately by another boom and Then followed immediately after the second ball the ground shook underneath me it was the biggest noise I have ever heard in my life suddenly something unbelievable appears right in front of Darren glowing ball of light it was hovering off the ground when it appeared out of thin air and the beautiful colors of blue made up most of the center of the bottle and outside of the blue it was orange and yellow mixing together and then just like that the bottle of light just disappeared Into Thin Air this is without the doubt the strangest most terrifying thing I've ever seen but I was I was terrified what I was I was I was transfixed by it it was it was so beautiful looking this bottle of light and the colors and the way it swirled around it was you couldn't help but stare at it even though I was scared I was shaken but I loved it and I've never seen anything like it and I guess I would probably never see nothing like it again in my life it was all over in four or five seconds but those four or five seconds are burnt into my brain just like a roll of film the massive explosion Was Heard over 60 kilometers away its impact wreaked having people reported exploding TV sets blue flames shooting from electrical outlets and a strange beam of light coming from the sky this bizarre event was dubbed the Bell Island boom after this happened everyone was in bewilderment one house seemed to catch the brunt of the Boom it belonged to Darren's grandfather James Bickford fuses in his fuse panel were glass fuses that were screwed into the panel these had come out like bullets and went about 20 odd feet the length of their hallway and buried themselves in the wall Grandpa's chicken coop is demolished the chicken's inside killed instantly it really looked like the bomb had gone off in his shed it's a bizarre scene but even more baffling are three large holes blown into the ground it was a cone-shaped hold on three or four feet down we didn't know what it was this weird and mysterious incident soon generates massive interest around the world a lot of people came the media came the television news crew had me described to them what I had seen myself I thought something happened to the world or someone dropping bombs or something what little kid is riding his bike minding his own business boom this town will suddenly smashed by some mysterious explosion turning fuses into lethal weapons exploding TV and what about those poor chickens awful what what could have caused something like that Jim Farrell was a local fire investigator and one of the first to the Sea after being asked to investigate he sends his report to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police the RCMP officially concludes that it was lightning Farrell begs to differ I said I don't believe it's like I've never encountered anything so great as this Force Jim isn't the only one who wants answers soon Darren gets a surprise visit there was a strange man I was told they were scientists from Los Alamos New Mexico it's National Laboratory built and tested the first atomic bombs could there be a connection the men interview everyone involved including Darren and Jim I told him everything I knew and next thing I was more or less ordered to turn over my exhibits to a gentleman 33 years later and I I would still like to know this day what was the ball of light that I saw um if it was lightning how did it remain stationary and Motionless In The Air how did it appear out of thin air and then disappear Into Thin Air those things aren't supposed to happen but they do happen I saw it happen the three strangers leave without giving any concrete answers what were they looking for what did Darren Bickford and the residents of Bell Island Witness and one could have created the Bell Island boom science journalist Brian Dunning believes the answer isn't so earth-shattering after all there's actually about 600 booms between starting in late 1977 going through mid-1978. nobody could really localize exactly what was happening but it was it was heard from South Carolina all the way up through Canada could the Bell Island boom be part of a bigger phenomenon be responsible for this rash of strange booms as so often happens when you have a mystery all kinds of people started coming up with crazy explanations for what these might be and the most common one was people thought it was some kind of a military test of a new super weapon something like maybe that Nikola Tesla might have envisioned Tesla when he was in his later years and was getting kind of crazy he was coming up with all kinds of proposals for ideas he never built them or anything but one of his ideas was a giant atmospheric super weapon that would move a large chunk of the atmosphere over a city and destroy it and some people were saying that this might be a test an actual test maybe someone actually built this weapon and were trying it out we don't know any super weapons that are consistent with what happened at Bell Island it's purely conjecture it's purely just a hypothesis that you make up there's no evidence supporting that maybe it is the explanation but we don't have any reason to think so what started happening in December of 1977 is that the Concord was flying over it was making its supersonic flights between New York and Europe and that created Sonic booms coming over the land planes fly through the air they make wave just like a boat in the water the faster you fly the closer the waves build up at the tip of the airplane and when a plane actually goes faster than the sound waves can move they pile up into one big Sonic shock wave that can cause damage to the areas on land below it could the Bell Island boom just have been the effect of a sonic boom from the world's first supersonic passenger because it was a Sonic aircraft and made a big Sonic Boom it was supposed to go way out to sea however on hot days because of fuel expansion issues it would have to take a shortcut route it would go over Nova Scotia for all the 600 mystery Booms that we heard most of them were correlated with Sonic booms from the Concord and other aircraft the world's fastest passenger jet have caused the tomb on Bell Island or was it something far more deadly it may be something that science doesn't know about yet a small Newfoundland Community is thrown into chaos by an earth-shadowing pool was it caused by a supersonic airliner Carl Stefan is a professor of engineering this theory is very Electric what I've read of the Bell Island boom sounds consistent with a super lightning bolt super lightning bolts are extremely rare but freakishly powerful bolts of lightning most lightning has a negative charge however about 10 percent or less of lightning bolts are positively charged positive lightning also tends to travel farther it can go several miles from Cloud to Cloud for example so the eyewitness reports of the Bell Island boom that said the sound Was Heard for many miles around that's consistent with a long positive lightning bolt that you know was going through several clouds certain in several miles distance before it hit the ground and did all that damage the current is about 10 times what your typical lightning bolt would have so it would make a much louder boom boats almost always occur in the upper atmosphere over oceans very rarely do they hit land but do they explain the weird things seen that day on Bell Island like glass fuses acting like bullets strange things happen when very large currents flow through wires that aren't designed to carry them tremendous forces are set up magnetic forces that can cause primary objects to fly like projectiles okay but what about the poor chickens that were roasted in their Coop chickens are susceptible being electrocuted what can happen with any kind of animal that are in a place where lightning hits the ground is the current running along the ground can actually run up through the legs and through the body and kill the animal Stefan's Super Bowl Theory seems to help answer some of the mysterious incidents on Bell Island but does it explain the weird glowing ball of light witnessed by Darren Bickford Stefan believes the answer lies in an incredibly rare natural phenomena the ball of light hovering sounds a whole lot like ball lightning ball lightning is sometimes seen to form right after a lightning strike and it either disappears silently or it can explode we suspect that it is an electrical phenomenon it may be something that science doesn't know about yet did lightning make fuses explode and act like bullets did it roast those chickens questions persist if scientists don't even know what ball lightning is how can they think that that's what Darren saw if it was a Super Bowl why did high-level Personnel from a top secret lab show up to investigate and finally what caused the three craters at James Bickford's place Lee tizzard is an electromagnetic weapons researcher he thinks anything Mother Nature shouldn't take the rap for this one I believe the evidence indicates that it was caused by something man-made and not something by Nature it was a an accident but what could cause an accident on this scale what kind of accident blows holes in Islands during that time frame the Russians were pounding North America with a very powerful and disruptive signal called the Woodpecker signal the Woodpecker signal was a radio signal used by the Soviets in the 1970s to provide early warning of an enemy weapons launch by bouncing radio waves off the Earth's upper atmosphere of the ionosphere they could analyze the returning waves for disruptions indicating a missile attack it was a 10 Hertz signal 10 vibrations per second and it sounded like it's kind of like quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack just extremely powerful it was so disruptive that the U.N and a number of countries banded together at the U.N and protested to the Soviet Union when they found out that it was originating from gomal and the Soviet Union and they protested and demanded it to be stopped but it really didn't stop for a long time I think it stopped in like the mid 80s but it went on for at least 10 years the mid 70s to the mid 80s according to Desert the Woodpecker signal was a ticking Time Bomb he believes its use accidentally created a column of electromagnetic energy known as a standing columnar wave over North America despite being invisible to the eye this huge energy field had the potential to be disastrous I believe that the standing polymer wave that was established collapsed and when the standing columnar wave collapses and creates these vortices of electromagnetic energy that have to dissipate sent down three spinning vortices of electromagnetic energy and that's what we believe struck explaining the three holes did a Russian radio signal create a electromagnetic column over North America which accidentally collapsed if so why did it happen on a remote island off the coast of Canada and does it explain the glowing ball of light believe that the standing columnar wave that was created by the Woodpecker signal was attracted to Bell Island because of the iron ore content it was a former iron ore mine did the iron rich Bell Island act as a giant magnet for a massive burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the Soviets or was it struck by a Super Bowl with a side dish of ball lightning whatever the truth Darren Bickford and the other survivors of the Bell Island boom may never know weird what a mysterious deadly fog Ponce Lake Michigan swallowing ships and planes and bending time is this a true freak of nature is it weird or what in three meters turn right you know modern technology is amazing I mean with nothing but this tiny Gadget I can navigate to within an inch of wherever I want to go look prepare to turn left turn left it even talks to you what a what a nice lady and and it's so accurate turn right yeah turn right turn right can't turn right you stupid thing there's a wall here go oh go straight ahead calculating root have you ever felt yourself disoriented like you're lost from the woods well I am go straight ahead no [Applause] it's not a pleasant experience I can assure you the Great Lakes of North America hold a fifth of the world's fresh water they're also one of the most popular areas for sailing in the world but on a summer night nearly two decades ago Kathy door discovered these gentle Waters aren't quite what they seem the events of that night challenged my conventional view of reality it's a warm July evening when Kathy sets off for a leisurely sale clear sky light chop it was beautiful out and it was hot just around Nightfall her calm journey is upended by something mysterious and alarming very abruptly we encountered fog a very strange fog it just descended on us poof just like that in minutes the fog engulfs the boat we feared that we might have a crash at that point I became very very very cold in fact I was freezing blinded and cold Kathy and her yacht have seemingly disappeared into a void the boat began as a strange aquatic dance it began to turn almost as if it were pirouetting on its axis there was no movement of the sea this was not a whirlpool I looked at the captain and I said who's steering The Vessel and he said nobody is steering itself amazingly The Vessel does 360 degree turns then as quickly as it appeared suddenly vanishes they regain control of the boat and head for home but when Kathy looks at her watch she makes a startling discovery I've gone over this a hundred times we should have been back by 10 pm and it was after midnight we cannot count for two hours I don't know what happened to that time Kathy's pleasure Cruise