The Spider-Man 2 Story Fully Explained! (Spider-Man 2 Story Summary)

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Spider-Man 2 I've waited so long for the release of this game after thoroughly enjoying the first one and Miles Morales and when I saw Venom was going to be in the second one I was so excited to see the direction they' take this game but today is finally the day the story explain video for Spider-Man 2 now existing or returning viewers of this sort of series on the channel will know that these videos are created for those that maybe not don't have access to the game right now or maybe it's not your type of game or how could I forget don't have a PlayStation 5 because it is an exclusive after all let me know what your thoughts are on Spider-Man 2 Down Below in the comments and of course with this being a huge release and one of the biggest of the Year let's aim for 1,000 likes on today's video if we do reach 1,000 likes I'll be giving away a couple of copies of a few random people in the comments so stick around to the end of the video to learn how to do that subscribe to the channel for more content coming as well it's going to be a jam-packed end of the year for us content wise and you do not want to miss anything coming out but without further Ado everyone this is Spiderman man 2's story explained before we just jump straight into the storyline of Spider-Man 2 I think it's fitting that we get a little bit of a recap of the story so far from the first game and mil Morales so let's watch it together hey Pete I'm working on a college application and it says I got to tell them about myself more like sell yourself it's the worst you got any advice well take me hi I'm Peter Parker I'm 25 years old I have a bachelor's degree in biophysics and I'm in love with the greatest woman ever humble brag who is the best journalist in this city word go MJ I try to live up to the example set by the other greatest woman ever my Aunt May humble brag again damn and a while back I was bitten by a radioactive spider and got superpowers I can't put that in my essay hey I'm laying the track as I drive the train I've used my powers to help the city and stop a lot of people who wanted to hurt it like my mentor Dr Otto Octavius his lab got shut down by an old colleague Norman Osborne Auto retaliated by releasing a bioweapon in the end I managed to stop aotto but not without great cost that was pretty good but I'm no Peter Parker exactly you're Miles Morales you're 17 years old and a student at Brookland Visions Academy what else I guess I help out with my mom's work in Harlem every now and then she's councilwoman real Morales and there is a girl I like who's spectacular and inspiring and I think is one of the best artists in the city and I also got bitten by a radioactive spider that gave me superpowers I learned how to be a Spider-Man from the OG but I learned how to be a hero from my dad he was killed by Martin Lee in the city hall bombing the good I try to do every day is the good my dad planted in me but it's been hard even with superpowers sometimes we can't save the people we love no matter how hard we try a hero is someone who doesn't give up though and I don't plan to I don't know man I can't talk about me without talking about Spider-Man sure you can you just have to uh yeah why don't you just start another draft okay so now we've got our refresher out of the way let's dive straight into the story line the story story of Spider-Man 2 begins in the home of the osbornes with his son Harry Osborne stood staring at a tank filled with an unfamiliar substance towards the end of Spider-Man 1 Harry Osborne said to the likes of Mary Jane and Peter that he was studying away in Europe which explained his absence throughout the entirety of the first game whereas in fact Harry was diagnosed with a disease that would almost certainly go on to kill him later down the line and one that took the life of his mother therefore his father Norman was trying his best to find a cure for Harry to make his fate not the same as his mother's and one of the therapy methods was to place Harry and never in a tank and begin that process this was where he was throughout the entirety of the first game and at the very end that's where we see him for the first time however at the beginning of Spider-Man 2 we can see Harry and Norman having a conversation pertaining to the thing inside this container the place where Harry was once stoed asking him if he's ready and if he's feeling okay Harve requested one thing from his father however that is that if this process didn't work for him to take him out of this container so that Harry can say his goodbyes to everyone properly his friends his family members before the disease takes over his body however suddenly as Norman places his arm around the neck of his son something comes crawling out from over his shoulder from within his Blazer a black creep feure which made its way into Harry and inside of his mouth with it then cutting to a scene showing Harry inside the same container held captive by this thing screaming in pain what is this thing well that's for later into the [Music] video we now cut to present day miles sat in class early with his fellow classmates coming in also however there was a new teacher at the school that day one that was a little late to say the least hi my name's Pete Mr Mr Parker uh and we are all very lucky today because this is physics class and physics is awesome as you can see a pretty tough crowd Pete I mean Mr Parker was trying to live a normal life was also doubling as the city's hero spider man however during his really interesting speech relating to physics well something started to happen outside sand particles started to plague the outside with a student even standing and shutting the window miles spotted this earlier and decided that he needed to go and have a look for himself he was excused from the class and burst back in a short time later asking Mr Parker for his assistance this was not something Pete needed right now as he needed this job but this could not wait both miles and Peter left the class and made their way to the rooftop of the school where in the distance sanman better known as Marco there was only one thing for the two to do [Music] [Music] here [Music] both Peter Mars made their way into the city to confront Marco and tried to stop him from cing Havoc around the city however when they got there he didn't seem too pleased to see them there seems to be a pretty long history between Marco and Peter specifically Spider-Man took down Marco a couple of years in the the past and since then he's just held a grudge throwing him into the nearest skyscraper during combat Pete gets a call from his boss the head teacher you know the the one that they just abandoned completely his students were evacuated from class due to of course the infiltration of the city from San and well he's not there and she wasn't best pleased miles jumps in to try and help however had a very similar fate thrown through a skyscraper here Marco confronts him Marco just wanted to live a normal life like everyone else but since he was turned into the Sandman he's never going to be able to get that opportunity however we had to bring him down again Pete was Swept Away by Marco and decided to bring out one of the new prototype gear sets that he and Miles were working on the web Wings the web Wings they're flying but we're not out of this yet Marco's at Pier 4 Beach what happens if he gets all that sand I think he just did Miles and Pete use water and electricity to bring down Marco and defeat the Sandman and have him finally be taken away however before he is taken away Marco mentions to both Pete and Miles that they're going to need help when they come for them who is he referring to samon was taken away to a facility and it's then that we travel 6 months into the past here we see a man moving cautiously through a jungle one covered in scars tattoos and mud he spots a leaf in front