Spirit Island Full Playthrough - JonGetsGames

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I'm still overwhelmed by how much I enjoy this game.

Between this and Arkham Horror: tcg it is like the ancient god of Boardgaming was like: 'Yo Bleuchz. I gotchu.'

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/bleuchz 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Excited to watch this to see how many mistakes I've made haha.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/umamiking 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2018 🗫︎ replies

Will the reprint fix the warped board issue? SI is a great game, but I get depressed every time I have to look at my ganked up invader board.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/HermanTurnip 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

I feel like I've been waiting forever for this. My pre-order won't ship until Branch and Claw is in stock.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/calgary_db 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Is the reprint supposed to be widely available in retail stores? I'm thinking about ordering it on Amazon but I'd rather grab it at one of my LGSs if possible.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AfterGloww 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

Stayed up til midnight watching this entire video. This game looks like so much fun!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Vltrscrpn 📅︎︎ Jan 16 2018 🗫︎ replies
welcome to junkets games today I'll be doing the full 3 player playthrough of spirit island now this is a fully cooperative game where each player around the table takes on the role of a natural spirit of this island and they've been at living and relative peace with the natives for thousands of years but suddenly these colonizing settlers have shown up they're sending their explorers into the jungles and they are setting up these towns that are blinding the land and pushing out the natives now as these spirits of the islands you can't stand for that so you're going to wield your powerful energies to push them away manipulate them and most importantly strike fear into their hearts so that they leave this island alone I will explain the game as we're actually playing it so let's go ahead and jump in here we have the game fully set up and ready for our three different players we're gonna play for the perspective of the purple player but again this is a cooperative game so all three of us are going to trying to collectively win the game now we are gonna be fighting against the kingdom of England I mean this is a special adversary card you could play the game without this and it's just generic invaders but I do want to go against England and there are is a whole bunch of stuff on this card but realistically we can ignore everything except the top line of stuff and even that we're not gonna get into until we get into the kind of second phase of the game so I'll talk about this card later so now let's take a closer look at the beautiful island they do we have inhabited for millennia as the different spirits that are on this island you'll notice these are the wooden tokens these are the native DeHaan people and they work really well with us we are really happy with having them around it's these white tokens of the invaders that are coming in that we want to get out and away from our Island in fact that's the overarching goal at the start of the game is just to remove every single one of these white tokens from the board entirely and we're gonna do that by damaging them as well as scaring them away and the L of the different players that we're gonna be playing are quite asymmetric and so let's talk about what they can do we'll start with us as the purple player we are the Thunder speaker that means we are the spirit of thunder and we are called upon to work really well with the natives in fact that's a big thing that we could do that our opponents can't do so much is we can kind of move the natives around quite a bit as well as it caused them to do a lot more damage than they might normally do so we're very much in tune with all of these little huts that are around the island next we have the yellow player they are the vital strengths of the earth they are essentially a moving but very powerful and defensive spirit so they're gonna be doing a lot of defense against some of the attacks that the invaders are going to be doing against us and lastly down here we have shadows flicker like flame which is the red player and they are a shadow spirit which means they don't actually do that much damage because their shadows but one thing that shadows could do is Institute a lot of fear into the invaders so the red player is going to be very scary the yellow player is going to be defensive and we're going to try and be offensive and try to do as much damage as we can and speaking of fear there's just a big pile of it at the top of this invader board so fear he's actually a currency we have a fear pool right here and as we make fear we'll generate it down here and that's going to be a good thing it's gonna give us some one-shot abilities that are going to do bad things to the invaders and if we generate enough fear it'll actually make it easier for us to win the game all right that's enough context I think so let's now jump into the first turn of the game and of course we are going for the purple player's perspective so let's look a little bit closer at their board at first glance it looks like there is a lot of stuff going on in this player board but we can break it down into smaller chunks that are easier to understand the first is this top row up here which says growth it says pick one and there are these three different options and this is the first thing that we're gonna need to do on our turn we have to choose one of these growth things before anything else happens now this first one right here says we can't reclaim our cards and then gain two more cards so if we look over here this is our starting hand you see the back of all these cards are associated with the Thunder speaker and we are gonna be playing cards out from our hand and the only way to pull them back is to things like this one says reclaiming cards and these are going to increase our hand size and give us some more powers which is nice but I don't think it makes sense to do this on the first term because we have no cards to actually reclaim the next option is this one right here which says we can add presents in two different locations on the board and that means we're gonna take two of these tokens off of our player board and put it out onto the island we begin the game with two of the presents already out there which is nice that shows the physical places where the Thunder speaker is actually influencing but getting more of these presents out is certainly a good thing for a couple reasons the first is just because you can influence better on things out on the board but the second is that you are going to increase your options of playing things during the Spirit turn because you'll see right now this says energy per turn we're only generating one energy per turn and if we did this and maybe you put both of these tokens down we would then instead be making it to energy per turn and have a permanent air element which is certainly nice and I'll explain how that works later but when we look down here we also see card plays and this is a restriction on the number of cards we can play ports on which means we can only play one card at the moment but when we look at this we see we're only generating one energy and we look to the cards in our hands we see the price is the number in the top left so we're gonna be hard-pressed to play more than one car to the first turn anyway and the last of the growth options we can only put one of these two one of these presidents tokens down but we generate for energy immediately which is a very nice amount because energy is a resource with tokens and it does persist between turns but I think all things being said we want to go with this middle one I think it's gonna be really good to get a lot of presents out as quickly as we can and in fact I think we're gonna want to do these two so that we will get to energy on the turn and that is going to increase the options that we can do in our turn if we don't spend all that energy it'll accrue over to the next turn which is still great as well so that means we now get to put these two out onto the board but this option does come with a couple restrictions the first is that both of these presents are gonna have to go out onto locations that already have DeHaan present because again these other speaker is very attuned with the natives and the second thing is that the this one right here has to go within two spaces on the island from presents we already have and this one has to go one space on the island from presents we already have unfortunately we can do these in any order so we can potentially chain them at the moment I think I want to try and spread out so that we have access to pretty much as much of the island as we can so for this first one we will jump one two and go into this spot because it's two away from my presence we already have and of course there are DeHaan present and for this one we will go one away and we'll just jump over here because this spot is adjacent to a whole bunch of different spots out here in the middle of the island now before we go back to finish off our spirit phase it's worth noting that all of the players get to do with their spear phases simultaneously so while we have been choosing out which one of these presences which growth option to pick all of our teammates have also been doing that in fact the yellow player has decided they're going to go with the middle one here that means that they're going to take one presence and they have to put it zero range away from presidents they already have that means this is gonna go have to go into a land that they already have presence in but they're fine with that because if you look at the fine print down here it says that any land that has two of the yellow tokens in it is gonna have a base defense of three which means it's gonna take three less damage when the invaders attack which is quite nice and then down here the red player has also decided to do their middle option they're gonna take this top one here and that one's gonna go one away from a presence they already have now you'll notice that on both of these options there was a plus one power card option that means that as they are doing this both the yellow player and the red player get to gain a new power card for their hand first of all they're going to finalize putting their influence down the L player has to go where they already have one in so they'll go right there and the red player has decided to go one away from this spot right there because this region can affect quite a bit of the board okay let's now go back to talking about power cards and getting new ones so there are minor power cards and major power cards and it when you gain a new power card you can either do one or the other in both cases you draw four cards from the top of the stack choose one and put the rest into a discard the only difference is that for the minor ones they come right in your hand with no problem but the major ones are force you to forget a power cards that you already have which means you trash it from the game you'll remove it from your hand and it's goes here into the discard pile so I think at this point neither of our teammates are interested in losing cards so that means the yellow player is going to draw these four cards and then the red player is going to draw these they're gonna choose from those and when we actually get around to choosing our own at mine our power cards I'll explain the thought process but for now they're gonna figure these decisions out off-camera it looks like the vital strength of the earth player took the drift down into slumber ability and shadows flicker like flame grab call to tend okay now that we have done our growth we can do our energy production we see that we are going to get two and again this is all simultaneous and we now get to choose what cards we're gonna draw but I may as well do the energy production for both of our teammates as well it looks like final strength of the earth is going to get three and then down here the shadows will go like flame was good to get zero and now they're getting one and now we're gonna figure out what card we're gonna play and same goes for both of our teammates so let's take a closer look at the cards in our hand and we have to keep in mind that we only have two energy to and we can only play one card so that means well right off the bat at this a manifestation of power and glory card it costs three energy that means we cannot play this one on this turn so we don't even need to really worry about it so the next thing to look at is the color of the circles around these different actions we have a red over here and blue over here and that means that these red ones are fast actions and the blue one is a slow one and this is a very important distinction because if we look up here on the invader board you can see what the invaders are planning on doing on each turn so we can see right here that there is a forest right here and in fact that's why there are these explorers on the different forest locations on the map because as part of setup I randomly drew the forest and that means exporters I moved on to all of these different forests that means now in this turn they are going to be building on every one of the force on the map that they have at least an explore down into that's not necessarily the case at least one white piece down in those spots but in this case there's explorers in all of these different spots but we look farther on we see that there is a rabbit spot and this is where the invaders attack and it's empty right now for the first turn so that means there's gonna be no attacking from the invaders on this first turn of the game but this is going to cycle over and on the next turn the invaders are gonna attack in all of the different forest spots on the board so that means they first explore with a little explore then next turn they build a next turn they attack so it's kind of a slow-moving behemoth that is just taking over our island and when you do a fast power that means you get to do that power before any of these invader actions happen and a slow one happens afterwards so that means if we do a fast action we can do it before the invaders build and when they build they put buildings out in the map and that's just not good for a variety of reasons so because of that I think that we want to look at these two fast actions because we can afford both of them this one's one and this one's two and we want to try and stop them from building as much as possible because right now they would build on all six of the different forest regions on the map so when we look closer at this card we see this one will let us target to a land that has at least one two hon in it that is one at least one away from a presence over in or at most one away and this would let us defend it defends at three and then during the ravaged the DeHaan in the targeted land deal damage back at the invaders but there is gonna be no ravaging on this turn so that means that this car doesn't make sense and that means that I think this is probably the one that we should be playing on this turn it says sudden ambush we can target any land on the map it has to be at most one away from presents that we have and we may gather one DeHaan and then each Don is going to destroy one Explorer so when we look out to our different presence on the map we see we have the tokens all the way around over here and on this spot right here there is first of all a blight and blanked is it not a good thing and I'll explain that more as we get to it but the game starts with a blight on that spot and an explorer and so I think we want to do is activate this sudden ambush and it is going to be a fast action so we're gonna do it rather quickly before the invaders go and we can move one of these two han into the spot and then the natives will just kill off this because more and when there is no white pieces in that region there will be no building in that region and that's definitely a good thing for us so we are going to put this one down right here we can go ahead and take the energy cost and just pay for it immediately and now we're gonna wait until both of our teammates have selected all the cards they're gonna be playing and then we can evaluate all of our fast actions vital strength of the earth has decided to play this one card here it says draw of the fruitful earth it is slow but it only costs them one out of the three energy that they have and it's going to allow them to gather up to two explorers and gather up to two DeHaan but that's not gonna happen until after the explorers take their turn and lastly we have shadows like a light flame and they've decided to play this card right here it says favors called ooh it's gonna cost there one energy to plant and it says that they're gonna be able to gather up to four DeHaan and if there are invaders present and the dahana outnumber them they will generate three fear so that is going to go right here and they're gonna pay for that one and now we can do our fast actions but we are the only person that has a fast action to actually activate the first thing we do is pay for that card and then we can actually activate it we see that we can choose any land type right here that is up to one away from presents we have so with presidents right here and right here that means it's easily able to actually target this land right here and then we can gather one DeHaan something's we can pull this one this one or this one and I think actually you probably make sense to gather this one right here and pull them into this zone because that's just adjacent to the spot you kind of pull them into there and lastly for each Jehan there we get to destroy one Explorer well there's one to Han and one Explorer so this Explorer is removed from the map and he won't be doing any building in this forest region which is certainly a win for us with all fast powers activated we can now move into the invader phase in fact we have a nice little chart right here we see we did our spirit phase with the growth energy and choosing cards we know our fast actions and now in the invader phase we have the blighted island effect which does not happen when the island is healthy so we can ignore that next we have fear of X and that would be evaluating any cards over here but we don't have them just yet so now we ravage as I mentioned before if there was a card right here then the invaders would attack on that card but on this first run of the game there's nothing to actually ravage so now we can move to build and then they are going to build in every single one of the applicable jungle spots evaluating the build action is really simple the first thing you have to do is check to make sure there is at least one white piece in that spot so in this case there is and then you check are there more towns than cities in this case there are zero towns and zero cities so there are not more towns in cities so we put a town down and then over here we look and see are there more towns than cities no that is not the case so we put a town down again if they answer to that question have been yes there are more towns and cities then we put another city down in here instead so when we look to the rest of the map we see this jungle over here is going to get a town this jungle will get a town and this jungle will get a town but this one won't because we play that card in getting rid of that Explorer so there's nobody actually there to build that town and it's a lot easier to stop towns from happening than it is to actually burn them down okay so with build done we can now go to the explore phase we are going to draw the top card from this deck and put it back on top and it looks like the invaders are going to explore into the wetlands now when it comes to evaluating whether or not a region gets explored you just have to check a simple condition the first is is that spot adjacent to a town a city or the ocean so in this case yes it is adjacent to both the ocean in a town and a city so that happens for sure this spot right here is not adjacent to the ocean but it is adjacent to this town so we're going put one there and this spot right here is adjacent to the ocean as well as a town in cities so explore goes there and when we go all the way up here we see that this is the same situation where adjacent to the ocean so that goes right there and over here another condition is if the spot has a talent or city in it then you automatically are going to be putting an explorer down you know the last one is over here and it's definitely adjacent to some posted town and an assay right here so that means that all six of the wetlands unfortunately got and explore on this turn now that exploring is done we go to the last part of the invader phase and that is going to be just moving all the cards once over so you can see what they're gonna be doing on the next turn in this case they're gonna be building on the wetlands and then doing some attacks in the jungle which is pretty unfortunate for us but now we look over here we see we now get to evaluate all of our slow actions these can be done in any order but the vital strength of the earth character wants to go first they are gonna activate their draw of the fruitful earth here it is going to be any different land type it's one away from a presence they have and they want to target this grassland right here it is adjacent to the spot right here which has their presence and the first thing that's gonna do is it's gonna gather up to two explorers and then it's gonna gather up to two of the DeHaan so they