Learning To Land An Airplane 🛬 | First Time In the Traffic Pattern

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[Music] welcome to ludix Aviation the home of funfilled Aviation videos I invite you to like subscribe and enjoy the flight as I welcome you to the Sky ludix Aviation videos are edited to be as entertaining as possible this may remove context many procedures situations explanations and flight phases have been edited out do not use for instructional purposes this video is for entertainment purposes only you're well done thanks great job all right departure briefing talk me through the traffic P okay so we are going to be on the departure leg usually do a turnout at 700 crosswind turn at 700 it's a left turning uh so on this is going to be a right yeah it's going to be right and then when you get a beam the numbers or the beam your touchdown Point what's the procedure it's about 15 to 1700 RPM yep first Notch of flaps sending bringing it down next 100 second Notch flaps 45° angle get onto base then you second Notch what speed are you looking for on base 70 to 75 perfect on final third Notch of flaps what speed you looking for 60 to 65 so if you've got 60 to 65 you're coming over the runway if you look at the air speed indicator over the runway at 60 65 you don't have to look at it anymore got enough H speed to bring you in and you can go power off and and land we need to remember uh carpat when we're doing the the the power back so pulling the carpat on then pulling the power I'll kind of talk you through the landing but what you kind of want to do you want to let yourself bring the nose down uh let let the the aircraft descend towards the runway and as we come towards the runway you're going to level out that's where that looking at that air speed to make sure it's 65 comes into play so once you've looked at your air speed and you see you've got it you can then pull the power to idle level the nose so you kind of level with the ground and let the energy bleed off there's going to be a certain point where you feel this aircraft want to drop to the runway when it does that pull back just a little bit more and it's going to you're basically stalling it onto the runway is what you're trying to do there might be some ugly ones there might be it might happen don't beat yourself up for it um that's what we're here to do we're here to practice and make them perfect so okay I feel like I have a hard time telling the distance like underneath the wheel and the ground like how high up we are know what I mean I guess a depth perception thing look at the end of the runway when you're coming into land when you're when you're coming into to to kind of that round out to the flare look at the end of the runway feel like a little bit easier pedals today I thought you were on them oh I was like oh nice thanks for the Boost ever considered it might be easier because you know what you're doing Maybe November 734 my golf Orlando executive tower follow Cherokee follow the Cherokee on the goway 25 2 following the Cherokee Runway 25 cleared for takeoff 734 mik golf all right sweet we're ready to go let's do it you see the 25 uh it was behind us yeah good joke good [Music] one [Music] welcome to the sky nice nice nice okay where was the very nice is this like a right heading yeah okay yeah you're symmetrical here this is just this is a a rectangular thing so 1100 ft right so you can lower the nose all the power as you're doing that turn onto a downwind okay down 41 you're following Skyhawk passing off your right there number two to follow him Runway 25 line all right beautiful distance from the runway nice and symmetrical so now it's just fixing the altitude so altit too high you want and just theas okay so if we're on down should we be bringing it towards 800 or not until he until he tells us we can turn base okay if we that we're going to be too low by the time he turns tells us to turn nice job kind of looking at the runway we're nice and symmetrical still at a good distance from it we're just Wai for that call 1100 ft it's nice it's good stuff 74 mik off go and start the base Square the base the final continum and have traffic holding position 7 base so now it's about judgment right it's not really normal traffic pattern anymore so you'd want to start going through your procedure so you you can pull the carp pull the power a little bit and kind of just yeah see look at the runway once we can actually see it cuz the wings in the way you're my bad that's not your fault but yeah cool we can start putting in flaps so when you got 10 degrees of flaps now below the white AR turn on to final kind of line up with final let that Let It Drop you have a tendency at first everybody does the same thing to keep that nose keep toward perfect great turn right up and Runway 25 786 I feel like it makes it a little easier when it's like extended I don't know I guess you just have more time and like distance to make Corrections for right now you'll feel that once the what do you think that is all right cool four white lights what's that telling us we too high too high so add second not Flats pull the power back a little bit more drop the nose get me back on Center Line executive tower Diamond 892 Papa Alpha Runway 25 Alpha 2 ready so we're using 2 