of it which looks to be covered in blood he stops tastes to confirm and hears a rumble in front of him he stabs a fake being a mannequin and behind him a man called Craven Craven kills this man with great ease with his bare hands and others follow behind him this guy looks to be very powerful and he tasks his team with finding him and equal someone that could best him in combat however one of his team made a suggestion to travel and search for exactly that in New York City where there is a plethora of different villains showing up on this tablet one of them of course being Sandman Craven smirks at the idea and they set off on their way to New York City where the story line of Spider-Man 2 begins [Music] we then cut back to New York and con seeed the aftermath of the fight with Marco sand smothering the streets skyscrapers completely destroyed with the app used for civilians to report crime completely offline app is BU the whole City's Telecom network was down therefore that was our first task to get the app back online Peter miles restored the network in two areas of the city allowing them to help a few people in need here and there one of the requests was to save a VIP and when we saved them well the VIP was someone very very unexpected we took Jonah Jameson to the hospital however well during this time P gets a call from his boss you know the school that he's supposed to be teaching at asking where he is again she wants him back at the school for a chat so Miles gkey and Haley all stood by and watched their conversation unfold and well it didn't go very well Peter was fired from his job as a teacher there and then miles however lets Pete know of a job going at the New York bulletin as a photographer Pete will send in a few shots here and there and there's a small bit of cash there to be made for him however once all of that was done Pete decided to return home where he meets MJ out front since the death of Aunt May Pete's been living in a house ever since trying to front up the cash outside of being Spider-Man to pay for a mortgage however MJ worked for Jonah Jameson the one that hates Spider-Man and funly enough the one that he saved Jonah might be clearing house internally at the bugle so she too could join Pete in the unemployment line if she doesn't write a French page article within the next week she is a very big risk of being fired within the house we tried to clean up a little bit as it wasn't in the best state to impress Mary Jane and as we see it's very much just stuff all over the place with us finding a statement from Big City Bank showing that Pete owes almost $5,000 of overdue payments we continue to explore the house and it just brings back memories after memories Jameson as usual talking smack around Spider-Man and Peete well he lost it punching a hole into the wall this is when an May walks in staring at the hole Peete punched into the wall she sat and spoke to him on the bed telling him how busy she was when she was younger stating that she took so much responsibility on and that she began to fail everything however when she started to focus on fewer things she then became much better at those fewer things as opposed to doing a million things and trying to master them all but failing this got through to Pete there and then and that became relatable to his current situation he's got so much going on with being Spider-Man he can't be Peter Parker anyway MJ leaves the house to follow up on a lead and suddenly a gasp outside Pete Sprints out of the house in the front door and there was Harry they both Sprint over to him and wrap their arms around him like they haven't seen him in years Harry tells them both what essentially happened what killed his mom is exactly what he's got and he's in remission MJ takes off to follow up on a lead and well Harry wanted to do something with Pete he pulls a bike out of the boots of his car and they get on their way catching up along the way before finally ending up at their old high school it turns out they used to do this regularly with us flashing back to them as kids doing exactly this breaking in and just looking around or causing Havoc we make our way through the school sneaking past all of the guards and it was at this time where Pete only just found out about his Spider-Man abilities this is going back in time of course so we still getting used to things here and there they finally reached the gymnasium shot a few hoops and went back to their mission at hand flashing back to when they were kids a student named flash broke Harry's laptop so they were going to try and get him back they finally got to Pete's old Locker this is in present day and inside was a plaque placed there by Harry which is weird because they don't go to that school anymore so how he got in there I we don't know but then in comes a security yard Pete thought this was all part of the plan but it of course wasn't and Harry ran off and Pete followed suit they both Sprint out of there flashing back again to their younger self the police were outside waiting with this flash drive in Pete's hand to try and get back at Flash the officers burst into the room surrounding everyone but of course Harry and Pete were hiding Pete being Spider-Man he was on the wall and the thumb drive they came to look for the guard picked it up Pete got the drive back and they went outside and there was a helicopter but this wasn't the cops it was Norman Osborne it was here that we learned that Harry's mother Emily Osborne had died and his father came to break the the news to him there and then and this is flashing back to present day now Harry gave him a pack with a pass inside for Pete asking him to be co-founder of a New Foundation that he had just created the Emily May Foundation Harry tells pet to stop by his lab tomorrow and together they're going to heal the world we then break to three veto like ships one of which contains Craven they finally made it to New York Miles Morales was writing up something that he could use for college and he was doing this on his bed in pretty cool style however Pete gives him a call and any excuse to not have to do some work he's on his way his mom pins his mask to the fridge so that he when he takes it off there's a picture of his father to remind him what he's fighting for before miles leaves however his mother Rio comes in and breaks some news to him she's now getting back out there in the dating scene she wants to invite a guy she's been seeing over for dinner to meet miles they hug it out as it must be difficult for both of them going through this process and they agree miles makes his way over to Pete and there they stood outside a holding facility for all of these villains the first one that walks out scorpion he can smell the presence of Spider-Man as he leaves the building another also released is Martin Lee this one touched home with Miles particularly as he was the reason why his father died however suddenly in the distance a series of red yellow and green explosions all went off almost like powder fireworks almost a Ready set go notification suddenly however a series of boats and vtols came out of nowhere firing at all of the guards on the ship all with one goal in mind to free the prisoners for Craven the ship was pulled in by a series of winches preventing it from sailing away Peter miles tried to free the winches from the ship preventing the people drowning inside however it wasn't looking good with Scorpio being freed by miles's ability by complete accident miles however was caught by the Scorpion's tail making him hallucinate seeing his dad lay in front of him dead miles breaks free from the ship and stops the propeller from injuring a series of civilians but then walks out Lee they stare each other down when suddenly Lee was grappled away miles tried his best to keep Lee there but behind him hundreds of lives were potentially about to be lost with this massive propeller from the ship crushing up the dock miles lets go of Lee and destroys the propeller and