Platinum on 'Give Me God of War' was a mistake

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I don't know I don't know I'm incapable I'm in cable I am in stop yep that's me I bet you're wondering how I got here well it's very simple I hate myself it all started a couple of months ago when I got the random urge to start making platinum trophy videos I did Assassin's Creed Valhalla Hogwarts Legacy Jedi following order and it was going pretty well and then I started getting these comments a bunch of little basement dwellers crying about me playing on normal difficulties well any sane individual would simply ignore these comments and continue to enjoy creating quality content around trophy hunting his favorite video games but the issue is I am not a sane individual when I'm tested my pride will simply not allow me to back down I must prove them wrong so I decided to do ghost shushima on lethal difficulty and it was easy but even after that they were still not impressed what more do you want from me so I decided to kick it up a notch I started researching the hardest video game experiences out there I could have done a Souls game like Eldon ring or something but I felt like that was just too cliche there's games like Super Meat Boy but the issue with that one is I don't quite hate myself enough yet to attempt something like that I may be insane but I'm not dead inside and that's when it clicked God of War on the hardest difficulty the game has to offer this is my journey to the give me God of War platinum trophy like And subscribe or smiling Kratos will come for you in your dreams let's start with day one our journey begins with Kratos burning the body of his wife who just passed away obviously would kind of suck if she was still alive but they're preparing to take her Ashes to the top of the biggest mountain which was her dying wish and as we approach our first enemy encounter I'm getting pretty nervous okay here we go here we go let's see how bad oh my God it's easy it's easy it's easy wow they reach in like that bro I don't remember them doing that and that's when I realized I up this is basically how every single enemy encounter goes and give me God of War especially in the beginning of the Run step one approach enemies about to fight some people wanna step two die to said group of enemies anywhere from five to twelve times step three rage a good bit it's just step four take a step back to contemplate my existence and if I'm even cut out for this at all step five return to fight and die at least three more times and then step six finally beat the group of enemies most of the time by using some cheesy exploit and be on the verge of tears from the emotional trauma that I just experienced this is how every fight goes every single one throughout the entire game by the end of day one I was feeling pretty good despite the difficulties we faced I did have one of the coolest boss fights ever against this guy that looks like Great Value Kid Rock and I got a pretty good ways into the story before calling it a day on day two things got tricky to say the least we had to go to this realm called alfheim and the enemies here are arguably the most annoying enemies in the game after dying several times on every enemy encounter I was just completely emotionally and mentally drained by the end of the Stream guys okay I'm gonna be real we're not we got it we gotta call it we gotta call it bro by day three I had pretty much gotten to the end of Alpine and the only thing standing in my way was this guy my first real boss fight of the game all right Trace what are you shooting at son did he not know did he not know you are not him you are not him you are not him no I'm not him I'm just him but little did I know the boss fights in this game aren't really the bosses they're the puzzles guys tell me what to do that's gonna be Chad's job to tell me how to do the puzzles it's not the give me God of War difficulty that's gonna be the issue here it's the it's the puzzles ah it's a puzzle ah it's a puzzle God of puzzles after doing a bunch of puzzles raging some more and having some uncomfortable conversations with atreus I know Andreas I've always known we came up on day four which started with a fight against this big ass dragon yes how did we win did we beat it God I hope so Cinema [Music] no that was so lit oh that was cold that was cold wow that was annoying annoying fight but satisfying that should be oh trophy defeat the dragon of the mountain do his armor because there's a trophy for this stress craft an outfit for artreus cool I wonder if I could craft a muzzle so he'll stop talking day four was probably the first day of the entire Journey where I started to legitimately question whether or not I was actually capable of doing this maybe uh one day we'll get through a group of enemies without dying I don't know though let's stretch oh my god dude my mental health is decreasing rapidly [Music] I felt I was extremely under leveled so after cutting mimir's head off so we can try to get our witch friend to revive him she's mommy by the way I decided to take a step back I started doing some exploring off stream leveling up some gear and doing side quests to see if I can make things a little bit easier on myself but even the side quests became an issue when I ran into this pack of wolves and