Too Many Bones: Undertow | Solo playthrough | with Mike

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey this is mike from the one-stop co-op shop and i'm finally completing the trifecta of the big releases from chip theory games this is a playthrough of too many bones specifically chip theory games sent me a copy of undertow which was the standalone second release in the series and i pulled our patreon supporters on which gear locks they wanted me to play with and they actually picked in an overwhelming level both of the gear locks that come with the undertow standalone set so you're gonna see basically everything that's in undertow and nothing that is not included in it we've got duster a sneaky sword fighter with nightshade her wolf companion and stanza sort of battle bard who uses music and a bladed lootar to fight enemies as usual with my playthroughs i'm gonna go through setting up the game and the basics of play but if you already know all of that feel free to use the timestamps in the videos info or in the pinned comment to skip right to the play through and if you like what you see or any of the content here at one stop co-op shop feel free to subscribe or even consider supporting us on patreon so first you have to choose which gear locks and how many you'll play with i like to play two-handed even when i'm playing solo but the game does support single gear lock play and all the way up to four gear locks for each gear lock you're gonna take their unique set of dice in a dice tray as well as their quick reference sheet that goes through all the icons on their dice all the dice available to them special rules they use and also even some suggested builds for them and generally speaking you're not going to start with any dice on your gear lock board unless your character sheet lists dice that have a circle around them like the nightshade die here which means that duster will start with that and whenever you start with or gain a die you just gotta look for the little reference number in the upper left hand corner and you can place it in the matching number on your character sheet stanza also starts with one die her lutar dive that's going to control all of her magical music powers you'll also need the character chips for each gear lock now in duster's case she also has a chip for nightshade her wolf but sansa just has herself you can put those on your character mat and you put health chips under each gear locks chip equal to their health value so stanza is gonna have five duster's gonna have three and nightshade is gonna have two indicated right there you'll also need your gear locks initiative die i like to just put them right on the chip and to finish setting up your gear locks you have to decide what level you want to play at at the hardest level legendary adventurer you will just start as is but i'll be honest if that level still tends to be a little bit too tough for me so i'm going to go one down to heroic adventurer and what that means is we each start with one free health upgrade what you do is you take these d6s from your character's dice tray and put them right next to there so i get three plus one four health and stanza goes up to six health total that'll be an extra health chip for each of them then additionally we each get one free training now i'll save the details of how training works for the basics of play section but duster is going to choose her number one die duster's dagger which can bleed an enemy for consistent damage and stanza's gonna choose one of her songs forever mine that lets her control enemy units and move with them next you have to choose which tyrant you want to face i'm gonna go against barnacle which is a pretty quick one just kind of show you how the game works so you take his card and his chip and he's going to give you two key pieces of information on the front here the number of days you have to complete this mission and the number of progress you need to find his base and attack him directly and one more key thing from the nemesis you choose they're going to tell you which monster types you're going to build your supplies with in this case barnacles pretty simple these are all three of the monster types that come in undertow so we just use everybody next you're going to build your encounter deck you have a whole bunch to shuffle together and a separate deck if you're playing solo with a single gear lock in my case i'm going to take six of them two less than the number of days indicated on the nemesis's card and sorry i'm calling him a nemesis but it's a tyrant you also will look to see how many tyrant encounter cards your tyrant has in barnacles case he has two so i'm going to take both of those and shuffle them together with these six regular encounters i had finally i'll find the four special encounters marked with a one day symbol and the other four encounters marked with the two-day symbol and i'll shuffle each separately and choose a random day one and day two encounter those will go on top of the shuffled deck so in total of a day one encounter a day two encounter and then two less than the number of days regular encounters mixed with the tyrant encounters and if you want to they provide this little cover card with nice art on it to hide what encounter is coming until you want to see it i set my little day counter here to day number one and i divide and shuffle all my enemy my baddie stacks so i shuffle all the ones together again i'm using all the ones from the undertow box because barnacle uses all three types i do the same with the fives and the twenties and then unique to undertale these were not in the core game i shuffle the krellen and mech piles separately they're each three point baddies i shuffle my loot and my trove loot deck separately and i get my battle mat ready now you'll see more of this when we get to our first actual fight but i have this little round eye with the r1 side showing i have the four lane markers for baddies each with their initiative die on top and i have the four lock picking dice generic defense and attack dice a regular d6 and some status effect dice on the side ready to go so with setup out of the way let's get to the basics of play so too many bones is played over the course of a series of days at the beginning of each day except the first you turn the day counter then you draw the top encounter of the deck you can read the flavor text and often you'll have a choice though not always some choices will lead to battle and some choices will lead to a non-battle resolution if you successfully resolve the encounter you gain the rewards indicated for the choice you made here it's loot plus any rewards in the bottom left or right so here are some training points and you also get to put the card underneath the tyrant card and any progress on the card will get you closer to the tyrant's necessary progress in this case five to fight him and win the mission you need to reach that much progress and defeat the tyrant before you get past the number of days indicated then whether you won or lost the encounter you get a chance to recover you can trade loot around try to lock pick trove loot and then you can make one of three options resting to get your health back searching for better loot where you trade in one of your pieces of loot and roll some dice and potentially get to draw other pieces to pick from and finally you can scout the area and see what baddies are coming up ahead based on a d6 roll but the real star of the show here is combat encounters that's what takes up the majority of the game time uses all the cool dice and character abilities you have and how each encounter works can vary drastically based on the encounter card you played but i'll go through the basics quickly so first to set up an encounter most will say you spawn enemies equal to the bq and the standard value for that is equal to the day number multiplied by the number of gear locks in the party so here would be four since i have two gear locks i don't count my wolf once you figure out how many points you're supposed to spawn you take chips equal to that value from the highest batty stacks you can out of one five and twenty so if it was four for day two i would just have four ones in a stack but if it was on to day three three times two is six i would take a five the biggest one i could and then use a one to make up the difference and the highest chips always go on top you spawn enemies onto the battle board until you have four enemies one for each of these markers or until you run out of baddies in your queue and baddies will show you right here in the bottom