Spider-Man's Platinum was just one big meme

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Spider-Man PS4 is one of my favorite games of all time and I really wanted to unlock the Platinum for it but there was just one problem I already have most of the trophies unlocked for the game I mean what am I gonna do make an entire video unlocking 12 trophies that would be more boring than Harry Osborne's character Arc and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. what the so I pretty much just moved on and started doing platinums for other games instead until the unthinkable happened Spider-Man remastered became available to purchase and it had a brand new trophy list so one tax write-off and lie to my wife later and I was on my journey to the Spider-Man remastered platinum trophy like and subscriber Gwen gets it as always beat the game you already know we have to do the spectacular difficulty bro I'm tired of seeing you little nerds complaining the comments about oh well the hardest difficulty you're not a real gamer I bet you've touched agree as I was getting into the Peter and his apartment something horrible happened oh God no bro I forgot it's the new guy no you are not him you will never be him you're an imposter the first mission of the game takes place in fist Tower and ends up being my first boss fight against Wilson Fisk AKA The Kingpin when I was a boy come here Willie damn Spidey bro irreversible brain damage right there yeah dog I hate to break it to you but there's just like simply no way that he uh he's alive after that Kingpin has no powers bro I mean he's just morbidly obese Kingpin is head is headed prison knocking down Kingpin first trophy from there it's time to explore New York City I think it's important to note here that I have the attention span of a three-month-old golden retriever I am very easily distracted when I get to exploring and doing Collectibles I can't just do a few I have to do all of them right then and there so during this playthrough I pretty much did all the side activities and collectibles as I went right off the bat we had surveillance Towers backpacks landmarks and Fisk hideouts and a bunch of trophies in between hahaha hey bro uh let me get one of those wait no wrong and stay down Jay Jonah Jameson is right I am a menace hey King of Swing complete a level one traversal Benchmark alrighty oh wing it Traverse across the city rooftops bro I am unlocking so many trophies just back to back to back to back is this entire thing gonna be this easy [Music] Ace of the base complete all objectives in a base amazing coverage all surveillance Towers activated yes that is YouTube kids you hear in the background my child is sitting in my lap watching YouTube kids all right last backpack here and that's it Backpacker collect all backpacks I'm pretty sure I just got this done in like an hour I have a mental disorder and then all the landmarks are done photograph all landmarks on the map are we gonna get this platinum in like six hours All The Kingsmen take down each bisque Hideout wow Society what are you looking at bro are you playing raid Shadow Legends again this video is sponsored by raid Shadow Legends I have officially made it as a YouTuber raid Shadow Legends is one of the most popular mobile games in the world and has been downloaded by over 80 million nerds that's a lot of nerds and I'm here to give you three reasons why raid is better than all other mobile games number one the graphics we live at a time where graphic Fidelity is literally the deciding factor and whether or not a game will be viewed as good and I can honestly say raid has PC caliber Graphics which is completely insane for a mobile game number two there are countless Champions to choose from it seems like in a lot of games there's just not a lot of playable characters but that is not the case with raid with over 650 unique champions from different factions to choose from the possibilities are endless so you'll never get bored and number three it is completely free to play I have spent a shameful amount of money on video games in my lifetime no like seriously my wife would leave if she knew so anytime I hear free to play I get pretty excited but most free-to-play games lack one thing content but with raid Shadow Legends they release monthly updates with all new playable Champions too it's pretty much endless content and with that being said an all-new limited series raid call of the Arbiter is out now raid's adding some of the new characters from the series as playable Champions the first of which is our attack a mighty orc warlord just log into raid for seven days between now and July 24th and you'll get Art Attack for free which is great for me because the only money I have is the ad Revenue I'm gonna make from this video if you haven't started playing raid Shadow Legends yet what are you even doing use my link in the description or scan my QR code to get some bonuses and I'm not talking any weak bonuses we're talking about the champion Drake not Drizzy the one from Lizardman faction so just hit the link in my description and I'll see you out there nerds once again thank you to raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this video if they didn't I was probably going to be evicted this month at this point in the grind we're making pretty good progress so I called it a day the next morning I kicked off my stream to find a shocker boss fight waiting for me also I'm sorry about the mic quality here I didn't know it was messed up in my chat let me sound like this for the first hour and a half of my stream because they hate me oh there we go sorry Herman ah that is definitely going to result you do not survive that