are gonna grab it this Explorer right here from this wetlands bring them over here which is nice because it means that there won't be an explorer here to try and build in the wetlands on the next turn and then they're gonna grab this Explorer right here and move them over there and now they get to gather two of the DeHaan and in this case they've decided to take this one right here and a part of the reason for that is because we know that the jungle is going to be ravaged on the next turn and I haven't mentioned specifically how damaging works but I will say that all of these cities are gonna do two damage and two damage is enough to kill off the DeHaan and we don't want that to happen so they're gonna pull this over here so they're not going to get attacked on the next turn and they need to pull one more over and they figure they will grab this one right here next up shadows flicker like flame wants to activate their ability it's called favors called do and it is at most one region away from a president's they already have so they're going to target this jungle region because it is one away from this presence and we look down here and it says gather up to four DeHaan and then inventors are present and there are more DeHaan then the invaders they generate three fear so they are indeed gonna gather these two over here and this one over like that so there are now four DeHaan in this region versus the three of the invaders so they are gonna generate three fear when we look up to the top we see that there are four fear in this fear pool per player so that means there's 12 total in here we get to pull three of them out and every time we actually empty out this appliance when we draw a new one of these fear cards that will allow us to do some really nice one-shot effects also as we dig deeper deeper into this we're going to unlock an easier and easier wind condition so doing fear is certainly a very important part of the game and we've just done three at this point it might seem like all of our slow actions are done but there is still one more that I want to do when it's something that I have not talked about at all yet now on each of our player boards on this a bottom section there are some specialized actions that each one of the different players it can activate as long as they have the elemental thresholds that are up there to actually make it happen and I'll tell you right now that neither the vital strength of Earth or shot let's wicker like flame was able to get to theirs but we were these special actions are called innate powers and we actually have two of them available to ourselves because we're actually playing a moderate complexity character versus the low complexity of both of our teammates and when we look down here we see that both of them are slow and down here we have an elemental threshold that we need to have a going on in our area in order to activate these and first of all we know we always have an air that's activated but then every one of the cars that we played on our turn is also going to put elements into the air I suppose for us to actually activate so we look over here we have a fire we have another air and then we have an animal element going on and if we look down here well first of all if we had for air that we can make this a fast ability but obviously that did not happen we have two air available so instead we see that as long as we have one animal which we do then we can gather up to one to Han per air that we have and we can push up to one to Han per Sun that we have and we don't have any Sun but we do have two air which means we can do two of the pushes of the DeHaan at least or at most one away from a presence that we already have on the board now before we actually activate this action I'm going to change one little thing that we did and a little bit in the past on this turn it had no ramifications and what we're gonna do but realistically I should have placed this presents down into this area when I grew we still could have done every one of the actions we wanted to so I'm just going to kind of a cheat a little bit but I hope you bear with me because this is something that I was planning on doing anyway and the reason for this is because this whole time I've been chatting up with the vital strength of earth over here and they really want three 2 Han in this area they were able to get to over here on their turn part of the plan was for me to get one of them over here into here using this spot right here it's kind of had a bit of a brain slip up there but either way and now in the correct way that we're supposed to be out in the game State we have a presence right here so this spot is one away from that presence that means we can target this and then gather a dahana into it and I think we're gonna go ahead and gather this one and as an interesting note down here I'm not gonna zoom in but you'll just have to take my word for it an ability of the Thunder speaker is that whenever DeHaan move in a region that has a presence in it you can actually move with them so that means I think we should actually move this presence over here it's kind of drawing us into this area in fact when the shadows flicker like flame pulled these DeHaan over into this region we should have probably move to our presence over there just like that because it increases our stretch and ability to hit as many spots out here around the board as we can and now vital strength of Earth is very happy they probably have a nice card that's gonna do some good stuff with three specific to Hana in the spot it's now set up for it and with that we are done with all of our slow actions I guess we do have one more gatherer that we could do but I don't think we necessarily want to at this point when we now come back to our handy-dandy spirit island phase order chichi we see the last thing that happens is time passes and this is essentially a cleanup phase so we're all gonna take all the cards that we played we're gonna put them in our own personal discard piles and it's also worth noting that the elements that we had going on from the card activations are now gone and with that we can now go into the second turn of the game we've course begin things off with the spirit phase and the first thing we have to do in that is a growth action and I think just like the first turn it's really hard to pass up this middle option here being able to take two of these tokens off is a very powerful effect and while we would love to add more cards into our hand we can't do that until we do this action right here which lets us reclaim our cards so I think what we should probably do is this middle one right here and do one and one from each track that means we could play two cards on our turn will have three energy available to ourselves and the ability to either do these two here or these two because of course this one cost zero and then on the next turn we won't have that many cards left so doing this will make sense to reclaim these back and then get a couple new cards to kind of bolster up our hand so knowing that we're going to be doing these to town well another reason to do this is because we've uncovered a fire and if we look at the cars that we're thinking about playing in particular these two right here we see we have son son heir heir and then down here this other innate ability requires two son and a fire so if we unlock this one we have the fire available to that and then if we play any combination two of two out of these three cards we'll have the two son and that'll allow us to activate this bottom thing down here which is going to allow us to actually have some done destroying towns and that is obviously a good thing so anyway let's go ahead and place these two out one of them has to be up to one away from our presence and the other one up to two but of course they both have to be in spots where the dahana already are in this case I figure let's go ahead and take this one and go one two away and go into this land right here and then with this one over here we'll go one away jumping into this spot right there that definitely increases our reach in fact I think we can now we are about one away from I think just about every single region on the map which is a pretty good spot to be in on the second turn of the game at around the same time the vital strength of Earth player has decided they're gonna activate this growth over here that's gonna get them to energy right now and then they're gonna go ahead and grab this one presence it can go up to one away again that this character is quite slow and lumbering so they can only go one away from the presents they already have and they decided to go down just like that and they could still only play one card in this turn but you could see next turn and if they do this again they can then play two cards which is good because they make a lot of energy they have quite a bit of it available to themselves right now and lastly we have channels flicker like flame they are gonna go ahead and take this one right here and they're gonna activate their middle ability again it's the one they did on their first turn why this presence is going to go down - one away from presents they already have they've decided to go just like that and now they could to gain a new power card they've decided they're gonna grab a minor power just like the first turn in the card they've decided to grab is called encompassing wind if we look down here it says that it's fast it's cheap and they get to target a spirit and then that spirit defends - in every land where they have presence so that is a very powerful defensive card that shadows flicker like flame now has in their arsenal now that we have all done our growth actions we can generate energy and again this is all simultaneous we don't all have to do growth before generating energy but for the purposes of this video I think I will do them all in order so that means that we are gonna generate two energy for ourselves the yellow player they're gonna get three energy and lastly shadows like flicker light flame down here it's gonna get one measly energy that they can use but they do have the ability to play two cards as long as I guess if one of them is free now that we have energy we can figure out what card we are gonna be playing on return or cards because we have two cards available to ourselves and at this point we also need to do quite a bit of discussion because there are bad things happening to the island we know that the jungle spots are all going to get ravaged and when the invaders attack all of their cities are gonna do three damage their towns at which are smaller are gonna do two and their invaders are gonna do one and unfortunately every two damage that they do it's going to kill off one of the DeHaan and if they do more than two dam or two or more damage sorry and it give an attack they're gonna blight the land and that is also an endgame condition for us we will lose if too much blight comes out so right now we're talking about the things we can do and we know that over here the final strength of the earth character has a ongoing ability where wherever they have to of their presence down there is just a permanent defense of three so that means they could just tell us that this area is fine because there is a city and an explorer so that's three damage total but with the defense of three that means no damage is gonna actually happen here so this region is pretty darn safe and at this point shadows mentions that this region is fine we don't need to worry about it it doesn't look fine it looks really bad actually because that's six damage coming in which would kill off three out of the four DeHaan but shadows said that it's fine they're gonna play a car that's gonna make all of that just okay so instead we now know that this spot right here this part right here and this part right here are also in a bad way when it comes to the jungle this one's doing two damage which will blight this one is doing three damage which will blight and this one is also doing three damage which will blight and as we're talking about this vital strength mentions that we don't need to worry about this region either they have a card up their sleeve that's gonna make this one a pretty okay and we look at the cards that we have in our hand we do have this one right here which is really nice it says words of warning it can go up to one away from the presence we already have it's fast and it adds a defense of three and then during the ravage any DeHaan in the targeted land will deal their damage simultaneously to the invaders because the DeHaan due to damage as well but normally they wait until after they've been slaughtered before they attack back but this lets them fight at the same time and defense three is also very powerful so I think if we go ahead and use this card right here in this zone it looks like they're doing three damage so this will defend all the damage coming in and then the two tahan will do four damage which is gonna wipe out all the Explorers and I know I haven't gone through the ravage phase in detail just yet so this might not make total sense but it will when we go through it I assure you and and that means if we're doing this one we cannot afford to do this one at the same time so we'll activate both of these and that's actually fine for us because if we look down at the specifics of this one it is slow and it'll SS target any type of land up to one away from a presence we have and we can push up to four DeHaan or if there are invaders we can just do to fear and this is really important because as I talked about before we're gonna have the ability to activate this spot down here which means we can have the de haan destroy towns where they're at so I think if we're able to activate this one we can push the de haan around maybe these out of this zone if they really are going to be fine according to shadows over here we can even push them over here and then wipe out the town that is probably gonna be built on this zone right here because all the invaders are gonna be building in the wetlands and unfortunately we're doing a lot of defense against the attacks that are coming in but we're not really doing a good job of stopping the building going on this turn but you know we're all still weak at this point we can only play one or two cards each so I think we'll be able to make it up for ourselves so in that case let's go ahead and play both of these cards that's gonna cost one our to energy which is nice final strength says that they're gonna play this card right here it costs zero energy they have seven energy available to themselves and so you can't Eve it on this turn but we can see that it is fast it can target up to two way from where they're at on any different spot it defends at one or four if it's a jungle or a grassland and this is the one they're gonna be targeting right over here so at a defense of four that means this region is gonna be just fine it cost them no energy and then shadows over here they have decided they're gonna play this card right here it's also free in the fact they're gonna take one more look at their cards to see if they're gonna play another one because they do have the ability to play two on their turn and indeed they do decide to pick it another card if this one is called a call to ten it's gonna allow them to either remove a blight which is nice or push up to three DeHaan it is slow but this is the important one right here it says concealing shadows they can make a fear and then you'll notice that the DeHaan are gonna take damage from ravaging invaders on this turn on the range on this is zero so that means actually instead of doing their growth over here they're gonna do their growth down here nothing's really happened between those two actions we're still in the spirit of a so they can undo that and they have decided to go with both of these that is gonna spend on this one energy right there and now yeah it looks like all of us have decided on the cards we're gonna play so we can now move into the fast actions first things first this concealing shadows is gonna be activated and you'll notice that all the players have these three little reminder tokens these are just so you know what region is being targeted by specific things you remember the effects so they're gonna go ahead and put this token down right over here so they know that the DeHaan are safe they're not gonna be taking any damage from this attack and then up here we have drift into slumber this is a defender of four and the yellow player said they were gonna target right over there so you can put that down right there so that they remember and lastly we have us we spent this one energy this is going to do a defend 3 so we can go ahead and plug this one down like that so remember how that one works and with that we're not done with all of our fast actions this means we now move it into the invader phase and the first thing that's gonna happen is a ravage on every single one of the jungle spots ravaging is very straightforward and I've pretty much explained it already but let's go over again as I mentioned the explorers will do one damage in a ravaged the towns will do too and it's easy to remember because there's two buildings on it and these buildings that will do three but then again you have to remember that ravaging only happens on in the region that is targeted so in this case the this jungle right here is being attacked for two and two is unfortunately the threshold for us to pull a blight down onto the board up here on the invader board you'll notice this healthy island card and there's two of these and I randomly picked this one for the game you'll see that there are two of them on the board per player so we're gonna take one of these off which is certainly not good and if you read down here you'll notice that any removed blank will go back onto this card and if we ever have no blight on this card will flip this card over the island will no longer be healthy and we'll have a new bad thing that's gonna happen to us on every turn so we certainly don't want this blight to go out but unfortunately this is gonna go over here there's no way to stop all of it and we can now go to this zone but as I mentioned before the the vital strength benefit of having to of the presence in one zone is a three defense there is a town and an explorer so that's three attack so zero damage actually happens over here we can now move up to this spot right here and we know that our words of warning card instituted a defense of three so that means there's a one to three damage that was coming in is again defended and now over here we see that the DeHaan are here and they are going to fight back they always find after the invaders do a ravaged action although in this case they actually do it simultaneously which is nice and as I mentioned the DeHaan on take to damage to kill and they do to damage when they're fighting so that means this one will do two damage which is going to hit the city and as you can notice every single one of these figures does the same amount of damage as the amount of health they have so two damage is enough to kill off a city with the two city buildings there so this is gone and then this one over here does two damage to this explore it only takes one to kill off and explore usually so this one's removed and there's an extra damage then they didn't get to utilize but that's fine at this point it's time for us to come back to our fear pool because as buildings get destroyed that is a pretty scary thing for the invaders they are not expecting that be happening and if you look at the board you'll see that whenever you destroy a town is going to generate one fear and whenever you destroy a city it'll generate two fear so when on this one got removed and destroyed by the Don one more fear was generated next up we have this jungle right here but there are no invaders so there's not gonna be any attacking happening there and now we have this spot right here and we know that the vital strength played this drift into slumber card as we mentioned before it is a jungle so it just did a defense of four I guess all these people just got sleepy and forgot to actually attack so they're not going to be ravaging this area because that is one two for the city and one for the explore that's three it defends it for so that's obviously well enough to stop a blight from coming down into this spot and it's important to note that whenever a blank comes down into a region if there is any presence of our spirits in those regions one of them gets permanently removed from the game for each player on that spot which is the main reason that the yellow player defended this spot it was good to not have a blight come down anyway but also they didn't want the red player have one of their presence removed so finally we come down to this spot down here this token right here reminds us that concealing shadows is in effect and I just realized I forgot to actually generate the one fear for this card so let's go ahead and do that right now since there are twelve tokens in play and we brought a fifth one down here that means we're almost halfway through going through this pile for the first time next up we look at to the invading force we have a city which is three damaged a town which is two and an explore which is one so six damage is a lot and even though we have it this nice effect in play which means that the DeHaan are not going to be damaged by this attack the land is and that means we're gonna go ahead and take a blight put it down over here and I just mentioned that means that both of these presents are going to get permanently removed from the game so we probably weren't thinking this all the way through we've moved our presence over here with the tahan we should have left it over here on the previous turn but I didn't see that one coming so that means these are both gone they don't go back to our board so that means we are not in a worse state than we were