A Critique of Spider-Man Miles Morales: Express Yourself

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
my first video of 2021 was a review of marvel's spider-man and i had to make a very clear distinction that spider-man was a very important character to me growing up and even more so now i made that distinction because i believe that no critique can be unbiased everyone is going to have their preferences and that's fine you guys know my preferences are third person open world action games as evident by the majority of my channel's videos so while i don't think there's anything wrong with having a bias i think it's important to make your biases extremely clear when presenting an opinion especially when it's on the internet to a bunch of strangers who don't know you in the case of spider-man it's a character whose presence in any movie or video game will immediately garner my attention and almost always my money when it comes to video games i'm heavily biased towards games with fluent movement and smooth animations that's why i hold assassin's creed unity as my favorite parkour system in any game while the earlier games have been argued to have more depth and freedom i would much rather have a game that has a smoother and more fluent movement with the sacrifice of less control i'm not here to argue these biases or justify them but rather to put all my cards on the table i'm going to try and set those biases aside and look at this game as critically and fairly as possible and it may seem strange to go over my biases and then immediately say that i'll try my best not to fall subject to them but i do this because i feel like this game was made for me not that the developers consulted me or anything but rather this game checks off every box i could have on a list of things that i like in video games and making a statement as strong as that could immediately have me labeled as a fanboy and considering the reasonable amount of criticism miles morales has gotten i might also receive the title of contrarian i also bring up my biases because i won't be talking about the price point of this game i know that there is some controversy around this game's price but i can't properly analyze or argue my feelings on the price because to me a spider-man video game is more valuable purely because it's spider-man i'd pay a hundred dollars for a new spider-man game because being able to project myself onto a character i've been enamored with for as long as i can remember is infinitely worth more than projecting myself onto any other character i also want to remind you that all of this is just an opinion piece and i would love to engage in a discussion surrounding the game in the comments so long as it's respectful i highly recommend you watch my video on spider-man ps4 as there are many aspects of miles morales such as the city and the swinging that are very similar to the first game and i won't be retreading any ground here also spoilers ahead for the entirety of insomniac spider-man and spider-man miles morales if there's one word i can use to describe miles morales it would be expression everything in the game reeks of it from the swinging which has you flipping in the air with rebellious intent in the same vein as the suit that you wear for the majority of the game to the new powers allowing miles to further come into his own the combat has distinctions in its style and its story is one of self-acceptance trust and being yourself this game is another love letter to spider-man fans signed by insomniac and one that i have and will continue to come back to for its refined if still flawed gameplay and its story that while still flawed and not the most original tells a compelling tale that reinforces the theme and message of this game i think a proper place to start with miles morales would be the most prominent figure new york city typically in these videos i'll talk about the presentation and the open world in two different sections but since the graphical fidelity is near identical to the remaster of insomniac spider-man i'll only be discussing the major changes and that goes for new york too [Music] for starters the most notable change is the snow that covers the map as a canadian snow is one of my favorite things to see in a video game and while it doesn't change much i think it does look very good and miles's footprints it leaves behind offer a sense of realism the weather while not dynamic has some use in the story as some missions see you fighting the opposition in a blizzard which gives this claustrophobic feeling of being out of your depth and while there aren't any actual boundaries here the feeling is still present better yet is how your only reasonable source of light is the spotlights from the helicopters flying above you and when they aren't shining on you we just see the shadowy silhouette of spider-man flipping swinging and breaking bones other environments here look perfectly fine but i wasn't a huge fan of the reused locations from spider-man ps4 don't get me wrong they take place in the same city so there's bound to be some reused locations but in the case of the prowler boss fight i found that it was just one of the stable bases from the dlc i think further environments should have been aged like the fist construction sites when initially hearing that the underground was using the abandoned sites i was disappointed but these environments seem to have had some work done to them with extra vertical layers and the occupied underground is reflected in the new interactables so i ended up feeling like these locations were less reused and more remixed which is actually quite disappointing when compared to the city that never sleeps dlc which actually had some interesting new locales rather than reused ones while the game looks near identical to the remaster of spider-man ps4 i want to bring up an issue i found with the frame rate during any menial task on performance mode and performance rt mode i saw the frame rate drop a little bit now of course we knew that the frame rate during the final encounter was a little dodgy but i never noticed any issues in the open world until getting footage for this video and nam from nam's compendium also noticed this frame drop i should also clarify that the drops are not that bad and certainly not as bad as the ones i've seen in the final encounter but it does distract from the otherwise pristine gameplay and fidelity so while your eyes may not be stimulated throughout the entire playthrough i can guarantee that your ears will the soundtrack here is absolutely gorgeous as the orchestral music blends with the hip hop drums and snares to create a soundtrack that not only bangs but also represents miles as a character hip-hop is an extremely important part of miles and he is quite fresh as spider-man go his character feels like a modernized take on a superhero that's been around since the 60s and the music reflects that as it takes an old-school triumphant theme that seemed to follow so many superheroes at the time and puts a modernized hip-hop twist on it i won't stay on this topic too long because music is one of the most subjective things to discuss and i don't really have a solid music background to justify my opinions but i will at least say that to me it's one of the most memorable aspects of the game back to the city as a whole i felt like the map was much larger here not that there were more locations but that the city itself felt larger scale wise i don't know why this is though i had initially thought that this is because the city actually is bigger but it's not in fact if we take the two clips i have here and put them side by side you can see that both peter and miles get from the highest point in the game of 425 meters to the ground at the same time so now i don't think the city scale is actually bigger so i want to ask you have you felt the same and if so why do you think so i now believe that it's due to miles smaller stature and perhaps due to the extra christmas decorations around the city which paired with the snow make the city feel more dense these decorations by the way are beautiful and fun to zip through you may also notice that the chrysler building is missing and it's not really a big deal in my eyes i just figured i should mention it since when researching the aforementioned city i found a slew of clickbait articles claiming that there's a major landmark missing from the game overall new york feels as good as ever and i personally believe that while it is nearly identical to his predecessor there isn't a good reason in maya's to overhaul any of it of course when doing anything within such a beautifully crafted city you'll be staring at miles and thankfully this time around the animations here are fantastic miles moves with this fashionable inexperience that is so satisfying to look at and it's an excuse to poke fun at the most memorable game spot quote languages the way he leaps off of rooftops and flips backwards to face the camera before falling into a headfirst dive is just full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen now i won't bother going into the political implications of this because it's besides the point but the reason i brought up that line is because outside of the color