I Bought the STRONGEST Tower in Roblox Tower Defense!

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Shady today we're playing Roblox Tower Defense and minor you're gonna be on our team got it we're all gonna have to defend ourselves from these scary Towers so everybody joined this trios I know and who's this guy blood is not on the team who is that uh excuse me sir you cannot play with us I'm sorry but we're going in and minor you better be an expert at this because we don't know how to play right Shady yeah I'm kind of a noob at this okay there we go now we can choose a map and guys which map do we choose I think robocamp looks the coolest or the cavern but wait those are impossible levels I think we should just do the easy one first guys it's called Boneyard I'm voting for that okay and wait why is there a mammoth behind me which difficulty do we choose just normal right yep I think so okay good look the miners pet is a mammoth all right Miner what do we do here oh he's placing down a caveman I have a caveman too I'm gonna Place mine right over there okay now we have this corner secure um guys wait there's dinosaurs coming through a wave is headed our way oh geez and we need to add more defenses and wait the cavemans are killing the dinosaurs get all of them get all of them yes up guys I don't know if these cavemans are gonna be strong enough though I have enough to buy another one yeah we need to uh upgrade our defenses for sure oh wait what did you just place down oh my goodness all right I'm gonna Place one down too I think I'll Place mine right here is that good enough that's a good spot all three of us place them down and look they start spawning these cars behind us good oh my goodness and every time it has the countdown a new car spawn so look this guy's gonna run over the dinosaurs for us yes thank you Mr Carr let's go we have so many cars coming in since we have three of them it's just gonna infinitely spawn cars for us oh gosh wait are those Tigers running through now oh geez I don't think the cavemen are gonna be able to defeat those I know I think we're gonna need some more troops yeah no kidding should I place another car thing down maybe hmm okay wait guys I think I'm gonna buy another thing now I think I'm gonna buy another caveman another caveman really but those are so useless wait but you can upgrade the caveman wait seriously oh my gosh an upgrade costs 3250 okay you know what I'm gonna upgrade him let's go I upgraded him all right and make sure to upgrade your car area too oh you're right how much does that cost six thousand dollars I'm about to get that and boom just upgraded it now I only have 27 left but my car should be op now I know it's running through all of them yeah these things are so strong now that we upgraded them and are these dinosaurs still not able to get through we are too strong minor thank you for helping us thanks Miner I just realized the cars also have health so if they get too low then they'll get destroyed by the dinosaurs that would not be good I think we should line this entire track with just a bunch of people in a bunch of cars yeah I wonder what it would look like if we did that it would probably look like a big train of just car going through and nothing would be able to stop it I know you know what I think I'm just gonna buy another one they're not gonna place it right here boom I want to be in charge of spawning the cars now we have one two three four corresponding things so that means four cars are just gonna come through all the time yep and I'm gonna upgrade my caveman right here okay good idea to level three we should keep upgrading our cavemen because they are doing a lot of the work in the beginning here I know but the dinosaurs are getting harder to defeat so what if we're not able to kill them I don't know then they get all the way through and they damage us and kill us um how am I supposed to buy more items now you have to wait until your money stocks up how much money do I need I don't know all quite a bit oh geez can I just buy coins with Robux or something I think you can and maybe after this game let's see I guess for now while our troops fight these guys we can just go up this stuff guys look I'm on top of the bone up here whoa I see you and I can see everything I could see the entire path look I could see the cars coming through in the cavemen and the dinosaurs that are getting stopped by it yeah this reminds me of something very similar wait what happens if I go over here and I click on this car what does it let me do can I drive the car please let me drive it let me drive the boat it's not a boat Shady it's a car oh oops oh my goodness anyways I want to buy another thing oh wait can I upgrade my thing again let's see how much does this cost ten thousand dollars it makes the health 900 okay you know what I think we should do it there we go and now it's super upgraded holy smokes whoa I think the miner had the right idea the cavemen are just melting the Triceratops over whoa that was such a good idea Miner we should just place a bunch of cavemen here at the front they just stop all the dinosaurs how is it ever gonna stop that I know right I'll Place Another caveman after you guys all right I'll be in charge of the cars guys don't worry sweet I think there might be some cooler weapons we could use against these guys like what I don't know maybe there's like a big slingshot or something we could use yeah I hope so this is kind of boring we just gotta wait for the round to be over Shady be patient all right all right okay Shady we now have a line of cavemen going down here in the fully upgraded cars I know they're shredding them oh gosh look at this guy that's a big dinosaur but wait uh do you think our cavemen are gonna be able to take this oh no I think I'm gonna go spawn another car right here okay car right there and upgrade twice hopefully that'll do it now this dinosaur is definitely gonna get past all this I know I'm spawning in another car as well wait our cars are gonna make it through the look they're damaging him a lot I know