Expeditions (Sequel To Scythe) - Full Solo Play Through

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situations in your game and there's also a full solo mode included as well but that I'll leave for you to discover on your own don't worry I've got your back you don't have to discover anything on your own you've got me playing the solo mode of expeditions on this episode of table for one [Music] hey y'all I'm Paula and today we are playing Expeditions which is designed by Jamie stegemeyer with art and World building by Jacob rozowski and it's published by stonemeyer games who's helping to sponsor this episode Peace has come to the world of Europa until a meteorite crashes in tunguska unleashing an ancient corruption Dr tarkovsky leaves an expedition into Siberia hoping to learn more about this meteorite but he disappears a rescue mission sets off to find him and they also disappear rumors begin to swirl that the crew and the wildlife are being possessed by strange parasites and that's where we come in see we're heroes from the war and we funded our own private expeditions to see what we can discover because what we're after is the Ultimate Prize Glory will we be able to get the most Glory out of everyone else trying to find Dr tarkovsky and this meteorite well there's only one way to find out to to play wish me luck so here we are with the game all set up now I will of course be going over the solo mode rules as we play but if you want to know all the nitty-gritty about how this game works go watch Rodney's how to play video and then come on back over to this one so we have our Expedition map all set up we have our revealed Southern hexes we have the central tiles and the northern tiles which we haven't discovered yet so they're face down and they have these little map tokens on them we have cards we're going to be able to collect here in between these empty spaces of the hexes and of course we have our base camp board which is where our Mech starts I'm playing this cool like almost like a Viking ship Mech with the player color red so you can see my Mech board right here that shows the image of my Mech and I have a special power Odin's wrath I'm a trash a map token at any time on my turn to gain a power a guile or one dollar that's going to come in very handy and I can do it isn't many times as I want on my turn as long as I can pay for it with map tokens I have my glory tokens which hopefully will get all four out on our Glory board here I have my little turn tracker so I can keep track of what actions I'm allowed to do on my turn and then I start of course with my power in guile tokens here on the Zero spot of the track I have chosen to play Anna and woj Tech hence the you know it's all clear now haha you get it now and so these are considered to be in my hand now of course as Rodney explains in his video we want to actually be holding any cards in our hand if it's in our hand it's to the left side of our player board and if it's played it's to the right side of our player board so let's quickly go over how the automa is going to work now the automa made it out on this Expedition before we were able to so she's got a bit of a head start on us she has two Mech she's using to explore around this black Mech and this blue Mech and they'll be moving around their areas of the map the black Mech is going to stay in the central area of the map and the blue Mech is going to stay in the northern area of the map they're going to be moving around moving quickly obsessed with finding information about the meteorite we are going to be flipping cards from this deck right here to see what the mechs do on the automa's turn the ottoma also has eight Glory tokens to work with where we only have four so once she places all eight that will trigger the end of the game just the same as if we place all four it will trigger the end of the game and we'll be moving this Cube along this track we're playing a level two automa and whenever we cross these star symbols that's when we'll remove another one from this tracker here onto our base camp board and I think the rest will become clear as we play so let's dive in here right we determine randomly who starts the game so let's flip one of these lovely coins so let's say tails autumna goes first heads we go first that wasn't a flip foreign so I think it would be good to start out by trying to get red or yellow workers because those are going to help us activate our powers on our character and our companion so we're definitely going to need those it looks like on our map which was built by being laid out randomly we can get yellow workers here and red workers there with their gather action now we can only move up to three hexes but any of these three are adjacent to our base camp so let's start out by getting a red worker because that's going to help us activate Anna's ability now our special ability with Anna and each character has their own specialization Anna loves to explore and go on quests so she can either gain a face-up quest when we activate her worker slot or she can solve a quest so she's going to be really great for doing quests and if we can get four quests of course we'll get to put a glory token on this part of the glory track so first of course we start our turn by sliding our action Cube over and now we'll get to move play and gather in any order so let's go on and go one this is adjacent to the base camps that's one movement two movement we'll stop there and we're going to gather a red worker which I'll put here on my board so we've moved we've gathered and now we can play so we can play a card from our hand into our active area so let's just go on and play Anna since we got the worker for her so whenever we play this we get her core value here which is a power once we get more Glory if we have one Glory token place we'll get an additional power if we have two Glory token placed we'll get a guile but for now we can take this available worker place it here to activate this gain a face up Quest or solve we have no quest to solve so we won't do that we will just gain a face-up quest so the only face up Quest that's on our map right now is right here so we're just going to go on and take it pillage the tower so we need to find locations 13 to be able to pay 2 power to solve this Quest so for now this goes into our active area just like that this doesn't count as plate so we don't get to activate the card but it doesn't go into our hand immediately it goes into our active area Okay so that's a move play and gather and now it is the automa's turn so let's flip over our first automa card and see what they're going to do on their turn Okay so this means our Cube moves up on its track so we'll go right there then our top section is for our blue Mech which is the one in the northern part of the map and the bottom is for our black Mech which is the one in the central part of the map so first blue they're going to do a sweep action that means they Sweep All adjacent cards they basically get discarded from the map so this meteorite is adjacent to our blue Mech so it goes and will automatically be replaced with something else it's an item the occult Nexus oh we never replaced sorry everyone we never replaced this card where we took our request it's a new Quest talk with the Protectors of the cave that will need location 17 which is going to be somewhere up North so all of these cards are actually really evocative of the fame in the story of what we're doing I'm not going to read all of them as they come out but