Spending $100,000 For The STRONGEST ARMY in Roblox!

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Zoe today we're going to be playing a battlefield Tycoon oh this looks so much fun and an enemy just infiltrated by bass but with the next one comes I'm gonna be prepared for him and the way we Stack Up is we gotta build an infantry first we gotta choose a guy to shoot a blaster I'm gonna start off with a Rifleman just like this we could upgrade this guy and he guard the tower and attacks this this is the enemy Intruder he's trying to beat our base and now like I have to get him come on man oh gosh he's going I could even get ammo boxes right here get my Emma boxes and maybe even create a radio tent and guess what you might be wondering where Zoe is [Music] you all the way over there oh I see you too hi but what Zoe does it know is I'm gonna pop out with a raid later and I could raid people I know cooler five two three seven six is on my screen but I could read someone else later a lot that would be so funny okay so I'm just gonna keep upgrading my place and making sure I just get more and more money um but I feel like I should upgrade my main guy but it costs 700 to upgrade them oh gosh Lounge tent oh gosh wait why is there so many different upgrades uh I guess this helps out with how much money we're getting okay get him oh gosh I don't know if my guy can get them you got them let's go Mr other upgrades I can get I feel like this is kind of underwhelming hmm what is this section maps whoa I could unlock different Maps look that is so cool first what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna unlock two x the money oh my gosh this is gonna make me even more overpowered it's like this for 250 Robux snack by this Lounge area some beds and oh I can get another infantry and this time I think I'm gonna save up for the second guy the Thompson blast okay nice now I could get this guy and this guy should help out with the Phoenix guys and every single time this chick counts down I get more pay and I think as the upgrade more pay gets even more so the more things that upgrade the more pay I get and look now we're getting three people coming towards us oh gosh oh okay and then now none of you guys are really getting dude which is really really good okay I'm gonna get more loudspeakers just like this and you know what I just realized I could buy coins myself using music so I'm just gonna buy ten thousand coins really quickly and now I could use this to upgrade my two on your base I kind of want to see what Zoey's up to let me just upgrade my base and then I'll see what she's doing and I can even get a bar Blaster guy this guy is super good look see the 65 damage per hit in my long range guy only does nine that is crazy okay I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna see what Zoe's up to I just get across this area let me see if that could actually go over there he's on this side that was the best raid ever look at Zoe's baby I'm going come on come on come on I am in town now whoa wait so I think you're getting raided I sure am this is what it looks like when you're getting raided look how huge that guy is over there uh Zoey you are just oh my gosh oh gosh so many parts are coming over to you okay good luck with that Zoe thank you I need to prepare for a ratings that ever happened so I'm gonna build my trench right here you know let me just get all these upgrades real quick whoa I could get a machine gun and you know what let's just max out on the machine gun let me get a bunker some dead trees some of this right here tank traps stone walls armor what okay you know what I think this call is for getting even more buddies this is my mom is a 250 Robux right here wait am I being rated what is this stuff oh my gosh uh what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do oh gosh no no no no no these things she's gonna where have they ever been paying attention I need to get another machine gun like this I should keep doing some upgrades I actually didn't keep getting more overpowered these things are getting through we'll get a road and I can get more infantries and I'm gonna unlock more Gunners right here and I could even upgrade these guys if we go upstairs but I feel like I should just upgrade everything before I do that I think we got everything over here so now I can just go over here get some walls and now whom I've been slower this whole time I feel like there's an upgrade and making me faster yes Springfield okay now I'm gonna be able to Sprint just like this and then I can get super fast I don't want all this stuff now I can just go all the way around here and just unlock a bunch of stuff whoa railing so armor signs sandbags okay you know what what else can I do oh what is this game pass flamethrower for only 300 Roblox is in action am I being rated no I guess these are just being upgraded now I have a white door look at these guys and now they have a ring of fire they have to get through and they're never gonna get through that I think it's best for me to get these upgrades at the very front since most of the people are over here and look I just bought a tank look at that oh and I could buy a motor team right here this is getting quite pricey but you know what a great Army is definitely expensive and get anti I'm gonna get a mounted Cannon real quick here a missile silo whatever that means this is so cool Lantern coffee why do we need a coffee table how is that related okay whatever I'm just gonna unlock all this stuff in here hopefully this increases my money pay I wonder how much I'm getting it right now well I guess it was even these three seconds for 10 seconds that is so good I think all the upgrades in here are good so I'm just gonna walk around and get everything this is amazing look how far we're getting with our upgrades Tiger tank I think we might need these in order to beat the tank oh gosh these things are definitely causing trouble wait look okay thick or definitely getting way better than before I think if we get Raider we could honestly pass it but I feel like we should just max this place out honestly so I think I'm just gonna do that so with the road get some walls over here this place is looking pretty empty so I feel like we could get this place up and I'm starting to run out of money so this time I'm gonna buy a hundred thousand coins points 350 Robux oh gosh this is getting expensive if these videos cost so much so if you enjoy this then please like the video right Zoe yeah Zoe how are you doing over there doing good although this one guy keeps on raiding me oh my gosh what's his name maybe I should wait him for you I think it's this guy named real song oh my gosh I think I'm gonna have