hey shock and all defeat shocker hey Arachnophobia perform 75 stealth takedowns it does not feel like I've done 75 stealth takedowns but okay I'll take it and that brings us to everybody's favorite villain black cat she leaves these little cats around the city for Spider-Man to find and I'm not gonna lie bro it gets me kind of brick hey yo what the hey we got our first black cat Pat's out the back she is so attractive why are you doing this Felicia I'm Gonna Catch You that's part of the key as I progress through the story I become reacquainted with all of Peter's friends we have Otto Octavius Peter's boss why does he look like uh the dude from Toy Story with the Cheeto fingers bro Mary Jane Watson oh God no no I hate these I swear if I get Spider-Man 2 and I catch one MJ Mission I'm getting my money back and officer Jefferson Davis the father of Miles Morales yeah that Miles Morales officer Davis helped Spidey uncover some truth about this new gang in NYC called the demons this inevitably ends with an ambush from the demons where officer Davis is injured in the process but to honor his bravery mayor Osborne yeah mayor Osborne it has a ceremony where her present officer Davidson award for his sacrifice but like all public events and all Spider-Man stories it's ruined by some Nut Job hello my dear the demons show up led by Martin Lee Martin Lee's Aunt May's boss at the Homeless Shelter by the way I'm glad I don't have to worry about my boss being an undercover psychopath and turning into a super villain Dr Octavius is like the coolest guy ever as Martin Lee and the demons are blowing up the ceremony and hurting innocent civilians Jefferson Davis is killed dead and no demons emerge complete act one wow that was so sad let's do some side stuff come here you stupid bird come here you're the worst meet Howard oh is this the pigeon guy Howard's the worst Howard has pet pigeons not a red flag at all his pet pigeons escaped and Spidey agreed to help get them back there are 12 pigeons in total across the city and after some slight frustration this is miserable we finally got to the last one last pigeon right here come here you little goober come on shut up Jay Jonah Jameson there it is is that it it is Pigeon Hunter oh Howard hey Born to Ride Ride the subway five times alrighty just like the Fisk hideouts we did earlier we now have demon warehouses to complete basically the same thing but just demons as I was knocking these out I was going for the 100 hit combo trippy where you basically have to get on a 100 hit combo without getting hit and because I was playing on spectacular difficulty this got a little tricky I'm so close oh I got it I got it I got it I got I got it so many hits I need to pause that was for a hundred combo I've been going for that forever I was almost gonna lower the difficulty I almost took the coward's way out all right final wave of the final demon base these guys have been a little bit harder than like other enemies in the game but it's really pretty much been the same this game's incredibly easy where they at oh there you are you little goober come here I mean that is definitely he's never his life will never be the same bro Spidey doesn't kill people come on bro the guy's literally a vegetable for the rest of his life at least he's not dead though that's that's all that matters nice guy right here all right now we got to play with him okay so we're gonna do web bomb inters Sanctuary take down each demon Warehouse let's go after stopping some crimes around the city and unlocking a trophy for 10 vehicle takedowns we finally got to the last research station research stations are basically these little oscore science experiments our friend Harry needs help on yeah that Harry strawberries I hated these more than I hate Kirsten Dunst in the Rainy movies toxic AF I have been doing this for literally five minutes this has to be the last one man it has to be dude come on this has been the most annoying one yet be extra crispy dude is this like Siri is this real life this might be the most annoying thing I've ever like what are we actually doing here I did it and the spider screw that bro give me my trophy thank God or indeed complete our research stations that might be like worst that's worse than the pigeons that's way worse than the pigeons and now back to my favorite part of the game black cat cats hidden around the city wait that that sounded kind of wrong it leads us to this Hideout where she leaves us a present that suit is so sick I love that suit hey Cat Prince track down black cat I want her to step on me so bad go ahead and do that hey science for the win rash 15 upgrades moist as I was swinging around the city I came across my first Taskmaster challenge I still haven't forgiven Disney for what they did to one of the coolest Marvel villains ever by the way Taskmaster challenges are time trials broken up into four different types that each have trophies for getting a spectacular or better rating you got bomb challenges drone challenges combat challenges and stealth challenges getting a trophy for completing each and every Taskmaster challenge around the city I had to take on Taskmaster head to head and it went wonderfully now we have the Taskmaster boss fight a few moments later attack all right [Music] I wish he had health bars in this bro there we go another one oh we got them now we got them ladies and gentlemen we got them plagiarism is wrong oh he's actually incredibly easy okay wow I can't wait but I'm ashamed that I died to him the first time and there it is master of Masters defeat Taskmaster Black Widow did him so dirty for her my bad and now it's time for arguably the greatest part of the entire game after