had somehow become a nightmare I just remember thinking this is the most extraordinary thing I have ever ever witnessed Kathy and her yard remarkably her experience isn't the only weird event to occur on Lake Michigan numerous Unexplained Mysteries have occurred here passenger airplanes Vanishing Without a Trace Legends of ghost ships appearing out of nowhere and thousands of UFO sighting the mysterious fog Kathy encounter be linked to these strange events was it a natural phenomena nothing unknown but Bruce gernon believes he has the answer when I first heard Kathy's story I immediately realized that she had experienced what I call Electronic fog Bruce believes that sometimes different magnetic fields from the earth Collide in powerful freak thunderstorms over remote bodies of water such as Lake Michigan the result is a metallic highly charged fog it's been known to actually Chase vessels and try to capture them and once it captures them it clings to them and the people become disoriented because it doesn't make sense to them no one has ever realized that it's attached to them everyone everyone always thinks that they're moving inside this fog they don't realize that the fog is moving with them once formed electronic fog is magnetically attracted to metal objects like ships and airplanes wreaking havoc on their navigational controls and displaying other incredible properties it has an electromagnetic energy within it that can become so powerful that it can affect the fabric of time itself time warping fog an interesting notion but is there any science that can back it up NASA has just recently announced that they have discovered something new in certain types of thunderstorms and it appears at the top of the storm the emitting anti-matter created by Massive lightning within a storm antimatter produces 10 000 times more power than nuclear energy sometimes it's speculate that this sort of power could open doors to New Dimensions of time and space and this is a critical discovery that relates to the electronic fog incredibly Gurney says he knows what it's like to be enveloped by the electronic fog he claims one of them captured his plane over the Bermuda Triangle and that he traveled 300 miles in only 10 minutes and that would be impossible to do in a small plane like this you'd have to be going close to 2 000 miles an hour and when I landed back at Palm Beach International we always topped off the fuel tanks and on this particular trip we use 10 gallons less fuel we've ever used before and I'd made this trip a dozen times and I saved that receipt I have the original could a mystery fog or suck Kathy door forward in time do we need to rewrite our science books this is a very real phenomenon a woman and her yacht suddenly disappear while sailing on Lake Michigan were they taken by a freak of nature known as electronic fog Dr Don Adrian rice doesn't think so human beings are not always reliable witnesses to our own experiences for him the explanation is far more straightforward I think what the person was experiencing was sensory deprivation when our senses are deprived say with a blindfold our brains try to fill in the gaps often with strange results quickly they begin to either hallucinate visually they could have auditory hallucinations or they could have kinesthetic hallucinations with the body could a regular fog cause Kathy door to hallucinate and mistake an ordinary event for something fantastical Maybe but how could it explain those two missing hours you're having a great time at a party or someplace there's no time seems to go by very quickly if you are sitting in a meeting time goes very slowly and of course objectively the clocks are moving exactly the same but that's not your experience of it Dr Rice is so convinced that sensory deprivation is the culprit he's offered to recreate the weird events of an electronic fog in his lap all he needs are headphones a set of goggles and ping-pong balls that's right ping pong balls the experiment itself is one where an individual is deprived of visual information by having goggles with ping pong balls cut out placed over the eyes which lets in a little light but otherwise the person is deprived and at the same time we'll have them listen to White Noise sound the participants are not told how long their senses will be deprived tell me a little bit about what you experienced um I've seen sort of outlines of things almost like looking at Clouds you see shapes in them a little bit sort of like the outline of a of an eye or a mask sometimes maybe that sort of shape of a house a sensation almost as though I was thinking down a little bit I've started feeling a little bit uneasy a bit nauseous as it felt like things were moving around a little bit the darkness around my eyes was growing as though one was being lowered into the ground interesting experience a little bit unsettling Dr Rice has proved that depriving the census affects perception but that they also lose track of time I was thinking about five minutes I wouldn't have been surprised if it was actually two minutes I was thinking like close very long maybe I don't know five minutes incredibly the experiment lasted for 20 minutes I think the most interesting thing for all three was the time Distortion because this lasted for 20 minutes and they experienced it from five to ten minutes so again that's consistent with the experience that the person had in the fog or or others who have been in these kinds of situations where they experienced time Distortion so in this short experiment here if that were to be generalized to a larger situation a person may experience themselves as losing even more hours so that would be very possible but what you can actually see here is how our brain works and how our brain tries to make sense out of a situation where the senses are deprived so your brain continues to do that I guess it is pretty powerful what your mind to do the goes where it wants to go it's a big cure peculiar that your mind can sort of play tricks on you like that I don't know where that time went incredible Theory the fog caused a severe case of sensory deprivation which made Kathy hallucinate but you know what who's sick of watching all these wonderful experiments I want to try this and see for myself great hello hello okay here we go just wait wait a minute [Music] oh yeah I'm definitely seeing somewhere I think Dr Rice might be really onto something here yeah yeah I can see white I can definitely see white and I am very disoriented but I have to ask can this explain how an entire yacht could get swallowed up by a fog hello hello are you there ketchup or call a doctor American author David Childress disagrees these strange occurrences are simply tricks of the Mind this is a very real phenomenon it's not just something that's a psychological aberration or hallucination on their part for children the answer lies in Lay lines a matrix of magnetic Pathways crisscrossing the Earth connected by ancient ceremonial sites he believes they can create vortexes of energy and manifest as the Paranormal fog other people call these Ley lines different things the ancient Chinese call them Dragon lines we might call them Earth currents or in Australia the aboriginals there called him dreaming tracks the Earth itself is like a giant magnet and it has a North Pole and a South Pole of magnetic energy and that energy is created by the rotating swirling magma inside the earth it do is magnetic and with this ball that's the planet Earth with the magnetic lines running all through it it's has its own special energy and it's where these magnetic lines cross and come together in certain powerful areas geometrically scattered around our planet that these Vortex hyperspace spots occur and it's my view that these vortexes of energy occasionally are activated and become alive and become portals or doorways to other time space dimensions and this is what people get caught up in the Bermuda Triangle or in the Great Lakes triangle incredible but does it explain what happened to Kathy and her yacht what may have happened to Kathy on Lake Michigan was that she was in one of these vortexes when it became activated and suddenly a mist or fog starts to come in and and Surround you you're not in the same place that you were you you feel you're in another dimension if as Childress believes Kathy really traveled to a new dimension how in the world did you get back many of the people who have gone through these bizarre Vortex areas and survived are probably very lucky we'll never know how many people have been in the same Vortex areas and situations and they never came back does this solve the mystery did Kathy door sail into a patch of fog or into another dimension was she merely hallucinating as a result of sensory deprivation or had she entered a Time Vortex created by Ley lines whatever the answer it's most definitely weird or what blinding double flash of light is detected over the Indian Ocean did it nearly cause World War II everybody knew for sure this was something to be very concerned about when it comes to the mysteries of Mother Nature there's a lot of things that aren't quite as they seem it's all a matter of perspective on one hand can look perfectly normal on another could look like the end of the world that's exactly what happened in 1979. Lee Richardson is a U.S security analyst he knows lots of Secrets but he's yet to solve one of the biggest the truth behind a mysterious event known as the Vela Incident it's a fascinating anomaly it's a mystery that reads like a techno Thriller the tiny Crozet Islands lie in the Indian Ocean over one thousand miles south of Africa around 3 A.M on September 22nd 1979 when something extraordinary without warning two giant blinding flashes of light live up the sky everybody knew for sure this was something to be very concerned about incredibly seventy thousand miles away the flashes were also detected by a U.S satellite called Bella 6911 that triggered a very high levels alert and from there word went to the White House that something might have happened they started calling in advisors foreign CIA agents to the area in military planes but what triggered this extreme response in 1979 the United States had concluded a series of Arms Control treaties with the Soviet Union the Cold War Rivals had just agreed to stop nuclear tests but the flash detected by Bella 6911 could mean the Soviets were just playing games the Bayless satellites Prime purpose was to detect nuclear detonations what they saw was something that's very indicative of a nuclear explosion at the Soviets broken Faith had they really violated the new treaty and set off a nuclear bomb each side had thousands of nuclear warheads pointed at the other the stakes couldn't be hired at first the administration tried to keep wraps on the story and it was full court press of intelligence activities to try to determine what was actually going on with a potential Global crisis on its hands the U.S tries to confirm its suspicions by sending CIA sniffer Flames to the Indian Ocean equipped with sensitive radiation detectors they get an unsettling surprise there was no radiation detected it was a mystery they even sent people CIA officers into West Africa to get the leaves off trees to see if there was a residue from a nuclear explosion so what had Vela really seen maybe knowing what actually happened it's been such a mystery for so many years in terms of strange events I think it's you know at the top of the list happened over the Indian Ocean what would cause a giant flash of light so powerful it could be seen 70 000 miles away Tom Reed is an expert in nuclear weapons I fired them I built them I've seen them go off he believes there is only one explanation I believe it was a nuclear test I've nuclear detonation is kind of hard to hide I mean it's not some pin drop in the night it's a very major event but if no one witnessed the explosion how can he be sure that Bella detected a nuclear blast a nuclear explosion has this sort of fingerprint it is unmistakable this fingerprint is caused by the way the nuclear bomb explodes first it blasts out deadly gamma radiation at the speed of light 186 000 miles per second technically it's a flash but to the human eye ah it's this ball of fire and the sun has come to Earth then as the explosion grows the shock wave produces a second Flash very mind-boggling and it's very frightening does the data from fella confirm the signature double flash of nuclear bomb the recorded flashes are shown as curves on a graph these curves those are like fingerprints this first Peak is the device going off as the bubble expands the energy releases again and so you get this second Rise but Adella really saw a nuclear Flash where was the other fingerprint the radioactivity they decided to put it in a part of the world but it's mostly water you then pick a weather condition like a typhoon a really serious typhoon to wash all the radioactive debris right back into the ocean the best solution to pollution is dilution weather records confirm a typhoons in the area just before the Flash but who would take such elaborate precautions to conceal a nuclear test people don't develop nuclear weapons just because it's Thursday there has to be some reason every nation that has gone nuclear has gone in response to a very clear and present threat did some Nation have a reason to feel threatened in 1979 Reed believes the answer is obvious Israel has very clear and present dangers on its borders the Israelis have technology they know weapons but they didn't have uranium Israel could only make the bomb if it had a supplier but who else