Spicy Garlic STICKY Ribs Sous Vide!

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[Music] welcome back to soviet everything guys you saw the thumbnail today one of the most incredible ribs i've ever done in my life and i'm pretty sure you're gonna enjoy it check it out and we start off with the ribs these are pork spare ribs however this recipe will work with either one but at least to me spare ribs taste a lot better besides the flavor the biggest difference for me is that baby bags has a lot more meat but at the same times these are much more flavorful and as always the first thing i like to do is to remove the membrane from the back and to remove it it's quite simple using a butter knife i start working my way on the corner once i've released it from the bone i like to grab a paper towel and remove it all out sometimes i get lucky and it comes out in one piece other times not so much if that happens to you just start over then take it out it is not a big deal and i highly recommend you always taking it out as you can see once i was done there's no side of membrane that is exactly what you're looking for the next thing to do is to go ahead and season them and for that i kept it very simple i threw in a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper as always it is important to make sure you season all sides including the edges and that's because the next seasoning we're going to be adding is smoke if you want to make good ribs you got to smoke it so i set my smoker to 150 degrees fahrenheit threw my ribs in there and let them smoke for a total of two hours that was perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and make our sauce and this one is super tasty and here's how to make it into a saucepan i threw in some butter let it melt under medium low heat and throw in a good amount of garlic we are after all making korean style sticky ribs and if i know my korean friends they like a lot of garlic and there's nothing wrong with that just remember to keep it under low heat so that you do not burn the garlic then into the saucepan i threw in a good amount of soy sauce followed by honey cherry vinegar tomato paste sriracha hot sauce korean chili paste called cochigaro you can find them in any asian supermarket or you can always order online and as always exact amount of ingredients always on the description down below for you after adding it in make sure you keep it under medium low heat and combine all of these ingredients together since the sauce has a lot of sugar you do not want to let it burn you wanna let it reduce a little and thicken up the more you reduce the thicker it will be and keep in mind that once it cools down it's gonna thicken up even more for me after about two minutes it was good enough and as it's still hot you can see that it's very runny but as it cools down you will see how thicken it will get once i was done with the sauce our pork ribs are ready and after taking them out of the smoker you can see that it produced a nice color that friends is flavoring exactly what i was looking for as my sauce was still a little bit hot i threw in half of it into the ribs that's because i'll be cooking with it and in the end i will also be glazing it and as always make sure every single edge is perfectly coated i'm telling you once you try this sauce you're not gonna let it go to waste as you can see once i was done they almost look good enough to eat already but we still have to cook them all the way through and for that i'm going to be using sous vide so the only thing left to do is to back them up vacuum seal them and get them ready for the water bath that's perfect because it allows us to go ahead and make an incredible side dish to go along with it and for today i chose korean style garlic bread i must admit this is very different than my traditional garlic bread but at the same time i feel like you're gonna enjoy this recipe and to make it the first thing we gotta do is our garlic butter so into a boil i threw in room temperature butter followed by honey soy sauce crazy amount of garlic one whole egg and finish it off with parsley the only thing left to do is to mix it well and make sure everything is perfectly combined because once that was done this is what i was left with that right there is korean style garlic butter and i'm looking forward to find out how it's gonna taste usually i use a very crusty bread but for this recipe we're gonna be doing something different these are brioche loaves as you may know brioche is very soft so let's find out how this is going to pair up with that garlic butter i chose to go ahead and cut them in 1 inch steak my thought was that if i cut them too thin it's just not going to be good once that was done the only thing left to do is to go ahead and spread our garlic butter and i made sure to put a generous amount as well say the more butter the better and as you can see i was quite generous with it the next thing to do was to put it in a cooling rack so that i can toast them up for that i set my oven to 400 degrees fahrenheit and throw them in there it took about eight minutes to cook them all the way through as you can see once i was done this is what i was left with some of the edges has charred up and the middle is nicely golden brown the contrast of flavors should be awesome and as you might know i could not resist but take a little bite and as i tried it this tastes awesome it's kind of sweet you don't really expect that from a garlic bread at the same time i can't wait to find out if mao mao is gonna like it as much as i did because this should be perfect with our ribs talking about that it's time to go ahead and cook