SPIDER-MAN 2 (2004) Game Designer Tries the PS4 Game for the First Time

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I'm so glad that the man himself admits that Ultimate Spiderman was a good game. It's my 2nd favorite spiderman game, and that's saying A LOT considering how many there were over the years.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 631 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stubby_B0ardman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video, thanks for sharing OP.

He really enjoyed the nosedive-into-swing mechanic. Personally this was one of my slight peeves about the swinging, as fun as the rest of it was. There always seemed to be a slowdown when going into a swing after the dive, and it’s really noticeable when diving off of really high buildings especially. You should ideally be flung at a great speed after crashing to earth from so high up, but that’s a minor nitpick.

But as for the rest of it, SM was a tremendous experience.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 559 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mgonoob πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The dungeon game he made for Roblox sounds neat. I hope that's a concept that eventually turns into it's own game.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 79 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TL10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the swinging in Spider-Man 2018, and think it's perfect for a general game, but I do wish that they had an alternate "Spider-Man" mode to the game, in which the swinging behaved as if physics existed, the primary difference being that you would need to alternate swings left to right in order to travel forward, otherwise you'd just keep smacking into walls.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ohoni πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

His closing thoughts on his career path and how he doesn't have a lot of connections who would play his video games... well, that's certainly going to be something of a lesser occurence going forward, for younger and newer developers in the AA-sphere. Gaming is getting more and more mainstream, and releases like this will be known by people same way a movie release is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrQuint πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Isn't this the guy that made Energy Hook?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Grundleheart πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
So today I'm in Bellevue, Washington, which is a city I've never been to before, and the reason I'm is I'm visiting a game developer named Jamie Fristrom. And if you haven't heard of his name, you probably have heard of what he's known for. He worked on a game for a little company called Treyarch called "Spider-Man 2" for the PlayStation 2, Xbox and GameCube. Specifically, he is the man responsible for the very, very robust swinging physics in that game. So what I thought I would do is I've paid him a visit here in Washington, which is something I couldn't have done without my Patreon backers, and I'm excited to get in there and get his perspective on the new Spider-Man game - because he has not played it yet. And I'm very excited to see what he thinks, so I'm gonna hop in. Halfway through Spider-Man 1's development, or several months into Spider-Man 1's development, I wasn't happy with the swinging in Spider-Man 1. It was kinda like flying, but with cosmetic webs shooting into the sky. I wanted... I wanted to feel like Spider-Man. To me, that meant, y'know, physics taking over. A more visceral experience, like being a bob on a pendulum. But I also kind of figured that's gonna be really hard to control, if you're... y'know, if you just have a gamepad. So that's when I got the idea of sort of an artificially-intelligent, assisted thing that's making choices about where to swing from that would be smart about saying 'oh, here's a building corner, let's attach to that building corner and swing around it.' Jamie took that dissatisfaction with Spider-Man 1's swinging and his idea for how he thought it ought to work, and he began staying late at night at Treyarch, where he was working on the first game, working on a very very rudimentary prototype of this system. All the executives and upper management who looked at it - at this little prototype that I'd whipped together - said: "We cannot change the direction this game is going this late into the project when we've already made a few levels." And... I had to agree. It did not show enough promise. But when Spider-Man 2 came around, then I had the opportunity to say: Hey, can I finish that thing? If you want me to be technical director on this project, I'd really like the opportunity to do this! So... I did. At that point, Jamie's prototype became the skeleton for how swinging worked in Spider-Man 2, and he was able to bring his Treyarch colleagues on to help him. However, to maximize the chance of this system being successful - and to try to ensure it actually shipped with this mechanic in place - Jamie and his team kept the swinging a pretty well-guarded secret inside of Activision up until the very last second. At the end of this process, we'd try to keep upper