I HACKED Into Nico's Minecraft Account!

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ah that was such a good mining trip and I got so many resources oh my gosh I need to go show Nico I bet you he's gonna be so jealous that I got all these Diamonds oh Nico where are you hmm where is he usually he's always sitting here watching TV he's such a couch potato the house is so quiet right now is Nico out somewhere he left some cooked chicken burning on here oh my gosh Nico could have burned the house down where is he though if he cooks that chicken that means he must be in here let's go over to his room um hello Nico this game is so fun oh my gosh are you playing on your new computer right now yup this is so good what game are you playing mindsweeper what what even is that game well you know what whatever do you want to see what I got uh no I'm focused on playing the game right now can't you just take your eyes off of it for like two seconds nope this game is so fine uh Nico look what I have my hand you smell that what cooked chicken all you have to do is get off your computer and I'll give it to you uh no I'm good I'm gonna play my game what I've never seen you reject cooked chicken are you sure yep this game is way more fun ugh whatever forget the chicken you want to see what else I got uh no what do you mean no Nico I went on a mining trip look I got diamonds hey you're blocking my van what do you mean I'm trying to clean The Game Stop disturbing me I've never seen you not like diamonds like that why are you so addicted to your computer whatever Nico I'm just gonna take my stuff and leave then you have fun on your game new high schooler oh my gosh Nico is not paying any attention to me and he's so addicted to his computer ah I wonder what's so interesting about that anyways whatever I can have fun without Nico I'm just gonna watch TV by myself oh my gosh how long was I watching TV for jeez I must have been watching all night maybe Nico's off his computer now let's go check oh Nico you've got to be off your computer by now let's see come on get him let's go oh my gosh are you serious Nico you're still on this thing time to get this other guy yeah what are you ignoring me Nico look at me let's go oh my gosh Nico is so addicted to the game Nico get off you've been here for hours in the game wait what that was you cash yes Nico look it's already night time outside you've been on this thing for hours wait I'm still in game you can't pause it yet you shoot this guy with the rocket launcher well when will you be done come on okay let's go build up yes oh my gosh I've had enough of this Nico just keeps ignoring me no matter what I do I am so angry right now I will take that stupid computer and I will throw it away if I have to hmm there's got to be a way to get Nico off that computer for now I guess I'll just go to bed whatever good night ah good morning that was a pretty good rest it's nice and bright outside and hmm I'm gonna store all my items in here oh why do I have an egg that's so funny I'm gonna go throw this at Nico this will be a funny prank where is he uh I lost oh my gosh you're still on this thing oh my gosh I just lost my win streak hey Nico look at me I've been on this thing for way too long haha surprise okay it was an egg you've been on your computer all day Nico I miss us hanging out oh I'm sorry cash I'm so tired but I still gotta get to level 100 so I'll catch you later are you serious Nico you can't take a little break no I am grinding this game whatever I'll be downstairs I guess I'll just watch TV for now oh gosh that was a bad burrito what move out of the way move out of the way where's the bathroom oh my gosh guys Nico it's over there what happened to Nico oh my gosh she's rushing to the bathroom that is the first time I saw him off his computer Nico are you okay in there uh no I'll be a while uh okay just let me know if you need anything hmm Nico's in the bathroom right now maybe I could go sneak up to his computer okay I just need to make sure he doesn't see me going here finally he's off this stupid thing what if I take a peek inside oh my gosh he left it unlocked we have photos his notepad and his games okay let's go into his photos whoa I remember this this was when we went to the Nether and he tamed all those Striders that's so awesome let's see what else oh that's a pretty good picture of him oh and this is when he got out on a picnic with spot this was so cute and whoa when did this happen these photos are so cool oh and this was the sleepover we had oh my God gosh this is so awesome and there's us with Zoe I remember that time too these photos are so awesome I can't believe he has all these saved on his computer and that seems to be it that's really interesting what if we click on his notes diaries entry one today cash made me mad he stole my raw salmon and threw it away because he said it was rotting hmm he wrote it was not rotting it was just growing little friends anyways I bought some more salmon from the store and I secretly hid some under his bed haha take that cash what ew Nico put raw salmon under my bed are you serious that's so disgusting whatever