Deep FRIED Hot Flaming HOT Ribs Experiment!

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thanks raid shadow legends for sponsoring this video for today's video we're going to be making some incredible ribs yes we got the traditional ribs which falls off the bone and it's absolutely delicious and we cannot forget about the grill ribs i mean come on just take a look at this it is what i like to call heaven on earth but besides the traditional ones we also have something insane we're talking about the fried tackiest ribs is this going to be good well there's only one way to find out because this it's the saint louis ribs experiment so let's do it and we start off with the star of the show saint louis ribs these are my favorite types of ribs unlike baby backs they don't have a lot of meat however they do have a lot of flavor the first thing i like to do is to trim them as you can see this part on the top right here will just come off so we're better off go ahead and trim yet now and this other part is so thin that it's gonna dry out through the cooking process so i'm gonna try to take it off and put it to good use and any small pieces that are flopping out i just like to remove it because in the end i'm left with some beautiful ribs take a look perfectly trimmed nice and square and most importantly they are even we want all of the ribs to cook evenly now for these first two ribs this is what's gonna happen we're gonna be smoking one and the other one we're gonna deep-fried in tackies but the first step we treat them exactly the same and that is first to season them with a good amount of salt keeping the salt separate from the barbecue rub allows me to put the right amount because once that's done i went right in with the barbecue rub for today i'm using guga's rub the wonderful thing about it is that you can make this rub at home if you have not seen that video yet make sure you check it out in the description down below later on now there's a huge dilemma in the barbecue world to remove it or not remove the membrane here's what i say if you're going to be smoking in a low temperature like low and slow go ahead and remove it but if you're going to be grilling it or smoking it at high temperature it's actually a good thing to leave it on because it's a protective layer but since these are going to be smoked at 250 degrees fahrenheit i went ahead and removed it and it's great because it allowed me to go ahead and add more seasoning as you can see once i was done every single edge of these ribs was perfectly seasoned with a rub that is exactly what i was looking for because the next thing to do is to go ahead and throw it in my smoker for that i'm putting my camshaft smoker at 250 degrees fahrenheit the only thing i'm really looking for is color because by default my smoker produces an incredible flavor already and usually that takes about three hours as that was happening it allowed me time to go ahead and prepare the third one and this one the seasoning is going to be very different like always i started with a good amount of salt first then i went ahead and jumped into freshly ground black pepper now for this rib that's it nothing else i want to keep it nice and simple because i'm trying to avoid any rubs that have sugar on them remember we're going to be grilling it at high temperature and sugar burns that's a no-go but to add even more flavor i'm going to be basting it with some butter and for that i melted some butter threw in some garlic paste a little bit of freeze-dried parsley and mixed it well that is my basting sauce it does not get any easier than that and it should be perfect to go along with the ribs talking about that by this time my smoked ribs were already take a look that is exactly the color i was looking for notice that we don't have any pullback on the bone yet that is because it's not fully cooked but we're gonna get the job done right now and to do that the fastest way is to go ahead and throw in aluminum foil for some added moisture i threw in some butter we all know butter makes everything taste better the only thing left to do was to wrap them up nice and tightly and throw them back in the smoker at 250 degrees fahrenheit for two hours as that was going it was time to make the crusts and take a look at this crushed up tackies the red one because to my surprise we also have the blue kind i don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one but hey here we are we're gonna try them on some ribs because after about one hour on the smoker the ribs were ready and take a look now that looks like a perfect rib to me the next thing to do was to go ahead and separate each individual bone i sliced them up and they were ready because we're using the three-step breading process to make this happen first we throw it into the flour followed by the egg wash and it's straight to the tucky's crust i mean take a look at this stain it looks good enough to eat already so i went ahead and continued the whole process because once i was done take a look i know it looks like christmas ornaments but this one you can eat and hopefully it's gonna turn out fantastic that is to be determined real shortly as now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and fry them for that i'll be keeping my oil at 375 degrees fahrenheit and don't forget we're also going to be grilling some ribs i'll first put a nice beautiful sear on it then i'll be cooking it in indirect heat until i reach an internal temperature of 200 degrees fahrenheit because now i would like to say it is enough talking and it is time to cook them so let's do it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] before moving forward i would like to thank today's sponsor ray chatter legends raid is an awesome mobile game with tons of champions check them out on my link in the description box to get started check out this new clan boss with six heads the hydra each head is a complete boss battle all in its own like this one the head of suffering it's got a pain link debuff which lets the head share the damage it takes with you and how about this one the head of wrath after you hit it 15 times the head of red gives itself a scary buff which triple its attack power into the end of its next turn and that is something i really like about the game there's always something new new champions new bosses like right now raid is giving away the super limited edition champion esports legend and nevi's super start simple between now and january 28 2022 it's available for free to both new and old players all you have to do is log in for seven days between now and january 28th and he's yours on top of that