Lee and Scorpion well they were gone Pete made his way to Harry's lab in the Emily May Foundation the following day inside Pete comes across a tree with a plaque in memory of Emily Osborne and may Parker shortly after spotting this in walks Harry and of course Norman this wasn't quite the startup Pete was expecting not like it's in a garage it's an entire facility more like an Enterprise but it's just what Pete needed to step away from maybe a bit of responsibility with Spider-Man Harry gives Pete the tour of the building here we see all the incredible Tech AC Ross the building even going to meet Dr Connor again which was pretty cool he's the one leading the check up on Harry after his treatment for those that don't know Dr Connors is in fact the lizard but this is set after he's already had his outbreak so he at the moment he is just normal anyway we meet Harry back upstairs and explain the situation to him what art May said things are so hectic right now but Harry needs to explain to Pete that what they're doing here is something special the impact that they will have that they will do literally whatever they can to save the world but before Pete accepts there's only one condition can I move my desk over there I like to face the wall when I [Laughter] work oh one quick thing [Applause] Pete hastily leaves after a message from Miles the guy that took Lee and Scorpion well miles and Ganky tracked the exhaust fumes from the nearby Bridge from the Vets however no sign of them at all when they got there until littering come on man huh there look to be a force field around a specific section of the bridge inside a fight waiting for us PJs a nearby computer and then takes off on a drone and when followed we find the group of people that ambushed us we find a location in the middle of the city very run down it used to in fact be an old Food Market until a buyer last week took it over this company known as a shell company has been acquiring property all over the city who are these people well of course of course it's Craven's crew right P makes his way deeper in and comes across a research lab is there we see a picture of Lee and the members of feast with Craven testing Lee's blood maybe he's trying to figure out where Lee got his powers from along with scorpions hallucinogens even going to the extent of finding the doctor's name that gave scorpion the ability it was further in we also find what Craven's actually looking for not just Scorpion and Lee but also black cat also other villains across the city one thing though is that black cat isn't a villain she's just a thief however before we could find out more we cut to Craven here he's being introduced to the villains that he's captured first one being scorpion in which he completely overpowered breaking off his tail like it was nothing stabbing him in the stomach and killing him there and then so easily Craven wasn't actually wanting to team up with these villains they're his prey if they're not his equal they die if they don't best him in combat they die however tonight was a big night for Miles and his mother her date was finally coming round to meet him but he gets a message from Pete saying that he had to leave and they had to reschedule dinner for another night however Pete tells us that he found out a lot about who these Safari Pirates as they refer to them as were Craven was hunting these villains down just like Sam man said at the very start they were hunting Sam man too and ultimately if they were successful he would have been dead however there's one person that's close to Pete that is on the list and that's black cat the one we mentioned earlier black cat was actually named Felicia and it's Peter's ex-girlfriend miles tries to track her down and inform her of what's going on and then out of nowhere a portal opens and out comes black cat miles chases her through the city and well she has a wand allowing her to portal around the city and steal more art and be a better thief of course we finally catch up with her and then we tried to talk about a sentence without stopping Craven here we learn that black cat's current girlfriend is in situated in Paris and she's in a lot of trouble she tried to use the one to get to Paris to try and help her but couldn't figure out how to do it or to get that far however miles tries to help he both grab the wand and both think of the Eiffel Tower suddenly a portal opens and there it is black cat steps through and she's gone miles now has the wand the first thing he does is requested to show him Lee but the wand turns into a note and disappears we then get a call from gy stating that Mysterio AKA Quinton Beck is making an appearance at Coney Island tonight and he could very well be one of R's next targets here he's putting on a show and Miles agrees to participate as he makes his way inside inside this dream world miles is able to do whatever he wants living his actual dream of becoming a DJ this was really sick however on the other side of the platform was Martin Lee Quinton Beck shuts down his ride after it went a little bit wrong and Miles decided to take in early early night and go home however Pete MJ and Harry all enjoyed catching up and having a good time in con Island going on a couple of rides playing some games and just enjoying each other's company they moved to the go-karting section and there was a villain Tombstone however he wasn't much of a villain in this state anyway to end off the night Pete and MJ take a ride on the ferris wheel and whilst Harry goes off to try and win a few more unicorns they went up there and MJ gets a text Jonah posted the new guy's story and not hers so MJ's job is still at risk however suddenly Inc comes the Safari Pirates targeting tombstone in particular P takes out the goons but they've completely destroyed the park putting the roller coasters at risk all the people on them as well he does all he can to save them help I'm sorry but after nowhere is that Harry Harry Pete it was at this point that Harry knew Spider-Man was Pete and Pete knew Harry's secret they reconvened up the top of the building and well had a well overdue conversation Harry tells Pete what this black thing coming out of him was or at least what he knew of it being Dr Connor said that this seems to be some form of self-learning Exo Suit but didn't know what it could do exactly both decided to look into this a little bit more and take it back to the lab and run a couple of tests so this is exactly where they both go they finally reached the research facility in the foundation building and just had the bit of fun with it they were there all night and well in walks Norman in the early morning Pete left so they could have a little bit of a chat black cat however radioed to both spiders a little bit later on giving them a tip as to where the location of the Safari pilots and Tombstone was P takes this one for himself and makes his way there inside however Harry what are you doing here helping you out Spider-Man Harry's wanting to help us too so they make their way through finally find Tombstone and as the facility falls apart all three of them sprint out of there we speak to Tombstone and find that they were waiting for Craven to get there to finish the job what they said but they ended the conversation in a civil handshake and on their way they went the interesting part about this is that when Harry and Pete fist bump Harry's chest changes the suit that he's wearing changes the design changes this thing works interesting nice design what do you mean didn't you just huh I guess I did would you look at that he makes his way back to the foundation where Harry said and MJ said that these Safari pirates look to be looking for Dr Conor now however MJ calls and mentions that she's outside of his house and reports that it's crawling with these goons MJ was in the back of the truck and it just drove off and ended up being in an abandoned Zoo nearby inside we see a paper trail of things pointing towards Connor and the lizard