Dream's Last Speedrunning Livestream

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hello is anyone there hello some people are here everyone's saying dream no it's just me it's just me today okay i'm dream let me stream from his account i don't know why he just said stream on my account today so it's me i'm speedrunning i'm on dream's account as well like i'm playing on his skin like his account in-game i stop saying dream it's george it's literally me it's just me yeah i am streaming during school but um yeah i'm just speed running today on dreams account um to try beat the record because he said if i beat the record like it has to be on his account so that he can claim the record basically which is why i'm on his account yeah i turned i turned off the donations so there's no money which is which is good for some reason um so yeah i'm just gonna beat the world record right here right now on dream stream it's gonna be the best stream ever wait did the notification go out yet i don't know um how long have i been live for like a minute only two minutes two minutes did the notification go out hello who got here for my notification hmm not me okay so i guess the notifications did go out i don't know how if if everyone heard that but yeah i'll just say it again it's me i'm streaming on his account just for the meme well not really just for the meme it's in case i beat the record drinking claim because he thought i might beat her there yeah look at all this good stuff wow incredible um i'm gonna use this stuff to beat the game with i can make iron stuff ocean seed yes it's me it's george hype train but the hype train is pogging out oh yeah don't you can't donate to dream stream because it's like i turned it off i guess you can technically donate to my stream but i might not read it and the minimum donation to dream stream is only a it's a thousand dollars so if you want to donate and have it show up on the stream it's a thousand dollars okay it's not selling out you just can't turn off donations like you can't turn them off you have to you have to make the minimum really high this seat is so dumb it's just a massive ocean there's like a goggle a cave down here what do you call these things gogola caves i don't even know what they're called goggle bastions all right i'm muted hi guys hello i don't know how long is that that's four minutes how's that dream come back well the notification wasn't sending it's still i don't think it still hasn't sent [Music] so it's just like i was waiting for i don't know who got who got trolled i'm sure a lot of people got trolled when i was saying stuff relating to the world did it line up or was i think it lined up with the uh the chest with the chest because you like said it i think you just knew you're like you're thinking it's gonna be good stuff so you said it earlier i just said oh i saw you going like oh good stuff in the chest did that line up yeah lined up for me well yeah if it lined up for you it lined up for everyone um anyway i want to wait to explain i guess until everyone's here but not everybody's here so why isn't everyone not here just get here oh okay everyone's here everyone get everybody but a lot of people are here where is everyone hi hello everybody so today this is a crappy c this is good for explanation though today we are speed running 1.15 which is a different category than 1.16 because there's a lot of different things to it uh i used to hold the world of record at 1.15 i held the world record at 1.15 three separate times and um currently i am third place in 1.15 um so unlike 1.16 which even though i guess technically we did have a chance to beat that one um i think we have a pretty good chance at beating the record on 1.15 because we've done it before many times and it's not highly optimized i guess and we're going with a different strategy than everyone else does and i think that the fact that we have a different strategy usually gives us an advantage and it's it's a very boring strategy so i just want to say what it is i guess before we go too far into it so today we're going to be resetting and looking for a looting three book in a desert temple or in an ocean monument but but mostly mostly in the desert temples i'm not an ocean monument sorry the ocean ruins um in the ocean but mostly in the desert temple because ocean ruins um are spread out and they're hard to hard to get and stuff but looking for uh a looting three book in desert temples it is very rare so i found from the past based on my own resetting offline that typically in about a day if you're if you're speed running for like five to six hours you'll find two to four looting books now the looting books don't have to be looting three they can be looting one or looting two or looting three and um looting three is when we won now looting two it could be a decent run but most likely wouldn't be world record looting three could be world record um so in all likelihood we might get one looting book today if we run correctly before the festival that's at noon today or that's late that's later today um we should we should be able to get hopefully one looting book we might not though we could get zero there's days where you'll find zero there's days where you'll find um four i know i streamed once a while back on 1.16 and i found three looting books in one day on a stream so looting three that is so we could get really lucky today and get a bunch of looting books or we could get zero so just know this stream will be a little more boring it'll be a little more a lot just a lot of just resetting a lot of resetting before even getting to the nether if we get to the nether that means we have a looting book we're not even gonna go to the nether if we don't so the chances are you might get to see one two to four good runs today but if you could see a good run there's a good chance it'll be world record so it's good to i guess stick around if you want to if we end up getting a good a good seed with looting three it'll probably be a world record history um but it may take a few days it may take a week it may not ever happen we'll see um but from my personal experience based on what i know i think that there's a good chance it happens today there's a good chance it happens tomorrow there's a good show out of the house in the next few days i'll tell you why so on our last run um when i got uh 22 minutes and uh six seconds which is currently only about 30 something seconds or 35 seconds away from the current world record um i had really bad timings so it took me four minutes to kill the ender dragon and it took me uh eight minutes and 55 seconds to enter the nether um in comparison on my 1.16 run i entered the nether in three minutes and 30 seconds five minutes shorter and i killed the dragon in a minute and 45 which is two and a half minutes shorter if you take those that is almost if you take those and subtract them from other my other looting run that is that is much much much much shorter than the world record that's currently here so as long as we have good seed we have a good end and we have and we have a good in between and we get a looting three book i think we break the record so we'll see could take a few days could take a long time might not ever happen but i think that we have a much better chance of 1.16 because not many people i mean 1.15 because not many people run 1.15 anyway i thought i'd i'd give you guys a little bit of history before we go today because it'll be a much much more boring stream and um it'll be exciting though when we get looting books so we will get looting books i know we will it just it just when we get one it'll be like oh my god and then like maybe maybe it'll be a crappy run but we'll see let's go losing seed looting book first seed let's go there's a shipwreck over there might as well check it that be looting booked in the shipwreck no iron though you can get a looting book in like a desert along the shore or a looting book in the ocean ruins so our goal really is we want to enter the nether if we don't enter the nether in um before 10 minutes then it's a reset but up to 10 minutes it's fine and um if we don't leave the nether before 12 13 minutes you don't have the time to reset oh oops okay well i'm just gonna reset oh is that a desert whatever as i like turn left to reset i see like a desert in the distance like well yeah sorry guys i'll start a timer no that was me i noticed it was all me congrats i didn't i didn't see everyone saying it in the chat you still don't even have the time what are you doing i started it we didn't see it oh um there we go hi bad guys let's restart again i don't know he's wasted 17 seconds and it's good practice oh this isn't an ocean anyway so it is a reset oh well i think it is an ocean because there's a shipwreck actually but we'll see fix the timer this time i promise crappy seed a lot of resetting what have you been up to george um just meaning around you know good few memes here and there one meme there one meme here what about you you mean yeah exactly i've done a lot of offline running on one point it wasn't glowing though guess what it wasn't a glow squid why 1.15 and not 1.16 because we're going for world record and it's a different version it has a different world record wait what did you say they asked why are we running 1.16 and one point fifteen instead of one point sixteen i said because it's a different version it has different world record all right different versions have different records but there's there's version splits so um the 1.15 falls in the one point uh 1.9 plus category up to 1.16 so 1.9 through 1.15. so it's the same record as one point one point it's the same it's the same record as point fourteen yeah on one point fifteen there's a temple looting book right now um what was i gonna say yeah one point i'm running 1.15.2 for the pure reason that i'm doing looting strats and i just like it better because it has a toggle sprint and i just prefer that and 1.14 doesn't and the only reason people run 1.14 over 1.15 because of villager trades and i'm not doing villager trades so this might as well i technically i technically have the world record in 1.15.2 but that doesn't it's not really it doesn't really count because the categories are split differently guess i'll get this here what the frick someone donated two hundred dollars to me he said what why would you go live when i'm about to go to school what the brick george and dre i don't know if this was like an accident they might have added like an extra zero uh i don't know if they're here thank you and if you want me to refund it i can but thank you i don't know if that was a mistake i don't know oh there's a lot more iron than i thought could have just gone for the temple i thought it was like one i just wanted to grab it real quickly but i need a lot of iron anyway so that's why i wanted it there cave around me if this is a looting book that's a decent sign nope that's fine do the diamond strap what's the diamond strat george um you can trade villages a diamond for um three and isovender so you have three so you can get nine so possibly you can like wow i don't know i didn't know about this this is a forbidden strat did you did you learn it it's like it's like a rare villager how did you learn this strat i taught myself in this self-taught speedrun oh come on what it was just i couldn't get flanked why i don't know i don't have any iron you don't have any iron did you say you have 10 iron in your inventory i mean i don't have any uh like cooked iron cook it up is this even quicker than mining it all by now i was sleeping good morning show up unannounced hmm good morning what are you editing your video i already started top-notch video what whoa dream why are you telling everyone the hell you just leaked the video leaked the sam now video he just leaked the minecraft but um every george is good at minecraft oh that would never happen template um lava pool there looting book looting book the run could be saved there's villages on both sides there's a third temple over there somehow what type of um version are you on right now 1.15 we're going for looting strats we're going to be here for 10 hours until you get a looting book oh maybe you always died that's fine how is that fine i knew it wasn't gonna die it was calculated how was it calculated calculated with my calculator i saw five protection three i thought it was wait how did he calculate do you know how much full damage you take by going in or did you just yes how much more damage you take then i don't know that'd be good to know though yeah i think actually i think it's it's probably like i would guess it's like five and a half or something you guess we'll figure it out right now we'll figure it out right now we're about to jump in this this third desert temple and we'll figure it out this has three deserts if this has a looting then then we're we can we can continue even if it's even if it's alluding it's kind of no it's not because we have to enter the nether by nine minutes that's it yeah but do you even have any iron i have tons of right now i see i just needed like a little bit more iron all right six eight hearts and i'm on four hearts so i lost four now you can calculate it from now on infinity whoa get all that rotten flesh well this seems like a reset but good thing is we check three and that's pretty good because uh i think it's one out of every 50 other temples we track in theory should have a looting book and obviously we could get lucky or we could get unlucky but if we get lucky we could get like 25 and that's not even like that lucky is that another does a temple no actually i really only need to get into the nether before like 10 minutes nine minutes if i want like really good pace but really liked this seat because i got iron like on the surface not even going into a cave that would have been good for looting i'll give this another minute if i don't see a temple within a minute reset reset wait uh when you broke the record what time did you get into the