The PROBLEM With the Justice League

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the Justice League are The A Team of the DC Universe whenever you think of superhero teams the Justice League will always come to mind the founding members are pretty much the poster boys of the DC Comics catalog and have single-handedly impacted the superhero genre for decades to come so a it kind of weird how they seem to be kind of neglected in more recent times more specifically how there haven't been a lot of projects as of late that properly demonstrate the team Dynamic and give light to other Justice League members that seem to be forgotten about entirely now sure there have been great Justice League adaptations in the past but it seems as if they aren't as pushed in the general public eye as they should be they lcy need that MCU Avengers treatment the thing about these characters is that within or outside their cinematic universes they are the most recognizable characters in comics outside of Marvel Comics ain't nobody mess with Iron Man or Thor to the degree General audiences do nowadays the Justice League doesn't or shouldn't need a Cinematic Universe in order for a plethora of media to adapt these characters properly but here we are the general public have a preconceived notion of how the Avengers interact with one another which further incre Intrigue whenever there's an Avengers or Marvel related project in the works even if it isn't MCU related The Avengers game was trash but before we got a proper look at it there was some hype surrounding it it was actually good an Avengers game following the success of the Avengers brand especially after Avengers endgame would have sold like hot kicks we lowkey might be living in the wrong timeline when The Suicide Squad have been getting more adaptations and love from WB than the goddamn Justice League even after the first Suicide Squad movie wasn't received too well the squad still got another chance at a feature film directed by James gun they're getting their own isekai anime and recently got their own video game where you kill the Justice League the freaking Suicide Squad really got a modern AAA game before the league themselves see now that's some [ __ ] and guys don't worry I'm not going to trash on the game since I've already made plenty of videos on why it doesn't work for me if you enjoy it that's perfectly a okay I'm not going to go on a mini rant or anything the games deserved enough crap as is so anyway Suicide Squad kill the Justice League is one of the worst modern superhero games ever created actual disgrace to the Arkham Universe disrespected pretty much every League member I don't know what the hell the team at Rock City were thinking when making this game I'm going to need this game's events erased from the timeline entirely and I'm not talking about the Arkham vers timeline I mean in real life I'm going to need one of y'all to go back in time and prevent this game from Ever Getting developed the most popular depictions of the Justice League in video games either have them divided or mind controlled except for the Lego Batman games Lego Batman 2 is lowkey Peak certain members of The Suicide Squad like Harley Quinn have been pushed heavily with let's say the birds of prey movie or Harley Quinn getting her own spin-off animated show Harley got her own animated series before the likes of Wonder Woman in the flash Peacemaker blew up like crazy with his spin-off show after The Suicide Squad film he's even made his way into modern mainstream DC Comics working under a Manda Waller causing a ruckus for characters like green arrow or the Titans Now Peacemaker isn't an original character from the DCU but he might as well have been since most diard fans never even heard of the character prior to the film's release Bros even a DLC character and Mortal Kombat 1 and his show is getting a second season that takes place in the new DCU I feel like ever since the flop of the Justice League film in 2017 this same level of respect just hasn't been seen with the rest of the league you know You' done messed up when the Ultimate Team Up movie of your Universe featuring the likes of freaking Batman Superman Wonder Woman in the flash all in the same film ends up being your first major Financial flop somehow making less than Man of Steel and Suicide Squad 2016 in the box office flop to make matters even worse the budget ballooned like crazy due to the massive re-shoot when they brought over Josh Weeden to re-shoot the whole film essentially them folk at Wonder Brothers were so hellbent on making the next Avengers as quick as possible instead of making something that's true and faithful to the extensive lore of the Justice League you don't need to do what the MCU is doing to replicate their success the characters comprising the Justice League are popular enough you don't even need to duplicate the Qui style of humor to attain the attention of General audiences well I knew you didn't bring me back cuz you like me I don't not I take it back I want to die man my toes hurt I don't even understand the physics of how my toes hurt oh yeah oh something is definitely bleeding I do you talk to fish the water does the talking he yes hearing about the original plans for the DCU Justice League and how that whole Dark Side Arc was going to get wrapped up sounded like the worst thing imaginable Zack Snider was not cooking at all with his depiction of the D Universe never let bro cook again bro had himself and his cultists out here believing fans are brainwashed for wanting their iconic Heroes to actually be faithful to the source material and not act like the goddamn Punisher saying how the no kill rule isn't consistent with Canon which is ironic knowing he hasn't read a single DC Book other than the Dark Knight Returns which is even funnier taking into account how he somehow misunderstood that book as well Batman has made it evidently clear in that story that he doesn't kill nor use guns but not with these These are loud and clumsy these are the weapons of cowards you [ __ ] is just [ __ ] he really said he would come back to DC if given the opportunity to do a direct adaptation of The Dark Knight Returns get that [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here bum ass [ __ ] I remember some of the OG plans had Batman and Lois Lane have a secret relationship following Superman's supposed death Lois Lane's death leading to Superman working with dark side which led to the apocalyptic future having another alternate future where Batman sacrifices himself to Fe dark side then having him and Lois's secret child raised by her and Superman with him becoming the next Batman in the future and I've got to say in all honesty um it's the biggest piece of dog [ __ ] that I have ever heard to add the cherry on top of this piece of crap of a cake there was never another Justice League film ever again in this garbage of a universe with Batman and Superman being absent for the most part with them only making cameos near the end of the DC eu's life cycle with the Flash and Black Adam with one being an empty promise and the other having the worst costume I've ever had to lay eyes on this is how the world's finest were treated in an interconnected DC Universe okay at least with the MCU they stayed true to who the main players were with characters like Iron Man and Captain America making consistent appearances throughout the MCU I think the biggest gap between Iron Man appearances was like two years Max Tony Stark was at least in every Marvel movie every year from 2016 all the way to endgame meanwhile before the flash Ben affle Batman had had made an appearance in any canonical DCU project so not including the SN cut in like 6 years not even a headless Cameo or silhouette now sure it might be unfair to point that out since Ben Affleck left the role entirely before coming back in the flash but it just paints a clear picture of how messy and disjointed everything was behind the scenes but the Superman disrespect was even crazier not giving my man's the respect he deserved for years at a time hey I'm just glad Black Adam never became some massive financial success cuz knowing Dwayne Johnson the DCU would have quickly became the Rock Cinematic Universe bro really wanted teth Adam to stand alongside the big dogs brother you're not him the thing that's crazy about it being so [ __ ] big your fan base is engaged everybody's engaged you make an announcement and your announcement is talking about hey we're not going to continue the world of Black Adam right uh for me I'm curious you didn't release the movie movie has success behind it you get some positive dollars in the goddamn box office behind it in a time where the box office uh seem to be taking hits dips the Trinity throughout the Universe felt less like a genuine group of friends that care for each other and more like co-workers they were acquaintances at best Justice League was so bad they pretty much gave up on the interconnectivity side of things they prioritized solo projects that may have taken place in the same universe but nothing was really done to tie all these projects together animation was once the PowerHouse of Immaculate DC adaptations particularly with depiction surrounding the Justice League the dcau is pretty much the most beloved DC Universe adaptation of all time time giving proper due to not only the founding members but also giving light to some of the more obscure members like the question Huntress Vixen and many others it's pretty much the best interpretation of nearly every DC character imaginable and the Justice League movies that were coming out around this [Music] time I'm talking bangers like jce League the New Frontier being able to incorporate a unique style that's accurate to the comic itself and Implement a good balance of themes surrounding hope and optimism Justice League Doom and crisis on Two Earths are in the mix of being some of the best films in the entire catalog of DC animated movies the crime syndicate especially in crisis onto Earth served as really interesting antagonists nearly every Syndicate member was on some Demon timing you've got possibilities little man sadly I don't have time to play with you freaky animators animated a whole lip bite and everything nice moves you remind me of my boyfriend friend your call sorry you're not my type that's going to cost you a rib you think you can hide from me with a smoke bomb it's not smoke it's anesthetic [Music] gas get off my plan [Music] the Justice League films post flasho Paradox aren't bad but they kind of pale in comparison to the films mentioned prior sure you see glimpses of the league throughout the DC muu and a couple of films focusing on the league themselves like Justice League War and Throne of Atlantis Justice League versus Teen Titans Death of Superman and the reign of the Superman then apocalypse War characters like flash and how Jordan Green Lantern aren't given much to do after Justice League War I feel like there isn't a lot of strong chemistry amongst the core members with not a lot of bonding going on amongst the Trinity especially a weird thing I noticed is how in the background there would be more added members of the Justice League like John stew G Lantern Marsh Man Hunter or Hawkman but you never see them get introduced they just pop out of nowhere like they were there the whole time or they were initiated off screen I recommend spending more time on the streets instead of flying over them he's even friendlier than they say like dog where the hell did you come from the added members don't do anything of value either all they do is either get folded up in Death of Superman or apocalypse [Music] War let those who worship Evil's might beware my power Green Lanterns light let me tell yall something all right I like Cyborg and all but I would much rather prefer him as a main member of the Teen Titans or a Titans type of Team rather than a founding member of the Justice League Most of the time when I see him in the league he's just used as a good resource to teleport places or the chemistry with him in the league just isn't as strong as in comparison to him with the Titans his relationships with the Titans cast are a lot more authentic and heartfelt to me at least more recent Justice League films have either been Ensemble films like apocalypse war and crisis on infinite Earth so tomorrow somewhat skipped over the