left whether they're a melee or ranged batty in this case they're melee and that'll control where they spawn so if this guy was the first one to come out the blue color he would go on the blue melee space right there now give him as much health as indicated in the upper left underneath his chips additionally you take the initiative die of the color matching their lane you put it on the value indicated right here this green one and you put it on your initiative meter up here if another baddie spawns later with the same value they go after the other guy but if they have more of course they go before once you've spawned all your baddies you get to place your gear locks on any of the gray circles that match their attack type now in my case both of us are melee type but because we're on the raft side there's also a ground side on the other side we can go in any of these spaces so i could for example have both of us gang up on this guy we also roll our initiative dice and put ourselves in the meter if we tie with baddies we can go before or after them it's our choice and then the rest of combat generally follows a pretty simple structure units will take turns from left to right an initiative so here stanza would go and then duster and then the purple enemy and then the blue enemy and enemy turns are pretty basic if they're a melee guy they'll attack the closest gear lock if they need to move to do so because they can only attack orthogonally they'll move up to two again moving orthogonally and they can't move through any other chips if they're a ranged attacker they will never move by choice they'll just sit there and plink people and if there's ever a tie for who an enemy will attack they'll tell you whether they attack the gearlock with the most health the strength symbol or the gaelic with the least health and they have a bunch of keywords you'll often have to look it up but you'll learn them pretty quickly enemies will roll the number of dice indicated on the right they'll only roll attack dice the swords if they have a target so like if a melee guy doesn't get next to anyone they won't roll that and they'll roll the indicated number of defense dice unless they already have that many dice on them so for example if this guy rolled one shield in round one and put it on him and no one hit him in round two he wouldn't roll any shield dice because he already has one shield die the maximum he could roll generally speaking when you or an enemy attacks you roll the indicated number of attack dice you deal that much damage any shields the target might have cancel out damage one for one whatever's left takes away health chips if something gets down to zero health chips they're removed from the board and their initiative dies taken away and if you defeat all the enemies before all of your gear locks are defeated you win the encounter get the rewards if you don't you lose now to quickly run through what a gear lock can do on their turn the key statistic is dexterity so stanza has three here so first on her turn she can choose to use as much dexterity as she wants so let's say one to move one space for each dexterity spence that would get her within striking distance of this guy the amount of dexterity she has left after moving in this case two is the number of dice maximum she can roll and she can first roll basic attack or defense dice up to the value indicated so here with her two remaining dexterity she could roll one attack die to deal damage and one defense die to protect herself kind of like the enemies defense goes in the little active spot here and hangs out until it gets removed by damage and pretty much every die in the game has this bone symbol if you roll one of those it goes into your backup plan and these little options you can use to do cool things you can only use one of them per gear lock activation though but additionally if a gear lock has skill dice like the song forever mime that stanza has she could use that for one of her dexterity so here she could for example attack one and cast forever mine now her songs are pretty unique i won't get into all those mechanics until we actually play but generally speaking after you roll a skill dial i'll take a more normal one like duster's dagger you can either choose to resolve its effect like duster making someone bleed and then you exhaust the dice so it goes to the left of your gear lock mat and can't be used for the rest of the battle or if you don't like the resolve like oh crud dust or roll to bone with it you can just put it back on your mat and it does nothing but you don't spend it and a quick note on how training works when you gain training rewards your first option with one training point is to increase one of your basic stats by one you just put a die in there but you do have to roll for attack or defense to see if it's successful and your other main option which is always automatic is to gain one of your skill dice to your board if it's a started spot you can gain it freely but if it has an arrow you have to have one of the prerequisite skills before you can train it i think that's enough basics for now you'll see how duster and stanza work as we go along but let's get to our first encounter so remember we don't move the day counter the first day we just resolved the first day encounter your move breathe chaos is everywhere guards mechs chaos more mechs more guards deep breath it's time to move but nothing could be more dangerous the nearby surroundings are unknown but there's a guard just up ahead with his back turned a quick move and anything he's holding could probably be stolen and put to good use maybe a few minutes to get the lay of the land would be beneficial but the opportunity for extra wears will be lost deep breath time to move like with most encounters we have a choice here but do note that neither one is a combat choice so the first day you're not going to have a combat encounter so i can either find a lookout perch which will get me an extra training or i can pick some guards pockets and get two loot and every time you see the loot symbol it's one for each character so here i get two loot for duster and two loot for stanza and the lookout perch one also lets me cycle through the baddies on the top of the stack so kind of control who i'll fight the first match and then regardless since i'm gonna succeed at this no matter what i get one progress toward finding barnacle and one loot for both duster and stanza i tend to like training over loots i think i'm gonna go with this option so final lookout perch reveal the first baddie from each batty stack and cycle any to the bottom of sax if desired and then if we cycle reveal the next baddie on top of the one stack is a kobold tenderfoot he's got two life pretty slow hardy means he can only take one damage per turn so he'd be a little bit tougher to kill compound means his attack value is equal to the round so the longer we wait on him the tougher he gets but i'm not too worried about him two hits and he's down so i'll keep him on top for the five we've got a goblin artificer for life pretty fast to attack he's got equipment which might give him bonus attack health or defense and mischief 2 takes away your active dice like defense but he's actually pretty easy to kill he doesn't have any defense dice himself so i'll keep him and finally the value 20 we hope to never even see this guy he's got nine like he makes us bleed if he attacks he spawns an extra guy to help him out he's got dodge because we can't hurt him with regular attacks four attack two defense this guy's a monster i'll put him on the bottom and we get the goblin guru toblin on top but again we're not going to get to 20s in a shorter scenario like this so i'm not worried about it now we get our other rewards one training each one loot each and one progress progress goes right under barnacle or one fifth of the way there for the training for stanza she has pretty low dexterity terrible attacking defense i could get another song for her but without going too much into the mechanics uh it's tough to use more than one song until you upgrade some other stuff you could get one of her direct attack skills like axe blade is a nice one it does direct damage and also poisons enemies yeah for her i like that kind of thing let's go with that for duster i could go defensive and get bottled smoke that can make him untargetable for a whole round i could start upgrading my wolf who kind of has his own track promise of prey lets me do double damage with him one time or honestly i could just go super basic for right now and add a dexterity so i can move and