doing some other story missions can we have fun again and trying to keep my chat from getting put on an FBI watch list you just had to be there they got weird oh the chick from Dexter's Laboratory the mom or whatever he gets a call from his friend Yuri saying there's been a breakout at the raft for those of you that don't know that's basically Spider-Man's Arkham Asylum When we arrive we're reunited with spidey's biggest foes you got Rhino Electro scorpion vulture and Martin Lee at this point it's pretty obvious that this entire breakout was planned and organized but by who well Peter's about to find out I remember seeing this for the first time and just losing my [Music] oh my goodness what a cinematic best part of the game hands down and the six assemble complete act two wait let's rewind a second back story time Norman Osborne and Otto started Oscorp together many years ago they ran an experiment on a little boy trying to cure him of a rare disease that he had but accidentally killed the boy's parents in the process that little boy ended up being Martin Lee this resulted in Otto leaving Norman and led to a lot of resentment because he felt Norman not only takes credit for Otto's work but constantly profits off the suffering of others so years later when they find out about a new medical treatment Serum at Oz Court called gr-27 they also find out that it can be misused as a bio weapon called devil's breath so this leads to Otto releasing the devil's breath on New York City pretty much just despite Norman bro is completely cuckoo for tritium the city becomes complete Mayhem Rikers Island prisoners established prisoner camps we have to take out these paid mercenaries that Norman Osborne hired called Sable International or harming innocent civilians on top of all the crimes I need to take care of in each district oh and the Sinister Six are terrorizing the city great we got two left no three left no wait ah I forgot about this all right all right what we gonna do what are we gonna do all right we got our spider drone here mercenary tactics take down each Sable Outpost thank God that's over all right last prisoner Camp here these aren't near as bad as the Sable dudes boom how you like that gotta get the big the beefy boy right here oh my goodness I gotta get this rocket guy bro he's getting on my nerves oh wow I literally missed that yeah right back at you bud I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye I apologize for the excess rainy memes that are going to be found in this video yeah yeah one more that's it back in the slammer let's go take down each prisoner Camp Turn Up all right should we get a trophy for that there it is neighborhood watch complete all faction crimes in a district I think I'm actually going to get a trophy for all skills here I am I think yes here it is superior Spider-Man unlock all skills all right we're gonna go for a couple easy trophies real quick as you can see we're at Avengers tower all we got to do is go to the very top and perch so that's what we're gonna do up here or not okay here we go trophy hero For Hire let's go purchase top Avengers Tower and then I'm gonna jump off and do some air tricks and I shouldn't get a trophy had to get after scorpions sticky and tricky let's go that took so much effort now that we've got things somewhat under control on the streets let's take care of the Sinister Six first up we have vulture and Elektra I don't quite remember how to do this fight I'm not gonna lie okay that's not it how do I do this oh I just web shoot him okay there we go okay it's just web shooters there we go all right now vulture is getting involved I know I've said this before earlier in the video but hold on come here finisher oh my God yes I know I said this earlier in the video but I swear these are the best character designs for the villains like in Spider-Man history it's insane is it the same it is okay wow you just use your shooters for both of them pretty much oh my God come here come here boom boom come here oh these guys are a joke use a finisher on hold sure all right and wow that was ballsy but okay Cinema come here to be you guys are assessing this situation accurately oh my God oh my God said it's so cinematic all right and then we're gonna go here boom boom finisher [Music] easy they're so easy come here I'm not done I'm not done with you done Electro's been grounded that was punny Spidey trophy yes grounded defeat Electro and vulture two down four to go we then went on to Rhino and Scorpion Gigi's that's it right yes sir sting and smash and then we took out Martin Lee wow that was light staying positive and that just left us with the big guy Doc Ock all right boss fight I don't remember how to do this but we're gonna figure it out okay all right um Otto what would Rosie think come here come here cinema cinema easy easy easy come on oh yes sir dad that's cash money oh yeah oh yeah that's pretty much Gigi's I know I hate to tell you this is what you get for stealing Woody buddy gang gang boom I think that's it literally wow what a joke ah never mind that's not it it's always one eye in the Mallet that's what always gets damaged in Spider-Man media a lot more than it means there's nothing that could be more Peak than an angry Spiderman oh my God peek it's Peak look guys it's Pete oh no I'm literally wet right now bro oh my gosh some dirt in his eye pete this is Cinema tritium doesn't he care that he's fallen to his death just give me the anti-serum yeah he did I saw you as a son oh don't come at me with that now bro I should have known you you cowered just like all the others is he Gaslight he got he's gaslighting me he can't do a sit-up bro look hit him with that three times