proper formation of the Justice League which was always a bit odd to me since you would see the pieces set in stone for what I thought would be a proper Jus League team up movie showing glimpses of future members maybe if we stick together we can keep the peace you suggesting like a club yeah something like that it's for you sir I'm thinking Justice League War war was the chance for us to see these characters come together but nah you only see a few instances of Justice League team ups in crisis on heav Earth's part one but it's kind of late for that since the crisis Trilogy is marking the end of that short lived Universe to make matters even worse crisis on infinite Earths includes appearances from other characters that have never shown up in the tomorrow verse up until that point who would have made really great additions to the World building of the universe as a whole a criminally underrated modern depiction of the Justice League however is the show that aired on Cartoon Network some years back called Justice League action think of it as Justice League Unlimited but more comedic and lighthearted most of the voice cast is new but Kevin Conor Ro is the voice of Batman so that's already at plus 10 points in the grade book The Comedy in the show isn't on some Teen Titans Go type beat it's able to manifest seamless comedic moments without making the League members look like morons or disrespectfully make fun of them it honestly has some of the best comedic moments I've seen in any DC show I thought maybe this time I could be the bad cop you'd better watch yourself with my partner here any little thing can set him off let's put a little light on the subject uh oh sorry too bright you got to be kidding me coffee God I thought you might like coffee it's good why are you showing me your teeth what is that donut is it poison it's chocolate I'll talk I'll tell you everything as soon as they realize you've Kid famous actor Mark Hamill those will pay plenty of simoleons to get you back you bet they will watch your T you witless wannab be I didn't say anything you paranoid prankster did you see my mouth moving you want to make something of it maybe I do great Scott I'm in Batman's suit mixus pedix played musical chairs with our minds my heat vision shut it off I don't know how think cold thoughts Batman's disapproving stare Batman is used to fighting multiple foes but not with the volatile emotions of a teenage girl why is everyone staring at me hold it hold it that is not how Batman sounds like this I am Batman I am Batman I'm Batman even lower I'm Batman it gives proper due to the other less unknown DC characters like Blue Beetle and his Dynamic with the rest of the Justice League Firestorm Star Girl Swamp Thing Plastic Man Green Arrow it's a good time but hey at least Young Justice had a decent lineup of Justice League members you got two green landard in there that's already up plus it was a pretty large and diverse lineup that was cool to see with what little screen time they were given as a whole which is fine because the show was called Young Justice not Justice League it would be nice to see how the team expands going forward in season 3 and Beyond I wonder what new role Batman's going to play but I hereby tender my resignation to the Justice League so do [Music] I there really needs to be a better emphasis on the more underrated Justice League members as you don't really see them often depicted in media characters like zatana or vixon are only given side roles in only a few animated projects here in there there was bad potential to shed more light on the magical sides of the DC Universe and the DCU with John Constantine in justice league dark and the Constantine city of demons film you see characters like rran and zatana in justice league dark but then you also have Batman in the mix like who invited man blood I don't remember ever seeing characters like Dr Fate or more screen time dedicated to the magical side of the universe outside of the justice league dark film and apocalypse War this problem most definitely isn't limited to animation I know outside in other media for instance JJ Abrams was supposed to to be a major part in the development process of a justice league dark project in live action alongside a zatana project I think but knowing him in the DCU all them projects would have been hot garbage and in the context of the DCU killing off Dr Fate and Black Adam could be one of the stupidest creative decisions in the history of mankind Martian Manhunter deserves more love than he currently does my man has been a founding member of the Justice League both pre and post crisis DC Comics I feel like I haven't seen Martian Man Hunter be a main player in the Justice League since like jlu where he took the role of the coordinator of the expanded Justice League roster handing out missions to different Heroes and keeping an eye on things in the Watchtower the Justice League the major pillar of the DC Universe have honestly just been sidelined in recent media adaptations overshadowed by other characters and teams like The Suicide Squad this shift not only reflects a missed opportunity to capitalize on the rich Dynamics and deep lore of the league but also highlights a trembling Trend where the essence of the Justice League is diluted in an attempt to mimic the success of another superhero franchise the potential for EXP exporing lesser known characters and deeper more intricate story lines exists and it's time that the Justice League receive the attention and creative energy they truly deserve give them a modern AAA game have them be a major aspect of the new DCU under James G Peter saffran yo James I better see a j League film in that slate you know first 10 projects I don't see one y'all Mak an Titans movie but where's my Judes League movie James where is it bring him back in comics since they're currently disbanded and the Titans being Earth's major line of defense just do something please am I not supposed to have what I want what I need
Channel: M Enterprises
Views: 94,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V0uzC5hd518
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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