we'll definitely be taking a closer look at some of them so the blue Mac has done their sweep action so now we look here if the automa had three glory points they would activate this map token action but they don't yet we're they're sat at zero here right so now they're just going to move three spaces in that direction you can see the arrow so they're going to go one two three and now they just stay there they don't do anything else they just move now they will ignore us so if we were in the way of that Mech it would skip over us and it would not count as one of their three movement actions that'll become clear when you see it happen so now we do the black Mech again if the automa had four Glory points then they would do a Vanquish action but she doesn't have four Glory points so we come down here and the black Mech will now move to the left three spaces one two three most of the early part of the game before she gets more glory is going to be the mechs moving around and kind of blocking us that things are going to ramp up Assurance more glory and that's the automa's first turn so now it's back to us and we have to choose now two of these actions to do so let's take a look here I think we should probably move and gather maybe we just start exploring and work our way back up and around to get a yellow worker so maybe we just move one and explore this map because it will gather a map token if we explore that and if we can get five of them we'll earn a glory token placement so yeah so let's push our Cube up here we won't be doing any play action this turn but we will move and gather so we're going to move one here gather this map token and remember I can also trash these map tokens at any time to gain power guile or a dollar when we flip and reveal this Okay so we've revealed 11. oh I was thinking that was right for our Quest but it's not our Quest is 13. and now we need to cover this up with corruption token so this has five plus which means we need to put a value of five or more on top of that we won't have access to this gather action which is an upgrade for item cards until we've cleared the corruption from this space we'll dig into our bag here oh cool we only need to put one token on it because it's value five and it needs to be five on here so that needs to be vanquished by five power so I'm not going to retcon it but we probably should have gathered before we moved but I didn't so now I'm going to gather from here and that means we can do this action which is playing a card from our hand all we have is Logitech so I'll play wojtek out and that's going to get me a guile now I don't have a worker to activate his ability which would be to rescue an active card or Vanquish so we won't be able to do that but we have built up a little bit of guile and that will be the end of our turn and now the automa will go again okay so we flip the next autumna card all right so the glory Cube moves one more and you can see it's not covering up this star one space which means their first Glory token goes on the base camp they now have one Glory so now the blue Mech there's no four glories they won't Vanquish they will move one but look the black Mech all they need is zero Glory which they've had the whole game and they'll do a map action so here's what happens you look within zero to three tiles in the direction that the mech would move so it would be one two three and whichever one is closest with the map token they'll take that map token and reveal that tile so the one they're on right now has a map token so they get this it's going to be worth points for the Autumn at the end of the game and then this flips over oh we've revealed the weird forest and this space you can collect cultists uh Caribe and once we vanquished the corruption on this tile you'll be able to meld meteorites which we don't have any of yet but hopefully we'll gather some so let's see five or more okay so that's a four which means we need to pull another one out until we get to a total of five and another four so there's eight total on that so the top one needs to be vanquished with power and the bottom one needs to be vanquished with a guile and that's the automa's turn and it's us again so we can't move and gather again because we have to move this so we can either gather and play but we have nothing to play or move and play though again we have nothing to play this is very early in the game to do this but I think I might just refresh so I come here and we spend my whole turn refreshing I won't get to do anything else I get this worker back and all of my cards in my active row come back into my hand including this Quest pillage the tower that means next turn I'll be able to do all three actions again I don't want to do this a ton during the game because it's expensive I'm basically losing everything else on my turn to do this but I didn't set myself up great at the start of this game and I didn't have a whole lot I felt like I could do right now so I wanted to just let's get everything back start fresh gather some more workers see if we can get some momentum going so that's my whole turn and now the mix will go again so what will autumna do all right her tracker Cube moves one more closer to the two Glory she doesn't have two Glory yet so we ignore that the blue Mech will go three spaces so one two and then they Circle all the way back around to here three okay still only one Glory so they won't do the Vanquish action with the black Mech they will move one to there and now it's me again so we now have access to all of our actions let's move first I want to move here we're going to collect this map token that's mine not the atomas go here I'm going to reveal this I'm hoping honestly for 13. it's not it's not 13. it's 13 in the north oh no now I can't remember no it should be in the central area Okay so we've revealed location nine wow that looks creepy so this action means you can take any of the adjacent cards to you so that would be our gather action so that will be good we can get an item or another Quest of course we need to do our corruption so five or more so that's four so we need to pull another one and three these are both power so seven total power needs to be spent to Vanquish that space we can play and gather should we gather and then play or play and then gather let's gather so we can either get a scythe which is great whenever we activate that we gain a worker whenever you gain a worker you also gain power or we can gain a flex capacitor which we would discard a card and then once per turn if you discard another card gain its core value or activate its ability we can also take this other Quest but because Anna has the ability to take quests when we play her I think I'm going to leave that let's take this item we're going to take the scythe so this comes into our active area it's not activated but it gets put there and will replace this card oh this is great that's a quest that we just need to go to location five for which is already revealed it's here so that'll be a good one to do so we moved we gathered and now we can play I'm going to play my pillage the tower Quest item because this will help me gain its core value which is one power and then I'm going to put this worker on it to gain another Power oh and or Vanquish oh this is actually really great because I can spend all three of that to Vanquish this top token on this location which I'm going to do so that's all three power and I've vanquished that's sweet all right that's my turn so let's see what autumna does okay