to get off the couch move you know what I'm saying even though we finally defeated the city there was one life that we couldn't save Aunt May and I had a tough time keeping it together no bro and I am so proud of him I don't know what to do damn it I didn't think it would get me that time because I've played this game before but it I love you son the thing is he said I love you son he never said I love you Harry and we got in game complete act three did you guys notice that though he says I love you son not I love you Harry Eddie Brock is Norman Osborne's bastard son there it is you heard it here first ladies and gentlemen remember this in October I called it all right let's clean up all we have left are side quests and a bunch of miscellaneous trophies after unlocking a trophy for completing all the corrupted student missions we came to the final side quests needed to unlock a couple of trophies and it was a boss fight against Tombstone my spider drones I can ghost spider drones get him it's always the spider drones bro bye bye tombstone can't wait for the rematch uh if you're a side character probably isn't gonna happen Tombstone takedown defeat Tombstone oh I might be getting three trophies here actually run the neighborhood Spider-Man complete all side missions one more High Heart Manhattan 100 complete all districts wow the dopamine Rush that I just felt from that after getting more they have to unlock right here where is it okay I should get a trophy after buying this yes a suit for All Seasons W let me know in the comments though Toby's suit or Andrew's suit I want to know [Music] what you looking at buddy put some dirt in your eye [Music] yeah you want forgiveness get religion [Music] hey Spider-Man about town greet 10 citizens and now it's time for my favorite activity in Spider-Man remastered lab projects have I mentioned yet how much I love these did Activision Blizzard come up with this this is literally the gaming equivalent to kidney stones yay more lab activities can we have fun again I had to complete all the optional lab projects in the game to get this Platinum there were only 20 of them but it felt like a lifetime yay one eternity later that there that there I'm something of a scientist myself that's it is that it into weapons without me please tell me that was it [Music] there's more it's not over oh is it these oh he's just spare me I wouldn't put this type of torture on a war criminal one eternity later that one there that one there I am not on Google right now looking at the walkthrough for this please just give it to me please just give it to me place I can't science anymore bro I am not something of a scientist myself I have learned that all right is that it think a bit of a fixer-upper complete all optional projects in the lab that made me hate auto even more so we only have we left to get the Platinum but there but there's one problem that was way too easy so what we're gonna do we're going to see trophies beat New Game Plus on Ultimate difficulty and do the exclusive Spider-Man remastered trophies let's get accurate the city that never sleeps DLC is broken up into three parts The Heist perforce and Silver Lining it kicks off with the magia crime family trying to gain control of the city in the absence of Wilson Fisk and the demon gang Spidey gets called to a museum where one of the families is trying to steal a painting only to run into the one and only Mommy I mean uh black cat black cat over MJ the thing is MJ's girlfriend material you know black cat I mean she's for real I mean I'm just going to say it she's for the streets bro she got Snapchat 100 got Snapchat and she got a lot of dudes on there you can't trust a girl with Snapchat black cat was there to steal a USB drive out of the painting and it turns out she was stealing it for Hammerhead one of Spider-Man's deadliest foes I mean not really he's seat here at best that's why he's DLC and not even in the main game but whatever and we got the cat came back after unlocking a couple more trophies another MJ Mission I would rather listen to Sam Raimi Toby McGuire Kirsten Dunst dialogue for three hours on end then play any of these MJ missions in some strange conversations about super villain Anatomy I feel like most super villains have small PBS Thanos knob Thanos is an exception I don't know though I don't know he's a big guy so like in comparison to his body mass he might actually be uh small when you when you take the the muscle mass Tupac ratio uh he might not be very he might be below average we got to the end of part one and it ended in the most tragic way possible no shot they didn't no no no Bye Felicia that is so distasteful now before moving on to part two we have some cleaning up to do first up we have screwball challenges or as I like to call them the bane of my existence screwball is basically a twitch streamer that's incredibly toxic so I guess you could say she's just a twitch streamer much like the Taskmaster challenges we completed earlier these are time trials that can be very aggravating the screwball challenges are also in part two and part three and they do get kind of rough but more on that later as far as the challenges in part one go they were pretty easy [Music] good whatever we got spectacular anyway and we got screwy yet spectacular or better in all screwball challenges oh disorganized crime complete all crimes in a district uh risky stuff there it goes seduced by the city 100 complete the heist so part two turf wars this one got way more difficult than part one all of hammerheads men got a bunch of sable Tech and now they're incredibly annoying to fight that coupled with Screwballs dumb challenges we were in for a tough ride as