of mile's skin the word swagger is actually perfect for describing the way he moves especially when compared to peter peter when swinging fighting hell even walking is rigid and strict with his movements it's as if all of his movements have been tailored to be as optimal as possible that's why when i describe peter in my video i use the word finesse his movements while certainly stylish were calculated and consistent miles on the other hand while not at all lacking in the style department isn't as calculated or optimized as peter miles enjoys his powers much more and is still within the honeymoon phase of being spider-man something that ultimately ends by the time our story comes to a close his movements are loose and rather than calculating his exact moves in a consistent fashion like peter he instead seemingly flies by the seat of his spandex as he flip-flops around when swinging even his walk is so laxadaisical as his hands just go with the flow and in the case of combat he uses his fist far more than peter does and his takedowns are as stylish as ever especially when he has a sidekick which is in one of the many unlockable suits these extra goodies make swinging around even more fun because they all have unique designs and little quirks such as the aforementioned sidekicks which by the way the catsuit is probably my favorite in the game the programmable matter suit is equally fun as the arms reminiscent of the iron spider suit pop out to assist miles of course i can't talk about suits without also mentioning the into the spider verse suit which fits miles animations so well that it warrants an entire playthrough on its own my favorite part about miles's animations is that it gives him so much character and is reflective of a greater theme within the plot for peter being spider-man is about responsibility justice and a little bit of fun for miles is about responsibility and freedom of expression he just looks like he has so much more fun than peter and it works to separate him from his mentor i only wish that all of his animation saw a change most of them do don't get me wrong but some of his vehicle takedowns are identical to peter's and to me that was a little disappointing i'm not trying to say that they were being lazy but rather they reused a lot of assets from spider-man ps4 and the animations is the biggest thing that sets miles apart from peter when it comes to traversal i think what sucks about making a criticism like this is that it can be shut down near instantly by saying oh well peter trained him so of course our animations are going to be a bit similar but i think regardless of whether this makes sense plot-wise i think miles in a potential sequel needs to have a fully reanimated move set i was further surprised that miles doesn't have a full set of animations because he has a new set of fast travel animations something that on the playstation 5 needs to be turned on in the settings a major theme of this game and one that is slapped all on the trailers is to be yourself and a majority of miles story hears about not trying to be the next peter parker but to be himself and while i believe that this game does reflect this theme in gameplay and story in the case of the animations in a few other areas they didn't seem to go all the way with it the interior environments here that are new or new enough to warrant the reused backdrop are just oozing with details and easter eggs for you to play around with ranging from the underground's hideout which sees a renovated fisk tower that was abandoned at the beginning of spider-man ps4 to miles's home which has records you can put on pictures that elicit different responses from miles as the plot develops and a ton of knickknacks to play around with in his room the gameplay environments for things like the final encounter and the blizzard are unique and the set piece that comes after that is something that never got old to look at even when the fight that takes place there kicked my ass so hard that i was stuck on it for 30 minutes so enough gushing about this game's style let's take a look at the gameplay starting with traversal since it's where the most prominent facet of expression takes place [Music] the traversal here truly is visceral but very similar to spider-man ps4's controls meaning as far as depth goes there's a little that's new here i personally felt that i had mastered the swinging system from the first game as i played it on over 10 occasions which i know was overkill by the way but coming here i felt right at home now critically i have to point out that a lot of you in the comments of my spider-man ps4 video did bring to my attention the amount of missing features traversal-wise such as the ability to wall run downwards swing low enough to actually touch the ground and a ton of others i think these should be added to the game in the future as an advanced swinging option similar to spider-man 2 system i say this because i actually praised spider-man ps4 for having very accessible swinging that presented greater speed and finesse if used by an experienced player having an option for manual or automatic swinging could give us the best of both worlds personally i like the swinging the way it is right now but i can also acknowledge that more depth freedom and less overall handholding would certainly improve the experience for myself the spider-man purist and anyone else who feels that they want a more challenging and potentially engaging swinging experience as for the new depth that they actually added there was a huge overhaul made to the air tricks which is where miles personality shines through the most the reason is because not only are these tricks in a vacuum fun to tinker with but they directly influence your swinging animation that is executed when swinging out of a trick for example swinging out of a front flip will cause miles to swing in a classic upside down pose while swinging out of a torpedo spin we'll see maul's rotating momentum being carried into the swing being able to influence these animations for someone like myself is a chef's kiss to say the least but the combinations of the tricks are a ton of fun too from a gameplay standpoint each trick you perform gives you some experience and each subsequent trick in a combo multiplies that experience so engaging in this system allows you to have a reward outside of looking insanely cool you also fill out a bit of your venom bar when doing these tricks which can help you carry your momentum and height across larger gaps when swinging above the skyline that is also one of the other major additions to the swinging and i say major relatively speaking because it doesn't add too much actual depth but i did enjoy having an extra safety net if i were to miss time of swing or if i just wanted some more variety and how i moved around having a solid handful of different swing outs and tricks that you can perform really makes the way you swing unique to you my personal favorites are the ones that see miles spinning horizontally and when i swing i mostly incorporate those moves even diving has some tricks too and the one where miles pulls out his phone is both hilarious and completely in character as miles and peter have had conversations about swinging and texting hell peter even did it during the events of the first game i think my only issue with the traversal as a whole aside from the lack of unique animations in some areas is that there is a general jankiness to some of the movements i felt that the game didn't have an entirely believable sense of momentum and this is clearly visible when running up a wall if you web zip up a wall it will typically shoot you forwards and give you more speed no questions asked but in a lot of cases it actually resets your momentum which was pretty frustrating especially when you were performing these actions during a chase i think it has to do with the way the game handles momentum because when performing a momentum-based glitch you can see that the game slows you to a crawl sometimes when running directly up a wall with enough speed the speed that would be added to miles momentum puts him over the speed cap which might be why it just resets you i assume this is also why i found the aerial web zip slowing me down a bit too though it was very rare despite this some movement here in general achieves the exact same sense of flow that the first game did and i appreciate it all the same i think in advance mode would be useful for a future entry and if there is a potential for a sequel where miles and peter are both playable it'll make the animations that the two share painfully noticeable in my eyes overall though for what this is i think the similar movement is fine because if i were to compare this to something like uncharted loss legacy then it's no surprise that the gameplay is similar fortunately there are some more significant changes made to the combat and we can shift our gaze there [Music] the combat here is much like the swinging in that it won't take you long to pick it back up so rather than focusing on what's old we will again look at what's new the first major addition is the aforementioned venom attacks which see you using your bio-electricity to essentially stun and do more damage to your