the cube moves one closer to two Glory she doesn't have four Glory so we'll skip that so the mech will move one two three and then the black Mech also moves two one two easy unobtrusive for now okay so let's pick two things we can't afford to Vanquish again I think we need to come in and gather some so let's move and gather and let's actually move to this isolated settlement so that we can gather a yellow worker so we can activate woj Tech so we're gonna move two spaces one two and we're going to gather a yellow worker that on our player board that's it that's us okay automa Cube moves oh my gosh we're just one more movement away from two Glory so we don't have five Glory so we're gonna go two with the blue and then oh the black Mech is going to do another map action because we definitely have more than zero Glory we have one Glory we have almost two Glory so again zero to three spaces away so you would go from one two three but the space they're on has a map token so they'll take that and this will flip over 13. oh that's what we need this is what we need for our Quest we can start to head that way that's great when you go here and gather you get two guile and then an upgrade action once we've cleared the corruption okay so we need to do another one because it needs a value of at least five and that's four oh gosh that's that's some that's a lot of corruption all right gosh I want another red there's so many things that I want okay yep here's what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna play and gather on this turn I'm going to gather a blue worker now that's going to help us activate our Scythe right and then I'm going to play I'm going to play my Anna card here that gets me one power so now we're up to one I cannot activate her ability though because that red worker is here on pillage the tower so I can't do that that has pushed us up on the power track a little bit and that's my turn so we flipped over our automa card the cube will not move we're saved from two glory for now so now we're gonna do the blue Mech who's done nothing but just traips around the countryside so far so far moves to and our black Mech moves one so when they come over here and they will be there so now we can either move and gather or move and play I need more workers we're early in the game I'm going to gather another red worker because we have two oh gosh this is so tricky [Music] we're gonna move and gather and we're gonna come up to this map token here that'll give us three map tokens the sooner we gather map tokens the sooner we can start really spending them to help us out so we're gonna go one two three for our move action you get this map token I keep almost giving them to the automa those are for me not the ottoma the ottama is doing perfectly fine without my help all right let's reveal this map item okay that's a location eight Crater Rim so this gives us a sweep and a refresh which is really nice oh we can this is this is gonna be perfect actually so let's pull out our corruption we need five values that's a three so we need to do another one another three so that's six there and it's both power so now we can gather so we can sweep any card is there anything I don't think I want this flex capacitor so I'm going to get rid of that and we'll replace that a meteorite has come out and now we can refresh that means that all of our stuff is going to come back which is awesome now our Cube won't move so we still can only do two actions each turn but we're going to get our cards and our workers back which is really great so our red worker is going to come back and then all of our items come back to our hand item Quest and our characters I'm actually that worked out really well because now I have access to Anna again and a worker to be able to solve this Quest on my next turn pretty excited about that okay so the autumna is gonna go we've dodged a bullet again with this Cube okay so the blue one's going to sweep I kind of wanted this occult Nexus item but we're not going to get it so they sweep whatever's adjacent to them only one card's adjacent to them right now so that's why that one goes then because the automa doesn't have four Glory yet they'll move too go here black again the automa doesn't have three glory there's still just one at this point so the black will just move three spaces to the weird forest look how creepy this one is it's little saw blades I don't want to run into this in the middle of a weird Forest if I'm honest we are gonna move and play y'all I'm very excited about it so move and play so we're gonna move to the research base we don't get the guile because we're not Gathering but we're gonna play Anna that gives us power because we gain the core value of the card yep so we now have two we're also going to activate with this worker we're going to solve if we solve gain the core value of all your solved quests well we don't have any solved quests yet so that'll come in the future but we are now going to solve this pillage the tower Quest because it happens on location 13 we're on location 13 we need to pay 2 power and then one two we get this which is any adjacent card well we only have one adjacent card so I guess we're taking the meteorite so this is going to slide under we now have this one Quest three more to go and we can boast about it so our meteorite here will come into our active area it's not active we don't get anything for it but it's here oh actually huh so actually I'm realizing in the rules here for the solo mode if you draw a card from the game's deck that refers to another player 17 30 56 or 63 return it to the box and draw a new one this is card 30. so we're actually I didn't realize it until just now we're going to remove that from the game and draw a new cards so let's just see what we get oh it's another meteorite okay great so if we meld this one we will gain a dollar per blue card we control Max three dollars if we melt that that'll be the action we have access to every time we meld yeah so we moved and we played and we solved that Quest perfect so the automa will go okay it's time for them to have two Glory now so that moves and this comes off goes on to the base camp they now have two Glory but it's not three so the blue Mac will just move one the black Mech will move three okay here's how this is a great example of how the mechs for the automa ignore us so it'll go one two it fully skips over us three like we're not even there like bounces through a portal and it's rush to go all over the countryside and it's Obsession to figure out what happened to Dr tarkovsky in this meteorite situation so now we can move and gather or play and gather I'm going to play and gather I'm going to stay where I am because when I gather that's going to get me to guile so I'm now up to three guile and then I'm going to play this item so its core value is another guile so I now have four I'm going to activate it with this blue worker which lets me gain a worker so this is an instant benefit of the item when I put a worker on it I gain a worker and then whenever I gain a worker so now as long as this is in my active area I get this benefit whenever I gain a worker I also gain power that's pretty great so I'm gaining a worker what kind should we get we currently have two blue so maybe I should get another blue worker because then when I get this meteorite back I'll have the option to activate both of these cards so let's get a blue worker and now I've gained a worker so I get a power this is a sweet card I'm excited about that