I know what you're thinking Rob they're just wolves you've defeated Baldur a dragon trolls how bad could these be well you tell me I died 24 times to these wolves miserable three weeks later [Music] dude what have I done to myself what if I asked myself to do what is wrong with me Kratos you're looking a little scruffy buddy that that is not how I remembered you looking but I think I have something that can help you ever heard of manscaped that was a pretty good ad transition not gonna lie this video is sponsored by manscaped who is the best in men's below the waist grooming but first I want to tell you a little story I'll never forget that one Friday evening when my wife and I first got married she was coming home from work and I was in the bathroom preparing for the night's festivities you know how newlyweds are you got to get it in like every day so after getting out of the shower I was trimming up my package with my 12 trimmer that I bought in high school and inevitably I did what every man fears of doing before a night of passionate lovemaking I cut my meat missile ever since that day I was incredibly paranoid to go down there with sharp objects but then just last week my doorbell rang and there was a package waiting for me I opened it up to find the performance package 4 pool from manscaped and let me tell you guys this is a Game Changer when I opened the package I found their lawnmower 4.0 trimmer weed whacker ear and nose hair trimmer ball deodorant yes ball deodorant crop reviver toner performance boxer briefs the wife likes these in a travel bag to hold your goodies the the products not not your balls let's talk about the lawnmower 4.0 this just might be the greatest ball trimmer ever it features a Cutting Edge ceramic blade to reduce grooming accidents thanks to their Advanced Skin safe technology it's also waterproof and has a 4000k LED spotlight for a more precise shave trust me I tested it bro I look like Michael Phelps down there and also in the performance package 4.0 you got the weed whacker nose and ear trimmer I do be having some hairy nostrils and it bugs the hell out of me but I've never really been able to find a trimmer that I like or I feel safe using but after using the weed whacker I will never go back to hairy nostrils again this thing is dope the weed whacker is also waterproof and provides that same skin safe technology to help reduce Nick snap bags and tugs in those delicate holes nose holes nose holes just nose and ear holes I also never knew that ball deodorant was a thing I mean literally it's called ball deodorant and then you got the crop reviver ball toner this is just for if you know you want to you want to Spruce it up a little bit down there once or twice a day all in all this will completely change the way you approach your hygiene routine trust me fellas you want this and manscaped even threw in a couple extra gifts to the performance package 4.0 you got the manscaped boxers I would put them on display but I don't want to get demonetized and I don't want to make any of y'all feel bad you know you know what I'm saying who am I kid it is time to take care of yourselves fellas quit looking like Kratos or Discord mods more likely really what I need you guys to do is head on over to and use code I am Rob for 20 off and free shipping that is 20 off with free shipping at when you use code I am Rob unlock your confidence and always use the right tools for the job with manscaped boring unlocking some trophies and a little more raging yeah okay get me out I'm leaving like death of me are all over again we've returned to the main quest at this point the story things are getting pretty interesting we get the witch to revive mamir only for him to reveal that she is actually the goddess Freya wife of Odin Kratos didn't like that too much considering Odin kind of wants him dead mimir then tells us that the tallest mountain in all of the nine Realms is in yodenheim so that's where we gotta go but in the process they're attacked by the sons of Thor Modi and magnai go ahead drop that comment about how I pronounced that wrong please I'm begging you it helps it helps the video it pushes it in the algorithm when you comment your little pronunciation police do it drop the comment please do it come here Cinema [Applause] [Music] yeah yeah no idea yeah yeah oh he got away and we got troubling consequences defeat magni and Modi I thank God after taking out one of Thor's sperm demons atreus Falls ill to heal him Kratos has to retrieve the heart of a troll in helheim but first he has to make a stop at the house to get something he needs for the journey [Music] oh those are the ogs from The Originals oh the R2 that's that's that's the one about to die bro let's go hello old friend retrieve the blades of chaos bro that was a peek after arriving at helheim we make light work of the troll and take his heart but the troll wasn't the real boss fight it was these little flying called nightmares I hate these things so annoying bro they're so annoying that took way too many tries and it needed to we then returned to Freya and atreus with the heart after atreus wakes up Kratos breaks the news to him that he's a God the truth is I was born a god and so are you promise fulfilled heal artreus we in there you are very welcome oh we unlocked the trophy unfinished business