was threatened enough to upend The Test Ban the Apple card at the same time the Soviets were pouring troops into Africa South Africans mind uranium as a byproduct of gold they got so much of it they don't know what to do with it with Soviet forces in nearby Angola did South Africa have reason to partner with Israel and build a nuclear bomb does this explain why a flag occurred in the remote regions of the Indian Ocean it is quite clear to me that this was a test by the Israelis with logistical support by the South Africans why is it that whenever someone sees something weird they always assume the worst I mean honestly the world's so paranoid are we really looking at a massive Cold War cover-up was the Vela Incident nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theory or is there another way to solve this mystery nuclear testing it's a plausible Theory but not everyone agrees regularly never recorded a secret nuclear test giant flash of light over the Indian Ocean puts the world on nuclear alert was it a freak of nature or something Professor Richard Mueller is a physicist U.S President Jimmy Carter appointed him to investigate the valet incident it was an important International issue with diplomatic consequences and they needed good scientific review of the data Mueller has analyzed the same information as the nuclear experts but he's come to an entirely different conclusion when we began our study we were all convinced this really looks like it was a nuclear explosion Next Step though is to check ourselves we're all scientists we're all scientists who have discovered things we know the process of discovery consists of coming up with an idea with a hypothesis and then really checking and double checking yourself in every possible way so we had a long list of questions that we wanted to have investigated Next Step was to have these teams look at these questions get back answers to us but after that first day I was pretty convinced this was a nuclear bomb but when we did a scientific review of the data it was something new and different they discovered that Vela had connected its data with two light sensors called bang meters bang meter was a relatively simple device designed to detect flashes of light spelled b-h-a-n-g it's actually named after a drug using an Indian term a drug that if you take it gives you hallucinations as you see flashes of light so someone with a sense of humor named these bang meters but remarkable the double Flash recorded by each of the two banglades was different the two Pulses from two bang meters didn't match each other but that was a real mystery but it indicated that this thing just didn't look right but if there was no blast what could have caused a signal that almost caused a nuclear crisis Hill Mueller is a flash of inside what if it wasn't anything on Earth at all the veil of satellite is at a medium earth orbit it's far away from space seventy thousand miles above the planet Bella wasn't protected by Earth's atmosphere it was bombarded by tiny bits of rock and metal called micrometeorites these micro meteorites don't reach the ground because the atmosphere slows them down and absorbs their energy the satellite such as availa satellite is frequently hit by micro meteorites but even if micro meteorites smacked into Bella how could specks of space does replicate the massive double hump shock wave of a nuclear explosion if a micrometeorite hits the surface of the satellite it knocks off dust dust reflects sunlight differently into the two bang meters this could be the signal is it possible the whole world was freaked out by a Fleck of space dust not released by a microscopic space pebble after running more tests Mueller and his team finally reached a conclusion what we thought was a bright flash thousands of miles away was actually just a dim flash that's only a few inches away rarely never recorded a secret nuclear test it was micrometeorites that's almost certainly what we saw back on September 22nd 1979. could this whole mystery be solved by something as simple as space does after all no one actually ever saw the Flash Mueller's Theory became the official explanation of the US government but not everyone is convinced clearly to me from a political point of view that every reason the world to try to not talk about this form a committee and kick the kick it Downstream in 2010 Declassified South African documents revealed nuclear discussions with Israel in the Years leading up to the Vela Incident could the space dust explanation just be a cover-up the mystery was basically solved back in 1979 the people who understood the arguments understood them and realized we were right there's no issue here but there are people who refuse to give up there are people who argue we never landed on the moon it was all videotaped in the New Mexico desert there are people who believe that the Kennedy assassination had gunmen behind the grassy knoll there are conspiracy theorists who keep these things alive despite the fact that they were pretty much settled by people who understood the arguments at the time in the end we are left with a mystery was the Bella incident proof of a secret nuclear weapons test or was it merely some space dust that nearly took the world to the brink of disaster weird or what so there we have it stories of mysterious freaks of nature from all over the world on the east coast of Canada an earth-shattering Boom stuns the community and leave scientists scratching their hands on Lake Michigan the mysterious fog terrorizes a sailor and Alters the very fabric of time and over the Indian Ocean a blinding double flash of light creates a nuclear crisis are these stories evidence of mysterious forces at work within the world do we dismiss those who claim they are true you decide join me again next time for more stories that will undoubtedly be weird or what [Music] [Music] you know I've been around for a while I've met some interesting people done some crazy things you'd think that there wasn't much that could take me by surprise you'd be wrong [Music] the world is full of stories and science and things that amazing can found me every single day incredible Mysteries that keep me awakened some I can answer and others just defy logic are curses real in Britain a mysterious painting is blamed for a string of deadly house fires but the one link between them all crying boy is it the work of a supernatural arsonist in Florida a Sinister doll ruins the lives of anyone who crosses it fear a lot of fear child's toy possess the power to destroy and in California a wealthy heiress embarks on the most bizarre construction job in history the spirits were coming back to get their Vengeance on her you're driven by a deadly family curse yeah that's a weird world and I love it [Music] foreign do you believe in Superstition bad luck most of us do and I don't mean the usual stuff like broken mirrors or black cats or walking into ladders we all know about those but did you know there's literally thousands of things that can bring you Misfortune like number 13 in Japan it's uh four in Italy it's a 17 and in Australia it's number 87th and did you also know oh no it's bad luck to kill a ladybug and there's more oh oh hey hey don't don't have to do that I buy shoes on a tape table you left bad luck for the rest of the day and uh and dropping a pair of scissors is a warning that a lover is unfaithful is it really possible can our lives be altered for the worse by inanimate objects can we be truly cursed by things beyond our control whoa whoo thank goodness he's faithful 1985 Robert Romaine a devastating house fire destroys the home of Ron and Mary Hall they had lived in their rather nice terraced home in Rotherham for 27 years the story was investigated by Kelvin McKenzie former editor of the sun Britain's highest selling newspaper there had been a fire in this terraced house a chip pan fire it burned down most of the house but this is no ordinary place firefighters make a bizarre Discovery in the ruins there was a picture an artist's picture of a crying boy and despite everything else going up in Flames it survived How could a painting be immune to fire as he works on the story McKenzie makes a startling discovery this is no isolated incident firefighters have come across the crying boy before in the ruins of dozens of destroyed homes there was a fire officer in the Rotherham area who claimed to have logged 50 separate examples of houses which had the crying boy on the wall having some kind of Fire the more the editor learns the stranger the story becomes the crying boy was painted in Madrid in 1969 by a little known Spanish artist Bruno amadio cheap reproductions were sold widely in Britain during the 1960s and 70s but the house fires are the first time it's been linked to tragedy there's a sense that out there there is a curse of the crying boy Mackenzie isn't prepared for the reaction the paper is inundated with stories of the crying boy Mrs Jones says her place burnt down in Cornwall the white family in Harrogate in Yorkshire their place went I was absolutely gobsmacked to be truthful at the huge Avalanche of stuff that started coming our way these news stories raise an alarming possibility the crying boy isn't just surviving fires it's starting the one link between them all was the crying boy fear grows over the threat posed by the picture McKenzie launches a campaign to destroy every last copy of it save your house this that crime boy art and we will destroy it for you before it destroys you we were literally swamped by it so we then took all the work we stuck it up together made a bonfire lit it up it all goes and that way we'd actually taken away the curse from them the reality was that because there was no email and because the old snail mail people couldn't be bothered to do it actually they were swamping uh the newspaper and actually funnily enough because this hat had happened somewhere the thick end of 25 years ago now were the crying boys and the fires to happen today this would be a massive worldwide story because people would pick up on it rather work the crying boys there would suddenly be fires in the Philippines and and in Vietnam and it lots of other ways it would have rippled out a lot more but it stayed very narrowly within the rather and Wigan area for some inexplicable reason the curse of the crying boy is one of the strangest stories McKenzie's encountered in 40 years as a journalism that kind of story is a story which everybody will read because everybody has a feeling about curses and walking under the ladders and and what happens is 25 years later we're still talking about it is the curse real Ty actually cause house fires This Is The Stuff of nightmares isn't it I mean you hang a painting in your house and the next thing you know it's burned to the ground painting have [Music] it's weird or what but what I want to know is who is this boy and why is he so sad can anyone smell something Oberon Zell is the co-founder of the Church of all worlds I would say that the curse of the crying boy is a really genuine modern curse Zell is not only sure that curses exist but that they take different forms the curse of the crying boy is what we call an object curse that's a curse that is associated with a material object of some sort as opposed opposed to one that's put out upon a person or a family according to Zell some of history's most infamous hexes were actually object curses now the curse of the mummies too these are the kind of things which don't involve somebody deliberately laying a spell but Misfortune is associated with them but if the crying boy is an object of misfortune where did the evil come from everything that we are everything we do everything we think is stories so the stories themselves is what has the power the curse is embedded in the story that's told about it and the belief in that story and the repeating of that story is what has given the curse its power huge numbers of people know about this curse and believe in it and that gives an enormous amount of power a curse like a blessing is a story and the story acquires its power depending on how many people embrace it and believe in it and hold to it the curse of the crying boy has acquired an enormous amount of power because it's become a legend that people believe in and the more people believe in it the stronger it gets if one person believes in a curse like the curse of the crying boy then you could say they're just a nut job but when it comes to where hundreds of thousands of people believe in it then it acquires enormous amount of power and it shapes the world as much as it is shaped Brazil it's simple we need look no further than the boy who is staring out at us but who was he and why was he crying he had been an orphan whose parents had died in a fire and that's why he was sad and instruct dumb living in Madrid in 1969 the mute and homeless boy was found wandering the streets by the artist who was so struck by his grief he decided to paint him just a few days later his Studio mysteriously burned down he accused a child of having started the fire and the child fled why what a mute child commit arson Zell's explanation because he was a fire starter a Firestarter is someone who has a pyrotechnic ability to create fires not necessarily intentionally although that may be too but it's a psychic phenomenon like telepathy and Clairvoyance and such but it can never be proved tragically the orphan boy was apparently killed in a car accident years later but some believe his ability to start fires with his mind lived on in the painting the child was cursed wherever his picture appeared