it means we still have all those nice abilities and it is worth mentioning that one of the endgame triggers is if any of the spirit players is has their last presence removed from the board then the game ends immediately so obviously this is not a good thing but now that the invaders have blinded the land the concealing shadows were able to defend it on and that if hon are going to attack back that's two four six eight damaged total so three of that is gonna kill the city two is gonna kill off this town and one kills this guy right here so there is again one extra two extra damage in this case that wasn't dealt but still it was a really nice way to wipe a bunch of the invaders off the board and as I mentioned before when you kill a city you get to fear and a town you get one fear so that action generated three more fear for us which brings our current total up to eight next up in the Vayner phase we have the build action on all of the wetland spaces which means that an unfortunate number of buildings are going to come down over here we are going to get a town over here we already have a town so that means a city is gonna pop up over there that's not good at all then over here nothing happens because there is at nobody no invaders in this wetlands but down here there is an explorer's that turns into a town this one gains a town and lastly this one also has a town so we did a pretty good job of managing with the ravage but we did not do as good a job of stopping this rampant growth from happening out here on the board okay next up on the invader track is Explorer so it looks like they are going to be going to the mountains we can go ahead and start down here it is adjacent to a town so we're gonna give an explorer there this one is also adjacent to a town here this one has a city in it already so it's gonna get an explorer this one is adjacent to any towns things are looking pretty good for the invaders right now unfortunately this spot is adjacent to the coast and a town and lastly this one already has a town in it so that's six more of these explorers approaching on to the board the last part of the invade phase is to cycle these cards down so the jungle is gonna go over here into the discard where nothing actually happens thankfully and then the wetlands are gonna go over here so we know that they're gonna ravage on the next turn and then building is gonna happen over in the mountains and now you'll notice that there is a level two on the back of this card whereas previously they were level ones and that means that the game is unfortunately gonna get a little bit harder once we start progressing through these level 2 cards with the invader phase done we can now do our slow actions back over here on our player board we can see that both of our abilities are slow and we have quite a bit of elements going on right now we've got two Sun we've got one two three air and we have a fire so that means down here with oh and one animal as well so that means the animal is going to unlock this ability down here we and target one specific spot that's one away from a presence we have and up to one away that is and we can gather one two hon pereire we have we have three air and then we can push one two hon up to the Sun we have and we have it to Sun so I think let's go ahead and target this spot right here we are going to gather up one two hon well maybe pull this one over and then we can push up to two times because we have two Sun elements so push both of these over here and the reason for that is because after we've gathered those warriors we can then have them lead a furious assault and you may have noticed now that you don't consume these elements Union when you use them they're just thresholds that you have to have at least met in order to actually do these actions so if you see down here we need two Sun and a fire in order to get to this spot right here we have the two Sun and we have the fire available so that means we get to destroy one town for every two tahan that happened to be in that target land the land we're targeting is this one and as our regular ability we go ahead and move our presence along with the DeHaan when we push them over here because there is a range of 0 on this leading the furious assault because I think we've actually taken embodied one of the dahana themselves and we are leading that attacks we have two here that is enough to kill off one town so that's gonna do one more fear for us which brings us up to 9 and then our last slow effect is this voice of thunder we can either push up to 4 to Han which I was planning on doing it down in the bottom until our presence was removed so that kind of removed that option for us but instead we could just target one spot that's one away from us and if there are invaders president then we just generate to fear and there are many spots that that will work out in the board so we're gonna go ahead and do that and generate to fear right now which gets us to 11 we're just a one away from pulling out the first of these fear cards so hopefully we can do at least one fear worth before we actually get to that phase in the next turn lastly we have the shadows player with one more slow action it's gonna cost them this one energy and then they can either remove a blight or push up to three 2 Han and they've decided they're just going to remove a blight this has to be up to one away from a presence that they I have and there has to be at least two Han there so they're gonna target this spot right here and they're gonna remove this blight and put it back on the healthy island card so at the end of this turn we only met one plus flight onto the island so an okay situation for us now that all the slow actions are done that time is going to pass all of the players are going to discard the cards that they played on this turn and a another piece of this cleanup is we're going to take all of these little reminder tokens put them back onto our board because they are no longer in effect all right we're now starting off turn three and as always we begin with the spirit phase and a growth and I think it's finally time for us to do this activation right here we only have the one card left in our hand we would be able to play it because it's three energy and we're going to be generating three more energy on our turn we saved one up but we have the ability to play two cards and I think that it's pretty important to start getting some new cards into our hands so in that case we're gonna go ahead and do this one down here it says that we can reclaim our cards that means all of these in our discard pile are now back into our hand and now we could go ahead and get two of these power cards and I think that we're gonna go ahead and get two minor cards because we don't want to forget and lose any of the cards we have in our hand just yet we don't only have enough cards in our hand realistically to make that make sense I think so we can go ahead and draw the top four cards we can now look at these in a little more detail and pick one of them and then do the same thing again so this first one right here says a gift of consistency on it's a zero cost card which is certainly nice for us considering we have a very small amount of energy production and it's fast and it says the target spirit gains two energy and at the end of the term the target spirit may reclaim one power card instead of discarding it and if you target another spirit you may also reclaim a power card instead of discarding it so that's a very powerful card to just give energy around but it doesn't necessarily affect the board state although those two energy might allow one of our partners or ourselves even to be able to play extra cards so that's pretty cool next up we have SAP the strength of multitudes it targets a land that we have presents and it has range zero it defends at five and if we were to have an error which we do always have it going on then we can increase the powers range to one so we essentially would have a defendant five at a range of one which is really nice for stopping damage from going down onto the island then we have a call of the Don aways this is a cheap card out with the last one was also free so definitely some cheap cards in our hand here this one is a one energy cost it's slow and it says we could replace one of the explorers with a de Haan and if we have two of the night symbols of which this card actually provides one then we could replace a town with it on so that's a very powerful effect realistically it swings very well but it's a replace and not a destroy so we would not get fear for removing those off the board but still that's really nice getting to haunt back on the board because they will likely start to get killed off the board which is not good and lastly we have Vale of the Knights hunts this one is fast and has a three of the elements on it which is pretty nice and a range of two and it says that each DeHaan deals one damage to a different invader or you could push up to three 2 Han so this is really powerful because it actually would allow de han to kill off and explore and if there is no Explorer on a spot then they cannot build if it's a completely empty spot that is so I think unfortunately we have some really good options here I think the ones that call to me that most are these two that have to deal with the Han and honestly I'm not sure which one of these is better you know the dahana doing damage is good clearing people off is very nice especially when it's fast but then removing things and replacing them with additional DeHaan which will help to find the island well later on also seems good I'm really not sure which one of these cars to choose from I think that doing damage let's go ahead and go with that it's a longer range thing it's fast I think this will more likely pan out well for us so we can go ahead and put this into on our hand and now we get to do the same thing over again drawing for more cards let's now go ahead and look at these in a little closer detail we see that they are pretty cheap again I think in general these minor abilities are zeros and ones maybe there are some to value ones in there and the major ones cost a lot more energy but again we don't make that much energy right at this point so this first one right here is a zero cost fastball with a bunch of elements it says lore of the unknown and you target a land that has no invaders and you can gather a Explorer or a town so that's pretty powerful because you could pull some pull somebody away from a spot that might build or even ravage on to a location that is not going to be activating on that turn and stop them from building up which is nice this one right here is nature's resilience it is pretty cheap and it has a 1 range from a sacred site which means you have to of your presence on the same spot and we have not done that at all so that means this is less good for us it depends it's 6 which is really good and if there are 2 of the water element you can instead of removable 8 but I don't think this makes sense for us because we just haven't really set up any of the sacred sites just yet on this next one is entrancing apparitions it is a defense to and if there are no invaders present we could gather up to two explorers onto that spot which is really good for pulling them away from potentially building on a location and lastly we have the only slow card of these and it's really similar to the one we just picked up actually this is one damage per Jahan and a spot except this one is slow versus the fast one that we had or we could gather up to three 2 Han but there's another thing to keep mind about this card and that is that it has the Sun fire and animal element activations and if you remember down here we specifically need quite a bit of Sun and fire in order to activate this really powerful effect of destroying the cities and towns off of the map so I think all things being said let's go ahead and go with this one we're just gonna really double down on having the DeHaan do a lot more damage out there onto the map and so with that we are done with the growth part we can go ahead and take our energy it's going to be 2 so we're gonna have three available to us on this turn and now we're gonna go ahead and see what our partners are gonna do while we figure out what cards we're gonna be picking when it comes to picking a growth option the final strength player has decided they're gonna activate this middle one again much like they did on their first turn and they're gonna take one other presence and it has to go down within range 0 of one of their other presences which is fine they're gonna put it down right here which means they are now providing a defense of 3 to this spot which is pretty good and it means they get to draw a new power card in at this point considering they have so much energy in front of them they have decided they are gonna go ahead and draw a major power so they're gonna look at four of these and then they are gonna have to forget and permanently lose a power card they have but that can be a card either in their hand or in their discard pile the card that they decide to go with is indomitable claim we notice that it has a cost of four it's fast and it says they can add a presence in a target land even if they normally would not be able to and it defends that twenty which is ridiculous and then it says that if they have a Tucson and at three mountains they can cause three fear if there are invaders there and the invaders don't actually do anything and this is pretty good for them considering their innate ability which I've not talked about yet requires Sun and mountains as well as the the green element so they're already kind of aligned with something that planning on doing and the effect of this ability is it allows themselves or their teammates to actually activate some of their powers again so it's definitely something they want to work towards and also they're really slow at getting these tokens out so a power that lets them put more presence down he's going to accelerate their ability to play more cards and burn through all of this energy that they have going for them but this is a major power which means they have to permantly forget something and in this case they've decided to forget the draw of the fruitful earth this one is a gather two explorers and gather up to two to Han they have decided actually you know what they're kind of going back and forth on this this one is free and they have a lot this defense but they just picked up a defense so they'll go ahead and forget this one it is a regular minor power so it's gonna go into the discard pile at this point vinyl strength of the earth can go ahead and take their three energy and the shadows to look alike flame is now going to do their growth they're gonna activate their middle option and they are gonna add one presence up to one away from what they are you have it they're gonna do this one which automatically jumps them from one energy to three energy so definitely a nice gain for them and they're gonna go ahead and put this one right over here so they now have a much greater area of effect for some of the activations that they have and lastly they do get to draw a new card and the cards they're gonna pick is this one right here it says visions of fiery doom it's quite cheap it's fast and you'll notice that it is going to cause a fear and it pushes an explorer or a town away and it can potentially do even more fear if they get another fire element activation when they go ahead and play this card they now generate their energy getting themselves three and now everybody has to figure out what arts are gonna be playing at this point we now have six power cards in our hands we have quite a bit of options although we can only play two on our turn and we only have three energy available to ourselves and it looks like both of our teammates have already decided what their actions are gonna be so as we're collaborating and discussing what our plan is gonna be we now know some of what they're playing on doing for instance the the vital strength player they are planning on adding a defense over here so that this area will not take a blight and it's also gonna pull one of the presence tokens off and putting it down over there and they're gonna do a year of perfect stillness onto this spot so that they will not build a city on this location which is certainly a nice thing to have happen and now down here we know that shadows flicker like flame they're gonna do a visions of fiery doom which is gonna chase this little guy away so that there won't be any building on this site right here and they're also gonna use their innate power and I haven't talked about this one just yet it essentially has a range of one from a sacred site where they have two presents down and since they have the two night and the one fire that means they're gonna be able to gather up one explorin so in that case they're gonna gather this explore over to either this spot or that spot so that there will be no building on this location or this location which is really rather nice so knowing all that stuff we now need to figure out what we're gonna do one our turn and I think the name of the game for this turn is doing things fast we have three slow actions and three fast actions these slow ones I mean this one's nice it does the DeHaan do damage for us this one lets us push tahan around and this one also lets us um have the DeHaan do damage but they are so slow I don't think we want to actually activate them on this turn the whoops-a-daisy the words of warning right here lets us defend but at this point I think we want to be even more proactive than defense so these two cards are looking quite good to us right now and the reason for that is because well this one right here says sudden ambush it's a range one from any of our presence we can gather a Don and then each tahan is going to destroy and explore so we could go ahead and do that over here we could target this location right here gather the Don over wipe out this guy so that there will be no building on that that location and with this card right here the veil of knights hunt each tahan in the area can go ahead and deal one damage to a different invader and if we look up here there is an invader on in this spot with the DeHaan already so they can wipe out this one and that means we've done a really good job of crowd control that means that there's only gonna be building on one of the five different Mountain spots on the board it'll be this one over here which isn't too great but it'll be a city and that's that's okay we're kind of setting ourselves up so that on the next turn there shouldn't be too bad of a ravage on these mountains owns because there won't be that much stuff to actually have happen so I think this is gonna be a pretty good turn for us that's gonna cost all of our energy to do it and now we can go ahead and start activating all of these fast actions so let's go ahead and start will do the veil of knights hunt first like we mentioned before it says that each DeHaan is gonna deal one damage to a different invader has to be up to two away from a spot where we have presence and so that's going to work right here that's gonna destroy off this Explorer right here in the next one with the sudden ambush like I mentioned before it's up to one away from a presence we have we have presence right here so we can target this zone right here and it's going to gather up this Don and then each Don destroys an Explorer so that guy is gone as well next up we have the vital strength player they're gonna do their year of perfect stillness which is gonna put this down right on top of there so that we know that there's gonna be no production or there would be no ravaging or either on the spot but in this case production is what's happening so there will be no building of a city there and then the indomitable claim that one allows them to add a presence up to add it on to up to one away from where they already are and there's a defense of 20 on that spot so that's why they're gonna pull this one off right here so they're one away from being able to play three cards a turn which is very good for them considering they have good energy production and then can put this down right here so this zone now defends at 20 which means that they won't be putting any blight down which is certainly a nice thing to have next the shadows player is gonna do their visions of fiery doom and you'll see that has to be a spot that they already have presence in so as I mentioned before that's going to be right here that is going to cause them to push away one Explorer or town so they're gonna push away this Explorer and they figure well they could go over here into these grasslands that have not yet activated or they could come up here with the the green area I guess you could potentially consolidate all these guys and then do much damage to them but then again they I do a lot of damage to the land they'll go ahead and spread this one over here kind of spread things out a little bit and you'll notice down here it says that if they have two of the flame element that they're gonna do one extra damage and this card has a flame element and this mantle of dread that they played also has a flame element and even though it's a slow card if that element is still in effect right now so that means instead of doing it just one damage I'm sorry one fear they're gonna do two fear with this action this is great for us because we only have one more fear in our fear pool so this is gonna go down like that and the moment the fear pool is emptied we're gonna take the top fear card put it right here and we'll reveal that right before the invader phase now all of these come back up and we have one remaining fear left over so we'll cycle that one down right there and yeah this is gonna do something good for us and that is pretty much guaranteed the last fast action available to ourselves is the innate power for the shadows