Spider-Man Comics Aren’t What They Used To Be

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Spider-Man comics today absolutely break me into my core physically and mentally it's just in my eyes I don't see at all anymore where Peter's story is even going at this point whatsoever MJ now has two kids and dates some guy named [ __ ] Mark I think Peter gets his ass handed to him in every issue I've seen so far and is going nowhere in life for like the 50th time in a row and to top it all off Peter Parker is now working for Norman Osborne the same man that literally killed Gwen Stacy and blew her back out and gave her two kids Behind Peter's back and I find that while reading these stories and finding that Spider-Man is now riding a glider and acts like a teenage boy trying to ask out his Crush for black cat that I kind of just missed the simpler times where the Spider-Man comics had a charm to them in a direction where an issue would just be about Spider-Man maybe patrolling New York and just eating Chinese food on a rooftop and then after cracking open a fortune cookie and reading his fortune out of of pure luck he'd find a Subway card allowing him to get home free and without getting wet then upon taking the subway maybe a freak accident would occur he would have to save tons of people and then you would end up just fighting the next bad guy of the week and maybe by the end he would meet his aunt's new boyfriend just kind of always taking you down this always exciting life that Peter Parker has in this era of Spider-Man comics I have a ton of favorite stories but personally for me none can top this story I'm about to share with you it's a story that essentially covers Spider-Man's no kill role in the best way imaginable while also tackling Peter Parker's survivor's guilt along with Jay Jonah Jameson's Survivor guilt as well so providing context to the story while Spider-Man is trying to defeat his villain Aleister Smythe AKA The Spider Slayer Spider-Man is trouble stopping his Foe and in the process Smite tries to kill JJ and his wife but before Smythe can kill Jay Jonah Jameson his wife leaps in the way of smite's blades and in the process gets fatally wounded and JJ has to slowly watch as another level his life dies before him by an insane Maniac after this happens Jay Jonah Jameson ends up blaming himself for her death as he sees that he put her in that position to die in the first place after this the events proceeding show no dialogue but you can feel the silence within each panel seeing JJ waking from the bed he once shared with his wife now with just a void and as we go further the panels Express just how lonely he is now as we see things once used by his wife now Frozen in time and you can just feel the sadness dripping from these Pages you feel JJ's loss we then switch over to Peter's daily routine doing his morning shave putting on the costume and getting ready but while buttoning his clothes he cringes with guilt and throws away the suit seeing it as a reminder of his failure later on leaving to join every one of JJ's loved ones to arrive at the funeral and upon further panels we see Peter's guilt emerge further when JJ enters the cathedral displaying a white barrier separating Peter from the ones he cares about feeling a men's shame just being in the vicinity of JJ and his loved ones as the panels quickly go from the cathedral to the burial and once the process is complete there's another perfectly drawn panel of Jameson facing away from Peter as Peter almost looks as if he wants to say something anything but then the moment passes and it's 2 am and Peter finally closes his eyes to go to bed only for the next page to flourish into a spiral of the one night Peter's life changed forever like a fever dream of guilt as Peter tries again to save Uncle Ben but can't after this happens Peter's then thrusted into a kitchen looking over his parents shoulders and Peter running to them in excitement their faces are blank as his parents say nasty things to Peter such as it's been too long he doesn't remember our faces and that Peter thinks of Uncle Ben and Aunt May as his true parents then in a Flash Peter sees Uncle Ben's killer and Uncle Ben getting ready to go to the afterlife together while Peter absolutely can't comprehend what's happening going even further to show that Aunt May will join them as well soon but upon Peter taking her hand she turns into JJ's wife saying that if she were Aunt May Peter would have saved her however as Peter tries to beg for forgiveness he's launched into an amalgam of memories of everyone he's lost in the never-ending Crusade of being Spider-Man until he runs into the very woman he actually killed so long ago to make a long story short This Woman's name is Charlie and on an adventure with Wolverine events transpired that would culminate in Spider-Man throwing a punch meant for Wolverine but instead Charlie received it and Peter not holding back thinking it was Wolverine it would end up killing her instantly after this happened it was a huge event for Peter because he had actually killed somebody for the first time an accident or not it changed him so reminded of Charlie Peter falls to his knees and guilt and exclaims that he's tried so hard to forget and he's tried to reason with himself about his actions that day saying to himself it was an accident he took her life saying that he never meant to kill her and that's not who he is but as soon as he says this he's interrupted by the Green Goblin stating that what he's saying isn't true at all as Goblin says for Peter to be honest with himself that he's got and always has had the mind of a killer even as Peter begins wrap his hands around the Goblin's throat to kill him but it's soon interrupted by Gwen as she asks Peter if he could really do it this time and if Peter loves her enough to kill him but then Peter says that he really wanted to and that he planned to kill the goblin but Green Goblin interrupts him anyway to say that he was never going to kill him in the first place and that's what costed him not only his life but Gwen Stacy's life as well as they both fall from the bridge transitioning into a nightmarish graveyard of villains that have died and come back over and over again trying to kill Spider-Man until they all end up shot dead as Peter finds himself in a diner full of Heroes like The Punisher Wolverine and Scourge killing villains and heroes like stiltman in the Hornet telling Spidey that essentially to be a real hero means you have to be willing to kill as the nightmare switches