Speedrunning With George As Moral Support • Sapnap Minecraft Live Stream [ Full ] 26 December , 2020

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no one's here hearing us pop off no one can hear us pop up here is going to see it hey i'm going to tell them yeah if you're in the vaude gang just know i love you more than everyone else and that's a fact okay yeah oh my god i'm gonna tell i'm gonna tell everyone there's a little secret for them i'm telling there's a little secret at the very beginning of the vaude then no one should do i tell them don't tell them hey guys hey guys hey guys hey guys hey hi my name is your name hello hi hi hi hello hello gabna hello governor how are you how are you oops i can hear myself on my own stream because i always have my stream open oh you're such a silly boy oh am i streaming in hd now i am i am i'm in hd george [Laughter] well done i'm in hd this whole time satnav was always streaming in 720p every stream you've seen could have been high quality and it's just because no no no no no no no no no no no no go back and check all his streams they're all insane no guys don't listen to george he's lying he's lying no he's he's lying trust me i would never lie but gogi gorky has a history of a cabbage cabbage cabbage more like cabbage more like i don't know i couldn't think of anything woody oh well i'm just waiting for everyone to hurry up and get here so we can start speed running scurry on over and start speed running yeah hey i want to hurry up so i can so i can start popping off at the party actually i'm going to move this up why isn't it playing why isn't what playing you oh cause i'm waiting for everyone to get here what just do something just stop playing whatever fine i guess goggy knows best single player everyone's just sitting here looking at a frozen screen just play the game we want everyone to see the exact beginning of this yeah because i like to keep everyone you know on the same even playing field george oh shut up chubb i'm going to get a good seal on the first seed look how good it is this won't buy him so good play it don't quit play what is wrong with you why would i do that george if i if i beat the game in under 30 minutes you have to give me 10 subs okay mr pi things went to the five gifted do you agree to that george if i beat the game in under 30 minutes i have to get a 20 minute time 10 gifted subs and the next time 20 minutes no like within 20 minutes like as in like 20 to 30. olivia thanks so much for the 10 gifted subs i think that's 10. thank you so much i'll give you five gifted subs if you get a sub 30. well you know like realistically you're not even gonna beat the game once uh okay let alone under 30 minutes so i have to get under 30 you'll give me how many 10 you said i said five five wow really cheaping out on me right now george is what it is it is what it is it is what it is ease what it is it is woody these oh is the new sub thing working i don't know if it's working jalen law thanks for the gift of subs it doesn't look like it's updating well that oh it takes a bit of time for top damn oh okay that's fine it's not instantaneous you'll stop notification right in the middle olivia i think which is the five gifted jaylen lawlings which is the five gifted i think that's five there's a lot of five gifted guys thank you so much oh here we go we got a good seed you guys could see jaddie things are just five gifts everyone's coming with this gifted subs we have like a 300 what the hell is this you see this george this is like a village in the mountain like i've never even seen what is this what is that village thing are you doing a face cam for the shock stream hope you had a good christmas i'm not too sure yet probably and thank you i did have a good christmas jatty the baddie thanks for the five gifts you always know when i have to work do you want me to become unemployed dude yes have a good stream though i guess smh thank you sap nap laughing face laughing face how was everyone's christmas george had an amazing christmas he told me you guys know what you guys want to know what george got for christmas he told me not to tell everyone but i mean i don't think i told you anything you did did i yeah yeah you um i showed you one thing i got in i showed you one thing and it was insane like i can't believe you got that yeah yeah blow your mind yeah you could say that yummy i'm not saying that name but thank you so much for the five gifted george can say it if he wants to i didn't see him where do you want me to send fanart to you uh the best place to send me fan art is twitter i see that name i said that name on my stream really yeah oh so is that allowed i can say that well you can yeah would you recommend it why i love you and yogi is that's true i'm just scared of what i don't know like why do you just get a calling dream daddy pog champ i didn't know that was going to be kept in that's why i called dream that i say a lot of funny stuff but i just assume it all gets cut out but dream decided to go farrell to keep all my memories christmas tell gorge i said i'm the newest man i think if i didn't do that intro he probably would have kept any of the men yeah george screwed me over with that intro because he was like oh with the intro it's actually kind of funny if i just leave them all in if i didn't do that they probably ordered being cut out and they normally are you do that stuff oh yeah you do that stuff too everyone well it's mainly me and you to be fair but yeah like we're being honest it's me and you'd say like funny stuff like that does dreams just look more like you were jordan does dreams face like like more like me or george i have no clue it looks more like um george who's a really hot guy that i can say hope you're having a good day smiley face um he looks like your dad yeah exactly it's a shame you got your mother's jeans hey zap nap what should my next tattoo be your next tattoo should be my name tattooed it should be the link to my channel no no it should be my the link to my merch you get dot shop beautiful man is promo on your stream what is wrong with you oh can i promote something else actually yeah i can't watch the stream but hey guys um wait i'll wait until there's a few more people yeah yeah jordan's going to wait until he can get maximum max promotion thank you for everything and constantly making me laugh well i don't care you can probably hope you've had a good christmas i love you had a good christmas love you too oh yeah anyways what george got for christmas his his he got you ready yes he he got a one year subscription to olivia and hannah is wrong thank you i hops you had a good christmas i did have a good christmas i hope everyone had an amazing christmas all right guys you guys know what i got for christmas get you for christmas george didn't give me anything for christmas well we almost bought each other something kind of a room lily thank you so much for the five gifted and before it sounds like you can't beat it because you didn't give me anything either so we we almost we almost got each other something for christmas yeah what's the point if we like plan it out it's not as cute you know show but i've subbed for eight months eight months pop off yeah georgia wanted to get a certain subscription for uh what to crunchy roll to crunchyroll a subscription to my new year he got he had a subscription george can you buy me a crunchyroll subscription for like how much is it so it's like ten dollars right so it's 120 can you get me like a two-year crunchyroll subscription george for christmas christmas is over maybe next year for my birthday for christmas i'll think about it that's kind of expensive that's an expensive it is kind of expensive like you want two years like that that's like 140 i mean 200 240 dollars yeah it's kind of it's kind of expensive like just like in this subscription you know i mean yeah ro bloom thanks which was the five gifted hi sapphire linking my new channel on your channel remember go on just guys so you'll never miss them and they'll be there forever well i'm also going to make one as well because i love the copy george so sap not vods coming out soon everything that happens like i hope you had a good day it's true i mean subscribe today everyone subscribe man hunt you've improved so much yeah i know i popped off in the last manhunt should george buy something up a crunchyroll yeah he should why would anyone say no to that it makes no sense thank you for all your help no problem oh i just wanted a village pop off i'm gonna pop off at my party all right here we go man [Music] hi sapnap i love you so i just got like 2k subs okay my best friend is making me go on a hike wait there's 40 000 people here mountain view pray for texas [Music] always have his iconic wheeze when he was younger toriyoyo thanks so much for watching what is did you guys know dream is actually kettle thanks so much for the donut hi zapnap this year was my first christmas out as anyways hope you had a good holiday or awesome santa loves everyone i'll be had a good holiday too hey napster and gogi dear favorite nine buff female donating for the first time oh george do you have a grape this is a really good seed i could beat this in under 30 minutes like you know you're not going to i finally got some of your merch for christmas thank you i hope you enjoy the merch when was the last time you beat minecraft well george i can beat it if i take my time like superman zero you can send pics of your cat just post your cat on twitter and at me um but yeah if i took my time it took 10 years and i could beat it like you amazing but merry christmas some of us some of us play the speed runs for speed you know now one minute dude and once i do i will tweet it no no please please actually don't get my name tattooed on you it's a joke you'll you'll regret that whenever you know i don't know how old you are now but whenever you're like 30 you're going to be really regretting that you have a snap tattooed on you smiley face thank you hey sapnap thank you for being the prettiest on the smp quackity hq is that actually quacky i forgot is that cool i love you or does this quack quack smiley face quackity things don't do the five gifted subs they don't want to give him he doesn't like beauty i'm glad you had a good i'm going to get questions we're on team speak if you want to join sorry that i gave my prime mind he doesn't want to join you well i'm just i'm just offering yeah he can just give me money i mean i won't i won't say no to that as a fellow texan and have a good stream yes i will thank you sapnap i really want to fight you i just want the bragging rights that come with beating a piss baby up idk man it just sounds awesome not even a piss baby that's a dream george is the quacking month of crunchyroll he doesn't care about you oh i mean that makes sense hello i wanted to thank you for everything what do i gotta do to take you on a minecraft date i have no clue hey sup sapnap i got a question angry links to the why do you have zero but have two million subscribers on youtube i don't know that's a good very good question actually yummy fetuses thanks for the five gifted subs coming in soon i was joking they're gonna cancel your holiday no they won't yeah well i'm not they won't i didn't i didn't do anything wrong no you messed up i didn't do anything you just messed up something i didn't i didn't do anything wait big queues here big q reply to my message what are some of your current favorite songs thank you for making your years hq he ignored me it makes sense because we're like fiancee you just aren't of the same degree movement thank you so much for the five gifted oh my gosh it's 150 hi thank you i am a cutie i appreciate it wow do i get some of that money can i fight you we're not doing that again george also merry christmas christmas thank you very much because i don't know if it's open i don't know it's texas everything is kind of forget that the bison i don't know if i want to go to you but the pansexuals love you too thank you less than three thank you so much yeah i like six flags i gifted five subs but you called me lame sad face you have lame in your name silly boy anyway hi george someone said hi george i don't really know about that hi zap love you thanks for streaming also you're so lucky my favorite anime recently is either haiku or my hero that's what i just i just finished i have a christmas present for you why did you say i'm tana that was found in the woods because i'm getting a bad seat i can't find a lava pit you think i'm lucky yeah because if i get a good seed then you're going to give me five differences daddy how did you think of your users dream dream came up with my users you're probably going to beat it in under 30 minutes that's not that unlikely that i beat it please turn off this it's so annoying especially already talking in there i'll turn it off in a little bit everyone loves ellie which is the five giveaway you've had a great christmas sap nap do you ever read your twitter or instagram dms uh sometimes speed on speedrun.com like literally there's only 230 runs under 30 minutes it's going to be the 230th best run ever yeah but just got it in the mail hehe we uh what you know my odds are in my favor we just matched on tinder and your bio was your twitter so now i'm here that's that's uh that's not me i do not have a if you see me on tinder that's not me you are getting catfished hi my parents you're not only getting i'm sorry your parents are doing that but my parents did that too so i know how you feel you didn't even know how to build a portal how are you gonna beat the message george just shut up thank you been a while bye no you're not you're not going to do cosplay recently have you seen it i thought have i seen it i don't know i haven't all right guys ready hello hold on watch this view and keeping it going guys read the chords who am i who am i read the chords down guys who am i rumor has it looks like freddy benson for mike carly i am i don't think so guys who was i just then yes guess what this would be a great get a crunchyroll subscription please watch mob psycho who's trying to pop off right now i'm trying to pop it off change your life i swear type a seven nine in the chat if you want to pop off let's get this a seven nine my friend julian tell her i am better than her she's watching what happens if you google that's right yeah it's gonna be like like something oh do not get it trending that's just free promo they don't deserve it would like to say that thank you for another 20 gifted subs that is all thank you oh my god you're so lucky i had a really no no no i am going to make anything did you see my last stream did you see what happened no i didn't watch [Music] it was actually just so painful hey sapnap it's my birthday even if i go i'm super happy it's