enemies and nearly every venom ability achieves this but just in different ways the venom punch works to make shielded enemies vulnerable and will stun the basic foes doing major damage at the same time the venom dash sees you targeting an enemy and throwing them causing the usual effects the venom jump sees you and every enemy being launched into the air with larger enemies being stuck on the ground but still stunned this is the best venom skill in my eyes but for now let's look at the reverse of the venom jump which is the venom smash which acts as a ground pound that affects any enemies within your radius i like that on harder difficulties especially these moves will be integral to standing a chance against the many enemies in the game the sentiment from spider-man ps4 regarding its adrenaline bars rings true here as well i like that i can choose to either use venom for extra damage or just heal myself it kept the flow of the battle within my control and gave me a consistent amount of agency the venom punch is the first you unlock and in my eyes it's the weakest ability and i used it less and less across the game due to how the other abilities just flat out outshine it the venom jump ability is easily the best in the game and this goes for the venom dash too the dash can eventually be upgraded to transition into a venom jump for no extra cost the reason the jump is the best move by far is that it puts the entire fight in your favor enemies within your radius a radius that can be increased with upgrades by the way are thrown upwards having damage done to them and are stunned floating all at the same time this alone is advantageous for you but if we also consider the many upgrades that allows miles to do more damage in the air and even generate more venom through aerial attacks then i think you know where i'm going with this on normal difficulties this makes the game disgustingly easy but on harder difficulties i sometimes felt like it was the only way to get through a fight venom abilities are a great time in combat but i think they need to be tweaked and that's because of the final venom skill that i have intentionally left out the venom blast can be executed when you have filled all three of miles adrenaline or bioelectric bars i just call them adrenaline for simplicity because they function the same as the adrenaline and spider-man ps4 the venom blast not only immediately eliminates anyone within a relatively wide vicinity but it also fully restores mao's health now of course on ultimate difficulty this is a solid reward for saving your three bars and there's an element of risk to it all being able to eliminate a bunch of enemies is certainly helpful on said difficulty but its effects are nulled a bit because the regenerating health doesn't matter as much since you'll likely die after around 2 hits on my first playthrough i ended up ignoring venom for quite some time because i didn't want to cheese the battles this is a greater issue when you factor in that ultimate difficulty isn't unlocked until you finish the game at least once this means that you'll have to go through a full playthrough with the overpowered venom attacks and chances are if you do want to play the game again on a harder difficulty you'll do it in new game plus with all the new game plus upgrades and the experience under your belt then even that will be a cruise down easy street this is all without even mentioning the gadgets here gadgets play a large role in the first game and i enjoyed them to an extent but i also criticized them for making the game far too easy and unfortunately paired with the already pretty broken venom skills we end up with a combat system that can be cheesed from almost every angle despite a severely limited gadget selection the enemy variety here will be very familiar to those who have played spider-man ps4 as while the new enemy types here are different they serve the same purpose what i mean is roxon for example is just a replacement for sable which i even took notice of on my first playthrough sable will use weapons that disable your webs and gadgets which was one of your most important tools and now roxon does the same but for our new most important tool venom the underground is essentially the demons both of which have enemies with shields enemies with swords and the only brand new addition is the shielded hammer enemies i think given how the underground has programmable matter we could have had far more creative weapons than just another sword enemy and one that's a combination of the whip and sword enemies of spider-man ps4 what if they turn their programmable matter into maces or nunchucks they could have brought back the flying enemies from spider-man ps4 what if these rocket boot enemies were able to move extremely fast and our goal as a player would be to web them up to slow them down and take them out or time a perfect dodge to get the drop on them within that hypothetical the challenge with the enemy would be trying to keep track of a quickly moving target while dealing with the other enemies surrounding you i know that the underground being able to reach super speeds from boost may seem ridiculous but if they can jump superhuman gaps then i think superhuman speed works too the suit mods also make a return but instead of special abilities at recharge and the passive abilities it consists of only passive abilities you can equip two suit mods and two visor mods at once and these offer some decent gameplay changes the one that increases the perfect dodge window when combined with the one that increases damage after a perfect dodge is still busted but i honestly couldn't live without them at this point the next point i want to bring up with combat requires some quick context i don't like watching other videos on games i plan to cover because i don't want to present an idea within a video thinking it's my own because i just forgot where the idea came from with that being said another brutally easy method of taking down foes in this game is just by tossing them off of a building i saw this criticism in white light's analysis and critique of miles morales and while i only watched the first 20 or so minutes of it i did take note of his potential solution to how cheatable the combat is he presents a solution that future entry should incorporate a style meter similar to the devil may cry series and i think that is an excellent solution to this system but i also want to supplement this with my own input one of the godsend quality of life features that this game brings is the ability to replay missions i absolutely love this edition but i also think it can be used to mitigate the gameplay as a whole i think the game could add some extra mission requirements for added rewards they could have certain challenges that would give the levels better replayability the most basic would be a speed run metal that would require you to finish a level in a certain amount of time or a flawless medal where you have to finish the level without getting hit furthermore you could have a true hero medal where you have to complete the level without any enemies taking fatal damage the fatal damage would be indicative of enemies falling off of a building and anything else that insomniac wants could you imagine if you were rewarded for taking extra steps to ensure a criminal's safety and when one of them for some reason gets thrown off a roof you have to panic to web them back to the roof they could further incentivize this by putting experience costumes visor mods and a ton of other features behind these metals ultimately they could also just tweak the jump off mechanic too but i think this along with a style system could be beneficial as for the venom attacks being far too powerful i think they could have just solved it by tweaking the damage it does though making the game's hardest difficulty ultimate available from the start would also remedy this issue insomnia could take a page out of arkham's playbook and make new game plus its own extra hard difficulty where your spider sense is heavily nerfed i wouldn't say get rid of it because there's far too many armed enemies in combat contrasting arkham so instead of taking out the spider sense they could just remove the red flash that indicates exactly when an attack is coming so you will still have to identify when an attack is coming from and dodge it accordingly to get the buffs granted to you when performing a perfect dodge so i feel like we spent a lot of time talking about venom and that's fine because it's a major change to the combat but another relatively large change is with the way finishers work finishers used to become active upon filling an adrenaline bar but as we know that's been replaced by venom now a finisher is available after hitting a combo increment of 15 meaning every 15 successful hits or dodges allows you to perform a finisher and initially i didn't like this change but i think from a design perspective it works quite well the finishes are flashy effective and visceral and being rewarded with such an awesome takedown after consistently performing well is a great decision in my eyes in spider-man ps4 you can either use your adrenaline to heal yourself the defensive approach or use your finisher the offensive