let's just read his next diary entry entry two today was the most amazing day ever I spent all day with cash and we did some really fun things we went to the top of a mountain and snowboarded all the way down I bet I looked so awesome I was really scared in the beginning because we were so high up that I peed up little good thing nobody noticed ew so that's why Nico wanted to go home so quickly that day I didn't realize he did that oh my gosh let's just read his last entry entry number three today I met one of Cash's friends her name is Zoe we spent all day with her and did so many fun things I had a lot of fun and I secretly have a little bit of a crush on her I really hope she likes me too oh my gosh I feel like I'm kind of invading Nico's privacy but these are so good I have to keep looking now let's try to go into his Minecraft account oh password what the heck let's see Nico probably has a really easy password like one two three four incorrect how is it not that okay you know what he probably made it four three two one are you serious how is that incorrect also what could Nico have made his password hmm oh I think I know what it is it's probably Zoey one two three four no oh gosh where are we we what just happened I was on the toilet just now um what is this place whoa are we inside of a computer why are we over here oh gosh I think we're here because I got his password wrong too many times I can't let Nico know I was snooping in there uh I don't know Nico this is so weird there's a bunch of applications here whoa this one says settings what happens if we click this button what it just teleported me oh gosh Nico where are we I don't know oh my gosh did you teleport us to another room try not to fall Nico I don't know where we are this looks like some sort of server room yeah I need to get out of here quick because I'm playing a game right now Nico I see the exit I think it's right there but how do we get up there oh gosh I just fell me too let's just look around hmm maybe there's something inside these little columns Nico I see a chest wait I'm coming around I didn't get to that though cash I don't know there's got to be a way in I wish I could get some of these buttons yeah me too I doubt they'd do anything though well you'll never know I don't think it's gonna work oh uh Nico I think one of those buttons just did this wait what look it's an entrance and we made it to the chest but wait it just has four ladders in it four ladders and what can we use those for maybe we can get up to the exit you're right okay build up build up uh Nico I'm not sure if this is enough to get up there uh well just wait before that is because we'll need them there yeah you're right one two three four and that only takes us up to about here that means we need two more ladders cash keep searching okay maybe it's in another one of these things I'm just gonna look in every single one oh Nico look I found another one wait how do we get in there though there's no entrance wait maybe underneath here cash look oh gosh you're right what if I do this oh my gosh look I'm crawling inside let's go and now you can open the chest what does it have what does it have it has five more ladders look at this let's go that means we finally have enough to get out of here thank goodness okay place the ladders and let's go I thought we were gonna be stuck here forever let's just place these and we made it let's go come on I'm going up finally we can get out of here let's go Nico we're still not out we're still in the computer but gosh every single time we complete a level this becomes green and now we will Mark the next section which is called virus what you know what a virus is Cash no what is that it is a dangerous thing that harms your entire computer oh gosh that doesn't sound that scary I'll just go inside but why would this be here oh my gosh Nico this is kind of scary what the heck is this what a virus looks like I think so but look there's a bunch of green platforms and we can parkour on these why are we in a virus though where are we I don't know and Nico look there's no way to this next platform but wait at the wall there's a button right here oh look it spawned a platform for us okay let's go all right uh oh gosh I fell dad she's so clumsy don't worry this parkour is pretty easy I could just make my way back up like this and now let's jump there we go I made it perfect now we can just speed around the rest of it yeah this is pretty easy look how fast I'm going go go oh my gosh let's jump we both made it at the same time and that was super easy did you see how quickly we completed that yup we'll be able to get this done in no time let's go oh there we go level two is complete and now we just have the rest of these to finish whoa in cash these look like they're gonna get harder and harder as we go on so we got to be very careful yeah that's true let's just try level three which is Matrix code whoa this stuff looks like we're in a computer what uh yeah I don't know why we'd be in a computer that's kind of weird me neither but I just want to get out of here so I can play some games yeah let's just try and get out