nether um eight minutes and 55 seconds that's pretty bad well i mean you have to we have you have to get you have to get an anvil let's get an anvil but then the nether like is so quick like my fortress wasn't even like that close in that record it was close but it wasn't like i didn't spawn right in it and i think my nether was uh two minutes and 20 seconds i have it in like a notepad i was thinking i was like how the hell why did it take you nine minutes to get into another let's just see what we have to the right it's epic yeah it's pretty cool there's a blacksmith no doubt temple though that's a reset yeah i mean everything was wait you could do the stick strat no i can't i don't want to i'm getting straight looting doing the same thing i did last time great looting we're not doing nothing else but looting today i think about looting strats like if you're going for looting strat you just loot temple after temple after temple whereas like if you're going for a normal strike you loot one temple usually and then if you're like if you get a looting maybe you'll go with it but if you don't get looting you don't go and check like the other temples you just sit there and go yeah this is fine oh you've only been shooting for 20 minutes holy crap yeah it's like you woke up to my notification or something i did it stand up to the notification squad let's go i mean i wouldn't be embarrassed if i was but i have no i have no notifications for twitch except for so have you been sapnam what'd you dream about i don't know i kept waking up okay i was looking like he dreamt about me two hours wake up i didn't sleep very good i might go back to sleep in a little bit ooh it doesn't baby stop now you go to betty buys george slept call with me yeah he did it was like about to sleep call with me really what he was about to you maybe it's just a me thing yeah he does it to me sometimes but not as much as you probably i'm making this up oh come on oh come on aren't you so funny you are so funny funny village kind of trash not another temple [Music] together from now into forever why didn't you make a hoe oh it doesn't help you in that version does it no elisabeth no way saboteus he doesn't even know anything about he's on a different no it doesn't matter must have all the features of the newest version i'm just nap i didn't know there was a new feature he doesn't know where this new feature just accepts it as new oh oh [Laughter] like it on the stream you you love it four seven eight nine nine [Music] why are there so many beds in that village bed bed that's just yeah that's bed bed medicine average do i keep searching the desert or do i go for ocean ruins is the question i'll probably stay in the desert yeah yeah yeah bed bed mellows into the willows oh i think you're a rapper more like a candy rapper oh what does that mean should i edit my video live on stream so everyone can hear it that'd be so cool yeah that would be cool george says so many bad words that's a good moment well they're gonna hear all the mean things you said off camera well you're insulted us naughty words george says all right name it name one naughty word he says he says oh i didn't mean to say it sapnap you said it this room's gonna get demonetized oh no demonetization is i just felt like streaming i i said i was in the stream a couple days ago and i didn't did you get the phone no i will phone phone meadows did you know yeah yeah you did george said callahan did i didn't get it oh well george is going to he's going to he's already so he said well he's just he was just on the website like i'm going to tell you about how it was lagging how he's trying to buy it but it's lagging just investigating you're investigating the price you're investigating the buy button i don't want to see like he's investigating the ad to cart button i bought it i don't even know if i really wanna i think it's barely different oh come on i also i also bought the wireless charging thing it's only it was like thirty dollars more wow wow you can now you're so crazy that's so cool good for your wireless charging needs [Music] this is gonna be a reset for sure fosho i don't have any iron so i'll give it another 30 seconds there's a temple desert with no temple oh the crazy thing about omega the crazy thing about the desert temple generation is that it always generates at the same y so like when there's a mountain like this there could be a desert temple right in the middle of this mountain and i'm about to i'm about to i'm about to see it i'm gonna look like a genius so there's one here but there's sometimes the judge temple in the middle of the mountain because that's just how the generation works i'm gonna go to the top that's what we do the why is what's the y it's much lower watch this there's gonna be a temple right here i'm about to dig right into the temple i don't even know 60 something i think 67 65. there's not going to be one there it's unlikely let's see how close i was oh okay watch let's see there's gonna be one right here okay well there's not one they could they could be wrong he was wrong guys ah that's the dream 10 iq moments added to the dream he was wrong he was wrong he was wrong he was wrong 64 is the base because the top can go up to 72. dream looks so dumb yeah like it can generate in the mountains so it looks so good it was the prediction i'm not benix okay i'm not i'm not the prediction king who who literally just was like didn't have like eyes and was like oh i'm just gonna dig down here the stronghold's probably gonna be here and the stronghold was there you didn't even have a single under eye that's a god that was beneficial why did he go down into the stronghold he didn't even have any under eye i i don't know i think he means i think he just was like i don't remember exactly why i think he just was like watching me a stronghold there and he while he was digging down and then there was swamp you know what interesting on my timer did you know an interesting thing strongholds can't spawn below swamps did you know that why i don't know the swamp water would like ruin them i want you in my room from now on what are you what do you want swapnap i want you in my room what not from now until forever or something something something don't do that looting strats are dumb yeah they'll be dumb when i get world of record won't they get him again get him again they're so dumb only dummies do looting strats dummies that have third place on the leaderboard and it's been there for like it's been there for like four months it took like three months for somebody to beat it record three minutes you cheat to beat all your speed runs no in the game mode what are you doing you get put in minus iq compilations ah falling off the end of the end ah george can't even speed her and he's so trash i can no you can't okay do it ken done george i challenge you to beat the game in less than an hour yeah all right well you could i'll do the next stream all right when's your next stream we'll put on our schedules [Music] [Music] jordan guys george relax you don't have to stream that much you don't have to stream that much make sure you have notifications on okay um george some time this month checking notifications just relax these are starting to sound like technoblade which doesn't always happen that's no that's like a fake guy he's like 100k followers or something guys go follow the fake technoblade i think it is actually technoblade isn't it i'm pretty sure it's not there's no way has 100k followers and it's not him pretty sure oh it has 33k i don't think this one is him i think i think he does have a twitch account yeah it's like techno blood or something i don't know i think wait this techno blade up george i don't know maybe a fake one is named something different and has 100k and he says 33k i just know one had like a lot of followers and it's fake this is you're being you gotta be more nice okay what did your grandma teach you um it was actually your grandma that taught me you taught me well then listen to her how do you know exactly so listen to her [Applause] think funny you're just laughing george you're just like my grandma like that's kind of like a diss on yourself why you couldn't get anybody else what oh the kid what do you mean can you explain that some more what would happen if i just screamed really loudly right now it would hurt my ears and be very annoying okay and it hurt the ears of probably everyone watching do it george oh i have a really good idea for the stream everyone watching this stream we cannot wiggle your there's sixty thousand people here right now we can do a really cool thing if we all clap when i see yourself let's just we can just do it and then everyone's clapping no shut up three two well everyone can go make fun of george on twitter all 60 000 people we should do that what if we what else can we do with 60 000 people what if we just minecraft but there's 60 000 people minecraft but there's 60 000 people hunting me down yeah all right everyone start hunting me down and then i'll make a video well okay george do you want to reword what you just said why you'll make a video if people try and hunt you down yeah find out where george was in minecraft and george will make a video out of it in minecraft no no he means ira sound up said he was going to make a video with the first fan that finds him the first one george george said he's going to like that said he was going to give he's going to give him a faster thousand he's gonna give them a thousand dollars in cash so go find out where george lives and go go knock on his front door now oh well um i just walked off the edge trash trash gets in the you garbage what are you like um you like you should be like the the gordon uh gordon ramsay of um of uh speedrunning right now like disgusting all right i mean let me do it right come on you're gonna grade my speed runs like you're gordon ramsey ready what is this biome oak trees everywhere this is gross and disgusting oh you got a little bit of seasoning with the desert that's oh it doesn't tell me you know i'll let you off with that one but the buyer before trash disgusting okay oh we'll see what happens when you um get to the grade like i do stuff because otherwise you can't just keep talking the whole time you're not commentating you're just you're grading and grading the toilet just scott stein [Laughter] that's why his toilet stinks leaves dinner for george comes and needs it and stream how's that man remember you take four hearts of damage when you fall down that jam anymore it's gonna be more not gonna be more this is more yeah because you were already missing half a heart i wasn't i had i had absorption hearts but might be different wait i did no it did four hearts oh i was missing right now was i missing half a heart then oh yeah okay i must have been half a heart shaman is four how are you doing strats this desert temple disgusting not even a single sight of diamonds okay not even a single looting book not even one thing no no no it is disgusting and i am disgusted that i am being forced to watch this trash get zero out of ten all right satan you're gonna take over because george is kind of trash at a you have to do better you have to have like in you have to have like good insults and stuff that's that's what gordon ramsay has george is like you forgot the paprika season he shut up george oh you that was funny you [Music] listen here you stupid idiot how about you learn to cook somewhere else what he got you there listen here snap knap i don't care how many subs you've got so shut up and leave ooh i'm so i'm nick i think minecraft videos have got a million subs shut up that's so bad be quiet now that's so bad my name is george i'm a 23 year old man but i love to be baby we're not getting babied in this kitchen get out stop nap he got you there george he didn't get me he did get no he didn't get me yeah you're pretty good no just admit that he got you at least a little bit anything he's got is um well media yeah what it's true guys that's a good story should we tell the story guys you guys don't know the story about how george clooney here no it's you oh you know what sound i've got then i've got a girlfriend he got poo on his hand after he wiped his what are you saying and instead of washing his hands he just licked them what the hell is wrong with that i'm not dream relaxed let's see it seems trash there's a dead temple maybe it's looting maybe it's looting is it gonna be looting boom boom boom i want you in my room let's spend the night together from now until now i know i'll die i can't jump down i wouldn't have jumped down anyway but place the block wait this place is sandblock it'll survive i'm gonna place a sandstone block benstonian block he did it he did the thing how did you do that they're not impaling three impaling oh there are so many books in there fortune two and all those books have an equal chance of being looting threes the fact that they weren't like that's that's actually really good that's a lot of books and you got out some book rng good it's so good well it's a lot of books there's like five books there so if it's one in 50 approximately of a book being uh so good eating that was so good that's so good it's like approximately one in fifty of a book being like looting three approximately well it's like around there approximately so out of the five the chance of one of them being looting three is actually kind of high what a ten it's 50 50 if you think about it yeah it either happens or it doesn't to be honest that's all i really have to say about it should i take you guys in to bed with me no what tap that this is the third time this week i think i'm gonna do that i don't want you to take me in your bed why you love that [Music] okay i was reading chat the chat was talking about how like in the last line was harding clay and i read it i read heart i didn't i was talking about i misread the chat dream come on now i did i was reading chat reading chat i didn't even think you knew how to read dream newsflash