them for that i'm going to be throwing them in the water bath at 165 degrees fahrenheit for 12 hours that should get them nice and tender i got my beautiful ribs ready everybody as you know that i cook that at 165 degrees fahrenheit for 12 hours that is enough trust me it is plenty of time to cook them now they will be pretty much fall off the bone if that's not what you like then you should lower the temperature to 155 or so and then keep it still at 12 hours it should be nice and tender but i'll tell you one thing we're hungry they are ready and it's time to take it out let's do it [Music] like i said you want to be real careful because they are extremely tender i recommend using two tongues and holding them so that they don't break apart on you now here's the plan even though i already sauced them when i was cooking it i'm also going to sauce them after i put a little bit of a sear that little chart that i give on top of the ribs the flavor is phenomenal i highly recommend you searing it before you sauce it but now i say i know my ribs don't look that good right now now watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful feast today my mom now i don't know about you but i love me some ribs man that rib plating is looking amazing but i can't take my eyes off this break i don't blame you now however this is a weird bread i'm going to be honest with you right now it's a garlic bread but it's not my usual garlic bread is some korean style garlic bread yes is yes he even has a little bit of he even has a little bit of sugar which is kind of weird and stuff i know i know i was like so excited when i saw the texas toast over there when i first made it i was judgmental just like you but i'll be honest i couldn't resist i tried it and it is amazing everybody go ahead which one you want to try for you won't know where you're going the question is yeah okay let's try it again cheers [Music] and the verdict you know that sugar throw is a little bit off this is good it is a little sweet i told you yeah tell me how does it taste my mom it's really good it is very different than your regular you know texas styles toast garlic toast very unique i highly recommend you giving it a try because the first bite is kind of sweet then it's kind of savory then it's kind of garlicky so there's way too many flavors going on right there kind of herby and then it's kind of herby yes because of all the parsley but you like it i love it wow i want to put it down but my hand won't let me you having a hard time about we still got to try the ribs let's get back to earth here we got to try the ribs yeah all right let's go as you can see we have knife and fork because that's how you eat ribs that's how you eat ribs oh my god are you okay i'm not it's like bending a ham even the bone is bending even the volume i guess it's a little bit tender yeah it's a little bit okay i'm excited oh my god my mom finger looking good oh my god i know that the bread was good but i have a very high hopes yeah you put some crack on him ribs on crack this is good you know what you put some msg on this msg yes okay i'm super excited it's smell it and tell me what does it smell like what does it remind you of huh the smell does not match the taste at all can tell no no no no no not at all doesn't it remind you of korean smell a little bit but not that much no not that it's very different and i promise you've never tried anything like this before and i'm excited for you to try it be careful it might be a little bit spicy yeah well you tried the sauce already your korean things with spicy it's like a kicking butt okay enough talking it's time to give it a try cheers everybody wow so good so good oh lord have mercy wow those are the times that you run out of words to say and explain it to you guys how wonderful this tastes oh my god even though it's a little bit spicy it has a little bit of sweetness as well and it's not like burning your mouth spicy rice spicy flavor correct yes yes yes it's it's too many flavors at once for you to be able to understand how good it is you have to make it you got to give it a try it's not too spicy and it's not too sweet it's like very nice balance there's almost no heat yeah very little yeah very mild it's just a little tiny little tingly on your tongue obviously if you want more heat everybody go ahead and throw in some more hot sauce because i throw some hot sauce in there mom i'll throw some ghost pepper oh no take it easy my mom we want things to taste good and not die that's what i like at least i'll tell you one thing mama as you can see oh my mom's already my birthday this thing is delicious you should really really give it a try you sure they should huh yeah i'm gonna have a hard time taking another break to speak anything over here so so we better finish it up go ahead and give this a try because this is amazing my mom said everything there is nothing else for me to say it i highly recommend if you're used to making your ribs the same exact way every single time give your family something new to give it a try everybody you never know if you're going to be coming across your favorite recipe if you don't try it always try something new anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye recommend it my mom 100.
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 225,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribs, sous vide ribs, sticky ribs, spicy ribs, garlic bread, italian bread, how to make ribs, tender ribs, juicy ribs, low and slow, cooking ribs, slow cook ribs
Id: 31bBc-KAp7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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