like somewhat nice i feel like it took me at least 10 20 minutes to find a fortress each time i still don't i was like christmas and i am gonna get george's soon and whenever i found out i found it most important i think i ever got out of the nether with the blizzards know someone needs to look into that i think yeah probably but listen on the line on my last run i um i was trading for like 20 minutes and like they just wouldn't give me pulses i finally got enough parts and um okay and then i got like i got them i was leaving and i got caught on fire i had a fire resistance potion as well but i was like there's no way that i die from this because i had so much health and i just died yes i don't know how though george how do i turn off tts hey seth just stop the stream shut up shut up i actually want to see i'm going to turn off stream labs oh god how do i turn off tts guys i really appreciate the donors i'm going to turn off tts and i'll read as much as i can while i'm playing but it is kind of hard to also have a good day um how do i do that oh god you have to go into the donation setting and then just how do you feel about people cosplaying immediately asking for a friend and not posting a cosplay of you today donations your panda merch came in a few days ago and it's literally so comfortable thanks for being so swag love you thank you i appreciate it oh god sound volume where's tts oh god i don't know what i'm opening did i click into the second category um i'm looking up i'm looking everyone's waiting so open text-to-speech sound volume i just turned the sound volume off now save settings i will see if that works guys i really do appreciate the donors but it's like we can't even hear i can't even hear george i really appreciate it guys you guys can still donate i'll read as much as i can or whatever i feel like it's a good one to read but i bring it still pop up on stream does that work donating what the fudge [Music] what the hell well i think oh did i just skip a bunch no no i think i think pog say hi to george for me and can you say in the score though answer discord oh my god hold on stream we're gonna fix this we're gonna hey guys you can hear me twice hey hi yeah i hated my sounds i mean my sounds all right i am what is this this is the alert box are you on like v1 uh should i not go here no no it's fine um just ctrl f and type tts or text oh it's working now okay it's working i'm so dumb it was already working i just that those donations probably got through after i saved it yeah i already did it all right guys thank you so much for the donations i'll read them guys i fixed it i'm just restarting this one because i just spent like 10 minutes just like trying to turn off dts okay okay okay okay this is epic daily coach of the five gifted that's annoying i want the sound to go when someone gives subs like little whatever i can't i just oh my god let me message someone who is much better at this at one oh no my friend who's good with twitch that's an inspiration oh i wanted the sound like if someone gives subs to work but oh you're all such a noob i am kind of a noob like i would i'll admit it and not knowing how to stream how many viewers do i have wait okay that's funny though like i have 45k viewers and i just don't know what i'm doing imagine literally being the number one streamer right now and having no idea what you're doing bad dream i found things which are the 10 gifted subs like people are popping off if anyone goes to twitch right now and sorts by most viewers they'll just see you and they'll click on them i don't know how to turtle tts guys i'm sorry i'm sucking up and i'm it's funny i like that though it was epic yeah it's so funny well you don't really know what you're doing either i do oh yeah then how do i fix this issue yeah did you think about that one i thought you said you fixed that well i have i just have all sounds off but i just want there to be no tts oh why are you trying to fool sounds i didn't i went to my donation and turned off the sounds oh sounds like you done goofed no i did what should i do right now um i don't know what do you want to do george what what what i don't get it what's so funny wait did oh i see become raising oh i'm not reading that one's lame lame don't know i don't want to read that one but thank you so much for the donor but your message was lame sorry guys i have to be honest with you the whole i want to fight you meme it's dead it's not even funny it's funny for one stream guys i hate i really hate to tell you this i really hate to tell you this but um yeah i'm sorry that's just how that is just how the cookie crumbles sometimes the muffin crumbles yeah those are the muffin crumbles bad boy halo would love to say it dude george when's the last time you had a muffin um i think that's a good question yeah you should try speed running to get well thank you for the 50 dollars to say that um maybe i'll try it sometime i'll ask uh big q advice because he knows how to get all the all the ask bad oh yeah that bad eye actually knows that's a good point you know you guys don't know bad is smooth you like yeah george maybe we should give examples of how smooth that is what i don't know what you mean like you know like some of his pickup lines and stuff but he is on you yeah exactly well kinda george i wanna hear your best pickup line no yeah one hey baby are you red because i can't see you how about that one that good wait i wasn't listening say it again hey baby are you red or green because i can't see you what does that even mean looks like you're colorblind you know what's like what to do with how's that oh baby are you are your flaws red and green because i can't see them there you go that's a little better yeah because you know you're red red and green color blind we're like are you crazy i don't care i can't see red flags oh that was a good one that was smooth george that's that's not the first time you said that is it that's not the first time you said that i don't think it is i mean yes yeah and no it wasn't that wasn't not the first time george buddy has entered my channel oh look who it is oh who does that who joins a channel muted that's like bad it's not allowed let's get rid of them buddy was moved out of your channel yeah we don't yeah yeah oh my gosh oh nice cha i think so don't fighting him is a meme little does he know we're going to jump him l-o-l keck w oh there's this thing here uh hey guys um yeah you think guys is a twitchy map if everyone types hey guys capsule h capsule g check it out like i just want 21 savage to let me play music on stream can i be honest look at the chat they're all waving look at them they've learned a twitchy moment yeah no space no space no space no space you guys come on you got to learn about the twitch emotes like everyone's doing it oh guys did you guys know if you do capital s capital s capital s lowercase s lowercase s letter k s it's a little creeper try that three capsules no no yeah yeah yeah yeah because like yes one of these is hey guys and creeper faces hey guys and creeper faces in chat turn my mic up my mic is loud it's fine i think i still can't find a lava pit every time that you can i do need a love of it i need it i need it look chat aren't you guys happy that we're teaching you we're teaching you guys things me and george look at them look at them george that's so smart i know they're smart they're smart i just saw someone do guys please like capital g capital peers if that would be an mmo imagine it was i think we've got guys please that's to be like twitch oh that's why oh here i wonder this will work now or is this going to turn tts back on what did you how did you go about getting a global twitch emote well we just asked them we message we contact twitch support guys back on guys please and it's a photo of like quackity crying that could be a good global ammo i'll turn text speech back up have any secrets people can whistle loudly or wiggle george actually does have george just tell them your special talent i don't know george you know your special talent i know your special talent is i don't know well i don't want to say it without you know i think you should say it i think i'm making that up no george i would never come on all right what is it then you give me permission i don't know what it what you're talking about you give me permission or you can say it or you can give me permission to say it one of the two you can type it to me no i can't i'm speed running all right then so yeah here i'll message you in game oh wait i'm on single player uh hop on the that's fine just say it i think for the five gifted subs um i mean no i probably shouldn't it's not a good idea no george george when do i ever make stuff up the whole time what just say it it's because no no it's time you didn't have anything to say and he's trying to think of something that's inappropriate but not too inappropriate he's so spot on so smart i know he's like trying to like just touch the line but not cross it you know he's trying to think of it yeah you have to get close to the line but you don't want to cross it i can't find a lava pool every time that you get undressed i hear simphones in my head and i wrote this song yeah looking at you oh my god it's got seven obsidian what the wow wait papa i have nine oh i know that's not enough hey boy that's sick dude chipotle do you want anything yeah let me give you away let me get a burrito yeah let me get a hole in here they used to be a quite the meme but it's not even from i don't remember but i do remember can i get ahold yeah i hear some vanish in my head and i wrote this song just [Music] in the drums they swing low and the trumpets they [Music] if any of you are watching that was a joke for legal reasons that's a joke but legal reasons that's a joke for legal reasons wait can i play lasagna on stream i don't know uh does anyone know am i allowed to play lasagna on stream what should i name my car psi liker singing greater than uh you should name your car why does everyone want me to name stuff for them people really out here trying to fight you while i am just trying to show you my kahlua impression oh how long will this take to break right in the description of the song it says feel free to use this track within reason it won't be claimed oh what it says should we listen to lasagna how long will it take for me to mine this crying obsidian with a stone pickaxe uh we all lost the game again smh does it really take two minutes i think it's a minute actually i don't know all right we're going to find out because i literally only have to break this and i'm done my dono got cut off when you muted donos this is hilarious also do you guys like the sub goal i couldn't think of a sub goal because we're doing the shock stream and then i put a sub goal for 10k subs but i couldn't think of one so i just put out last stream surely we can think of something better chat together like me by myself one brain me with chat 47 000 brains you know what i mean oh yes okay all right hold on one second we put on lasagna so i like what's within reason like can i just play it for 10 hours i think maybe he can't use it in a way that he wouldn't appreciate well guys if you're not subscribed to pewdiepie subscribe to him nothing personal maybe he'll appreciate that but i must go all out we're gonna be completely done [Music] lasagna is [Music] uh congratulations oh my god ugh [Music] all right we'll listen one more time i'm not buying actually can i go all right should i just risk it s-a-p-a-n-p unit congratulations i don't want to risk it i don't want to lose my channel [Music] realistically what is this screw the village these ain't nothing but a [Music] gifted shut up what the [Music] of 1.6 i don't even know the population that came into it [Music] y'all are all can i no no you don't i don't i just want to play this thing like a an attic i think it's what i think we call it if you get banned on twitch and they see you make a second account it's a ban evasion and they will left as an attack oh if you get banned on twitch and you make another account you just get banned again because ban evasion b17 tn thank you so much for the five accounts yeah they stream one time on it guys guys guys i'm going live on this account quickly quickly quickly a speed run speed thank you so much on the run yeah and there'll be people snitching on us and you gotta like you're gonna like yeah snitches snitch you out just get stitches that's all i'm saying yes papa no papa johnny you says into it don't repeat i i already stopped playing it but like i want to play congratulations congratulations just so good george i don't want to get the mca you're just saying this is what it is no you wouldn't do it on your stream you're such a hypocrite if you get banned then so be it that's just how the world is meant to be no we'll just literally tell pewdiepie to get rid of it like he pewdiepie just dm me and let me know look at the number one twitch streamer right now that's all i'm saying like i'm insane like it's not that it's not that it's possible so yeah pewdiepie um if you're watching just let me know if i can listen to congratulations fifth don't know this is my last donation please say hi yeah he said yes you swear it would make my life did he really he did no everyone's spamming hey you get it you're gay lh i wait like george you're like you guys saw it right sap i was being honest anyways have you ever been to splash town champ i don't know maybe i think so maybe i don't remember lasagna should be dreams new speed run music i'm speedy as rn oh i want to please congratulations sap nap with a septum piercing ps why are these dynos so expensive ten dollars you expensive the reason the donuts are ten dollars is because imagine if i put the donuts back down to like five dollars we get spammed with ten dollars so if i lowered it we'd get spammed even harder so that is why um [Music] ask puns i'm not puns is gonna get me banned i don't trust puns it's like telling me to ask like a fifth grader about calculus like it's not a good idea you know what i mean what do you call a werewolf that doesn't know it's a werewolf an unaware wolf that's true that's like factually correct yes papa no papa johnny [Music] hmm support oh my god no lava pull again so i had a bad day thoughts on me um is it bad if i don't know who that is megan the stallion it's an artist i don't really i only listened to like 21 savage recently all right you tweeted them and asked can i play your music i don't want to tweet at him i don't want to tweet it right now just tweet it right now no he literally replied to nico in two minutes two minutes and i don't know she's allowed to use his music on stream but it's gonna be real embarrassing if he doesn't respond to me mcdonald's thank you so much for nobody's gonna know just nobody's gonna