assist all the Wayward spirits upgrade this oh a trophy okay the best moves I'm not gonna lie I wasn't even recording I don't know what this is for beneath the surface explore all the lake of nine has to offer I have an erection at this point we're around day 10 of the playthrough things are starting to get a lot better as far as difficulty goes because we have much better armor and we've upgraded our abilities quite a bit but now we have a problem now that atreus knows he's a god he's letting it go to his head this kid sucks ass now bro I see damn atreus kind of sucks bro are you talking to me thought you didn't like my tone as we are about to open up the portal to yodenheim Great Value Kid Rock shows up again With Arms Wide Open this leads to another fight but atreus sold the bag I hate this kid bro holy nah ain't no way what is this cinema cinema atreus is just knocked out bro oh what am I experiencing right now oh my god oh we're all the way back down here now I'm running I'm running go Kratos who's activated the bridge shut up Brock we don't have time for this [Music] it's over is it oh [Music] all right [Music] why are the punches so satisfying bro I saw a chest I need that chest dude this that was the most epic thing I've ever seen in my life round two rescue or uh atreus onward After experiencing that cinematic Masterpiece we find ourselves back in helheim with no way out in helheim we learned that balder great value Kid Rock I should say is actually the son of Freya it's all starting to make sense I wish she was my mommy I after fighting through herds of enemies and reliving Kratos killing his father treas is going to be so messed up bro we rode a ship out of hellheim ER you cracked bruh [Music] before moving on to the end of the story I wanted to knock out some side stuff to make sure we're well prepared for the inevitable final boss I rescued some dragons I will never forget what you did in House of the Dragon I can't trust you there it is dangerous Skies free all the dragons did some side quests and learn some new languages to unlock two new Realms we will have to explore to get the Platinum more on that later though and the best part is I did all of this with almost no deaths [Applause] I don't know what you want from me I don't know what you want from me I don't know all will fall kill a thousand enemies my God what a way to end that that was a crazy fight my balls are hot now it's time to finally go to yodenheim to spread mommy's ashes but there's just one problem Kratos kind of destroyed the portal during his last fight with balder but mamir says he knows of one other way to get to yodenheim we just have to retrieve his lost eyeball all we have to do is go get it in the belly of the world serpent because he ate it haha that in my head for safekeeping ew gently no gently alrighty so now we're gonna go back to the realm room we're gonna go to yodenheim and then we go beat balder's ass and that's exactly what we did or attempted to do anyway right when we're about to open the new portal to yodenheim Great Value Kid Rock returns and it's time for one final fight this fight was broken up into three phases in the first phase he uses ice attacks and we got through it fairly easily let's go let's go in the second phase he swapped to fire attacks this one was a little bit trickier but after only one or two deaths we made it happen I'm so bad man I'm soda I got ready get to a checkpoint please tell me I did but the last phase was pretty annoying because he swapped back and forth between ice and fire attacks so I had to swap back and forth between the blades of chaos and the ax after countless deaths we finally beat balder once and for all he's so close he's so close come on come on come on okay did we did we win no oh this is it this is it we got it let's go yes sir they sir yeah yeah yeah yeah after deciding to let Baldur live he tried to kill mommy so you know what we had to do no way further than this let's go let's go whoa foreign I've been waiting on that since the beginning of the game bro all right trophy let's go Twilight beckons defeat Boulder we are approaching the end ladies and gentlemen I'd say that went pretty well besides the fact that Freya wants to kill us now for killing our son I'm sure that will have no lasting consequences that we're going to have to deal with in a sequel or anything after defeating balder we finally make it to yodenheim only to find out that the wife of Kratos wasn't actually Immortal but a giant which means atreus isn't mortal at all but half God half Giant and that wasn't even the biggest plot twist the end of the game gave to us besides this painting Kratos found of atreus killing him but whatever I was in literal shock I guess there's just one thing I don't understand my name on the wall the Giants called me Loki oh oh what's the name oh my God oh my God Last Wish spread the ashes me I don't even know what to say before moving on to the next phase of the Platinum Journey Chad wanted me to go back to our home to see a second ending to the game and let's just say I'm ready to play Ragnarok wait what wait what no way all right let's go oh nah bruh all right collectibles and Valkyries the second phase of the Platinum is pretty much just clean up what we need to do is knock out all of the artifacts Ravens yatnar shrines