approach i think a flaw that i failed to realize in my spider-man ps4 video was that the offensive approach isn't technically engaging because you literally just press two buttons and the game does all the work for you combine this with the fact that there's upgrades that allow you to perform two finishers for the price of one bar and the offensive approach becomes more of an instant win here the combat's offensive approach while definitely giving you a huge advantage doesn't give you the win for free there's still some work to do on your end having the finisher be tied behind how offensive you are allows it to be used less often keeping the spectacle sweet for far longer but it also allows you to get a sense of momentum within the fight with your ass kicking snowballing into a flurry of takedowns venom dashes and kicks overall the combat here certainly needs some balancing the venom abilities are far too good and that goes for the gadgets too i think that the difficulty for said combat needs to be tweaked outside of just different damage values gameplay changes such as limiting venom's power use or even increasing the finisher's requirements to a combo of 30 instead of 15 would help make these difficulty modes more engaging to cover replayability in the fact that the nature of spider-man's moveset makes combat easily cheesed the extra optional objectives and white light's idea for a style meter could keep players more engaged i think it is now appropriate to take a look at stealth which actually shares a lot in common with the combat the first major addition here is the ability to perform takedowns from both the ceiling and the walls now i mentioned that this feature was missing from my spider-man ps4 video and a lot of you told me that i was incorrect but in fact the ability did not exist in the first game and i still challenge any of you to find footage of a ceiling or wall takedown in spider-man ps4 the point is this new addition is actually really welcome and surprisingly i didn't find that the game was easier with said takedowns another new addition is another one of miles powers within the game invisibility invisibility has some use in combat but i ultimately felt it was reasonably balanced so i chose not to mention it too much and stealth it's a different story invisibility is such a large part of gameplay that it has an entire skill tree dedicated to it i find myself conflicted on invisibility and rather than contradict myself throughout my entire thoughts i'll state the contradiction now if invisibility worked 100 of the time and by that i mean the glitch where you get detected when performing a takedown despite being invisible didn't exist i would argue it is very overpowered and needs reworking for now though invisibility due to said glitch is so unreliable that my frustration with the previously mentioned bug made me barely use it and therefore i felt stealth was more fun i made that contradiction off the bat because i'm now going to talk about invisibility as if it were functioning correctly because this glitch where miles is detected even though he's invisible is such a blatant issue that i would be left dumbfounded if it wasn't fixed within a sequel and this wouldn't be a very good critique if i just had the issues of glitch game bad moving on invisibility doesn't really make a difference in stealth it can only be used for a single takedown maybe two with upgrades before you have to let it recharge but ultimately all it does is allow you to get a free takedown i mentioned how the finishers in the first game weren't the best because they gave you a free win without too much effort on the player's part in the case of invisibility it's the same thing you just get a free takedown for doing nothing in fact that's how you recharge it by waiting and doing nothing where this becomes an issue is that naturally in almost any stealth situation there's going to be some waiting meaning that naturally you're going to get your invisibility back over the course of an encounter the reason i think invisibility isn't my favorite here is because it gives us a major advantage without also giving us a major disadvantage when adding elements to gameplay i think balance is something that should be kept in mind especially in a scenario like stealth where you're in the position of predator enemies never look up they investigate for mere seconds before forgetting everything you can take out an enemy from literally any position now with the advantage of wall and ceiling takedowns and yet what's new with the enemies nothing the game keeps giving you these new tools which is good but it's new tools to solve the same problems i believe that if we are given new tools we need to be given new problems to maintain the balance in combat they achieve this somewhat by giving you a new tool which is the venom abilities and a new enemy that requires venom for a takedown the shielded enemies in stealth they at least have enemies that can detect heat signatures but it's a non-problem because those enemies are insanely rare and are taken out like any old enemy i think a solution to this is to heavily nerf invisibility i think it would work best if it regenerated automatically only after the encounter is complete i think then this power would work as a safety net more than an easy win you could still through upgrades change how large the invisibility bar is but ultimately you would only activate it to save your ass if you're in a corner about to be spotted that is unless they added a new enemy type hell they don't even need to be a new type of enemy if the enemies ai would be more inclined to double up and move back to back in pairs as stealth goes on then the invisibility would be necessary to split them up a better ai in enemy pairs is the new problem invisibility is the new solution i think overall stealth is fine but the ai really needs a tune-up in the next game especially when there were some glitches where an enemy would just get stuck on something during stealth making an easy process even easier invisibility needs to be nerfed heavily and whatever further upgrades that are added must be balanced out by a new challenge i also think that spider-sense needs a huge tune-up with the big safe or unsafe indicator next to enemies being just taken out i think stealth works best when there's an element of risk involved and having a system where the game literally tells you if an enemy is safe to take out kinda defeats that i think if they remove this entirely and instead include the enemy's line of sight or maybe even a vision cone in spider-sense it could make things more interesting i understand the majority of players including myself play spider-man games to live out the power fantasy but unless you are on the hardest difficulty you really are just bullying these guys one thing you may notice in this game is that it isn't the most polished we've discussed many glitches before in other games but i usually preface them by saying that they didn't affect my enjoyment with the game and that's because they are typically visual bugs or they were rare enough that i didn't care here however the glitches were typically quite intrusive and so i have to ask that the next game be given a little more time to be polished up fortunately this lack of polish did at least provide us with this amazing glitch where miles wears peter's suit and his proportions were a little off i also had a glitch where the great responsibility suit and the sportswear suit were still in their damaged form instead of their repaired form which is what they are supposed to be if anybody would like the damaged versions of these suits for use in free roam i'll have a save file linked in the description i think a strong element to any sequel or even half sequel like this is the theme of evolution and this is present in miles morales sort of i mean the environments here have evolved albeit to a very minimal extent the characters and stories tied to them have also evolved and even miles moveset has evolved but the enemies and even to an extent the level design haven't with the added powers on miles disposal you may imagine that regardless of how well his moveset is incorporated into the stealth that it is better in the level design and it is actually i think the only issues that come up is when you start getting a strange sense of deja vu which has already been mentioned with the enemy types and the environments and it actually bleeds into the story too but that'll be taken care of later for now we can look at the level design and how the different gameplay elements make use of your abilities the first mission in my eyes is a great place to start because it gives new players and old a great introduction to the world if you're new and a satisfying payoff for the old beginning with the cutscene that shows how grounded miles is that eventually transitions into a seamless tutorial and then transitions again into a fight against the rhino it works because we don't want to give new players too big of a challenge at the end of the mission though we get a rematch of sorts against rhino and for the old players this was some good payoff considering that in spider-man ps4 miles actually went toe-to-toe with rhino but this time he can