Tom Holland Funny Moments 2017

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Often we do strange things for auditions, but I think your audition might be the strangest thing Than ours I did you know I prepared my lines, i prepared my scene And I went in, I did the scene [he was brilliant] and you said thank you, that was great. Now do it as a wolf I'm like okay, so all I did was this I like his style ♫ Act My Age - Hoodie Allen ♫ Peter are you hiding something? [unintelligible] l-I can't understand you, Tom. [You can't understand what I'm saying?] I said these are so nutritious Tom, let's do one without the chips. I said "quasson" I don't know how-how would you say a "croissant"? I would say "quasson". [How would you say "quasson"? A "quasson", right?] And, my fans were like "Tom Holland can't say "croissant"! He says "quackson" ... and every fan I meet, they take a video by "Hey, man Can you say "quackson" and I'm like "quackson!" Give me a sense, okay going into this one, [this is a really uncomfortable] I'm trying to find the best- It's so slidey You can go however you want [thats pretend, it's not real] This is what really I named this room. Yeah, this is the most Like this time okay here. We go next time We'll get your writer about the so yeah there you need you guys to get me a proper chair Harrison? Absolutely not. You have to come this way. The door's locked that's why I climb up the walls. I'm good. Thanks. I'm spider-Man Peter. Are you hiding something? with great power comes great responsibility Are you Batman? Where is she? That's not even the right cinematic universe Yes, it is. No, it's definitely not . you're wrong it is. There has been crossovers, there has I've seen them. Tom, if you keep doing this we're gonna get sued I have so much money. I'm Batman. No you're not Batman Unscripted here we go Ask me anything Jacob um I Don't know like what was your first kiss like oh oh The first time I ever made out with someone, haha Shout out to Megan Jossa. Oh name dropped are you completely naked underneath it? because. Pretty much. I have to wear a thong underneath I mean other than that. That's it you know the first time they ever gave me the thong They're like and put this on like no, why would I wear a thong and they were like yeah? You have to because it makes a suit look better, and I'll never be the same Never be the same again It's definitely a nightmare to put on and take off if you want to go to the bathroom you have to plan like 45 minutes In Advance, I nearly wet myself one time it was a close call It could you know have sometimes it just comes on you like I need to go now. Yeah And it's like unzip me, unzip me, unzip me and then you're like get it off, get it off So it's and then you gotta took a mask off And then you got an unzip a muscle suit and flip the boots out and stuff and then I've got under armour on underneath that Was nearly a really expensive mistake, but yeah, that was probably the closest I came to really really embarrassing myself What was it like meeting Robert Downey Jr. for the first time? So I was in Atlanta for my first screen test they told us 25 minutes before that Robert was going to come along and And do the audition literally on cue a helicopter like flew down and Robert got out came for his audition I was like one day One Day my stunt coordinator asked me to get Flexible I tried and it just what I wasn't successful. I can't even touch my toes um and Yeah, we had some hindrances when it came. Spider-Man can't touch his toes Nope, can't do it. How awkward was your first experience with the suit? When I first walk on set people were like oh Tom: Oh My God everyone was touching me. Interviewer: so it was red and blue like this? Tom: Yeah it was it really was and it was like okay guys lets Stop with the touching okay. I started training in boxing Yeah, and just because that was a nice way of training remaining fit But also learning a new skill like I love having studios pay for me to learn new things So I was like I need a boxing trainer thank and have they given you any sense of like the Breaking news the last couple days that we're going to go black Cat & silver sable movie. We're going to get a venom movie You don't know I? Genuinely didn't oh. I heard about a venom movie but not about a black cat movie. Yeah black cat silver sable apparently. That's dope. Yeah, okay, so we don't know if you're involved. Tom: Thanks Sony for the heads up That's why I'm here to fill you in you know. They are signing my contract over there already Listening to your voice, and you are of course not a native of Queens. I am not I am a native of South West London darling What was it like putting on the spider-man suit for the first time? The first time they saw me in it It was funny because all they would do is touch me yeah, yeah. Zendaya: Well it feels nice! Tom: Stop touching me! We are talking live to the marvel fans right now. Oh we're live right now? What's up everybody at home. How's