know just tweet it if he doesn't reply so what it's not embarrassing that is embarrassing it's not embarrassing tweeting at someone and then not replying is embarrassing no yeah it is yeah it is okay you know what boyfriend he's not gonna reply if you don't ask him yeah exactly get twitter open right now should i should i tweet at 21 savage i'll start the poll paul everyone's gonna say yes that's dumb shut up i'm doing the poll if they say yes you have to do it no why is my twitch glitched i mean no just do it you just want me to do it so you can see if you can do it i messed up my donations but i'm really no i would do it if i wanted to do it yeah i love your streams and you but hey laughter also don't listen to gogie i won't listen to gogi he just wants me to get back george is the bottom it's 19 yes just tweet it george this two it's gonna be embarrassing dream's gonna be like dream's gonna come in here and be like why did you tweet that and then no he's yeah he is i'm not even i'm not even verified like i bet you he won't even see it he probably only checks the verify tab why don't you do it it's way more likely he'll respond to you just ask ask on my behalf as well no just saying i'm asking you no no no just listen can me my friend your best friend stop not use your music no yeah no it's just if you have to treat it yourself you have to get the you have to get permission yourself this mf doesn't know megan they still just tweet it what's the worst thing i maybe do but i just don't know names or artists unless their name is 21 savage or quite accurate just tweet it come on second don't know my bsf loves you and if you could say hi i mean the world shut up thank you so much and i love your stuff smiling all right when i get permission you're going to be so jealous and you're going to tweet it and then he's not going to respond then he's not going to respond to me you're going to get permission then i'm going to tweet at him and he's not going to respond he's got permission right now should i do it let's just both tweet at him can you do it first i'll do a second you swear like you like literally you can't like you can't scam me like the stream will hold you accountable you agree to the do you agree to these terms maybe no no maybe you have to agree to these terms um there's no there's no maybe i am going to need you to listen to megan stallion you have to agree to the terms i am very disappointed i you sad face oh now it's not now and now now he's double thinking he's thinking about it like oh no no no oh yeah and the truth comes out huh goggy someone just donated and they're a genius just get a hashtag trending so you can ask without actually having to ask guys guys what's the hashtag hashtag hashtag sap421 wait that's weird trending guys please i need your help i'm embarrassed to ask 21 savage if it gets trending he's just going to reply to you yeah because he's going to see himself trending and he's going to be getting your non-existing tweet he's just gonna and then he's just gonna tweet out yeah he's gonna be like yeah my boy little sap can use my music and i'll be like what's up oh yes what is gonna happen sap what what do we just think about this logically okay let me know this logically what is what is the best way to get what's the best trait you want me to tell you you tweeted no i am george okay look i'll tweet i am when i'm verified i i bet you he doesn't check your regular twitter let me tell you this the only way even if you get a hashtag number one trending is he's gonna know thank you and the only way is you have to tweet out the hashtag you have to do a tweet with the hashtag okay look i wanna tweet on my second account whoever said that i was a child spending my parents money bc on i already know what song i'm playing first if i get prince permission all right look look sap for 21 hashtag sap for 21. let's just can we get that trending all right and then okay how about this stop talking okay what are you gonna say what do you wanna say what are you saying okay how about you tweet it out right now guys i'm gonna stop my second probably gonna stream later i'm gonna stream later i think and sam is going to be there yeah when i start my stream i'll tweet at him and then if he replies live on stream it will be epic because what is it what's his ad 21 what's this 21 savage like 20 21 oh yeah i got it at 21 savage put your screen on that let's see what you're doing can i please use your music at 21 savage but he's gonna get hashtag sap for 21. he calls you cracker acutely i think we did it he did it i did it on my second he's gonna reply and say for sure champ oh my god look i didn't even see the tweet oh yeah i did it can i please use your music oh that's such a bad tweet you knew like oh my god what george you didn't help me just did it without even questioning oh like on your stream or something okay oh and i'm just gonna delete and try again okay it's been awful i just wanna draw them can i please you use your music on my twitch streams 21 savage hashtag sap for 21. all right there we go let me fix it everyone go like that please please please please please please this is all i want for christmas oh my god he's not even going to reply oh my god he's gonna reply he's going to reply he's not he's going to reply he's going to reply he's not he is definitely not in two minutes no he's going to reply in two minutes he's probably getting annoyed like every twitch streamer and their mother is asking him what am i doing that's not true though unless it is true but like the only two people i know of is hello it's nico and i just wanted to ask you if you could say hi to me and she really enjoys your streams also sapnap achieve your twenty-one you might have he might get 21 trending dude if i could listen to 21 music my streams would be a million times more litty that's all i'm saying my streams would go harder no yeah i would be part of the lydia committee no doubt in my mind no doubt in my mind i'd be part of the lady committee would you be part of the titty committee naturally dream's gonna come in here like seven up you're so dumb why would you do that he's not gonna reply to you it's gonna i'm just embarrassing myself man whatever it's worth a shot you know guys give you a shot shoot your shot king you miss 100 of shots you don't take that's true you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take so we're we're we're shooting our shot call me stephen curry and we're gonna that's great what is wrong with this guy okay oh man wait did i get raided yeah i rated you oh thank you for the raid thank you so much welcome raiders huh it's tubber's sister wait really it's double sister yeah thank you so much lanny appreciate it thank you for the raid [Music] is it really six on trending trista it's trista oh i'm looking at the explore page uh trending yup not trying to whoops wait it is it's number six oh my god wait on i two training yeah yeah oh my god in like two minutes oh my god actually three minutes it's kind of popping off no lie how does it turning so quickly because we're powerful my cat named all of us together viewers we are powerful say hi to stinky right now or i will pee your pants hello thank you closing parenthesis uh oh my gosh thank you so much for the fifty dollars you're donating so much l underscore hernandez oh my god what if i pissed out megan on twitter he blocks you and then i ate him later and he says for sure champ hello hope you had a good christmas also it's a trending already yeah it is trending already i'm like kind of scared now yeah you messed up because i feel like he is going to see it and then you're like this is this stupid idiot this dumb minecraft idiot i'm like like punishing my reputation mr 21 can i please hear your name please i love you if you don't mind i listen me and god listen to your whole album that is true me and george listened to the newest 21 album i don't even know how many times just saying 21 i'm a huge fan listening what if he's hair right now that'd be pog it's number four oh my god you wish it was untrended not on you a little bit i'm embarrassed he's like my old man oh man oh shucks it's number three jesus it's like shooting up the training page what the heck is that obsidian there's a thingy here hello sapnap dragster here what's up there's one right answer yeah what if he replies george then what are you going to tweet at him too when he replies taking your advice and shooting my shot made some art for you on twitter jfh underscore art thank you keep up the good work man also what's good chat smiley face he replied no he didn't why do you always lie like that no he did he did george he did it's not he did it he didn't even he actually did george it's not even funny you're such an idiot why are you such a liar he said of course i'm not even sure he said of course no he didn't oh wait that was your girl you're such an idiot you're such an idiot no that was yesterday am i bad yeah i actually hate you so much like i want to curse at you right now and everyone's spamming he dead too you guys are so dumb i hate you chad like oh chat's in on on too huh yes yeah yeah my side just tweet out please uwu with the whole i'm not tweeting out please uw at 21 savage there's no chance now i'm doing that okay but when is the dress and dream team stream i have no idea oh my god i'm like not even focusing on my speedrun i'm like scared i'm like i'm genuinely scared 25 is gonna hate me yeah he probably already does hate you too much savage is asleep right now there's no way just wait till the twitter description guy gets on this one dumb ass sam that's minecraft streamer gets on his knees oh if you can use his music wait where is it now on the trending page number three jesus christ [Laughter] i want it to be low training i want it to be like 30 barely trending not number three [Music] xd but it's pretty smart though like it knew that it's it's put it in the hip hop category like how does it nice donna what is your opinion on milk milk milk milk milk is cool i guess because everyone's asking him never mind it's not as cool as i thought it was you lost the game for the third time what is the what is the game i keep losing how was your christmas also whether the 21 savage tweet works or not i just wanna say thank you because my tweet is actually getting some likes when i use the hashtag lmao it doesn't matter if i follow him you listen to all his music i wonder how much money i have given 21 savage from just spam listening to a song for you to where you're going just sounds like you're running for some presidential in 2021. it does kinda tap for 21. what does that even mean like it doesn't even make sense i guess it kind of makes sense that makes sense hey sapnap i heard there's a one in seven look it's a higher than one and seven point five trillion chance of 217 what if he says no probably the biggest ally no that would be the biggest l in all like in all of like history like there is no bigger l than him responding and saying no dog like whole oh god could you pretty please do me a favor and tell brianna to go to sleep go to sleep that'd be so embarrassing i'd actually cry okay not quiet oh he responded no he tweeted out he said what is a stop knob he tweeted what is this you're such an idiot why are you like obviously i'm gonna check you're so dumb i'm looking in teamspeak look thank you so much for streaming i'm currently stressing over college applications and this helps a lot that's not even the real 21 savage you stupid idiot like what you're so dumb yeah that that would be funny if you tweeted even if he tweeted that i would that would be hilarious tried to shoot his shot at belle delphine yeah george you did try and shoot your shot at belle delphine someone donated to that i remember that actually what did you do you replied to one of your tweets oh it wasn't shooting my shot if 21 savage replies no i i am a clown every month for the whole year like it's okay if he doesn't respond like that's fine but if he says no that's kind of uh that's kind of yikes that's actually hella yikes to be honest yeah it is and george is being an idiot stop saying he replied and making me like like my heart like i'm like oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god yeah well what why it's just how it works why are you why are you doing that to me georgie thanks so much for the five gifted now chad thinks it's funny they're gonna start lying to me too [Music] if he said no you would not hear the end of that yeah i would get made i i i i understand trust me i understand george can you reply to my tweet on your main account that's verified just say vouch please george how many subs i have to give you because i want him to be able to see it in the verified text thank you i think it's funny if he doesn't no george no stop what do i have to do to get you to reply you are you've been following twenty one maybe if you were verified like george not found he'd actually see your tweet lmao xd okay i followed him on both accounts there's okay do you ever bust out randomly he already saw you didn't reply uh he already saw he didn't follow him no no no no no no no no george replied vouch what do i have to do to get you to reply vows snap 21 savage does not like you you don't know that tony savage doesn't know who i am maybe 21 will like me you can look at my playlist i have like 30 songs of his playlists i'm being amazing you're my favorite thank you i'm most people's favorite in the dream team i'm actually the most likable person in the dream team to be uh to be fair really i think my personal opinion lmao you just like to tweet and didn't say about it okay what if you just like the tweet you know what if you just liked it that'd be cool you cannot escape milk chat you know but it's not like explicit permissions i'm just kidding wait if only obama replied yeah yeah you're so stupid you just tweeted it from your man no yeah because then that's giga embarrassing if he doesn't respond [Laughter] i'm trying i'm trying should i buy a genderfluid pride flag or a lesbian pride flag uh i don't know whichever one you want more that's like preference whichever flag you like more or i don't know whichever one represents you or which one i don't know okay ending that run oh my god what is it now i'm checking trending okay oh it went down to four okay it went down to four it went down to four hey sippy did i get an alley is pog thank you love you ali is park okay all right ready let's get back into it i have to pee george if i were to go pee would you keep my stream entertained no i would meet my mic immediately meeting up why i dc [Music] why do you have to do things like that i don't get it why do you have to hurt my feelings george why i don't i just don't really get it like you just like to hurt my feelings and make me feel kind of sad why are you