actually defend himself all of this to me is engaging and that's not even mentioning how rhino tears ass through the city and miles has to dodge the billboards thrown at him and the segment in the mall is just pristine set pieces like this are littered throughout the game and the boss fights escalate and scale and culminates in the final fight against finn which has multiple phases all transitioning to different environments and her attacks range from programmable matter to fluctuating frame rates fortunately the levels in between these major set pieces are filled with the same level of love and detail and they all serve to advance the plot or the characters and there weren't any missions that i felt were unnecessary i think there were a few characters that may have been unnecessary but again we will get to that later the levels here do a lot of the same things that spider-man ps4 does such as incorporating your moveset into puzzles and giving you plenty of time outside of the suit for the case of the puzzles i found that they relied almost too heavily on your venom attacks and in some unnecessary ways for example when powering down an electric field miles has to overpower four different generators and it took far too long and wasn't engaging at all i think calling it a puzzle upon further thought may have been giving this segment too much credit thankfully there are no more ipad puzzles and no more stealth sections where you play as a side character there is a fairly creative puzzle where maz has to use his webs as a conductive line to power generators but this puzzle is used far too many times and rarely is it used in an interesting way that takes more than a few seconds of thought and effort i would have enjoyed it if all of them functioned the same as the instance with finn in the roxon facility where a generator needs to be powered it took some actual thought and while still not very challenging was at least engaging i think the many challenges that see miles powering up a generator is so shallow and quick that i don't even know if they should be considered puzzles and they sit in my mind as roadblocks and prerequisites more than anything else i think they could have made use of these roadblocks in greater depth perhaps through timing imagine if within these sections the venom meter is automatically filled and we have to charge a generator then use our venom dash to quickly zip through a door it's a simple idea but i figure that i should at least throw something into the ring here i think the objectives here are relatively similar to spider-man ps4 and there's a solid variety i think an argument could be made that all the objectives are just go here defeat x but there's enough plot and gameplay developments within the combat and stealth to keep you entertained for the run time i think the real difference here is in the side quests which feature a spider-man that really emphasizes the friendly neighborhood aspect of the character the side quests range from rescuing construction workers to helping a different set of construction workers get ice off of their crane and they often see miles helping those within the harlem community i like that while these side quests are small stories a few of them are interconnected for example one sees a few different people getting robbed and as we help the different community members we uncover a larger plot from wilson fisk trying to recover his assets and we even get our own encounter with him be it through a phone call i think these side missions were a lot of fun and felt quite grounded though i would have appreciated a new boss fight exclusive to these side quests similar to how tombstone was used in the first game unfortunately the best we get is a carbon copy of the vulture fight from the first game but this time with two vultures instead of an electro and a vulture the fight appears after finishing all the augmented reality challenges with at least a bronze medal though for clarification i nabbed gold across all of them these challenges were set up by peter so miles could hone his creepy crawly craft whilst peter is out of town there are stealth combat and traversal challenges which should be familiar since they are the same as the screwball and task master challenges i enjoyed fighting the holograms though and peter's commentary was enjoyable the first time you know i'm a very impatient person and i'm beyond stubborn and these qualities are beyond accentuated when i play video games so when i see a challenge and i want the gold medal coming back with more upgrades is not an option for me i have this insatiable hunger for the gold and i'm fully willing to slam my head against the wall for hours to do it my way but hearing the same dialogue over and over when retrying these challenges was pretty annoying though i imagine this might be a problem exclusive to me because i insisted on replaying them for hours at a time the combat challenges have some greater objectives outside of the expected goal of taking out enemies with speed and efficiency some ask that you take out enemies while only doing damage in the air in a matter of seconds others require you to not get hit there's also one that requires you to hit enemies with objects i think the air challenge map shows how finicky air combat and venom can be though as i found miles bouncing off of a wall many times when i didn't intend for it but that could have been a result of me trying to complete the challenges with barely any upgrades i appreciated more that these challenges weren't just a matter of beating up thugs because we already had that in abundance with the six new bases to attack they typically include some lore and collectibles within them and are a fun distraction but they are no different from the first game spaces the stealth challenges were set up really well and they see you defusing bombs taking out thugs from the shadows and rescuing holographic hostages unfortunately a lot of them are frustrating due to the jank that accompanied most of these challenges specifically when taking down a thug with a wall takedown and then immediately targeting a different thug to use a web strike takedown on them will result in miles initiating combat with them rather than taking them down and since these challenges will fail you upon being spotted it became pretty frustrating if you wait a few seconds before performing the web straight takedown then it works as intended but these challenges literally ask you to go as fast as possible outside of the gold medals i would have been inclined to try and finish them as fast as possible if i wasn't being failed for going too fast unfortunately the invisibility glitch also made these challenges pretty frustrating take this final section of a hostage situation for example there are two enemies watching the hostage who can't be rescued when the two robots are in close proximity then there is a guard patrolling the outside and since the two that are guarding the hostage can see the guard patrolling the outside at all times the solution was to use invisibility i activated invisibility and was invisible before during and after the takedown and yet i was still spotted now sometimes i was detected and failed but sometimes i was detected and not failed if i wasn't failed i would have to sit and wait for the robots to get out of combat mode which would take so long that i would fail the gold requirement the only way i was actually able to achieve the gold was by abusing this glitch where they detect you and you aren't failed and so i just beat them up and carried on with my day the traversal challenges were good they make use of your abilities and i very little to say about them i think we need more races even something as simple as swinging through hoops perhaps we can introduce a race creator where other players can place the rings and then other players can run through that course similar to mirror's edge catalyst with the players basically doing insomniac's job for them the final fight once you complete all these bad boys was a really cool callback to the first game and the stickers on the many boxes actually foreshadow this battle i think this fight is pretty good in its second phase as keeping track of two vultures is tough but entertaining and i think the thing that excites me the most about these holographic bosses is that it works as a perfect excuse to introduce a boss rush in the next game it would be relatively simple because these bosses can just be copy and pasted they could have their own challenges tied to them too when i think it would be a welcome addition the different collectibles around the map are also fine the underground caches are purely for upgrading and crafting suits but it does reward you with the awesome looking programmable matter suit the time capsules are backpacks and they only serve to add lore to the world and the characters which is fine by me the sound samples were a unique way of giving us a lore downpour also reinforcing the role that hip-hop plays in miles and his family's lives i think my only issue with this side quest is that it completes a story for aaron that should have been completed within the main story and i will expand on that later i did like the actual gameplay here and while