$1 Vs. $1,000,000 POKEMON In MINECRAFT!

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today Adam and I are testing cheap versus expensive Pokemon we have six different rounds of challenges the winner of each challenge gets a bigger budget to spend for that round for round number one the loser only gets one thousand dollars but the winner gets five thousand but for the final round the loser gets 500 000 and the winner gets one million and for the challenge for round number one we're each going to break one common lucky block and whoever gets the stronger Pokemon from it with the higher total base stat wins that round and gets the five thousand dollar budget all right Adam since you're the guest let's see what Pokemon you get from your lucky block sir all right where do you want me to put it right now boy go ahead that's what I was hoping you would say all right let's see what I get all right open that thing up bro let's see what it is all right get it back over there get back over there little look he wants a lick that's actually a pretty good Pokemon I want to guess it's total base stats probably like 4 30ish but let's see if I can get a Pokemon stronger than a lucky lucky oh a nine tails wait this might actually be pretty close I genuinely don't know whose Pokemon is stronger a few moments later all right Adam let's say our total base stat on three one two three five fifteen five that means I won the first Challenge and I get the higher budget you're going down don't sleep on the little licky okay so you get five thousand dollars to spend this round and I only get 1 000. that is insane because I lost that round that means I only have one thousand dollars to spend on the GTS which is the global trade system I believe but I only have a thousand dollars dude how am I supposed to buy a good Pokemon at all boys we got 5K to work with we got a heat train here let's see how much he is 250 000 for a crimson heat train are you kidding me oh there's even fusions in here there's a Mew tonight for 610 000 I don't think you have the facilities for that big man unfortunately I don't have the facilities for that so it's gonna be pretty challenging for me to get any good Pokemon this round okay I can definitely not buy any legendaries let's see how much a Rattata is all right a Tata level 100 2500 a flipping radical why does it cost so much money or out of town it should be two bucks I just went through every single Pokemon my only options are this five hundred dollar baduf or a 500 type lotion and I feel like the type lotion is is the obvious answer but I gotta stick to my heart and go with the boy baduf with my first purchase of this video let's go oh it's male breathable it's enormous we might have found our perfect purchase let's go all right I'm buying it I'm buying it I'm going through with it confirm we have purchased a premarina luckily though the budget for round number two is much much higher so we can probably get a sick Pokemon for that round as well how's your badoof how did you actually know I got a Badoo that was the only thing on the entire list under a thousand dollars I did buy a Badoo Bros that's a joke what did you get this is what five thousand dollars could have got you oh yo I saw that primarina in there too that's actually that's pretty cool yeah I saw her she looking way cute this is oh word but it is a pretty good transition into Challenge number two because Challenge number two is first person to catch a starter Pokemon wins this round you just have to go find it and catch it and first person to do that wins ten thousand dollars for this next round oh great all right I have to win I saw some crazy good ones for like 7 500. okay all right let's do it three two one good luck bro later nerd okay I honestly think I got this one in the back why no he's going the right way though I was gonna say a really good way to find starters is to be in a forest biome there's a lot of grass starter Pokemon that spawn in the forest biome so this is kind of the best place to be to find a starter all right inside is that a starter okay um I only know the starters for the first couple Generations so we gotta go fast luckily I got my booties on Pikachu also spawns in the Birch Forest I guess that counts as a starter Pokemon because you can get a Pikachu as your starter in one of the games oh oh a Slowpoke dude no I feel like I'm getting close I'm getting so close I'm sniffing it I've sniff a Bulbasaur give me a Bulbasaur oh maybe that's what I was sniffing is that a mill tank hey yo it's coming after me I don't want to suck on nothing don't make me I don't want to talk about it I just got violated let's go I found a Pikachu