maybe there's something behind these pillars or something yeah let's try and look around all of these it looks like it's not attached to the walls and that means that there's definitely something kid in this room so we could Escape yeah just look at the back of all of this Nico maybe there's something hidden this room is so difficult I know right oh what Nico look wait what a button yeah let's press it whoa what look what it spawned but what are we supposed to do with this I have an idea maybe let's take this button and move it over to this diamond block I think that's a pretty good idea Nico now do you want to do the honors and press it cash yeah and look it worked oh my gosh it opened up a white room with a button I can't believe I figured that out I'm so smart and I think this will take us to the next level let's go oh my gosh we finished level three let's go and be unlocked YouTube oh my gosh I love watching YouTube don't you me too I watch it all the time so let's go um what is this whoa we're on the YouTube home page what and wait cash why are you up there I think my video is playing and look it says cash subscribe there's the like button and these are the other videos that you see whoa but wait why are there chests here whoa it has a bunch of arrows inside and this one has some bows but what could we use those for cash here I'll give you half my arrows Nico and maybe we can try and figure this out okay got it well there's the YouTube logo the search bar but I don't think that has anything to do with this oh gosh I fell oh my gosh Nico are you serious oh wait cash I see something down here what there's a Target block between subscribe oh my gosh and I forgot my bow up there so I can't shoot it uh are you serious Nico you know what I'll just shoot it for you don't worry let's go I hit it the Subscribe button let's go okay now let's shoot this one and I hit both the target Nico look a button spawned up here wait what yeah and I just pressed it it teleported me back it's keeping me back as well oh let's go we're both here now okay what's next it's this next level which is level five and it says Photoshop what wait isn't that a computer application yeah it's where where you can make cool photos and edit huge muscles onto yourself well why would there be Computer Applications in this because I think we're inside a computer Nico wait I just realized this is the same backyard as my computer oh gosh um maybe uh it's just a coincidence yeah I'm still confused how we got here but I just want to escape me too let's just go complete this next level whoa what the heck this is the drawing I drew earlier today oh yeah I see oh my gosh is it just a smiley face with your name under it yup and guess what cash what I was gonna send that to Zoe oh my gosh Nico do you have a crush on her or something ah no what are you talking about oh my gosh I think you do but no no I don't whatever Nico I don't care if you do I think it's funny okay but look there's some platforms up here that we can parkour on look how easy they are what come with me oh gosh I fell it's okay these are super easy anyways let's go let's go and now we got to a chest which has a bunch more bows and arrows oh my gosh we are getting super overpowered yeah but what am I supposed to use this for I see another Target block should I try to shoot that I think so that'll probably be useful okay here I go look at how good I am with the bow and I hit it and look it spawned another platform oh and then we can use that to jump over nice job Nico we are so good let's keep going and keep making the jumps nice and whoa where are we now um I don't know what's on this wall this is where you select the tools and the colors silly this is super cool and Nico look there's a button on the platform we're on okay I'm gonna press it oh and look it's on the platform go get the jump nice and I'm gonna make it all the way to the end oh my gosh this room is so and it's my favorite color blue um it would be better if it was red whatever get me out of here oh my gosh okay well these are all red trash shells yeah but this next one says messenger Nico do you have a messaging app yeah I have all these apps on my computer which is kind of weird yeah I wonder why I would have the exact same apps as you whatever let's just go in here oh gosh another blue room let's go away there's so much blue here I don't know but look at this screen it looks like you're on a messaging app with and you're talking to me oh my gosh hey wait why is there arrows here there's a yellow down arrow a right green arrow in up orange and a left pink uh Nico that seems like some weird messages we're sending to each other that does not look like English yeah why are you sitting those messages to be cash what do you mean you're the one sending me these messages I just came to the realization what is this on my computer oh uh maybe it is but I have no idea why we'd be in here maybe it's because we were playing on it for so long oh gosh we gotta get out if you're fast you cannot see my messages to Zoe whatever Nico but look at this there's some weird item frames over here and they all have different