all right that was play and gather and now the automa goes all right the blue cube moves again we're four movements away from three glory phew we don't need to worry about this because we don't have seven Glory so blue Mech will just move it's just moving along seeing the countryside oh boy the black Mech is gonna the VAC Mac is doing a lot of exploring because it has zero or more Glory we have two now it does the math action so it will take this map token reveal this the Impact Zone location seven oh if you go there you get to gather two power and you can do a meld action there as well let's put some corruption on that tile three four so total of seven guile needs to be spent to fully clear that rule we should do some vanquishing and some exploring speaking of should we move and gather let's explore some more we need to get some map tokens for this Glory track and we need to reveal we don't even have any boast actions revealed yet so let's move and gather and see we can get so we're just going to come up here we're going to go to The Frigid North four of five map tokens gathered oh The Observatory look Gathering there gets us another map token and an upgrade action once it's cleared of corruption so we need eight or more corruption here so we might be pulling out a bunch of tokens that's three four seven so we need to pull out one more ten total there but we're Gathering so we're going to gather another map token from the supply we now have five but we can't put our Glory token on the track yet because you actually have to do a boast action to be able to boast about your achievement and Place Your Glory token so we have enough but we need to find that boost action to actually be able to place our first Glory marker but I can now I can Trash these map tokens to gain power guile or money so that's something that's a good option to be doing all right the automa will now go the blue cube moves to this space the blue Mech will sweep there goes our opportunity to do Quest 17. another item of fusion link that looks cool okay they don't have three glory yet so they're just gonna move one so they come around here they're going to skip where I am so they're going to go to that space all right so the black Mech we're going to skip this because the ottoma doesn't have four Glory yet so it's going to move to to the warehouse blocking that space because we can't go to a map space that has a Mech on it we can move through it but we can't stop on it let's move and play so I think actually we're going to come down to this last map token that's unexplored in the central area of the board before this Mech gets it because that's worth points for them at the end of the game so we're going to move one two three gather another map token and hope that maybe this has a boast action oh it does but the fishing Village must have its corruption cleared before we can access it we can't gather anyway so we wouldn't been able to do it this turn anyhow okay let's see what we pull four guile corruption and three power corruption so now we play so the card we have left to play ishtek so we get a guile so we have five guile now because that's his core value and then we're gonna put this yellow worker on him so we can either Rescue an active card or a Vanquish we don't have three power now I could spend some map tokens to get three power but I want to hold on to the map tokens until we're able to boast about them so let's actually Rescue an active card let's rescue this meteorite which means well now we could play it and use this blue worker on it we I would like to start vanquishing soon but we'll see we'll see if we're able to all right the automa will go oh boy all right the blue Mech is going to start doing some exploring they're going to do a map action one Glory or more the automa will do that they have two Glory so they're going to explore this space they're on this means you can take a face up card and this is another boast action so we have two boast actions revealed again Western corruption is cleared so five or more that's not horribly corrupt location so there's four need another token get to five so that's nine total that's not what we wanted all right so we skip this because they don't have five Glory yet so the black Mech will move one back into the weird Force they love that weird Forest they love it what will we do on our turn move and gather or play and gather oh we didn't fill this in with another card oh a quest okay we're going to play and gather because here's what I want to do first we're going to gather a guile in a power six guile now that's pretty good two power we're gonna play this blue stone meteorite we're gonna put our blue worker on it so this gives us another guile we have seven guile we need to start vanquishing some guile corruption now this would be if we had one melded meteorite we could get another guile but we don't have any melted meteorites yet but now because we've activated this with our blue worker gain one face up blue card to your hand now the colors of the cards are denoted by the workers on them so this is our only blue card out and I'm going to take it I'm excited about it because it's a quest with location one so we have this Quest it should be pretty easy for us to do we just need to go down and do it if that goes into our hand and that's going to be a guile it's going to get us a worker oh that okay that's a good that's good I'm happy about getting that card so this one will come out it's another Quest location 19 which isn't revealed yet identify members of a lost expedition now we don't do the second part of this uh action on this card because it's if we had two melded meteorites we could gain a power per blue card we control we again don't have any melded meteorites so that won't happen I keep shaking my table and I'm sorry so that's our turn we played we gathered last card in the current automa deck the blue cube moves one and the blue Mech will just move to the no the black Mech is gonna sweep so all adjacent cards go away including this Quest that we wanted that we didn't get a chance to pick up okay a new Quest has come out placate possessed animals that's in location 10 which I think we do have revealed oh yes of course it's the weird Forest a Coal Stone meteorite and another Quest weaken the Leviathan oh that happens at location 19 as well which again we haven't revealed yet so because the ottoman has two Glory they would do a map action but we've explored every tile in the central area of the map so they actually won't do that so they're just gonna move three again they ignore us so one two three okay we are going to move and gather this turn we're going to see if we can make this Quest happen so what we're going to do is going to take us a turn or two so we're gonna move one two three here to location one Riverside this lets us take an action from any of the surrounding locations so we're going to do the one from six secret facility this lets us take a card from the top of the map deck cranial implant ooh an item whenever you gain an item or meteorite also gain its core value we we have some items to upgrade that's something I'd really like to be doing now this we gain and it goes into our active area even though we haven't played it then this lets us rescue a card from our active area and put it in our hand and I'm going to rescue Anna along with her worker because now that we have Anna next turn we can play her to solve this Quest but that's it we moved and we gathered so now we do now that the automa deck is in the