further on inside however we find another villain's equipment MJ in the background hears the cries of Connors though and she takes a look outside and he's being placed into a cell chain clean up MJ makes her way to the cage and attempts to open it freeing Connor from this cage however in walks Craven he's holding a syringe one that looks to be injected into Connor's neck and it was at this stage that he started to turn back into the lizard Peter and Harry turned up at this point with Connors and MJ making their way to the lab to try and recreate an antidote to whatever serum this was however it was too late during the midst of battle Craven stabbed Pete in the stomach and threw him out of the greenhous like he was nothing with the knife still wedged into the side of him Harry continues to fight Craven equaling him in the fight Pete's losing Consciousness however as Mary Jane escorts him into another area of the zoo trying to get him out of all of this danger his breathing was slowing down and his voice was softening too I don't think am I breathing I'll kill you Harry do it then look out out I know I know I know shh it's okay come on I can't I can't see Focus PE One Foot In Front of the other come on sorry I was always so busy don't look we're almost Pete talk to me oh almost there hang on hang on [Music] get up however Harry continued to get the better of Craven before sprinting over to Pete and holding him in his arms Pete please stay with [Music] us come on beete come on this is nothing remember in fifth grade when you he takes off Pete's mask and there well Pete dies on the spot no you got to stay away buddy no however this thing that Harry used this living exos suit the thing that was used to cure him it suddenly left Harry's body and covered [Music] Pete bringing him back to [Music] life what [Music] happened Pete now have this exos suit covering him not Harry anymore MJ and Harry leave whilst Pete well explores his new powers however Craven was still alive and when he saw Pete web away or this Spider-Man web away with his suit he couldn't help but stare an awe muttering this the spider is mine Harry was taken back to the foundation laying on the sofa without the suit this thing Harry is a ticking clock he could die at any time if this disease gets any worse Pete needs to figure out how to get this suit off of him and back onto Harry so that he can continue living essentially but even Harry doesn't know how to do this he doesn't even know how he did this when Pete tried to remove the suit and give it back to Harry the thing removed the knife from the side of him and he was still okay we need to find Dr Connors however he was turned into a lizard at this moment in time by Craven although if you remember Craven had a vial around his neck which was the antidote to essentially cure Connor or at least the blueprint for the antidote we needed to find Craven and a way to track him down to get the vial from around his neck and there was only one way that we could think of doing that and it was using the knife in which he stabbed Pete with we make our way to a porn shop downtown on the specialized in antiques here the only takes one look at the knife and the symbol the owner was scared and run straight back inside as he knows exactly who came to the shops for this and it was Craven but the keeper referred to Craven as Craven of we do a little bit more digging and find the location of a social club Pete has the idea of changing into a suit and trying to blend in however he didn't have a to on him or didn't have one at all but the suit kind of did him a favor here that was pretty cool wa I'm a spy a spider spy by we're instructed to take a platter of food to Craven of's bodyguard with Pete's suit now listening to his inner thoughts however we make our way further in and there is Craven's bodyguard or at least what we thought here we learn that his bodyguard wasn't actually a bodyguard and that Dena was in fact a tiger we throw Dena a massive slab of meat with a couple of pills in there to help him nap away and well we carry on searching the room within the study we see a series of interesting things an altar that Craven prays on a few vials full of what looks to be potions a book around hunting drugs for late stage chemotherapy and a note mentioning a chapel there's a chapel just down the road and Craven must be there with the serum however of a suddenly in walks the big guy it's not what it looks like P fights them all off and just when he thought it was all over something really strange happened the suit took control of Pete for a moment that wasn't me Pete makes his way to the chapel and inside there was Craven Craven wanted Spider-Man to hunt him and as he throws him into the Bell well something starts to happen to the suit the suit or this thing it starts to react with the sound vibrations of the Bell it was almost like it was coming off of him Pete takes the vial quickly and gets out of there and returns back to the foundation here Pete and Harry used the particle accelerator to stabilize the serum which was the one we took from Craven's neck however it didn't really go to plan Harry put out the final fire and just as they were waiting for the antidote Inc comes Craven's men pet to take them out whilst Harry tries to stop the particle accelerator however now that Craven knows the suit's weakness he was just using that exact method to paralyze it and to weaken him Harry however disabled the accelerator which stopped the noise although the more they fought off the more that kept coming finally however the antidote was finished and Harry removed it from the particle accelerator and they just got out of there but the foundation it was completely destroyed completely ruined Norman Osborne shocked to see Harry hurt because with the suit he shouldn't be right and he didn't know at the time that he didn't have the suit on to protect him Pete takes the antidote however and now it's time to find Connors Pete makes his way to Connor's house to try and see if they can track down the lizard Conor's home however looks normal as we get through the window nobody looked to be home Dr Connor's wife and son left him after the first lizard Fiasco and since then he's just been on his own within the house we see documents and more all scattered around one showing that he tried to cure himself it was apparent that Connors might have had a lab in his basement of some sort and when finding a secret room there he was Connors couldn't fight the lizard turning him couldn't hold it in he somehow escaped his underground lap however a vial of blood was found on the floor the lizard is across the river after hearing reports from Craven goons truck miles was with Haley at the time when P called on him and he had to make his way to Harlem seafood markets to stop the lizard however when we got there more company miles makes his way through the markets trying not to alert the lizard and for him to escape again he opens one of the shutters and there was the shedded skin of the lizard however inur Pete and this was the first time miles had seen him with his new suit on whoa hey man new threads the building's swarming with Hunters any sign of Connors uh yeah gke tracking them however the lizard quickly escaped to the seafood market and dive straight into the water both pet and Miles followed taking out as many goons as they could along the way until miles fell into the water and well let's just say that Miles found the lizard [Music] and Pete well doesn't seem himself anymore something's changed within Pete he's not the same person ever since the suit was on him he's a completely different personality he's mine you sure he's got big teeth so do I um he's not normally like that right no he's never like that even MJ talking to Pete he blamed the losing of the lizard on Miles saying it's better to do things alone which is nothing like Pete Pete enters the sewers through a manhole and inside tries to track down the lizard calling Harry and filling