flicker like flame player it says darkness swallows the unwary so it's gonna cost it's gonna require two night and one flame which they were able to activate with the cards that they played so they're gonna be able to gather one of Explorer from a land that is one away from a sacred site their only sacred site is right here so they could activate any one of these lands right here and they decided to do this one which is going to gather up this Explorer right here that might not seem great because now there's two explorers as well as a town here but if you remember with this to presence down from the vital strength player there is a base defense of three on this area already so it's a little bit safer of a zone to have this person in there and then that of course would vacate this mountain region which is very nice for us with our fast actions done we can now go on to the invader phase and for the first time we get to do a fear action so we're gonna go ahead and take all of the cards over here in this case there's only one we flip it over and we see then on the car there are three different levels and now these are associated with the current terror level of the island and it's right now terror level one which means the invaders are not that scared overall the level two is gonna come out once we get two more of these feeder cards out so that means we need to cycle through 23 more fear because before that goes up but either way that means we are going to activate this top part of the card we see that the card is called a weary of the interior and it says that each player can remove one Explorer from an inland land the card mentions removing these explorers from inland lands and that essentially means a piece of land that is not connected to any of these coastal regions so we get to pull three explorers off this did would would do quite a bit of the work that we already did and removing all these people from and the mountainous zones but I figure that's okay still getting these explores off is a good thing so let's go ahead and pull this one off here we'll pull this one off right here and yeah let's go ahead and take that one over there next up in the invader phase is going to be the ravage on wetlands first things first let's start down here and I just realized I forgot to put a reminder token to show the indomitable claim over here defending at 20 so nothing's gonna happen right here and over here there are two of the presence for the vital strength player which means that is a sacred site it defends at three the Explorer and the town try to do three damage but that's gonna end up being zero damage so nothing happens there this wetlands has no invaders in it so there's gonna be no ravage they're down here there is gonna be a blight coming down because unfortunately we weren't able to defend against that one there is an explorer and a town doing three damage to that land next up we have this spot right here and a single Explorer is gonna do one damage which is not enough to blight the land it's also not enough to kill off any of the DeHaan in order to show the one damage that happened you kind of flip the DeHaan over but whenever you do the time passes part of the ending round you're gonna go ahead and flip everybody back over all the units will heal up that includes all of the invader towns and whatnot as well so now that this little guy attacked both of these two Han are gonna attack back doing four damage which is more than enough to kill off this single Explorer right here and lastly we have this wetlands right here which unfortunately is taking five damage because there's a city and a town and that's certainly more than two so we are gonna put a blight down onto the land right there next up we have the build phase on the mountains but as you can see we did a very good job of clearing the mountains out the only mountains that have invaders in it are this one right here but the year of perfect stillness is gonna stop any invader action for actually activating on the spot and over here that's going to be the only bill that happens there is a city on there already which means a town is gonna pop up over there next up on the invader phase we have Explorer this is our first level 2 card and we see that it is the sand dunes I think I called those grasslands earlier the S stands for sand and you'll notice there's this new icon right here this is a little castle with a flag and this is finally where the adversary comes into play if we were not playing against any adversaries then we would just ignore this symbol right here but we are playing against the kingdom of England and so we're gonna be ignoring all the stuff down here but it's time to talk about the stuff of the top first of all there is a special lost condition that has been in play for us and that is that we will lose if there are seven or more cities and towns on a single land so that's a good thing to keep in mind but the other thing is that the moment one of these flags is revealed there is going to be a building boom it says that on each board that has building cities or towns the land that has the most cities or towns is going to get a build action right now when we come back to the main board to evaluate this we find there's actually quite a few ties going along on this board right here you see kind of separates out there is one town right here a town here and a town here so I'm pretty sure that means I can choose which one is going to get built on and I think that'll go ahead and be this one right here so they already have a town that means they're gonna get a city which it's certainly not great and then over here we know that the sand dunes are about to activate so I part of me wants to build over here because I just put a town down but we're about to activate this which means bad things are gonna be happening over here as well so I figure let's go ahead and maybe go into this spot over here yeah this is a little bit weaker because there are two of these yellow tokens down so it already defends relatively well and then finally for this board right here both of these spots have two of the town or cities on them so let's go ahead and do well I guess this one is a little bit bigger but this one already has a blight on it and blight is certainly not good you don't want a area to get another blight when it already has down there so we'll activate this spot right here and that's gonna go ahead and put another city down oh man that is no it's gonna put a town yes another town is gonna squeak in over there next up we have the actual exploring happening on all of the saying these spots so we start over here we see that it is adjacent to at least a town this spot has a town on it already the spot is coastal and adjacent to towns this one is adjacent to towns it looks like yeah we're gonna be putting one of these out on every single one of these spots so far we're not able to actually really curtail things back to the exploring can happen less unfortunately for us lastly we're gonna go ahead and cycle everything down so that's building is going to happen on the sands and externa unfortunately the ravaging happening on the mountains is going to be a very minor effect because we did such a good job of clearing it out but I think things are going to be steadily getting worse as we're playing the game now that the invader phase is done we can do our slow actions we've got two of these slow powers to activate the first one is down here with the shadows player so they'll go ahead and do it that's gonna cost them one of their energy and if we look at the card it says Mangel of dread it is a there's no range on it because you actually target a spirit any of the spirits including themselves to fear is gonna be generated and then the targets targeted spirit may push one Explorer and at one town from one of their lands firstly that two spirit brings us up to three in the generated pool and then the shadows player targets vynil strength of the earth who is going to go ahead and move this town over here and to the wetlands kind of kicking them out of the mountains here so that there will be no ravaging over here on the next turn which is certainly nice and our last slow power is gathering the Warriors we're actually just one of these air elements away we have three of them or one away from making this a fast action which is certainly nice I don't think we're gonna get to that point until we're able to play three cards on a turn so maybe we're a few turns out from that but either way we do have the animal element which is going to allow this to happen we have three air which means we can target one spot that's up to one away from our presence and we can do three gatherings of the DeHaan we can't do any pushing because we didn't generate any of the Sun element on this turn when it comes to good targets for this ability I think this mountain is the best for us it currently has one two three four five six seven eight damage worth of stuff on it and there is gonna be a ravaging over here on the next turn so we can target this since it's up to one away from our presence and we can go ahead and gather both of these at DeHaan into there remember this one is going to heal up on this turn and the reason we're doing this is because we know that we have this words of warning card in our hand it is a fast-acting one it'll add a defense of three to in this area right here and most importantly it says that in the targeted land the the the damage is dealt simultaneously with the invader so that means that the dahana are going to attack at the same time that they are going to be attacked and unfortunately they are probably going to be destroyed which is certainly not great for us but at the same time it's gonna be enough once we've cleared out some of these to actually have this defense come into play and put no blight down on the board and you know what while we're at it let's go ahead and move our presence over there with the DeHaan as they move into that spot we've come to the last phase of the turn which is time passing so all of the units on the board are gonna heal up and all of the cards that we played are going to be discarded we're also gonna take all of these little reminder tokens off of the board and we can go into the next turn of the game we're now course starting things off with the spirit phase and a growth option and I think we want to do this middle one we really want to get a couple more of these presents out onto the board in particular I think we need to get both of these off our energy generation has been the biggest thing that's been holding us back so getting to this point allows us to generate the three energy a turn I suppose we could do this instead only putting one token down and generating four turn four energy immediately but I think I like this a little bit better so we're gonna put both of these out onto the board one of them can go up to two way from a spot that we're at of course and ahan needs to be present and then one is gonna go up to one away we look out to the board we see that we currently have presents over here and over here and we have to go where the DeHaan are so I figured for our one jump we'll jump over into this spot right here where we could potentially use this presence to command these DeHaan to do some damage to these guys maybe on the next turn and then with this one we can jump twice over maybe all the way over here giving us a bit of a reach all the way to this portion of the board so we kind of have a reasonable amount of outreach going on for vinyl strengths growth they're gonna go ahead and pull the top one off of here doing this topic right here they can put this down up to two away from where they are already they are currently right here so they're gonna jump one two into this zone right over there and then it's gonna unlock the four spot for them and it means that they're gonna get to reclaim all their cards back into their hand and lastly the shadows player is gonna do the reclaim action as well so all these cards are going to come back and now they get to gain a new power card and they decide they are ready to grab a major one the one that they decide to pick is called winds of rust and atrophy if you look down here this is a very powerful card it's fast it can operate within a range three of one of their sacred sites and it's relatively cheap at three and it says that there is a one fear generated and a defense six and then even more importantly you can replace one city with a town or a town with an explorer which is certainly a very nice effect overall this is a major power however so that means that they are gonna have to forget one of their other action cards and they decide that it's gonna be called 210 that's going to be forgotten from their hand with all of our growth completed we can now go ahead and get our energy reserves so we're gonna get three for the first time in the game it looks like the final strength of the earth is gonna get four and shadows flicker like flame is gonna get three as well it's now time for us to figure out what cards were gonna be playing it looks like both of our teammates have already figure out how they're gonna be allocating the two cards each that they can play it on their turns right now it looks like the final strength of the earth character is going to be doing this massive ritual of destruction and they're gonna do it over here onto this spot right there this is important because this is why they want to have three of the DeHaan here at the very beginning because if you look closer at the card you'll see that it does to damage normally but if there are three DeHaan there it does three more damage and to fear and the reason they're doing this is because that's gonna do five damage but it's a slow attack and so that means this is gonna happen after the build up happens over here which is not great but they've been talking to us and they know that we are planning on playing this call to bloodshed it's also slow but it allows each one of the Don to do one damage and I think this means that will likely be able to clear off the spot at the this turn which is gonna be pretty good for us so we can slide that over there that's gonna cost us one and now we just need to figure out what we're gonna do with our other card of playing action obviously we cannot do this manifestation of power and glory which is a lot like this one we played down here it just says that each tahan deals one damage equal damage equal to the number of presidents we have in a spot but we've never been doubling down on presents and it's been very expensive prohibitively expensive for us so far so realistically we want to do one of these two right here now we already talked about this words of warning that's part of the reason why we pushed the Dohan over here and I think that is gonna be reason enough to go ahead and do that especially considering we talked to the shadows player and they decide to play this wins of Rush rust and atrophy and it's a defense six and it downgrades things and they're planning on doing that over here as well so that there won't be any the the DeHaan won't be actually killed off which is a very important thing for us so I think when all this stuff comes together we'll go ahead and do this one down here we're gonna save an energy which is nice maybe you'll be able to get this big one out next turn means we're not using this voice of thunder which lets us push for to hunt around or take some fear but I think realistically this is probably the best move for us so now we get to go ahead and activate those fast abilities so we'll start off with the words of warning will put this token down over here so that we remember there is a defense of three over here and that the DeHaan are going to attack simultaneously with the invaders and the other fast action is going to be this one down here the winds of rust and atrophy that's going to go down into the same location so that's a defend six plus r3 Weezer's to defend nine going on here and we get to replace a city with a town or a town with an explore this can be repeated if the shamans player was able to come together three air three water and two of the animal elements but unfortunately they are not even close for that so there is a city over here so they figure they may as well downgrade that one so that one becomes a town and you know what that means that in this mountain area there is one two three four five six seven damage happening and nine defense is way too much I think we're kind of over committing so let's actually undo our fast action we're not going to do this words of warning at all we'll take that energy back and let's go ahead and do this this one right here the free one I think this is gonna be a better action for us overall now that I see how this kind of worked itself out the red player has this area quite well in hand there's no reason for simultaneous attacking to go on there so instead we'll do the voice of thunder which is gonna allow us to push around for DeHaan or make to fear pushing to Hana around at the end of this round is probably gonna be good to set ourselves up well for the next round so anyway just gonna undo that and with that we are now done with all of our fast actions it's now time to the invader phase but unfortunately there are no fair cards for us to activate on this turn we need to do a little better job I think of generating fear for ourselves here so instead we're gonna go down to the ravage phase which is gonna happen in the mountains because we did such a good job of clearing off in the mountains in the last round the only ravaging is gonna happen over here and the shadows player was able to get down that defensive six which is great because with three towns and one Explorer that is gonna be 7 damage total coming in so only one damage makes it through that is going to injure one of the DeHaan right here but not kill them and also one damage is not enough to blight this spot which is great and now the DeHaan are gonna fight back that is four damage total so they figure they'll go ahead and wipe out two of the towns next up on the invader phase we have building in the sand dunes and this is not gonna be too good for us unfortunately we did not have the ability to take any of the invaders off of the sand dunes maybe there was an option out there that I just missed but either way this is not a good round for us at all because we're gonna get to a town over here we're gonna get a town right here a town props crops up over here this becomes a city which is super not good a town comes here and a town goes over there so that is a lot of extra invader power coming onto the island that yeah we didn't do a very good job of dealing with so we'll see what we can do with it now next up on the invader phase we have Explorer and this one is going to be oh this one's different so this says coastal lance there is none of these little targets on there so we don't have to evaluate the England special building but instead that means that every land that is adjacent to a coast is it now going to be explored if you look back to the map you'll notice that every one of these main island areas has three coastal regions that means instead of doing up to six we're gonna do up to nine explorers and obviously they are adjacent to the coast so it's going to happen so we are going to put explorers all over the place and that does mean that our math in this area is not gonna quite work out the way we want it to but either way we're gonna go ahead and evaluate it and see how it goes and let's see yep we got three more guys that go down over here lastly we can cycle all of these cards and now we can go ahead and evaluate our multitude of slow actions the first slow action that's gonna get evaluated is going to be this draw of the fruitful earth from the vital strength of the earth player so they are gonna target this spot right here it's up to one away from presidents they have and it says that they get to gather up to two explorers and then gather up to two tahan and they've decided they're gonna just gather this one Explorer here but they are gonna gather up these two jehan into this spot because they know that we already did this call to bloodshed card next up they're gonna go ahead and do the ritual of destruction so this one is again one away from a sacred site as you can see and it is gonna do two damage and then since there are at least three DeHaan there we'll do three more damage and due to fear so that is five damage total which is gonna be enough to knock out this city for three and this town right here for two to fear now brings us up to five but then of course we destroyed a city which is gonna get us to more fear and then a town which generates yet another fear in fact I've just realized that when the DeHaan kill off these two cities earlier on in this turn during the ravage phase they each should have also generated one additional fear so with that if we are suddenly at ten out of twelve fear which is a pretty good spot to be next up we can go ahead and activate a call to bloodshed so we can activate onto this land right here as well and it says we're gonna do one damage per Don there are now five to Han there and five explorers so with that action we're gonna wipe all of them out and unfortunately we don't generate fear when killing explorers cuz it would certainly be a nice thing for us but it does mean that we've been able to clear off entirely two out of the nine coastal areas it doesn't mean we have a crazy bunching over here of DeHaan but I'm sure we can use some of our abilities to start pushing them back out into more important areas the next slow action we can activate is the mantle of dread by the shadow player down here we see that they can target to any spirit and that spirit can push an explorer and a town from one of their lands and to fear is going to get generated and they decide they're gonna target us and that's gonna allow us to push this Explorer and this town out