Spider Man 2 Ending Explained - New DLC & Third Game Teases (Spider Man 2 PS5 Ending Explained)

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the ending for Spider-Man 2 Theses a lot of new content from story Theses for potential DLC to setting up the next game plot and even more spin-off games in order to talk about this I need to get into heavy Main and sight content spoilers so if you haven't completed the game yet save this video for later but if you have let's talk about what exactly happened in the ending Cuts scenes for the main game so the first big te the ending delivers comes from Norman osbor heartbroken that his son Harry is in a coma he makes a call telling someone to get the G serum ready ASAP which is of course setting up his transformation into a proper super villain as this strength enhancing serum sends Norman into insanity and eventually turns him into the Green Goblin and I think much like the first Spider-Man game teasing the Venom symbiote at the end to set up the next game Norman is going to play a huge part in a potential third entry I think he is the perfect fit especially if you look at the other main villains we've seen so far well although Octavius posed less of a physical thread his intelligence is what made him a terrifying opponent Venom is the exact opposite an alien intelligence that simply seeks to spread and challenge a Spider-Man with overwhelming strength and then presumably we end with Norman The Green Goblin who has acquired super strength thanks to the G serum and it has also turned what was already a brilliant businessman even smarter so a threat to both Peter smarts and strength plus of course the personal connection they share thanks to Norman's son Harry which let's not forget means that Norman already despises the Spider-Man so even before he goes insane and turns into the goblin he's already planning to take them down and you can see the first step of his plan in another one of the ending scenes as he goes to visit Otto Octavius on the raft Norman wants to learn the identity of both Spider-Man from Otto who is busy writing something he refers to as the final chapter hinting at his return as an active villain now there is a comic also called the Final Chapter which I don't think is relevant here maybe it hints at the fact that the the third game will be the last one of course if you have an idea on what he's planning I'm curious to read about it in the comments but yeah I think we are in for an epic opening for the third game with the ending of two also setting up that Peter wants to take a step back from being Spider-Man I think it's going to be a roote Awakening for him when Norman SL the Green Goblin and dog or Target him personally and pull him back in and the potential cost of villains for the next game is even bigger but before we discuss those let's actually talk about our newest potential ally in the moon she is introduced in the post credit scene where she shows up with her dad at miles's place with no face revealed yet which is probably for the best is Harry's VA and face model were also changed between the first and second games but yeah I immediately jumped on Google after hitting the ending and turns out that Cindy moon is another spider person who goes by the Alias of silk the main thing that would set her apart from miles and Peter is that she is not as strong but much more agile and her Spider Sense is way more developed than the other two there's also the fact that she's bitten by the same spider as Peter which causes an let's say interesting dynamic between the two because they were bitten by the same spider Cindy and Peter immediately become very attracted to each other I personally hope this is not included I can do without the MJ drama that would cause and I also believe there will be more than enough problems to focus on in the next game although we of course don't know if Insomniac is sticking with that part of the story at all either way much like at the end of the first game when a new spider person is in roduced it does of course make sense to give them their own Standalone title and properly introduce the character and their powers considering miles's Standalone Endeavor sold 4.1 million copies less than 2 months after launch I think it's safe to say these games are profitable as well which means we definitely could see a silk game in between two and the next major entry although we have to keep in mind that Miles had already been properly introduced by the end of the first game and got even more character building and Theses in the DLC now we don't have confirmation on any DLC for Spidey 2 yet but there is a side quest in the game that foreshadows the appearance of another villain that I think would make perfect sense for a DLC we'll touch on that and way more of course leave a like if you are hyped for more Insomniac Spider-Man content and subscribe to not miss our next Spidey video okay so at the end of the flame side quest for Peter you are confronted face to face with the leader of the flame cult as he steals a symbiot from osor and Well he kind of already introduces his villain Alias himself Carnage after the mission Yuri will also confirm that the man is indeed Cletus Cassidy who becomes host to the dangerous symbiote Carnage Yuri says the investigation to find him could take months or even years but if I'm being honest I think that could change because while he planned to steal the Symbiote pretty well once he actually BNS with it it could very well change his personality into something much more violent and sporadic like we saw with both Peter and Harry so you would think that he starts leaving some very clear tracks after after that making it easier for Yuri to track him down alternatively maybe the months to even years mention is there to let us know that it will be a while before we get to fight him in future content I personally hope it will be DLC though that starts with a new wave of symbiote attacks of course now led by a mysterious new red symbiote I also think it makes more sense to keep the Venom stuff tied to just one game as it might over complicate the plot of any future titles especially if we already have do or and the Green Goblin as main antagonist in part three so I hope Carnage gets the same treatment as Hammerhead did in the city that never sleeps for example which will also wrap up all the current symbiote story so we have kind of a clean slate when we go into the third game although who knows there are many directions in which insomnia can take this story there is a story line where Miles becomes infected with a Carnage symbiote which is what the absolute Carnage suit in the game is based on and one where Norman steals it and becomes