Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - All Secret Spider SUITS You Don't Want To Miss (Spider-Man 2 Hidden Outfits)

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so there are lots of amazing suits you can unlock in Marvel Spider-Man 2 by simply leveling up however quite a few of them are only acquired via certain side activities which is why technically speaking they can be missed if you don't complete them that's why in today's video we'll take a look at eight of the suits you can completely Miss in Spider-Man 2 as well as a couple of extra that I really like plus they offer some really cool Easter eggs coming right up we have this really awesome Graven inspired the last hunt outfit for both Peter and Miles I really like this one because it features that cool Lion's man on the back plus some knives for inserts on the gloves and the feet now to get this in the first place you will need to complete all the 11 Hunter blinds around the city plus the four following Hunter bases that open up after that so this is something that you will find at the top of buildings usually you will have to take down a bunch of enemies and then find Intel on nearby Hunter bases once you do that I also suggest taking into account disabling any reinforcements inside and also activating the traps against the enemies inside this is usually going to make it much easier to defeat everybody faster and not have any reinforcements you can also unlock additional styles for this by just crafting them which is going to open up four additional slightly different themes that you can go with like my favorites are definitely the ones with the white pants I think that they look the most unique out of the bunch but the fully on dark one is also really nice coming up next we have another unique one called the smoke and mirror suit yes this is the Mysterio inspired one and unfortunately it's something that only miles will get but it's still really awesome and it does feature that very interesting bowl out there but of course with the Spider-man eye theme instead now to unlock this you'll have to complete all the nine mysterium around the city which is going to unlock a 10th and final one which is also going to involve a boss fight in there that you will have to complete but it's going to be rather simple plus you only need to complete them with the bronze metal that's going to be more than enough to unlock this suit for you it looks really awesome like I said I'm just liking the case of the others this also features multiple styles that you can also craft and unlock so this also includes a full onwhite and gold one which I really really like it's definitely one of my favorites of the bunch there's also one with the red coloring that you wouldn't even know it's inspired by the Mysterio outfit but still you can rock it and probably nobody would know except for you moving on next we have the life story suit for both Peter and Miles however you will also want this for the extra Cuts scene you get with a certain character so to acquire this you're going to need to complete all the nine EMF experiments that you will find all around the city this usually just involves creating new GMO plans or helping the organization out to like solve world hunger and whatnot plus a bunch of other cool stuff in there however once you complete all nine of them you'll get a message with a final objective which which is going to bring you back at on Ma house so right here in the garage you will find a new cut scene that plays out but at the end of it you also get this suit not going to lie it looks pretty interesting a lot more different than the usual and kind of reminds me of Formula 1 cars for some reason like definitely the suit and the helmet over there reminds me of that but maybe also space shuttles maybe space ax kind of like that stuff and you also of course have different Rec colorings that you can craft either orange or white but yeah definitely interesting and again both Pete and Miles get one moving on to number four we have the saving lives suit this is only for Peter because you get it at the end of a mission chain that you can only do with him so these side quests there are four of them in total called the flame that you will start finding around the map as you progress in the main campaign however during these moments without spoiling anything you get to meet a very cool character plus there's a really awesome foreshadowing possibly for some kind of DLC see or maybe even a sequel however once you finish all of those at the end you're going to get this outfit now this is inspired by the same character that you meet during those missions but you can of course also go ahead and unlock some additional Styles it's not my favorite of all but it definitely is more vigilante inspired and some of the white and the red variants are definitely really nice to look at plus the golden inserts definitely make it pop up a little bit better at number five we have the city sound suit that you get for Miles by only completing two side missions called cultural Museum so this is something that unlocks a bit later on especially for the second one after main mission 14 however once that happens you can complete it and you're going to get this suit right away this definitely stands out as one of the more classic looking ones definitely reminds me a bit more of the 1920s Jazz era but I think that it fits miles really really well also comes in with that really awesome pimp hat right there and the leather gloves well it's actually a fedora but I like calling it that also for miles at number six we have this Brooklyn High inspired outfit that he gets by helping out the students back at his high school however