fires would break out could the crying boy be the carrier of an object curse and is the fact that I'm talking about it actually making the problem worse or could there be a rational explanation the story of the crying boy is real in Britain dozens of house fires are linked to a mysterious painting that survives the flames is the crying boy cursed mechanical engineer Michael golner studies fire and combustion at the University of California San Diego curse on the painting that thing that's causing it not to burn ingallner is thinking the idea of painting could survive a house fire isn't strange it depends on what stage of a fire that room got to and it depends on what was burning at what time the fire brigade got in there doesn't have to be any sort of curse the critical Factor says galner isn't what's in the picture but what it's made of the crying Boy painting is probably made of some kind of hardboard or dense particle board it's the hard board that it's painted on that's causing it not to burn in a full room firework according to goldner particle board is almost fireproof unlike the rest of the contents of a typical home so you have a large fire growing it's very hot Flash and ignite that crying Boy painting is painted a material that's much harder to ignite than things around it so it could definitely survive a room of fire another factor that could have helped the painting escape the Flames is the way it's mounted Golder thinks if the crying boy is hung with ordinary string the painting will fall down as the string Burns off and that's what saves it we have all that cool air which is gonna blow in on the bottom so you know it's going to be really hard to ignite but how does Garner explain the dozens of house fires linked to the crying Roy symbol it's a coincidence the probability of a crying Boy painting which was maybe reproduced 50 000 times and house fires would happen every day throughout all of England of those colliding and happening is very likely I wouldn't be afraid of having this painting in my home there's no curse on it it's all a matter of the materials and the fire that's occurring what's really important though is that it just wouldn't look good in my house to prove his theory gallner has set up an experiment we have gas flow for the first time he hopes to reveal what happens to the painting during a blaze we're going to simulate what a room fire in a typical Yorkshire townhouse would have been I'm excited we're going to have a pretty big fire going here it's going to get very hot in there for sure we're going to ignite most of the items in that room the temperature inside the room quickly Rises to almost 1100 degrees Celsius even firefighters in full gear couldn't survive there something happens that seems to confirm Palace Theory the crying boy falls to the ground looks like there was so much air current flowing air through here that looks like it actually blew the painting off of the wall and off of the hook that was made for it it's exactly as scholar predicted by Falling to the floor the painting is now in the coolest part of the room the painting was on the wall it most likely would have ignited Golder is convinced the experiment proves the fears around the painting are groundless the story of the crying boy is real and that people had these paintings on their walls and some of them survived the fire the curse is just a fabrication or really it's just people's imaginations running wild trying to describe a behavior that happens everywhere not every fire flashes over if the fire brigade gets there in time the fire is out in the painting safe you saw that painting last a very long time so really depends on the fire depends on the painting depends on where you place it investigative journalist Chris Hari agrees convinced the crying boy story was fabricated from the start it exploits an element of ignorance and an element of superstition two big parts of the Tabloid package it has to be said hori has a surprising explanation for the Uproar around the picture he thinks it was a salvo in a growing circulation war between Britain's two largest newspapers there were two tabloids here one was the Sun the other one was the mirror the mirror was moral fashioned then Along Comes The Curse of the crying boy this was absolutely meat and drink to the Sun Hari believes the sun jumped on the crying boy story and ran with it I'm a genius let's have Lloyd Arts selling painting So a million people had it or whatever on their wall so if you wrote about that there's a million potential customers MacKenzie's Master stroke according to hori was his offer for readers to send their paintings to the paper people could send in their crying boy picture and have it safely disposed of as though it was asbestos or nuclear waste or something like that that you couldn't simply put in the bin yourself well this was a Hallmark of the Sun in those days it didn't simply report the news wanted to be part of the story whenever possible and see it is part of the story even now we're still talking about it so it was a walking story it had legs it would run and run and run and it was a talking story everybody was talking about it so it was absolutely perfect and it turned into a sun Crusade against the crying boy so the painting had some kind of evil force in it with the sun claiming the credit for saving the population of Britain from this inexplicable curse absolutely genius brilliant tabloid journalism do I believe in the curse of the crime boy the answer to that is I do I believe in curses generally I believe in bad luck generally I'd never go under a ladder and if you if you uh you ask anybody they will avoid certain things and doing certain things somebody brought to me a piece of art of the crying boy about a year ago and do you know what I refused to have it in the house they wanted basically present it to me I wouldn't have it and we we carried on talking but I insisted that it stayed in the porch and so so that's 25 years ago I don't want that piece of work in my house we definitely didn't make it up to sell papers so it was the curse of the crying boy a media creation did the paintings have Supernatural powers or was it just a series of strange coincidences [Music] in Florida a woman's life falls apart after a bizarre encounter with a toy can a children's doll bear a ghost it scares a lot of people including me you know one of the great things about being a grandfather is being able to watch my grandkids play especially with their imaginary friends but we all did it right I mean we think guys like this are real and we give them personalities and names in prison we give real love and they love us in return but do you ever have an imaginary friend who wasn't quite so friendly scared you out of your wits meet Robert April 2007 Key West Florida 52 year old Heather Clement visits the East martello Museum things wandering around the museum and I was just on my cell phone like I always am and I went upstairs to the top of the building and kind of checked it out because it's beautiful up there continued to talk on my phone wandered downstairs and walked out the door but what began as a pleasurable day out soon turns into anything but weird things started happening one at a time that I didn't really pay attention to the days that follow Heather suffers an inexplicable string of setbacks in every part of her life my boyfriend and I breaking up my car breaking down and I can't explain that and then I lost a job the job that I came down here for I think it's a new job but our workplace Burns to the ground and a run of bad luck doesn't end there I had a date and I don't hear from the guy and I finally get a text that says sorry been in the hospital got hit by a car she begins to suspect it's more than chance it was pretty frightening because I mean nothing that I did was right alarmed Heather decides to seek help she consults a psychic she learns chills her to the Bone there were a lot of emotions that went through me disbelief absolute disbelief fear a lot of fear I didn't believe in any curses I didn't believe in anything like that what would want a curse Heather the psychic tells her a 100 year old exhibit at the East martello Museum called Robert the Doll I knew all about Robert before I went there I'd read about him and he's in a lot of stories Robert the Doll is a three foot doll and he is Enchanted he gets lying for a lot of things in Key West incredibly hundreds of others also claimed to have suffered extreme bad luck after visiting Robert the Doll could a toy really invoke a curse and why would it strike Heather I start looking back and going maybe it is Robert then she remembers and I kind of blew past him she walked right past the doll's display case I believe that robbing the dog cursed me because I ignored him I just blew past him on my cell phone not giving him respect child's I'm convinced that Robert is more than just a doll David Sloan is a Paranormal Investigator he thinks the key to this mystery began in 1904 when a servant of a prominent Key West couple was fired what we do know is that servant felt wronged in a bizarre Act of Revenge the servant created an effigy of the couple's young son Eugene and then gave it to him as a gift he looked like a small child he stood about three feet tall he's stuffed with straw little black buttons for eyes and he's dressed in a cute little sailor suit from the beginning Eugene Otto's love for the dog is unusually intense Robert and Eugene were inseparable from the moment Robert arrived in the house soon Eugene's parents notice their son is behaving strangely around the door they overhear Eugene having conversations chillingly there's not one voice but two Eugene's Behavior then becomes more erratic and violent he claims Robert is somehow making him do it his response was always I Didn't Do It Robert soon word spreads of weird events at the Otto's home local kids would come by the auto Family Home and they would see Robert sitting in the window of the turret room and they'd report him moving from side to side pulling back to shade the only time that Gene was away from Robert was when he attended an art university in France and that is where he met his wife Ann she was a very accomplished concert pianist and together they moved back to Key West and back into the auto residence Ann was not fond of Robert Gene spent all his time with him he'd take him up to his Studio it was a little strange for a grown man to be playing with dolls after Eugene's death in 1974 the house is sold but Robert remains in the attic and the new owners experience even more terrifying incidents there was a plumber who was doing some work up in the attic and he heard giggling coming from behind him when he turned around Robert had moved from one side of the room over to the other and this plumber he ran down the stairs out of the house never came back eventually to rid him from their lives they donate to Robert to a local Museum but the weird Behavior doesn't stop it gets worse when you visit the East martello Museum you will see hundreds of letters from people who have felt Robert's curse some of them say I'm sorry I mock you since that happened I had a flat tire I was struck by lightning twice Heather Clement is just one of them she is desperate to lift the hex that is destroying her life I asked a couple of Psychics what do you do how do you remove curses the answer beg forgiveness I wrote an apology letter to Robert it is sealed what is inside it's between Robert and I and it's private I'd like to keep it that way worst thing I've ever done was to disrespect Robert the Doll now this is really weird or what a doll who gets offended by something as trivial as someone walking past him in the wrong way what is he some kind of dictator and then the woman has to write of an apology that's ridiculous I mean if you're gonna get upset enough to curse someone you might as well have a good reason how about this Robert [Music] dear Robert I am so sorry I'm raspberries you just now please forgive me is Robert the Doll possessed by an evil intelligence if so how did he get these terrible powers can he genuinely curse those who cross his path people are cursed by Robert seem to bring it on themselves visitors to a Florida museum believe an exhibit is casting evil spells [Music] is Robert the Doll possessed by a curse Paranormal Investigator Chad Lewis has no doubt I certainly believe Robert is cursed now whether that curse is man-made with our belief systems I don't know Lewis says the servant who made Robert practiced who do Uhuru is a form of magic that really values Conjuring and spells and X's it's using a lot of Bones it's using teeth herbs and a lot of the Spells Voodoo is a religion hoodoo is a practice but more specifically Voodoo is more of a belief system in the black magic whereas hoodoo is more Conjuring more spells and you can be belief in Voodoo and not practice it much like you can be a Catholic and never go to church but with hoodoo it's more of the practice of the the dark arts or the magic Lewis was also sure the servant placed a hex on the doll to retaliate for being fired the curse was intended to do damage on not only the family but everybody who visits him as well but here comes the crunch Lewis not only thinks Robert the Doll is cursed but he's alive when you visit Robert you see that there's almost an intelligence to him whether it's a soul was placed in him or transferred I don't know but something with Robert stands out more than just your ordinary curse is there life behind this wooden demeanor Lewis is convinced the secret Robert's Supernatural power is a mysterious