start of the game we shuffled this deck and then pulled two cards randomly out of it set them aside we now Shuffle those back in we'll pull two other random cards out of the deck and have our new ottom of deck for the next cycle let's take out this one and this one all right this Cube moves or one away from three glory and the blue Mac will move too the black Mech is going to sweep again you have a cipher Stone meteorite and an offer an Arcane sacrifice quest for location 15 which again we we haven't revealed yet it's one of those Northern locations we haven't revealed okay then they would do a map action but that whole area is cleared so they'll just move back into the weird Forest they love that weird Force so much okay we are going to spend our turn playing and Gathering so we're going to stay here first we're going to gather again this lets us gather based on any of the actions of our adjacent locations so we're going to get a worker we're going to get another blue worker how many workers do I have one two three four five two more and I could place my glory token for having seven workers instead of five map tokens so I have the five map tokens now whenever I gain a worker I also gain power because this is active my scythe now I'm gonna play I'm gonna play Anna down here I'm going to put my worker on her I'm going to solve this find a former Factory engineer Quest I'm on location one I spend one guile oh and this is gonna gain me a blue worker so actually I'm going to retcon slightly I'm gonna say we gain the yellow worker here because we're gaining this blue worker from solving this Quest and look we gained a worker so we get another Power that's a nice little engine we've got happening right now so whenever we solve you gain the core value of all your solved quests we've now solved two which is a guile and a power we're doing pretty good actually if we keep this up we might be able to solve our 20 value corruption at tarkovsky's Lair once we reveal it we'll see I might spend all of that on other vanquishing though before that cool we played we gathered all right ottoman they now have three glory oh boy all right so now the Blue Max sweeps so offer an Arcane sacrifice is gone so of course this is mimicking the way cards would be getting grabbed up by other players in a multiplayer game okay another meteorite and then if there's three glory a map action there is three glory we just got it so they will do a map action on the tile they're on right now oh there it is tarkovsky's Lair I want to go there oh can we get enough power and go there and get that token oh that would be sweet I'd really like to do that I'm gonna try okay now the black neck we don't have four Gloria for the automa so they're just gonna move two one two to create a rim oh we didn't place our star for the third Glory they just got we need to do some vanquishing so that we can upgrade some cards or meld some meteorites or something let's start to make our way up to tarkovsky's Lair with the aim of clearing that corruption but we're gonna have to do some other things along the way so I think we're going to move and gather oh no I spent all my cards I need to refresh I can't go here to do it because the mech is there oh I can move and gather no okay no here's what I'll do I will move and gather I won't refresh it I'm gonna go one two to the weird Force I'm gonna gather a cultist and because I gained a worker I gain a power so I now have six right pretty good and that's that I moved and I gathered I think next turn I might have to refresh because I need to get my cards back one two three four five six seven oh yeah I have seven workers which means I can start spending my map tokens for power and guile or money and not have to worry about losing the ability to boast for this spot on the glory track because I have seven workers and I can boast about that instead now the automa will go okay all right so the blue Mech is going to do another map action because it has more than one Glory so we look at the three spaces one two three that one has a map token and that's the three spaces within its movement range so it's going to come here take this map token oh great I'm getting a lot of map tokens and that reveals the mountain pass we need to put eight value corruption on it and that's all with power so the black Mech that we don't they don't have five Glory yet so they're gonna move one so they're gonna move off of Creator room to research base and then it's us again we're gonna refresh it must have been my whole turn refreshing I get all of my workers back and all my cards come back into my hand that's it that's my turn so automo will go again okay the blue Mech is sweeping they love to sweep this one goes away the morph Stone what comes out instead oh an item exo suit that's creepy looking and then it's gonna move because the ottoma doesn't have for Glory yet so we'll move two so it's going to go to the encampment one two two okay okay the black mech's gonna start vanquishing so some of these are going to start becoming available for us to use the gather actions but we're not going to earn the points for doing the vanquishing Because the mechs are going to start doing it with the automa so three glory yes we'll Vanquish one token so right here the one they're on they'll get that and now we will go we can do all of our actions move play and gather I Vanquish at the warehouse or do we want to Vanquish we Vanquish on the mining town we'll be able to upgrade and I would like to do that those are also worth points at the end of the game if you've upgraded their coin value or points you get at the end of the game for upgrading them so let's move to the mining town and then we're going to play we're going to play woj Tech so we're going to get one guile for plain wojtech then we're gonna play Yellow worker where we're going to Vanquish we're going to spend five of our sixth power takes us down to one to Vanquish yep and then if this removes the location's final corruption you may gain the revealed benefit we get to upgrade so we're gonna upgrade one of these item cards I think we're going to do the scythe so this will always be active so now this will come actually and slide under our board here so now whenever we gain a worker we'll also gain a power that is active all the time now and it's going to be worth four points at the end of the game we still have our gather action so now we can do this as our gather action or we can go on and upgrade our cranial implant whenever you gain an item or meteorite also gain its core value let's just do that let's for our gather action so we were able to do this upgrade because of the benefit of vanquishing but now we're doing our actual gather so now I'm going to do that upgrade again and upgrade this cranial implant so whenever we gain an item or meteorite we're also going to gain its core value that's what that gets and now we have two that was a pretty good turn actually I'm pretty happy about that okay Autumn is gonna go oh boy all right the blue Mech is going to Vanquish both of those corruption tiles on its location because it has the number two buy it and the ottoma has three glory so both of these are going to go these are worth two points each for them at the end of the game but we now have access to a boast action so that's actually look there are pros and cons of what's Happening Here we could use that post action for sure because we need to start getting some of our Glory tokens on this board all right and the black Mech will move one