management away from it until it's ready to show. "No, don't look at it yet, don't look at it yet." And then, finally... Finally, we got to that point where it was like, yes, it's ready to show. Now, Jamie's expertise when it comes to swinging games doesn't actually begin and end with the Spider-Man series. I actually first met Jamie back in 2015 when he was working on this game called Energy Hook, which was this one-man indie game project, all done by him, that was intended to be the spiritual successor to Spider-Man 2. It's why, when I played Marvel's Spider-Man for the first time, I thought of Jamie immediately - and why, once I found out he did not own a PS4 and had not played the game at all, I packed my PS4 Pro in a suitcase and flew to Washington to get his thoughts on it. And with the system all set up and ready to go with a fresh save loaded up, we were almost ready to go, but before we hopped into it, I had one last pair of questions for Jamie, intended to find out exactly how much he knew going in about this new Spider-Man game, and also to get his thoughts on what his criteria are for a good one. What's your personal criteria for good swinging in a Spider-Man game? A huge thing for Spider-Man 2 was: you just wanted your stomach to clench up, right, when you're at the bottom of the swing. If you're coming around a building, you wanted to feel it in your gut. So you haven't played Spider-Man 2018 -- what have you heard about it, I guess? Um, I haven't heard anything about the swinging. *Really?* Interesting. I'll hold my tongue. I saw some screenshots where Spider-Man landed next to a pride flag, and I thought that was the coolest thing. I started watching a trailer, but it was all about the boss fights, and I was sort of like 'Eh, boss fights, whatever. Not interested.' So that's about it. Well, cool. I guess we can hop into it. I've been thinking about the best way to drop you into it, and I think the thing is: The game opens with a little swinging tutorial that I would love to get your perspective on. And then I've also got a save state later in the game where I've unlocked some of the more advanced, um... mechanics. I don't want to say too much, but yeah. Cool! Well, I'll get the capture set up. At this point, I'm over-the-moon excited about the fact that he doesn't even know if there's a swinging system in it. You can see it in the full interview, but me and Jamie talked a little bit about other, later Spider-Man games post-Spiderman 2, and how he was a little bummed to see them revert to a more flying, non-swinging-based system. So, at this point, he has no idea if there's even a swinging mechanic in this game, which makes me more excited than ever to get his thoughts on it, so I instruct him to pick up the controller, and we get going. Uh, you can go down to 'New Game.' I was always a fan of the hold down - even though that wasn't the way Spider-Man 2 did it - of holding down to swing, and then letting go to let go. That always felt more... more like my sensation in the real world kind of matched the sensation on the screen. I noticed that there was what seemed like a crane that I was sure I was gonna just whack into, and I sort of magically missed it. So I'm wondering - like, we didn't do it on Spider-Man 2, but there was something like that on [Ultimate Spider-Man], where buildings had this sort of natural anti-magnetic thing going on. And I was like yeah, that... that felt really good to me when that happened - when I *didn't* hit the crane. I was like 'yes, look how awesome I am threading the needle between the crane and the building, even though the game did it for me.' I'm finding that it's either ... enough like what I'm used to that it's just sort of coming naturally to me to swing around... It's either what I'm used to or it's just, you know, intuitive. ...oh, that was cool, the web zip that time did the double... I like the way the field of view changes. That was one of... before I left the Spider-Man 3 team, I was all into more dynamic field of view. Now, Jamie was visibly enjoying himself playing this game, and already we were getting his very unique insight into how you build the thousands of small nerdy interconnected physics systems that go into a good swinging game. But I started to wonder whether Jamie truly realized just what a specific love letter Marvel's Spider-Man was to the work that he and the rest of his team back at Treyarch did all the way back in 2004. But! I also didn't want to push him in any specific direction, I just wanted to sit back and observe, so I waited... and that's when this happened. I want... you know what I'm missing, is that Spider-Man 2 charge jump, where you hold it down and you can go up like 5 stories. That... I want that. Uh... what if I told you that that's in one of the skill trees? Ahhhhh.... Yeah. (laughs) Now, the reason I highlight this moment is because it really illustrates something that struck me right away when swinging around in Spider-Man 2018, which is that: everything about the swinging - from the webs attaching to buildings, to moves returning from the old game like the web zip and charge jump, to the optional trick system that they've added - all of these things speak to the fact that this game was built with a great deal of reverence for the swinging system