over to a TV broadcast of the century killing Carnage ripping him in two while Century proceeds to give Peter's [ __ ] essentially about why he even kept a man like Carnage alive for so long saying to Peter that killing is Justified so long as it preserves life as the vision of Sentry gets darker and darker till the century becomes the void exclaiming to Peter that he honestly wouldn't have it any other way and all of these different scenarios that Peter's gone through end up culminating to Peter flashing back to watching Uncle Ben's killer getting away but this time after everything he's seen in his dream Peter grabs him by his throat and proceeds to punch him over and over until he's nothing but a bloody mess on the floor seeing that if he kills this man he'll save the lives of others but in getting up from beating the man to an inch of his life he looks to see Uncle Ben has taken his place telling him that this is how he'd kill his memory of him how he'd be responsible for the death of everything he's given to Peter the death of his love his pride and his memory if he ever killed Peter then shakingly tries to say to Uncle Ben that it would never come to that but then the dream asks if that's so what will you do now after this Peter wakes up shaking from the most trauma-induced dream of his life and looks at the Spider-Man suit knowing what he has to do next proceeding to put on the suit exclaiming that he's done accepting things the way they are so wearing to all of New York that from now on whenever Spider-Man is around no one else dies making the most impossible promise ever but you can help but feel such Hope from such a noble ideal only for the next panel to literally show somebody getting shot now to follow up with why I love this comic in particular it's mostly due to the following issue involving the villain Massacre who is literally created to question the idea of Spider-Man's no kill role and why it's so important Massacre is essentially a villain who was once an ordinary man that valued his life his career and his wife but after a fatal car bombing he would end up with a metal shard in his head and his wife dead from the explosion the metal shard would end up severing most brain functions like empathy for human life and would cause Massacre to almost be completely dead inside in this happening he would start killing large masses of people hence his name to try and feel any sort of human emotion at all like happiness sadness anxiety depression anger literally anything and we see this play out as he starts to blow up a building full of hostages Spider-Man man and the police would try to stop Massacre but Massacre would escape to do this frightening Act of Terror once again after this happens Days Later JJ holds a press conference with the victims of the bombing and JJ sees in a child's eyes who lost their mother the same grief as himself and losing his wife and Promises the kid that Massacre will die so he declares to New York that no matter what Massacre will be shot on site this is also pretty important to the character of Jay Jonah Jameson because in his eyes he sees Massacre as Aleister Smythe the same man that killed his wife so after this press conference this causes all of New York to also want him dead and Peter tries to stand against this as it goes against everything he's just promised because in Peter's eyes there will always be a hope that even someone like Massacre can be healed and given the chance for Redemption Peter stance gets backed up even further when he finds a reporter of Massacre's ailment and finds out that if treated Massacre can be the same man he once was again with time so as the story continues the police Corner Massacre along with Spidey and while Spidey saves the day and stops Massacre there's a brief moment where the police have massacre in their line of fire and JJ gives the order without a second thought to kill him but in the very last second with Peter's new Spidey suit he saves Massacre from the reign of bullets and says aloud no one else dies not even Massacre and to me there's just something so pure about this later upon turning massacre in JJ rips into Spider-Man about being an idiot for sparing Massacre's life but Peter says that JJ can't play God with people's lives even the likes of Massacre and that the people of New York need to be better otherwise they are just like the people they fight against JJ then says that even if Massacre goes behind bars there's always the possibility that he could break out again to which Spider-Man says that if he breaks out again he'll be there to stop him telling JJ that he's Spider-Man and when he's around no one else dies and JJ hearing this he pauses for a second and he literally says to Spider-Man that he's a [ __ ] idiot as Spider-Man just swings off and to end the story later landing on top of a building Peter swears again that he can do the impossible because he has great power and as Spider-Man he can can make it work promising the people of New York that everything he does moving forward will be for them ending the story now I love the story for so many reasons but most of all I love it for its caliber of writing and the way it sends Peter down a rabbit hole of guilt where he ultimately comes out of it all a better man and sets out to accomplish such a noble and almost impossible cause while also showing the other side of Peter's actions through JJ's turmoil and how he Grieves over his wife and how JJ ultimately targets his Vengeance through an entirely different person showing perfectly The Duality between how two people handle in their own ways a set of problems like survivor's guilt and so on and while reading you really feel that there is a point to all of it unlike how it is now where [ __ ] Green Goblin is the gold Goblin and oh look he's got a list of people he's wronged like the baby but anyways I guess my point in this video today was just to basically say that I wish Spider-Man comics today were like the Spider-Man comics of the past because most of the older stories are such a blast to read but moving forward I also wanted to say that I have another video I'll be working on about specifically JJ and spidey's dynamic in the near future so look for that and I hope you guys like this story and don't forget to leave a like And subscribe and I'll catch you all on the flip side
Channel: Mullet-Man Comics
Views: 436,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZQ_3Tvo3A6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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