to rate him I'm gonna attack him you know what I'll read them too I think only one person can read it at a time is Zoey and you know what I could use buy a hundred thousand coins the sentence I'm gonna send tanks and then I'm gonna send a bunch of soldiers behind them just like this sorry man you messed with Zoe you messed with me let's see if these guys can get past come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go let's go and these are just gonna get right through I'm sorry man I am overpowered not nickel blocks officers attack and my offices aren't even getting attacked this is crazy I guess all these ticks are going straight through the base I would say that this is the success personally let's see gosh wait I get so much money yeah I think I only got three thousand for that I guess he didn't have that much money yeah whatever [Music] because I'm coming for you later wait what and this time around I'm gonna buy a hundred thousand more coins I'm gonna get even more things that cost 350 Robux oh gosh but I'm gonna unlock all the things inside of here real quick just like this oh my gosh this is always so fun walking around and getting all this stuff oh I don't even have jail cells in here so we could get prisoners and I even got Furniture in each of their shelves you know I'm a nice guy camo netting instrument table doorway is it rain happening outside oh gosh what is that oh is someone raiding my base uh I don't know if that's a raid but should I be worried about that oh gosh we're gonna oh gosh I'm gonna get this Red Army gay basketball come on come on quick quick okay okay come on come on get it get it get it get out of it oh gosh I have a lot of money on in my way and what okay that was definitely clutch I'm just gonna keep going around just like this and buying everything I wonder how much my next pay is now I'm getting so many upgrades okay I think I'm pretty much fully upgraded in this area oh no I still got one more room okay and we look fully upgraded in this area so we're good in there we honestly don't have any upgrades besides these game passes and you know what I might as well just unlock them 450 Robux don't mind if I do okay now we got that we got we literally got Captain America Captain America has laser eyes I didn't know that uh I don't think he actually does okay is there anything else we can upgrade oh gosh there's still so many things we could upgrade but you know what it's okay what is this atom bomb Game Pass for 500 Robux what stupid you're getting this see what this gives now you have an atom bomb and wait we could send it in a chat wait should I launch this missile what does this do okay uh you know what I would have tried launching this as well then oh uh where is this gonna go wow okay that is by far probably the coolest thing ever um I mean I guess we just had this game pass left 175 Robux our base is so strong that no one could even get through it so I'm glad is there any other upgrades gosh you're somewhere I'm crazy serious I'll be back when I upgrade all this oh my gosh dive bomber what 300 Robux for this gosh uh it's expensive Zoe how about you see at the very end we rate each other oh that sounds like a great idea Nico but I'm still lucky on my upgrades this place is expensive yeah me too a hundred thousand coins can buy a lot look I even have a plane here watch how did I get that well I guess I don't know I'm just gonna get all this stuff in here wait we can put I completed the Tycoon wait you did what wait what I guess I made my base overpowered Zoe that I completed it what that's but you know I want everything out so uh give me one second to the completed answer oh my gosh look at this you know what Sylvie I'm gonna do a practice read on someone okay okay and this time I'm gonna get this guy cooler five two three seven six and whoa this guy looks like his base is already maxed out you know what let's see if I can just send some tanks over there and see if I can get him maybe these will work out come on come on oh these guys in the front are taking a lot of damage oh gosh wait I think I'm gonna have to send a bunch of takes in to get through this guy oh gosh this guy is overpowered oh my gosh I'm spending so much money to get to his base but I mean eventually it should be able to get through you know what I'm gonna save my money do surprise attack on Zoe I'm gonna real quick just spend 500 000 Robux oh gosh for 500 Robux we got this I'm gonna send an ultimate attack towards Zoe Zoey I'm coming I'm buying a bunch of takes away good luck so we Zoey look at this oh thank you but oh I'm not prepared for this um it's okay Zoe I'm coming at you don't worry about it your demise will be slow and steady but don't worry about the 50 tanks that are coming to your base right now I gotta get rid of them now don't wait on them Zoe don't worry about them [Music] we can try rating me you know what I'm gonna win no you know you're not we're doing you Captain America yep I just bottom you're not gonna win this uh Zoe I have like a bunch of ticks going to your base right now so I don't know wait what oh gosh that is oh okay come on please please please I just spent 200 000 coins trying to attack your base in under the beginning through are you are you okay that means you're not gonna get through my base then because mine's fully maxed out oh gosh we'll see try and raid me you know what I am oh God uh is this you coming yeah oh hey Zoe oh gosh are you sending more of these sticks are you serious nope you're going down Zoey's baby that's not that many chicks actually hey I got more tanks they're not even gonna get through my front face you know what let me real quick just send something over um give me one second sweet what are you doing let me get this guy right here and they should take care of them oh okay and okay we're good we're good uh so we got anything else for me yeah I I do oh my gosh I was overpowered no you had that um sorry uh let's see if this is anything oh okay and what do you Zoe I think you've honestly been defeated I'll never stop my tanks got way farther than your soldiers you're still just haven't even made it out of the front that's just the skill death hey oh gosh you're making it through a little bit nope nope no they're not oh oh no they're not and the read ended [Music] Joe that was pretty fun though yeah it sure was if you want to watch more nickel box Adventures the Cocoon on the screen if you enjoyed that please subscribe hi guys subscribe bye
Channel: NicoBlox
Views: 771,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nico, Cash, Zoey, Nico and Zoey, Roblox
Id: mgTtzW6a7O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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