everyone doing? I'm very HOT I'm sweating a lot. I always used to think that Pennsylvania was spelled Pencil-vania not, Pennsylvania Lvania. I think I'm really good at... I Think I'm really good at football But I'm not really good at football. Is that British football or American football? The one where we play with our feet, so yeah Got it. You have some of the best t-shirts that have ever been science puns for days What is your favorite science pun t-shirt? My favorite one is if you believe in telekinesis lift your right hand That's my right hand There you go nailed it! So when we did Spider-man we were about four weeks in and i'm like, 'so guys when do I Get a break? like do I get a day off or two?' and they're like 'No, you're spider-man dude You're in every everything so of cause you don't get a break. As I'm falling asleep I think about Spider-Man Homecoming july 7th. You should check it out really good. People think with her [Zendaya] is her twitter. So she sent out a tweet She's had a picture of her like on the red carpet being like stealing heart since '96 I did the same picture saying stealing hearts since never and her whole 40 million fan group like attacked me All of them like 'How dare you! She will drag you through the mud! You don't know what's about to happen!' Wearing a sweaty mask all day as a teenager Like the Acne I got after this movie was horrendous. It was drawing out all of the spots ah I went into this movie Fresh-faced and like ready to like you know make a movie and I take the mask off and it was like yeah Can you put that back on? Robert you have not seen it yet? I personally yet to see it when can I uh. You will see it when I'm ready for you to see it The new Blood get used to it When we did my cell my screen test here in Atlanta with the Russo brothers? I was doing a scene with Chris Evans and at the beginning of the scene it says Spider-Man flips in the frame And I was like guys do you want me to , do you want me to do a flip and they were like no it's fine just start on the mark and I Knew I should do it I thought you know I'm gonna just do it anyway So I did the flip landed did the scene and they're like every time, can do the flip? You have to do the flip! What kind of flips can you do? Lets do this. Lets do this. It was, It was awesome! When I was a kid I was obsessed with Spider-Man it was something that was like It was like my life, and the first time I ever got a girlfriend when I was comfortable enough around her I was like hey Do you want to maybe do like the Spider-Man kiss thing like upside down and yeah? I did it. Yeah, it was awesome Was it actually? Most people it goes wrong. It's one of those things that like you know, it's complicated cuz everything's upside down but you know I've been thinking about it for so long that I was prepared You know but then you're playing a genius kid who probably has a better vocabulary than me I can't even say vocabulary. vocabulary. VOCABULARY and Yeah, so for me. It was just about sort of pitching my voice up a little bit And I do have kind of a naturally high voice anyway, my brother harry is like down here And he's younger than me, and it's super annoying on Civil war. I was in my trailer and I had a knock on the door and opened the door to one of the ADs and she said do you want to have dinner at downey town? I was like no. I'm fine. Thanks. I don't want to go to town. I'm okay in my trailer She said no no downey town. I said no. I don't want to go to Town I think I'm perfectly happy here in my trailer She said no no no Roberts little village that he has he has like Four trailers in a big square and a little garden in the middle with a chef this I went and had lunch with him and it was So intimidating like that, and then my last question is. it is completely off topic But I asked everybody I think you tell a lot about a person. What is your go-to karaoke song? Oh! My Heart Must Go On Is it really? No it's just the first song that popped into my head. I go into this room to do the audition, and I see Robert Downey Jr.. I go up to him I shake his hand nice to meet you, and I'm starting to panic right like oh my god it's Robert Downey Jr. I'm looking him in the face like going there's something different about you in person Did they do something to your face on camera like you don't look the same and then Robert then walked in And I realized I've been talking to his stunt double the whole time So I got my like nervous jittery stuff out of the way and then met Robert. Oh my god Tom, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you were a horrible auditioner Shut up or I'll break you I was born in the darkness I don't like this. you're making me uncomfortable. All right
Channel: CinePhile
Views: 15,489,707
Rating: 4.965807 out of 5
Keywords: Tom Holland, Spiderman, Marvel, Robert Downey, Homecoming, Peter Parker, Civil War
Id: DC6gB79GDzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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