use more dice each turn okay and a loot card for each of them you have a plated skull you can use it three times you just rotate it to show at the start of a round you may place a one defense dine an active slot that's not bad and also tar sap and twine you can either remove some wreckage during a water battle basically when you're on the raft enemies can attack your raft and potentially destroy to make you lose the encounter right away or you put an obstacle chip down during a land battle to try to slow some enemies up duster's got less life so i'll give him the plated skull and stanza can have the tar sap and twine that's because i'm going right into the recovery phase where you can trade this stuff freely although each gear lock can only have a four loot total now in the recovery phase remember you have the option to regain health scout ahead and see which monsters are coming or trade in loot we haven't fought yet so no one needs to heal but duster can scout ahead if you get a one two or three you can look at the top unrevealed level one betty four five lets you look at a level five and a six let you look at the 20. and it is the first unrevealed down so we already know about the kobold and let's see a dragon bitty only three life fairly fast but one attack die and melee not to worry about him they can both stay on top i do have the option that whenever i scout to take the guy i see and put him on the bottom so we don't fight them sam's on the other hand is not too impressed she's gonna look for better loot how that works is you have to discard one loot you have then i roll six basic attack dice for every bone i get i get to draw one loot card and keep one out of all the ones i draw but if i'm unlucky enough to roll no bones i just lose the loot and get nothing but we got two so we've got a single use in a single battle hearing sensor reveal the top two cards of the encounter deck placed back on top of the deck in any order not too impressive krell and caviar heal yourself for one hit point at the start of each of your turns for the entire battle that is definitely the winner so that's it for day one we're on to day two here's our day to encounter now that opendar is safely in the past thoughts turn to the task of building a raft to navigate the siberian chopping down trees is tiring splinter getting work but the sounds of loud coiling nearby reveal a simpler option a group of unsuspecting barbarians with piles of stolen resources strewn about their camp brick lumber grain ore and wool so much wool at the moment the entire group is puzzling over how to build a catapult from two wood and three brick taking on the whole group is doable but perhaps a little tough if we make some subtle noises from the tree line maybe we can lure a few of them away and search for a robber who might steal from their stash at random number one we can't distract them so the baddie points will subtract one right now we're on day two so there'll be three instead of four with subtraction we also have surprise which means we automatically have the highest initiative or we can just fight all four points with initiative as normal then we need to get a loot if we win in any case we'll get two training points that's great i have to hope we can handle four basic guys so let's go for it and important for undertow battles happen either on land or on the raft so you'll see both options here have a little tree symbol so it's gonna be on the land side of things so we set up the enemies first day two times two gear locks is four we got the two guys we know about and two more and they go from top bottom in the same order since the kobold tenderfoot is first he'll get the blue one marker and his two life and as a melee guy he'll go on the blue spot there his initiative is a lowly too next with the purple lane three life and melee also is a dragon bitty with four initiative for number three we have a minikin monkey three life four initiative if he rolls at least one bone when he's attacking defending he becomes untargetable which means he can't be hurt until his next turn he's a range unit targeting the weakest person one attack and one shield not great he's going to go in the yellow range spot and also four initiatives since he's tied with purple he goes after him because they go in order and last we have oh this guy sucks he's look out one light but he has six initiatives so we have to get really lucky to go before him and he has signal two that means for the first two rounds of combat until we kill him he will add extra one point baddies to the q so we'll have more guys spawning and he's reigned so he's all the way back here we can roll for our initiative before we decide where to place ourselves oh my gosh stanza you are slow but okay a duster will go pretty quickly so here duster has to go between green and purple but stanley can choose to go before after blue she'll go before now my nightshade die that duster started with is an initiative guy that lets nightshade join the battle but he only comes in at the start of a battle if i'm already below my max health which i'm not otherwise at the end of any round where i don't have max health he'll show up now duster has an innate ability called shadow dweller she's kind of a sneaky ninja so she can start on any space so i think she'll start right here to try to take out that goblin guy pretty quickly meanwhile stanza is a melee character she has to start on one of these four spots and i think she'll be right in front of the kobold so she can take out him before his attack grows too high and stanza has one more thing to do when she sets up she rolls her lutar die here i got a measly two and just kind of quickly go through how her songs work if she wants to play a song like forevermind she has to start on the first verse it's little one in the bottom right hand corner and that's also how much focus it takes to play this song so right now she's fine next round she could choose to advance the song to its two value now she would need two focus and the following round she wanted to advance it to the three value clearly she couldn't because she doesn't have that much focus yet playing a song like that uses up one dexterity if it's on any of its verses now in any round instead of going to the next verse you can choose to vamp the song which does not use dexterity but does use one focus and then the following round she can go back to the beginning of the song she can't go to any other part of the track alternatively and this is where having multiple songs is nice she can roll this with one of her dice and use the focus value that comes up so it'd be one here in the bottom left or four here and that'll be added to her lutar die so that's how she can play like bigger songs or get further along in songs alright so let's do round one green is first to act since he has signal two at the start of round one and two when he's acting he'll add a one point baddie to the queue now this guy just basically hangs out until we defeat one of the baddies and clear out one of the colors because right now we have all four markers in use and then at the end of the round where that happens we'll spawn him as though he had just started in and for anybody who's not a level 20 or the tyrant he'll start at the bottom of the initiative track he'll ignore his regular value then this guy's rolling as one attack in one defense he's a ranged guy who targets the weakest gear lock which is duster in this case and pretty standard result one damage duster one shield for him i put the shield right on him and duster takes one damage all right next up is duster does she's got four dexterity two attack one defense plus her dagger now she could move but she doesn't want to she wants to take this guy out so she'll roll all four of her dice hopefully she'll roll enough attack that she won't need the dagger and she can save it for later but in this case it was actually good so she's gonna do one damage to the guy which will take away his shield then she can choose to use this this will put a bleed effect on the guy which means he takes one damage at the start of his turn and we get to choose in what order start of turnability is resolve so we can have the bleeding defeat him before he gets to add another one point baddie besides that duster gets one defense and one bone her abilities really rely on having her wolf out so that's not going to do anything for us yet and we're going to exhaust the dagger die over here to the left we can't use it for this battle anymore but the one damage will take away this guy's shield and then we put a one bleed effect on