i do that's how i read the dms from your mother yeah well you read the dm's that i sent to your mother i dm'd her last night what it's not as funny because you actually can i damned it's funnier when i say it because i can't i don't have your mom's phone what's what's funny about what george said he's talking yeah he actually played in my dm stream she said she messaged me she said hi george and i said what do you want and she said nothing just wanted to see how you were doing and i said oh that's nice um and that was a hmm i didn't get hay bales i should have gotten hate bells wait if i push my mic over here can you guys hear me right now yeah are you in bed yeah he thinks he's so cool being in bed he thinks he's so cool guys he's not cool okay he is not cool don't think what he's doing right now is cool not what why are you ignoring me what are you saying george is talking how am i supposed to hear you george hey guys if i talk dream can't dream can't hear sound george why are you such a jerk hello it's a little flower wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow i have a gift for you it's up in my bum i'll go what do you say wait what did he just say what did he just say can you say i took it too far good joke i'm such a joker [Laughter] that's ah oh you know you know how you can do that like that that one like drip noise george used to do all the time sounds like the water drop like the water drop oh that water drop sound it'd be so weird you'd be like or whatever just do it oh yeah that's george i don't know how you do that it's so cool i don't know how i want my hair i'm on my airpods now oh yeah you have airpods he's got airpods george so richard he's so george for his mom with my mom i bought them for my mother with dreams and money what did you do yeah so i didn't buy these i didn't buy these yeah who how did you get them then someone bought them for me your girlfriend that was nice my sugar mama my girlfriend that's so nice of her i just said my sugar i didn't buy him for you that's so nice of stacy she's all i want and i've waited for so long stacy can't you see what do you think is that the how awkward must stacy oh he's so awkward i don't care how stacy feels because stacey's mom you're scared how his mom feels she's happy stacy's mom yeah stacy's mom loves me got it going oh my god what if i fall asleep on live stream that'd be so funny you talking about stacy in your sleep i'll start talking about george in my sleep you're talking about george in his sleep yeah talking about george george yet george didn't you make a rap when you were in college wait did you yeah he did he made a rap song in college you should sing it for everyone oh yeah it goes um something that bad he's really trash no i think it's it goes it goes like it goes you didn't make it he didn't make him something something bobby something bobbing no shut up listen he goes south nap's bad he's really trash um i'm gonna he's gonna fall out the sky like a splash oh he uses the sound i've got the ad-libs he thinks he's cool but he's really not he thinks he's so cool but he's really nice he thinks he's so cool but he's really not his mother has a watering pot temple you thought i was gonna say something else but i didn't george's mom has what do we just both think of that randomly i think we did gorgeous guys they're insane look at that dream insane wow i didn't i don't i didn't even dream you just have you seen i never would have thought do you see in one of the mcc's when we were on a different team dream we said like the exact same thing at the exact same time but we were in like different chats and stuff no i didn't what would you say what did you say but we said the exact same same time i love dream and i just said it too i don't know why i would say it but that's kind of weird why you would say that either we said the same thing or we like finish each other's sentence or something i can't remember what happened but like it was weird if you were watching we finished each other's sentences that's what i was gonna say i've never met someone who thinks so much like me jinx jinx again our total synchronization can only have one explanation you and i were just meant to be all right good night signing up i'm banning you from the server don't allow him to do that good night stand up i'm banning from the server now you're gonna be now you're just now for the stream you're going to have to be an observer get it it rhymes sharpness i'm going to observe your mom shower i don't even have the stream open i'm just too busy laying in bed wait is this oh it's wait it's two minutes 40. i need is this it it's been it's been so long like i don't even know is this is this like really good right now cave back there that's good he's at 2 minutes 50 with the looting book oh he needs to find he needs to find a ahead of me oh he's got iron as well oh not enough for the anvil no he needs to get more iron i i need um you need a cave i didn't even kill the guy yet yeah i didn't kill the iron golem yet you need to move quicker you need food you have food okay i don't see like a good cave so i don't know how this is gonna you've gotta go you've got the looting there's a cave there just go into that little cave right there you only need how much is it 36 iron it's not that much i'm gonna kill this golem hey gravel how much i need to drop i don't know four or five i think i need gravel is this a good cave well that cave looks promising i don't have grass it's a good cave you'll find gravel in the cave there's a ton of iron don't go i know i know a ton of iron i think there was another bit right at the top i don't know there's there's a bit over here but this creeper's annoying and there wasn't another bit that i saw i was incorrect for once for once that is rare i don't have a shield when i make one real quickly they want to die in the cave i don't need gravel one dream [Applause] you're a witch there's so much iron there's a lot iron blow it up i am then you need to make hell of furnaces yeah so you can smell that like 25 furnaces that water just the water i don't know why you didn't plug the source when you ran by it originally yeah come on dream that's not very speedrunner of you no it's he's actually making a lot of rookier mistakes oops um actually a little bit more iron another creeper i just heard behind me oh are you really gonna be able to get in the nether in three minutes oh god just a bit of poison not a big deal i need gravel whoa it's the surface this isn't going that well one dream you have enough iron imagine i hit that cactus and i just died that'd be so epic you should go do it just for the meme user joined your channel you just ran by gravel what's in the cave was that thank you puns oh look who joined the best speedrunner that's better than even dream puns that's true they just meet up he's not interested in being on the stream he just wants to provide he wants to watch the stream and provide relevant information um where did i come up that's maybe the caves down here behind you behind you you came up behind you i'm pretty sure i came out where why would you tower up with sand you've just gone and done it i started with sandstone so it should be oh it's by the cactus it's by the cactus the cactus saved the day cactus i don't think there was gravel though we're going to find out oh there's gravel punt is so smart i love him imagine if you break the record you owe it all to puns [Laughter] yeah they'd have to put puns instead of dream on their name that's true that's true all right you got to get into the nether in like a minute wait it's actually going pretty good wait if you love it right yeah it is he's gonna get it name the sword um name it name it no no no no name is that happy you need the cookie powder make me a penis penis it has to be named penis doggie pasta doggy power you know what to do dream he needs to get xp doesn't even have enough xp yes he got an iron pick go dream go go go go that's slower than i i want it to be i don't know why i dropped my axe that axe come on thumbnails i'm so slow i'm going so slow like you're throwing you didn't even make a freaking thingy it's fine everything's just fine to you isn't it it is fine oh is all fine dandy just chill that's fine um [Music] what time did you get into the nether on the run i don't remember the one you won one you won one you one get it i entered at 8 55 and the one this is a slow time but you can make up for you can make up for it if the fortress is closed you don't need yeah don't name it it's just a waste of time oh my god is that enough oh my god oh that's with a name oh god don't name it oh i know we thought i'd name it seven it's seven what seven levels i thought it was six why did he pick it up there's more okay come on come on come on do you see a fortress this is a bad spot i'm gonna say a fortress it's 1.15 too so those chords are like zero zero sort of pretty much sixty zero all right there's going down guys george what hello what uh this is gonna be this is not gonna be world record but we can get a good time might as well play it out maybe is there no fortune find the fortress come on there's a fortune you have looting through where i don't see it it's far but there's a fortress wait what oh i see it i see it oh yeah there's no way well actually there there is a what's this no no no there's no way it's well there's a world it's not record but yeah could have been that's what's so annoying it takes you this long to get a losing book and then you just have to prove that's what i'm saying you usually get like i'd say like four two to four i think probably three average or two average not losing three but just looting books on a on a day if you're speedrunning so far it's like over lava too it's like not only is it far but it's like yeah you were like out already in your yeah i was out early i left at 11 15. yeah this isn't gonna be a record or anything but we've got a good time ah i just reset yeah i would just reset and you're going for the record right so yeah and also just see what happens right you might get a good time oh this is another fortress it's just crappy can you make that jump would love i think maybe if you eat first okay well no i didn't live oh i was going to reset it i mean there's no way oh my god oh well you literally had whatever you would see the thing was too far away another fortress too far now for another hour of resetting with nothing all right i'm going to take a nap now oh come on you know you don't want to reset i mean take a nap i'm just going to go to sleep with my with my headphones in and then if there's looting george will scream loud enough to wake me up probably see how it works that's so true yeah i'll wake you up totally so i'm not yeah wake me up george wait wake me up before you go go [Music] yeah that cave was crappy the n the nether i guess the nether was the biggest part but yeah the beginning was just kind of sloppy and crappy but oh well i can't wait when i wake up at dreams house and i look and just george is there oh what about it it's going to be so nice please wake up and turn to the left and george is just just laying in the bed with him yeah he's laying right next to me then you punch him in the face and he wakes up and i wake him up with a good morning kiss fantastic down write that down write that down i don't have a tree another tree i glitched the fall damage it's 1.15 l i took no fourth image l that's funny you just took no doubt i'm gonna jump over this cactus they coded the game wrong oh coded the full damage in this version of this cactus can i do it can i do it i jump over like a six oh look at that look at the pro boos the pro moves hopping the camera jump over that other cactus right there on the right on the right on the right jump over it across the ravine as well actually can you make it across the ravine i see two blacksmiths i'm just getting the blacksmith george that's two for one fun look at that look i can get two free furnaces what just happened over there like something broke did you see that i didn't see it i saw that what was that oh it was a cactus the cactus broke just like jack actress jack cactus jack oh oh we broke we just saw the same thing oh we just was surprised yeah that's a weird coincidence it's a glitch oh we just what are these events we just finished each other's sentences i never met someone who thinks so much like me jinx i thought you're going to bed sound afterwards already that's sick subsidy and it's not enough for anything let's go but you could you could use it who's it from no you need like no you could actually make a portal right now you've got two lava from the other one two lover and that one that's ten that's enough yeah but i'm not gonna you can't i'm not gonna buy here dumb what i'm gonna be by here what did you just call me dumb what do you mean it's not gonna be by i'm not gonna be by here i have to look around for a looting book he's looking for a looting book you should just go to the netherlands for the meme no i don't want to do just for i remember are you making an axe or something to break down i don't have an x just make one third try third trying the charm what what they're giving me the same bull crap give me a boy what if you get looting three from that you can it's just really rare why isn't that loyalty t3 imagine i was looting three what's the chance small like what if that's a strap why don't people try that because it's just it's very hard on the first it's very rare there's a chance what's the challenge it's very low what's the chance what is the chance i don't know it's very low and much lower than finding it much lower than it's like lower than 150 which is finding another temple and you have to like trade a lot for it you have to like you have to get like a bunch of emeralds and stuff which is like the whole point of doing looting is avoiding the trading and now you're just doing trading you should've thought about that you got it first try it'd be worth it but like yeah yeah yeah that's true yeah good