probably when you come in towards the lake is where you should be looking for that 60 60 65 for take off run 25 865 zero looking good we're at 75 at the moment so and we go 30 6 65 heard you got the power out which is good so you're at 65 so now kind of just m two pop no delay traffic Skyhawk about one M final please expedite no delay Expediting 892 734 M golf Runway 25 clear Touch and Go Diamond depart to Rifle Runway 25 clear Touch and Go 734 M golf 29 Runway clear line there's someone on the runway right now there is somebody welcome to take a look at that a that a spe perfect perect just don't fight that temptation to let that nose come up CU that's going to drop that speed off what you've got right now is holding you on a nice Glide path going just a little bit low now but that's all right November 865 excuse me 8658 H there you there departure thanks for your help it down so now kind of look at the end of the runway okay kind of keep your eyes there pull the power back pull the nose up pull it up pull it up there you go hold it there hold it hold it hold it Welcome To The Ground woohoo but let's do the touch and go so the procedure is carpat car peat flaps flaps maintain the center line back on Center Line full power full power Ella's doing Landings boys and girls she's doing it eight ner welcome back to the skizzle great job in 78 how do you feel that was good I yeah you're right you just calm collected one thing at a time don't rush when you're on the ground exactly there's a tendency to over focus on something take a step back for a second relax you've got it great job that was good wooo touch go hey that wasn't a slamming go either that was all right November 724 my golf Runway 25 clear Touch and Go your number one clear Touch and Go Runway 25 734 my golf so this one's going to be a normal one finally yes cool all right so nice symmetrical 1100 ft we're going to wait till we're at beam our touchdown point so where do you want a touchdown um see where the plane take off right there y possibly that one or the I think we landed closer to the white lines before actually okay we know it's around that area right that is the touchdown zone so what we can do we're coming to beam so we can start the procedure perfect we're below 85 so bring the car heat out then first Notch of flaps yeah absolutely we're below the white AR so perfect now you see that nose rise stop that from rising and let the plane descent looking for somewhere around 80 knots in The Descent down down down yeah let it kind of come down this one's going to be shorter so it's going to feel like you've got less time great job nice job so we're coming down about 850 ft let that nose drop there you go so probably about a 45° angle behind us turn base there you go perfect in the turn is important to keep that nose down just just like you're doing you're doing perfectly on a base you're looking about 70 to 75 which you've got second not flaps keep the nose down cuz it's going to want to rise there you go if you need power to keep your altitude or to stop you dropping too much you can do but look at your air speed you got 70 on a base looking good nice and symmetrical looks weird right yeah it's a lot closer I like being on that side of the L I'm going to tell you why I prefer shorter patterns in a second perfect perfect speed's just ever slightly low that's just uh the nose was a bit too high but you fine you can turn on to final that nose down letting the letting the aircraft descend beautiful so even though we're closer you're still high right so you still got plenty of altitude you fine we've made the r final Notch of flaps when you whenever you're ready 30° you're looking for that air speed 6 65 keeping that nose down this view right here is perfect okay less power less power yeah let it descend cuz we're too high right but let that nose come down if you need to go power idle go power idle yeah I want to go power ID yeah go power idle you probably don't need any more power from this point look at that air speed it's right where you want it you're coming over the runway so you don't need to look at that air spe indicator anymore look at the end of the pull the up hold it level hold it hold it hold it hold it back back back back back oh Ella Ella Ella yes nice there a Touch and Go Right Touch and Go Okay carb laap Center Line and power no slamming gos today welcome back to the sky great job I like that one I actually good even though we were coming too high yep too high you've got tools in your Aral to bring this thing down power idle all the flaps we can even do a slip forward slip yes you can use that to your advantage right um too low you've got to level off you got to destabilize I don't know I'm not really a fan even though we cut the patter short we were still high on Final a Shor pattern is going to force you to keep the nose down to the runway a long final you kind of you know having to sometimes add power raise the nose keep level and then bring it down I don't like a long pattern personally no that's going to be different for everybody but now you've seen both you can kind of choose which works best for you all right I'm not here until uh we touching down okay okay so there's all you I'm not going to talk you through this one going to make a few