and we'll shove them over here into the mountains where there's already a reasonably good amount of defense going on and that means that there's gonna be no ravaging over here on the next turn which is nice and those two fear mean event we get to draw another fear card that'll get activated before the next invader phase and cycle all these back up again at this point we just have two more slow actions and they're both in our area and the first one let's go ahead and do is our gather the Warriors innate power we see that we have one two air we have two Sun and one of the animal elements so that means we do get to evaluate this we can target a spot and we'll get to do up to two gathers and two pushes with it we currently have this huge pile of five to hona over here not really doing a whole lot for us so I figure what we should do is let's go ahead and target this spot right here and that will let us gather these two tahan right there and then let's go ahead and target this spot right here and that'll let us push these two tahan over into that location we're kind of giving them more over into the area where a lot of stuff is happening and I think that's probably a good allocation of that hon we don't want to vacate all of them from this area of the board either so with of that we now have the voice of thunder ability this is gonna allow us to either push up to four DeHaan or if there are invaders present in whatever spot we'd pick we can go ahead and take to fear despite still having this cluster of three 2 Han over here and we have four down here although this spot is gonna be getting activated so these two Han can do some work I think maybe let's just go ahead and take the fear there might be a good to Han movement out here but I'm not really seeing it at the moment I'm also I'm never gonna say that I'm necessarily playing this game is super well but either way I think that getting fear is a really important thing it could make or break the entire game for us those two fears so let's go ahead and take it and that starts us off well getting towards the next fear card with all of our slow action done time is now going to pass so we can go ahead and discard all of the played cards for the players we can also heal up the damage that's out on the board so this Don's gonna flip back over and we're gonna take it back to the reminder token and with that we are ready for the next turn let's now go ahead and jump into our spirit phase of the turn which means we have to pick one of our three growth options now we currently only have two cards in our hand we have this manifesting power and glory which is very good it's pretty expensive and it is slow but we look down to our board we see we're gonna make three more energy this turn which means one of five available to ourselves and we can only play two cards so we do have two cards in our hand we could play them but honestly when I look out to the board I'm not seeing amazing place for either of these and I'm feeling like this might be a better term for us to instead recall these cards back into our hand and then pull two more cards into our hand to really increase our power pool it doesn't mean we're not gonna be putting any extra presence out but I don't know I feel like now is a good time to get some extra cards up to this point we've only pulled these minor powers so far and largely that's because our energy generation is not great and I think maybe we should do one and one to try and get one of these major powers into our hand but let's start off with the minor power instead so we're gonna go ahead and draw four it looks like we pulled too slow and too fast options this first one says non-root biters it is one range away it's it is slow like I said and it lets us push up to two towns which is pretty good ability but it is slow so it's reactive not proactive the next one is we could rouse the trees and stones now this one cannot be targeted on a land that has blight it would do two damage and push and Explorer but the problem is it has to be within a one range of a sacred site and we still don't have any sacred sites we've just been spreading out instead of really doubling down on certain spots now we have this one gift of living energy it's free it is fast it's got three elements in fact the Sun and the fire are both really good elements for us to have and it says you target a spirit they gain an energy and if it's not ourselves they actually gain another energy so if we have two sacred sites it's an additional energy but that's certainly not happening but either way this is actually pretty good it has elements we like it's free it's fast and if we target one of our partners then they would get - energy which really could unlock something good for them and the last thing is dark entangled woods it is a range of one and it just defends at - and if the land is a mountain or jungle it's a defend 3 instead um I think all things considered this is actually the one we want to grab we kind of discuss it with our partners around the table and the vital strength player says that they could really do with a couple extra energy on this turn so maybe we will go ahead and try to get this one played with that first one picked we can now go ahead and take our next power card and let's go ahead and take a look at these major powers they aren't in general more expensive than we'd probably like but they also do very impactful things so let's take a look and see what the options are first of all they're all fast that's pretty good this one is very expensive but let's take a look here this one says paralyzing fright it requires us to do one range from a sacred site it adds for fear and then invaders skip all actions in the targeted land on this turn that's very effective although again we don't have any sacred sites although maybe we should start thinking about trying to make some this next one says power storm it has the elements that we like at Sun fire and air and it says that the targeted spirit gains 3 energy and then once its turn they may repeat a card by paying the cost again so that is a lot like the card that we just pulled actually from this deck right here it's definitely more expensive but reactivating a power is definitely good especially considering you're giving that spirit a bunch of energy to actually use it this one is super expensive I had 6 energy so I don't think we'll be taking this one but it does say that we could target to a mountain or a wetlands with it from 1 away and it doesn't 3 fear and 5 damage and it can potentially destroy towns and increase its range if we had lots of air and lots of fire which is something that we do well but 6 energy is just prohibitively expensive for us I think and the last one is infinite vitality this once again that needs to be next to a sacred site it does seem like the game wants us to make sacred sites at this point and it says that all of the Don have plus 4 health while in the targeted land and then whatever blight would be out at that land you instead leave it on the card and with a bunch of mountains it's actually even better you can remove light but again we don't really make mountains at this point but either way there's a lot of really good elements on these cards that work well for us I think that when all things are considered this power storm is just not going to be worth it for we we would kind of need that to be on a player that makes lots of energy it's essentially them giving energy away same with this towns of lightning it's just way too expensive and between infinite mentality and paralyzing fright I think fear is really important especially potentially upgrading it to lots of fear later on so let's go ahead and take the paralyzing fright and that does mean since this is a major power we have to forget another power and I figure let's go ahead and forget to the call to bloodshed we already have the other one that has our Don do damage that one is fast so we'll go ahead and get rid of this one lastly this means we get to reclaim all of our cards so we now have a nice sizable hand with quite a few good options in it for us it's now time for the vital strength of the earth player to grow and they have decided to choose this middle option right here they're gonna actually take the presents off of their energy tracks they're gonna make sixes turn instead of four and it means they're only gonna be able to play two cards astern so their plans may be shifting around a little bit based off of and we're hoping to pull this one off and play three cards in the turn by using some of the energy that maybe we were able to give them with that car we just drew but our plans have maybe change now that we're gonna try and get that terrifying card played out here to get a lot of fear gone so instead they're just gonna take this one and since its range zero they have to put this down where they already are and they've decided to put it down right over here this spot on now has defense three which is not necessary but it's also a sacred site and the the vital strength player has some of those sacred site perimeter cards so this now allows them to do some of those strong effects over here and more importantly this now allows them to gain a power card they decide to go ahead and draw from the minor power stack and from these options they decide to grab the steam vents card this one is going to allow them to spend one energy very fast in order to destroy and explore a train zero but if they get three mountains which is something that this player does quite a bit and they could instead destroy a town which is a nice energy cost to affect ratio there and now the shadows player gets to grow and they've decided to do this middle option right here and they've decided to go down here they're gonna pull off this token so that they can now play three cards on their turn and they've decided they can put this down up to one away from presence they're ready have but they've decided to make this a sacred site just like the vital strength player did most likely because of their innate power which requires them to be within range one of a sacred site and this is just a really nice ability to move people around on the board the other part of their growth action is gonna get them a new power card and they've decided to go with another minor card in fact these are the last four in the deck so we're probably gonna be shuffling up that discard pile relatively soon the card leave ended up going with is a risky one it says the land of haunts and embers so this definitely seems to go inline with the shadow players motif of fear it's free it is fast it gives some really good elements for that player but if you notice down here it is actually gonna be adding blight to the map which is certainly not a good thing like white it's a bit of an endgame counter against us but it's gonna cost you fear and allow them to push up to 2 explorers or towns this is just a very nice card for the shadow player to have and hopefully putting the blight down isn't going to hurt us in the end all of us can now generate our energy we're going to get our three the final strength player is going to get six now so they are a serious energy rich character there and then three more down here for the shadows player now that we all have energy we can now figure out what cards are gonna play in this round as usual it looks like both of our teammates have figured out what they're gonna be doing and then we can talk about when our options are on our hand we have quite a bit of options we've definitely been prioritizing the fast actions and we have five power available to ourselves and two cards we can play and so first let's talk about the plans of our teammates right over here it looks like the final strength of the earth player is planning on sending over an indomitable claim into this spot right here which will cause a defense of 20 so we don't really need to worry about the ravaging over there and I think let's see they have the invader skip all actions in target land on this turn they are planning on targeting this spot over there with that one and that's particularly good because this spot is both gonna try to ravage and then try to build because it is coastal on this turn so having neither of those things happen is certainly a good thing so we don't need to worry about any of this stuff just yet right now on the board and then down here it looks like well the shadows player isn't too sure where they're gonna do the crops wither and fade it allows them to add some fear and then replace a town with an explorer or a city with a town they were going to figure out a good spot for that later because this is a slow action but they do have these two other cards they are gonna play the land of hunts and embers and they're thinking about probably doing it maybe over here they're gonna kind of see how the rest of our actions work out they just know they want to play this down it's gonna give some good fear and also chasing people away is definitely a good thing and then lastly they have this visions of fiery doom which normally costs one energy but you see they have two down on here the reason for that is because the shadows player does have this special rule that has not come into play it called the shadows of the DeHaan it says that whenever you use a power you can pay one energy to target any land on the island as long as the DeHaan are there regardless of the powers range this can be power cards or in ink powers and they have decided to go ahead and spend this so that they are not restricted to the zero range of this card so let's go ahead and come back to our hand and I do think we won't try and make this paralyzing fright happen on this turn it's just a really good amount of fear it also causes invaders to skip all actions in that target land the only issue is that we don't have any sacred sites at this moment and we cannot just spend extra energy like the shadows player do it but our special ability does let us move our presence around as we move the DeHaan and because of that I think we probably want to do this veil of night hunt because it is our only fast way of pushing around the DeHaan villages and this one has a really nice range to it and honestly these other cards like they are nice and in particular this one being able to give energy around it's certainly good but we can only play two cards at the moment so I think we want to prioritize that this really nice combo try to get a lot more fear out because the more of those fear cards that come out the closer we get to actually getting to our endgame trigger and the invaders are starting to do quite a bit on this island so I think instead of going through all of these different options at this point I think I'm just gonna say that the the best thing for us right now is paralyzing fright I guess this sudden ambush is fast but it's too expensive it costs to energy and the paralyzing fright cost for we only have five to play with so let's go ahead and go with these two let's go ahead and start off with our ability so we're gonna spend at this one energy to make this veil of night shadow happen we could push up to three of the DeHaan and I think what we should do is go ahead and target this location right here we will push these two tahan over into this area right here and then we'll bring over this presence so we now have a savior site right here which is going to allow us to be able to play this card right here which is going to cost all four of our lasting energy this one has a range of one from a sacred site we have a sacred side right here so we can now target this location right here the invaders are gonna skip all actions in this land on the turn which means they're not gonna build which is certainly good because they would have built a city on that spot and then of course we're gonna generate for fright for this which is gonna bring us up to six next up the yellow vital strength character is going to go ahead and spend therefore energy to do their indomitable claim this one is going to get placed right down over here and there is now a defense of twenty on that spot unfortunately they only have two Sun elements and two earth elements which means they are just one earth element away from being able to also cause three fear and stop all activations in that spot so they're pretty close to be able to make that nice combo work but not quite there at this point and now they're gonna go ahead and spend their three energy for a year of perfect stillness and they've decided they're just gonna drop this one down over here so that's these two ha are not going to get massacred by this incoming force right here because there's actually going to be a ravage and then a potential build and like I said if there is no ravage and then no build I'd say certainly a good thing between us going right between the yellow player going here and then us going over here and I guess we should put took him down to show that there's gonna be no activation that's two less cities they're gonna go down off to the island which is definitely a win next up we have the shadows player and they have a couple different factions they want to evaluate the first one is going to be the visions of fiery doom they will go ahead and spend that extra one energy penalty so they can do this wherever there are there's a land with our two han prisons and they've decided to do it right over here because the dahana are there it's certainly not drained xeroform presents they have but that's okay and it means that they are going to cause one fear and they also get to push one Explorer or one town and since they are the threshold down here says to flame equals another fear well they do have and not only to flame but actually three flame activated right now so that'll be to to fear being generated and then of course they get to kick this Explorer around and they've decided to send them up into the mountains that's good because it means the there will be no building over here on this coastal area which means our also be no ravaging on the following turn and it does seem like a pretty good spot for the ravage because there's all of these DeHaan to go ahead and try to beat those people back down again but at the same time they really did just want to get this person out have one less area to worry about and then they could potentially move these tahan around from this area into these more problem spots on the board like they certainly are trying to just wipe everything out and try to consolidate the invaders down so they can truck we can try to have them in although we have not done a very good job of that so far so that to fear brings us up to eight in our pot and now the shadows player is gonna get a really dark eye they are gonna activate the land of haunts and embers and unfortunately they are doing it over here so this is both good and bad in the wetlands the wetlands was going to be building on this turn but the first thing that happens we could see is that - fear is going to be generated and then you'll see that it says we get to push up to two explorers or towns but then it says if the targeted land has blights we get an extra to fear which is great that means we're gonna do for fear which is really good and then we can push up to two more of the explorers or towns the problem is that we then add a blight on to the land so this is a blighted land so that means right from the get-go we get to push everybody out of this land so we figure we may as well maybe send this town over into the mountains up there and I don't know perhaps we'll send the explorers over into these mountains I mean they're all just one damage each and we have abilities to have to Han do one damage to the different players so maybe we could push them to Han in here and try to wipe these guys out at some point but the problem is that we now need to put a blight down into the spot and there is a special rule for this so when you put a blank down into a location that already has blights then there's gonna be a cascade and that means you're gonna have to take a another blight from the supply and you're gonna put this down onto an adjacent spots and would potentially cascade again if we put it right here so I think we're probably gonna want to put it I guess over here into these mountains and the fortunate thing is that this spot right here has no presence of any of our precedents discs because if we put a blight down where there was a presence disk of ours it would be removed from the map and that's certainly not a good thing so with all of that bad stuff done we can now generate the for fear which is very good for us because that's exactly what we need it to empty out our fear pool which means we're gonna draw yet another card and more importantly the moment you have taken enough cards so that you can see one of these new Tarot levels this actually immediately flops over here onto the board these of course go back up again and now you'll notice before the victory condition for us was simply kill every single invader it would explorers towns and cities but now we win by just killing all of the towns and cities we can kind of ignore the explorers at least as far as the wind condition is concerned but also if you remember on these fear cards there were three different levels so that means when we flip over and evaluate both of these fear cards on this turn we're gonna do the second terror level not the first which are much more effective so that was I think probably worth it even though it did mean we are now down to just one blight on our healthy island card the last fast action we have available to ourselves is the shadow players innate power of darkness swallowing the unwary so this has to be within one of a sacred site but you'll notice that they now have on the cards in front of them three flame and three night symbols so that means that they can actually activate their secondary level right here the three nights and just to flame so they can now destroy up to two of the