him in on the latest Harry however isn't looking in great shape Pete Carries On Through the sewers looking for Connors and inside an oob lab in the sewers inside old antidotes samples mapping of celestrial coordinates and an ancient language study what does all of this mean until Pete comes across a screen this was the particle accelerator at the foundation and when it opens up out comes an artifact one that Pete's suit really seems to like however before we could look into it properly the power went out in the room and in walks Conners it's time to try and end this once and for all and inject the antidote inside the lizard just as we were about to inject the antidote however the sound waves of the lizard's Roar reacted with the suit leading him to get away P Chas Connors through the city and finally tried to inject it through his skin however the lizard's skin was just too tough to penetrate Pete tries to carry on tailing Connor and then in comes Craven Craven shoots Connors injuring him with an explosive Dart however well he just got stronger regrowing and regenerating his tail Pete finally injects Connor in the mouth and there he was floating in the water Pete saves Connors and brings him back to the surface a short time later when Dr Conor wakes and sees Peter however wearing this suit well he was terrified he tells Peter to come with him so he follows this is where he shows him the artifact again this thing is a repellent to the suit however just as Colin tries to put the object back the suit grabs it and Pete has a vision this thing landed on Earth and it was found by Dr Connors he got closer to investigate and it was there that it grabbed a hold of his arm at this stage this is when his arm was shot off and that's of course how he lost it this however is only a fragment of the meteori that landed just outside the city a couple of years ago it's also where we found this thing which turns into a suit this thing is known as a simbot the B Bond at a subcellular level with its host Connors was surprised that Harry gave it to Peter but when he explained how that it that he was hurt basically dead it chose him it all started to make more sense Connors wanted this thing destroyed but as soon as he said that and went to phone Oscorp Pete responds almost in a way that the suit was speaking again after another interesting conversation with MJ it's very obvious this suit is getting the better of Pete changing his personality almost completely it makes me a better Spider-Man he didn't care about the mess he made across the city either chasing Connors anyway it was time to turn in and there was MJ she wanted Pete to read a story that she'd wrote to try and essentially get her to keep her job but when Pete got in he just didn't seem to care he fell straight asleep however Hunters outside the only thing MJ could do was stun them and try to escape but when she turned around to have a look at where Pete was he was gone it was outside when MJ escaped the house that she could see what Pete's really turned into what this suit has turned him into he's a killing machine MJ called miles and has him followed him Peter throws something in Miles Direction he's completely lost his mind however miles can't let Pete get away so he continues to chase him MJ however tells miles to Seal her in the tunnel with Pete she knows that she'll be to get through to him and talk to him so she makes her way through a dart tunnel on the bike and it seals behind [Music] her MJ MJ are you okay yeah but I don't see Pete hang on MJ walks through this tunnel looking for Pete the entire way but the suit just seems to be after destruction and nothing more until something happens the sound vibrations the suit it was reacting MJ stopped it and there Pete fell to the ground The Mask came off however Peter was still asleep he wasn't even awake during the whole of this the suit has full control of his body miles however was outside fighting the rest of the hunters when saving a man on a crane he was injected with a green serum sending miles unconscious and Inc comes Craven MJ needed to wake Pete however when she tried the suit did not like it MJ run I wasn't trying to hurt you look there that's my [Music] exit MJ Sprints out of there with Pete in the suit gone we searched the whole tun he is gone for now but he will come to me soon enough the suit it took the artifact found in the Oscorp lab this must be where it's been feeding off of Pete woke up on a park bench a short time later with so many Miss calls so many messages but he didn't really care stating that he had the best night sleep that he's ever had but has no idea why he woke up on a p bench however while swinging P Got a notification on his phone showing that MJ finally posted her new article the one thing that we got to keep a job if it goes right what's up with Spider-Man stating that spider is causing more harm than good destroying the city this confused Pete quite a lot he obviously doesn't really know what's been going on because he's one been asleep last night and this suit looks to be taking over him so Pete visits Harry who looks absolutely terrible so ill with Harry daating that needs that suit back right now in walks MJ however asking Pete what he remembers from last night and his response I just remember feeling really tired nothing else but then Pete starts acting unar likee talking back being cocky telling them he's the real hero and that he should be the one getting all the praise not them yeah it's pretty great isn't it why don't you pop some more pills and say what you're really feeling hey don't I'm busting my ass out there trying to save you and this is what I get I said don't I saw your story I tried to tell you about that yeah but you didn't did you I can't lose this job your job is to write the truth I did the truth is I'm the hero here not you first Pete was about to leave he hears a scream from another room one from Norman Osborne Norman is trying everything he can to cure his son everything he doesn't know what actually happened Harry overhearing their entire conversation fuming disgusted at Pete watching him fly off and be selfish with the suit as he stood there dying not knowing that this symbiot has a massive influence over his decision making and also his thinking here I said [Music] leave miles is missing and his mother was worried sick she'd been calling Peter for hours but no response until he showed up at her work and exclaimed to her he'd find him but in a very unar istic like way we then transition to the perspective of Miles he was trapped inside some form of cage miles escapes and makes his way through this facility locating Craven's office here we see images and files all on Pete and the suit and also there a recording night I dream of my last moments my body lying beneath my ancestor sky in a field fertilized by their failures their tears fall from the stars as fire consumes my corpse for I have done what they could not only an equal May taste my last breath and may they send my soul back to the quiet depths of Hell Craven is looking for an eal to kill him essentially something religious going back thousands of years within his ancestral tree if he doesn't find it he kills them and moves onto the next and this has been going on for as long as he can remember miles however became overrun and without them fighting him the instructed him to move through the door and into an arena here miles got his wish to fight Martin Lee Craven was sat there watching wanting them both to fight to the death miles beats Lee however Lee does something sending miles into another realm deep into his thoughts throughout this Vision Lee tries to get into miles's head showing him visions of Pete distracting him making him feel like he's not worthy from his mother his friends to his father Lee was making Mars's Father tell him to give up he's a stain on the family and much more but biles was way too headstrong he wasn't having any of it and he fought straight back he fought back against