colors wait these are the colors that are over there what do you mean yellow green orange pink yellow green orange pink what and there's arrows here too hmm what are we supposed to do with that Nico look there's arrows there and there's arrows there maybe we can turn these to match the ones on the messaging app okay I'll tell you what rotation they are and you do it okay I already see that yellow's down so I'll just switch this one to down just like that and then green it to the very right okay very right oh gosh I went too far okay I have to spin it back around okay and then after that pink is to the very left to the very left okay got it so it needs to go around like that and now what's the orange one it's point to the very up point it up okay well it's almost there but I have to go all the way around again and up there we go what does that do Nico look I see what it did what did what didn't work yeah this wasn't here before does this teleport us back to the start it does let's go we could put in this so fast cash I know we only have four levels left and look we completed all six of these yup time to visit the camera roll all right I'm coming with you whoa these are all my photos oh my gosh Nico you have so many hmm it doesn't seem to have any photos that are with us though but I remember this this is the guy that was a really good dancer oh my gosh Nico why do you have photos of all these random things because I like taking photos what do you mean I guess they are pretty cool you have a nice Gallery but what are we supposed to be doing in a room like this maybe there's things hidden behind the photos cash yeah you're right I don't see any sort of exit so maybe we can walk behind some of these yeah let's test it out okay I'm trying I'm still not walking through any of them oh I found thing what come towards me look oh my gosh and look inside there's a lever should I flick it yup what does that do okay I'm flicking it and I don't know what it did maybe it unlocked another door yeah maybe it did let's search around nope I don't think it unlocked anything are you sure let's keep looking cash okay yeah maybe there's another spot for us oh Nico I just found it look wait what it's in here it's another lever I just flicked it okay did that do anything oh my gosh did it finally open up the exit let's go we are speeding through this so good and we're gonna be out of here in no time I know we only have three levels left look and I'm not sure I really enjoy being in my computer that much well I think it's funny because you've been on your computer all day yeah let's get on to this next level yeah and it starts us off with some chests here what's inside what why did we just get another a random diamond armor all right let's Gear Up Nico I'm fully geared up what do we do now I don't know this room seems a little different oh gosh what is that oh gosh Nico kill it kill it oh gosh she's focused on me don't worry I can trap him right here look oh yeah I forgot they can't reaches here yeah because they're more than one block wide let's go oh gosh there's another one kill it Nico oh no eat your food eat your food okay let's go oh gosh she's hitting me don't worry I can use my bow look I'll shoot it right here oh yeah me too keep shooting it I'm going for him come on oh gosh I'll help you don't worry Nico I got him let's go that was so scary now I know why we got all that armor but now what do we do I don't know it looks like we're in your notes app whoa oh my gosh I can now that you read my notes I can't even read them they just look like a bunch of black dots and lines what the heck why whatever let's just look for another clue these weird looking Tower things are kind of strange right yeah I agree maybe we should be hidden yeah I'll try and look at all of them Nico yeah I'm I'm checking right now me too oh wait Nico I think I see something what what do you see cash one of those blocks are like a different color how do I get there maybe you could go over here I don't see any ladders let's try going on this side and yeah do you see it right here Nico oh yeah I do see it wait it's a chest I just opened it and what did you get a stone button do you see this Nico yup but where can we place that cash I don't know but it probably could take us to the next room let's find a spot to put it hmm it has to be an obvious spot probably uh Nico what about this diamond blocking the floor oh yeah it's probably it I love Diamonds oh my gosh let's just place it and press it whoa look at the floor look oh my gosh it just loaded up and given access to the exit finally I'm trying to get out of here already yup me too and we only have two levels left but I have a feeling these ones are gonna be really hard cash yeah pixel mod this one seems kind of hard okay let's go whoa Nico look we're in some sort of game and I think we're in a maze oh why wait oh gosh I hate bases me too let's get out of here this is gonna be super hard oh gosh I'm going in circles okay let's go this way I think I'm getting closer to the end okay I'm not really making that much progress but we'll figure it out it's gotta be around here somewhere I made