explorers and then gain one for your Porter Explorer destroyed which is pretty much the only way to gain fear when you're killing explorers so let's go ahead and see where the shadow player was planning on doing that and it's gonna end up being at this wetlands over here there's just a warm Explorer here which means unfortunately we're only going to generate one fear for this action but it is one away from a sacred sign of theirs that's probably why they put this presence down here on this turn and it also means that with this area vacant there's gonna be no build and then hypothetically no ravage on the following turn so this is certainly good we removed the Explorer and generator fear which is the first in our new pool here all right with all of our fast actions done we can now go into the invader phase and we still skip the blighted Island spot because the island is still healthy and now we do the fear cards and this is gonna be great for us I'm pretty sure because we get to evaluate both of these we flip them over and we evaluate them in order so in the order in which they came out and now if we look at this it says avoid the DeHaan before it would have led on the invaders that not explore in a lands with at least two high but now we're in terror level 2 which means that invaders are not gonna build in lands where the DeHaan outnumber the cities and the towns which is potentially pretty good for us and the other one is gonna be scapegoats and it says on the second level that each town is going to destroy an explorer and each city is gonna destroy two explorers in the land so it looks like the Explorers are about to get pretty wiped out here unfortunately when it comes to avoiding the DeHaan that we probably would have preferred to have the terror level 1 which would have stopped some of the explorers coming down because we did such a good job of cleaning up all of these coastal areas that there was not gonna be much building anyway in fact there's gonna be building happening over here but we have no DeHaan in the area to stop it from happening both of these zones are not actually gonna activate on this turn and yeah I think this is the only two builds are going to happen and unfortunately neither of them have to haunt in it so this fear card is not actually gonna help us out at all but this one is gonna be quite good so it says that each town is gonna destroy one Explorer in the land so let's see this town will destroy this Explorer right here this town will destroy this one we've got in town there's no Explorers over here unfortunately but this one is gonna destroy that guy this guy's gonna die this guy's gonna die is just lots of towns killing off explorers here including this one and this one and this one and finally this one over here and then because we are at terror level 2 it says that the cities are going to destroy two explorers from the land and we don't have many cities out in the map right now just two over here we've done a good job of wiping them out oh there's one more over here but um only the city has an explorer so that means this one's gonna get taken off as well and I'd say all in all that's a pretty decent fear cart we're moving quite a bit of influence when the invaders off of the island next up in the invader phase we have ravaging of the sand dunes we come back to the map we see that both of these sand dunes are empty and both of these have been well inactivated well I guess this one's inactive and this one over here just has a defense of 20 so the ravage does nothing there but unfortunately even though the explorers were killed off both of these sand dunes still have two damaged worth of power coming down so that means both of these spots are gonna blight and since there's currently only one blight on at this healthy island card we're gonna pull that one off and then we're going to flip this over now we have a blighted Island and unfortunately this is not going to unblind itself for the rest of the game it looks like we are in a downward spiral and it says now at the start of each invader phase each spirit is gonna destroy one of their presents from the island which means we're gonna slowly start shrinking from the island but it's just once per turn so hopefully that won't hit us too bad and now we're going to immediately put five more blight per player onto this card and if those ever go away then that is a loss condition for us so 15 are gonna come down and then immediately one of these is gonna get launched back on to the island so both go down into these sand dunes and now the invaders are gonna build on the coasts as I mentioned before we did a pretty good job of cleaning up the coastal regions on this round so both of these spots are essentially turned off because of the year of perfect stillness and the paralyzing fright so there's just gonna be no building over there um down here we wiped everyone out including this spot right here over here there is a city and a town already which means that a new town is gonna crop up just there and lastly up here this one town is also gonna spawn a city so one city in one town coming down is not amazing but I think a reasonably okay turn especially considering there's gonna be a lot less ravaging going on on the next turn although I suppose we will have to contend with all of this stuff over there on the next term because these tokens are going to be removed next up it's time to explore and it looks like it's gonna be happening in the jungle area and we once again have the England special happening where the the spot that has the most cities is gonna get another bill action so even though that fear card just killed off a bunch of explorers here come a bunch more and unfortunately I think we're still not in a position where they don't explore everything we just knock down a good enough job of clearing out these pesky towns and cities and of course the coastal areas always get hit so this one's gonna pop up there the Explorer is gonna show up right here because it's adjacent to these towns over there this one is definitely adjacent to towns and this one has a town inside of it we've kind of been ignoring these two spots all game long and they get new explorers as does this one over here on the coast it's kind of unfortunate because it means it's gonna be ravaged but I guess not really because well this little guy right here just gonna get wiped out by the DeHaan we once again need to do the building boom special for the kingdom of England and so that means that on the one with the most buildings is gonna build again so over here there are two buildings right here and two buildings over here so they are tied so we can go ahead and say that there's gonna be a build happening in this spot right here on this board this spot already has three buildings which is the most which is not great because that means a city is gonna come down and remember the kingdom of Aylan England has a special lost condition for us of seven buildings on one spot and that's four buildings right there so probably should try to do something about that although unfortunately that's a lot of damage it has to happen in order to try and nerf those back down and then on this board over here this spot has two buildings so it is gonna generate another town with that we can finish up our invader phase by cycling everything over and now we can start activating our slow actions the first one that'll get activated is the crops wither and fade effect for the shadows player this is a range of 0 so they have to have presents already on that spot they don't have any more energy in order to kind of break that with their special and it says that they're gonna generate to fear and replace either a town with an explorer or a city with a town at the moment they only have presents in these four different locations three of them are jungles which are going to be building next turn which is interesting and only two of them actually have buildings this one has a town and this one has a town and considering this area already has the defense of three base because of the sacred site for the vital strength player they figure they will go ahead and downgrade it this town right here into an explorer so that means that if a build happens right here and they don't do anything a new town will show up as opposed to a city popping there of course the city will probably pop over there but we'll see what we can do with that with all the cards that we can play lastly our innate power of gather the Warriors is going to be the final slow action we do we currently have one two three air available there is a animal element so that kind of activates this but just one Sun so that means we have the ability to do three gathers of DeHaan and one push from a single spot that is up to one away from our presence and we all figure that this wetlands down here is the biggest problem that we have on the entire map at the moment it's gonna be ravaging on the next turn it's got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten power right there with two cities and two towns and they're right next door to a bunch of DeHaan so let's go ahead and target the spot and pull three of the DeHaan over here and then we won't bother doing any push actions and we're feeling okay about this because the shadow player says that they're planning on using the card at next turn that will stop to haunt from taking any damage on that next turn so hopefully between the DeHaan doing a bunch oh also we want to move our presents over here with it hopefully the hon can do a bunch of damage and we can defend them and maybe even get our defense high enough so that no blight comes down to the spot that would certainly be good but I think this is the best option for us with our gathering the Warriors with all those completed time is now going to pass so everybody can go ahead and discard all of the cards that they played and then we're going to heal up all of the damage that happened out on the island and lastly of course we're gonna go ahead and grab all of these reminder tokens and with that we are now ready to start the next turn of the game as always we're gonna begin our turn off with a spirit phase and a growth action and I think it's probably time for us to do this middle one again so we can pull two of these off that's gonna do pretty good things for us it's gonna allow us to play three cards in this turn which is certainly a good thing also it means we're progressing pretty well towards actually getting all these tokens out in fact this next one right here is pretty fun it lets us reclaim what one card per round so we can keep using the same really powerful card over and over again so that's certainly something we want to work ourselves towards so yeah let's go ahead and activate both of these one is uh arranged - and what does that arrange one but they both have to go on places where the DeHaan are considering we now have this gift of living energy card that will give us a extra bonus energy gifted if we have at least two sacred sites I'm thinking maybe we should go ahead and try to make one more sacred site happen we have a pretty good spread of influence out on the map right now and I think dropping this one down over here for our range 1 is a pretty good idea that's also gonna give us the ability to do that that frightening ability once we get back into our hand in a another part of the board so we kind of have this area in that area and that now this one we can put it up to two away and we don't have much influence in this zone right here so maybe we should go ahead and jump over to this spot right there next up the vinyl strains of the earth player has decided to do this growth action right here which is going to allow them to pull one presence off and go up to two away but they decided to go just one away into this wetlands right here so that they now are just one away from this particular jungle which is both coastal and a jungle which means it's going to be ravaged and built upon this turn unless something happens so they are hoping to do something about it and this is going to allow them to reclaim all their cards they only had one left in their hand so now they have all of them to play with and lastly the shadows player decides to do this growth option right here they are gonna pull this presence off and they have decided to not go three away they don't really need to jump into a crazy spot for the moment they've decided to just to put it down actually they're gonna go over here so can i kind of join us in the jungle right over there and now they're gonna generate three bonus energy for that and in fact all of us can now generate our regular energy so that's gonna be three for the shadows player it will be six for vital strength and then we are also gonna get three as per usual for this video it looks like our teammates have figured out their plans already and now we can figure out what we're gonna do um it's good to know what their plans are overall it looks like the vital strength player is going to be taking care of this zone and this zone so they're gonna be kind of protecting both of those and they are also planning on just wiping out this one explore over here so that there will be no build and the shadows player they are actually gonna be using this encompassing ward which means they're gonna cast it on us they're planning on so that all of the areas that have our presence are gonna gain two defense which is very good because it means both of these areas are going to be just fine lastly they're going to be doing some gathering up of some things and also maybe protecting some of the Don even though it's not really necessary but it's a free card and adds fear so now looking at the options that we have available to ourselves we know that this area is fine when it comes to the ravage these two are going to be taken care of because the dahana are going to be protected with our defense and then those invaders will get wiped out by the Don which is nice this invader is gonna get wiped out by the Don without any help at all because he's just by himself and now and then over here there's give me quite a bit damage going back over there so looking at the options we have we can play three cards and we have three energy and I think that we should go ahead and do this gift of living energy as one of them and we're actually gonna cast it on ourself it looks like our teammates don't need energy right now and we kind of do we now have two of these sacred sites so if you remember this card has a bonus of +1 energy if you have two sacred sites so that will be one plus one or two extra energy that this card is going to give us as well as some icons which is nice and then I think the other things that we should do well we should definitely do this sudden ambush we can gather to Haun and then each tahan destroys and explore well we can target this spot right here where the two tahan will wipe out both of these explorers so that there will be no bill to action going on there so that's two out of our three cards and these actually kind of pay for themselves so I think the last one that we should do well first of all we have voice of Sun thunder we can do some fear and then move around some DeHaan and this words of warning is a defense one but right now the ravages are pretty well taken care of I think we should play this manifestation of power and glory card we've not played this one yet it's quite expensive at 3 energy it has a range of 0 and adds a fear and then the Don will do 1 damage for each presence in that area it's not it seems maybe a little expensive for the energy but I think we can cast this at the end of our turn over in this spot right here the the dahana are gonna build but what's gonna happen is when we cast this these two Don will do two damaged knocking out that one city that's gonna pop up and then on the next turn and when this ravages well one DeHaan can just wipe out one x force that'll take care of that pretty well so yeah I think those are gonna be the three cards that we play so we can now go ahead and activate all these cards the gift of living energy is going to give ourselves to more energy and then we'll use that to energy on the sudden ambush over here and then we do have the three left over for the manifestation of power and glory glory later on in our turn so now let's go ahead and activate the sudden ambush again this one lets us gather one DeHaan and then each tahan is gonna destroy and explore well we're gonna target in this zone right here we don't actually feel like gathering anything and we certainly don't need to and then each donek destroys an explorer wiping both of these out so this zone is now not going to build and obviously not ravaged on the following turn next up the vital strength player is gonna do this year of perfect stillness and they'll put their token down right over here so that no invading of any sort is gonna happen in that zone and then this indomitable claim so if you remember this one is going to allow them to add a presence down onto the land and you'll notice that down here it says if you have two of the Sun element and three of the mountain element then they can gain three extra fear and the invaders will skip all actions on their turn and if you look around and they actually do have at one two three mountains and two suns but this ability is optional and even though adding three fear is certainly nice it's more important for them to go ahead and do that over here and then not activate the bottom because if there was no activation then there'll be no ravage and that means these three DeHaan would not do six damage back to the invaders so they'd rather actually forego that three fear there's gonna be some fear generated when these buildings are gonna get destroyed and of course they're gonna go ahead and pull a token for that and they're gonna grab this one right here so they'll generate even more energy on the next turn and this is now a sacred site so it has 23 defense so it's definitely just fine for this turn and then lastly for the vital strength player they're gonna activate steam vents which is one of the newer cards for them it is a range of 0 and it says they can destroy one explore and if they have three mountains they can instead destroy a town which means they could destroy a town right now if they wanted to but at the moment it seems like it's more important actually just to knock off this one Explorer right here so that again there will be no build and then no future ravaged on the spot especially considering it this is a blighted location we certainly don't want to have more of that cascading blight happening lastly down here with the shadows player they have a couple fast actions to do unfortunately they have none of the flame element on this round so they're not gonna be able to do their darkness swallowing in the unwary which is a very nice innate ability they've done almost every turn up to this point but the first thing they're gonna do is do this an encompassing award this one targets a spirit they're gonna target us and now that means that we're gonna defend - and every land where we have at least one presence and that like I said before is gonna help us out really well in these specific areas and then the concealing shadows this is kind of a throw away card it's gonna generate one fear it's free and the DeHaan take no damage for the ravaging invaders this turn it's a very nice card but there's actually no real place to use it but these are the last three cards in the shadows players hand so they figure they're gonna be pulling up all their cards again next turn they may as well play this one to gain the extra fear so let's go ahead and grab it and that's gonna bring us up to two now we've reached the invader phase and for the first time in the game we have a blinded island action that's because I think the island is no longer healthy and if you remember it says each of the spirits has to now destroy one of the presents out on the island when it comes to us at this point I'd like to maintain these two sacred sites and I think that this spot right here there's gonna be a lot of damage and destruction going on I don't think we really need to have our presence down here anymore certainly not in this turn so we will go ahead and wipe this one off and then with the vital strength player the yellow one they have all of these sacred science which is really nice and then this single one which is kind of by itself and the they put this one down on this turn specifically so that they could reach out over to this zone and it's possible that they might want to reach out to this zone again so for the moment when it comes to sacred sites they don't necessarily need they're gonna go ahead and pull this presence back off of the board and now for the shamans flicker light flame player they have a couple cigarette sites as well which are very nice for them and they have the ability to just spend a energy and then activate an ability wherever the DeHaan are so presence is slightly less important for them and they figure since they're already kind of congested over here they don't desperately need this one right here so they'll remove that one I mean it's obviously not great pulling presents off the board because that is a loss condition if any one spirit has no presence on the board then we lose but you know what that's just a part of the clock for the game next up we would activate any fear cards but unfortunately we don't have any to do this turn to last turn was certainly nice but you have to wait a little bit longer for that and now we can go ahead and ravage on all of the coastal lands we can go ahead and start up here where there is a year of perfect stillness so there's gonna be no activation there's no invaders on either of these lands there's no invaders here but over here there is now the encompassing ward that the shadow player put down means that this one presence is going to give two defense to that area so that means that the