Lee telling him that he killed his dad and that he's here to stay to stop him to prevent him from hurting anyone else Lee immediately knew who this was he immediately knew that this kid this Spider-Man was Miles Morales miles however didn't kill Lee he SP him and told him to find Spider-Man when he gets out flinging him to the very top of the building and outside of a piece of broken glass miles however was still in captivity by Craven gy however gets a report that Lee is at Feast downtown and informs Peter Peter gets there and this is where Lee tells him where miles is Lee telling Pete that miles is a lot like him and that he should be very proud but as you'd expect Pete just didn't care thinking of himself the suit taking over thinking what's so good about the new Spider-Man when this version is way more powerful P makes his way to the mansion where the simbot starts to speak itself Craven kill Craven Craven however shows after successfully capturing Pete and the symbiot he's trying oy Kon to break the suit to get through to it Craven uses miles as motivation Pete gets very angry and bursts open the cage and it's time to battle Craven Craven however had a couple of tricks up his sleeve the bells the sound waves reacting with the Symbiote Pete gets the better of Craven to start with even with his tricks the Symbiote fighting back wrapping Craven around the neck strangling him there and then Craven was open to this he was urging him to kill him to strangle him to end it there and then to best him in combat however miles came out of nowhere and saves Craven's life but the symbiot didn't approve it's just me so we actually go on to fight Pete Pete wanted to strangle and kill Craven but miles reminded him that that isn't what they do this isn't what they stand for Miles uses the Bell again to try and pry the suit away from Pete however Pete finally hears him and finally gets through to him and what about MJ you could have killed her I know you're hurting Peete but you're better than this I know I know but no Pete come on man just just focus on me come on I'm stronger than this you hear [Music] me [Music] and rips the symbiot off of him and Miles captures it in a [Music] vial come on let's move they both leave and get somewhere safe here miles gives Pete the vial with the symbiot [Music] tin he's last few days miles I'm sorry thank you for everything it's what Spider-Man do [Music] Spider-Man didn't save me back there miles [Music] did what now I have to talk to Dr Connors he said he knows how to destroy it wait what about Harry doesn't he kind of need it his dad is working on another cure one that doesn't involve aliens you know if you need me I'm just a call away well once I let my mom know this she still has a son I know just glad to have you back [Music] man however there's only one more thing to do speak with Dr Connors and destroy the Symbiote for good P swings by over to oob where he meets with Dr Connors and gives him the Symbiote however when he walks inside a device spewing Green Smoke and the Symbiote seems to be reacting to it like crazy but then out walks Harry Pete tries to explain to Harry that this is bad news it needs to be destroyed else he'll eventually lose himself just like Pete did but Harry wasn't having any of it he's waited so long all of this time for Pete to go get this suit off for him to be able to be cured again and now Pete wants to destroy it Harry was angry and he struck Pete with his Cane breaking the vial containing the Symbiote and as soon as Harry said do you want me to die that was it the Symbiote smashed its way out of the vial and sent Pete flying against the window the Symbiote swarms around Harry even his father walks in a few moments later but this was no longer just a suit this was no longer controllable this was Venom Harry are you oh God hurry Norman tried to get in between Venom and Spider-Man but Pete saved him and Venom sent Pete flying Norman instructed his men to get the Symbiote off of Harry and do not harm his son even to the extent of as playing as Venom which was awesome by the way Venom tries his best to escape the facility but first it goes for the one thing he was looking for the entire time the alien artifact it landed here with however Venom used a VTO to get off the building Landing down into the middle of Time Square where he came face to face with Craven Craven and Venom finally have their final battle the one that Craven was hoping for with this looking to be the end finding an opponent better than him and to finally end it once and for all Venom bested Craven and in the end well ate his head whole Venom or Harry took a look at the blood smothering his hands and got the hell out of there Harry goes to his mother's grave wondering what had just happened what did he just do asking his mother what he just done with now the Symbiote impersonating his mother speaking on behalf of her with the voices cutting in and out the Symbiote Wants to Rule the World it wants to take over completely and when Harry is shown this well you can really see what it does want to do heal [Music] everyone PE rolls out from under the debris of the osor lab where he has a brain wave the ID passs used in Oscorp were all RF enabled meaning that he could use the satellites to pinpoint his location across the city so we do exactly that and follow it around the city the signal leads to an abandoned part of town and it's very clear is Harry's location or at least where his passes and it's covered in symbiote as we enter on in there it looks like Harry in the distance hanging from the ceiling however when we approach closer Harry this wasn't Harry the Symbiotes are starting to spread over other people Pete tries to call miles for backup but no answer saying we need to find a better way to get these suits of these people this is when miles breaks the news toeat that Craven was in fact dead and he was shocked however in conversation miles reminds Pete that the Bell was one of the things that Craven used to weaken the Symbiote miles has a mixing app on his phone so the plan is to recreate the sound of the Bell or similar and hopefully that will work in weakening it we make our way to the city looking for a series of sounds to try and engineer one together and Pete finally shows up with the device this device produces a Sonic Burst which when directed towards a symbiote will strip it off the host so now that we have this it's time to track down venom venom was taking civilians and throwing them into the underground Railway this is how so many people are turning on a phone call earlier with Miles gy and Rio W his mom but on the subway looking for him and of course this is exactly where Venom is turning people into the Symbiotes we make our way inside and there they were on a train car however the Symbiotes were not having any of it inside however we try and figure out a way to kill off some of them so we target a series of nerves we found around the underground railway station and charge up a huge blast with the Sonic blasters to get rid of the bulk of it when it goes off it luckily did the job we open the doors to the train carts and save geni and Rio geni here decides to pour his heart out to Miles as a thankful as he was however it wasn't just over yet Peter miles moved across the city to look for Harry and one of the first places that Pete decides to check up on is the Osborne's home and there we find a recording it's that happy birthday M they say time heals all wounds that's a lie every day without you is worse than the last if I lose Harry I I don't know what I'll do Norman's really hurting I need to find Harry and save him we continue our search for Harry however we check in on MJ first she's trying her best to create a banger story and Jonah he seems to love the one that she put out recently she speaks with Pete and tells her that something's gone wrong with Harry really really wrong suddenly however a knock on the door MJ gets up and opens it and what do you know Harry's stood