pretending to be sad you're gonna farm some awes i am sad oh i'm sapping up i'm sad because 21 hasn't replied to me yet not yet not yet not yet like i out of it like he's two for two at people like asking him and him saying yeah right think about how many people have asked them okay but how many people like got it trending number three on trending probably none of them yeah i'm the first silly little british man and his wittle texas friend silly british man and his wittle texas friend support wait what what mysterious gingerbread monolith appeared at san francisco park and there's massive gingerbread thing just appeared apparently okay can we stop swimming milk geez louise i hate band the word milk please i hate this what if he just tweets a screenshot of him blocking you that's pretty funny but sad what the hell that's crazy someone just made a gingerbread thing godly parents put it in on the hill who's my godly parent what do you mean it's um you know like the great george to give me his hoodie or else from hoodie girl from his streams tick-tock begged me to do this tell george to give me his hoodie or else okay but what song by 21 savage is your favorite call replied you got a verified reply oh i did what did you say he said no thumbs up he's gonna it's gonna be in his mentions now though yeah didn't he really that's basically a voucher my favorite 21 savage song right now is running yeah can you be running to the toilet i actually need to run to the toilet right now carl just saved you might actually get you this dub gonna reply in two minutes at the time but train wrecks wasn't he's not verified 21 responded to him nico yeah i don't know thank you for another fight good subs is it jose does that always say it thank you i do appreciate the subs this week i want to hit the sub goal because i actually want to play out last i've never played out last i've watched people play out last but i've never played it myself do i play it at night the lights off it's very spooky [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can't we can't we can't sing yeah yeah and thanks go to the five gifted you ready we're going to do running are you ready so here's what i'm doing all right i'll listen to you all right me two four i don't want to mess with the words it's like it's called the first remove sabbat call the first move savage [Music] [Music] kind of you're an idiot cancel them guys she act like she loyal but i don't feel love oh my god universe i don't know how to say it but thank you 20 gets yourself this a lot i really appreciate it shut up he's about to get no i'm not going to play it i think a dmc out of them saying no you stupid idiot you dumb dumb idiot it doesn't really matter you know what i feel like right now what do you feel like i feel like i'm one of those people who like post on tick tock i mean like reasons why i should be in the dream smp but i'm doing this huh oh my god let's stick a little way here he's in the stream right now oh yeah yeah yeah what's his twitch name let me mod 221 it's just at 21. hey saponifications you must be a pressure plate because you turn me on wait what the heck to be honest i don't know 21 savage music oh i was friends with to be red's nephew in high school people are predicting with channel points whether or not he'll respond to me what is the odds i want to predict love you my name is deaf texas king everyone's saying no what y'all are some haters i'm going to lose that channel points when he does reply yeah you guys are going to lose you're watching this you smell like cheese and i'm going to sprinkle salt all over the world i know george not found you you think tweet without anything reply to me i think there's actually like a decent chance he replies yeah he actually just replied yes no shut up i'm serious he did yeah okay okay i'm checking anyways even though i know you're lying i'm still attacking yeah i'm still gonna check i can't help myself hey sap it's me again could i get a hype braden okay he didn't respond but that's fine that's fine he's probably just busy right now yeah he's probably probably working on some bangers he can't even beat minecraft he's probably working on some you know bangers he's in the studio putting in work you know he's busy busy man can you ask dream to add a butt crack to his skin please well that was a nice voice crack dog treat didn't have to call me out without why i should be in the dream smp you nugget what's so funny george this is funny he just replied to you and said no shut up why are you so dumb in the liar i'm not looking this time all right don't then i won't i'm not fool me once shame on me wait no fool me once shame on me fool me twice shame on you wait notes fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me it's my fault for it twice hi petition to jail george for all the times he's tricked you wow yeah i know by the time he replies the stream will be over by the time you're playing yeah probably but then you already know what the starting soon screen is going to be like for the next one did you get george in dream for christmas yeah i love your starting screens what did i get george and dream for christmas uh some really really cool stuff such as a bunch of cool stuff true okay bye water bucket hey huge fan can you say hi to my friend mark hunt he's watching right now smiley face yo yo yo yo [Applause] yo yo i was there when george was my bank account lol like in my room play bank account wall tournament savage just donate and said play bank account law that's permission right though that is yours corpse or ghost main corpse is dmca free that's a it's a tech talk ghrelian didn't really pop off on tick tock does it make you sad million views i mean but not like grog when grog has 19 million views guys write down these chords please i'll just keep using sound stream go follow me on tech talk shut up i haven't taken it with 19 million views that pretty much got the shirts from that jackpot in the mail are you going to i hope he gets announced recover from him close though whoa that was weird thank you for so much for the 50 yo yo i need i need to upload a tick tock guys give me tick tock ideas i need to pop off on tickets your best tick tock ideas i want to post a tech talk i want to post what if i just like post a tech talk of me just um i was thinking about screaming i just what's the tick tock guys reasons why 21 savage should let me play his music um do a dance yeah yeah exactly it's called the sapogade the sapogade it has it has a nice ring to it doesn't it well you can do the whap nap yeah the gog knap from the top make it drop that's all that that's all this is gonna be a boy who cried wolf situation 21 is actually going to reply and sapnap isn't going to believe anyone yeah that's what i'm hoping is going to happen that's actually what i've been trying to should be actually does the worst reaction possible to is in london i don't know the houses are wrong and i have absolutely i already like got a hype response excellent so josh responds to them when he actually replies i'm gonna have a trash response as well if you acted super crazy i might be more i'm like inclined to not believe you because you i don't know you're not going to believe me regardless i'm the thing is i feel like i'm going to check anyways because like oh i tap out and look at twitter oh you got it yeah it's funny like i made you look fool me one time shame on you you should jump on me twice see what happens can't put the blame on you fool me three times the peace signs load the chopper let it rain on you oh my god this gas is popping off george i have to pee can you like i'm busy george what are you busy with um what are you doing i can hear you typing why don't you tell everyone what you're typing i know i'm not an enderman but i just type into a special someone take you away with me that was actually a good one hello yeah just landed on half a hot lol why is everyone spamming j cole how much do i need to donate to get you to call george daddy why is everyone spamming j cole i literally just told you what j cole replied to you why are you just lying like i'm in a chat barrel parking lot midnight no weapons we brawl with our fists like men either are be square why you guys just lie um funny like what's so funny about that what's so funny about lying what's so funny literally make a video wearing a made out but it will go viral all right how am i going to stream if i'm tired i don't know maybe i should just go to bed no you have to do the jack box stream wow just leak my stream oh uh you gotta do the minecraft stream i have to pee be right back george keep them entertained no you just expose my stream and leave um yeah when sound gets back you guys should have saw spam that he replied everyone just start spamming it right now just be like here 21 reply it or he replied or oh my god he replied everyone just starts spamming it like right now and then by the time he gets back it'll be funny and like maybe just actually never mind um yeah i guess we just what is that paul what um let's see you guys doing it well okay yeah you got it okay i might have react as well i have to time it i don't want to have fake react for too long hello what he actually replied i'm not wireless headphones right i was peeing and i could hear you talking the whole time chat we're gonna get him good we're gonna get him good chat morons you guys are all stupid i outplayed you with my wireless headphones yeah yeah yeah i pledge you idiot but the thing is though he did reply yeah yeah yeah i already i heard you guys went with this plan no but like since then he's actually yeah okay no i'm serious he's actually replied okay just check he's replied whatever i'm going to check anyways i know he's not true i can't help myself believe that 21 savage is going to respond to him he didn't respond what are we on trending oh we went down to number four yikes he doesn't respond to number four trending only number one can you please say hi harrison hi harrison dog meister goggington gog meister all right let's go just kidding oh no it's not bad call the first meet soon [Music] dude [Music] i did not consent to going to the bathroom with you put us down next time greater than sad face i had to keep my headphones on because i felt like jordan had to moderate what george was doing while i was gone you know what i mean i did wash my hands everyone's gonna vote no but i did wash my hands with soap and water hey sign up check your phone okay i already saw that tweet it's like edited it's so dumb you always say you're always trying to meet me bro i'm like two steps ahead of you with the memory today that's embarrassing usually usually george look i'll give it george usually he's pretty good at me making me he's mean quite nicely before but today's not his day yo yo all right guys tick tock ideas tick tock ideas i need a good tick tock idea tick tock pops off sam it's not bad 1.6 million views on one video tech talk first video it's not bad tick tock ideas guys don't say whack i'm going to bad uh hunter hunter hunter is my favorite anime no everyone so dumb catnip when we're supposed to just film my cat and that's gonna pop off no it's not dance in a skirt guys i was thinking more of like yo and grog and graylien type videos you know what i mean like grabbing greyland yeah maybe i'll do a sog you're just trying to be me yeah maybe i am you just want to be me maybe guys i need i need you guys to find me a fit i need an e-boy fit and then everyone will simp for me instead of george give me a give me an e-boy fit i'm gonna go to sleep no no no stay a little longer stay a little longer how long are you gonna sleep i'm tired how long are you gonna sleep uh i think the optimal nap time is 20 minutes 20 minutes around 20 minutes that's like no time at all yeah but it like gives you a little boost you're gonna wake no you're gonna wake up feeling more tired oh that's not how it works that's how it works you know what it would be ideal that would be a hilarious [Music] yeah just get a maid outfit and do a dance with us i'm not from tick tock stop now please i am we're going with this say hi dressed like an e-boy so then also tick-tock idea recreate the dance animations of you what do you mean what do i mean i said it very clearly okay yeah i saw a looting one book what are the odds of that say it say the meme what are you saying i found a looting book which lieutenant looting three right no loading one that's the same odds of getting leading three to be fair yeah every book has the same odds as losing through yeah i don't know why you're saying that like you're correcting me or something when i was right idiot we're both right yeah yeah well me more so i'm technically more correct no well you wouldn't be more correct you'd just be more in depth perhaps perhaps oh all right bye no no no no no no no why are you leaving for us because i'm tired god don't leave me i i love you get a custom hoodie in the design of her parents tell me about that that plus a tick tock will make you go viral 100 that's a good idea gog don't leave me i'm gonna be all alone very cold and scared and tired and i'll be wondering where where grog is george did you mute no you didn't mean don't don't george don't leave me you don't have to leave me it's free to stay it's actually free to stay you can always leave later yeah you can always leave later 20 minutes my ass he's gonna fall asleep for two hours and just tweet long yeah that is true you're you're gonna go to sleep for like you know you're gonna plan on sleeping for 20 minutes you're going to sleep all day you always do that okay if that happens then it happens yeah and then i'll give me your stream key so i'll stream for you uh-huh yeah i don't even know what my stream key is like i just can't get it streamlabs here i'll show my stream key on stream um like that should be a sub goal a show stream key 10 million subs anyone savage replied you're an idiot okay i'm gonna look anyways but you're an idiot yeah you didn't he didn't reply you're asked i'm gonna look every time you're not a genius [Music] have you ever been recognized at college so could you tell us i've not been recognized have you been recognized george no i don't go outside though yeah i haven't been recognized either that's probably good i'd be kind of embarrassed you told me you'd be embarrassed too gonna be embarrassed it'd be it'd be like nervous you're like what the heck you know what i mean i guess embarrass isn't the right word but i'd be like what the heck you know what i mean i need to give out your address and see what happens meet up at sapnap's house i was doing meet up at george's house i think that'd be fun george would you set up like a little party in your backyard yeah yeah no are you giving permission for me to give out your address no come on i'm giving myself