it are you serious okay wait for me Nico yes you're on the wrong side of the maze I'll help you out no I found you let's go follow me okay nice we did that so quickly Nico and there's an orange button oh my gosh let's press it whoa we're on the last level we completed all these levels cash oh my gosh are you excited for this yep let's do it here we go whoa where are we now this one's called fan settings are we in the inside of the fans in my computer I think we are look try not to touch that it probably spins really fast yeah they're probably dangerous let's just try and find a clue on how to get out yeah but you really need to clean your PC Nico there's a bunch of cobwebs everywhere oh yeah it's pretty dusty I'm looking around all these things and look I found a lever here Nico already what kids okay but what did that do I'm not sure I'm not sure let's see wait Nico look I see what it did it flicked on the light and there's four lights over there cash does that mean we need to find four levers in total yup and we already found one so there's three more okay I'm Gonna Keep Looking oh I found another one over here Nico look me what it's hidden on the side of this copper base thing whoa flick it okay I did and look it turned on that light and I found another oh my gosh this was so hidden how'd you find that because I'm a super detective oh my gosh and now we just need one more It's gotta be around here somewhere help me look Nico okay come on maybe it's on this block nope I'm not seeing anything oh Nico you just walked past one wait what oh my gosh I need to check that cash it's okay it's just a little hidden but I finally flicked the fourth one look and it opened up an entrance over here let's go does that mean we can finally get out uh Nico what we completed all the levels but it opened up another entrance right here and it's one final green button what is this gonna do whoa what uh Nico I think we're on the inside of the computer case what the heck this is so cool I know right look you can see the fans and the motherboard and the ram yup and this is a processor it has little face on it oh my gosh that is so cool and look I think we're standing on the graphics card right now but try not to fall down Nico that's a far drop oh yeah you're right cash we gotta figure out how to get out of here though let's try and climb these Liars maybe these will take us somewhere nope this one's a dead end maybe we could try and go down let's just carefully climb this motherboard okay while you do that I'm just gonna make sure there's nothing up here yep there's nothing here wait Nico we missed something there's shulker boxes here wait what do they have anything good yeah they have water buckets maybe you could use that water bucket to come down here because this was a fire drop and I took a lot of damage yeah watch this let's go you're so good at this game cash I know right I just MLG water bucketed okay we gotta make sure not to put water near here because then our PC will blow up and look Nico I can look through this glass this is so weird we're in a giant computer literally find something to get out of here yeah there's a button over here maybe we can press that and see what it does yeah let's go check it out okay let's press it and we're back home finally what and it teleported me right next to my computer what Nico you need to get off this thing it caused us to get stuck inside but wait how did David get stuck inside because we were inside my computer uh maybe you were just playing on it so hard that it just sucked you inside I don't think so cash I was on the toilet oh yeah well do you know any other reason why it might have done that but no I have no idea wait I just realized cash when you get the password wrong too many times I have it set on the ultimate security setting what is that it means it drops you at the computer if you get the password relativity time so did you get your password wrong too many times uh no someone else must have been on my computer oh I wonder who that was okay I gotta go now wait what you sound very suspicious uh no I don't know what happened to your computer good thing we're back home though no no wasn't you yes okay you want the truth yes I do want the truth cash okay well you're playing on your computer so much and making me so bored that while you were in the bathroom I went snooping on your computer oh my gosh cash why did you just do that I looked at your photos and your diary entries and I'm sorry I was just really curious well you should have just asked me cash and I'm also sorry that I've been on my computer all day it's okay I'm just glad we're out of that mess yeah we could definitely hang out yeah I'm gonna take all this stuff off and throw it over here yummy you I don't know when it gets stuck again let's go play outside oh gosh uh it's raining Nico go back inside go back inside if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,791,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, I HACKED Into Nico's Minecraft Account!
Id: mZ1GgLV4pUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2022
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