good one dream you have one dream oh drake dream you are so good wow you're supposed to be the best thank you oh my god guys type 1 the chat if dream oh thank you guys i never would have guys type sapnap in the chat no don't type that i don't do that guys don't actually don't seriously no seriously dude if i see a single sound up i'm banning you so i see one oh everyone mods if they type sound out ban them no don't listen to george he's being a dictator you can take off the tater part though i remove the tater tater tater tots they put tater like like dictators supposed to be like such a like a harsh word but they just like tater tots on the end they're like it's a dick tater tot it's a dictator todd imagine they made this it was probably tasty it has like pictures of like dictators like they shape the they shape the stupid things like dictators welcome tommy hello boys hello boy how are we we're doing good i'm great i'm not gonna be able to fall asleep now yeah yeah yeah you won't at him tommy when are you going live today um probably about seven eight my time because the festival's at nine so your time which would be in like a long ass time a long time okay i wasn't i didn't remember if it was like early today or if it was late today what is that sound what sound you not hear it it's the sound of twitch prime what actually is it what it's worth there's no sound i don't know what you're talking about yeah it's coming from teamspeak it's coming from one of the mics oh i don't hear it yeah it's like oh it sounds like a fan or something yeah yeah i hear it so loud can you it's not loud for me but i think i haven't turned down something so loud but i need to turn down stamina he's not saying anything useful anyway uh right click him and then mute uh no no he's used to doing change he knows how to do it he's used to meeting people yeah okay minus 21 db there we go tommy tommy hi puns hello hello have you won yet dream no but why not i mean because it doesn't that's not really how it works the speed running actually it would if i was doing it well then do it no uh yeah it'd be kind of unfair to all the the runners if you did actually yeah what it would be so yeah i can't find my phone you're not supposed to be at school or something timothy yeah yeah yeah this is actually my online lesson morning so i'm i am what are you learning school today what i learned in school today was we have been editing in instead i'll see oh you skipped school to edit a youtube video youtube video yeah yeah it's gonna be a stupid one i did so that is really bad oh we're reporting you to your mother in it i told my mother she went oh and then and then she came up here she's got james charles in and she went okay this once james charles video yeah it's the recording i did where i james i mute i murdered james charles and among us and then he just profusely called me homophobic and i went and he uploaded it like oh like ten days ago but there's so much fixed up footage in it that oh thanks the only man bigger than george such a lovely man you know back when i was um five vickstar actually saw me crying on industry and he gave me uh ten dollars really he bought me a lamborghini at one point i stopped crying it's like it worked he's just such a nice person yeah you guys are you guys are making fun of it and i don't like no we're not making fun no i love vickster you guys are just making fun of fake stuff i'm not i actually i actually like dexter quite a bit what do you like to think about vickster i love big star oh okay i'm gonna up you buy some decibels each time you compliment see you just got a new four million pound apartment oh i did see i watched that whole video i went if only i could be more like him yeah i wish i could buy a four million pound apartment but you can but you can charge come on because you have 4 million pounds because tommy's tommy's gonna give you tommy's gonna buy it for me he's gonna buy for you he's gonna buy for you with all his videos he's got like 15 million views yeah that's not even you just need to network you need to network can you get me in contact with vickstar like you're saying like that's what i mean this is what i'll say george let me say this the money that he was the only video he uploaded that month the money he made from that video is probably less than the number of subs you the money you get just from subs not counting your youtube too just just saying just pointing are you on about no 100 percent 100 percent the more money you have the more women you get that's true which is why you have so many women because you have all the money yeah so i win tommy wins let's go so tommy would you like to go to vickstar's apartment with me and make a video yes yes yes can we ask him you can ask him because i don't contact with him you ask him i'll come with you i'll go big vic i'm coming down to the big l and i'm coming in your house all right i'm going to arrive tell i'm not sure if i'd want to break well i could bring turbo so no you you need an adult to supervise well i could just bring turbo and my father or you could bring me well you know i know i don't i don't really know your father well i'm not sure if i said father i'm going to go and meet up with a 24 year old colour blind goggy in the back streets of london he'll probably go what the ab what the actual it's on the back streets in the highest class areas in the four million victims all right i go and say i'm just in the four million chad pad okay well if i said goggy has invited me to his chadpad father can i go i think my father would go absolutely not i think he'd be fine with it don't worry just as long as you bring a knife yeah you can bring an eye that's fine i mean i'd use it and then and then before you know it it would be my chat pad well you're going to kill big stuff no i would never kill because i would definitely you're four now four million i know i know you don't listen we we're going to have actually got a girlfriend and he's a very happy and content man and like you goggy so we're gonna go to vickstar's four million pound chad it's not a jam pad because he's got he's got listen it's a chat pad if i say it's a chat pad okay i don't know not really actually like just meet me at vikkstar's four million pound chat i'm not gonna go i'm not meeting you doggy i want to go to big stars for a million pounds you'd be all strange you'd be all strange we could i really go around smelling things because your eyes don't work we could irl streaming stars four million pounds i keep saying come on come on tomothy no no i won't i'd rather die my god george why do you want to meet tommy so bad chill out jesus jesus i want to meet up with the big star in vic stars four million pound chat pad and the only way i can do that is through tommy oh my god that was such a terrible terrible sentence no that's the truth look i don't have access to vickster dream dream you know his four million dollars tell him to chill dream no room tell tommy to go to vic stars four million pound chat pad and invite i'm not going to go to his chat i don't deserve to just just mess with you've seen the video you want to go there i want to but i know i i wouldn't deserve to no but if he allows you in you're worthy of fellaini i'm so cringe that was so what would vince does say right now george you would say that isn't it one epic game a moment that is such an unepic game of moments amen he'd say dream please come meet me in my chat pad pad he go he go no no thanks no thanks i don't allow i don't allow dreams in my chat pad well that's not what i heard what do you mean that's not what you that's not what i heard i heard that i'm invited no well if you're invited well i'm i'm invited i just don't want what if i tweeted him right now i just don't want to go near you george that's not it's not to do with vickstar it's nothing personal george it's well no it is actually it sounds completely completely very personal and it's i'm just making it very clear that i don't want to go near you why i i think i've explained go on let's hear it again because you said plea i want you to come to my chat pad thomas not mine went no not bulgogi sound microphone muted anyway in just a second um yeah we've had pretty good luck so far i think the odds of getting a looting three is one in a hundred in a desert temple and the odds of getting a well approximately and the odds of getting a looting two or one in a hundred the odds of getting a looting one or one hundred so alluding two or looting three is one in 50 pretty much and a um looting one looting two or looting three is like one in 30 or one in 28 or something like that or 125 i don't know 27 i don't know i don't know the exact odds i know it's they all they each have an equal chance and it's there's like 100 enchantments i think approximately and so and does temple pretty much will always have one book it's like a 20 25 23 24 chance so when you calculate it together it's a one in 50 of getting either alluding to or looting three which are both viable which makes it a good run anyway to go to big star's four million pound apartment with me and beat minecraft um before vic star can kick us out so like yeah i would i want a laptop i'm running around and you're like defending me it's like irl manhunt but vic starts i'm really not sure how the um you know yeah but it kind of feels like if i was to i wouldn't i wouldn't be comfortable fighting vic start because i know i don't know what do i have to have fog on i just realized i had fog off but do i have to have fog on i don't know what we're talking about here dream can you jim just keep your feet just be quiet be quiet so i completely lost my train of thought honestly all right sorry but i just thought of that video idea on the fly okay that's a perfect idea i'm on the laptop i'd actually do it with probably not you because you i mean you're just strange but i definitely do it with tub i will maybe you know i heard fog off because i had some form of three yeah he's gonna take my video idea oh i'm fine i'll do a different one but you're like catching you know what i am billion pound apartments yeah i just realized i had fog on um i mean fog off i was trying to get my settings right yesterday i made sure the fog distance was right but i didn't i guess i didn't make sure that fog was on but everything else should be fine but the jungle nice anyway how are you guys doing i know the timer but sounds my phone activated i'm not allowed to play gta 5 yet you have i haven't oh okay because i'm 16. he's definitely played it i haven't it's genuinely because i'm um i said can i and he goes no and i go wine he goes well it's an 18 game and i go yeah and he goes well how old are you when i go you hmm and you tell him i pay the bills around here you're letting me pay you're letting me play gta 5 or i'm not uploading ever again i'm not 18 i'm not 18. it's i've just got just got to stick to the rules what if you um i can't smoke either big star as your parental guardian well he's um that would be vic star and um he's not actually my father so that's fine it's vic he's trusting yeah no you can just get if your dad doesn't i'm gonna go back to my online lesson just get him to look up vic star and you'll see he's verified on youtube like he's trusted part of the song sorry bro can't hear you over circular narratives he's part of the sidemen sorry bro you can't hear you ever circular narratives i don't even know what that means yeah you wouldn't because you haven't studied like me what online lesson do you have to go back to what's the title of the lesson i'm not going to tell you you'll dox me docs slightly modifier then okay i'll tell you one letter of it okay oh no i actually oh so i'm just the teacher's trying to get the url for me to watch the video so oh i don't know because i'm in the oh okay i've got my url you're in the you're in the school waiting room uh yeah yeah i can't hear you because i don't want you to watch my god you're such a strange character you could have done it you could you could stream in the educational category they could all help you cheat too yeah they could give you all the answers it's a creative course man it's it's film all right well everyone can learn some film well you don't wanna i don't you don't wanna share the not you don't wanna share the knowledge with me he wants all the knowledge for himself that is so selfish he's actually selfish what would vickstar think of you i'm gonna go find some puppies he would think that he would think that you're selfish vixxr doesn't want you in his four million pounds muted yeah but if we all lean into our mics and scream and wake up well then we don't want to do that why it's just it's not something it's kind of nicer without stopping up here honestly no i'm good it would be nice to wake him up though okay you ready all right that it actually might work i'm not sure guys just be careful volume warning right george you join in you join in as well you're ready everyone turn down the screen because we're going okay all right okay three two one can you shut the hell up did you ask you are you sleeping yes oh that is powerful that is so powerful that's good good work yeah we did it we we did it tommy can't wait to collab with you at top stars you're actually not huh why don't you go to bed not in front of 69 000 people just always in front of the camera i bet you i bet you live in a chad pad don't you sam now no he does i live with vikkstar actually no you can't chad in the four million pounds you don't yeah i do how do you know i could you don't but i do yeah he doesn't he doesn't i just i know he doesn't so yeah just in case you thought it was like i i live in the the ten thousand dollar chat pad ten thousand dollar chat pad what's happening what is that a box on the side of the street yeah and dream are happily living there married oh well that's it i'm married to i'm i'm almost i'm not married yet but i'm engaged to fundy i'm married to the grind yeah well you you used to master of youtube what do you think about