permission to go to bed right now no you're not buy something george you can always leave later right now no but you could leave later as well yeah but i could also leave right now well won't you just join in your bed like on your phone how about that how about you join call me on discord on your phone that's not going to help me sleep you don't need to sleep right now i do no you don't we do we don't that's just quite simply not true i want to save up for your merch and i keep donating smh george is sleeping beauty george is sleeping beauty why did he unplug his microphone up i am dead yeah i'm alive just by the way did you say sapnap live this isn't the time for a place for this right now this isn't the time every place dream did you see what i tweeted probably something dumb just go check it out it's on my second account what even is your step number second account now setting up alt oh that's much easier actually yeah it was my idea and please use your music on my twitch george you got tired so fast like man says now he's not gonna like that if he sees it he's like oh that's some crazy that's not what i'm implying i'm playing i'm implying like train wrecks is gonna come for your neck on his neck yeah he's gonna that's not what i'm implying i'm implying that like he's gonna none of us are cringing kids look either either none of us are cringy kids or we're all cringy kids we're all in the same boat no yeah and i look i got hashtag for 21 trending maybe he'll see that he'll be like oh wow how are you okay make you uncomfortable i don't even understand you should have gotten savage is epic or something like that if you saw it like it's cool what i said you click it and you see the top tweet it's not very explainative like whatever why do you guys always have to on my parade well you just have to be you have to be a little that's why i needed you dream you weren't there for me you never are james never left for us he was never there for me i wish i was i wish i was there that's perhaps losing on his own stream in a poll which with this who is more cringy and i have nine percent only you guys are 47 44 oh my goodness guys yes guys i love you i love chat you're my favorite that is cringe why would you say that no it's it's it's not going to know it actually will boost your dreams skyrocket yeah that is true you're you're no well no they understand they understand it's not crazy are you saying you're saying it's cringy to respect your audience and care for them what how did you even get there how did you get to that care about your audience what no i was just saying you bringing up the point that you're on the lowest of the cringometer is going to up your chances of going higher on the cringe sure sure well the results are finalized 50 to 38 to 13. that's like i don't want to be whatever i've got half the phone like the name is just clapping up october but like it's actually a purpose clown sapnap uh october is over but um sapnap is stupid saturdays is is always running strong wait is night this saturday i thought it was sunday oh man dream how was your christmas that's why i'm the stinkiest oh i said how was your christmas um it was it was good i guess yeah that's good i hope you had a marvelous time what do you can i i uh i woke up i lived for like 11 hours and then i had lunch with my mom okay and then i fell asleep and i slept yesterday did you just wake up i love you thank you i woke up a little while ago it's kind of weird how like your first instinct isn't to join team speak it's kind of weird that's why we went to discord speaking i was actually about to join and then i got moved and then then someone poked me and said that streaming and i was like right now i just woke up like oh i'll wait and that could have heard your morning voice that's that's like a factual statement that's not even like opinionated oh that's going in the the moments the savage the montage that's fine you better actually make a seventh montage be pretty funny if you don't i will i'll take the clout october not winning this one why did you say whoa the pole oh what is out of the three who is most likely a clown and it's me at eight percent you had eight i work in a baby that is quite active really don't take my birth control when i see these kids acting up you're so trapped i can only imagine how dream feels when taking care of you two absolute idiots can you say what we have to do is because there's an ongoing debate between who's taller george we're gonna have to have we're gonna have the twitch we have the twitch poll i'm taller than george yummy things going through the fire gift listen you have to pick your case before the polls don't run it yet don't worry about my friends no i already know what george's whole case is gonna be what's your case what's your case for him it's not bedtime how do you know this how do you know this because i've measured my zombie yeah you measured yourself which is just inaccurate because you measured yourself automatically no listen if you measured yourself i can guarantee you gave yourself at least half an inch if you measured yourself no because it's probably inaccurate first of all no no okay just listen let's just listen it's it's george's time it's right up says this is similar to one game show everything so most of up is 510 and it's with shoes on and i will say this i will say this there's nobody there's nobody unless they're like seven eight that is gonna say they're shorter than they are okay there's nobody so i guess that's technically true technically true that stop now is that max 510 because there's no way he would say 510 if he was 511 all right anders with shoes on mine's without all right here my case here's my case okay first of all i didn't say i'm 5 10 with shoes on i said but you are there no listen what i said was that i'm around 5 10 which can imply that i am a little bit taller than 5 10 my shoes or a little bit less you can take it as that all right and and to be fair george you're 24 okay you are 100 done growing i'm 19. like you can still grow a little bit when you're 19. no you still can a lot of guys still grow at like around 19. well that's not what we're talking about anymore no but i'm just saying like when did i say that i said that like like a year or maybe even more than a year ago when i said that it's like that number cosplay tick-tock all right well we'll see so i i just think that it's way more likely that i'm taller than you all right now it's time to run the poll and they're on the pole oh they ran it they ran it 86 percent wow they they're just if you think about it it's actually an irrelevant poll because no one knows the answer well now it's a relative but but if it was the other way around georgia been like literally because because everyone knows i'm 5'9 and everyone knows you're five ten even if that's not the case that's what that's what they've been conditioned i don't know i i'd be i i think to be fair i would not be surprised if we met up and then george was like the same height as you or like barely taller like it was debatable that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying obviously no matter even if i look even when it's 510 like there's like barely a difference in height and you probably wouldn't even notice it even if i was five nine four five and then an inch isn't even that big but yeah like well like six inches or something an inch isn't that tall yeah but i'm saying like if i if let's say because you saw the photo of like mr beast next to quackity right yeah that's like his tall and quacks yeah yeah but yeah but that's the same height difference though it's like the same height between me and you george that's not what i'm talking about i'm saying but i'm saying you're saying yeah one inch but i'm saying like that is like a huge difference that's only like that's i think it's like six inches or something right i'm saying that an inch is an inches i i think mr beast is six three and i think quackity is five he's five eight right so it's like essentially the same i guess it's seven inches actually this is where it might be six too i don't remember they looked like but like the thing is mr beast just looked like quackie was behind them and stuff like it really didn't yeah there's definitely that i don't think it's that big of a difference like actually it just it just looked like a can you and dreams say hi to my frog it does all depend on angles and stuff but because like i feel like like one of my friends irl is like six two and i'm 510 and like there's obviously a difference but it wasn't it's not like oh my god you know what i mean to be fair like i don't know i feel like it's hard to it's hard to know how tall somebody like actually is because like almost everybody lies about their look whenever we meet up we're going to like a doctor's office and we're putting this down it's like officially measured yeah everyone's getting officially measured make a video the thumbnail was like me next to a measuring tape and he's like we measured myself we measured myself i love that title that was a really good title so smart no the title is he's talk he's i'm taller than him it's just called what uh who's taller who's taller who's taller dream staff nap or george and then it has like us like all standing like next to each other but like it's photoshopped we all know it's photoshopped so we all look the same height and so it's like it looks like you're going to like look at at least at least we're not bad boy halo george you know that's pretty rude just whale is pretty short and then he lies about it he's like aunt frost like confirmed because they met up and then he still has the audacity to debate it no no yeah just remembering like that was saying like if i come to florida are we going to meet up and i was like i was going to rob him yeah i always say that the georgia i was like i'm just gonna rob you he's like he's like what do you mean you're gonna rob me you're gonna rob me and i was like yeah yeah i'm just gonna rob you like what are you gonna do about it like you're not gonna have any weapons you can't bring a weapon on the plane with you you're gonna have nothing he was debating you on that you said like a weapon on the carry-on dude maybe you can oh my god that's so funny i always tell jordan that's more like more like paranoid about that thing that's everything which is please recommend me some if you don't know please pop it off george if you ignore this eye what is your favorite regret three that's why i made the joke yeah he's so funny i'm pretty oh it's got a description now minecraft streamer and his fans are asking 21 savage for permission to allow standout to play his music on the gamers stream guys guys guys look dreams here this is hilarious who am i write down these coordinates please are you jealous dream are you jealous not jealous you're jealous you know what i'm doing i bought a i just i actually just bought a um like a fresh pc right and later i'm gonna go i'm gonna go on it like with no like there's literally no files on it i don't know if i'm gonna i might stream i might be kind of funny if i stream i don't know but i'm done at least i'm gonna record i'm gonna speed up break the record on the computer has like nothing on it what i was planning on doing is going on yeah yeah yeah going on the seed like just just loading up fresh minecraft like downloading it with recording my whole my whole screen and then like having this camera behind youtube hitting the scene like in a faster time imagine this you like set up a camera and you literally build a pc from scratch and then you look down with minecraft and the very first run you beat the record i'm like no well this was the plans i literally bought a fresh pc just for this and what i was gonna do is i was gonna i was gonna uh like pull go on the seed and um and like and just like on the fresh pc just beat the beat the time i got on that seed um i just thought that'd be like a random scene kind of no no that's the seed that i got that i got the 19 minute time on oh like beat that time because on that seed that that time's not like it's not that good of a time with the because i see yeah you almost like broke the world record like i was looking for an enderman in the stronghold for like a million years yeah if you would have gotten that intermittent you would have like i think probably probably first try i can beat that time on a on a fresh computer nothing well not probably it's just is my minecraft lagging why aren't these guys moving i think it'd be i think it'd be i just thought it would be funny and if i ever did like streaming my minecraft is live i just like delete everything on my computer sort of freshly used dream can you hear me have like yeah i can hear you my minecraft's like broken look at my stream i'm mining blocks but nothing's happening oh well beard he replied he replied why do you lie no he actually replied he actually replied you're such an idiot i'm not checking george he actually replied and single and you're in single player right yeah i am he has really replied you're such an idiot george i'm not sure he replied i'm not looking you're looking right now i'm not looking i can hear you typing i'm not looking i'm [Music] why is my minecraft like broken where'd my mind go like actually that's happening what happened this needs an investigation actually like what the hell is this i've never seen this happen like i'm on single player why is he got so many hacks minecraft jokes bad boys this is called the uh oh i'm not even burning in lava yes all of you need to answer what has happened i don't know what's happening it's just so weird do you guys like the polar express you're dreaming personally you can use this one on your next video that's pretty that's open i want to re-log which i like don't reload just keep going and see if chunks load they are loading that's really good what's happening i don't know well he obviously can't be getting because he can't go back to the overweight go in the lava again look i can just jump in the lava and i'm fine i'm not even going on fire that's weird i want to like relog or something look i've actually never i've never i've never seen this even i've watched so many sweets i've never seen this this is like investigation worthy for sure it's a symptom of hacking look i'm gonna i'm gonna be i'm gonna beat the game i'm gonna take my team time and beat the game and then submit it so they have to look into it right no no but generally look look it's the lava fight oh dream only happened before though to be fair no this is one in a million oh no it's probably happened this is probably a seven and a half trillion chance well what is what well but actually what like what's causing it i don't understand imagine they do the math and they find like they do the math right like like this is like a