there's a ton of new year's events and tournaments including a special fusion event where you can get one of raid's newest legendary champions it's a great time to get started if you use my link on the description you'll get a free starter pack worth almost 30 dollars to kickstart your game a free champion aina 200 000 silver one energy refuel one xp boost and one engine charge so you can summon an awesome champion as soon as you get in game all distraction will be waiting for you here it's that easy just click the link in the description and i'll see you in the game thank you rachel i just sponsored this video but now let's get right back to it all right everybody here we have our beautiful feast today are you guys hungry two-thirds beautiful it looks this one looks interesting though that's where it starts you know what interesting is the perfect word to describe how that looks it's a christmas episode everybody what's going on over here it looks like you colored them with crayons i know merry christmas everybody i don't know if the holidays are already passed but hey it looks like the holidays are you guys celebrating christmas it's cookies by the way just so you guys know it's takis i didn't paint it with kryon all right all right we got a little experiment we got barbecue we got grilled and we got takis deep fried it's supposed to be blue but also then it turns out green i'm really excited for these two and these two have me really worried exactly enough talking let's go for it i said we dig in with a control yeah this one right here everybody my kind of video that's right right leo i don't know about you guys but i absolutely love ribs i love barbecue i can never get enough barbecue ribs is my jam ribs is the best all right the very first one straight up barbecue sauce you guys already know cheers cheers cheers everyone this is delicious yeah i don't even want to describe it i just want to keep eating it man this is so good barbecue sauce is really good this is what i like everybody see how it comes off the bone and the bone is nice and clean that is how a ribs should be cooked just like this lollipop exactly but at the same time yeah it doesn't it doesn't fall off it doesn't fall off the ball it's like pull off the ball yeah this to me is a textbook rib just the texture the sauce on it absolutely beautiful it's soft it's juicy smoky my hats to the chef oh the description guy so what kind of textbook is is this science math a barbecue type reading that's right enough we can all agree that that's amazing yes yes that is fantastic now i'm really excited for this i never had the grips like this in my life this one is straight up on the grill high temperature it only took 30 minutes to cook this rib this one here took six hours everybody this one 30 minutes that's crazy quick okay you ready for it cheers everybody oh i like that oh man that's porky flavor that crust is so good no what do you think steak on a bone steak on a bone yeah that's a great way of describing it that's how i would call it but i will say this just how just as it is with a really small just that right there the barbecue i don't think it ruined it though no i disagree because this is sweet and this one should be savory yeah it's a completely different game right here everybody i'll tell you this right now this is the most interesting part for me it's nice and clean so that means that it only took 30 minutes to cook because it was high temperature but at the same time it is pull off the bone everybody look you see the bone comes out nice and clean i love this girl wow i was going to say i love that it has everything that the last set of ribs had with that crust it just takes it to a whole nother level i think maybe i'm this one here i think they like sauce i think i just to wrap it up so far this one is my favorite okay are you guys ready i guess we can i don't know are you guys ready to try the experiment parkies one i don't think i'm ready for this this doesn't this looks scary it doesn't matter you just grab whatever you want i'll go for the red team red i'll go for the grinch green the green it's supposed to be blue leo sorry your team blue blue okay enough i'm excited to find out let's let you guys know if it's good bad or ugly cheers everybody cheers i don't know how i feel about this this is crunchy bro i'm actually getting a little bit of like lime and a little heat yeah which is interesting and the texture's just weird you don't like it in a rib i don't know i just don't know if i like it or not it's weird it's got a breading it's fried you know but i wouldn't put it on top of any of the other two no i think so as well i think this one here is my favorite one but you know what would probably be nice if we dip this in that barbecue sauce this yeah well i like that so go get the barbecue sauce in there so this one you can you can leave it alone but this one you have to dip it in barbecue that's how you what happens is this one is kind of dry thank you for the sauce leo no problem i'm interested to try this yeah let's see how it's going to find that stitch but don't get in there because i think the dryness that's what you know killed me a little bit i was gonna say i heard what angel was saying why does this one need sauce and this one doesn't and i think it's because this one has so much flavor that the sauce would actually ruin it whereas this one is kind of dry and the takis kind of like take away some of that rib flavor you need it wow i couldn't sit any better that's why you're here leo is the description guy everybody okay look at that okay this is straight up barbecue you ready i put in my mouth you cheated leo come on over are you ready okay let's try with the sauce cheers oh my god that fixed it now that is juicy crumbly crunchy that's how it should be eaten right now these are both better than both of them i can agree to that but at the same time i think this is interesting something for you to try it at home something that i think you guys gonna get a kick out of it but most importantly it's not bad especially if you don't get in the sauce anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it make sure give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye you know how the best way to get ribs out your teeth a toothpick eat more ribs
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 617,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribs, grilling, cooking, deep fry, deep fried ribs, ribs recipe, cooking ribs, how to make the best ribs, takis ribs
Id: O28KDm1_56E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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