invaders have a city and Explorer they're doing three damage two defense brings it this down to one damage so no blight goes down they're gonna damage one of these two hon once and then the DeHaan are gonna do four damage back wiping both of these out and generating one fear for the dead town and it's the exact same story in these sand dunes right here so we'll go ahead and evaluate that one as well killing these and then we can generate the two fear for the two destroyed towns right there and that brings us up to four lastly we have our southernmost coast over here and this wetlands we were able to clear out on the last turn even though it's pretty blighted there's gonna be no ravaging because there's no invaders this spot right here this invader does one damage to the Don and they do two damage back wiping him off of the board and then lastly over here we have a defense of twenty coming down because of the indomitable earth ability that going on right there so that means this one two three four five six seven eight nine ten damage is completely negated and then the sixth Ahana are the three Don are gonna do six damage back and they have decided really just to go ahead and target these cities they're gonna wipe both of them out and so now there's just a couple towns left over in that spot every time a city is destroyed - fear is generated so that's gonna be for more fear into the pool so things are looking pretty good once again in this pool area over here next up the invaders are gonna build in the jungles but fortunately we've done a pretty good job of erasing their presence on a lot of these spots and this one again has the year of perfect stillness so there's gonna be no building happening there over here a city is gonna appear over onto the board and then over here a town is gonna happen but again we already kind of have a plan with this manifestation of power and glory to try and take out this area lastly the invaders are going to explore and it looks like it's gonna be in the mountains and once again that pesky kingdom of England ability is gonna be activated so first with the exploration of the mountains unfortunately it's gonna be six again oftentimes at this point in the game I'm hoping to me at the point where they don't fully explore but I've not done a very good job of clearing out these cities from the middle of the island that's really I they're so adjacent just so many different lands that it's just really hard to make it clear down so that the explorers don't happen but they're gonna happen so this one comes in from the coast this one is gonna come over here because it's adjacent to Billings this mountain over here is adjacent to the coast as this one so there's no gettin around of those oh no this one isn't on the coast but it already has a building there so that's definitely gonna happen and this spot is adjacent to buildings and lastly this one already has buildings on it so that is all of the explorers and now we need to figure out which spot has the most buildings on each of the different island areas and it looks like over here there are four buildings over here so that is going to be an extra build action which means a city is going to come down over there which is not great for us over here there are three buildings and that means a city's gonna come over there man really don't like England at this point and lastly over here there are two buildings over here and two buildings over here so I think we're gonna have the ability because that means that a town is going to come down as opposed to a city up hearing over here with that the invader phase is now over and we can jump into our slow actions the first slow action I think we should do is our gather the warriors we have at least one of the animal elements and then we've got one two three of the air element and then three of the Sun so we can do three gathers and three pushes from a spot up to one range for ourselves and even though it doesn't seem like a super powerful turn I think we should activate this jungle right here and we're just gonna be pushing both of these DeHaan over here into this jungle right here we're not going to be doing any gathering into that spot there's actually nothing we can gather over there I guess we can do this one but the reason we're not gonna do that is because next up the shadows player is gonna play out this favors called Ducard if you look down here you'll see that it says they could take gather up to four to Han and if there are invaders president and the Don outnumber them then three fear is gonna be generated so they are gonna use this to go ahead and pull one two three into the spot they're not gonna do all four and that is important because there are now five dahana in this area and only four of the invader tokens so three fear is generated right now which brings us up to eleven and it's important to note that we also moved one of our presence over into this region with the DeHaan that got pulled over there with our natural ability at this point we can now activate our manifestation of power and glory card for the first time and we've actually changed up our plan we're now gonna activate in that new jungle and not the other one we were planning on doing so this is gonna generate one fear and then each tahan is gonna deal damage equal to the number of presents that we have we currently have one presence and there are five to Han so that's gonna be five damage dealt so they're going to take out to the city and they're gonna wipe out both of these explorers right here so that's gonna be one fear for the card and then two more fear for the city that means it's three total so we pull this down right here and that gets us a new fear card all these cycle up and we can pull to back down and lastly we can activate our leading the furious assault on a of zero we look over here and we see that we have three of the Sun power and we also have four of the fire so we look over here that means we're just a one Sun away from being able to do a really powerful one but that's fine over here we see I this level we will destroy one town for every two tahan in the targeted land so this is more than enough to wipe out this town right here and generate one more fear that's gonna go ahead and bring us up to three at this point all of our slow actions are done so everybody can go ahead and discard all of their played cards we are gonna go ahead and heal up any damage that happened out here so that's gonna be these Don over here we've done a very good job of protecting the DeHaan so far on the island and then we can pull these markers back and we are ready for the next turn we can go ahead and start things off with our growth phase and I think for the first time in the game let's do this one over here we'll get to pull this odd token off which is nice because we now have the ability to reclaim one card per turn so we can pull one from the discard pile and maybe use it again that's certainly nice and this is gonna get us four extra energy to play with on the turn which is definitely gonna be a good thing for us this can now go within a range of one and it does not necessarily have to go where the DeHaan are and I think this might be the first time in the game we're activating this but either way let's go ahead and put this out and I think let's go ahead and activate this jungle right here so that we're now at Jason's to this wetlands mostly because it has three dahana in there and that's a very good resource for us to try and manipulate out on the board it's now time for the vinyl strength player to grow and they're gonna go ahead and unlock their eighth energy right here and that is also gonna allow them to gain a power card and they have decided to go for a major power card so they're gonna go ahead and draw four of these and the one they've decided to go with is a blazing renewal this is a very interesting card it's pretty expensive at five it's fast and it says that they'll be able to target a spirit and they can place two of their destroyed presence onto a single and up to two away from the presence of the the vital strength player and then if any are returned then every city and town on that location are gonna take two damage and then potentially get four more damage squeaked in there with some elementals so this is really good because it allows us to pull back the presents that have been pulled off of the board this is a very powerful ability but they of course need to forget something and they've decided to go through their hand and the one they think they don't really need anymore is this straw of the fruitful earth it is one of their own so this is gonna go into their hand and this does not go back into the discard pile we'll just kind of hide it underneath their player board of course needs to put their presents out and since it is a range zero effect they have to go where they already are and they'll go down right there next up the shadow player is going to do a reclaim hand action they have no cards in their hands so these will all come back and now they get to gain a power card and they've decided they want to go ahead and grab a major power as well after looking at all the options they've decided to go with poisoned land this one is slow but it's pretty cheap and it's a 1 range for them and you see down here it says one fear 7 damage and then they have to add a blight and destroy all dahana in that area but 7 damage is a humongous amount especially for that energy cost and right now some of the more populated parts of the board with the invaders don't have any to haunt in them at all so they're probably gonna be looking to get this one out on this turn to start really bringing back some of those invaders they of course need to forget one of their cards in their hand because this is a major power and they decide that that is gonna be favors called do which is one of those as well so we can just tuck that onto their board we can now all generate our energy and I just realized I forgot to actually take the 4 that our growth gave for us so then we're gonna grab 3 more so for the first time in the game we are flush with energy which is great the final strength player has they've been fully deployed on energy so that means they're getting a massive 8 energy to play with on this turn and then finally over here the shadows player is gonna get three more alright it's time to figure out what cards we're gonna be playing and I guess for us it's a little obvious we only have two cards in our hand we did unlock this ability to reclaim one and we could play three cards in our hand so I think we're definitely playing these two cards right here the question is gonna be which one of these cards are we going to reclaim out and then play down as well and in order to figure out how let's see what our teammates are planning on doing and there is a lot of damage that's gonna be happening on this turn I think the island is really gonna start fighting back in a big way because the final strength player is gonna do that blazing renewal they're gonna bring two of the presents back and they're gonna do it right over here which is going due to damage to both of these towns and both of these cities that's gonna almost kill off the cities but that's fine because then they're planning at the end of their turn to do a ritual of destruction to do two more damage to wipe out those cities entirely from this zone essentially just clearing out this huge hub of invaders from the map entirely and I know that wetlands are not a high priority target right now the jungles are gonna be ravaging and then the mountains are going to be building this turn but getting rid of these is also a good idea we just need to remove these things from the map and doing all that damage that's what eight total damage is definitely a really good way to spend the five energy and then coming down here for the shadows player they are also gonna be doing a ton of damage they're gonna play this poison land and they're planning on doing it all the way over here there it's not great because it has a blind already but this is gonna almost wipe out everyone from that zone as well and they're planning on doing the hunt the land of haunts and embers which puts blight down on the board again which you know plight is not amazing but they're planning on trying to shoo some of these exporters and towns into the blazing renewal apocalypse it's about to happen over here in the wetlands they're also planning on defending this over here with their wins of Russ and a trophy so realistically um we're not doing a whole lot with defending or stopping the different mountains from building up but this run I guess the shadows player is planning on shooting this away and fear is still the name of the game so I think when we know we're gonna be playing both of these we can go ahead and pay for it I'm not sure about where we're gonna be actually targeting these down but when we look at to the cards that we have in our hand we have six energy available to us and we could do this manifestation of power and glory but there is not an amazing spot I guess we could do it down here but we'd have to have presence in that location and we do not have presents there just yet which makes that not very good also it's slow gift of living energy well nobody really has any energy needs on this turn the sudden ambush is gonna wipe out a bunch of the the exporters potentially but we don't have a particular spot that works out too well for that at the moment the veil of knights hunt has the Don doing damage again that that would be pretty good over here they would all do one damage to invaders so we would actually be able to kill off both of these towns right here but that does not do anything for the building that's happening over here on the mountains in the ravage that's happening over here although I suppose this uh words of warning defend three that will do a very good job of defending this spot over here the last card that we have is as paralyzing fright and I think this might be the one we want to go for is gonna make for fear which is great and then invaders can skip all of our actions it's within one of a sacred site and this is a pretty good spot for that it's gonna stop a city from being built up on this location and then it makes for fright which is certainly a good thing for us to have going on so yeah let's go ahead and recall this one from our hand this is our discard pile and then we could go ahead and pay for that one and now let's go ahead and start evaluating all of these fast actions that we have available to ourselves let's go ahead and start with the things that we've talked about already so the paralyzing fright will happen we're gonna activate it down here so we can go ahead and put our token down and that's gonna generate for us for fear that's pretty darn good because now we have seven generated so far and then let's go ahead and activate the words of warning it's a defend three and then during the ravaged the dahana will fight simultaneously which is certainly nice and we'll plunk it down right over here so the DeHaan will be fine and they will wipe out both of the invaders next up the shadows flicker light flame player is gonna activate their land of haunts and embers they decided to do it over here in the mountains it's just one range away for themselves and this is going to generate to fear and they can push up to two explorers and towns so they're gonna push to this town and this explorer over into what is soon to be a fiery apocalypse of wetland over here unfortunately this is going to add a blight down so when this goes down this is going to destroy one presence of every spirit that is there so that does destroy a presence from the vital strength of the earth player but they are okay with that for i suppose they don't really have much of a choice the car generated to fear so that is now gonna bring our pool up to nine and now the final strength player thinks it's time for them to well go ahead and activate this blazing renewal so they're gonna pay their five energy and they've decided it to to target the shadows player so that's gonna bring in two of their presents from the destroyed pile those are going to get added in here and with this blazing renewal since at least one presence was returned to damage is gonna happen to each town as well as each city that's gonna wipe out all three of these towns that's six damage right there and then seven eight nine ten for both of these cities you can kind of flop them over and you see that there's this one building left over that's the way you can count it and know that they have just one health left before they get destroyed and of course we can't forget that three dead cities means three fear and that is exactly enough to draw yet another one of these for your cards we're gonna get to evaluate two of them on this journey which is great we can shove all these up and we're now just one fear card away from getting to terror level three in which case we'll win by just destroying all of the cities we don't even have to worry about the town so I think things are starting to look kind of ok for us I suppose up next the shadows flicker like flame player is gonna activate the winds of rust and atrophy we can see that it has a range of three from a sacred site well they have one right here and so that's one two three reaching all the way over to this zone they are gonna generate a fear with this there's going to be a defense of six on this zone so the ravage is not going to do anything over there because one two three four five six is exactly the damage that they're doing and then they get to replace one of these cities with a town or a town with an explorer and so they're actually gonna do less damage because this city is gonna be taken away and a town is gonna come up in its place and the one base fear this makes gets us our first one into our next generative pool next up we finally have a new take on a well-worn ability and that is gathering the Warriors which is a slow ability but you'll notice that we actually have three air from cards and then one from our player board that gives us four air and this says that it is a fast power if we have four air element so we can actually do this right now and we have a four air and it looks like three of the Sun elements so that is four gathers and three pushes available to ourselves when we consider the fact that this jungle is going to be ravaged to this turn but it's already very protected I think let's go ahead and try to get to Han over there to actually wipe out these invaders as well so we will go ahead and activate it on this spot right here we will gather one two three and I think this presence is going to come along with it and then we will push all three of these into the zone so that's gonna be six damage total which will wipe out all of the invader presence there and now we have one last fast action and it's one we haven't had the ability to do all game long so far it's the innate power for the final strength of the earth player they need one Sun to mountain and a two of the green and fortunately they have that happening now they have the two mountains to green and the one son just the way the cards have worked out they haven't quite gotten to this point and you can see that on what's this turn they can target a spirit and that spirit may repeat a one power card with an energy cost of one or less and they have decided to target us so that later on when we're in the sole power mode we can do the voice of thunder twice which is going to either generate us some nice fear or give us a bunch of DeHaan pushing to try and reposition them out on the island now that all our fast actions are done we can do the invader phase and unfortunately the first things first is going to be doing the blighted island effect where every one of us has to remove one presence when I take into consideration that this zone is going to be pretty much obliterated as is this one on this round of the game I figure we can go ahead and destroy this presence right here the shadows player figures that you don't really need to have to in the zone even though one of them just got reformed with a blazing renewal they'll go ahead and remove that one from the board and lastly this jungle over here is quite protected with DeHaan and lots of presents going on so the final strength player figures they don't need a sacred site going on over there next up we have the fear phase which is also the fun phase of the game we have two of these to deploy so we can go ahead and flip these over we can now evaluate these in order the first one says retreat we are at terror level 2 so we are gonna have each player push up to three explorers and towns from any inland lands and that's a really great effect because it means we can just get them out from the center and try to just squeeze them towards the coast that we don't have all these explorers going on in the middle also this is going to work out really well for some of the builds that we're gonna happen on these mountains I mean we have a single Explorer here and a single Explorer here so we can definitely do something about that because both of those are inland well I figure we'll go ahead and start - and a great one for us is to just take this Explorer and have them flee over here to this inland spot they are leaving an inland which is the priority it doesn't have to necessarily go towards the coast and that's good because there's enough to haunt over here to just wipe out that Explorer on the next one is going to be the vital strength player they're gonna go ahead and take this one right here and they figure they may as well have them flee to this spot where they already have some decent natural defenses going on and lastly the shadows player is gonna go ahead and take this one right here and move it over here into the wetlands because well we've been looking at some of the options and when the switch world of destruction happens it's gonna do two damage or