no way let's go dude it literally spawned right in my face oh my gosh oh oh um no I found a Pokemon that starts with an engine Pikachu and I caught it no you want all the technicality that's bullcrap you know that's bullcrap Pikachu is not a starter okay you know what's not bull crap though is ten thousand dollars in my pocket baby let's go you guys already know each comment down below let's go oh ten thousand dollars in the bank of Rooney that means this round boys we're gonna get a super awesome strong Pokemon and Adam is stuck with just five thousand dollars again I'm seeing anything for five oh 5K I don't know if I want this five thousand dollars level 17 it is a shiny I'm not sure we'll be able to afford a legendary Pokemon yet but next round the winner of that challenge for sure should be able to buy one low tier legendary oh no I just saw the zombies enter and it's 95 000 for a second I thought it was just 9500 though that would have been so sick I think I'm going with this one it is a shiny Tyra goo confirm he's on the team yoh someone listening shiny zachazord for one million dollars it is completely maximum IV Eevee trained it is literally the perfect zechazard yo whoever wins the one million dollars at the end of this video is from only going to buy that it is insane and if you guys are confused why there are Fusion Pokemon on This Server we do have a bunch of custom features in Fusion Pokemon are one of them if you do want to join for yourself the IP is play.mashmc.co I think I'm just gonna go ahead and buy this level 87 duraladon as my Pokemon so now we have a badoof and a duraladon let's see who can win Challenge number three and win fifty thousand dollars all right Adam let's see what Pokemon you got that round I got a pretty cool one myself I got this Duality on yes sir that thing is thick who'd you get with your puny five thousand dollars don't laugh all right just don't laugh I would never a shiny Tyro yo wait a minute that's actually kind of sick look at his butt he's a child Adam all right anyway for the next challenge we have to race around spawn on one of our Pokemon oh all right the winner of the race gets a whoppy fifty thousand dollars to spend on their next Pokemon the loser gets ten thousand you're gonna ride that thing of course I mean it's I can't ride on my badoof I would squish him all right Tyro that was your chance dude there's no way you can ride on Tyrogue he can do it he can handle that would be weird if you could ride a child all right let's do it in three two one go go go go let's go hard right now oh I remember where to go it's faster if you jump at him is it yeah you should jump oh wait no that slowed me down cheater let's go we were literally died right now I'm inside of you do you not see me oh my gosh you are inside of me right now oh my God oh my gosh you're still behind me Oh no you're in front of me I'm definitely go through it don't do it come on don't do it fifty thousand dollars is in the pads for me come on wait where'd you go oh wait I found a shortcut where you're going no Adam I think you went the wrong way you idiot wait let's go back and spawn baby let's go how'd I lose that 50 G's baby let's go oh my gosh that is so good I now have 50 000 to spend on One Singular Pokemon surely this round will be able to get something good I know that there was that Paradox Venusaur last round it's right here for forty five thousand dollars I can get a custom Venusaur that would be so sick okay all right right now we could buy the the level of your radical data that's in our price range we actually have a Typhlosion oh no he could buy a 50k Cinder race oh my gosh no there's still a whole bunch of other legendary Pokemon and fusion Pokemon but they're all still a little bit too expensive in the hundreds of thousands of dollars oh there's a Zapdos going for 35 Grand honestly I think this is probably the best Pokemon that I could get for battle but I really want this way to eat sale it is so sick so I'm gonna confirm this one as my Pokemon for round number three just look at how epic this thing is bro it's so cool and at level 100 it even gets its own signature move that's pretty op this is a shiny Rhyhorn oh it's not it's a Rhyhorn we're going for the pink Rhyhorn confirm it I mean that's that's decent for 5K we only have 10K I couldn't find anything over 5K so we're just gonna run with that all right dirt boy let's see what Pokemon did you get for your measly ten thousand dollars can we go somewhere else uh turn around Adam turn around there's another one not again not again what did miltank do to you bro oh my gosh okay wait but for real though come here come here come here turn around