treasure maps moose poheim trials weapon upgrades nippleheim treasures and defeat the nine Valkyries oh God more on that later first things first I wanted to get the easy stuff out of the way hey curator collect all the artifacts that feels good all right if I'm not mistaken when I open this chest I should get maximum health yep there it is I am not even going to attempt to say that fully upgrade your health all righty last Raven right here and should get the trophy yes all father blinded yo all of Odin's Ravens now should I fight this Valkyrie right now uh okay let's try it okay yep nice all right all right we'll we'll rain check this one we'll come back last yacht in our Shrine right here give me a hot minute to find this not gonna lie but it's okay we're here another ah white cool cool this game's lore's I mean I just love it man it's so good the legends hey the truth read all of the yacht not shrines let's go last treasure right here let's dig it up and there it is treasure hunter that was probably my least favorite and now the fun begins the next thing I tried to knock out was the Moose behind trials I tried these already earlier in my playthrough and uh it didn't go well so I decided to go to nippleheim instead ah niflheim painful but not as painful as moosporheim basically on niflheim you have this deadly Mist through the entire realm the goal is to go into the Mist get missed Echoes out of chest then get out of the Mist before your health bar disappears if you die you lose all of the mystekos you had and have to start over in order to unlock all the treasure in the main chamber I needed about 70 000 mystekos so needless to say this was probably the grindiest part of the playthrough so I got to work on opening chests defeating enemies and returning the Mist to the main chamber over and over and over again you do unlock some of the best armor in the game on nippleheim which I was going to need for what was ahead but we aren't going to talk about that yet after running into a valkyrie and defeating her on only my second try I was feeling pretty good about where we were at after hours of farming missed Echoes we finally got to the last realm Terror in the main chamber that we needed for the Trophy last realm Terry I saved the easiest one for last so should be the easiest one oh yeah it's gonna be easy these guys are easy oh there's three okay all right should be too bad oh yeah this is gonna be so easy two down already ggs that's it let's go give it to me darkness and fog thank God keep all treasure from the workshop Center chamber dude that was like the grindiest part of this game we're gonna get us a little ax upgrade here let's go buy that go to the ax should pop a turkey here let's go worthy fully upgrade the Leviathan ax alright and now it's time for mooseboheim no remember dathomir and Jedi fall in order what mooseboheim is like that only instead of it just not being fun I want to drag my balls across a cheese grater on moose behind you have trials basically just combat sequences that get progressively harder and harder I needed to complete all of these trials in order to get the trophy as I said previously I tried these before here and there and it never worked out well but at this point in the playthrough I'm about as leveled up as I'm gonna get so it's now or never I started completing each trial one by one and they honestly weren't even that bad I eventually got to a valkyrie and beat her in five or six tries I figured she was the final trial but I was madly disappointed for anyone that can beat a valkyrie he'll unlock a new level of challenges I think now he wants to know if we're ready for the ultimate Challenge what the never mind I'm still not done it turns out there were more trials on moose behind after that called impossible trials yay so after getting a trophy for fully upgrading my Blades of chaos I started going for the impossible trials it went well [Music] what you have to unlock three keys to unlock the final impossible trial there were a total of five of these and I actually had to skip a couple of them because they were just too hard so after getting the three keys unlocked on the three trials I could complete I went for the final trial which was basically to kill 70 enemies in this time frame now I got so close fire and brimstone oh I actually did it I thought I had to go back and do all of them oh bro I got away with not doing some of the hardest ones I thought I was gonna have to get gold on that oh dude you you guys don't even know how how hard I am right now what and now it's time for what you've all been waiting for day 14 Valkyries I've never cried playing a video game even as a kid I don't remember ever crying I mean I remember like getting very very angry um but I don't think I've ever cried uh that might change today actually we might I might shed tears I've never been to therapy either but I might need it I am broken inside I remember when I first started playing this game on give me God of War everybody was coming through the chat warning me about Valkyries everybody keeps talking about the Valkyries bro everybody that's like I you are like probably I'm not even lying the 20th or 30th person today that has said just wait for the Valkyries God man y'all are scaring me after hearing for hours upon hours about how bad they were at