this is only going to require completing four of the side quest since that's pretty much it um they are a little bit longer than the usual but give you quite a lot of context and I think they are pretty nice whoever wants to complete all of them eventually all the students gather up and will'll give you this present of a suit which is the outfit itself again you can unlock additional styles for it if you want to there are some pretty interesting colorings plus it has that flag over there on the chest not too shabby it's not my favorite of all but it can definitely work if you want to represent the high school that obviously miles goes to it's nice and of course you can also complete your collection with this now at number seven the next suit looks too too close to the Wolverine outfit not to be some kind of n Easter egg to that and maybe also insomniac's next game but this is the best there is suit now technically speaking this isn't a secret one as you can unlock it at around level 50 to 52 you can just craft it and get it but I mean The Coincidence is too great and I still think it looks really awesome plus if you go into the additional extra Styles you will notice that there are some yellow options in there that fit that Wolverine L style even better I really like this one the jacket is really awesome and again for some reason the headpiece just works so well for Miles Now is it going to give you any Wolverine Powers probably not it would have been nice maybe some claws in there but you can still rock that outfit in anticipation to the next game also you can go with a red look for it if you want to but in my opinion the two yellow and also the slight orange one work a lot a lot better now at number eight we have an outfit that technically is acquire through activities that might fall into spoiler territory so if you don't want to find out what those are just yet maybe just stay back for a little bit and come back at a later date for everybody else this is going to be the next outfit we're going to cover and that is the king in black suit this is only for miles but it just matches up so perfectly with Peter's new symbiote suit because this one also features symbiote textures for around half of the body it seems to be a nice combo between typical mild Morales outfit and some new symbiote well textures plus the spider sign on the front and the back is definitely a lot more alien looking with that alien tail over there but you get this by completing all the 10 symbiote nests that spawn around the city much much later on in the game pretty much towards the end over there however you can also complete them after finishing the main story what really makes this stand out is the additional recallers so I definitely encourage you to go ahead and unlock the extra styles all of them pretty much are really awesome looking especially the red one reminds me a bit of the Carnage outfit there's going to be one that also resembles Carnage even better but this one is also one unfortunately only miles gets it but I mean it looks really really awesome again the textures are even more pronounced and the look is even better there's even a white and black version kind of like a negative version of it that also fits very well and this one has a lot more finer details like all the veins and all the cool symbiote entangling going on on the face and the chest and finally to number nine we have one more secret suit that only unlocks once you reach full on level 60 in fact it doesn't even show up in the unlocked section even the item card appears only once you hit that level 60 but this is the absolute Carnage suit and obviously as the name implies it is very much Carnage inspired there are even multiple Rec colorings over here that help you stand out even more including some that come in with some nice fullon red textures again those are by far my favorite but you can go with any of them and they will even feature some of these tendrils coming out of the suit exactly like Carnage the only thing I kind of wish also happened was for the tendrils to move that would have definitely made it stand out compared to any of the other 63 outfits in the entire game but I'm going to take it maybe mods at some point can make them move in the meantime you do have these really interesting options the only downside here that I can think of is that the white version is a little bit more grayish darker than I thought it would be at least under natural lightning compared to the images in the manual but still a very awesome suit to have that I highly recommend going for ASAP and maybe something that can get you ready for New Game Plus if you fully want to rock this but that is pretty much it with the video totally let me know Down Below in the comments coments which one of these outfits or any other outfit is your favorite in the entire game so much so that you would want to use it forever in the meantime totally check out some of my other Spider-Man videos including one with the biggest early on mistakes to avoid as well as some amazing combat tricks to get you ready against any enemy thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 83,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, spider-man 2, spiderman 2, marvels spider-man 2, spiderman 2 ps5, spiderman 2 all suits, spiderman 2 tips, spider-man 2 gameplay, spider-man 2 ps5, spider man 2 ps5 tips and tricks, spider man 2 tips and tricks, spider man 2 ps5, marvels spider man 2, spider man 2, spiderman 2 suits, spider-man 2 suits, spider man 2 settings, spider man 2 gadgets, spider man 2 tricks, spider man 2 abilities
Id: nXm5PgBTxLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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