at the door whil on the phone on FaceTime Pete can see har we using the Symbiote on MJ Pete races over there however on his way he gets a call from Dr Connor he throughout the story has asked Pete Harry and anyone else that's had this symbiot suit on if they've ever had any symptoms such as soreness aches or fatigue it turns out the Symbiote is a hive mind and well it may not fully be out of Pete's mind just just yet or anyone that's possessed it for that matter Connors wants Pete to return to the lab for some tests eventually however right now we have some more pressing matters to attend to and that's to save MJ Pete gets home and rushes into the house both Harry and MJ sat on the table with a cup of coffee MJ looking tense Harry however wanting to help coffee we need to talk you must get tired making the world a better place every single day but I can help all you have to do is let me this isn't you wrong this is the real me I finally have the power to realize our vision are you giving up on me Harry we need to get that thing off you do not call us a thing har we are not har we are Venom takes MJ and does the one thing that Pete was worried about turning her into a symbiote better Her Go [Applause] show him what he's missing you can't have too late and oh my God we have to fight MJ known as scream I'm sorry we start trying to talk to MJ inside the the Symbiote and here we see MJ starting to fight back however the constant fighting really got the better of Pete but when it got really tough P decided to try and get through to MJ just by talking to her and she started to fight back also using the vibrations and sound waves of the different metal objects around it started to work and finally she was out of the suit are you am I I'm okay I think I'm okay you did it wait but not only is she now out of the suit she's a damn badass Watson where are you with my Apple FRS I'm starving and I Jah kiss my ass I quit what up you're so cool Pete and MJ started talking and here just as Connor said it was like a hive mind MJ was able to see way into the mind of Venom and Harry seeing what's going on everywhere what all of the other symbiotes could see and she even saw Pete P makes his way downtown to meet miles and the symbios are completely taken over City Hall pet and Miles take them out and pry open the door into City Hall and there were greeted with an ambush of Symbiotes miles and Pete were both strapped down and just as miles was overrun in comes an unexpected Ally Martin Lee it was here that Peter was completely taken over again by the Symbiotes a Martin League tells miles that the only way to get this thing completely out of Pete's head is to go inside and remove it from the source so Martin and Miles both do exactly that travel inside Pete's mind and look for the source of the syot when they're inside they finally found the source course but it was much stronger than Lee thought all the people that Pete put away into prison all the people that he captured and put away all the people that he defeated and put away are all here in his mind this must really be playing on Pete's conscience when suddenly Dr Octavius the vulture Scorpio Electro Rhino all come out of nowhere and go for miles this of course is all in Pete's subconscious but it happens we reached the end where we see a house in the middle of nowhere and it's May's house however as miles gets upstairs the symbiot strikes him again and Lee once again saves his life his powers still as effective in here than they are outside the final location was Feast here we find out a lot more around Martin Lee's motivations from the first game and also Miles Morales Norman Osborne is the reason Lee's parents are dead completely so he dedicated ated his life to making his Norman Osborne's a living hell however of course doing that has resulted in many many deaths of many important people however they finally found the source of everything miles and Lee both tried to clear it out but it didn't work however there was one more thing to try Martin Lee said that he can try and transfer all of his power into the Symbiote and hope it'll free Peter what will happen to him he's not too sure but just in case it's the last time him and Miles spoke miles wanted to tell him something he didn't forgive him for what he did how could he right he killed his father but miles did there and then make amends pledging that he can't carry this hate for him anymore Martin Lee tried to overpower the Symbio but it just wasn't enough so Miles and Lee both charge up their powers to their full potential and use it against the Symbiote and there we see Pete [Music] he was crouched over the hospital bed of our May sorry this is haunting him and has been ever since it happened however suddenly Martin Lee and miles are out of Pete's mind come on Spider-Man Miles and there and then Spiderman Pete wakes up Spiderman wake up the Symbio inside him well it's changed it's turned to White Hue and well it has antivenom properties Pete takes his new suit for a spin and there miles and Martin show up after Martin Lee apologizes and says that both Spider-Man are who he aspires to be he's going to set things right his way I spent years of my life consumed Vengeance and lost everything for it you two reminded me that that's not who I am when you help someone you help everyone where are you going to go to set things right your way Pete explains what happened with the symbiot and here well MJ agrees to move in with him pretty smooth however we still need to find Harry and Venom Norman seems to be doing something thing with the underground lab completely open inside was Venom and Norman with him begging to give him back his son with Venom replying we are your son look at us we are healthy strong this is what you want isn't it stop Harry we can help [Music] you however it was too late Venom now had the full artifact after retrieving the final piece from the underground lab and he left what's he going to do with that thing I think we're about to find out Dr Connor however pulls Pete to one side or Spider-Man Harry's gone he said the host and the Symbiotes are perfectly fused saving Harry's life could be an impossible task however we can still stop this by killing the Symbiote the only way to do this is killing the host and clear the rest of the Symbiotes out please save my boy miles however went clearing one of the nests or the the hives the Symbiote called for him miles was pulled inside one of the nests the Symbiote in miles's head he needs to find a way out however before he could Escape Venom shows miles a vision of Haley being ambushed by these symbiots but also the location of the artifact it looks to be under the Harlem subway station under the bridge Pete makes his way there ASAP and waits for miles to check in on Haley he saves her agrees to go on a date with her proper RIS from him there gets the girl and makes his way to the subway however Pete wasn't responding to his calls anymore because he'd already gone inside searching for Harry the Symbiote was completely taking over Harry Venom knows of Spider-Man's presence underground and of course he ambushed him however Pete gets through and searches for the meteorite no sign of it just yet but then Venom comes out of nowhere and Pete can see what he wants to do showing him the artifact wanting Pete to join his side miles however comes bursting in to save the day and they get the hell out of there in this Vision that Pete had he was able to see exactly where the meteorite was and asked MJ miles to meet him at May's house for a final debrief the meteorite is located in Central Park's Reservoir pumping more and more of this symbiot around the city adding more people to the hive mind however it wasn't until the Symbiote was repaired using the particle accelerator did it start to fully form and take over so what if they cranked the particle accelerator up to 11 and destroyed the hive mine that way the only way to do that of course is with the artifact Harry is still