bug and they do the math and it's like one in seven trillion chance that this happens like what is this i've never i've never seen this before and i've played minecraft for like 10 years huh let's be fair i have i have actually never seen this so i've been playing minecraft hotel dreamweaver there's probably i guess it probably thinks that you're not where you are like your minecraft character isn't actually moving and so if you relog you'll be back where we'll be back where um all right test the hypothesis all right let me get to the safety over here i think i think if you relog for you back to where you so how does that work with my time sure they get my time they fix my time if i switch stuff your time's done it's over you cheated you hacked just relog and see if come on let me get to safety because i don't want to oh wait the trunks aren't loading over here they were just pre-loaded minecraft put the lava as water it's not a bad idea that's i think if you relog it's going to top your back you don't even need to worry you're not going to be in that lava you might be in a different lava but what a nice way to check at least i know the nether fortress is unloaded swimming i'm just going to fall she's going to fall in the void do it do it do it wait what this is so trippy grippy right look at this i'm like swimming oh he's swimming in air no there's blood there's lava particles i spilled a large drink on my new laptop yesterday and now most of the keys on them oh he placed a block in it what the fudge if you right click one of the blocks it will load okay okay okay this is i told you already that's what you said yeah you know i'm going to be logging into what happens it's taking so long to save can you place a block it's thing so long to save the world because that's the same what is going on it's just saving the world yes i just explained like the hacks is a big file you think you can get good drops like just for no memory what is this this is so weird wait did it stop did it start finish saving or no it's still saving you're probably gonna have to like it probably you're it's right you're probably gonna have to like completely restart oh god all done closed window oh my minecraft is like dying i can't even close the window all right task task manager call the first one savage about he actually replied to your tweet yeah did he yeah okay there we go close minecraft minecraft open it again minecraft game crashed right play game crashed i'm stopping up all right all right single player was it this one bingo player oh well i just spawned in nothing low dream's a genius oh i'm a genius wait which way did i run i don't want to run exactly what i said i ran that way i'll run the other way there's no i'm an expert on everything minecraft i was gonna say hacks but okay we'll go with everything yeah yeah pax is better it's funnier my bad 21 savage has dmd me he said yo who's sapnap i'll just reply and say i don't know okay i'm gonna beat the game i'm just gonna take my time and beat the game should i do that dream not gonna beat the game if you do it'll be on your hacked world which won't even count oh i'm going to sneeze if you do it means you're a hacker you think i'm not sneezing does it discount the fact that you're not packing but it would have just come from there for everyone if you sneezed wait go in the lava and see what happens no it's gonna work this time you never know it might be worth for science you do it yeah what the this is such an annoying nether don't cry [Music] how does this work uh if he technically like finishes the game is all the time that he was lagged out basically not count i i have no idea well i think i think they would it would it would count i guess i don't i don't know what they would ever do we'll be fair i didn't get information i knew the trump i mean the fortress wasn't that way yeah there was never the opposite way that is true he got information like anything they did count the time he ran and found the fortress and then logs out and locked back him he like it's like he time travels yeah they didn't have to be because it'd be unfair it didn't have to just be that's how it works it's it's unfortunate but that's how the cookie crumbles minecraft yeah well this isn't vanilla minecraft oh it says fabric what if it was vanilla would it surely would have to come oh yeah it is glitches but it was wasn't intended so that could just be like a benefit like you know i mean like you got lucky yeah but i think you're lucky like technically you're in in-game still like it's just in-game time like technically you're still in game doing stuff like i think it i think it'd have to count right no why don't we ask the speedrun monster i have a simple question regarding your rules for submission it's for a friend don't worry the only time for a friend is honest this like world sucks the only thing that can make it better is 21 savage well i told you he replied to you shut up why do you always say that i don't even think he actually replied the only thing he replied to is a date with your mother never trust a guy who listens to 21 savage or trippy red chat they're all mean no sad number yeah i'm kind of good at the game it does surprise me every time like look at this who can do this sap do you see what your mods are doing question mark exclamation mark i have no idea when you when you sideways through why do you do this like when you sideways speed which i do this like little mini hop instead of like you can do these long strides that save you so much time oh yeah can you do this stream watch this you ready he's gonna pull on the lava guaranteed yeah you can't do that you're like not going any quicker because you're spam clicking i am going you could probably click like like this quick like like this quick and it'd be just as good this is this is quicker oh i just felt but that was quicker look oh you're so good you can just if you just held down right click on that same time period it would work the same no it wouldn't you're actually dumb if you think that you're actually done consider oh dream dumb confirmed it's okay lmao i just choked on a tortilla for like 20 seconds anyways did you like find four temples or something like that yeah i did i found a bunch of temples he's not speed on he's slow running like who loots four temples like you don't even you don't even need like once you have one i had like 20 iron or something like that just got dreams an iron chest plate but i just didn't want to be wearing a wonderability gold because i don't want to get messed up by the pigs iron armor look at this guy look at this watch i'm going to kill him oh hold on you literally missed when it was 20 like two blocks ago there we go oh my god he's not even missed shut up all right this is ridiculous it's not really ridiculous per se like i saw the lava scene and i thought you were good but then i saw this like oh what okay you should what you should have done is you should have placed a block one up yeah i knew exactly me and george were the pros who would do that but yeah i just don't know what to do dream i can't find a lava pool all right coach me coach me for one run all right oh god all right this is a bad scene screw that scene let me get one good seat and then we can george you can play doo doo doo doo doo what's that song called i'll play it the whole thing just open up your seriously dragon lavafinder.exe encoded by what do you look for i'm looking for like a acacia or desert or a village you know what i mean you want me jelly bean like this is a bad scene [Music] what's the doo doo doo doo i don't actually know what like when you say when someone sends in like a world file right whenever they like are submitting a run dream i'm going to do it you should have grabbed that gravel with your fists right by spawn why don't you do that he's a bad speeder listen it always you don't don't go back and grab it because it's already too late well listen listen listen here's something there's literally oh my god but listen this is this is important if you spawn like right next to gravel just grab a couple pieces with your fist because then you only you don't you only see like three because then later on when you're when you're when you need flint you don't have to run out of your way to go grab it so i'm popping off you should always grab it if you see it yeah if you see it you should just grab it just because then later on when you need it you don't have to go out here if you just grab like one piece because you can you could technically just repeatedly replace it place it over i got the music playing one savage thing is he giving you permission i need six pieces of wood all right then and then i look for a village which way all right left i go left no i go right um why are you heading that's towards the border why did you even get wood before you go to village but there's the border over there yeah so you should go left you should you should have the opposite way over the border of this you just you should just reset the thing is there's probably every every acacia biome has a desert um attached to it okay the goal is you want to get to like the other the other border as quickly as you can because then there's probably a desert a desert over there but also your 1.6 so you don't technically need a desert but it'd be good if you did okay from the desert there's a lava pool marked on the course guys see there you go that's the perfect the perfect the perfect uh i'm popping off you've gone the other way here we go there's another lava pool right down the courts you have to know i'm like pretty certain that deserts can't border swamps because swamps and deserts obviously they're like you know they're opposite i'll play the track though deserts can border like mountains and forests it's kind of interesting i wonder why they did that so it's a savannah always borders i mean that makes sense yeah it's just like real life savannah's always border deserts oh i found a village it's an abandoned village though there's not gonna be an iron golem what do i do that's fine go to it that's not fine because you get the food yeah just it's fine just go go there grab the grab the food there's hay bales right and the banana village yeah yeah get the hay bales get some stone real quickly um and then if you usually what i would do if i was gonna if it was like a kind of dead run like obviously this is kind of a dead run but it's not really like what you're looking to get then what i would do is i would i would just see the ravine right there i just if i would try and grab like you know what does it mean right here iron that's what i'm saying yeah i'd get like five iron and then just i'd cook it while i'm making while i'm um like making the important stuff getting flint so okay like anytime you can have it cooking while you're doing stuff so just quickly what i thought the glitch was happening again like it was like the blocks weren't breaking yeah you get extra cobbles in cobble i need six plus eight fourteen funny number bunny number hey sapna if we ever met could we fight i may only be six zero and fifteen but i would fight you with consent well looking for iron there's no iron there's no iron what the oh there's iron change your stream title and include dream to farm more viewers to help friend hashtag for 21 xd in a very scuffed way okay that's probably enough iron do you see the fives right oh it's five well four and a four is fine the five is just good i mean you can get a shield with this extra like yeah it's the one extra there and it's gonna be cooking it anyway as well how much he just leaves before oh there's water all right oh god it's it's like it's like watching puns like six months ago jump into that thing the white thing that's how you do speedruns the most efficiently i imagine he landed in that in that cobweb did you see the one in the hole i didn't get any cool come on i gotta play the music again he's weird he's good oh wood i can't open the thing okay he's so panicked but he's wrong it's like you're like that's like it's like you've got all the pearls and all the blaze rods and you're rushing to the stronghold at like 10 minutes but you're literally on a dead seat at five minutes in rotator chip fine you're 17. you don't need anymore look at him like move around the way like he's zooming his mouth he's try harding what let's get flint i have oh yeah i have i got it that's all we need for now we gotta go we don't have time to waste you literally could have made the bucket just you could have made the bucket while you're in wait what are you doing who do you think that's better he's actually an idiot you got water get water on your left like stop it is this like a bit of something while you were making the bucket it would have already been done yeah you still have a better time than him george no i don't know i mean love if it's over here chords chords chords chords chords just straight that way you're fine i don't even know what my my best time is like it's like 56 minutes or something i actually beat it under an hour i wasn't sure if i had yeah i'm pretty sure you did yeah i'm pretty sure you did and you were also going to that other time in like 45 minutes or something but then um the you you had one less blazer than you needed you had to go back to that i don't remember where it is oh there is and be that you beat it like just over an hour then what i'm gonna spawn in a freaking thingy and you were like about to to game mode and i convinced you like just go to the nether the lesbians are rooting for you thank you do something you're too undecisive you gotta get more decisive about stuff like that four block you should just use it right away my lava is like glitching out of its mind you should have picked up the water before you did those bottom two areas in the bottom he's learning write down these chords that's what he wants he wants my advice what the replied it's not the time what do i do just run you don't you just run into the soul sometime you didn't even make your shield like you were meant to do it whilst you were making the portal yeah anytime there's down time i just wanted to say thank you for bringing smiles in their darkest times you have literally saved lives thank you so much amazing people who inspire and help others very kind words thank you so much for everything hurry up it's fast i can go make an iron pickaxe no iron the joke this is just painfully slow well i have nothing else to just tower out it's pretty quick oh my god oh what the what is your problem oh it's fine it's fine new world it's like it was a crappy spawn anyway that was just so bad it's okay i hate something why why'd you say that or do you sleep with a stuffed animal no really no i mean yeah i don't [Laughter] is your mother a stuffed animal oh i guess sometimes oh my god george you can't say that