it didn't often challenge me i at least had to use my brain a little bit when i realized i had to use invisibility to get close enough to a flock of birds the postcard to collect on miles birthday do the same lore dump but for jefferson i think it was well needed since we didn't get a ton of background on miles and his dad's relationship before that the new crimes here were fun too when offered some greater scale while keeping the small stuff like the petty carjackings i already touched on it a little with the vulture fight but there are a myriad of boss fights in the game and unfortunately they vary in quality the first is against the rhino as mentioned earlier i appreciated how it is a rematch of sorts with miles controlling the pace of the battle it is pretty basic but it's a fight that takes place 10 minutes in there isn't much i can really expect here there is a rematch against the rhino again where he is equipped with venom repelling armor now on one hand this flips the original fight on its head since miles is once again in a fight with the rhino where he controls the pace of the fight as you have to just bait him in obstacles around the arena on the other hand though i think this is pretty mechanically bare as you just wait for him to charge you dodge and then attack him a few times there are a few enemies lying around but finn handles them well enough so they aren't really a threat even in the second phase you just wait for rhino to throw a tank at you power up the engine and then throw it his way i think it's funny because i would actually consider the rhino fight from spider-man ps4 to be generally more engaging the rhino fight in that game saw you pulling debris down on rhino and while simple in concept took timing and attention here you can get away with just pressing a button when the white lightning above your head turns red fortunately the fight against the prowler is pretty engaging as his attacks come out quickly and hit hard the invisibility was used well and didn't feel unfair which i feel it usually could have and the gadgets he makes use of is pretty entertaining as well i like that a lot of his attacks actually mirror miles using invisibility holographic drones and so on his attacks such as summoning clones and using ranged weaponry spice up the fight but unfortunately it sometimes felt like i was just waiting for my spider sense to turn red and then tapping circle i would say my only major gripe is the arena as it's just a reused sable hideout from the first games dlc and it didn't feel very fitting for the prowler i also didn't appreciate the story implications for the prowler which is what a lot of a fight like this is riding on fortunately the near opposite can be said for the final battle against finn consisting of three phases this fight will leave you battered more than a handful of times on harder difficulties but not always for the right reasons finn is a tactile fighter and can't be comboed like any old goon you will not be able to get a solid 4-hit combo in on her because she pulls out a shield and pushes you away when the shield hits you it does a tiny bit of damage not small enough to be negligible but enough to act as a slap on the wrist i don't really enjoy this because in order to keep the combo going you can mix in venom attacks and gadgets to keep her stunned but regardless she has a chance of bringing out her shield whenever she wants i also didn't like this because i felt like it was punishing me for doing good i think finn should have just had the ability to quickly dodge which is an ability she already has the real nasty part about this is that finn can activate the shield in the air and it comes out so fast that i doubt anyone can reliably dodge it and it sends her straight to the ground the reason this is nasty is because it takes away half of your health bar i have to assume that this was an oversight taking a hit in this fight typically leaves you with half of your health left meaning throughout each phase all of which are quite lengthy on ultimate difficulty you are allowed to make one mistake if this mistake is eaten up by an anti-combo ability that comes out seemingly whenever it pleases it's pretty damn annoying i imagine the reason behind this glitch is due to damage multipliers i assume on normal difficulty the damage is stilted but on harder difficulties it's multiplied certain attacks like the shield 1 are not meant to hit too hard so the multiplier is turned off i think they likely just forgot that the air attack needed to be tweaked and that's why it does so much damage fortunately outside of this one arguably fatal flaw this fight is my favorite in the game finn has many attacks that fake you out such as when lunging towards you she'll lunge at you stop and then attack i like this because the fight forces you to be more precise with your dodges and actually pay attention to the enemy she has a good variety of attacks that combine the attributes of the underground's enemies as she makes use of swords the giant hulk hands that the others use and makes use of shields it felt like a proper culmination in what you learn throughout the story i also appreciate that it has some cinematic elements to it such as when dodging the blades that finn throws your way mechanically it is quite bare as you're just pressing the circle button but it didn't matter to me because the fight had already had that mechanical depth that it needed and having a slow motion flip over some buzz saws was just the cherry on top i think this actually might be one of the best fights in the series and while i will admit that the anti-combo shield is annoying as hell it doesn't change the fact that outside of that one misstep this boss fight kills before we transition into our story analysis i want to make a mini section here about the many quality of life changes that were introduced within spider-man miles morales i don't talk about it a lot in these videos but i absolutely adore the little details and quality of life changes that games bring so let's talk about a few of them being able to perform a wall and ceiling takedown is a minor change in the game in the grand scheme of things but further blurs the line between spider-man and the player being able to complete a base entirely through stealth is something i specifically wanted in a sequel as it gives the player more choice options to change the weather and time of day makes endgame free roam more enjoyable there is a noticeably lower amount of fluff between missions you know the ones where peter or in this case miles says i should patrol for a bit while i wait for xyz i like that while they are still here it's not as frequent as they were before and they don't last very long having the ability to replay story missions side missions and even activate specific crimes was awesome and really convenient for getting footage i'm sure there are more here but these were the ones that stood out the most to me and i didn't have any other place to fit it in so now that i've completely killed the pace of this video let's try and pick up speed again by talking about the story which saw a lot of praise from people and a lot of criticism it saw an adequate attempt at showing us a difference between miles and peter and while it achieved that in my eyes i think there were some plot lines that felt disconnected or just unnecessary the game begins with miles on the subway as he strolls through the streets of harlem until he gets called into work by peter as they supervise a convoy carrying prisoners from the raft during this transport rhino breaks free and wrecks havoc on new york and subsequently peter in a do or die situation miles gains a new ability and with his new venom skill is able to subdue the rhino simon krieger the ceo of roxon comes in and tells the two radioactive pals to take the night off during a well-earned pizza break peter informs miles that he's going on a trip to simcario with mary jane and leaves miles with a departing gift which is a brand new suit mazin shows it off to his good friend genki who's staying with miles's family for the christmas break genki acts as mao's man in the chair and tells miles about a break-in at the newly erected roxanne plaza and went there we're introduced to a new energy form called new form as miles continues to investigate it leads him to discovering a criminal organization called the underground these guys have some brand new tech called programmable matter all of which is designed by the tinkerer miles after dealing with the break-in has christmas dinner which features miles mother rio and his friend finn who he's grown distant with over the last year or two the next day miles helps his uncle aaron davis who he's not permitted to see and aaron discovers his identity somehow after this miles continues to hunt down the underground and discovers that finn is the tinkerer while on a bridge and gets his suit ruined warranting a new suit after this miles discovers that aaron is the prowler and they team up to discover more about finn and miles comes to the conclusion that in order to stop finn miles needs to try to join the underground and this works though when in a confrontation with finn and with miles life in danger he reveals his identity to