turn around I want to show you a Pokemon I got for my fifty thousand dollars all right you come to me I'm not going back okay hi check if this bad boy out yeah baby oh my God you got that for 50k yeah for 45 000 I got a past form Venusaur dude no way let's go what did you get I probably got the lamest Pokemon in the game here we go I'm just gonna rip it off why is it pink they couldn't even sell me an actual Rhyhorn they have to give me the pink version like I'm some sort of girl all right Adam wolfer Challenge number four we have five minutes to catch the highest level Pokemon that we can find yeah the winner that gets 100 000 to spend for that round all right 100K if I win this challenge what do we got level 19 level seven no trash trash absolutely trash we have five minutes we have to go all right five minutes is on the clock let's see how high of a level poker come on we can find honestly I don't what is the best strategy I feel like going to a Mesa might be the best you can find some pretty high level Pokemon there level 27 all right that's that's something I'm capturing that level 29 all right that beats it join the team oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Ursaring level 40 what is that it's 48 46 level 46 Ursaring that is such a high level oh my gosh oh 29 that's the highest we got it we sniped it I really thought I'd get higher level Pokemon I was expecting to find a level 100. oh level 49 meenfoo dude honestly I completely forgot about that Pokemon that might be like the most irrelevant Pokemon ever but in this case it's very relevant because it's level 49. let's go baby that's so good 32 32 our new highest let's go all right we got something there 32. we've we've reached that three Mark but no guys we only have 10 seconds left in the round it's not looking like we're gonna get any other Pokemon but the level 49 minion fu is going to be the one and Thomas up no yo wow or I've gotten someone over level 60 or you lost you did not get a level 60. you didn't I know you're lying when I rip it off like a Band-Aid right now just take your L let me see it all right on three on three one two three oh level 32 dearly that's all you got oh my God that is so trash that is so bad oh my God Adam I literally I wouldn't we have to witty on you right now that's how bad that is that is actually embarrassing I saw a bunch of those who decided not to catch them because of how embarrassing that would have been if I had to show that to you this game is rigged something's fishy from Cyrus I can't believe that he had a level 32 deerling what a nerd but that is really good for me because now as you can see Choo Ching that is three W's in a row which means for this round I get to spend 100 000 on a Pokemon surely I can get a legendary this round surely come on okay these are all way too expensive 85 000 Genesect that is sick sixty thousand dollars Zapdos okay guys we can totally get a legend fortunately we lost again what is my luck so he gets 100K I have 50k this is not looking good I need to win these last two rounds that's where the real money is so it's looking to me like I'm either gonna get the zamasenta the Specter or a Zapdos maybe I don't know I think I'm leaning towards the zombies enter though okay yeah let's do it 95 000 Thomas and to join the squad baby let's go that is so sick oh 50k the cinderies oh I was gonna buy that last round I have a shiny Cinder race level 50 for 50k I mean level 100 this is this might be perfect this is actually better than what I could have found at 100K we are sending the bag I'm not even looking at any other Pokemon this is the one that I'm gonna go with I was gonna be so jealous that he missed out oh my gosh I don't know why he didn't pick that last round I'm pretty sure I got a better Pokemon than you I'm not trolling there's no way there's no way I saw that there were some legendaries under 50K so you might have got that buzz wool there were something else but I don't think that you got anything stronger than a zombie Santa bro let's go let's see who did you get bro this is gonna shock you I really think it will who'd you get I got oh oh a shiny sceneres okay level hundred oh whoa it is level 100 I don't even notice that that's a sleeper for 50k that is actually pretty sick I respect it bro I respect it that's actually really really cool I might win even though I lost pretty much every challenge I thought I'd take you out well honestly what's most important is winning these last couple because this next budget difference is a hundred thousand to five hundred thousand okay yeah oh gosh okay so whoever wins this challenge is actually gonna have such an advantage bro it is a