phone calls my God clear Touch and Go clear Touch and Go Runway 25 734 Michael figure out when to turn I don't want to turn too early all right the B oh we're not going to do it but uh let's say your engine has failed why is it failed well done Lord we got carice that was not symmetrical not symmetrical at all nope that's all right though we can fix it fix it do you feel high or low um I felt high but I feel like it's I think can still make it though cool time to redeem okay turn on two what's your air speed currently 60 look at you but we are too high little bit High less power ex TR 51 r stand without there you go that's going to bring your a speed back lower it even more I the end of the runway hold it level pull back hold it hold it hold it hold it hold it pull back more pull back more more more more more more more more more nice I thought that was going to be way rougher ni LED it it felt like we were uh like I really thought it was going to be a slam look at you horribly unsymmetrical traffic pattern but yeah I don't know what that turn was I was like oh my goodness that was like a c shape yeah uh you're getting a view for it not bad that was the nicest touchdown surprisingly that was pretty cool you didn't think it was going to be that smooth I didn't I didn't think it was going to be that smooth so you you hear me telling you kind of pull back pull back pull back yeah that that's where that drop is coming in so you're holding it level over the runway and then when the plane drops starts to drop towards the runway that's when you kind of pull back just a little bit more keeping your eyes on that end of the runway that's where you keeping that nose Thro that whole thing but you did a nice job there I don't if you noticed I was sat here like that the whole time I know scar that was all you every single bit of it don't take a nap on me yeah I'm out see you later if you need to go power idle you can go power idle to 95 ready to go Al 2 and we're North stand those turns were better yeah those those are nice actually you show here going north you want to go somewhere else what speed you looking for 60 to 65 perfect so I'm going to pull power nice nice nice nice just keep that nose down it towards the room probably don't need any more power at this point so eyes to the end pull back hold it hold it patient that's that drop that's that drop right there hey Center Line beautiful take that every day of the week I think we picked a good day to do it though winds are relatively calm traffic's not too bad yeah no I think it's a good there clouds are high enough winds are Cal traffic's been all right we've done some extended downs but you know been fine and your Landing is honestly been pretty good I've seen a hell of a lot worse from myself beautiful nice and symmetrical patterns there was one pattern where it was kind of like the sea like you were saying can't have that happen yeah we won't talk about yeah don't oh my go base turning base 7 hotel turn cross en turn cross 3 hot we're really far out I think that's the farthest out we've been 812 alha Runway 25 at Alpha 2 ready for departure EXC nice anticipation that's better on that Runway heading traffic at your 2:00 2 for the down you be number four oh my one more on the roll now 25 clear to land one more on the roll uh Runway 25 clear to land 734 Michael nice as we're coming into land for the final one I'd like to thank you for making it this far into video it means a lot that you'd spend your time watching my content and hopefully you've enjoyed it if you have please leave the video a like and comment what you thought about it if you like to take your support for me a step further you can become a patron on patreon and gain access to exclusive perks like early access to my videos before anybody else sees them discounts on merchandise on my website and exclusive videos that nobody else gets to see visit patreon.com/lenguin you can do level level that's there you go uh keep it back andiz yeah on that one there's probably not enough fear actually of ground your traffic PS were were quite nice for the most part maintaining 1100 ft little bit of trouble here and there but that stuff will iron out uh just be aware that sometimes you might have enough power in there your pitch might not be set so you know just like you're doing Cruise 1100 ft nose down power back rrim for it kind of trim and use that trim to help you you can also use Trim in The Descent so when you're descending carpat power 10 degrees of flaps let the nose drop and trim for that if the nose keeps wanting to rise when you take your hands off the the controls trim the nose down but no great job how do you feel I feel good about it I feel like it's a good starting ground I think trimming would help a lot though I feel like if I was not consciously thinking about nose down keep the nose down you know what I mean so definitely that's a good tool to have exactly it's there to make your life easier use it w
Channel: LewDix Aviation
Views: 13,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, Flight, Pilot, Aviation, Cockpit, Takeoff, Landing, Flight Training, CFI, Student Pilot, C172, Traffic pattern
Id: UxVrw6mLso0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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