good yes come on come on you got this cars get em attack uh Miner oh we're doing it yes and now all the other dinosaurs are dying let's go we caught up but we should probably upgrade our stuff because wave 18 is starting now I know we need to make sure that the Triceratops can't get through I think I'm gonna Place Another caveman right there and now I'm gonna upgrade him a lot just like that so now we should have some extra lines of Defense make sure to place down all the stuff if you have the money for it I am don't worry and after this round I'm gonna buy a ton of Robux and just buy every big defense we possibly can that way they'll just be instantly disintegrated anyways we're almost done with Round 19 and then next round is the last round which will obviously win in oh gosh another big dinosaur guys Melton melt them down come on oh geez oh geez I'm going to place another caveman right here come on caveman you gotta save me here okay there we go he's tossing rocks at him now perfect I'm upgrading my jeeps oh yeah smart idea I'm gonna do that too oh that's a hundred thousand this one's ten thousand so let's upgrade that one and this dinosaur is totally going down let's go that was even quicker than before I know I think we just beat it I think so wait no this is the last round Shady of course it's gonna be the hardest this is the daddy Dino the daddy Dino yep he's the big father how do you know it's not a mom okay maybe it's the mommy dino oh my goodness anyways after this we should be done and then we can upgrade everything with Robux Sweet let's go yes wait wow do you guys see that it's a mammoth it has 87 000 Health shreddum we're gonna have to buy some upgrades for our cars guys I know this is not good get a bunch of cars ready come on I'm just gonna spawn like a million cars okay here one two and wait I can't spawn more guys uh guys spawn all your cars in come on caveman this is not good wait no he's taking a lot of damage though it is good spawn all the caveman you possibly can the cavemen are still throwing at him which is really good I know some of them can't reach them anymore though oh wait really no they're all still throwing at him I think come on yes he's going down he's going down he's totally not making it to the end are you kidding me let's go yes and we win boom We exploded all right time to buy Robux everyone quit to Lobby okay guys are you all back I'm back all right let's see what I can buy first let's claim all this stuff and now let's go to the shop right here and whoa these look really op oh oh my goodness okay what do you think I should get the aqua shark Tower or the dragon Cannon Tower I don't know that sounds like a hard Choice hmm okay you know what I think let's start off by buying this rainbow Tower it's a guy with a minigun there we go a thousand Robux wait you can get your own weapons look wait seriously I'll look at that in a second and now this next one I'll get the dragon Cannon Tower boom and wait I see another thing over here it's called money bags Tower a rich old man who awards every team member money per wave you know what let's buy it why not I'm spending so much Robux but I don't even care I just want to get super op okay and now for the weapons oh my gosh I can buy a minigun for a ton of gems I can't afford that seriously ah looks like I'm just gonna have to get the Rex Blaster weapon then whatever nice let's go cash you gotta go into the store and buy some coins some coins so let me see where can I buy coins at uh oh here we go I can get a chest of coins for 2500 you know what I think I'll just buy this one for 480 500 coins should be be enough I just bought an airstrike and I think I'm gonna buy the Cobra King oh that's perfect art base is gonna be so op nobody's stopping us all right and with these 500 coins that I just got I think I'm gonna get this cyber Scorpion or this Jurassic orb uh okay you know what the Jurassic orb looks cooler let's buy it okay are you guys ready to go into the next game I'm ready let's demolish these guys with our new weapons okay and what do you guys think we should pick Mage lands that looks like a good difficulty for us I know I think we can beat that the Warlock easily the last round we did was so easy that we should definitely do this one and uh what do you guys say normal or hard mode let's just do normal for now probably normal and Guys these things that I got cost so much money I'm gonna place down a money bags Tower over here for all of us I'm gonna place down this and at the beginning of every round this thing just gives us money for free look at what I have walking toward us wait what is that shady oh my gosh it looks like a goblin man holy smokes wow Shady look with the miner place down wow it's like an evil scientist guy and wait I just realized that I have a a gun that I could use to shoot the people guys should I use it against these things yeah look we have the same gun oh my goodness you bought it too the Rex Blaster let's go use it wait does it have infinite ammo yep we can just shoot it however much we want this is gonna be so op to fight against the bosses I know but except it kind of ticks slowly reload yeah true make sure you shoot the head though and minor this thing that you spawned is so awesome he like has a brain and a mustache that's awesome I'm gonna spawn more money making machines right here but I'll try not to put them too close to the path because we need to save those for the actual weapons now I'm Gonna Save up enough money to buy this cool looking thing all right time to get my weapon out let's go wait I could shoot the enemies before they even make it through I'm doing damage to something I have a long line of Cobra Kings they're never gonna get through I know Shady how do you have so many I don't know they just keep spawning holy smoke it's because this thing is so op look wow oh my goodness all right I'm Gonna Save up all my money now so I can use one of my op guys just shoot through the wall my oh my weapon is so open yeah but I think once we get to the harder rounds then they're gonna have