that Jamie pioneered for the 2004 game. Spider-Man 2 really is the godfather of good 3D Spider-Man games, and that's something I suspect Insomniac was hypercognizant of when building the PS4 iteration. For one example of what I'm talking about, here is some footage from one of the very first prototypes that they showed during a livestream promoting the game. "This is a test level that we built. We knew when we were gonna do swinging, we had to get the size of the world right. We had to get the webs attaching to buildings. And so you start with the simplest world and the simplest buildings you can make." To me, the fact that almost 15 years after Spider-Man 2 came out, one of the first questions people ask about a new Spider-Man game is whether or not the webs actually attach to the buildings - and the fact that you can even hear game developers talk about the importance of that specific component to making a good-feeling Spider-Man game - all that, to me, speaks to the impact that Jamie's work fifteen years ago had on the entire landscape of Spider-Man games even in 2018. A lot of things seem - and maybe my memory is faulty - but a lot of these animations and stuff are triggering Spider-Man 2 nostalgia. Like, when he hit the top of that arc and sort of did a vault upward off the end of the rope. It's like, I vaguely remember that's something James did for us back in the day. It has the thing that [Spider-Man 2] had where it's just sort of like... I'm actually not paying attention to where I'm going, and I'm not really picking a destination. I'm not saying, aw, I really want to get to there. I'm just sort of letting the swinging take me wherever it wants to take me. Yeah, I think that's giving me - even though it's vertical - that's giving me the sensation of speed that I was kind of looking for. It's like you're using gravity to get some speed, then it's channeling you into it. So now that Jamie had gotten a chance to play a lot of the game, I wanted to sit him down and talk to him once more about what he noticed about it -- About his overall thoughts on how he thought it related to his work back in the day. And here's what he told me. I quite liked it. Even though you'd think, after the number of years I've spent swinging around, I'd be kinda done with that. I do kinda want to sort of like explore the new space and the new technique. I kind of... that was a thing with me. Like, every time a new Spider-Man game came out, you'd hear the media... just a bunch of people saying 'Well, it's not as good as Spider-Man 2.' But I think... I think I almost always enjoyed them even though they were different. Even though Ultimate Spider-Man didn't have the sense of momentum, and was more cartoony and jumpy, it was still fun in its own way. The nosedive into the swing is maybe its crowning achievement. But also, holistically, I just think it felt good. I think whoever was the swinging engineer on Spider-Man 2018 would say that they were, in a way, standing on the shoulders of giants, and on the work you guys did on Spider-Man 2 in particular. Can you sort of detect some of that shared DNA, that reverence for your game? I definitely felt that these guys sort of respected the old work, and we're gonna try to reinvent it, but rather, improve on it. Now, as for what Jamie's up to these days, he's still doing game development, but he's turned to a pretty surprising outlet for that: Roblox. Jamie's already published over half a dozen games in Roblox, some of which have been hugely successful. And his newest is a game called Dungeon Life, which is a sort of asymmetrical, randomly generated dungeon crawler where one player plays the hero, and all the other players build the dungeon and play as the enemies in that dungeon. Jamie, who is now a father, says that one of the cool side effects of this is making something that his kids can enjoy. Something that's kinda gone on my whole life is, when I tell my friends 'Hey, I've made this game, do you want to play it?' They're like 'That sounds cool, but I'm too busy.' So now, and this has been a first for me: Sarah liking Dungeon Life and being willing to play it with me... It's like, yay, I finally made a video game for an audience that I'm connected to. Thank you to Jamie Fristrom for letting me interview him for this video. If you want to see more of Jamie's recent work in Roblox, just go to Roblox and search for Dungeon Life, or for his user profile Jamie_Fristrom. And, of course, thank you to my Patreon backers, without whom this video literally could not have gotten made. See you next time!
Channel: Nick Robinson
Views: 5,829,001
Rating: 4.9185963 out of 5
Keywords: spider-man, Spiderman, PS4, PlayStation 4, Marvel's Spider-Man, game, gameplay, PS4 Pro, Treyarch, review, PlayStation, Insomniac Games, interview, game design, swing, swinging, physics, grappling hook, Spider-Man 2, spider-man ps2, PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, open world games, superhero games, marvel, documentary, video essay, prototype, E3, 2017, 2018, original, the amazing spider-man, ultimate spider-man, evolution of web swinging, history, raimi suit, sam raimi spider man ps4, far from home
Id: 4AWRR92W5gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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