him so again he'll be dead before he gets to do anything else next up is purple which is our dragon he's a melee fighter so he'll attack duster since he's already next to him always want to go for the closest he'll rolls a single attack dies and that's cancelled by duster's one defense they both go away but the dragon does have the weaken one ability that means duster will only have three dexterity next turn instead of four which isn't too big of a deal for her but how they just won't leave her alone this monkey is also shooting at duster since it's a range attacker with weakest gear lock target one attack and one defense and a standard 1-1 result monkey gets the defense duster has no more defense goes down to two health yikes and thank god stanza is up so stanza handles her song choices before she does anything else for her turn so she'll go ahead and activate forever mine that's gonna let her basically mind control a one-point batty at any point during her turn for her other two dexterity because she doesn't want to move she's gonna use her axe blade and a regular attack she's hoping to defeat this kobold straight out i could use the song now but i want to see how things go first oh crud a terrible result so i could use this with two bones but again i'd much rather wait for some poison damage and regular damage so i can choose not to use them just put it back on my sheet so she just does one damage so the kobold's hearty means he can only take one damage total during any given turn and that means even if i did something like had the dragon attack him right now and also do a damage it would not kill him off because it's all still stanza's turn i was hoping the poison would kill him because like bleeding that would have activated the start of his term but no such luck all right stanza cell is forever mine to you she's gonna use it on the dragon she can move them two spaces and she's gonna have the dragon attack the monkey so she rolls the same dice as though the enemy was activating in this case two nice roll so it takes away the monkey's shield and one of its three life and the dragon weakens the monkey just like it weakened duster for enemies though that just means next round they have one less attack stat so the monkey won't roll an attack at all which is nice for us to keep duster alive all right last activate is the kobold who is still alive with his compound abilities rolling attack dice equal to the round which is only one and oh nice so he didn't do anything to us stanza i wish duster was so lucky all right it's the end of the round we cannot spawn this enemy yet because all four enemies are still on the board but hahaha duster has less than full life so nightshade is coming in so nightshade acts on its own initiative and since it's coming in it's going to be all the way at the top it'll spawn into an empty gray space just like a melee fighter and each turn can move up to two spaces and then attack for two dice of damage so in this case let's uh put him right there ready to attack one of those guys all right we're going into round two a quick little note if you get all the way to round six or later you get this fatigue symbol that means two things number one all units can now move diagonally and number two at the start of every round every unit on the board takes one damage no matter what it skips all defenses all abilities everything so hopefully we won't get that far all right nightshade is first we know the goblin is already dead from the bleeding so nightshade could either run up and maybe try to take out the dragon with a lucky roll or certainly take out the kobold yeah i think the dragons probably the best call the kobold should be pretty easy for anybody to defeat since he goes last in order alright so two dice of attack and does two damage so the dragon has one left next to act is our goblin and again we can choose the order so we choose to have him die immediately from the bleeding and he's gone his lane chip comes off that it might be used by that one later and so does his initiative die nice goes in a little face up defeated pile next to the ones hopefully we'll never get to him again because we won't go through the whole pile all right and with that that means duster is up remember duster would normally have four dexterity but the weakness is making her f3 so she'll move right next to our kobold friend here that leaves her with two dexterity left she had a three from the weakness one to move sure one attack and one defense we're taking a little bit of a chance of rolling a miss on the attack but it's pretty good odds we will there we go hit so one defense goes into her active slot and the kobold is also defeated all right next up is the dragon attacking nightshade because they do target uh him as well one attack ah nothing awesome but unfortunately the weekend effect still happens the knight should only roll one attack die next turn all right next is our monkey his one attack goes down to zero from the dragon's weakening but he does still roll the one defense since he lost it oh crud so he's getting very hard to hurt right now all right stanza has three dexterity she'll keep playing her song but she'll also move up here and i think probably roll one attack to defeat the dragon so she could either a vampire song or advance to number two which is her max focus right now this would let her mind control up to a level three baddie but she can still do a level one so she can resolve her songs at any point during return she'll have the dragon attack the monkey before she attacks the dragon so here we go again one damage and he's also weakened good luck attacking and now she'll attack her target the dragon oh crud so she just gets a bone and i think she's actually going to use it remember you can use one of your backup plan bone abilities per turn tune-up which only costs her one bone let's remove her focus value up once and now she can keep playing her saw next turn all right speaking of the end of the round we get to spawn our new baddie and he is ooh a somewhat nasty one too light but he has the dodge ability which means you can't hurt him with attack dice you have to use stuff like poison good thing stanza has some uh the four initiative won't matter remember he's going into the back automatically and he has one attack and blind strike means at the start of his turn he deals that much damage to the strongest adjacent unit most health that could be an enemy if you time it right he's gonna take the blue chip they always prefer that and i'll first try to be in the correct space but it's occupied and then he'll count up so two and then three so he's right there where we want him next to stanza so she can uh poison him and he has last initiative so after her thankfully now we go on to round three and we've got kind of awkward placement here if nightshade kills the dragon duster can't really get anywhere too useful and he's also only rolling one attack this turn which almost makes me think i move nightshade away and have duster run up and attack the dragon instead yeah that makes sense to me so let's move uh nightshade over here and this will go away even though he didn't attack duster is that three dexterity again so she'll run up and attack with two attack dice okay oh and i also got a backup plan but the one will finish off the dragon good or the monkey's next once again weakened and already has defense it won't roll at all this hangs out all right so we get to stanza from her backup plan bone ability she has enough to go up to verse three and influence up to a level five baddie she wants to kill this guy she's not gonna move and a regular attack won't affect him so for her two dexterity show roll one defense and her poisoning acts hopefully it works now before she rolls she's gonna have uh the chimp acrobat attack the monkey when she uses her trance ability control guys it says all of their skills are optional so she doesn't have to activate blind strike which would actually hit her she's gonna roll one attack against that guy one damage so this takes away its shield now she'll roll her two dice hoping for some poison yes alright so this is perfect she'll do one damage and it does get through because he only ignores regular attack dice she'll get one defense and she's gonna put a two poison effect on him what that means is at the start of this round he'll take two damage that ignores defense it's called true damage then it'll count down at the start of the next round if he was still alive he'd take one more and once again it's a thing of beauty we can choose the order things resolve so he'll die before