that was that was like what what the fudge groggy's not being so goggy after all that was that was that was intense yeah that was that was really intense wow wow he popped off like there would have been a comeback if you didn't add the second part after i had the second part it's like what do i say they know you you are destroyed i mean it's like respect to you for admitting you just go destroyed that's good yeah i mean just like i don't know usually i don't know usually i have a comeback but this one i just don't i got i got destroyed yeah yeah what do i say i can't get a good seed i need to do dizzy send me more of the intense music so i can shuffle through them as i speed run not multiplayer is there a faster way to create worlds so can you like set up a hotkey and just use the mod they actually should they i think i saw somebody post on like write it like they made some like they made some mod that like made us you can load worlds clear because it has to it loads like fewer of the spawn chunks before allowing you into the world and it like loads in like like two seconds or something because it only loads like the spawn chunk chunks around you and like that's epic and why don't they just do that in minecraft yeah well one they should do that minecraft but two is because i think it only matters mostly for speedrunners because they're only they're creating worlds all the time like most minecrafters don't only create like ones it doesn't matter if it takes like a minute to load like that'd be awesome yes maybe minecraft because like if you spawn in a plane spine for example you won't see anything and it won't be as cool when you load it into a world yeah that's true yeah it's cool when you learn to world like overall but like this they should just they should just like they should just like allow them like they should have a setting quick oh yeah or minecraft setting yeah that'd be cool i just want to get one good run i want to get like a 30 minute run with dream coaching 30 minutes and then i can upload that to savnap live and pop off the best youtube channel to ever exist like remember when i did my streak i was going for a 25 and i was like i was there there was only one run when i say 30 minutes i mean like the whole 30 minutes like 30 to 40. i missed you guys just chilling during our streams i can't wait for the podcast i'd say under an hour it's pretty good i love you you really under an hour i did that in hardcore i'd say it's not i wouldn't say it's like it's it's not i say it's like if you can do that though that means you're pretty good like so pretty if you're not good at the game you're not gonna build a beta in under an hour unless you get like i did that in in uh and hardcore so it means i'm pretty good binix even actually i told benix you told me that's a pretty good run yeah but hardcore isn't like it's not shut up say bennett was good and benedict said i'm good and yeah that's all you have to say he's just being nice no benix gives it to me real gives me the she gives it to you he gives me the information he like he's real you know what i mean he's not going to sugarcoat it no oh no wrong one not do the funky stride oh god okay there we go i gotta get some wood first from over here right i'm not what don't shut the fudge up oh gravel this is perfect get three gravel oh i gotta flip nice why are you acting like you're like a god listen i'm going to break the i'm going to break a record record i love you thank you i love you too do i get five or six zero usually if you get four okay i got four and get more if you want to but aren't you glad you grabbed that gravel before you even had a shovel i am glad i said apple i need some stone i don't see any stone i'm going down oh there's someone on the mountain right behind you idiot no there's not there was exposed no there wasn't you're ruining my run just dig into the just make a pickaxe what are you doing do something it's oh geez are you like digging down all the way back to this one piece of sand he broke down instead of just digging down below him what are you doing oh my god this is like the dumbest oh this is just know what to say embarrassing it's pain it's painful it's painful it is aaron thanks for the five gifted actually i don't need that he just needs to team viewer me and like give me control and i'm just playing minecraft on his stream that's what i do in a lot of gyms that's true imagine if you died to the angle uh i'm focusing i want to try and do good trick shots until i joined dream smp you think that was a coincidence he got five iron so far he has perfect rng let's just let's continue i do have perfect rng so far let's continue to monitor him he got a one out of what was like what's the gravel chance like one out of ten yeah he got a one in ten chance of a first try and then he got a by one and three a one and three chance one and three that's point three three three three times by point one for a chance of oh that's a three percent chance of that happening [Music] all right just wait let's see what this next let's see what the next what's the next thing you have to do that has rng fine let's see oh there's one there's one more bed it's if you can look at the code but without knowing specifically how rare it is oh why do you place that f5 mode oh there's another pool behind you replacing the crash match again i need the water oh you should just like make all your stuff like in one time you place your crafting bench you've placed it three times in a row and broken it just to make like one thing each time daddy why do you always act like you're tough we all know it or not what do you really need i guess gold could be useful i guess i guess because you're just going for like decent time you might as well okay oh what don't look out for a lot of people just because don't tunnel vision keep looking around okay because you're going to tap out don't oh i see a lovable all right fudge the temple where should i go for it it's right there actually i'm gonna go to the temple first it's fine i'm not going for like a world record i'll go to the temple it's right there anyway one thing a lot of runners do as well is like let's say they saw that temple right like you're your gut instinct wants to get out of double f5 zone and just run straight to the temple like you should still be you shouldn't tunnel vision you should just be like there's a lava pool over there so i'm gonna i'd like you should be looking around stuff which is what you did it's fake water his water was fake water that was the worst guy oh my god it was i didn't say it because i wasn't sure but like when he took the water out the water didn't fill back in yeah i don't know fine whatever it only took a little bit dream on sap speed run mf you don't even stream sit down hj man if it's fake again you know what isn't fake savage replied to you we're just gonna say that he's just gonna keep saying that like he'll know when he replies the whole chat will be spammed with it oh my god yeah you know what the meme's over i guess you'll know if he replies to you because you'll get a notification on your phone all right don't don't reply to me i was holding back that information what are you doing pick up the yeah it's like you thought about it and then he was like yeah he thought about it yeah i won't do it he suggested make the shield i don't have wood what the you're fudging kidding me it's fine it's fine it's not fine oh it's not i have to go get blocks and this stupid look at this thing wait is that a fortress right there to the left i need like blocks wait was that a fortress it might have been it could get blocked so what just go get water it's like i guess maybe not quicker but oh he's getting it wouldn't it make sense to do that on the sound instead no because the sam's gonna fall into the lava he almost locked himself in this like giant like dumb thing wait just check i think there might have been a fortress oh there is a fortress it is oh there is a fortress oh my god why didn't he get more blocks than that he's an idiot he has like a ton of tnt and he's just gonna fall into the lava don't speed bridge don't be an idiot like you're about blocks probably you can make it to there then okay he can blow it up he can blow up with tnt i'm getting a new game i can't find another one right there should i name it right there he's doing it he's smart mother get the codes up on your screen oh he did it right next to the lava yeah like zero 50. where is this fine now look it across there's no way you got a fortress spawn i thought you perfect rng this is should be looking that's actually that's that's actually true and the lava pool right there me and my friend so far follow through any tips my god oh my god that was so risky the yeah the the fire could have like what the fire could have like the fire could have like hit you mid arrow he got one on one police rod so far that's 50 50. george that's another so all so so far is rng so add that again what's what's a 50 out of 50 chance point 50 times times the thing by point 50. so it was point zero three three three times by point five well obviously it's half it's 1.6 percent um but that doesn't count the fortress luck being there it's true but still oh he didn't get the next police right okay i think it's all right he turned his hacks off hey he probably did oh my god he doesn't show it's kind of risky to do that strat it doesn't change the frequency of how much they spawn it changes how much spawn and by by doing that red sound oh my god behind the blocks you're dead oh my god holy cow that's popping off he's popping what the hell mumbling you so much for the 10 gifted subs actually popping off hardcore what's that water oh my god i have six doesn't benix leave at six you're doing so good yeah well yeah okay one more i got it what that was insane blaze rod chances there's a blue bottom over there yeah how many did you kill you killed like 10 and got seven or something like that what the okay what do we do from here get a boat can you make a shield with this as well gold do i see a enderman over there put it in a boat and kill it you can't make a boat with that oh yeah you're right why not all right stop stop smoking ah at achoo thank you so much for the five gibson you should probably just start thanking 21 savage for giving information to use his music george hmm what what what you said my name where do i go from here um what are the odds of somebody getting seven out of ten why am i actually struck stuck in my throat what are the odds of someone getting seven out of ten blaze roads it's like 50 50 is actually like 710 is better right that's 70 well like technically if you get 1550 chance i don't know how you work out seven over ten things there's not seven in a row the odds are getting you multiply this i would just like to say i committed arson no because this is the way to do it if you got seven in a row it would be point five to the power of seven yeah that's not seven in a row seven can you just get the phd guy to look into this i don't know how you work that one out yes sir messes tommy oh there's pig guys are here let's trade with them you're probably going to get piles on our first option actually just trade with them i will i don't want to die if 13 gold that's like enough on average you need like 4080 is it 80 or 40 40. that's average every 20. yeah he's gonna throw it off the edge you should tell dream to get his sister on the dream messenger all the sisters are online and then discord how did you work out the odds of getting seven 50 50 things over 10 attempts i don't know idea i swear to god there's pearls oh you gave me some iron nuggets actually i like that perfect amount to get an iron pickaxe thank you sir there's pearls in there by the way why are you like [Music] there's another fortress right here that's crazy it's the same one dude you can't even all right they can spawn they spawn in like vodka i don't even think that i don't think they can spawn that close maybe they can actually no they definitely can't well his model changes how they spawn what i was saying earlier is like in a lot of cases like how can they expect like like because someone's talking about like what something was like talking about like offline runners and stuff right and they're like well they have to submit they have to submit like like runs of theirs like if they were cheated submit their runs and you go and review them and like they just admitted it's like it's like them dragging like hacks.exe into their mods folder or something like that they're actually not going to show anything that they're not they're not going to be like oh yeah here's here's the here's my runs and yeah and this one i lost where my little guy was just fine then i think it's over here that just reminded me there's some reason like the fortress is being like in the wrong place or something like what are you doing where is he i lost him he's like way down what do you mean where is he he's down here i thought you left him up there like places i did but i don't remember where that is how do you forget that like that quickly i lost him he was like not even that far away i just i'm totally disoriented i think it's that way towards that lava coming down from the ceiling someone said it's 11 point it's an 11.7 chance to get seven out of 10. how do they take the we can take the three right the three percent and times it by where did i leave the little guy times by [Music] i'm pretty sure you're just heading the wrong way but all you do is point three percent times like point eleven percent right why point three um because three percent because you got the flint on first try and then the uh uh and then what's the 11. uh i've given you so much money i'm so lost happy holidays that's 11 because it's to me like it's a 50 50 for you to get i mean i guess it's not taking the 50 50 to 50 50 but like it's expected in 10 that you would probably get you know 50 50. i guess what are the chords guys give me the chords give me the chords to the nether portal i can find my way back if i just know which one is there zero zero um where's this way how did i lose him he's gonna like despawned i know the power's gonna despawn can you tell dream to get his sister on the smp yeah it's been five minutes tubbo's sister and skeppy's [Music] oh that's true dream we weren't calculating the odds of this being on stream oh no it's now it goes into the you know into the stratosphere now we're talking now we're in the trail ends all right here we go we're actually probably not quite in the trillions there was no pearls why do you always lock wait no it despawns there's a point it's a point three percent right that's what that's like one in uh what is that like more like a thousand or something yeah point point three percent one in like 600 something like that one in 600. blaze drops