tough round as well well they don't call me dirt boy for nothing we are gonna play a game of guess who all right all right all right all right each of us are gonna pick a Pokemon from the first generation and then we're gonna take turns asking questions about each other's Pokemon and first person I guess the other person's Pokemon wins okay guys Adam is not the brightest in general but when it comes to Pokemon he's even dumber and I think that he is going to think that I'm I'm going to select a very rare or strange Pokemon so with that in mind my Pokemon that I'm gonna select is a Pikachu so let's see if he can guess a Pikachu we're gonna go with a drowsy there is no way he's gonna get a drowsy all right we're locking that in all right Adam we both selected our Pokemon uh and since you're the guest and you're kind of behind in this challenge I'll let you have the first question yes or no questions only go ahead sir is your Pokemon an electric type yeah it is is your Pokemon a starter Pokemon oh okay can like 100 100 confirmed is your Pokemon a legendary no oh okay okay is your Pokemon past the Pokedex number 100 no so it's not a starter and it's before 100. is your Pokemon below 50 on the Pokedex yes it is oh my gosh it's raichur Pikachu It's gotta be bro I'm so good at this game all right you're up you're gonna start guessing all right it's your Pokemon Rattata no no it's not it's not no that means yours has to be Pikachu yeah it is yes let's go let's go okay well wait I think that means I have a 500 000 budgie I'm rich yeah you do you only get 100K oh you want me to buy you something Sarah you need money okay you don't gotta rub it in bro whoa we have 500 000 125k I could buy a zation if I wanted to I don't want to though I don't want to I want to spend more money but I mean we've still got a hundred thousand dollars to spend which is decent we got a Zama zenta last round with a hundred thousand dollars so I'm sure we can buy another legendary Pokemon the Genesect is still up there for 85 000 what are we gonna go with we have so many options now there's like too many I don't know what to choose guys comment down below which you would choose oh I could almost get a fusion mutinite but guys I think I'm leaning towards this enamorous and someone 93 and it has a good moveset the Specter is level 97 but it's moveset is trash so I think the enamorous is the one that I'm gonna go for and boom there we go my second Legendary Pokemon on this squad all right we are going with 250 000 Kate Rand which is also Crimson I just had a field day I'm honestly really scared to see what you got because I saw some insane Pokemon for like 200 300 yeah I'm honestly kind of terrified oh that's so cool dude mine is a crimson red wow it's red just like mine that is sick I can't even lie like as as mad as I want to be like that thing is so cool bro let's go well dirt boy whoever wins this next challenge gets double the budget that you just got to get that Crimson heat trans So Adam to determine who wins the one million dollar budget for the final round the challenge is first person or loser slash door to catch a Legendary Pokemon wins good luck bro Ready set go later nerd the fastest way to catch Legendary Pokemon is to go to the war zone because in the war zone there's a bunch of legendaries that spawn the problem is they go there you have to have a full Team level 100 and I don't I do not have that okay finding a legendary in this game is extremely hard so the chances of us actually doing it are close to nothing but I will play this game for hours if that means I could beat the siren and get the million dollar budget another way though to guarantee that a legendary will spawn is to get a legendary orb and with that orb you can combine it with an ice stone or a fire stone or a Thunderstone and then filled the orb up with a bunch of Pokemon souls and then you can spawn in one of the legendary bird trios the problem is that does take a while even though it is guaranteed to do so I'm not sure that's the best strategy either oh Magikarp that's a sign that's a sign some of the goods nearby I just saw the worst Pokemon imaginable that means a good Pokemon has to be nearby that's just facts okay I just asked in chat what biome spawns the most amount of legendaries and someone said that the jungle spawns every single tapu and Keldeo and I also know that it spawns in Mew so I just TP to this guy who is in a jungle biome and has his own spawning platform I do feel like it's a little bit cheap for me to use this though so I'm gonna jump down into the jungle and actually try to find one of these myself but now we have five different Pokemon that we can catch