Harry he wants Pete beside him to heal the world as he said so if Pete distracts Harry it'll allow miles to take out the Symbiotes and MJ to slip in and get the artifact the three put their fists together and this time they're going to heal the world for real all three of them make their way to the entrance whereas Pete when he gets there none of the Symbiotes are attacking him he draw out Venom allowing miles to distract the other symbiotes and MJ to run underground and obtain the artifact our gift will finally be yours here's the thing though you're going to have to catch me [Music] first MJ collected the artifact and sprinted out of there quickly with Miles fighting off the remaining outside she takes off on a bike with Miles following however Venom is continuing to chase Pete where they ended up in a place that they became best friends the school gym this is where we became best friends yeah it is and now it's where we become brothers Pete and Venom fight however a Midway through Venom strings Pete up and there tries to take over him again Pete uses Le's power to burst out a bit though and they continue to fight however Venom grabs pet around the neck and suddenly we can sense the meteorites gone venom does something interesting here by growing literal wig things and flying off with Pete in his arms unconscious MJ reaches the foundation with Miles and runs to put the artifact inside the accelerator Venom however got there very very fast and threw p through the building like it was nothing with Miles buying some time and pulling the roof down on Venom miles holds Venom off whil MJ places the artifact inside the accelerator Venom runs towards MJ and throws her inside the same room with Pete while miles does all he can to prevent Venom from getting his hands on the artifact just as it looks like it was all over in comes pet and MJ with a Sonic Blaster allowing miles to weaken venom for a second revealing Harry's face Harry he Harry took one look at Pete and Venom took over again Pete and Venom fought in the sky with Harry coming in and out of Consciousness but Venom not listening at all what's happening just hang on buddy please no leave him alone miles managed to retrieve the artifact and both of them teamed up to take down Venom miles slingshotted himself into the foundation with the AR fact and placed it inside the particle accelerator miles charged it up and Pete well continued to hold off venom for as long as he could Harry was too weak to fight against Venom though there was only one way to end this you have to you have to kill [Music] us [Music] hurry please I'm done either way no we still have time no we don't it'll kill them then I'll kill you let's Heal the World [Music] be together [Music] [Music] we're in business [Music] now Pete [Music] mg Harry finally finds a bit of strength rips open the symbiote suit and allows Pete to use his powers to destroy Venom by killing [Music] [Music] [Music] Harry [Music] we love you [Music] [Music] oh you did it yeah I'm sorry I'm [Music] sorry give me some room I don't know if it's going to work but I got to try miles tries to use his powers to bring Carrie back to restart his heart on [Music] here and he wakes [Music] up [Music] thank you got to get from the [Music] [Music] [Music] hospital P takes Harry to the ambulance outside the Foundation Building as soon as he can with Norman arriving in a [Music] helicopter Harry pulse is weak we got to move what have you done what have you done to him so I'm sorry with Norman I'm coming with you wa almost blaming both [Music] [Music] Spider-Man there are traces of brain activity but his chances of coming back are very [Music] slim just keep him [Music] [Music] alive [Music] [Music] [Music] why why [Music] Norman and osor however working on something different get the G serum ready [Music] ASAP for the last few years years tragedy has tried to tear the city apart but we somehow kept going we battled sickness evil cataclysm we are tired anxious stressed numb but we have never lost [Music] hope the city needs to heal we're all ready to return to normal but what is normal what if it no longer exists over the last half hour I've talked about how these events have changed me but what about you in this ongoing series I will be talking with people throughout the city exploring our new Behaviors new routines new thoughts and feelings I hope you'll join me on this journey this has been Mary Jane Watson and you're listening to The New [Music] [Music] Normal episode one done nice I don't know are he good to go in a minute I want show you something first okay it has molasses in it yum I'll take [Music] [Music] those thanks again for the donation Peter oh [Music] Pete [Music] have you talked to Miles about not yet you ready uh miles I've been meaning to talk to you uh about something uh I mean I have been talking to you all the time it's it's great uh to talk so many good talks I just haven't been talking to you about what I should have been talking to you at Pete wait uh let me start again I got this all of it go be Peter Parker for a while are you are you sure it's it's a big city I can handle it as long as I can still call you for advice you don't need it maybe not now but they'll come time I'm here for you always big bro see [Music] you [Music] but there's still one more thing what do you want the Spider-Man you know who they are don't you why they ruined my son good we all have to experience loss even you Norman what are you writing Okay I lied there's one more thing after this Haley hi I hope you're hungry food's almost ready why don't you go show her your essay he worked so hard on it some guy in Harlem probably seen him volunteering in the city helping out his city council mom and trying to live up to his hero dad [Music] yeah yeah yeah hey hi miles Haley this is Albert uh hi nice to meet you oh and uh this is my daughter [Music] Cindy and that ladies and gentlemen is the story of Spider-Man 2 as always if you've made it this far into the video comment Venom down below let's smash 1,000 likes on this video it's a brand new game it's such a good game and I absolutely loved every second of it so comment that down below th000 likes on the video and I'll be selecting a couple of winners down below to win a few copies of this game but what do you think of Spider-Man 2 what do you think of the story if you've not played it you're just listening to this video did you enjoy it do you think it had depth I'm going to have a story review coming out in the next couple of days so make sure you be on the lookout for that one but I absolutely loved it I love the first two and this one as well was just amazing I would give this a solid 10 out of 10 leave a like on today's video I said Everyone th000 likes for a couple giveaways and just let me know how far you've got into the video by commenting Venom down below make sure you guys are subscribed to the channel as well for new releases coming and a couple of other throwback videos and things that are potentially coming to the channel over the next couple of weeks we're trying to expand a little bit on the Channel as well um so yeah that'll be very interesting too but guys we'll see you all next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: Wizzo
Views: 50,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider-man 2, spider-man, Spider Man 2 Story Explained, Spiderman 2, Spiderman 2 story explained, spider man 2 story explained, spider man 2 story, Spiderman 2 Story Summary, Spider man 2 story summary, Spider-man 2 ending, Spider-man 2 ending explained, Spider-man 2 Ending, Spiderman 2 ending summary, Spider man 2 summary, Spiderman 2 gamplay, spiderman 2 venom, spider man 2 review, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, spider-man 2 gameplay, Spider-man 2 Story explained, Spider-man 2
Id: hBQM75jhLBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 10sec (6130 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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