minecraft manhunt victor's the hunter tommy defends me whilst we run around the 4 million pound chat pad and i have to beat the game on a laptop i'm like running around you're running around on the laptop okay so i have the laptop and vic stars trying to like hunt me down irl and tommy has to defend me what would you even title that video that's easy minecraft but vikkstar tries to hunt me down and tommy defends me in his five million dollar chad apartment that's the title oh my god do you think if i fart my mic will pick it up yeah why [Laughter] oh no you won't yeah you can't get away from us now a few weeks ago if you wake me up tommy i'll ruin the festival what do you mean you ruined the festival it's an empty threat he told me how you're going to be awake he's going to be sleeping through the festival there might be a way by then it's it's far it's far through there fought snap fought not fought up [Laughter] big teeth i'm making good content one can i be the next hunting please no i i don't worry dream i answered it for you thank you thank you no i'd be so good i go around i just start swearing yeah he'd be too obnoxious i'd have cooties what if we um did a manhunt um in vic stars four pound apartment yeah we all have knives yeah yeah what do we have a battle to the death and vic star's 4 million pound apartment yeah and whoever wins keeps keeps the apartment yeah last oh last to leave victor's 4 million pound apartment keeps it i'm i just want to cuddle a dream dude what what did i stutter stupid what's wrong with you then that's like he's going crazy you're unstable you're unstable you're scared to meet george you're like twice his size was he gonna be dead i just i just you are you're like oh i can't meet him i can't meet up with doggy because i'm 16. you're twice the size just whoop his ass like what else is your turn i'm not a big ass whopper mate i'm not stamina you can become one ow teach me do i need to enroll you to cobra kai do i need to enroll you to cobra kai what is cobra kai it's a karate school that's so so cool something up yeah that's really that's cool that lots more stuff have you watched have you watched it i was making sure my settings are fine because people are messing about it and then quiet please i'm talking to my stream tommy yeah well okay well if you want to talk to your stream yeah go on mute we're we're having fun mute permanently oh then i'd unmute and get 10 million views well tommy you've never even gotten 10 million views on the video before so that's completely fine well tommy have you ever gotten 8 million views on a video no yeah it's kind of something how did you do that that's so cool if only if only you could rub it in more how cool you are to just everyone no because then everyone knows just how cool you are no yeah being a cool do you want to meet me at vic stars four million pound apart please stop asking to meet up with me george i wasn't talking apartment why would why would we do it in victor's apartment that's cool you're just like obsessed vikksar doesn't like you george i don't think star would be kind of creeped out by this talk cringing he'd go he'd go he'd go doggy i mean probably like he's not here i'm gonna look at big stars indirects and just check if he's ever chatted in my in my uh my chat before what's his username what is he streaming yeah no it's literally just people tweeting what you just said how do you check it you just search fixer on twitter yeah yeah and then click the latest vic star i never go on these days i love it so much i go on i get my replies i get my likes and then i get off it's quite a few tweets about six star here it's so good i i advise it george stop tweeting i'm not tweeting he said would you like to come to my 4 million pound apartment well that's how i know that's not true he would have said chad pad he doesn't refer to it as the chat pad he's humble no it's the chat what would you know about being a humble side just message vic star on discord can i come to your four million pound apartment he's gonna correct you and say it's six million or can i just have four million please you know what i'm gonna should i follow vickster on twitter and see what happens actually no i'll leave it in there next you don't already follow him no i don't know all ready for you're fake man you're you're you i just followed victor i followed big v just now big fee why is that funny dream it's weird why is that like big d it's just weird well i think that was my 60th birthday wait about it what's weird about a dream that's weird no sorry bro hey snap nap i think i think we've got a pervert in this call you're the mines are in the gutter and that's not my fault my i am 16. yeah he doesn't think for himself that's true have you missed this emoji wow predicting i think twist is glitched it says he's it says vic so it doesn't follow you tommy yeah i know he doesn't no he doesn't he is kind of it's kind of how this whole thing started i thought so well i was teamed with for minecraft championships with the vic star and then i um and then i repeatedly asked if i could join the sidemen uh and then you didn't enjoy the time and then and then he quit minecraft permanently after playing it well yeah yeah it was because of me so i made him quit mine vic star minecraft yeah so then um since then i've messaged him on discord every now and then and then the other uh i probably say a week or two ago um james charles wanted to record among us and vickstar was there and then um i recorded it all and just i mean i really just popped off as they say and uh editing that video yeah yeah i'd say i popped up what would happen if vikkstar followed me before he followed you well he would he he refuses to follow me because he knows that my head would get too big i want can we tweet vikkstar to follow me no okay actually don't do that that was a joke he probably wouldn't like that if i saw vickstar and george not found interacting on twitter i mean i just don't know what i do i don't know who i'd stab who you'd stab george interacted him on twitter victor interacted with me on twitter he finally yeah but you're not george so wait do i dream formulate a tweet right now for me to send her to send to him how can i get his attention yeah i'm going to tweet a big star right now why have you got your smooth lighting off stream i have to why you don't ask questions tommy it looks so formulate the tweet come on you think everybody watching is used to smooth lighting you think they'll have a super computer like you tommy because you're rich yeah no they don't although my people are i wouldn't say that my people they go pogchamp pogchamp smoother lighting that doesn't mean they have smooth lighting on yeah but they're used to it they're used to it they're not used to this low quality shapes all right let's let's move on from smooth lighting and onto what should i tweet at victor why why would you do that why that was a terrible terrible play you're so bad at this game i'm not i'm i'm quitting and i'm killing myself why are you on the old version as well dream i'm going for a world record you're not on the right go for the world record on the new version i'm going for on both go oh my god oh my god you need to work on building people up instead of tearing people down hey puns you need to work on shutting up no you need to work on sorry i can't hear you ever you need to work out jump no you're sorry i can't hear you ever you and your pogchamps suck puns you need to work on building people up instead of tearing people down all you did is come in here and tell me my pog champs suck yeah because you're making fun of my friend trying to speed run yeah i am you made his friend cry yeah beat me up puns i will okay do it do it right now no yeah i know that's what i thought because i'm too strong yeah i don't know what that one taught me tommy what should i tweet at vikkster huh it's up to you really um should i ask him if i can record something in his 4 million pound apartment yes i will as well why would you want to both tweet the exact same tweet and see um we can be the first people to do a tweet before okay i'll put it in a we're in the developer channel i'm not a developer okay well at vikkstar123 please can i come to your formula all right you ready wait shouldn't are we isn't it like bad if you add someone at the beginning because oh yeah but yeah no that's good though because we don't want it to why not because then we get it doesn't stay on our profile forever and it if it is it going to be a 100k yes uh maybe not yeah yeah so we can afford to it for not be a 100k or if we put that you want to tweet at the exact same time yeah you got to do it on your main as well i mean yeah i mean you're not going to half job it's vickster all right you ready i'm ready oh wait okay you ready all right i do i want to say it just say a marksman to not apartment and i just realized that's fine i mean that's fine he'll he'll understand let's fix that let's fix it no really no let's fix it let's fix it how did you not realize that apartment let's fix it we wouldn't want victor to look yeah we wouldn't want him to think that was foolish i mean because i mean who knows what viktor's a martman looks like i don't want to see his apartment all right you ready i'm ready all right three two one go i did it as well did you actually do it i didn't see it did you scam me no i don't see it i don't know i didn't see yours you have to go to twitter oh because it doesn't show up on the thing no it's always on the home page i see i see i see it oh i found yours all right now what should we now reply to each other you are worryingly loud this is so epic this is so grandiose this is so epic guys this is epic now everyone's going to like it go retweet the likes i mean what do you read through the likes get ready yes go to big star get out of the big star let's go we're gonna go to the four million pound apartment we're actually gonna be there we're gonna be there we're gonna go and we're gonna go hey big v what are you then what i don't know what happens then then i mean then then we show a man knife collection if you know what i mean george and then before we know it we can share a four million pound apartment we can sell it and split it two ways and then what do we do with that we buy two different two million pound apartments oh yeah yeah and then what we do is we make a youtube video how i got a free two million pound apartment yeah yeah all i had to do was commit one one offense and the thumbnail is you with your pog face in front of the apartment and two million vic's cops wow yeah yeah in front of corpse corpses okay okay yeah yeah he was gonna be like twitch please don't depend on me please don't fight me no way mixstar one two three let's go let's go big day big day for us this is a big day huge today october 16th will be remembered it will be remembered just a just a huge day this is a monumental moment in history why is everyone no no corpse i wasn't referring to the the horror story youtuber i was referring to um his deceased body okay is that bad but it just he's spotting a youtube thumbnail all right just blur it a little bit up the contrast yeah yeah yeah yeah add a little add a little white glow around yeah the outer glow yeah the big arrow and then the mrb that says dead it says vic gone oh my god let's go let's go there's so much the content is about to be delivered oh my god vlog vlog vlog oh this is the real vlog the vlog's the real fun this is the vlog we were talking about guys someone in chat just said what is a logan paul i don't know what is a logan paul oh my god this is gonna well that's actually not kill victor cause i'm i mean how we gonna go to his apartment if he's dead well you're already there yeah we would already be there okay in that case then but yeah you know what let's not kill him let's think of a different video i do yeah advanced interrogation techniques finding out all the finding out all the sidemen secrets in parenthesis torture next start big stars a chair this is turning into a pretty morbid bit just i mean it's just quite cruel but like tommy liked my tweet should i like your one back uh if you wouldn't no no you should if you wouldn't mind did i hear him you know i mean if you i mean if you wouldn't mind oh you don't need to i mean if you i mean it's not really up to dream because at the end of the day dreams just dreams just kind of some that hasn't been to vicstar's apartment but unlike us unlike us john you guys haven't though you haven't yeah but we will but you haven't what i like about this this meme is that there's a possibility that we go to vic stars four million pounds oh my god and we get the chance of it happening is greater than zero but but with with more likes the more likes we get the more chance we get of going to vicstar's four million pound apartment so what i'm trying to get at here is that you should all go like the tweets and share them with your friends and retweet them onto your tumblr and like on your alt accounts yeah yeah that's what i'm trying to say puns when are you uploading next uh today what are you uploading uh among us stuff among us but george not found is my friend yeah oh my god i'd click that so quick yeah among us but the imposter is my friend among us what my friend is an imposter oh george you should do among us but i'm colour blind and like you don't know who you're voting for and and you can't do the wires that's actually a good idea that's just that's just every day playing in my house yeah i know that's why he sits on the cameras because then you can like you can see everything that's going on yeah that's such a powerful video and then you go i know who it was but i didn't see i didn't see the i didn't see the color you go and we all have to turn we all have to have the same name so you can only save people by their color that's such a good video and we're all different shades of green george put that on not george not found we have a mod so everyone's different shades of green wait tommy what is