he ever blind strikes her speaking of he activates immediately dies never even got to do anything sorry buddy all right now we're in round four all right so nightshade sadly can't get to the monkey i guess i'll go over here um duster though will move up even with the move she's got three dexterity left but just like enemies she can't roll defense if she's already equal to her value so she'll waste one dexterity and just roll uh two attack ooh okay so just one damage that means this guy will still be alive darn it and none of these unfortunately helps the one bone pack mentality lets duster move nightshade adjacent to her or vice versa backstab lets her deal two damage if her and the wolf are both next to somebody not the case here crywolf deals two damage to duster to make her invulnerable for a turn which would be great if she had more than two health so the monkey will get a final turn both nightshade and duster are equally weak so the monkey will target duster since she's closer and oh my gosh so because the monkey rolled a bone he is hiding up in the trees and we can't target him until after his next turn which means he'll be getting into oh no i guess not stanz might be able to kill him but he did deal one damage which uh duster blocks all right stanza unfortunately has to either vamp or get rid of this song i think she'll just exhaust it that means it's not using any dexterity so she can move up here but she can't roll any attacks because she can't target anybody the monkey is untargetable i rubbed around five almost fatigued not good so nightshades hanging out duster will try to get her defense back ah darn it although hey actually not all bad for four bones she'll go ahead and use this she gets to make a fortunate discovery all gear locks have uh some consumable items they can choose from when they do this in her case she has scrag roots that can stop negative status effects from being placed on her or blade dip that can add poison damage to a regular attacks i tend to like blade dip first and you roll yes i got the better one this goes on a locked slot for her basically it stays between battles if it's locked and she gets to use it more often all right the monkey is back hopefully he won't become untargetable again is still attacking duster you jerk so duster's actually down to one life and the monkey is untargetable so not much stanza can do and then crazy as it seems we go to the fatigue round everybody takes one and that defeats duster but happily it also defeats the monkey so the battle is over and it's important to note that everybody's health stays the same because remember one of your options during recovery is to heal and in duster's case she's going to have to heal she has no life left but that can be a bummer because she has to choose either heal herself or nightshade when she chooses that option and a quick note that at the end of battle all your skill dice go back to be able to use them again but any active dice go away although as i noted locked dice can stay around all right that was an uglier one than it should have been but we each get a loot and then we each get two training lovely and we're now two fifths of the way to barnacle so two loot we can pass it around ooh fish dinner heal any gear lock for four hit points outside of battle that's actually really great with a duster and nightshade working how they do so i guess i'll give that to duster oh and spider silk sav place one health chip on this card during recovery each phase each day uh this it might be used to heal yourself discard when used so it just kind of blows up we can probably save it for the boss and get full healing and even though we're about to train choice let's go ahead and put that on for recovery now for duster training twice this might be kind of crazy but i like to get promise of prey and then if you see the arrow i can't get ferocity until i have that and what ferocity does is each time i use it i have a small chance one third of leveling up my wolf for free although if i roll one of these bones results you'll see they're red i have to use them i can't save them and try again next round so i'm kind of going to bid all in for nightshade we'll see how it works out as for stanza first she's going to try to train attack attack and defensively the only things that don't train automatically you roll your current value for attack if you get a bone you have to choose something else for defense because bones are more common if you get at least one bone result you have to reroll all the bone and then if you still have any bones you have to train something else let's try for attack good she's now up to two then i think she'll also get a dexterity let's get her kind of basics down before we uh get more songs our recovery phase stanza is only down one life so i guess she could scout but i think she's happy remember duster i don't think i need my fish dinner yet that would let me get nightshade back to to life that's not too much of a gain so she'll just use her regular recovery to get back to four life does mean that she's not hurt so nightshade won't show up at the start of the next battle speaking of let's get to day three a crown surger carcass washes up on shore reminding us that even the mightiest creatures in daylor can succumb to the unpredictable hazards of the sibrin of course we didn't realize it was a carcass until we had stabbed it poked it and otherwise attempted to completely annihilate it first upon our keen detection of its deceased state our competitive natures kick in recognizing a great feasting opportunity is hidden beneath a sickening amount of oily scales blubber and guts the most strong-willed among us race to see who can fillet the most bones from the beast the fastest oh so no combat this time knives ready one two go simultaneously each gearlock will roll and re-roll their combined attack and defense dice as quickly as possible keeping all bones as they are rolled the first gear like to get all their dice showing a bone is the winner the winner gains five buff hit points that's amazing that's uh basically extra hit points so to sit on your prep area here and they have to be lost first before regular hit points and all other gear locks gain two so since it's me rolling into me here i'll take away the timed aspect [Music] oh wow duster wins that's kind of my preference that she has less life but now she has five buff hit points before nightshade will ever show up which isn't so great and stands against her too and pretty dull card otherwise one progress we're at three now and one training for duster i'm kind of torn i could just boost her basics bottled smoke is a great defense one infusion bracers lets her hit somebody back when she gets hit then i can add on micro emp next time which would take away an enemy's abilities which can be pretty amazing if i get both of those i can get d cells which will let either of these potentially stun an enemy missing their entire turn awesome combo if i get them all yeah it might be stronger to go for basic stuff but i like these kind of things so let me get the infusion bracers as for stanza they actually get one more dexterity before i get more songs because right now she has a three dice plus like her axe blade that'd be four plus keeping her song up that'd be five so yeah that will let her potentially do everything on her turn and maybe move some too and then i can more safely add another song that you would need another dex to keep up we get another recovery option so nightshade is back to two health oh and our spider silk salve gets better stanza's fully healed and likes her items so she'll go ahead and scout and she can see oh up to a 20 but again we don't really care much about 20s so let's see what the next number five is over this goblin we're about to probably fight um six life mischief one is not bad at all oh but he hits two guys in range yeah forget you get out of here all right day four remember we have eight maximum we already have three out of five progress so we don't have to fight barnacle right away our gaze locks onto the harrowing rapids up ahead we're about to pay the toll of the crushing waters either in painful wounds or a night's worth of raft repairs as the river rushes onward all we can do is shift position and paddle for force into the breach with mobility and planning maybe we can weather the storm a group of starving apes leer from the shore likely hoping for some free loot or a meal to wash up downstream neither plowing through the rapids nor portaging past hungry wildlife sounds enticing we must decide before the current decides for us all