far as the story goes this one concentrated heavily on Hammerhead after unlocking two other story trophies we had to fight the big head himself all right please be it please be it damn trophy still skull a glass jaw but the story in the Hammerhead fight weren't the part of this DLC that gave me so much trouble it was that damn screwball to get the trophy you have to get spectacular or better on every single Challenge and this one cell challenge was giving me a lot of trouble he's literally dangerous soon as I go bro I hate it here I'm just gonna go for it I don't know man all right [Music] why did I do that why did I do that man like why why patrolling but I do have notes and all of a sudden people look that way now that's crazy so yeah you get the point spectacular or better in all screwball challenges I hate her with everything inside of me please let that be it I had to try so hard I had to put so much effort into where I was tripping look at that damn bro you tweaking he tweaking here it is thank God prohibition take down each Hammerhead front that was uh not fun he's a gang war complete all crimes in District all right you should get trophy here that's it give me my trophy 100 there it is the city is my family 100 complete uh Tire Force okay one more DLC to go ladies and gentlemen and that brings us to part three Silver Lining I could tell you about our reunion with silver Sable or how we beat Hammerhead together but there's really only one thing that happened in this DLC that actually mattered no no way you're alive did you honestly think I was dead after beating the story I went on to collect recorders do the remaining screwball challenges clear bases and stop crimes to get the 100 trophy thank God she's finally done I want to assault you on [Music] we finally got Pokemon unplugged complete the screwball Chase good riddance if I catch even a glimpse of her in Spider-Man 2 I will return the game the wages of War complete the aiding a human mission what the you're my friend Yuri I don't want to come after you don't make me get spider cop I'm sorry I'm sorry that was so bad that was so bad I'm sorry I'm sorry that was so bad I'm sorry unacceptable it was that was an unacceptable joke all righty Prime here should only have a few guys so let's just take care of them real quick I definitely have not died doing any of these crimes all right give me my trophy the city sleeps oh yeah it's just one I forgot I am dumb before moving on to new game plus we have one more remastered trophy to take care of there are only five of these trophies and I already took care of the other four just playing the game naturally so that just left us with the one trophy I've been dreading since I started this journey complete an enemy base without taking any damage okay bro final wave I'm a little concerned though because I see I lost a little bit of health and I feel like I got hit and didn't realize it I don't know though we'll see maybe that was beforehand I don't know we got a Strider drone I need to go get that that guy uh web bombs I think I might be good I don't know if I'm good or not I got it the Untouchable Spider-Man oh complete any enemy base without taking damage yeah dude that one kind of I was nervous about that one I knew it was going to be kind of difficult uh but it it really wasn't that bad did pick one of the easier bases but you know excuse me as you can see we have one more trophy left to actually get the Platinum we finished all the DLC and we did all the remastered trophies so all that's left to do is New Game Plus on Ultimate difficulty so I will see you guys at the end of new game plus all right so we just beat New Game Plus on Ultimate difficulty uh it really didn't feel any different than spectacular difficulty it was pretty easy so we're gonna skip these credits here I'm going to skip this as well I I literally skipped all the cutscenes I feel like I I speed there it is there it is power and responsibility and then I should get one more one more time complete a new game plus playthrough yeah I skipped pretty much all the cut scenes in Speed Ray in the game I feel like I just finished that in like eight hours so yeah on to the last trophy all right so we got one trophy left and that is to visit Ben Parker's grave I purposefully left this for last what could be a more beautiful way to end this video so here we go Uncle Ben that's it doing my best to make you proud there it is with great power give me the plot be greater let's go collect all trophies yes sir that was a very easy Platinum and it was a lot of fun you should have drop a like if you enjoyed this video And subscribe if you're brand new we're on the road to 100 000 subscribers the link to all of my socials will be in the description Twitter Instagram all that good stuff and we did just recently start streaming on Kik as well as here on YouTube so be sure to go drop a follow over there if you haven't already and if you want to watch me Platinum something that was a little more challenging than this one be sure to watch this video next
Channel: IAmRob
Views: 683,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: platinum trophy, spiderman platinum, platinum, spider man platinum trophy, platinum trophy was an experience, spider-man platinum, spider man platinum, memes, spiderman platinum trophy, one two buckle my shoe meme, one two buckle my shoe memes, hardest platinum, spiderman 3 memes, meme, platinum randomizer, random platinum, should you platinum: marvel spider man review, platinum journey, joelemz platinum, hardest platinum trophies, san andreas platinum trophy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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