are 35.7 percent chance it could be too hmm someone said the blaze drops are not 11 it's 33 i mean that makes that would make sense to me i guess 7 out of 10. i don't know how to work it out yeah i don't either i have no idea i need better ender pros dream help that please your next birthday what am i supposed to do just to say right here uh send me the you send me the cheats i'll say i'll say uh i'll say uh for a prayer yeah there you go that i same situation just with different numbers you do n equals 10 trials the probability of one successful trial is p equals half okay you want k equals three and n minus k equals seven failures oh wow that's a complicated formula i'm getting hella gold and so what does it equal for a few three heads uh three heads is 15 over 128 which is well got 11.7 yeah that's what they said yeah it's the 11.7 yeah so it wouldn't be it would be one in three one in 300 and one in 333 dance and why do i keep losing my pig so he's doing it on stream with 59 000 viewers which is like though like that never happens pretty much like he's probably one of the only speeder on speedrunners but where did my pig go let me do it and it was on a saturday 300 different in december but he despawned without using all the gold i'm actually getting really bad luck with this gold though just turn it all into gold mother mother why did you attack you actually hit him can you still use the guarding no you hit them they're feral he's such an idiot he finds a big one and he just hits it and george did that history you've got so much gold like you might not even need this much just go find piglets and trade can you just turn it into gold already like it's annoying me i want to see how much you have no this is a different nether port is this the third one no it's the second one this is definitely wait no this is the one i was coming from nevermind oh my god just go to zero zero open your calls and go to zero zero we actually don't because there's no pig ones over there wait no that's a different that's a different fortress that's above lava my favorite all right listen you need to turn your nuggets into gold i'm gonna turn your nugget into gold all right what's the chance of me sneezing during the speed run as well you know the guy you know you know like you know midas right like uh touches stuff and tells me yeah how does gold so how did he i don't know his story how did he like live like where did he get it from like his his like parents thing if he got it then like it's hereditary wasn't it cuss i think it was like a first oh it was a curse you're right it was a curse okay well then i can't find a piglen you don't have any gold turn the nuggets into gold already i do have three gold i'll turn into gold once i got trapped no you don't know efficiency that's true that is true it is more efficient you can trade and then turn them into gold completely i just want to know how much you have please just find the place you you're walking back and forth over the same strip of land like yeah you need to diversify the land like go right you've gone left the blue bomb is left go right where it had 25 minutes have you scuffed this around so hard you were in like two minutes you just threw away a godseed like i might as well just craft the nuggets at this point yeah he really wants to see it yeah everyone wants to know how much would you have yeah i just opened your inventory for a second so you're getting a gold digger george you want to know you want to know how much gold he's mining more gold he's got like four stacks of nuggets yeah do the math then how much is that i don't know which gold you have or it's a baby you actually do have like three and a half stacks you had 64 times 3 plus 29 divided by oh i messed up oh this is so frustrating divided by 9 machine this is actually embarrassing you're going into the just reset just reset you're going in no it's not over yet yeah you're right it's gonna be like a nine hour time though why are you tearing in like blocks of three and you're he's being dumb like you're acting like you're dodging it but like you're going in the towards it and away from it like that's not dodging it doesn't go in the office like going in towards it yeah you need it from side to side what are you doing you have a virus what are you doing eat the bread you've actually annoyed me how have you messed that up you never got to see how much gold he had oh yeah you never get to see him was your your itch satisfied no it wasn't actually because it wasn't as much as i thought it was it was only 24 ingots oh do i keep going for runs and i understand the stream like that's embarrassing one more one thing on like we can do something i don't know what do you want to do yeah like enter reset the world on the recording server all right do that george i thought you using the smp for some reason yeah do that as well no we're not going on the recording server sign-up has to be the game no it's fine it's called the recording server man oh man that was bad uh-huh are you sitting in georgia i'm gonna have to what's your favorite book thing you've read what you're gonna do are you doing it right now or like you already started awesome not found my favorite um i gave up at you can you do it i don't know you're so annoying you already started but you gave up what is wrong with you okay i wait is it stopped yes okay do do everyone's spamming jack box no no no monks please jackpot i'm starting to think you're bad at the game press the stop button if only you were more like tommy oh shut your mouth you shut your fizzy mouth oh man all right bye stream stop sending the stream thanks for coming to the stream guys shut up about the sub goals have you ever played outlast before i have not played outlast before that's why it will be interesting roblox everyone's saying play roblox play roblox no oh it's an island this is disgusting whatever you can log on oh my god let's play like a survival island why are you hitting me let's play dombo sapnap all right let's do hunter but you're you're chasing me just swim in the ocean yeah it's so easy to get all right let's do minecraft um what is it hunter what is the thing minecraft manhunt the other one oh survivalist yeah yeah i'm gonna win i have to last an hour look at you you're like moon walking across the water you just swim in the water for an hour that's why there was that that's why there was a border why are you still chasing me why are you chasing me you told me to where's your jesus yeah look a dream is literally jesus wow look at my stream you're jesus i can't say i have to stop yeah it's okay you can stop why am i like not swimming on your screen yeah you're just walking on the water did you know that in my language directly translates to epic zero up pog what the hell oh you got a dolphin toasty oh what the hell what you have particles you gave yourself strength no i don't i have dolphins great no no bs oh i do all right you to kill me three times alright let's play a game you to kill me three times in 10 minutes go sct sc i don't know i've seen it but thank you so much for the tin gifted dude i'm not even able to catch you in 10 minutes george stop giving me random appointments you see i told you he gave me your favorite one direction now my favorite one direction song is that's what makes you beautiful if only you saw it i guess what the hell is wrong with you you're like on crack get away from me you're on crack what what the hell you're literally on crack stop he said three times i started three times what is wrong with you the words gave me these i didn't give i didn't give him ew george gave me nausea all right just clear everyone's pushing effects everyone's watching the facts george he's trying to kill me again it works we can do give a hit advantage and i'll still win oh yeah oh my god you're getting wombo comboed you have the upper high ground that's like not beneficial to me you didn't what do you think i'm in the water you don't know about the pythagorean theorem clearly i know exactly about the the only theorem you know is how to suck i know about the oh my god i'm just what the what happened i'm destroying you you knocked me in the water it's unapologetic how bad i'm destroying you oh my god get on land all right yes where am i what i'm a thousand blocks in the air teleported oh god it's like a dream what the heck oh look oh this is beautiful wow kind of cool like the ocean from like afar we should make a survival island minecraft youtube series why are you hitting me this is never we're never gonna get any progress if you're just beating me i'm just beating you to death yeah excuse me i'm greatly disappointed you ignored my last doughnut despite its urgency sorry please recommend me a pc to start something how am i supposed to have a pc to start streaming with like you just have to pick it up it's like a million different i need fudges anyways how'd you get a sword have you ever listened to oops by a young great generation your music taste is really good thought i'd share some of my own peace all right jimmy 1v1 would be on pvp like i want a 1v1 oh easy how much bread did you just give me you crack your minecraft eat the bread like oh my god okay close the program one v one drink all right dream get up legacy i want to 1v1 yeah george get on to 1v1 george that's all right yeah you don't go to bed anyways okay go to bed do you miss one view on you for like 10 minutes i mean i don't need you now i've dreamed i'm the better version of you all right it's true sad but true all right i'm on i'm on versus one all right what kit do i want to do accent shield or do you want silver i'm on to no go to uh we can go to go to go to game selector and then go to uh uh axembo duels okay click here what is this or we can just or we can we can just do it i guess they're commands enough as a crossbow and bow so this is like the kit techno beat you on very similar to it except for to be fair he didn't beat me on 1.16 oh i didn't have what oh this is already scuffed oh you're lagging or i'm lagging excuses oh wait oh you weren't even that low i thought you were way lower you should raid dude pro gaming at the end of this stream because i told you too and these i'll use you're such a dirty little spammer eat that um jesus i've played that so it's just ah go again slash actually i guess i fought in here recently for like a little bit but where's axe and duel i don't see it oh do this one i don't know what this is next uhc dual 1v1 oh god how does this work i'm going to embarrass you holy oh this is a cringe kit what the fudge uh all right let's go oh god there's just so much stuff oh what laughs hmm i don't have my sword in my one slot so i was able to get all the behind this wall [Music] ugh hmm what oh it's piercing oh wait that's so big that is okay oh you're so dead there oh god yes you weren't lagging i would have won but it's like these are complicated because yeah there's there's so much stuff going on i don't even know what my hops might hop our orientation i just leave my hotbar as normal i didn't have a water bucket in my hotbar so when you place lava on me i just like oh god i had to go to my inventory to water myself oh yeah like minimalistic kids yeah no this is really annoying you'll never find anyone like this trying to sort my inventory you what's your fault you're critting me while i'm sorting it it's not my fault it's not my fault the inventory is more sorted how you would like it okay this is like the most unfair i think ever if i win here after this bs you deserve to be clowned everywhere 99 there's oh yeah how close are you not even low you tasted death oh you're lagging you popped around the corner you're lagging hardcore i'm popping off i mean find me off stream when your ping's not like a million what's one thing isn't even a million but it definitely do slash ping what's your thing it's having spikes for sure my bit rate is high i'm going to lower it for next stream all right hold on like you weren't even anywhere near me and then you teleported and i'm like oh god he's right here i want to try this kit so i should do try that one oh apparently it's not me it's the server the server's lagging oh yeah it could be it's just lagging like you're just well it's happening because on my on your screen i'm not lagging this is a simple kit [Music] oh oh what the oh yeah i got wrecked [Music] but someone just punched me yeah i don't know i don't i think i don't think it's serverless how do i i want to add more rounds here can you build me 20 like us [Music] what the oh it's just how unfair this is super unfair i only have a sword i don't have a shield wait really yeah wow cause you didn't perk off i can't even hit you what what you did for a costume i couldn't [Music] mcc training oh god okay this is my custom job what the fudge is going on how many hearts do you have [Music] way more than me why are you so much better at accident shield a lot of practice what right all right do you know armor actually no dude is [Music] what the fudge was that what is going on it's lagging it is lagging it's definitely not good like yeah it's like my shield all right all right here we go oh what oh now now we're doing armor huh [Music] all right this is it it's my last fight dream i know what you're doing i know you're straw of course either because you fought me with it oh god lag like what the fudge this is dumb oh yeah he fudged up there i joking friend you love her because i didn't give her a christmas present love maddie i love your best friend all right i think i'm gonna end the stream that was fun thanks for coming today what do you mean i won on a dub it's not very often i beat dreams so i'm gonna take my dub too far i had no armor but [Music] i mean he had no armor so um yeah 21 savage didn't reply to me yet um it's fine yeah all right guys dream who should i raid who do you think i should raid me no i'm gonna raid should i read this person dream i have two options that i see which one of those oh i actually have a third option good puns no that's my least favorite options but okay all right we're gonna raid i'm kidding honorary puns puns all right guys everyone go say hi to puns stupid stinky puns thank you guys for coming by thanks to dream and george for being here um don't forget about the trending thing uh we we're down to like number eight or ten i need to be able to play 21 savage music but he's not gonna he doesn't it's not gonna matter he's not gonna see it yeah he's gonna understand what it is he is he is he will be 21. no no no he will all right bye everyone bye
Channel: Dream Team SMP
Views: 4,427
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Id: Lr4p3GHiSPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 31sec (10831 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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