way more health so they might make it through probably I'm just spamming my gun at the front here I need to make more money look cash look what I'm gonna spawn what okay man hey that caveman's not gonna do anything he's putting in that work with the rock oh my goodness you just wasted weapon space for us we could have used that valuable space whatever I'll just sell them later oh my goodness oh yeah I forgot you could sell those things and now once we finish this round we all should get a lot of money because I placed down these two towers yeah this guy is making us bucks oh yeah we just got three thousand dollars for free and I would upgrade it but I'm trying to save up so not upgrading right now sorry all right we also have 25 rounds to survive because this one is medium mode so just keep grinding out these monsters they're so slow they can't even get all the way through here guys um I think we might have gotten a bit too op because none of the bad guys are coming through I know this is way too op nobody's beating us minor why'd you spawn so many of these guys oh my goodness okay wait you know what I just realized guys I got the op guy now wait spot him I'm gonna put it right next to your little pyramid right here boom there we go now let's see what this Mech guy looks like I want to go see oh gosh she's coming fast shady I see him oh this is so awesome look there's a little dude in there controlling it yeah he keeps running over me hey enough wait look the guys are finally making it out of the pink oh geez they are wait The Miner sold his skies look minor why'd you do that no we're not Opie at all and they can make it through this is so not good I'm just gonna have to use my blaster on these guys I know the caveman's gonna have to pull some weight now we can see my Robo guy in action come on oh wait there's no guy there what the heck oh that stinks oh geez this guy with the brain looks so op it's because he's firing lasers at every single one of them okay guys this is not good the monsters are starting to make it through now so we need to play some more op items true I'm gonna wait until I get to thirty thousand so I can see I accidentally just sold my Cobra King wait what why you're coming through Shady why would you sell that oh gosh now all we have is my Opie dude you're gonna have to save us oh gosh use your blasters use your blasters Blaster them oh the car is running straight through them this is perfect oh and the minor place down this guy which is really good too come on you got this Mr Robo guy I follow them follow them the mech's taking them out let's see how well he does against these things well he just died he just got eaten what the heck all right well we're gonna have to use our weapons to fight these guys uh-oh um they're kind of making it through they're kind of making it through guys this is not good we need to place down more weapons more weapons oh no uh well I have this guy I could place him boom he's mini gunning them and wait can he shoot from all the way back here oh uh I might have placed him in the bad spot but who cares look cash I have an air strike wait what what do you mean airstrike look up whoa whoa that's so cool my minigun guy is doing a lot of damage right now too but guys they're starting to make it really far so we should place down more things to stop them I know like some more cavemen of course no and I didn't mean caveman I meant the good guys what do you mean cavemen are good no they're oh my goodness all right you know I'm upgrading my money tower so we can make more money guys and you know what why don't I just save up now until we get to the next awesome thing which is this guy I want to unlock him so bad he probably does some really cool abilities let's see 40 000 to upgrade my minigun guy I'll do that in a bit guys how we doing over here we're shredding them I don't think we are guys they're actually getting through a lot don't worry they're not getting past our far defenses oh yeah that's true we spread out our defenses a lot here I know it's just good and we're making so much more money I'm almost gonna be able to afford my little red Inferno guy there's a goblin Squire where right there ew get rid of him oh there we go got him is this a Canon Goblin ew I think so goblins are so gross okay I have 30 000. I can spot him do it here we go um I'm just gonna spawn it right over there oh and guys look what he does holy cow he looks op I know right I think he's shooting out like Cannon blasts yeah those must be very hot they probably are they're probably like lava pieces wait these guys are strong look oh geez come on shoot at them shoot at them wait we can't even see their health oh there we go look he's shooting the orange things oh I can't see their health either what the heck uh oh this is not good their health is hidden this is so not good oh gosh come on just keep shooting at them just keep shooting God damn I think they might be taking enough damage now uh what they're getting through the defense how are they getting through the defense I don't know what the scallop oh one of them's gone now this one just keeps shooting at it and we should be fine okay guys now I have 62 000 so that means I could finally upgrade this guy and now he probably does a million damage yes cool sunglasses on now too wait guys how are they getting through are they though they'll play something down huh this guy plays down everything replacing my Cobra King that place to know this guy no no no okay don't let him get through attack no he just attacked oh gosh we're down at 70 health and we have these nights how much health is this guy at he's at 11 10 000 Health oh wait we might be getting him guys seven thousand Health come on come on get this thing do more damage don't please just do more no we lost uh are you serious oh man if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys
Channel: CashBlox
Views: 1,621,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly
Id: ErThe6x40RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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