her finn's brother rick actually created a new form for roxon but it turned out to be deadly and he wanted to destroy it but when doing so krieger had him killed in front of finn finn's plan is to destroy the new form reactor at the roxanne plaza which isn't open to the public meaning no casualties miles talks with aaron who he confides in despite his mother's advice and tells him that they plan to meet at trinity church to talk when they do roxanne shows up with a souped-up rhino and they capture the two teenagers finn is now insanely pissed at miles and takes out the anger on rhino when they break out almost killing him until miles stops her finn gives miles a final warning to stay out of her way and leaves him beaten and bruised all this before miles can tell finn that krieger overcharged the reactor meaning that if finn went through with her plan it would destroy all of harlem upon returning home in critical condition miles's identity is discovered by rio and she surprisingly gives him a pep talk and convinces miles to get back on the horse and stop finn as miles is on his way he is captured by the prowler who claims that miles doesn't know what he's doing and will just get himself killed miles defeats him and tells him that he can't just choose when to be a hero miles and continues to chase after finn as rio's evacuating harlem aaron shows up to help her inspired by maul's words we then take finn down and miles absorbs the energy of the new form reactor but can't hold in the energy for long finn decides to sacrifice herself to save harlem and miles barely alive has his community come to his aid and that's essentially where the story ends i found myself torn on the story here because i think the story as a whole was predictable and underwhelming but some of the characters here were really good and i feel that strangely contradicting myself is the best way to describe my feelings the plot itself with roxon and the prowler felt unnecessary and yet characters like rio and finn in my eyes could have used more screen time i think i'll take a similar approach with my spider-man ps4 video and that i'll talk about the characters and their plots as they become relevant miles is the first character we see and his story is really unique and the best part of the campaign we see the arc of miles trying to live up to the mantle of spider-man to eventually rejecting the symbol altogether and striving to be himself when the game opens he looks around to see spider-man murals and further into the game he sees spider-man merchandise and it cements his idea that he wants to be more than a sidekick the symbolism is even reflected in the suits his first suit is just some casual clothes with a mask slapped on top but the great responsibility suit doesn't fit him and it's slightly too large the same way that miles doesn't fit into the role of spider-man and the only way he does is by rejecting the typical color scheme associated with the hero rather than having a primary color of red blue or even white miles opts for a primary color of black with red as a secondary color this is the first suit in the game that fits him perfectly both literally and symbolically it's the exact moment that mal stops trying to be spider-man and starts trying to be himself i know that the origin of this classic suit has different implications in the comics but the way it was acquired in this universe is far different so i'm divorcing this observation from the suit's original attention miles and genki have many talks about what it means to be spider-man and genki mentions how miles always refers to spider-man as a different person and that ultimately miles is spider-man but i also think that he is his own spider-man and his breaking of the many unwritten hero rules reflects that miles willingly reveals his identity to at least two people and he trusts his uncle who is a criminal miles also makes a greater effort to stick close to the ground and help the little guy now i don't think this is something unique to miles necessarily as peter has been shown to help out the little guy too but it's still a difference between him and peter as of now finn in my eyes is a pretty sympathetic villain she doesn't want to hurt anyone in particular aside from the large corporate conglomerate and the wallets of simon krieger she does team up with and build weapons for the underground but she does explain to miles that the underground is merely a means to an end and regardless of their actions outside of her contributions the ends justify the means the underground tried to rob my grandad's shop and saw what i was working on we made a deal i know you're after krieger but what do they get out of it what size guns notoriety they want to be so well known they can get away with anything and you're good with that i can't take on roxanne alone she gives miles all the benefit of the doubt and only wants to kill the rhino when he is basically asking for it mazinfin's relationship is believable in my eyes and well executed though i would have liked to see more from how she handled rick's death rio was another character who in my eyes could have used more depth because the implications for her on the plot was super interesting the idea of spider-man's mother knowing his identity is one that warrants exploration and yet it seems as though rio just kind of brushes it off despite the terrifying reality of having a son risk his life every day in a skin-tight costume sure having a father is a police officer who risks his life and even gave his life to save others likely means that this mentality is nothing new to rio but i would have liked to see some other logical conclusion to it krieger was there i mean sure he does get his comeuppance but he doesn't play a major role in the story aside from being the ultimate villain i think my biggest issue with him as a whole is that he felt so unoriginal just another big bad suit and i can actually pinpoint the exact scene where i stopped giving a entirely because you just smell like next level bioengineering and you know what that smells like to me kid it smells like money in my eyes when a villain's primary motivation is money and only money i stopped caring the obvious comparison for krieger would be osborne but at least norman was doing unethical things to try and save his kid it doesn't excuse his actions but it just makes him more human finally the prowler wasn't my eyes an unnecessary character i understand that the prowler is a very important character when it comes to miles morales but his motivations in this game make barely any sense uncle aaron took up a life in crime as the prowler though his brother miles's dad was investigating the prowler forcing aaron to reveal his identity this is why miles is no longer allowed to see aaron during the events of the game aaron discovers maul's identity near immediately and just to clarify aaron's saying that he recognized the way miles moved on the tv after years of not seeing him is just ridiculous just say you recognized his voice or something miles does nothing to cover it up but whatever that's a nitpick aaron then tries to convince miles to not mess with roxanne but eventually helps him and then helps him again and then sells him out to roxanne and then tries to kidnap him in order to keep him safe like what is he going to hold miles hostage for a few days every time a new threat shows up i understand that aaron likely didn't think this through because he was too worried about miles safety but the fact that he warns miles about getting involved with roxon and then immediately cuts a deal with roxon is beyond ridiculous and it left me feeling like his inclusion was just done because you know it's a mos morales game we need the prowler some have criticized insomniac before for blowing their load for lack of a better phrase as the first game in the series saw the formation of the sinister six but i didn't feel like their involvement was unnecessary however here i think the prowler could have been left for a future game i think an aspect of the story we have to at least acknowledge is how similar it is to the first game doc ock is finn a close friend who turns to the dark side due to a tragedy caused by corporate conglomerate osborne or in this case krieger you then have a secondary villain that acts in a similar vein to awk or finn that ends up being the penultimate boss fight the prowler or martin lee the final boss one way or another finds out the identity of spider-man and the evil ceo just gets pushed aside i've mentioned the shared ideas between this game and the first game and while boiling down the complexities of the two plots can be seen as dismissive and that's not at all what i'm trying to do because i have a lot of praise for the narrative but i couldn't shake this feeling especially in the story that i'd just seen it all before i think the narrative should have focused even more on miles finn and rio and save the prowler for a different game the game's main story is quite short so not only do some of these plot lines feel unnecessary but it also feels like they were squeezed in late which would explain why they feel so disconnected as well overall though the story was good enough for me i know i did criticize it a lot and