not jaws not found that's your second channel oh you upload stream highlights room highlights on the not jaws not found channel that you can find do you really just let him get away with his because when turbo does this on my stream i go i go turbo be quiet and he goes okay you need to you need to get him into shape dreams he's getting all promoted oh you're the one that brought it up i'll start promoting if i know that this is a problem you brought it up by name though like you're the one who said by name oh yeah but that's just that's just because i'm looking out for goggy he didn't have to he didn't have to keep bringing it up that's why i just was so astounded that you would bring it up by name that i was i thought you must have missed spoken sorry i mean i've watched every video on it have you yes what was the latest one you watched all of them but i uploaded today i think what was it yeah i know george plays the most annoying game ever and you played um what is it the one with it it's not pogo stuck but it's the other one oh getting over it i did play getting her why in one of the thumbnails did you put a face mask over your eyes it was a trick shot i was blind it just looks like you have a face mask over your eyes i do have a face mask over my eyes that's so strange it's because i couldn't see and i i did a a trick shot with the bone star he would have been able to see but you see like in the thumbnail i'm aiming my bow at dream yet i am blindfolded and the title is trick shots with dream sorry i'm just i'm just thinking about his chat pad i can't even concentrate on normal everyday activities understandable yeah you just hit the 15k mark on your tweet george that's pretty good what are you at i'm at thumb at 14. oh i'm i'm okay behind wait i have i've got a better twitter account than tommy well what with your 300 000 more followers you'd think 300 000 more followers would give more than a 1 000 like lead wouldn't you yeah but i'm mr twitter all i know is likes your reply to my tweet is more likes than my reply to your tweet though but i guess because my tweet has more likes than you all to eat well let's not stop being cocky now let's not stop being cocky i was trying to like give you like a little boost but then now then i thought about how twitter works and realized that's not really i how i could both put it this way we're both winning we're both winners here yeah there's no there's no losing there's really no other than sapnap and maybe puns there are no losers here yeah that's true and it's going to be the biggest dub when vickstar allows us into his four million pound apartment yeah i mean that's just gonna be huge that would be huge i would really like it if he replied to this and said yes there's a chance that needs replies and says no oh that would i'd literally delete my twitter account oh oh vic did you hear that guys clip that post it on twitter at vickstar vicstar he said he would delete his twitter if you replied to his post do a service to us please and reply yeah i might go dark what just because i'm too powerful look look at that cactus look how tall it is look how gracious that cactus is we can see it in the distance look at me look at it how tall are you george i'm tall oh than you how tall are you are you six foot three no but neither are you oh you're not six foot i only speak to people that are six foot three and above oh okay is that is that seven that cactus is tall i know that's what i was saying i'm five foot nine it's six tall why is it so you're five foot nine yes i could literally just kick you yeah i could kick you as well well you couldn't because you wouldn't be able to reach well reach what what do you think i'm kicking you anywhere wouldn't you be too small why are you so small how tall you dream i said three you're six foot three as well as well you're not six foot three well i am i know i am admitted and and then he admit he admitted in the stream after when we told him that he admitted in the stream and his clip since happened upstream he said that he just says he's 6'3 because it's funny no that doesn't sound like something that is exactly what you said well i was probably lying for comedic effect i am yeah i am he's a little bit of a comedian i'm a little bit like you know all all of them it's weird how vikkstar hasn't yet done anything because like we know he's like awake right now we don't know yeah weird because he's online on discord and he still hasn't replied to me that is weird almost like he's ignoring us or something i don't know it's just weird it's a bit strange i don't know really what to make of it but don't um you're gonna be here for the festival tonight dream um oh it should be it's gonna be scary is it a spooky halloween festival no and why is it gonna be scary no worries puns no it's just gonna be scary i can't wait it's gonna be fun i'm six foot three no you're not i am six foot one you admitted it tommy and then the only look at all the all the evidence that point er all the evidence points to you being six one and then you admitted it after you were confronted with the evidence that's right that's what i'll do i'll get a tape measure and measure myself on stream do it okay but what should my goal be that doesn't sound like something i should do for free if i get to go to vickstar's apartment i'll measure myself all i know is that the people you met in real life said that you weren't six three you stood next to filza who is not even close to six three and you were like not that much taller than that you stood next to you stood next to wilbur who towered over you and he's six five here's one of the things you got to remember dream is that my posture is just terrible yeah but in these photos you can see your back and it's not it's not it's completely and utterly curved over like a crisp it's flat and you're standing straight on the beach and if you're and if your posture is so bad that you never look six three then what's the point of saying you're six three because you're not six i am six three you're just you're bent over all the time therefore you're not you're just like i mean i fixed my posture when i'm bad when i'm around tubbo always tubber with you isn't it yes yeah that's like you and dream bro who goes to sleep right now his sleep schedule's absolutely fun why is he sleeping it's 3 00 p.m i know he sleeps into that is ridiculous that he's redundant call him wake him up no this is not this is not acceptable no i'm not gonna that's actually not acceptable what do you think lets him feel like he can wake up at 3pm i don't know he's on n a schedule that is ludicrous let's go george i'm actually huge though so yeah hugely annoying usually 6-1 a huge disappointment and you guys are actually really not very funny i'm going to go speak to wilbur that's what you said last time and then guess what you came from and then i went and spoke to wilbur i'm crawling back crying an hour later he got his screen time he got what he came with he came oh i'm gonna go and edit you guys are not fun anymore you guys have stopped being fun all right goodbye do you and vic stars four million pounds i'll see you there george i'll see you there user disconnected from your channel there you go but wait what's been even i haven't even been listening to you watching your stream dream what's been happening nothing really i've just been including temple after temple and there's no spawner there i know i was don't tell tommy okay lucky he left yeah lucky he just left like just now it's so perfect the perfect timing like the looting strat is so tedious i just messed up the maiden axe it's tedious but it's it's trust me it's fruit it works people are dumb i feel that people don't realize and even like even when i'm saying people just think it sounds ridiculous would you believe me if i said this puns would you believe this statistic that there is around a 27 chance when you loot a desert temple of there being a looting book in there do you believe that well yeah but i mean well i wouldn't believe it if you said looting three but if you just say looting but yeah looting don't you just need looting three you need looting three are looting two looting two works but yeah i believe it but like from whatever you believe would you believe that that that chance there of the one in 25 would you would you believe that you know how in 1.16 the odds of you getting a pearl trade are one in 20 but you need two pearl trades would you believe that the odds of that happening in in like under five minutes is is comparable to looting strats would you believe that there's people who have been speed running 1.16 and getting trades on like the first trade which actually is like a zero point whatever percent chance which is much more rare than looting strats well i just think the looting strats they're lying about the percentages they're not people people just don't try looting strats because they're lazy and they don't want to sit there resetting over and over again is not lazy i'm not lazy and i look at analytics and that's why i'm smart well i don't know it just seems i would hate rickster replied no he didn't he did what'd he say he replies to tommy on my tweet he said how about i help you guys build your own version in minecraft was that even oh your own version of a four million pound apartment of his apartment yeah where's the iron golem where's tommy when you need him where is tommy don't tell tommy i guess tommy knows the difference between 1.16 trades though is that like one point six trades obviously you get a bunch of in a row whereas like the temple you might only loot um like you know one or two every seed or something so it is it is obviously different you're probably going to do 40 trades or whatever instead of like only one to three dead temples but um the the point is that once you get it looting you only need to get it once or like not once but you only need to get a few times and then it's good like obviously we had the one looting three earlier and it didn't go well but imagine we just had a like a fortress there if we just had a fortress there like we were good we had the village we had the beds we had a lot of stuff the cave was lucky as well the cave the cave was nah i mean the cave was pretty bad there comparable to like other looting runs i've had the cave is pretty bad it seemed pretty good i thought but yeah i guess it wasn't terrible but it was like spread out far and that's not good do i reply to vic star guys i don't think i don't know if i want to accept a deal i just want to go to his 4 million apartment i don't want to build one in minecraft just reply we're not builders put up or shut up [Music] come on vic let us in the house like and the thing is it's also when you find a book the book has like a one in 100 chance of being a looting book like right around there and obviously you can find you can get lucky like i had a we had a temple earlier that had five books in one temple and with the 100 chance on each book i see it's it's still small but it's it's a much higher chance than just four and a hundred right now what was it five would you say five but this one in twenty five percent right there five percent that example that i alluded has had a five percent chance that one temple had a five percent chance of having a looting book that's pretty cool it's pretty cool what are the drop stats on a looting three kill on an enderman um it's an equal chance of each drop and you can get up to four pearls so it's like a 20 chance you're getting four i mean there's a chance you only kill three endermen it's like a five percent chance for thing if you kill three endermen that you get that you get all the pearls you need and like the chances are you finding enemies on the way is like i i mean like i'm telling you i did so many runs um like so many looting runs in preparation and practice and crap and like you'll find enderman like you'll find enderman almost every time like the odds are the lowest amount of enemy you'll find is like three and then even if you get even if you get the average drop on on that which is which is uh two if you get the average drop which is two you'd have six pearls and maybe you can maybe like the ayah has an average one so that'd be seven that's if you if you only get if you get like the lowest possible pearls you'll probably have seven except you probably you probably have like six and then a one eye portal um which is which is pretty good i mean that's just like the lowest and then obviously if you get like a pearl in the chest which is on average there's one pearl on the chest that's also that makes it eight which means you're only four away which is just two more endermen on average and then you could get lucky with the portal you could get lucky with the chess or you could get lucky with one of the other men and then boom it's not even getting lucky because like a lot of times you'll you'll kill an i'm gonna get four and then you'll kill another enemy and get one you kill another enemy let's see i'm telling you like i was running i was running the numbers that's why i was like i don't know why people don't do it's just boring to walk like i'll see you like you're sitting here watching like it's boring to watch unless people are making entertaining but like it's just because you're mo it feels like you're you're making no progress because you never get to the nether and like you never get to the nether unless you're looting um so it just feels like it's a like a whole stream of just like no progress you know oh wait but i forgot this in this update like this is the the old nether there's so it's easy oh yeah if you get to another you have like a i'd say you probably have like a 20 chance of spawning like right next to a fortress or like really close to a fortress you don't have to worry about those biomes at all either yep and it's very easy to navigate and you can see really far because the fog isn't like that bad um so like it makes it so like the nether isn't like it's just like you have like a 20 chance on