five damage if there are at least three 2 Han there and this is a slow action and maybe you will be able to use our voice of thunder to push some of these to haunt over here and actually wipe out even more people from this zone so they figure that is gonna be their pick fortunately for us the fear fund does not end because we have this other one we get to evaluate it says seek safety and at the two level it says that each player may gather one Explorer into a land with a town or a city or gather a town into a land with the city unfortunately this time I'm not seeing quite as many amazing opportunities but there are one or two good ones the first best one is to have this Explorer flee to this area with a city it does mean but not all these are gonna die but it does mean that we're not gonna build on this spot which is definitely a good thing and then let's go ahead and have this Explorer flee over to one of these towns sorry that's a town spot they're going to this means that Explorer is gonna die because there's now six health worth of invaders here and well the three DeHaan are gonna make short work of that and then we have one more and I figure we may as well just consolidate these cities up because we know that a poisoned land is gonna happen over here pretty soon on this turn and wipe a lot of these outs and just having less stuff in this area just consulting things is probably for the best with that we've done all of our fear cards so let's jump into the invader stuff they are going to first ravage on the jungles let's go ahead and start over here at this jungle where the winds of rust and atrophy is giving a defense of 6 and there is six damage coming in right now so there's gonna be no to Han taking damage at all and they're immediately going to fight back doing two damage each which is gonna do one two three four five six and with two destroyed cities that's gonna be - fear generated this brings us up to three next we have this jungle right here which has a defense of three they're currently doing one two three four I've damaged ooh maybe I didn't think this one all the way through that means with the defense of three they're still gonna do two damage which is gonna kill off one of the Don and it is gonna blight the area but fortunately this allows the DeHaan to fight simultaneously so they are gonna do the one two three four damage killing off all of these that's gonna generate a fear but that's gonna kill off a Don and it's also gonna put a blight down and when blight goes down a presence for each of the spirits is removed so maybe that was not as good of an action as we thought it was I suppose at the end of the day this is probably a price that is worth paying in order to not have it build happen over here in the mountains at this point I should probably point out the swords of victory kind of detractor of being the thunder speaker in this game and that is that each time a Don is killed by invaders during the ravaging we have to destroy one of our presence within one range and this is of course after losing presence due to the plight but fortunately for us all of the range one spots don't actually have our presence in it so we don't lose any extra presence as a penalty with all that we did kill off one city so that's gonna bring us up to for fear in our current pool and now we can look to the other four and now we can look to the other four jungles none of which have invaders we're really starting to get the invaders out of these areas so there's gonna be no ravaging happening on any of those spots next up on the list the invaders are going to build in the mountains so we can go ahead and ignore all three of these and then over here a town is going to be built over here if you remember we have the paralyzing fright so that there will be no activations in the spots so a city will not get built there which is certainly nice for us this spot is gonna develop a town and then yeah that's it lastly we've reached the explore phase and you may notice there are three little hashes on this as opposed to the two before that means we're now entering the third phase of the game and where this gets the hardest and you're gonna see why right now because every single one of these cards is gonna activate two different regions and there are five of these and if we don't win the game by the time we get to all five of these then that is another lost condition for us but for now we're gonna see explorers come down on all mountains and sand dunes unfortunately despite all of our great efforts to really fight back the invaders I think every single one of the 12 different spots is going to get one of these explorers because well these two right here are adjacent to the coast and then these two are both adjacent to spots that have buildings again over here we have two that are on the coast and then both of these are adjacent to quite a few buildings down here we've got this one that has a building in it already this one has a building in it already this one also has a building in it already and this one is adjacent to a bunch so yeah that's twelve explorers coming down right there the invaders are now done invading so we can go ahead and cycle all of these over and the mountains are gonna be a very hot region on the next turn of the game but with that we can now go into our slow actions the first one that I think we should activate is this voice of thunder and we kind of have this token to remind ourselves that we're getting to activate one of these zero one cost ones again on this turn because of the vital strength of the earth players and innate ability but we look at this we have a range of one and we can push up to four tahan or we can just generate you fear and when we look down over here we can see that we're gonna make quite a bit of fear anyway when the crazy destruction happens over here because we're gonna go ahead and activate this from a range of one it's gonna push all three of these tahan in there and that is the perfect amount for the ritual of destruction speaking of which let's go ahead and activate that one now it has a cost of three and we see that it has to be within range one of a sacred site for the vital strength player but unfortunately this is a sacred site so now - damage is gonna happen but since the target land it does have it three DeHaan in it it's gonna generate three more damage as well as two fears that's a five damage total so that's gonna be one to kill off this city here two to kill off the city three four to kill off this town and fine to kill this Explorer just completely wiping everything out of that spot we can now assess the fear ramifications of this that's going to be to fear for the card and then two more for each of these cities that's two four six and then a seventh fear for this town they got destroyed so we look over here to our pilots one two three four five six seven we're just one away for pulling the next card which is really good for us next up we have these shadows flicker like flame player and they're going to activate their poison lands so there is gonna be a lot more destruction but there is a slight hiccup in our plan when we look at the card we can see it has a range of one and they used to have presidents right here and that gave them a range of one to go over here and do seven damage but since this one blank got put down it removed their presence and they no longer have the ability to actually target this area fortunately there is an alternate option and that is gonna be this spot right down here it is indeed one range away and we know that this spot right here is potentially gonna be building on the next turn it has quite a bit of stuff so they're gonna activate this it's gonna generate one fear and then seven damage so we can go ahead and do one two three four five six seven damage right there killing off all three of these buildings and then we go ahead and add a blight because that's what the card says and fortunately there are no DeHaan here to die from this poisoned land ability the card itself has a base fear of one and then we get two more for the city and two for the killed towns right here so that's gonna be fine fear generated total so we're gonna have one which is gonna pull this down right here we can push all these back up again and then do three two three four five total and now you'll notice that the terror level three has been activated we can go ahead and replace that and now our wind condition is essentially kill off all of these cities if we're able to get rid of all the cities from the map then we're gonna win the game there is another one condition that we are slowly working towards and that is if we're able to get rid of all three of these extra fear cards then we just straight-up win if we're able to get through all nine of them but either way I think this is now the thing that we are angling most to do there's only one more slow action that can be evaluated and that's because we can use this innate ability to activate the voice of thunder again so let's go ahead and see if we have a good option for pushing up to four to Han our central strategic focus from this point on is trying to kill off these cities so when we consider where we could move the DeHaan around we want to try and get them into spots where we could potentially destroy cities or maybe stop cities from being made that kind of thing and we currently look out to the board there are only two cities that are right over here in this wetlands but with a build happening on all of the sand dunes and the different mountains there are a couple cities that might get generated specifically on these three mountainous areas a city will pop up if nothing happens if we don't actually affect anything at the moment but more importantly all three of these mountains are going to have a ravage phase before the before the build phase aunt happens on these and over here we already have a couple of hon this one has a single - hon so potentially if we were to push them - hon into one of those areas we could potentially defend that spot and have the DeHaan wipe out the towns which would stop a city from coming in it would just then have a town plop in on one of those locations so I figure let's go ahead and activate it over here and let's push these two into this spot right here so that we have a much better shot of stopping that one this one already has a couple - hon which is a pretty good amount to potentially try to fight back on that city we don't have anything going on for this area right now but we have a lot of cards we can play on the next round so I think that is going to be our activation of the voice of thunder and that is it for all of our slow actions time is now going to pass so we can discard all of our played cards for the turn and then we can remove all of the tokens that are kind of protecting things out on the map we would heal everything up but fortunately those cities that were damaged we were able to kill them off before they potentially healed and yeah let's go ahead and now move it into the next round of the game just start our turn off we're of course gonna pick a growth option and we don't really have an option realistically we have no cards in our hand so we really should do this recall so we will take all of our cards and we'll put them right back over here and we can already see that we're gonna have three plus two or five energy available to ourselves this turn because of that I think we should probably just draw two minor powers they might help us out they'll probably be pretty cheap and I just don't think we'll be able to actually afford to do any of the bigger and more powerful major powers and we've already gone through all the minor powers so we have this big discard pile we're gonna shuffle this up and then see what our two sets of four look like our first set has these in it it looks like it's a very slow hand the first one right here says call to isolation you can push a explore or a town perd to Han or you just push to Han around it's very cheap which is nice gift of power target spirit gains a minor power that's great maybe earlier the game at night at this point next one says pool beneath the hungry earth if the target land has your presence in it then you can do a fear and one damage and it's worse if it is sands or wetlands and I don't think that's me too great for us and then a rain of blood it has to be within one of our sacred site it causes to fear and even more fear if there's a lot of cities on that spot so I figure I think this is kind of an easy decision let's grab this call to isolation I'm not sure if we will actually be using it but we can throw that into our hand and then we can draw four more and let's see what we have here oh they're all slow that's not particularly great we see right here we have roused the trees and stones it goes on the spot without blight and it does a couple damage which is pretty good although it has to be within one of a sacred sites cult attend we the shadow player had this one earlier in the game it can remove blight and push around the DeHaan the voracious growth this one is within one of a sacred sites and it's gonna do two damage or remove a blight but it has to be in the jungle or wetlands we don't really care about either of those terrains right now and the last one is purifying flame it's within a one of a sacred site again and one damage happens per blight on that spot and if it's a mountain or sand dune which you know it's the things we care about this turn we can instead remove a blight so it looks like all of these things or most of these things have to do with the sacred sites and I figured just doing damage might be the best option for ourselves at this point in game so we will take this one I doubt we'll actually be playing it and we'll put the rest back into the discard pile next up we have the vital strength player and they are going to be recalling their hands they only have one card in their hand right now so the rest of these get added back and we can now add their last presence out onto the board at a range of two and they decide to put it right over here and then shadows flicker like flame decides they're actually going to recall their hand they are very interested in playing out of this poison land one again seven damage is huge and that really might swing the game in our favor even maybe on this turn to wipe out all of those cities and they do get to gain a new power card and they also decide to go with a minor power and the one they're gonna pick is this one right here it says elemental boon it's fast it costs one energy it says that the target spirit gains three different elements of their choice and if they target another spirit then the shadow player will also get to use those elements at this point we can all gain our energy so we will grab at three the vital strength player is gonna grab eight and then three more it's gonna come down for the shadow player the time has come again for us to figure out what cards we're going to be playing it's from our hands but if you remember we're gonna win the game immediately the moment all of the cities are off the map and we see that there are only two cities and I mentioned before being kind of concerned about the build actions happening over here in the mountains where they might make cities but if we're able to just kill these cities off before the invader phase even happens then we're gonna win outright and having this blazing renewal come back into the vial strength of Earth players hand that kind of unlocks the ability for us to do that specifically because the shadows flicker like flame player was able to pick up this elemental boon card and that's because if we look down closer at the bottom of this card right here we can see that this already very potent blazing renewal card can do for additional damage if they're able to get 2/3 of the fire element three of the Mountain element and two of the green earth element and right now they have two of the mountain one earth and two fire so that means there are one of each of those away from able to pull that off and so that means that the shadows player is going to open this up by activating the elemental boon and they're gonna gift those three elements over to the vital strength of Earth player they're gonna give them one fire to make this happen one earth to make this happen and one green to make that happen it also means that the shadows player is gonna get those elements as well but they really don't need them this is just all about making a massive attack on that one particular wetlands with is blazing renewal and with that being said let's go ahead and evaluate that now they're gonna of course start by paying off at v5 energy and now we could see that it says the target spirit places two of their destroyed presents down onto a spot that is within range two of one of the yellow player's presence and they have presence right over here so they can't activate this spot right here and they figure they may as well go out with the big blaze and they will bring their own presence down they'll kind of stack those both right there and now they're gonna do two damage to every city and a town in that area because at least one presence was added down that's going to immediately wipe out all three of these cities and then it's of course going to flop both three of these towns that is sorry and it's gonna flop both of these cities over so that there's just one health left on both of those and as I mentioned before we have it the elements to activate this bottom part here where they could do for more damage that's gonna be enough to knock this one out and this one out and with that we're able to immediately win the game because the invaders are so terrified that even just having all of their cities leveled and knocked off the island is enough to essentially chase the rest of them off the island so a victory is ours we don't even need to process the fear for that because they are scared enough and we have now completed one full game of spirit island well I hope you enjoyed this playthrough and a special congratulations out there to everyone who watched the entire thing because this is easily the longest video that I've ever put out and it's also the longest and hardest one that I've ever had to film but that is just because there's so much going on in this game and it is super not designed for one brain to be handling three different spirits at the same time but time was on my side and I was able to really think through every single turn take the time I needed to come up with the plans and really think about the discussions that the different spirits will be having and it seemed to turn out pretty well you know we won the game somewhat handily there at the end in the middle of the game things were starting to look a little bit dicey but some of the fear cards kind of went our way and we as spirits just got a lot more powerful you know almost every turn well every turn for some of the different spirits and we're putting presents out onto the map and we're pulling it off of our player board which means we unlock the ability to play more cards and just gain more energy and just do more stuff so it kind of makes sense that there's gonna be that pacing and there at the end we were so powerful and specifically from a strategic perspective I started to actively draft high damage spells at the end so that we could really just wipe out all these cities because that was our end game condition you know getting fear out cycling through that pool is important it is how you win the game but ultimately you have to get these cities off of the island unless you are playing a only fear game and you're just trying to get to the very bottom of that fear deck but that was not really our game plan and I think it worked out pretty well but I would like to briefly mention once again that this was essentially easy mode you know the game comes with eleven different difficulty settings and at the zero difficulty setting you don't even play with an adversary we played against the king of England but we ignored pretty much everything on this card we only activated the very top which means we were on difficulty setting one and again it goes all the way up to ten and just the English themselves they have all these different lines down here and I think it's so much nastier like halfway down they get a another build action on their turn right before they ravage on that spot they just built and down the bottom they can potentially build a third time and every single time they don't that we don't activate one of the fear cards so the English can obviously get so much meaner and there are several of these adversaries in there so I think this video does a pretty good job of showing you how the actual game plays and it shows the kind of pacing and Arc of the game but it also shows it from the easy perspective and the game can get much more challenging from here so I think that wraps up all of my thoughts about this playthrough and as always I'd like to thank everyone who's been supporting the channel through patreon including all these producers level pledges if you too would like to directly support the channel you could do so at patreon.com slash junkets Games and I'd really appreciate it also if you'd like to see more full game playthroughs like this one as well as in depth board game reviews and vlogs please subscribe to the channel thanks for watching you
Channel: JonGetsGames
Views: 125,004
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Keywords: jongetsgames, johngetsgames, spirit island, spirit island playthrough, spirit island game, spirit island runthrough, spirit island playthru, spirit island runthru, spirit island run through, spirit island play through, jongetsgames spirit island, johngetsgames spirit island
Id: nvVjMdsLUx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 41sec (8861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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