which I feel like is pretty decent odds actually please is there anything we found a village does somebody live here I will burn this Village to the ground unless somebody gives me a legendary right now please be me please build me please please please please please please please please please oh my God oh my God let's go let's go we actually did it oh my gosh oh my gosh bro that took so long let's go it says the sardest caption of legendary we did it we did it baby let's go Adam no no no no no no no no no no no no I know you're a little bit illiterate so let me read it out for you the siren has got has captured a legendary tapu Coco yes sir I just found a legendary car cool too I was about to capture it okay I don't know if there's a filter to filter out like anything under five hundred thousand dollars because I don't want any of that I just want the top tier greatest Pokemon that would ever exist also it looks like that one million dollar Zeck is art from before is now gone somebody actually bought that thing that is insane this is insane 125 000 veggie gigas seven hundred thousand dollars shiny Mewtwo oh the whole shiny too that's why it's so expensive this guy loves rubbing it in all of his money I can't wait to be in a battle I have two 500 000 budgets back to back so technically I had a million dollars just throughout multiple rounds no I'm doing just as good as a siren that is pretty much what I'm trying to say uh oh yes there's an absoluto it's level 100 and it's a million dollars oh my gosh I think I'm gonna get a baby pal kit for 200k I think I have to go for it we're confirming the selection in three two one baby pal get confirmed I think I'm gonna go with a fusion Pokemon I'm gonna go for this level 100 ab soul tall for one million dollars and there we go baby I did it we need to spend one million dollars on this Fusion Pokemon this is an evil toll and a absolute fused together it is literally insane oh dirt boy guess what I have zero dollars now I just spend one million dollars on a single Pokemon bro just tell me it's not the Axolotl it's not the Axolotl it's the Absol tall baby no look at this thing that's the only guy I didn't want you to get he is so sick oh my gosh luckily I knew that you were gonna get that so I got the perfect counter a level one baby Palkia I will say it does look like you quite a bit so I mean that's cool you are not ready for my pink Rhyhorn you're not ready for my level seven let's go you're about to get smoked by this thing bro wait is his name or badai that was actually a good one I like that I'm about to wipe out to his Pokemon no no no wait no this is going horribly wrong you have done zero damage to me and he's gone okay no this is the part where we do not panic we do not panic here okay yeah zombies enter no we're messing around that's still not a one shot oh I'm getting good hits in dude no way you're this strong bro what oh what health he stays alive oh let's go are you actually serious this is insane all right I need a big Pokemon right now keep in mind though Adam I do still have a one million dollar Pokemon that's true that's true that's true we're bringing out the big guns that is that is a big gun I'd say oh my gosh you did nothing see you zombie I really don't have much for this I'm this am I about to delete all your Pokemon right now oh no I don't know don't hurt me too much that was a huge hit oh you got a cred no way no let's go no oh oh you do nothing to me let's go I died to the burn okay are you down to your last guy one Pokemon left oh wow good hit he Tran no way you burned me no okay you're still burnt though all right I'm sending out the big guns okay baby Palkia I'm honestly not worried about it all it's level one oh all right we're both down to our last Pokemon oh my gosh come on you forgot about this yo oh my gosh wait this is actually so bad better get a critical hit in no no way wait you've gunshot no no let's go let's go no way no way million dollar Pokemon that guy only cost me 50K talk about a budget challenge baby let's go DG's third boy
Channel: Sirud
Views: 247,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon server, pixelmon server, new pixelmon server, pixelmon, pixelmon mod, pixelmon download, pixelmon update, kid friendly, no swearing, 100 days, 100 days survived, 100 days minecraft, I spent 100 days, pokemon, pokemon in minecraft, lucky block, pixelmon lucky block, legendary lucky block, minecraft pixelmon lucky block, sirud lucky block, sirud pixelmon, sirud pixelmon lucky block, fusion pokemon, fusion, fusion pixelmon
Id: -uB4D13kFlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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