Talisman hidden inside his straw body one of the Legends is that he has a soul Stone placed in him usually a piece of a different person that has passed once the Soul Stone was placed inside Robert the hex was complete but it is he really evil I wouldn't say I'm afraid of Robert I'm certainly creeped out by him and I'm on notice when I'm around Robert but being afraid of him I don't think he'll harm me as long as I'm respectful to him is hoodoo real can anyone with the right spell and ingredients put a powerful Jinx on anyone or anything or is there another explanation psychologist Dr Marilyn Miller thinks something else is at work and it has nothing to do with Supernatural I don't believe in curses but I do believe in the power of the Mind the mind is so powerful that you can actually die from the fear of a curse Miller believes Robert's evil power is simply a product of Eugene Otto's imagination all children believe that inanimate objects in their toys have human qualities it wasn't like most other children he never stopped believing Robert was alive Gene the owner of the doll had his own psychological issues and perhaps he was left alone a lot with a very vivid imagination Miller also thinks once rumors of Robert's evil nature spread they took on a life and power of the room once that person believes they have been cursed it can change the chemistry in the body that person loses their appetite neglects their health and simply they feel that they are going to die it's the human mind that you're seeing imposing patterns of relatedness to really unrelated events especially if they believe that something has put a curse on them all the things that we learned as children knock on wood salt over your shoulder don't walk under a ladder we believe these things and as children and and many adults bring them into adulthood for example they it gives you a sense of control if you avoid these things or do certain things it may you feel that you've increased the chances of good things happening or preventing bad things from happening so they're very self-reinforcing are the many curses of Robert simply Mass Superstition running wild or is he really just a doll how then do we explain his ability to move and manipulate his surroundings one man thinks he knows Andy sway is an energy healer he not only believes that Robert has dark powers but we're all to blame the story of Robert the Doll is really pretty simple it's just a case of a lot of people putting a certain negative energy into an object and others that are in tune with that form of negativity then can receive it when they visit is it possible could Robert be a receiver of ominous energy if so where does it come from the main way that negative energy is transferred is through abuse one person's issues are inflicted on another person so that abuse could be mental physical verbal or anything pick up our worst thoughts then transmit them back at us as curses and mind games but how and why I think the whole Robert the Doll story is is an example of a Snowball Effect Eugene tells the story that Robert the Doll caused these negative events then the townspeople join in and now it's internationally famous so I just think it's snowballed are we to blame for the curse of Robert the Doll is he the product of hoodoo magic with an evil Talisman hidden deep in us inside or is it all in our heads a woman embarks on one of the strangest construction projects in history was she driven by angry ghosts the spirits were coming back to get their Vengeance on her you know I've always been obsessed with DIY through Turing and renovating my lovely house after all it is my castle oh yeah there's nothing like the sense of achievement and and satisfaction you get from transforming your surroundings oh perfecting every detail of the place that you call home well maybe not perfect you know there are some home renovations that can take over your life but it's the ones that take over your afterlife really have to worry about 1860s USA as Pioneers fight and Forge their way across America in their quest to conquer the wild west perhaps one invention more than any other could help them to succeed Winchester rifle built by the Winchester repeating Arms Company this efficient killing machine not only decimated the Native American population it made word Winchester and his wife Sarah one of the wealthiest and most respected couples in the country foreign but for Sarah the joy of success was short-lived in 1866 a series of mysterious and tragic events began that would follower to her grave every person who was close to Sarah Winchester inexplicably died her husband brother daughter and father-in-law What followed has become one of the most bizarre Unsolved Mysteries in history Paranormal Investigator Mitchell Whittington wrote about the case she had all these blows hit her just in a very short amount of time that had to be completely devastating to her she lost to start with she lost a daughter she and William had one daughter and a little Annie passed away after only a few weeks she then several years later went through a 10-month period and when she lost her mother her father-in-law Mr Winchester which she was very close with and then her own husband William died of tuberculosis Delirious with grief Sarah turned to the spirit world and to a medium who can help her communicate with her dead family she went to a Boston psychic whose name was Adam Coons and he was not able to make the contact that she was looking for but he did have an answer for her what the psychic tells her will haunt her for the rest of her life he told her that what she was experiencing was a curse words she's she's told the curse originates with the very thing that earned the family its massive wealth she was the sole heir to the Winchester repeating rifle fortune and so all the spirits of all the people who had been killed in the United States by the Winchester repeating rifles were coming back to get their Vengeance on her it's horrific news but the psychic offers Sarah a ray of Hope he came up with a strategy for her that would allow her to deal with the spirits and that strategy was to build a house if she built a big enough house where they could hang out more or less that they would they would stop trying to to hurt her and her family but there's a catch the house can never be large enough to contain all the spirits of the Dead more and more Spirits were going to be coming along because even as they were talking more and more people were being killed by Winchester repeating rifles faced with this ghostly message from the Netherworld Sarah Embraces a curious solution she will simply keep building her home for as long as she lives [Music] Sarah purchases a farm near San Jose for the construction site she hired a team of Carpenters and Sarah would actually tell them exactly where to build and what she wanted she had a number of people working there all day long all night long they say the hammering never stopped Winchester House as it comes to be known grows a pace Sarah's obsession with the spirit world exerts a bizarre influence on its design she would put in odd staircases that went to Nowhere she would put in trap doors she would put in doors that you opened up and there was a wall behind so if the spirits were wandering around they would get confused and they would hopefully leave her alone Sarah becomes an eccentric recluse she conducts nightly seances convinced the ghosts of Winchester victims are pursuing her everywhere foreign she would sleep in a different bedroom every night so the spirits would never know exactly where she was and she would always take a different path to the the bedroom so they would hopefully fill the spirits off to defy the spirit Sarah continues building the house becomes a Gothic monstrosity 24 000 square feet with 160 rooms and Sarah thought that the number 13 was a good number it represented safety so she put the number 13 throughout the house there's 13 railings in the hallways 13 steps on the staircase 13 couple is in the greenhouse 13 lights on the chandelier there's 13 bathrooms in the house and the 13th bathroom has 13 Windows the room leading into it has 13 panels on the walls and there's 13 steps leading up to it and if you go to the sink and look in the drain there's 13 holes in the drain 13's everywhere you look and this went on up until her death when she finally died in 1922 and it was learned by the workers that Sarah had passed they all put down their their tools and left the property Winchester house is still standing today a unique Memorial to almost 40 Years of construction many believe the ghosts that haunted Sarah are still there was Farah Winchester really the victim of a family curse did the blood spilled by Winchester rifles it's hard to believe isn't it I mean Sarah Winchester spends 38 years building a house that only a ghost could Love Bizarre well don't forget this is California we're talking about you know apart from the curse what I find incredible is finding a building contractor who's willing to work overtime if you want proof of the supernatural you get it right there Dr Shelley care is a clinical hypnotherapist who specializes in the Supernatural I believe in cursed objects I believe in cursed places such as the Winchester House she believes it wasn't the victim mix on Sarah but the man she believed was saving her from it I believe she was cursed initially by the psychic who she met in Boston her discomfort with the family business combined with her grief made her very susceptible to the message that the psychic gave her care thinks Sarah's nightly seances Unleashed Supernatural forces Beyond her control I believe she was speaking people who were by the Winchester rifle she basically invited them in by believing what the psychic told her what's inside the spirit slowly took over Sarah's life and gradually drove her out of her mind she created a Vortex and the spirits were coming through telling her how to build the house and I believe at that point they began tormenting her did the psychics Reckless advice start the lifelong Haunting of Sarah Winchester Sarah had an awful life she became completely isolated from society she never went out and her only communion was with a bunch of spirit she literally was going mad and it must have been really painful if Sarah was my client she would have to come in and somehow I would I would have to work with her until she changed her internal belief system and she believed that it was possible that she was not responsible for what happened to people who were killed by Winchester's assuming that she could get to that place then she would allow somebody to come into her home in which case a spiritual cleansing of that home would have to take place once the cleansing takes place though my guess is the level to which she opened up the door to the spirit world in there and my personal opinion is so profound that I don't think I don't think she could continue to live there Dr Kara thinks this story didn't end with Sarah's death she believes she is still living in Winchester House along with the ghosts she is still haunting her own house she's stuck there it seems that she can't get any peace even in death did Sarah invite malicious Spirits into Winchester House through her seances did the ghosts drive her insane or is there another or Earthly explanation I believe that Sarah Winchester was poisoned a woman builds a strange and sprawling mansion in the California Countryside was she haunted by a family curse did malicious ghosts drive her mad New York University toxicology Professor Judith zelikov doesn't buy it she is a simple medical explanation I don't think that there were really ghosts there I believe that Sarah Winchester was poisoned by the fumes and the dust of the metals that were produced in her house during the construction time back in the turn of the century lead was used for almost everything it was thought of as the magic metal there was lead-based paint and so all of the paint that they used in the house and I kept using in the house probably contributed to her increase in lead levels zelikoff thinks Sarah was continuously exposed to toxic levels of lead in Winchester House for years by sleeping in there by bathing in there by drinking in there she was getting exposed to lead and many of these other metals constantly on a 24-hour day basis was Sarah being slowly poisoned by lead could this account for her Madness the key says zelikov is lead's ability to concentrate in the brain where it damages critical neurological functions lead affects a specific part of the brain called the limbic cyst them and it also affects these chemicals that are produced by the brain we have serotonin which is the happy neurotransmitter and makes you smile and then you have the other neurotransmitters we know that lead can affect these neurotransmitters we know that it can reduce the serotonin and increase the dopaminergic and that can lead to things like delusions paranoia and obsessive-compulsive behavior lead gets to the brain very easily in the soft tissue and it can kill your brain cells and it can impact in different areas of the brain Professor zelikoff believes Sarah's strange compulsions are evidence of lead poisoning and it seemed to me that she was of a very high anxiety and hyperactive behavior in the way she had to get those houses done and never never ever stop that could all be accounted for by high blood lead levels were Sarah's strange behavior and ghostly obsessions caused by lead poisoning Sarah Winchester biographer Mary Jo ignoffo doesn't think so the historical evidence indicates that Sarah Winchester