one point the playthrough we ran into our first one what is this hidden Chambers should we do this right now is this a valkyrie yes all right all right all right I want to try just one okay we're gonna see what what the hype's about feeling pretty confident though I'm not gonna lie I'm feeling pretty confident I think we're gonna be just fine hey all right [Music] okay okay I feel you all right um so what we're gonna do is we're going to add 383 to 384 here all right uh and that was when I knew this was going to be horrible coming out of moose behind we had eight of the nine Valkyries we needed for the trophy and there was just one thing standing in the way of us in the Platinum sigrin the valkyrie Queen now I've heard horror stories about this boss for years on give me God of War difficulty she might be one of the hardest bosses ever so going into this I knew I was in for a ride but what I didn't know is I was about to endure four hours and 45 minutes of complete and total misery but at the beginning I was feeling pretty confident [Music] that's what she's about to run into she doesn't know she doesn't know Chad what's about to happen to her I didn't sleep last night I had nightmares of sigrin The Valkyrie Queen I was up watching gameplay and it's going to be the fight of the century had some protein some creatine I've been physically and emotionally and mentally preparing for this this battle Sigrid was probably up all night too thinking about me foreign okay let's go let's go Breeze freeze come on come on come on come on okay okay wait I don't have a resurrection the first two and a half hours of the stream were definitely the worst we quickly racked up 30 or so deaths but then I started actually learning her moveset I started to consistently get her to below half Health but then at one point I got her to her final two health bars thank you after getting her that close I knew I had it in me but in give me God of War difficulty one mistake is deadly I had her move set about 95 downloaded at this point shout out to the Zan man but there were still one or two moves I just could not avoid what did I say earlier in this fight in this in this run I said I have to stop double rolling out of that move because if I double roll out of it I'm just in the vicinity of the blast I have to dodge once and then roll Dodge once and then roll but the problem is I am not smart enough to to register in my brain that that's what I need to do I'm simply stupid that's kind of the problem Alabama education has failed me eating a Pop-Tart because the calories make the pain go away at this point I'm starting to break down we are approaching four hours into the stream and my mental health was decreasing rapidly [Music] foreign I kept getting her so close I don't know what's wrong with me or why I do these things I was choking like pre-2013 LeBron bro I've made that same mistake at least six times I know the same one the same exact mistake every single time I do the same thing every single time I am an idiot I'm not competent this is why I am not a good employee it doesn't register information my brain doesn't take it and utilize it but then on my 627th life something miraculous happened I ended up dying when she was still over half health and usually I just restart from checkpoint because that doesn't feel worth it to even play out but instead I said screw it what do I have to lose so I use my resurrection Stone which gives you a second life and then I don't know what happened I guess you could say I became the God of War that was terrible I'm sorry I'm sorry that's the first time that's happened this entire time [Music] foreign okay wait away God yeah he was not aware this happened she didn't know that I am the one who knocks but only through his Union lower the difficulty rob you don't have the right build I don't touch girls I've never talked to a girl wrong shut up don't ever doubt me as well see crew and I'm sorry for being so worthless [Applause] give it to me well give it to me Platinum Platinum I'll be happy about anything Father and Son platinum trophy throw me up baby are you not entertained I was here in the chat spamming in the chat I was here if you want to see God of War Ragnarok drop a like on the video subscribe if you're brand new we're on the way to 100 000 subscribers who don't even order me if I had you on board it'll it only took 627 deaths to get here if you enjoyed this video don't forget to drop a like And subscribe if you're brand new we're going Platinum Elden ring at a hundred thousand subscribers links to my kick Twitter Twitter and Instagram will all be in the description below and hey be sure to watch this video next it's great
Channel: IAmRob
Views: 639,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war platinum, god of war, god of war platinum trophy, god of war ragnarok, platinum trophy, god of war ragnarok platinum, god of war ragnarok platinum trophy, god of war trophies, god of war 3 platinum, god of war 2018, god of war trophy, platinum, god of war ps4, god of war 3, god of war platinum guide, god of war 3 platinum trophy, god of war ragnarok gameplay, god of war trophy guide, god of war 1 platinum, god of war 2 platinum, god of war ps5, god of war 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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