the nether and then like a 20 chance that you're good you have i mean a 50 chance you have good terrain and then a 50 chance you get the enderman you just if you get the looting book and then those like three things that's world record it's like it's not there's not even that many variables like on 1.16 there's so many variables what's your what's your pbe right now on this version 22 minutes but i i i only ran in a long time ago i've gotten better and um and i only ran i ran i don't remember how long i ran it for i ran it for quite a bit it was two weeks where i was running it like every day um but i also flubbed so many runs like there was one run where i died where i had looting three and i was like on world record pace and i died to an enderman that would just never happen now there's no way like i might i i'd probably just put the underneath boats first of all and second of all i didn't put them in both i don't think i'd even die like because i'd probably just make a shield and i don't think i made shields back then just dumb because like you're mining iron with looting strat anyway you might as well just get a shield so i think that like i mean me messing up those runs wouldn't happen so it's really just like i don't know like even that one run like i was doing you didn't one cycle back then right now i didn't one cycle i'm saying so i got i got into the nether at nine minutes in my last record which is 22 minutes and i left the nether at 11 15. which is really good nether but when you have looting three you just kill like two blades and then you're out so you don't have to sit there for like you basically you have to sit there from what for one spawn you get like one stray blaze and you kill you know one to one to three regular blaze in your house you sit there from for one spawn which instantly spawns when you get up there so like most the time you're gonna get in and out of the nether in like two minutes if the for if the fortress is fairly close honestly yeah this makes a lot of sense you could definitely get a world record with looting straight 100 100 percent i know i say i had the last i had the last world record with looting strats and the world guess what the world record that's current is only 30 like 42 seconds faster than my my with my password record but i didn't one cycle my end was four minutes yeah bennex has been running 1.14 a lot recently um it just seems like looting like yeah i guess it just takes longer to find the book but yeah it's much more it's much more aggravating because it's like you just feel like you're making no progress it's not as fun i mean it's not it's definitely not as fun because like i'm not i'm not going to the nether and i'm not getting like completed runs ever whereas like at least on when i'm doing like other strats i'm completing runs i'm just getting bad times and this one's like you either get it and get the world record or you just don't yeah you don't even go into the nether but it's much more viable than anybody would think i think that after this week of streams unless i do really bad with looting i think people will start doing looting because they'll be like oh crap he's getting more looting than i thought and also he's like the one the runs he's doing with looting are more viable than i thought and maybe i won't break the record but i'll probably get some good times yeah i wouldn't i would not be surprised at all if i broke the record i mean i could say that before the stream but like it's it's not that optimized it's only 30 seconds better than my old record my old record was like scuffed and the seed wasn't that great and i was worse and i didn't one cycle yeah i mean if you get that let's say you get the same exact seed you'd you'd crush that time no yeah no if i got the same seed it'd be it wouldn't be close it'd be minutes obviously obviously because i know the seed but like oh yeah i mean if i even if i didn't know if i got a c that has the same stuff yeah in like a different format i think i'd yeah i'd beat the and i mean obviously there's a chance that there's always a chance that i screw up the one cycle 1450 is also a different one cycle i mess it up more often i need like seven to eight beds whereas like one point six and you're like five six it's not just like the regular perch in like diagonal purchases is different than that um the hitboxes are changed so the hitboxes like it's weird it's like you have to it's different completely different timing you have to like do it uh like earlier than you than you usually do how long do you run in a desert for before you reset um i'm just i said i want to try and get in another before 10 minutes so if i think i can get into the nether before 10 minutes then i'll keep going um so i'll probably reset at like six minutes if i don't find like a desert temple with looting because it might take me like three minutes to get all the iron i need and make a portal so i think everyone's like well how do you get the iron you have to get it with like a you have to get it with a um a shipwreck i don't know that's useful but the thing is people don't realize like you can get all the iron in like like a minute and a half and you can just have it have it smelting in eight different furnaces while you're building your portal and then you don't even have to wait for the smelting to finish because the tnt gives you the cobble and blue yeah and the iron iron and if you if you were to if you were to get a really good cave that's like has it like imagine you have you know 32 iron like in this little surface cave or like surface ravine or something you could go in blow up all the packs of iron in like less than a minute and then craft the furnaces you know buy your lava pool place them all down by your lava pool and then just be building the portal while um while waiting and then and then boom you like it's so efficient like you basically you got you got the iron for the anvil in like a minute and a half oh it's actually so crazy you could like what if you get in the nether in like four to five minutes i don't think that's possible oh you're fine you totally could imagine you get a shifter if you get a shipwreck off spawn if you have a looting book and you get a shipwreck off spawn you could get sub 15. like i i think it's the same as it's the same to me it's theoretically the same has the same limits as 1.16 with looting strats because of the fact that 1.16 um the only real thing is that you get the pearls you don't have to do the trading on this one you get the pearls on the way to the stronghold so you know if you get lucky and you get like a good stronghold like oh you get good enderman spawn you get good looting drops and you get a looting book and you get like a like you spawn next to a shipwreck that's sub 15 yeah that's 15. yeah easily sub 15. that's crazy actually like but i don't think it's ever gonna i don't think i think it probably eventually maybe but yeah i don't think it'll happen until every runner is running looting on 1.15 and then eventually i think it will happen same way 1.16 got crazy optimized when everyone started running it true then you get the beds it's like an ideal spawn would be like i guess a shipwreck next to a village next to a temple well actually do you need a temple no yeah you need a temple for the book well you can get you can get an ocean ruin to get the book too but it's much less i don't know it's it's harder and more annoying i just don't ever go for the ocean ruins but i used to i used to when i was trying looting originally i was going for the ocean ruins but it requires more three hundred percent right here get next to a village there's a cave below you that's it i don't know where a tree is actually i'm gonna have to reset if i don't get a looting book here because i don't have any if i don't get sand here i mean oh george how's your fixed star thing going um i don't know i replied to him but he hasn't replied back oh you did you replied what do you say so um i said i please come to your four million pound apartment tommy said vouch vic said how about i help you guys build your own version in minecraft and i replied okay i'll bring my laptop and you can show us i how he hasn't replied yet unfortunately there's another temple over there i don't think he's gonna respond to you he's gonna have to that's not really a choice he didn't respond to you in the first place sorry your point he was one of the times i'm sure you're wanting to tell me i want to know how did he like see that tweet did he just check like his mentions or something and even then and your tweets have like in total 40 000 likes in half an hour it doesn't matter though because it doesn't show up on his timeline unless i guess someone he follows retweeted he just click his his notifications and it'll probably just be right on the top probably not i think i would think so he was tagged it's only with 40 000 likes in 30 minutes he just clicks the bell it's gonna pop up on his thing hundred percent even check his notifications oh okay i didn't hit it i thought i hit it i pushed it into the suffocation maybe people that he followed liked the tweet that he's mentioned in maybe that pops up on my phone when that happens follow a lot of people not me though over a thousand people i have a strategy with this iron golem i don't know if it'll work okay what it's gonna get out now i tried my best it would have been a big brain if it worked but it didn't work but it didn't how did your runs go yesterday did you speed on yesterday puns um i think i saw you streaming i didn't know if you but i've been doing a lot of runs recently actually the day before that i had a couple of good ones but i was just i just threw in the nether like twice and i just died of like four freaking wither skeletons [Music] it's so annoying when it's in the soul sand valley and there's just weather skeletons everywhere yeah it was pretty rough um i know i'll beat my time though eventually it's really not too difficult to get a sub 30 now i just need to get a fortress if you get good luck as long as you're uh as long as you're a competent runner get good luck then 30. i saw sapnet was trying to speed run he threw it he had such a good like so much good luck and then he like threw it that was funny to watch i love watching wait oh yeah dream when i got my um when i got my pb or something i got something or i beat the game at one point and i used your strat to like the door strat or whatever to get back to the starter staircase or whatever yeah and it worked it actually yeah it's so it's so good it's it's so helpful because you can just like and then it makes it look like it like literally makes it look like you're like cheating because you just like run through then you find the the eye room and then it's like oh yeah it's actually quarter because i was like say i dug in i i missed the uh i missed the entrance by a good amount i think and um i was like deep in the stronghold and i was like wait dreams said to just follow the the backwards doors back to the start so i did that and it worked it was pog yeah i found the eye room it's very cool yeah it's awesome you just do it i don't know it's really cool i think i don't know who found that but they're good on them it makes a lot of sense so yeah it does and it's really cool it's like imagine they did it to the they should change it so that that leads to the the eye room that'd be so good that'd be op what the heck it'd be so good though it'd be so good because that's like you wouldn't spend so much time trying to find like like why do you have to spend so much time trying to find like the portal doesn't make sense it's just random yeah but there's a lot of random things in minecraft but if they just did that so the doors all generated away from the portal room oh that'd be so good mean like yeah that'd be good but like i feel like that would just be op like but then again it wouldn't work with how it's coated at all because the fact that it's it needs like it's not even generated yet whenever it generates the other rooms george you should speed run i can tells me not to though he doesn't want me to take his record i don't think i've ever even seen you beat the game in under three hours i no you haven't i think i have oh you haven't i'm pretty sure i have his name is john cena you know he beat the record and just went the record the record went to another school george no you haven't has i ha has i have i i'm pretty sure i have no way there's no shot though like your best time is probably like 2 45 george no i'm telling you i'm telling you i was there for like probably all your streams george i mean granted you're like sitting there thinking donations for 30 minutes out of the two hours but still it was definitely over i know like your best time we were saying like oh it could have could be on the leaderboards it was like two hours and 20 minutes or something and it was like gonna be under two hours but then like you died in the portal room or something or like you had one eye less and you had to like you had to go this is my record someone was going uh i'm pretty sure it's like nothing to brag about it's definitely below two it's like it might be an hour 45 it might be but like i'm pretty sure it's like 210 or something someone just said in chat you did a sub 120 on oh no way i don't believe that i think it's up to what's happening 134 i think we're just putting random numbers now i don't know i already don't remember beating the game like trying to beat it as quick as i can what case you don't have the patience for it am i going backwards any rebuttal to that george i don't know i'm not 100 sure if i'm going backwards or forwards right now i think forwards there's a temple so forward i guess unless it's not a temple i think i went backwards and it's not attached to i take that back sapnap has way less patience he did that one run and they just was simple i think the last time i streamed beating the game i like i literally just got bored at the time when i had to get the ender