the red Goblin there is even the potential that the Symbiote story becomes much bigger if we look at some of the evidence in Dr Conner's lab who was of course the first to find and research the meteorite that carried the Venom symbiote if we take a look at his drawings we see a recurring symbol that also appears on the head of each symbiote in the game and this spiral means the Symbiote is affiliated with null the god of symbiote he is kind of a big deal in the Marvel Comics as he was chosen to be the king in Black to keep balance in the universe but instead null decided to kill the celestials who came to him with this offer and created the Symbiotes to wage war against them so while it seems like the Symbiotes in Spider-Man 2 answer to Venom this symbol suggests that Venom himself might even serve a higher power there's not much more we can learn from Conor's notes aside from speculation plus the fact that the meteor also shows this red spiral design and while Brian interart did tease that the next game in the series would be even bigger I don't think fighting a god of darkness is what he meant if anything I think a potential connection to null is best left explored in a standalone Venom game which might be more likely than you think as they did of course make him playable for a very small section of the game senior narrative director John pette also said in an interview with Insider that Insomniac is open to the idea of a standalone Venom game if it's what the fans really want I personally think that would be the perfect way to continue the Symbiote storyline as its own thing with the only remaining question them being who becomes the new Venom if you have any theories on that feel free to share them in the comments now I already mentioned Carnage but there is of course another side quest that Theses the arrival of a new villain if you complete all the unidentified Target so the bird drones you have to chase down you will eventually learn that Craven was looking for Demitri smov AKA chameleon who was also his half brother and while he might lack the brute strength Craven has on display he is a much more cunning foe thanks to his ability to impersonate and look like pretty much anybody not a big threat on his own mind you but we do of course have to keep in mind that the first iteration of the Sinister Six is running very short on members vulture Electro Scorpion and presumably even Rhino are dead Lee has seemingly lost his powers after freeing Peter from the Symbiote which means that the only remaining active member Is AO so I think High chance part of his final chapter involves looking for some like-minded super villains and we already know Norman Osborne is on that list but in the final scene after leaving chameleon's apartment we see him staring at Spider-Man saying that he will do what his brother could not which of course means he wants to kill Spidey and like I said earlier on his own chameleon's powers aren't that scary but if someone like that is being put to use by Norman and Alo let's just say we shouldn't trust anyone that still only makes three of course and if Carnage does not get his own DLC he could make four if you have some good guesses as to who could round out that roster of villains be sure to let us know in the comments and while Spider-Man 2 sets up a lot for the future of Insomniac Spider-Man it might also include ATS for another piece of Spider-Man media I think a lot of you will have called that these spider bols that appear as Collectibles are in some way tied to the spiderverse movies but there is a bit more to it than that if you collect all of them you receive a final location where a mysterious portal opens up in a wall the other side shows a bar with a woman the Lila who collects the spider Bolts from you and ends with the line if Miguel comes looking for these tell him Finders Keepers so for one that confirms the connection to Miguel oara from the spiderverse movie but I'd argue that this mysterious Delila is actually even more interesting she is a cut character from across the spider verse who was supposed to run the bar with no name a Gathering Place for villains which we of course did not see in that movie but especially with this Cameo and Spidey 2 I'm pretty sure she will show up in beyond the spider verse so I think we got our first these at the movie cleverly hidden in a Spider-Man video game just like Spidey 2 footage was teased in across the spiderverse and who knows maybe this connection goes both ways and as using the Multiverse of course allows for much more creative freedom when it comes to designing environments as much as I enjoy swinging around New York it does get syy after a couple of hours and we know Insomniac has the tech to pull you from one world into the next in the blink of an eye as displayed during the black cat Mission and of course Ratchet and Clank Rift apart so I can definitely see some multiversal Madness being part of a third major Spider-Man game again if you have any theories on these ending Theses let us know in the comments and if you made some photo mode shorts you're proud of be sure to drop them in our Discord which will be linked in the pinned comment at the end of each video our editor and photo mode expert Joyce will highlight some of our favorites so Joyce the floor is yours yes thanks Dennis how's it going everyone the first one is from epic who took this picture where Miles does his own stunts with a stunning view of the city in the background we've also got zunar where Peter is taking on a symbiote while using the iron arms looks very sharp with this point of view including the black webs behind it and my absolute favorite of the bunch is from call me Ali who took venom for a spin in the photo mode with this amazing Action Shot damn they can post now can't they going to try this out for myself too thanks Joyce leave a like if you enjoyed the video and if you want you can watch our previous one on some amazing Easter egg in the City by clicking on the screen I will see you in the next one goodbye bye
Channel: JorRaptor
Views: 137,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider man 2 ending explained, spider man 2 ending, spider man 2 ps5, jorraptor, spider man 2, spider man 2 dlc, spider man 2 ps5 ending explained, spider man 2 easter eggs, spider man 2 ps5 easter eggs, spiderman 2 dlc, spider man 2 explained, spider man 2 secrets, spider man 2 ps5 dlc, spiderman 2 ending, spiderman 2, marvel spider man 2 ending explained, spiderman 2 ending explained, spider-man 2 ending, spider-man 2 ending explained, spider-man 2 dlc, spider-man 2
Id: kNUdSiTPL64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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