was not insane she's also sure stories of Sarah Winchester's strange behavior and Supernatural Obsession are all nonsense I don't believe our Winchester was she wanted to live her life but if Sarah wasn't mad why did she spend nearly 40 years constructing a giant maniacal house simple Sarah needed a lot of living space when she first came to California all of her sisters and their families came came with her so initially her intent was to build a very large residence to accommodate a couple different families she enjoyed and loved and admired architecture and she spent her time and her money exploring architecture and interior design not only in her San Jose house but her other five houses as well that house was her Hobby House and so it was like Sarah Winchester's canvas and she would say I would like this built here and she would instruct her Builders to build it and then she would say oh I don't really like that I think you need to take it down and let's redo it this way oh no I don't like that and so she kept going on that course for many many years but does this explain why Sarah built twisting hallways and doorways to know him ignafo reveals that they were never intended to be part of the original design they were the result of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake which caused severe damage to Winchester House she built a tower that reached to seven stories and that Tower tumbled in the earthquake in onto the house and she lost the top three floors of her house according to ignofo Sarah ordered her workers to close off all the affected stairs and doorways so if Sarah wasn't cursed and wasn't crazy why all the speculation about her life all the negative stories that started to come out about Sarah Winchester and the Press came out at exactly the same time that the American conscience started to acknowledge atrocities visited on Native Americans because Sarah Winchester's money comes from the arms industry that seems to make her more of a Target was Winchester House born of a family curse or was it inspired by its owner's mental illness or was it just a flight of fancy for a woman with more money than architectural sense weird or what so there we have it stories of curses from around the world in Britain a mysterious painting is linked to a rash of home buyers does the crying boy bring fiery destruction wherever it goes in Florida a Sinister toy brings misfortunes down on the unsuspect can Robert the Doll destroy your life and in California a mysterious house Bears witness to a family's dark past is Winchester House cursed by ghosts are these strange stories proof that curses are real you decide join me next time for more stories that will undoubtedly be weird or what [Music] you know I've been around for a while I've met some interesting people done some crazy things you'd think that there wasn't much that could take me by surprise you'd be wrong thank you the world is full of stories and science and things that amazing can found me every single day incredible Mysteries that keep me awake at night some I can answer and others just fine logic does the human body contain Mysteries beyond the realm of Medical Science in a California hospital dozens fall mysteriously ill after coming in contact with women real fear set in when we realized we didn't know what it was did she become a living living in New York a man is struck by lightning and turns into a musical genius something happened in his brain and he developed this incredible passion to play the piano can our brains be rewired and in Tennessee a young man cries tears of blood that's all maybe I was going to pass away because I thought I was going to bleed out but no one knows why yeah that's a weird world I love it [Music] the human body if you're like me you probably take for granted you walk around inside one of the most sophisticated complex organisms in existence you you probably think you know a lot about it but here's some stuff I bet you didn't know there are 250 000 sweat glands in each of your feet producing over a liter of sweat every day no wonder they stay earwax is necessary for a healthy ears your tongue is the strongest muscle in your body throughout your life you will produce enough saliva to fill a typical backyard pool a full bladder it's about the size of a softball and finally most men have regular erections while they sleep not now okay it's amazing well they know this modern medicine can't accomplish well I can tell you there is one thing they can't explain the incredible story of Gloria Ramirez February 19 1994 respiratory therapist Maureen Welch is working nights at a hospital outside Los Angeles I remember being on my shift working in the neonatal Intensive Care Unit not having a lot of patience and covering the emergency room the com ends on a desperately healed patient was brought into the ER we received a call now we're receiving a 20-something woman coming in for respiratory distress 31 year old Gloria Ramirez is suffering from Advanced cancer she is fighting for her life she was in profound distress her condition was not looking well her color was poorer her oxygen exchange was poor her ability to even speak in a sentence was remiss it wasn't available but there's something else about Gloria that troubles Maureen there was an oily sheen on her body garlicky smell the vert it was it one very much it would be almost something you'd Miss if you weren't looking for it well a routine blood sample is taken Marina's stunned to see glorious blood is full of strange crystals it also has a weird odor I said does anybody smell that what are you talking about the blood the blood don't you smell it somehow glorious blood reeks of the hazardous chemical ammonia we had a shiny body we had smelly blood we had Crystal s the puzzling symptoms the medical staff battled to save Gloria's life her condition began to deteriorate all the medical professionals were getting in position for this severe situation the nurse Susan King has overcome with nausea she picked up the syringe and then she collapsed before Maureen could react she also blacks out thank you and the next time I woke up I was incapacitated IVs in my arm and I was on a gurney with medical issues that I didn't know how I had gotten them all I knew was is that I was sick and I didn't know if I was going to survive or not at that time more of Gloria's trauma teams to come the exact cause is a mystery but one thing seems certain whatever it is it's coming from Glory that was when real fear set in when was when we realized what we had but didn't know what it was when it was first um aired they said they thought it was organophosphate poisoning and um that sounded good you know after the fact organophosphate would have been fine because he knew how to treat organic phosphate poisoning and some of us were treated for it which made us even sicker Panic erupts in the ER and the department is evacuated there were ambulances and fire trucks and paramedics and all kinds of people around us a skeleton medical crew bravely remains to work on Gloria but soon after she tragically dies whatever is loose in the ER is spreading 23 of the 37 ER staff have bizarre and frightening symptoms that require medical attention commence according to my husband and I did not respond to him and during that time I had memory loss and Aphasia I was not able to speak well my language had been in some way deranged Maureen's colleague Dr Julie garczynski is worst effective she contracts hepatitis pancreatitis and the vascular necrosis a disease that literally kills the bones of her legs gorchinski spends weeks in intensive care the reality is materials team is sent into glorious trauma room you know they investigated every drain took every air sample bagged the body so that no one else would be exposed and in the days to follow there was going to be a toxic very high profile autopsy but the autopsy fails to find the plausible exclamation to this day the Gloria Ramirez outbreak remains a mystery Maureen Welch recovers but her life is never the same it took me six to eight months to get back where I was before it happened but I still have some of those moments with speech that don't allow me to express myself the way I once did what caused 23 experienced ER staff to fall ill was Gloria Ramirez blood toxic psychologist Dr Melissa Sexton doubted why not everyone who treated Gloria got sick why didn't the paramedics who are attending her also experience the same symptoms Dr Sexton is convinced the answer is an illness but not of the body but of mine a condition known as conversion disorder it makes people ill purely through the power of suggestion conversion disorder is a set of symptoms that are not explained by any organic cause increased heart palpitation fainting nausea vomiting headaches paralysis or numbness or loss of speech or hearing and traditionally that's been the case that that young females are more susceptible to experiencing conversion disorder type symptoms it is a lot like mastarian but they won't be fainting those symptoms they'll be real but there'll be no cause biologically or neurologically even the disorder's frightening symptoms arise from a surprising source the power of suggestion if they see other people develop symptoms such as rashes or headaches or nausea then that might trigger a response that mimics those symptoms and so it spreads it becomes contagious in that kind of way much like a yawn if I were to yawn and you yawn in Dr Sexton's view it makes sense the disorder would take hold in the trauma unit if you've ever worked in an emergency room you know that you have to operate on adrenaline a lot of times Everything's heightened and if there's an unexplained noxious odor and someone faints because of the odor it seemed like it was a ripe situation for a conversion disorder to occur I'm not saying that every person that experienced symptoms should be diagnosed with conversion disorder there could be a real causation to the symptoms but I am saying that it is likely that other people other bystanders witnessing this whole event and I don't mean the death of Gloria Ramirez alone but the whole event that surrounded her death it's likely that there were people that suffer from conversion disorder did the ER staff succumb to a case of mass history can people be sickened by a toxin that's only in their minds or was it something else it has been used in the past as a chemical warfare agent ER staff at a California hospital fall Gravely ill after treating a patient did Gloria Ramirez have toxic blood foreign biochemist Michael Shaw thinks the incident was caused by something extraordinary I believe what happened to the people in the ER was they were exposed to a toxic compound it has been used in the past as a chemical warfare agent specifically a highly toxic nerve gas known as dimethyl sulfate the symptoms experienced by the people in the ER very closely mirror the textbook symptoms that are listed for dimethyl sulfate tearing of eyes respiratory symptoms a difficulty in breathing convulsions loss of muscular control and at high enough exposure death the gas is so toxic even minute quantities are legal dimethyl sulfate carries what's called idlh or immediate danger to life and health of seven parts per million which is not a very high concentration it has been suggested that perhaps twice that level could kill somebody pretty quickly so Looking Backward the fact that there were non-lethal consequences meant it was a much smaller exposure how did a deadly nerve gas get into a hospital ER markably for once it has nothing to do with a CIA plot dimethyl sulfate that was actually produced in the body of the patient Gloria Ramirez hence the name the toxic lady now let's just wait a second here what do you say again dimethyl sulfate that was actually produced in the body of the patient Gloria Ramirez right that's what I thought he said now this story is getting too weird or what this guy is trying to tell us that Gloria had somehow become a chemical warfare Factory how the heck does a human body produce a lethal toxic gas I can't imagine how it's possible Shaw says the answer lies inside Gloria herself the evidence came from a lot of work that was done at Lawrence Livermore labs they found metabolites in her body that could produce the dimethyl sulfate toxic compound can the human body create its own lethal nerve gas how the key is a home remedy Gloria was using it's called DMSO Gloria Ramirez was using DMSO in very large amounts dimethyl sulfoxide DMSO is primarily used as a solvent in chemical Manufacturing back some years ago largely based on the work of a Dr Stanley Jacob they discovered that there were certain medicinal properties for this compound based on the rather unusual property that it penetrates skin there are very few chemicals that penetrate skin especially to the extent of DMSO in fact you can rub it on your skin and within a couple of minutes taste it in your mouth so it's very quickly absorbed it was discovered that if you rub it on parts of your body that ache it's fairly effective as an analgesic and there was a lot of work being done on this compound until a story came out of some woman in Ireland that had a sprained wrist who was rubbing it on her wrist and then apparently died supposedly as a result of some allergic reaction to this compound suddenly the FDA canceled all the work they were doing on it and Dr Jacob was later to observe that they seldom show such interest in a single death uh in a in a clinical study DMSO has been used for many years as a topical medication rubbed on the area of the body to relieve pain in such things as arthritis