All The Differences Between Playing Miles & Peter In Spider Man 2 PS5

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there are some activities in Spider-Man 2 that you can play with both miles and Peter but next to gameplay does it actually matter who you pick is there different dialogue well I was curious as well so let's find out together and a good place to start are the fnsm missions as most of these can of course be completed as Peter and miles one of my favorites is the fine Grandpa mission where there is some fun unique dialogue near the end of it when Grandpa Earl will ask Spidey if they've ever been in love Peter confidently states that he has been of course referring to his relationship ship with MJ but miles hesitantly answers maybe so a neat little detail that sets the characters apart but unfortunately that's one of the few examples where there is a noteworthy difference most dialogue in the fnsm missions is exactly the same for Peter as it is for miles or at the very least the lines are very similar and have the exact same meaning like the start of the monster in Queen's Mission the one with the robo dog is pretty much identical for both characters their conversation with Howard at the start of his mission is also very similar so so while there are some differences here most of the dialogue you'll hear is the same for both characters this is also true for the Marcos memory side quest where Peter and Miles lines are very similar like sure Peter will mention his lawyer friends at the end and Miles mentions Pete's lawyer friends but there are no unique insights you can gather by playing as one character versus the other which is something I kind of expected at the end of the unidentified Target side quest that leads you to chameleon's Hideout let's not forget Peter has been active as a Spider-Man for almost 10 years at this point meaning he has history with most of these villains some unique comments after exploring chameleon's apartment from Peter's end would have made sense in my opinion but yeah unfortunately that is not the case as the lines that miles will say are exactly the same but there are some activities that do change of the dialogue depending on the character you are playing one of these are the hunter bases where there are different versions of the call you have with gy while infiltrating the base take a listen to these two clips got to admit that's a good use of the space yeah is it remember these drones are designed to kill you dude for their bird drones why didn't they just pick an Avary does it matter they're making these drones to kill you good point but not wildly different conversations the conversation between miles and gy feels a bit more like two friends having a phone call which is of course the case and it also helps that gkey responses are slightly different in both versions whereas with the fnsm missions NPCs respond with the exact same lines for both playable characters in a similar fashion miles and Peter's conversation at the end of a crime with either wraith or Agent Venom are also different still can't believe we get to do this are you kidding I love it nice work we should figure out a teammate Pete didn't mention spider pal it would of course break the immersion as Peter knows both of these characters well so if miles would talk to them the same way it wouldn't really make any sense and I love these little details I think it's a cool way of adding some World building during activities so I would have loved to see more of it during some of the other major site content too because surprisingly it's the smaller side activities that offer the most unique lines of dialogue I already mentioned crimes but the spiderbot Collectibles all trigger different lines from miles and Peter well I haven't checked every single interaction the ones I did were all completely unique for both characters here I say it kind of cute don't think I can ride this one the only exception here is the Final Cuts scene you unlock after getting every Bol that one is identical for both characters but let's dig even deeper and see if there are more differences between the characters of course if you enjoyed the video so far be sure to leave a like And subscribe for more Spider-Man 2 videos now one big difference between miles and Peter is of course that Peter has his symbiote Arc halfway through the story and this is more than just unlock a new suit and Powers when the Symbiote starts influencing him in the second act of the story his dialogue responses will also reflect his change of Personality this starts from the mission new threats and lost until you start the mission anything can be broken in this time frame Peter dialogue will change reflecting his shift in personality his combat banter is much more aggressive oh you could hide Spider-Man no and his responses when you complete a crime will also be different be thankful any of you can still walk he even has a unique line of dialogue at the Parker's grave which is over here on the map that can only be triggered as long as he has the Symbiote on him he is also unable to interact with Jefferson Davis's grave at this stage of the game and since the devil's breath Memorial over here on the map triggers the same dialogue as to grave it won't work anymore either and there are of course some gameplay differences like the Rubik's Cube air trick that only Peter can do miles on the other hand has some really cool unique finishing animations with the family business programmable matter and Bodega cats suits and Peter has the unique web wings with the secret war Civil War suit and the unique black webbing when wearing the black Symbiote and classic black suits you can even see a difference between the two when using the point zip move where Peter immediately catches his balance but miles shuffles and stumbles a bit which shows that peder's years of extra experience still give him the edge in some ways these small touches are nice but it feels like a missed opportunity that