fully Impact Zone now it's us let's move and gather let's go to the fishing Village and gather some guile and power from being there so we're going to cover up play we're going to go one two three our movement gain a guile we have nine gain of power we now have two that's it that's our turn and then hope that this blue Mech moves off of that space so that in a two turns we can go in boast it'll take us two turns to get there because we'll have to stop at this undiscovered map location or move around here which is three movements all our movement so it's going to take us two turns to get there but that's okay all right so the automa gains one up on their Glory track they don't have four yet so the mech is gonna move okay the blue Mech is going three to here and the black Mech is going to to here okay so we want to we can't move and gather so we're gonna move and play so we're gonna come up here get another token which we're going to start to spend for Powers aha here's location 19. a stormy sea let's put some corruption tokens on it okay four you need at least eight three we're gonna have to pull another one oh my goodness me five oh that's 12 guile needs to be spent on that to clear it that will not be able to happen in one go so now we're playing look our hand of cards is so small now we just have two now so we could play this meteorite it'll get us another guile gain one face up blue card to your hand which will get us another meteorite or that Quest I think maybe we do that all right so we're gonna play this meteorite Bluestone meteorite card that's going to get us a guile we now have 10 that's our Max and we're going to place a blue worker here to gain one face up blue card to our hand we're going to take this placate possessed animals and put that in our hand which is a quest that we're going to try and fulfill okay another meteorite has come out so the automotive will go all right the cube comes over one on the track the blue Mech will sweep so there goes the meteorite we just pulled all the adjacent cards refresh a hover coil item that looks pretty cool and another meteorite a fuel Stone then they're going to do a map action because of the three glory requirement which they have so they're gonna do right here we're gonna reveal whatever this is Ancient Temple location 15 you can get two coins there or a meld action once its corruption is cleared Aid or more corruption here's a five and three exactly eight okay that's about as good as that gets okay the black Mech they don't have four Glory yet so they're gonna move three spaces one two three we're gonna move and gather because we're gonna do our first boast we're gonna get a glory token on the board so we're gonna move to encampment we're gonna gather and our gather action is gonna be boasting and we're gonna boast that we have one two three four five six seven workers ha ha that's pretty exciting because we're now going to get a bonus whenever we play woj Tech or Anna how many map tokens do we have one two three four five six seven we have seven I might spend all of these to deal with tarkovsky's Lair we're so close to being able to do it okay automa Cube moves one away from four Glory so the blue Mech will move two to Mountain Pass and the black Mech will not do a map action because they're all gone so they'll move two one two to the Impact Zone okay we can't quite make it jar tarkovsky's Lair yet so I think we're going to move and play we could solve this Quest come around to get up to tarkovsky's Lair I think this is going to be worth doing it okay so we're going to move and play on this turn so we're going to move to the weird Forest one two three we're going to play Anna so we gain a power from her but because we have one Glory point now we gain an additional power so now we have four we're gonna put a red work on her and we're going to solve placate possessed animals so this costs two guile which we definitely have will come down to eight and then it gets us to power so we're getting very even here this comes here we now have three of four quests solved to be able to place glory for that and also you gain the core value of all your solved quests so that's two guile and a power so we're back up to ten and one on seven for power we're going to tarkovsky's letter to Vanquish next I'm really pumped about it hopefully we can do it before if they if the automa does it on this turn I'm going to be upset because it's the ottomless turn now please don't do it how about that y'all it's the card that would let them take the tarkovsky's lair corruption but they need seven glory to be able to do it and they don't have it they only have three oh well actually they have four because the cube moves but that's not enough so we're safe thank goodness can you believe that's such Paula luck right so the blue Mech will move three one two three to the stormy sea and the black Mech will move two again because there are no map tokens for them to take one two it's us we are moving and Gathering now I can move through this Mech I just can't stop on that space so I'm gonna go one two three to tarkovsky's lair interesting oh this is so cool so this symbol to gather means you activate the ability of one adjacent face up card there's only one adjacent face of card and the ability on that card happens to be Vanquish which is exactly what we want to do right now so we get to Vanquish this now to do it we need 10 guile and 10 power well I have 10 guile I only have seven Powers so I'm going to spend three map tokens because of my special power to gain three power I have 10 of both and I will spend all 20 . I've never been able to do this in any of my playthroughs I'm really excited to get this that means I can boast there oh yeah I'm really excited okay that's my turn I moved I gathered and that's what I was able to do automa okay their Cube moves and you're gonna see it gets fewer and fewer spaces in between their last four Glory tokens so things are gonna like really start ramping up so now okay the blue Mech is going to Vanquish one of these corruption tiles the black Mech is going to move three one two three I want to boast but I can't stay here and do it no I can't I can play and gather yes okay we're saying right here we're going to gather we're going to boast with that gather action and I'm gonna boast that I have this 20 corruption I'm gonna put my star there so I now have two I'm really excited and I have nothing actually to play because all my cards are here so I won't I just won't play anything but that's okay because I got to boast and that's huge so that's my whole turn I might have to refresh next turn to get my cards back but automa okay the cube moves they're only two away from five Glory now okay the blue Mech because this two Glory that's met will Vanquish another tile oh it's worth so many points for them and then the black Mech is gonna Vanquish two so they have English one as well now it's me I think I think I'm gonna refresh is there anything else I can boast about not yet I need another Quest solve to be able to boast about quests let's refresh and just get all of our stuff back I'd like to meld this meteorite if we're able all right that's it that's our whole turn we've made it through the automa deck oh my gosh they're about to have five Glory points one more Cube movement they'll have five oh the last unrevealed map token is happening now with the blue Mech so they get this 17 ice cave here you can get a purple worker and a coin in an upgrade action so let's see five three that's eight and