Gloria needed DMSO to help her cope with cancer it is said that people that use a lot of it end up smelling like garlic and not in a good way the natural metabolic product in the body of anybody using DMSO rubbing on themselves is dimethyl cell phone on its own dimethyl cell phone Inglorious bloodstream was harmless but it underwent another more dangerous transformation there are many strange things that can happen in a human body in an ER there was a lot of oxygen used there was electricity used for a defibrillation of the patient so now you're catalyzing a very unlikely chemical reaction to the toxic compound dimethyl sulfate Jaws convinced it was this combination that turned innocent muscle rub into deadly nerve gas in the act of withdrawing the blood there seemed to be enough dimethyl sulfate Vapor coming off this blood sample to produce these effects fortunately not enough present to kill the people but enough president to get them sick did glorious blood produce a deadly toxin was it the product of bizarre medical food or were there other even stranger chemicals in the ER that day Susan Goldsmith is an investigative journalist the paramedics that took Gloria Ramirez to the hospital gave her an IV and nobody became ill in that ambulance and so the theory that somehow she was fuming she was toxic doesn't hold up when you actually look at the evidence the County's ultimate theory on what happened was that mass Hysteria had taken hold in this emergency room and one of the sources in my story sad these are people who are used to accident victims and ATV victims and people being brought in in very bad condition and they don't are not prone to mass Hysteria she believes the explanation is nothing to do with your gas there was a theory forwarded by a couple of scientists with Lawrence Livermore lab that a medication Gloria Ramirez was taking for her cervical cancer interacted with some oxygen in the ER that night and created this toxic environment I spoke with the world's leading expert on that medication for my story who told me the theory simply was incredible there was no known history of that drug ever doing anything of the sort and he said that the research was never published because it simply wasn't a credible Theory the symptoms that the people in the emergency room experience that night many of them were totally consistent with being exposed to math chemicals the chemicals that are used in the manufacturing of meth are highly toxic somebody had a meth lab inside that hospital and they were using the IV bags to transport the chemicals and one of them ended up in the emergency room that night a secret method in an urban California hospital it's not as unlikely as it sounds according to goldsmith at the time the area was the meth capital of the world math Labs had been found in a preschool or a daycare center and in a lot of other places throughout the county hospital is a very logical place for math chemicals to be manufactured because there's a lot of chemicals around there's a lot of smells people know how to deal with different kinds of chemicals Goldsmith's Theory even explains Gloria's strange odor the fumes and smells associated with meth labs are ammonia-like odors and Sewer like odors and there had been several reports at this Hospital prior to the Gloria Ramirez incident of patients becoming sick and Reporting ammonia-like odors and sewer-like odors but how did Gloria come into contact chemicals Goldsmith thinks one of the ivy IV bags being used to smuggle them was hooked up to Gloria by accident so they put in an IV bag and someone smelled ammonia like fumes and very quickly people became quite ill and the ER was evacuated but if this was the cause of the trauma teams collapse why didn't anything turn up in the investigation the record showed that they disposed of all of Gloria Ramirez's blood Gloria Ramirez's autopsy was unprecedented they had workers going in in spacesuits with special oxygen being delivered to them via umbilical cords they constructed a special chamber inside the coroner's office for the autopsy people monitored the autopsy via video monitor and they had Hazmat and fire Crews standing by right outside Hospital officials were facing a lot of liability maybe the meth lab operators made sure that all the evidence went away was the Ramirez incident a case of mass Hysteria did glorious blood generate a deadly nerve gas or worthy ER staff felled by chemicals from a secret meth lab whatever the truth the diagnosis is definitely weird or what in New York a man struck by lightning turns into a musical genius a near-death experience profoundly changes the individual afterward [Music] famous piece by Beethoven was dedicated to the student he fell in love with beautiful [Music] you know I adore classical music and I just love them yeah [Music] pity I can't play it yeah I know I should have kept up my lessons no it's too late because to master an instrument like this takes a lifetime right wrong you can do it in a Flash Albany New York August 1994. orthopedic surgeon Tony C Cory is on the phone to his mother when the weather takes an ominous turn for the worse what happens next will become one of the most baffling stories in medical history Ingrid wigglebren is an editor of Scientific American mind was just about to hang up the phone when the clouds came in suddenly he heard this loud crack he saw Flash The Vault of lightning hit after Sequoia in the face he was flown backwards about 15 feet or so and he apparently went into cardiac arrest Tony is clinically dead but his mind is very much alive he saw his own body near him but apart from him and he thought oh I guess I'm dead he wasn't upset that he was dead instead he sort of felt that peace and he reports that he actually he sort of felt like he was jumping for joy at kind of being you know on the other side and uh yeah he had some further uh apparitions I guess of um floating up the stairs and seeing his children in their room playing and thinking oh yeah they'll be fine and then floating out of the building and being surrounded by this bluish white light so and it was all very peaceful and happy at this time in an out-of-body experience Tony watches a passerby rushed to his Aid Landing right next to a woman who that nurse immediately began performing CPR on him he brings Tony back to life lightning strikes can be deadly so it's not unreasonable to think he might have died without her assistance although technically dead just minutes earlier Tony now feels fine he even declines all further help well he refused to go to the hospital it's not totally clear to be why I think maybe he figured well you're hit with lightning you're either dead or you're alive he happened to be alive or maybe you just didn't want to go to the emergency room you've been through and on amazingly it appears Tony has suffered no ill effects from the lightning strike for a time his life seems to return to normal he saw his when he went home and his heart actually checked out fine but soon after Tony becomes aware of a peculiar change Within Dr Sequoia developed an incredible passion for music instead of the old rock that he preferred he suddenly needed to hear piano music classical piano music a former football player Tony has never listened to classical music before in his life his head is filled with it he ran out and bought CDs and he bought this one CD of this pianist playing Chopin and he played it on his way to work on his way home from work and then over and over and over again soon just listening to music isn't enough Tony has an overpowering desire to play it he borrows a friend's piano so we bought the sheet music for every piece on that CD and he starts practicing learning the piano becomes an obsession [Music] he practices four to six hours six hours a day he gets up in the morning at four o'clock and plays for a couple hours he gets home the kids go to bed he plays again he practices by himself the adult brain does not learn these complex musical skills very well and he was 42 at the time remarkably Dr zakoria became a extent extremely skilled piano player he plays with great emotion and that reflects the fact that you know he's developed the his passion for for the music Joni's Obsession then takes another turn not only can he play music he discovers he can write it he had a dream in which he was playing a piece and when he woke up the piece was still in his mind and he realized this piece had never been played before this is his own music he decided he was going to write it down and compose that piece of music that came to him in his dream from having no musical skills at all Tony is now creating entire Symphonies almost at will then just a few years after his accident Tony has given the chance to perform in public in 2002 Dr sakuria debuted his Newfound interest in piano in front of an audience [Music] he must have been really nervous but excited and he played with great emotion it got great reviews [Music] it's an achievement that's still mystifies by scientists and music becoming a professional pianist is incredibly difficult the idea that people would come and listen to someone who by all right should be an amateur is is remarkable you know this story is truly amazing even miraculous one day you're just a normal guy and then boom Everything Changes where did Tony's extraordinary Talent suddenly come from surely the lightning had something to do with it in fact many survivors of lightning strikes claim remarkable changes in their lives occur after the event I I want to see if they're right God don't try this at home funny except for a need to lift my leg I don't feel any different where did Tony sikoria's extraordinary Talent come from can lightning turn someone into a musical genius Phyllis Atwater has been researching near-death experiences for over 30 years she thinks sikoria's Newfound musical town was triggered by his brush a near-death experience is an intense awareness sense or experience of other worldliness that happens at the edge of death that profoundly changes the individual afterward but how can Atwater be so sure first-hand experience I died three times in 1977 in three months [Music] death number one was January the second it was extreme hemorrhaging and a miscarriage death number two was two days later major thrombosis in the right thy vein which dislodged followed by the worst case of phlebitis and specialist I'd ever heard of let alone scene three months later um they're not really sure what killed me they thought maybe it might have been heart attacks I reached this realm where we in research call the realm of all-knowing where all the puzzle pieces of Life are revealed all your questions are answered let me just say that yes it changed my life Atwater believes these changes are not just near-death experiences are very powerful so powerful that they tend to change the individual in specific ways often your personality will alter or differ the way you speak will change there are physiological changes in the body afterward uh we we don't hear much about those we hear about the psychological ones that you don't fear death anymore that you can come back more service oriented more loving more caring we don't hear about the physiological ones and those are profound uh it changes the body clock with most people changes brain dominance with most people changes brain structure and function with most people there's a pattern of changes in the nervous system the digestive system and skin sensitivity did a lightning strike and Tony sekoria into a musical virtuoso it opens up the creative doors you are inspired and you want to create things you want to do things it's almost as if you are suddenly kissed by the muses all that creativity suddenly bubbles up and you want to express it you want to share it and many times it can become obsessive did Tony secoria become a modern day Mozart thanks to a near-death experience was his mind altered in ways beyond our comprehension or did something even more remarkable happen things make a lot of sense when you believe in reincarnation a bold of lightning turns a man into a musical genius does a near-death experience account for his talent ritualist Dr Susan chumsky doesn't see it that way there's no such thing as having a talent given to you out of the blue Chomsky believes Tony's Newfound skills came from his very distant past you know there's a lot of things When You Believe Tony had a dream that he described him on stage playing his own musical composition as a Pianist that was not a dream that was a past life memory how was Tony able to recall a memory from a previous life we developed many skills through lifetime after lifetime after lifetime as we reincarnate the Mind stores all of our memories not only from this life but from all previous lifetimes and we can tap into that Storehouse and we can develop talents and abilities that we have developed in past lives jumpsuit is convinced the lightning strike allowed Tony's brain to access more than just memories but past life skills as well Tony was a composer and a musician in his past lives when Tony had his bowl of lightning I believe that this lit up parts of his brain this awakened something in himself that he already had his natural ability started to come out the skills of music composition playing a piano that he had been that in a past life Chomsky says the bolt out of the blue steered Tony towards his true destiny Tony says that he's a different person but I believe that now Tony is more himself than he's ever been former lives very different from our own and can we harness past life skills and used in the present