there are more differences in missions and interactions depending on your character of choice it would certainly make replaying the game with a different Spider-Man a lot more interesting what is cool is that there are some unique interactions in the open world that are only available for one of the two Spider-Man for miles it's performing the wakandan salute at the wakandan embassy over here on the map and for Peter it's going to the zoo over here on the map to bet a tiger it only appears there after you've made some progress in the main story so if it doesn't show up for you just come back later and while it can be completed with both characters the baseball Easter egg also triggers a different line of dialogue depending on which Spide you're playing as by touching all four bases on the Cone Island baseball field which you need to do for the Home Run trophy you'll trigger unique lines from Peter and Miles the spiders win they got the series the championship the cup the trophy the whole enchilada with guac on the side and Parker does it all with the Home Run bunt never in all my years have I seen one man accomplish so much by doing so little what's also really cool is that if you check your quest log you will see that the recap of events changes if you switch characters for example the mission log for the first mission will mention Peter hoping he won't be fired if you're playing as him but if you switch to miles it will instead mention him having to finish his essay each Mission will have a different description depending on which character you are playing as so to sum up yes there are a ton of cool details that make playing as miles and Peter different obviously there are major gameplay changes in character specific missions too but I do think there are some missed opportunities when it comes to the site content I get that the mission objectives and structure are the same across both characters and that's fine but I think more unique dialogue is definitely welcome for starters it adds a cool kind of Replay ability as you get a slightly different experience for each character and with a new one likely being added to the mix in the future you're looking at three different playthroughs if you you want to experience everything the game has to offer if Insomniac decides to stick to their shorter but sweeter formula and the next game is also around 20 hours long you are tripling that for players who want to experience everything without making the game feel overwhelming to those who are only there to experience the main narrative and while I personally don't mind shorter games especially not in a year like this I know some people think 20 hours isn't worth the investment of a full priced game so giving some incentive to replay a game can please both camps and it also gives a ton of opportunities for cool character building again a good example is the chameleon Mission a villain Peter has already fought in the past so it would make sense to have his character give some extra insights because he knows who he's up against and while writing this script I was suddenly reminded of how Gotham Knights handles its four main characters I know not everyone loved that game but one thing I think we can agree on is that it really made each character feel different even outside of gameplay not only were there unique scenes between the playable characters outside of main missions your interactions with the main villains would also reflect the character you're playing as like in your first introduction with Harley she immediately establishes her history with each character in her first line of dialogue I think if the next game in the series brings more of that multiple playthroughs are going to be a no-brainer to everyone who wants to experience the full story so I am hopeful for the future Spider-Man 2 was of course their first go at multiple protagonist and they already did a l right so if we see more improvements to the system and a third playable character silk I think we're in for a real treat and speaking of which we of course end every Spider-Man video with some amazing shots from our community selected by Joey so show me what you got for us this time yes thanks Dennis first up we've got Mr hvk who took this awesome shot of miles in the across the spiderverse suit I love the negative style background here including the added rain effect yeah and I'm also really loving the lighting on the suit I think it looks beautiful next up we've got teach tographer where Peter decided to chill for a bit on the roof top reading a book Wonder what Spidey would be into these days creative shot for sure I hope it's a book on how to keep your job I think Peter really needs that one yeah but my favorite of the three is from stinky pole with this stunning phone wallpaper shot of Peter where the Amazing Spider-Man suit love the use of natural lighting here and the sharpness incredible picture thanks for sharing thanks Joy if you want to send in your shots for the next video you can do that via our Discord which you can join via the link in the pin comment remember to leave a like if you enjoyed the video subscribe to not miss the next one and if you want you can watch our previous video on some big dieses for the next game by clicking on the screen we will see you in the next one goodbye goodbye
Channel: JorRaptor
Views: 94,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider man 2, spider man 2 secrets, spider man 2 ps5, jorraptor, spider man 2 ps5 secrets, spider-man 2, spiderman 2 secrets, spider-man 2 secrets, spiderman 2, spider-man, marvel spider man 2, secrets in spider man 2, spider man 2 hidden details, spider-man 2 ps5, spider man 2 secret, marvel spider man 2 secrets, spiderman, spider man 2 tips and tricks, spider man 2 all secrets, marvel's spider man 2, spiderman 2 ps5, jorraptor spider man 2, spider man 2 hidden, jor raptor
Id: N7sGwsNb3VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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