right so this is a water or land choice both combat so for water we'd have our regular battery points which is eight but it would include two of the krellen who are three each so basically be six from them plus two one pointers and they're kind of interesting that they like sort of sit next to the raft and if they don't attack us they can't move on to land instead they'll try to destroy the raft and cause wreckage until it's at the ends of rounds one three and five slide all non-crawling units to the right most positions we all slide that's fun and ends of round two four in every fatigue round shift all units on the raft to the leftmost position that's awesome i like that a lot okay or apes over sharp teeth please so i have the regular baddy points but i use only apes to create the bq before using other baddies i'm going to show you what a raft battle looks like so let's do that one that's we flipped to our raft side now we're building up to eight baddie q we have two of the crown then we need our two ones to finish off and the crown always go on top so we're gonna spawn them like before okay blue is a crown water wraith for life yuck can poison us one and hits two of us but only in melee so we can probably prevent that and for crowley roll a d6 and that's the spot they go to and then they'll count up if that's already occupied next we have a crown lawyer and he attacks you have to exhaust one of your dice that's what shock does and he's going to three i'm sorry i should have said three initiative and four initiative respectively for our yellow baddie another one of our dragon friends four initiatives so after purple and melee yellow goes right there finally ah this jerk we got the signal guy again all the way at the front of initiative he's a ranged green next to the dragon don't forget at the end of the first round we're all going to slide to the right end of the second round all to the left it'll just be kind of goofy insanity against the role for our initiative remember nightshade can't come in yet oh yes duster only had one six on her dice but now she can kill that goblin before anybody ever gets called and sure we'll have stanza go before them all right so duster can go anywhere but i guess it's right next to this guy would be fine and stanza if he can focus on the dragon for now i'd like us to both gang up on one of these guys at a time if we can make it work out all right duster is first uh for dexterity so i guess two attack and one defense and then she can roll ferocity even before nightshade is on the mat if she gets the level up symbol she can lock it as many battles as she needs to until night she actually shows up and then she can use it to level him so i'll make that my fourth one damage will kill this guy hopefully i get it oh way more ah but that wasn't great that has to go there two defenses nice and then three damage of course takes this guy out before he has a chance to signal anybody all right so then stanza is next actually i'm realizing she has a pretty chance of killing this guy straight up by herself should have started her there but i will say it's too late she's got five dexterity there she could run up next to the guy for one dexterity and then use her axe blade and both her attack and even get her defense in or if she doesn't want to use defense she can play forever mine and have the dragon help her kill the guy that sounds like a plan so she'll play that i gotta roll my lutar i've got a four this time more than enough so that's one over five dexterity that's two then three four five will be some focused attacking let's have our dragon friend come over and attack the guy first so one die darn it does still weaken him though so he won't have any attack but his poison will still affect me of course that's only if he's alive come on lutar darn it that was literally not great so that's one damage plus one poisons that'll be two damage three damage he'll have one life left ah the bones i could choose not to use the result but that would they it's one damage to the guy one poison i'm sorry actually two damage i forgot that my uh axe blade also did one regular damage and let's see the krell and lore oh cried i forgot if there's nobody for them to attack they move to the next higher place which means he's going to attack stanza so his shock one makes her get rid of one skill die in her skill area nice thing for me is with the axe blade gun i don't have any but he's still rolling two attack dice and she has no defense so there goes all of her buff hit points she's back to normal and next the dragon will attack her as well one dive damage one then she's weakened not having a great day and our friend here takes one damage from my poison but then it's gone he's not rolling any attack dice but he does poison her for one and we are sliding down the rapids not too much movement on that one but next turn we could really move round two let's have duster try to take out this nasty guy that leaves her with two dexterity i think bleeding knife and regular attack makes the most sense ah come on i guess i won't use that i'll just deal the one damage that was pretty ugly meanwhile stands only have four dexterity of this turn and she takes one damage from the poison but i mean she can still keep her song going and do two attacking one defense and her song advances to verse two which means she can affect the krellin so before she attacks let's have this shock guy try to kill the poison guy his two dice have a good chance yes bye bye fish fight amongst yourselves now for her actual turn she'll try to hit the shot guy next door oh did she really do it she took him out with a lucky attack roll and she didn't get a second bone that doesn't let her do anything except increase her focus but she doesn't need yet okay the dragon's hitting her for one one damage done she's down to three this means duster still has her ridiculous amount of buff hit points which means nightshade's pretty much never coming out and she has week in one round three is up gosh i don't know duster oh that's right we all get washed duster can use three out of four dexterity try to bleed the guy there we go so i'll do one damage every turn stanzy can try to control him but there's no one for him to attack and nowhere for him to move so she'll do her basic dice more than enough he is gone all right so duster never got hits uh stanza will be able to heal pretty easily getting one loot and one training each and we're one progress away from being able to attack barnacle although again we could wait all the way until eight days okay loot each programmable defibrillator during battle use on another kayode gear like to provide them with three hp or if you are ko provide with two hp it will permanently reduce revived gearlock's health staff by one of this one's pretty cool increase your dexterity by two this turn if you reduce the hit points of a mech then this loop is not discarded may be used again so i guess i'll give that to duster who needs dexterity more and uh stanza can have the defibrillator the spider silk is up to three stanzas going to go ahead and heal to recover and duster will scout i guess i will do another five theoretically our next day will be two fives yuck two defense seven life weekend two three attack nope bye-bye all right we're on to day five it's hopeless the rain won't stop the waves won't relent the siberian won't narrow and our strength won't hold we're going under if drastic measures are not taken the raft is simply supporting too much weight and sort of throwing some gear overboard there's simply no hope for survival swallowing the briny sipper and water between shouts we scream at each other to only throw away our least important wares the next day will be hard but at least we'll live to tell the tale oh man another no combat but it sounds like a bad one downsize or capsize the weight your wrath can support is equal to today's baddie points calculate total weight of party as follows loot and trove loot equals one you like which have three so that's six already each hit point equals one i mean god just duster and crew duster has four plus five temporary hit points plus the two from night shift that's eleven and stanza has six more so that's 17 plus six from our loot 23. each skill die on mat equals one well then of course we have no recovery phase today so we can't even like heal the damage and we'd have to fight next turn without any of our stuff okay lord lord lord i'm gonna throw away all the buff hit points because i want to duster to bring out nightshade and i have the fish dinner to heal us holy crap the encounter says