there was some stuff i didn't mention like the many instances where the writing felt a little too cheesy for me like hearing miles say because i'm spiderman induced almost as much eye rolling as the age-old dialogue of miles saying i can't let you do this and finn responding with and i can't let you stop me i can at least say that this story achieves its assumed goal of setting up miles as a better established character and was entertaining enough for me to not skip the cutscenes on new game plus we're gonna do another mini tangent here talking about something that still plagues miles morales politics in my video game i've seen so many people complain that miles morales is just too political for them and that the politics are being shoved down their throat the biggest indicator of this and frankly the only example i've been able to find as to how someone can interpret this as a political game is the black lives matter mural that the game shows you in a side quest which is only unlockable after finishing all other side quests i don't think this alone is enough to say that the game is shoving politics down your throat regardless of what people may want politics play a major role in almost every game even something as harmless as ratchet and clank has consumerist thieves weaved within the story to the point that many videos exist of people analyzing those messages if a blm mural is enough to really make you disregard an entire product then i suggest you also uninstall apex legends which contains a stop asian hate and a blm emblem free for all players valorent also contains emblems for all the pride flags and you should stop purchasing from epic games as they have gone on record to support blm the point i'm trying to make here is that politics are everywhere and condemning a game for barely scratching the surface of our modern day political climate just doesn't make sense to me here's a list of political topics that the game just doesn't talk about at all police in our current society miles is skin color the government wanting to shut down a homeless shelter and i won't go into my own thoughts on these political topics because i'm in no way educated enough to tackle them but that is besides the point another reason many have cited for the game being way too political and woke is the very diverse cast miles is black so is his father finn and rick are black danica and yankee are asian miles's mother is puerto rican and so is miles the prowler is black and haley is deaf while i appreciate that this on the surface could be seen as pandering and woke harlem is statistically the most diverse burrow so the game is just being as accurate as possible it is also incredibly easy to find political imagery wherever we want take infamous 2 a game i've covered on my channel in it one of the primary antagonists is joseph bertrand an old aged politician that bears a striking resemblance to the vice president of the time the game was released joe biden even the initials are the same joseph bertrand joseph biden was this an intentional way of sucker punch telling us that joe biden is an evil monster i highly doubt it games like metal gear solid and call of duty are arguably built on political discussion and again i'm not here to argue if these discussions are good or bad or argue whatever side of the political spectrum i fall on the point i'm trying to make here is that we shouldn't condemn a game strictly because there is a pinch of politics in it because almost every game has that and in the case of miles morales some people felt insulted that the blm mural was put so far deep into the game overall miles morales to me was a game that felt a little short for the critic in me and yet for the fan and me exceeded every expectation i had critiquing this game was really tough because despite the criticisms i provided i still feel like this is in my top 10 games of all time because as a kid i dreamed of having a spider-man game like this that bleeds this kind of style as someone who heavily indulges in hip-hop the music here is some of my favorite the gameplay didn't even struggle that much with mechanical depth but rather in giving the player a reason to make use of said depth the city is as beautiful as ever and the traversal is particularly as expressive as ever the boss fights were pretty solid overall though i hope the trend of rematches do not continue into future games unless within a boss rush context sidequest saw some more interesting stories and some interconnected threads that make you feel part of a greater borough even if they are glorified busy work the plot was not the most original but it did what it needed to and it made me even more excited for a sequel given that there's now a good chance that we'll get to play as both miles and peter and considering miles's more extensive move set the bar for where peter's move set needs to be is pretty high the entire narrative had the theme of being yourself and it shared the same sentiment of anyone can wear the mask something that was popularized by into the spider-verse miles morales is about accepting who you are and expressing yourself miles has come to terms with the fact that he won't ever be peter spider-man but that doesn't mean that he can't be something greater [Music] good evening gentlemen thank you for watching the video i appreciate it i'm very tired it's 4 am right now in igloo land and i've been editing all night i've been having a great time doing it too i had a really fun time making this video and i hope you enjoyed watching it and i assume you did i mean if you're like all the way at the end here i want to give a shout out to our gold tier patrons and as of this video our gold tier youtube members we'll do patreon first then youtube members just to keep it more organized for myself and you guys so with that being said thank you very kindly to bossian christopher moreno joseph mark short pyrite thomas jones and your mom thanks boys i appreciate it and thank you to the silver boys chiefy gonzo gonzalez and jacob douglas and the bronze boys denzel rotache nathan figgs over the east and of hedinar845719 thank you guys for your support and now for the youtube members i'd like to give a shout out to our first gold tier member the one cat you know and our first bronze tier member bukunmi okaremi i apologize if i pronounced your name incorrectly i really appreciate the support you guys have given to me and i appreciate that you're being so patient because i feel like the frequency of videos has slowed down but i think with the trade-off of the videos just being better and being put better put together um this video was supposed to be out like a week ago but it turned into like something i thought was going to be 20 minutes into something that ended up being well as you can see like an hour and uh yeah so i'm a little i think i need to get a grip on myself and start making a shorter video because don't get me wrong like i'm i'm in no way wanting to make shorter videos necessarily in the sense that i'm going to limit myself like obviously for something like this it's like if i have an hour's worth of stuff to say um you know i'm gonna see it through and i'm not gonna stunt the video just for the sake of making the job easier but after making an hour and a half long video on sleeping dogs i was like i think i could use something smaller and that's what this was supposed to be so hopefully mirror's edge catalyst which is next will be a little bit of an easier ride i think after mirror's edge catalyst i really i've really been flirting with the idea of looking at uncharted and the tomb raider reboot trilogy more so tomb raider just because i feel like there isn't a ton of like critiques and stuff on those games uncharted not so much but we will i'll probably end up doing them both at the same time or something like that and then i really gotta make that video ranking all the arkham games i'm ranking all the infamous games as well i would really appreciate it if you followed my twitter just because i've been trying to you know plug that more make sure no more people know about it so follow that if you haven't already if you want to see these videos early you can of course become a youtube member or become a patron patreon is just generally better for receiving benefits and all that but the youtube memberships are there as well that's basically all i got right now i hope you are staying safe and staying healthy and please remember to take care of yourselves i love you guys i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: That Boy Aqua
Views: 205,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spider-man Miles Morales Review, Spider-Man Miles Morales Critique, Spider-Man Miles Morales That Boy Aqua, Spider-Man Miles Morales Analysis, Spider-Man Miles Morales Ending Explained, Spider-Man PS4 Sequel, Spider-Man 2 game, Spider-Man PS4 Critique, Spider-Man PS5 Critique, Spider-Man Sequel Review, Spider-Man Miles Morales Walkthrough, A Critique and Analysis of Spider-Man Miles Morales, Miles Morales, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Insomniac Spider-Man Sequel, Express Yourself
Id: 62xc-HyhDGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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