now the black Mech will Vanquish okay what do I want to do should we go to the Ancient Temple and try we don't have any power now because we spent it all maybe we should go to the Impact Zone and gather up some power okay I have a plan move play gather so we're going to move to the Impact Zone one two we're gonna gather two power and then we're gonna play Anna okay that gets us a power for playing her plus a power for having one Glory token out plus a guile for having two Glory tokens out so four power one guile so that was our move that was our gather that was our play okay hold on so I'm gonna use my red worker to activate her I'm gonna gain a face up Quest 19's kind of far away but we're gonna need to go back that way probably for boasting at some point so we're going to take this face up Quest identify members of a lost expedition we're going to have to go to location 19 in the stormy sea to be able to solve it it's going to cost us three guile then it's going to let us play a card from our hand and get a coin so hopefully we can make that happen I did not pull the fourth Glory token off of the automa glory track I'm sorry y'all that that should happen so many turns ago speaking of put these two cards back in this deck Shuffle this up these two are out just in time for five Glory now there we go five Glory games can be over soon okay the blue Mac is going to Vanquish one look at this mess of tokens they're collecting and the black Mech will also Vanquish one so we look in the direction of one two three yeah so one tile away is a corruption they can Vanquish so they will move there and Vanquish it now it's me I want to try and get to 19 to solve my quest I think I will move and gather so I'm going to go up and around because I want to gather two coins so we're gonna go one two three and I'm going to gather those two coins because those are points at the end of the game all right autumna Cube it doesn't move we can last a little longer there are no more map tokens on the board so no more map actions will happen so the blue Mech is going to move one it will skip over me and go to tarkovsky's lair where I've already vanquished the corruption take that autumna and the black Mech will Vanquish 2 because they have five Glory they're going to come over to here and Vanquish both of these this is a lot of anguishing points for them and I don't have very many I think they're gonna beat us on points but we'll see oh shoot I never put a new I have a card out there I'm going to gather and play so I'm going to gather two more coins and then I'm going to play woj Tech which gets me to guile and a power because of the number of Glory tokens I have out so two guile and a power put my yellow worker on and I'm going to I'm not going to Vanquish I could Vanquish but instead I'm going to rescue an active card so I can get Anna back so that I can play this Quest solving next turn all right automa okay the cube moves closer to six Glory the blue Mech will don't go where I'm trying to go Blue Mech it's going to move two okay I think we're in the clear one two and then the black Mech will Vanquish this is within three so it will come here and Vanquish okay now we are going to move and play one two we're going to play Anna which gets us two power and a guile one two so I have seven power and four guile which is really great I'm going to put a worker on her to solve I'm going to solve this Quest right here because I'm on location 19 I'm identifying members of a lost expedition so I pay three guile one two three and I'm gonna get to play a card and I get a coin well the only card I have to play is this meteorite I could put a worker on it this gets me a guile and I can gain a face up blue card to my hand so let's see let's get this one the fuel Stone to my hand that replaces with control the possessed it's hard to control them they're possessed so we've solved this we now have four solved quests and we get all of their core values so we get three guile and a power because that is on this card nice so now if we can get to the encampment we can boast again and get our third Glory token put down which will be really awesome but that's our whole turn for now so the automa will go the cube will move closer to six the blue Mac will sweep so The Ether mirror goes away replaced by an Arcane blade and they will move three one they skip me two three to the Ancient Temple and now the black Mech will Vanquish so they'll move here in Vanquish three so both of these will come off this makes me I don't like the number of Vanquish tokens they've got I haven't done enough ink machine this game I don't think but I've been doing other things so now I'm going to move and gather so I move to encampment this lets me take any face up card but I'm not going to do that because I'm going to boast so I'm going to boast about my four solved quests right here three of four placed all right that's me next okay the cube won't move but the blue Mac will Vanquish two so both of these and the black Mech will just move to here okay what am I gonna do I need to start vanquishing I wonder if I can Vanquish at the observatory let's move and play Let's see what we can do here so I'm going to move to the observatory and I'm going to play I'm going to play my fuel Stone because if I put a worker on it I get to Vanquish oh and then if I had two melded meteorites I could gain a power per turquoise corruption but one I don't I only have one here really and I don't have any melded meteorites because I haven't melted at all but I'm going to try and Vanquish so I'm going to spend three on that orange one two three three power for this top one for guile which takes me down to one guile for this one and what was this three guile I'm gonna spin map tokens I need to spend two map tokens and that'll get me two more guile again because of my special ability here so now I have three guy out which I can now spin to have zero do this and now I gain access to this ability which is an upgrade but I have no items to upgrade so I won't be doing that okay automa the cube moves they Vanquish three so one yeah they'll stop at the mountain pass and Vanquish both of those because that's the blue Mech action and then the black Mech will just move two okay what are we doing now again all of our cards I wonder if we should go to the Crater Rim and do a refresh move and gather and then the next turn maybe we can try and do some fishing Village or an ice cave vanquishing uh oh where was this where I think it was on five yeah okay so we will move and gather down at Crater Rim one two so let's just sweep I'm kind of okay well let's sweep this because we're not going to do any more quests an item dark profit staff and then we're gonna refresh we get all of our workers back all of our cards now remember it doesn't move our Cube to the refresh the refresh spot it doesn't move our Cube to the refresh spot we just get all of our stuff back now autumna yeah they're gonna have six Glory now so this will come over here this this is such a mess I've made such a mess of their little area all right the blue Mech because that 20 corruption on tarkovsky's Lair isn't there anymore we cleared it and they don't have seven Gloria anyway they are going to move three so they come over to the stormy sea and then the black Mech will move two to the mining town and now it's me so we are going to move and play we're gonna go to the ice cave one two three and we're gonna play woj Tech so that we can do some vanquishing so I'm going to gain two guile and a power for