hit points discarded aren't available for use in the next battle so i can't even like heal into them with the fish well let's see i don't need promise of prey i don't need the infusion bracers i can exhaust both of those i guess i can just get rid of her songs entirely for next battle so what's that leave us out skill point wise these don't count as skill dice consumables we've got three between us and which loot do we care most about malfunctioning mech i can get rid of defibrillator hopefully we won't need that fish turn is only outside of combat and plated skull uh yeah the only ones i really care about are spider silk sav and krell and caviar the one hit point every turn is pretty nice and this is a huge heel to bring somebody back from the brink i mean i guess i can ditch ferocity i only have a one-third chance of working anyway although i hate doing that if i ditch the nightshade died i can afford to get rid of both of his hit points as well so what's that lead me at one two three so i could have seven hit points between us let's get rid of one from duster and two from stanza there there we go yuck but hey we do get two progress more than we need and two training clearly that we're not fighting the boss this next round for the training i think duster needs plus one dexterity and plus one health i can get the micro emps and d cells later what the hey for stanza let's get a little goofy we'll get her charged swing which can hit one guy for that much damage than an adjacent baddie for that much and then fury cleave which is true damage cutting through all defenses and abilities all right we do have enough progress to fight barnacle but wait a day now be an awesome time to draw a non-combat encounter while scouting for a defendable place to make camp a shout from one of our party leads us to a pile of dead trees the semi-hidden and weathered carving of a mole nor crest says these aren't ordinary trees we set to work clearing them sure enough we've stumbled upon one of their main drop sites for smuggled loot the variety is impressive but a twig snap reveals that this was not unguarded as well armed sentries approach our hearts begin to pound the loop we're standing it would quickly even the odds of this battle but the second we use these discoveries any chance of proving our innocence is lost all right now hold on we can explain it's a land battle uh baddie points that'll be 12. add number five point bet is equal to party size so 22 what build a moan or loot cache by placing loot equal to party size times three into a face up stack next to the battle mat molenor lootcash is available for all gear locks to use and load into their loot area after battle if we do not use any of the loot we get a positive mole nor encounter shuffle into the deck if we use any of it or get it after the battle we get a negative encounter but we have to defeat them i can't see how we could defeat these guys and i guess we'll play this out even though we clearly have no chance [Applause] okay that was a route i wish i had kept more of my loot i feel dumb for like trying to make things work since these guys weren't defeated they all go back to the bottom of their pile so no rewards but thankfully we do get recovery so spider silk is up to four and nightshade does go to one health so we'll be able to use him uh duster is gonna recover up to five stanzas gonna recover up to six and big thing they get all their dice back thank god so we're going into day seven the big question is do we fight the boss now or do we go for a 14 point fight i didn't really get to level up all the way i wanted to uh stan doesn't even have another song and the duster doesn't even have any level ups for her wolf but i don't want to have like something bad happen in the next encounter make us really poorly set up for the boss so let's just go for it so we flip barnacle over alright so there's a water battle as you can imagine the title bout so we're going to place tentacles one through four in krelln's starting positions and since we're a party of two we'll have two more tentacles waiting in the battle queue and then barnacle the actual boss will be on the bottom now tentacles after round one are placed on the bottom of the initiative meter tentacles don't roll the tyrant die each tyrant has their own unique dye they'll roll when they activate we have to defeat barnacle to win but barnacles key skill to the deep at the end of each round if barnacle is on the battle mat and there are still tentacles in the battle cue particle will leave the battle to the bottom of the battle queue and will heal completely and that mainly happens through recuperate we throw an injured tentacle from the battle map and put it back in the bq so key thing for this battle is if we attack a tentacle we gotta finish it off before barnacles on the board to heal it and then run away and heal himself the tentacles are in order and they get progressively nastier so we're just rolling the first four and they're all going on the outskirts tentacle ones easy as anything just one life one attack nothing else tentacle two has submerged which means instead of moving to the next higher number when we're not adjacent to it it will roll for where it moves and might damage the uh raft because of that but it's also careless so it might hurt itself only two life in one attack still not too bad tentacle three has three life also careless has a bit better stats and tentacle four is where we truly begin to get nasty a four life two attack one defense and that thing that will take away one of our skill dice on our board going on three now i didn't explain raft damage let's do that now anytime a crown can't attack it'll move to the next higher number unless it has submerged if it still can't attack us it'll attack one of the adjacent empty raft spaces you roll its attack and if it rolls at least one hit it places a wreckage token on it that now costs one extra dexterity to move into and if you have all four of them on the raft already and would get a fifth one you immediately lose the encounter which in this case means i'd have one more day to try again because uh you do get all the way till your eight days so i could fight this boss one more time by the way sorry i should have said i'm going to give the krell in caviar to duster since she has less life the spider silk sav will be better for stanza who has more life and can thus uh stand to take 4 damage and then heal herself and duster's going to go in and use it which means at the start of each of returns you'll heal one damage all right initiative both three huh all right so we'll clearly go after green we go before the other things so green is going to go from three to four i'd rather not get hit for the shock now let's roll for the lutar oh the crud you know i just realized i don't think forever mine even affects them because they aren't technically baddies with point values so okay i guess uh she's just not gonna worry about playing music which does mean that she's fine to take one shot because she'll just get rid of forever mine and won't have any effect oh actually she should yes look look this guy's gonna move to four before her so she's like right here and then moves up to attack either of these guys she can use her shock axe do a little bit of damage to the person in front of her and probably seriously injure this guy then duster could probably come in and kill it alright so with that in mind she'll go here to try to kill that one and duster will be right there all right green i can't hit anybody moves over here still can't hit anybody holds the attack dice against the ship and does it ooh but no defense i like that so we get a wreckage we'll put it right there so duster doesn't have to move further all right stanza will use two dexterity she has three left it's a bit of a risk but she'll use these three on average results oh wait how many bones does that have he only has one bone side come on come on okay good she did three damage you killed the guy only only one damage to the guy next to him that's not as good as i hope so one damage to him but she does uh kill the other big tentacle all at once see duster has five dexterity could move one here two attack probably won't cut it with her dagger she would probably finish him off let's see i'm going to do a few things i'm actually going to roll two attack dice my dagger and my bracers between all those hopefully something will die so it's not ideal so one damage and bleeding would mean it would not die this turn could actually save the bleed and maybe my wolf could get lucky and finish him off assuming i