neuroscientist Dr Brent Harris agrees something profound happened to Tony sakaria but he doesn't think it had anything to do with reincarnation when the brain gets shocked by a lightning strike it's impossible to know exactly what's going to happen because it can have a severe effect that causes massive damage to the brain or it can be actually fairly mild and and cause no no noticeable damage however in Tony's case Dr Harris believes the lightning literally rewired his brain an incident like this is one in a million it's possible that the lightning strike that affected Dr sakuri's Brain altered his frontal lobe neurocircuitry releasing him to follow a newfound talent in music how is this possible and why music the frontal lobe helps to control creativity and our ability to make decisions about you know whether we want to be creative or not and so when changes happen in the frontal lobe we become less inhibited neural circuitry may have become changed to reawaken innate ability in him or an ability that developed during childhood that had been somewhat repressed for most of his life um you know I believe as a neuroscientist that we certainly have developmental periods where we are changing the circuitry within our brain making it stronger making it weaker based on what we're doing and that's why during early childhood development it's so important to expose kids to music to reading to physical activity so that their brain development parallels their body development but if Tony's break was rewired why didn't his new musical abilities begin immediately I think that that probably relates to some recovery time after the lightning strike and and the the intense training that he started doing again immediately during that time period to re-energize those specific areas of the brain that were important in music did Tony's Brave get rewired by a lightning mode do near-death experiences alter the way we think and act or can skills for my past lives be transferred to the present whatever the answer Tony's story is weird or what in Tennessee a teen cries tears of blood this is a warning from God the Virgin Mary beautiful isn't she you know throughout history religious iconography has been one of the most powerful inferences on mankind everywhere symbols of our faith are represented in statues paintings architectures but there's another side to East Side one that is baffled both scientists and the church alike over the last century a new phenomena as we under manifest itself a series of statues has been discovered that seemed to bleed a sign which many say is a message from the greater power possible most are easily discounted as hoaxes but now there's a new debate raging why it's happened again at this time it's not a statue it's a human Rockwood Tennessee 2009. like many other boys's age 15 year old Calvino input is enjoying life at Junior High School but one morning in early May calvino's life takes a bizarre and frightening turn I was getting out of the shower and I was wiping in the mirror because I was about to dry off and I looked into the mirror and I said my eyes were bleeding I freaked out streaming down my face and running down my cheek Calvino has no other symptoms and has never had a problem with his eyes some of everything went to my mind when I first seen that I got nervous I got scared I thought maybe I was going to pass away because I thought I was going to bleed out horrified he rushed downstairs to his mother Tammy I said what'd you do you scratch yourself I'm I'm not knowing exactly what he's talking about so by the time I get up close to him I'm seeing that the blood is coming down both eyes so I panic he's scared I'm terrified she races into the hospital but by the time they get to the ER the bleeding will stop when I got to the hospital they pretty much act as if we were lying about everything they've done an eye exam on them couldn't find no traces up the blood so they looked at us and like okay well if it happens again come back Calvino doesn't have to wait long the next day the tears of blood return the very next day here we go flying right back up there this time they reached the hospital in time for the doctors to witness them the doctor starts sucking blood out of his eyes so they was testing it the tests reveal nothing a couple of weeks went by the only thing we got out of it was you know he still has 20 20 Vision but uh it's his blood we just don't know where it's coming from yes my son's normal but there's nothing normal about bleeding from the eyes calvina's condition gets worse he begins crying blood for hours the longest one that I can remember I think was about two and a half almost three hours calvino's strange Affliction also starts to impact his personal life there is people that just come up and stare at me they wouldn't say not one word to me they'd stare at me and then walk away people were getting ignorant and they were talking about how they didn't really want me going to their schools people were telling me that I was possessed they were just saying all kinds of crazy stuff he was riding on his moped one day and literally a woman in a SUV ran him off the road I missed almost all of school because of every all this stuff going the times I was there there was drama and I didn't really want to be there and then the times I wasn't there there was drama and I still didn't want to be there it got to the point where I just wanted to be at home and lay in bed all day cavina was so traumatized he becomes a recluse and then the condition begins to spread when it came out of my mouth that was a lot of blood it wasn't like it was coming out of my tongue or nothing it's like I was vomiting at blood pure blood today doctors still don't have a cause or a cure for caldino's mysterious bleeding blood comes from my eyes nose and my mouth it comes randomly you never know I honestly I have no clue on what happened what I could have done to make this happen to me I still keep the faith that one day that somebody's gonna eventually have an answer for this I pray that it'll stop and I have people who pray for me that it will stop why does an otherwise healthy teen Cry tears of blood demonologists and professional Exorcist Chris War thinks the answer is obvious I believe the calvino's tears could be the very first stage of a possession demonic possession having your soul taken over by an evil spirit or even the Devil Himself it's a truly terrifying Prospect is actually the devil is real in fact there are devils there are demons there are curses there are hexes spells they're all very real and they can completely destroy your life demons enter through traumatic experiences it can also happen through generational curses with their Spirit weakened by some traumatic event Ward believes the victim's Soul becomes white for demonic picking possession to me is like a personality hijacking that there are just embodied Spirits as she thirst for her body and will want to come in and completely bully out your personality and take over your body so it's like a hijacking is a demon covert Chris Ward also believes there might be another Force at work inside him but it's a little more friendly it's a possibility that this is a warning from God oftentimes in the Old Testament whenever God had to correct the nation or correct the people he often sent a prophet or a warning I believe it's a good possibility God is using Camino to give a message to people he felt between good and evil raging inside Calvino Chris Ward thinks it's a possibility we must consider it I believe that God is trying to reach out to us and give us a chance to repent and return to the world where we do have accountability towards our fellow men is Calvin Newton possessed by a demon are his Tears of Blood a warning of impending upon us or is there something that's even more bizarre at work calvino's Tears of Blood could indicate that he's a vampire a Tennessee teenager cries Tears of Blood seemingly Without a Cause is he possessed by demonic spirits or a messenger from God American studies PhD student John Browning is a monster expert he asks us to consider a different explanation in my opinion calvino's Tears of Blood could indicate that he's a vampire he exhibits a major feature that we see in the modern day vampire by crying tears of blood we we see a lot of what's going on in True Blood or what we read and Interview with a Vampire vampires are the stuff of nightmares do they really exist my ethnographic study is people who live in New Orleans who self-identify as vampire and what that means is that they consume human blood or animal blood or take what they call psychic energy sometimes they do both a sanguine vampire is someone who consumes blood a psychic vampire someone who consumes psychic energy and a hybrid is someone who does both and that condition this desire to take one or the other is something that they experience very early in life generally around puberty and if they don't take one or the other they feel unnaturally weak they can eat plenty of food vitamins you name it and they still won't feel particularly normal or healthy until they discover that if they consume one of the other it helps them and they feel better for them it's more or less something that they have to do if they don't take the blood then they will begin to feel weak some of them have tried to test themselves by not doing it and wound up putting themselves in the hospital so our calvino's Tears of Blood a sign that is turning into a creature crying tears of blood hearkens back to cases in the 16 1700s in Europe where villagers were exhuming bodies of people who were suspected of being vampires there would be blood coming from the mouth Eyes Nose of the corpse which they just assumed was the blood of the of the victims the vampire been feeding on and especially prominent was the blood coming from the eye area but Browning cautions us not to go running for our crucifixes and wooden Stakes just yet Tears of Blood alone don't make Calvino a vampire if Calvino were a vampire he would need to exude more than just blood from his eyes there would be other characteristics for example you might see some of calvino's relatives or neighbors complaining at night that they see visions of Calvino that he visits them in their dreams that they see him popping up in their bedrooms at night and they would have to complain of of lack of energy and in some cases blood for Browning only time will tell if Calvino is becoming a vampire but he has a stark warning if Calvino is becoming a vampire I don't think he can stop the process does this young innocent boy Calvin was a vampire I mean I know vampires are all the races though but do they really expect us to believe that these blood-sucking monsters really exist just in case our Calvino inland's bloody tears a sign that he is becoming a vampire ophthalmologist Dr Alan slomovic doesn't see the supernatural in calvino's tears but he finds them no less amazing this is a very rare condition I think there may be five articles in all the peer review journals that review this I've been doing this for 26 years I think I've seen one other um case of hemolacria hemolacria just means blood in the tears for Dr shlomovic hemolacrity is just the beginning of this medical mystery blood showing up from anywhere in the body is usually a ominous sign although it can be due to many things it's a symptom it's not a disease but a symptom of what there's a spectrum of diseases that will cause hemolacria there's infection there's inflammation there's certain bleeding disorders there's been another case report in in the literature where there was a lady from Zimbabwe who had tuberculosis of their nasal sinuses and this resulted in hemolacria I don't think that's what Calvino has but there are other more worrisome conditions such as a tumor which could block the natural flow of the tears out of the eye the good side of it is I don't think he's losing enough blood that it would affect his overall well-being so I think that that would be something you'd have to check as this is his overall hemoglobin hematocrit just to make sure that that stays with the normal limits and also I'd be concerned about his bleeding through other mucosal membranes although confident there's a scientific explanation for calvino's condition Dr slomovic admits it may never be found I know that he's had CAT scans and MRIs it's just one of these unusual circumstances that we cannot explain is caldino in the medical Enigma are Tears of Blood a sign of possession by a higher or diabolical power or is this proof that vampires exist weird or what foreign three stories of medical Mysteries a woman becomes so toxic she sickens dozens of people did her body produce nerve gas lightning turns a man into a musical prodigy can trauma trigger hidden talents and a young man sheds tears of blood is it a sign of impending Armageddon [Music] join me next time for more stories that will undoubtedly be weird or what [Music] [Music]
Channel: Absolute Sci-Fi
Views: 1,756,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: absolute sci-fi, sci-fi, science fiction, weird or what, weird or what full episodes, weird or what with william shatner, william shatner tv show, william shatner weird or what, william shatner, weird or what curses, william shatner curses, jinxes, spirits, ghosts of winchester, sarah winchester house documentary, sarah winchester, winchester mystery house, haunted house, ghosts, freaks of nature documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 36sec (8856 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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