playing him I'm gonna put my yellow worker on him and I'm going to Vanquish with five power that gets me down to six this token again we don't have anything to upgrade so I don't get the benefit of getting to activate the revealed ability there but that's okay because we're getting points from vanquishing I wonder if we should try and meld next I think that could be a good thing going to the Ancient Temple and melding oh how many tokens are I one two three four five six one more Vanquish token and I could place my last Glory oh that would be really good oh that's I think that might be the thing to do okay let's see what the what the automa does I think the game's about to be over so the blue Mech is gonna sweep both of these come away Synergy Halo and a map Stone and then it will move two this is great because I want to be I think where that Mech is for some more vanquishing so this goes there it moves two so it's out of my way and now the black Mech will Vanquish it will go here so luckily we're not going to the fishing Village because this Mech is here and we'll Vanquish one there's almost all the corruption is almost cleared from this board they have vanquished so much look at this pile of corruption tokens so now we oh we can't move and play because we just did that so I guess we'll move and gather so let's move to the stormy sea we can sweep we can gain a benefit from an adjacent location is there a meld benefit adjacent no there's upgrades there's I guess we will gain guile and power because we don't have any items to upgrade we kind of fell down on the item Gathering situation I feel like so we could use actually we could use this to grab this card and now we'll have an item to upgrade if it comes up again which could be good we'll do that oh wait whenever you gain an item or meteorite also gain its core values that gets a seguile that was smart okay I know what we're going to do on our next turn so let's let's get to it I think we're going to end the game next turn so the Autumn is going to go the cube moves they're all one away from Seven Glory gosh I got so scared about sweeping when I'm like I might need these items so okay the blue Mac is going to sweep I think this is okay these are gonna go parasitic Gauntlet e or a charter Stone the mech's gonna move to tarkovsky's lair this is going to be vanquished by the black neck so there's one token left to get one corruption token left and we need it to place our last Glory but I think we're gonna be able to do it so on our turn we are going to play and gather now I'm going to play this fuel Stone which gets me a guile and then I'll put a blue worker on it to Vanquish so I'm going to spend four guile which is all my guile I Vanquish now I gather is that a boast symbol this is so perfect I was gonna gather and use the ability to use an adjacent gather action to boast with encampment and said I can just use this one and now I'm gonna boast because I have six seven corruption tokens and that is my last Glory I placed all four before the automa did which is crazy that has not happened to me in any of my games yet and now we each Play One More turn and on my turn I'm going to be trading into map tokens for some points and seeing what else I can do here maybe I can upgrade again okay okay okay okay I think yeah okay but first the automa has to take one last turn okay so they get seven there are one away from also being able to end the game the mech will move one the black Mech will move three now we take our last turn which is going to be so I'm shaking everything everywhere to move and gather so we're gonna move to the ice cave we're gonna do the upgrade for The Gather so I'm going to upgrade this item right here and that's going to go there now if we were if the game was going to continue we would gain for the rest of the game whenever you gain at least two guile during your turn you also gain a power but that's it that's the end of the game those are my two last actions so now it's time to count up points this is a lot of points so let's score for the automa first and then we'll count up our points to keep things exciting we'll see how we manage I honestly have no idea so she gets four points for each Glory token she has on the board so she has seven so that's 28 points right here 28 just from her glory tokens then she's going to get a point for each map token this is so many so that's eight more okay and then two points per corruption token this is where I think she might kick our butts here 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 points incorruption tokens don't let the automa get all the corruption clearance 40 points that yeah I don't know that we can beat that that's 60 76 total points for the automa all right it's time to count our points get out of here so we did four quests and based on that I get 10 points per Glory token placed on the board oh this is maybe where I'm gonna make up some points because I placed all four of mine that's 40 points right there oh at the end of the game I also would have traded in my two last map tokens for two coins because those are gonna be points one two three four five six seven coins then I get two points per each corruption token I have including the 20 so that's two four six eight ten twelve fourteen only sixteen then I get points for my upgraded items each one of these is worth four points now it's gonna tell you on the card what it's worth they're worth different values but all the ones I did happen to be worth four so that's three upgraded items worth four coins each that's 12. there's no way I won [Music] wait a minute this is gonna be so close would we say 60 76 okay so the automa had 76 I have 20. 40. 60 75 80. 81 82 83 84 85 points I won y'all I have not won this game yet [Music] I'm so excited [Music] thank you so much for watching this episode of table for one I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to check out Rodney's how to play video for expeditions where you can learn all the nitty-gritty of the rules and the context of the multiplayer version of the game if you enjoyed this video go on and give it a like and leave me a comment let me know what you thought about the gameplay if there's anything you would have done differently if you catch any mistakes I made though hopefully I caught them all in the edit or better yet during the gameplay let me know what you think I'd love to hear from you if you enjoy playthroughs like this make sure to check out Monique and Naveen series called gameplay right on this channel where they go head to head in two-player games don't forget to check out our news done by Matthew Jude as well as his series Matthew answers the internet where he does questions he finds on the internet about board games check those out here on the channel as well as our top 10 lists and of course Rodney's how to play videos if you're not already subscribed to the channel now is of course the perfect time to do that so hit that button hit the Bell so you can get notified whenever I have a new episode ready for you and until then thanks for watching
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 20,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn How To Play, Game Rules, Learn To Play, Solo, Table For 1, Paula Deming, session, sessions, Expeditions, Scythe, stonemaier games expeditions, Stonemaier Games
Id: YDFH-irUee4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 30sec (4110 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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