get hurt so yeah let's just lock these in that's one damage to him i'm gonna save my dagger maybe for the boss all right blue goes all the way to three pulls one to attack the ship i hope he misses darn it that's not great okay and then purple's attacking duster this is one die i would love a damage here yes that's exactly enough to get my wolf in going before anybody else let's see i could use my bracers to just kill this guy yeah it's probably a good idea with two tentacles dead we'll perfectly get the last two in but not the boss yet we'd like to kill them all before he's here speaking of i got my wolf coming in first let's see what these tentacles look like okay five jesus eight life three and two poison two shock one are you kidding me oh wait that was definitely tentacle eight that's the worst one i went out of order okay yes that is less horrifying the submerge is problematic because he could just blow up the raft if we don't get next to him and number six can a poison two and oh can attack two people for both next i'm coming in at five uh oh okay don't forget they're both at the back of the initiative we'll sit the front only has one life probably won't last very long all right probably a terrible mistake i'm gonna have the wolf move in and try to finish off the shot guy just need two damage come on yes all right so beautiful we're down to three tentacles okay so now i mean stanza and duster both go one after the other can we do six damage well let's see stanza will clearly use her two attack and one defense she's got two dexterity left let's go and use just her axe play what the heck i have enough exterior let's roll fury cleave and then i can pick and choose to use them as i like all right so that'd be three damage from that one thing another three oh so he'll be dead when his turn starts awesome so let's uh save the uh fury cleave let's clarify this guy's taking four damage and he's got a two poison on him so he'll die at the start of his turn all right now for duster heels one back to five i could go one two three four leave me with one dexterity left that'd be enough to probably kill that tentacle and i can just tank two attack damage from that guy so it doesn't blow up the uh raft further or i could just chill here this guy's gonna come over to me and attack me if i just get some defense i should be fine although you know actually i do want to use the one bone i got to use pack mentality i can move nightshade adjacent to me so that uh he won't just get killed by somebody and if i stay put and kind of take a turn i can use a promise of prey that lets nightshade deal double damage and move adjacent to somebody for free so i could do it on that guy if nightshade survives because the boss is going to come in and probably hit him but yeah what the heck okay so i'll just roll uh two of these and one defense and not use uh some of my dexterity actually you know i'll move down here i don't want to get hit by tentacle five oh yuck okay so not training nightshade but i do have the promise of prey so i can lock that and save it for the boss but i'm pretty sure i wanted to hit that guy another bone no defense if nightshade survives i can use a backstab to deal 2 damage that would be nice alright so blue comes over here attacks me for one die uh one but i'll heal the start of my turn purple has some merge so he's going to move to a random spot a six wraps up to one gonna attack there also rules his defense let's hope for not too high crud okay and yellow immediately dies bye-bye all right barnacle pops in one attack one defense plus his tyrant die and he is a krellin so he's going to warp in somewhere as well oh crud i just realized if i roll the wrong number we just lose if he rolls a hit because he can get our oh no no hold on nevermind we only have three of these on the boards we can take one more yes he does go straight to the front because he's a tyrant oh and sorry we're on round three aren't we okay so where does he come in six oh okay i guess he is next to us that's good probably and we're hoping he doesn't roll the heart symbol because the other one will just withdraw a wounded tentacle but there aren't any this one will place somebody on a water space he'll have to waste dexterity moving off of it all right he's attacking uh stanzas and she's the strongest okay good no effect oh no effect for the attack just got one defense that was a beautiful roll all right it's nightshade's turn i mean gotta use this ability i guess right yeah i don't think we have enough great abilities left to just kill this guy straight up so we can move nightshade directly adjacent to him oh yes damage is doubled so that is six baby so that's three shields and three damage down to two only uh and that's uh gone of course all right stanza's turn i want to kill that weak tentacle but if duster runs over to help nightshade finish that guy off she can't reach him so what the heck she'll just go ahead and use a fury cleave and two attack camera defense because she already has it although she could drop it to try to roll better oh give me a break okay i'll put that back but two damage gets rid of that and one of his eight alright duster doesn't want to leave that guy injured so we're one bone for pac mentality teleports adjacent to nightshade and we really need to kill this guy so i'll roll two attack bleeding and a defense leave one dexterity out okay wow all right we need to use the bleeding unfortunately so that's one one damage so we don't even need the bleeding effect so this guy is dead it's only got one tentacle left it's not injured uh it is gonna go over to here and then try to attack the deck and it does so wow i mean we're pretty close we'll probably easily kill that of course but we can never let barnacle get a chance to attack okay round four okay barnacles first all right so does use this power it says the strongest gear like adjacent to a tentacle none are adjacent tentacles so nothing happens so this one damage blocked by her shield and one shield on himself thank god he's pretty weak by himself all right nightshade will start working his way back over to the boss sam's able to do two attacks let's try for a fury cleave again uh let's see i got a one-third chance of a two i will save it oh but three damage that's great so one shield and two more okay and very important or we probably lose gotta move duster down and just uh two attack and the defense okay got the one we needed plus the defense so no more tentacles you're all alone buddy but we are getting very close to fatigue and we won't live too long with that i should say duster should have gotten back up to five health a while ago okay i'm not gonna roll barnacles tyrant die anymore because it only affects tentacles and there aren't any uh no defense love that just uh one damage to stanza okay nightshade won't get to him yet but oh we can use one bone to teleport duster over there now that's nice first stanza's gonna try again okay should we keep the one damage now why not i think this guy's gonna be dead in 10 seconds yeah for duster's turn i can use pac mentality to teleport next to nightshade i can't make change and i have to use the leftmost dice so that a double one goes away let me teleport over and i almost forgot all about this but i've got two poison dip uses i'll go and use one what this means is i roll my attack if i roll any bones the poison doesn't work but if i roll all hits i place as much poison on him as dice i rolled actually with that in mind if i hit with both dice he's dead anyway so let's have a bit of fun and just roll a single die nice so that's one damage oh darn you know he's not even get killed by the poison he's gonna get killed by the fatigue first because we're at our first fatigue round which means my wolf is defeated oh i'm sorry brought along some wreckage with her duster goes down to four uh sandy goes down to four but you are defeated tyron take that so there we go too many bones one on day seven and it looked like a pretty easy win but don't forget if even a single other hit had come on the boat we would have immediately lost check out my review on this game and the series in general see what i think good gaming and we'll see you at the next stop
Channel: One Stop Co-op Shop
Views: 15,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: too many bones, undertow, one stop, coop shop, co-op shop, playthrough, chip theory games, hoplomachus, cloudspire
Id: oJ_8q3gkTC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 21sec (3681 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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