The Faith - Warhammer 40K Fan Animation (with subtitles)

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Where darkness fall´s, I shall bring your light. Emperor, give me strength to fight. Where treachery hides, Let me strike with your might. Emperor, protect me against contagion of doubt. Where heresy thrives, l shall die with faith in my heart. Emperor, let my sacrifice blaze in the eternal night. Imperator vivit, Imperator regnat Imperator ab omni male te defendat i think you lost something Brothers I still remember days when i used  to kneel in despair prayer to your false god   it's ironic isn't it cousins No mercy for you heretic scum! For the Emperor! How pathetic and what about you aren´t you  going to charge us with honor and glory No, but i will kill you one by one. I do  not need honor for glory for that True son of Dorn, I see. Standing strong till the bitter end… But you will break, nonetheless. No! He is mine! Maybe this Templar is worthy of our perfection of old days. Any last words, Templar Only one, Die! Good, Good… But not good enough. I can see into your mind. You are weak and full of doubts, Templar. Your faith is hanging on the string What, abomination like you knows about faith You underestimate me, Templar! It was us, Word Bearers, who brought the flames of the faith into the  darkness of this galaxy.   The flames that devouring everything for almost 10 000 years Now, ask me again, templar. What do i know about faith ?  spare me from your lies heretic! I serve the  Emperor and only in death does my duty ends! I can grand you this wish! Do you feel it? That chill that makes you shiver? it's your chest tight That's fear! Do you fear, Templar? Iam a space marine, And i know no fear! And this? Can you feel this? And you call us heretics and traitors! Look on your madness of your struggle, ...for what? For your false God, Emperor… you are just like us, but you are blind.Corpse that worship another corpse on Golden throne. Emperor I fail you... I am calling for your mercy upon me. Give me strength to defeat  your enemies for one last time Emperor, let me serve you They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity Rise my son! Finish him impossible I broke you Try roll it, again What is your duty? To serve Emperors will What is Emperors will? That we fight and die What is death? it is our duty   What is your duty? To serve Emperors will What is Emperors will? That we fight and die What is death? It is our duty What is your duty? To serve... Emperors... will What is Emperors will? That... we... ...fight... ...and... you
Channel: Gabriel Christtiane
Views: 2,484,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer40k, Space Marine, SpaceMarine, Black Templars, Word Bearers, Blender, Animation, Astartes
Id: qm52p9BXh60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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