pearls and i just gave up and like worn them in i don't know i just that's true i felt so impatient i think i remember it was the stream where i did getting over it i think i just wanted to do getting over it i was like i knew i wanted to play minecraft and then do getting over it and i was just saying that like oh but you played getting over it huh you played getting over it yeah how'd that go it's fun did you get over it right i got over some of it i played but i remember i remember playing i was like oh it's gonna take so long i already can't be bothered and i i just started spawning stuff in i don't know it took too long like why am i being so impatient right now but you're losing one putting one got apple blue one is trash not that trash but it is definitely not it's good i got a looting one gold sword once and it didn't do anything for pearl drops it does it does it makes it so you can get up you can get your average drop will be one you're pretty much it's basically guaranteeing you'll get one every time average drop is one it guarantees you always get one well no i'm just saying like on average so if you kill if you're killing enemy then it's like it's basically as if you you got one every time so basically it's useless that's all i have to say about it this is what i have to say about looting one yeah it's pretty bad it was looting two i'd consider it but especially when it's already five minutes in getting another bed nine obsidian the world record building the first obsidian the longest obsidian penis in under six minutes let's go we got the world record guys that's the time six ten six ten point four we got the world record the longest obsidian penis the longest of city and penis in under 10 minutes six minutes your video puns oh the um the panda breeding yeah i'm gonna break your record if i get a jungle i'm breaking it oh and we have to get the you have to get the um is it a jungle it had to be the the bam before of course yeah it wasn't like five something or so you got like five minutes no no actually it was six something because i remember you didn't do it right away and it takes five minutes to inbreed the pandas yeah trash we don't need looting one like that could have been looting three it had equal chance yeah but it wasn't but it could have been it could have been it could have yep you're right had equal chance there was a that was a one in three chance of being a bit of snapping up was awake it would have been looting three but he's asleep so it's his face that's true actually wow sapping up i get a looting through everyone has to whisper that way he doesn't wake up during it and then like i'm like break the record i'm like yes let's go like a thief in the night back in my head okay i'll take like someone like making fun of that it's funny they got the dance yeah yeah funny [Music] nice nice meme nice noise you sure mean today puns uh you see i haven't gone to bed yet oh what the hell so oh punch it kind of sucks no it sucks because i thought the the festival was at 1pm me too i did say so that's why i was like i'll just stay i'll just stay up till 1 pm and just do that and then go to bed and now they say it's at it's three hours it's so late though no it's like it's even though it's not even it's like much more than that it's like it's not like seven tonight or something i think right no no no it's four p.m eastern 4 p.m oh so yeah it's just it's three hours after um uh when the original time was so now i have to stay up until then uh so i'll probably go they moved it though right didn't they move it i thought it was one no yeah no they moved it three hours stream i didn't just that's so dumb when did they move it i don't know wilbur sent the message in the discord that's from 1 p.m to 4 p.m eastern um oh yeah so it but they they messed up the times and they announced one eastern but they meant one pst so three hours later so yeah i'm not gonna stream today i don't know that's the kind of mistakes you get under the slot administration true a damage except they didn't want you there so they sabotaged it it was sabotaging yeah well i think sapnap's probably gonna sleep through it if he actually don't oh yeah he's gonna sleep through it no way he wakes up for that well i might wake up because we'll wake him up but i think you think he has it he does he does he's here sleeping we will come up yeah because he thought if i would like him breaking a record or something he'd hear it and then he'd wake up i don't think so i think no i'm telling him you think his airpods are still in his ears no they are they are we will come up just like a little bit ago well yeah i yeah i heard that but you think like i don't think like stay in his ears they wouldn't fall out they're on his ears yeah he has air pods pros they're like they stick there airpod pro i thought is it what's the airpod pro um does it say it seems like stick stick technology oh it's like the lingering potion of sticky and but better but better wow minecraft in real life this is crazy when are they gonna add the moon poo update to real life just like the sticky x8 what that's too far of a jump for me that was nice i wasn't going to be able to make that jump i thought it was a shorter jump than it was but it wasn't wasn't it wasn't quite i did get oh i didn't get the flynn but i got a flat now i don't even have enough health to jump down the temple great thanks george mending and the bane of arthur parts very buck george you know there's another among us tournament uh happening oh no tell me about this one with the same puns with the same uh point system you can probably still get it if you wanted to but if i got one i could win if i wanted to i mean you couldn't but i could you definitely couldn't um it is on the 19th on my so next but i mean i think you have to stream it so i don't i think what you meant by next monday was this monday unless you wanted to stream it but no or this one yeah this upcoming monday kind of yikes that you misspoke like that the yikes that you think you'd win in an among us tournament when you're trying no wait did you come last time i came in fourth and out of 20 people and i want a thousand dollars no i did good you basically came lost no i didn't i would have come at least that george you're colorblind you don't need to know colors yeah you do for wires yeah i can still do wires well they have the new update where they have yeah yeah we play on beta so you actually could do wires because they added the shapes shapes they put shapes next to each wire oh easy and they wanted to help you but you have to stream it george would you stream george would stream it george is a streamer oh i'm a streamer oh imagine he's somebody yeah yeah it's hosted by connor i'm partnered it's hosted by faze clan this time oh i love faze clown there's 40 instead of 20 in like two lobbies it's 40 and four lobbies going at the same time george you should try and join i think carl i think i got i think i got carlin um you know what you know what for the meme get me in it and i'm gonna win i will win get me in it i'll train i'll take i'll take a whole month off training yeah train it's in three days all right train me tomorrow to spend an hour with me tomorrow and i'll win this tournament for you and you get all the prize money only if i win though and if i don't win i'll get i get the other prize money if i if i wait i don't know well it's a 25 thousand dollar prize well first place gets twelve thousand dollars does the last place get anything anyway only four only top four get money you can get top four roads you can get top four first place gets 12 grand second place gets eight third and fourth get two and a half all right i think all participants get free g-fuel stuff sent to them if they want it wow yeah i definitely really want that yeah definitely just gave them free advertisement in front of 75 000 people by accident yeah sorry they'll sponsor me now well actually they're they're sponsoring the whole tournament as well so all right puns i want you to send the message right now what hey george somebody that has thirty thousand viewers on average or more actually um who wants to be more like yeah i'll get i think i think you're just memeing no he actually i'm telling you what he wants to play i'm telling you i actually would want to play my average he may not be that good at it but like he'll want to play and he and i think he's he's i'll teach him i'll teach him if you want to get him all right just tell them he'd like to be in it why are you having dream talk for you right now i'm not message the people i want to be in this among us tournament it's fun he was like he almost played in the fall guys tournament like he's he's even though he's bad at fall guys like you know then he wins actually did you play in that you did didn't you well guys oh you were going to but you didn't i didn't he's also going to play in the creator games and then he got uninvited because i don't know there's a misunderstanding and i cried about it i got really upset i'm just kidding yeah by the way guys i'm in the creator games tomorrow um you got to show up and oh god you're a skeleton um you got to show up and support me i don't know what that is to be honest oh god just a beast's live stream thing with a trivia thing yeah oh it's tomorrow oh pop oh barely as there's looting in this i just clutched it out you know what else is tomorrow this um mc ultimate is tomorrow i think that's cool as well sponsored by everybody just about wait well it's a charity event i think right well yeah i mean all right puns message of the people let's go let's get this ball rolling we only have three days you got to work quick you you i'm not gonna message them for you you just message him i don't know who to message i can tell you the message if you actually want to come upon this don't be don't be silly just do it for me well then then you get invited to the discord how am i meant to get invited to the discord well i'm i'm not going to give you an invite the person has to give you an invite well you know the person i don't even know who the person is i want to win this among us tournament how am i supposed to get you invited like you have to message the guy his pawns pause he said you got carl invited wait but carl messaged them after i told him to message him who's the guy it's one of the face clan people if it's not faze um if you're not interested [Laughter] is he even in phase i don't even know no no you flipped after a while ago you picked the one guy that's like like they hate all right listen just come on you have to i give you that i'll give you the person i wouldn't pay you too i can like what do you want me to do i don't understand sorted out puns and i'll pay you i'll pay you ten dollars on your next what should i say tell this guy to message you like well you don't know work it out i don't talk i'm not the middle man here i just you're the manager you're my manager puns you represent me oh then i get like 50 of everything that you get i'll give you a percentage of my winnings in the tournament you're gonna win nothing then i get half of nothing which is nothing i never said hoff but those are my conditions come on out just out here i'll message him i'll message you he'll message you his twitter account you have to message him how about you message him for me because you're like you're like if you if you if you really want to be oh god i want you to do it for me in this tournament no i won't do it i don't want to do it for you please he died this is yeah because you're busy whining about you're not whining all right george shut up about it it's fine shut up about it after just messaging yeah he's too he doesn't have enough to message face he can't he can't do it that's why if he thought he could then he would but he's just afraid of what's gonna happen when they when they when he messages them they're gonna block him probably yeah george they're gonna block you well no you no you i've already talked to the guy yeah what'd he say he said please don't ever message me again he invited me what do you mean all right puns no more messing around there's three days left like i'm running out of time all right i'll message you the guy's name right now why are you so unuseful i read it out loud read the guy's name out loud no i'm not going to george when he's working out loud more self promotion this could be like the third thing i've promoted well i'm just gonna say hey get me in there one of those tournaments that sounds so dumb just be like hey my friend wants to be in the among us tomorrow and this is him can he be in it sounds so much better he's gonna need he's gonna need your your discord all right even my discord well then here's adam here wait here i'll give you his discord i'll i'll send him a message and i'll give you his discord then add them on discord and i'll send the message hey say he sent you a friend request on discord all right that was okay whoever is it i wonder who it is well it's his name is his name i don't know jarvis faze i jarvis like it's not could be nothing but phase dream that's a ring to it they need to hit me up in the phase clan minecraft edition discord but let me actually ask if it's his name i don't know why i put a hashtag in front of that it's get rid of the hashtag in the from the front i'm not gonna get rid of it i'm gonna messaging him right now do you send my friend request no did i i'll send it off to you read out well i said okay i said can george knock i said can then i added you play in the tournament and then i i said i can tell him to add you on discord wait i wasn't listening to that again i said can yeah then i added you acid to me yeah i said can discord no i added you in a twitter dm oh okay um i said can you play in the tournament and then i said i can tell him to add you on discord all right did you send it oh yeah i sent it all right i added him on this chord [Music] all right well good job puns you did something i felt like the exact same thing kind of weird george you're gonna get destroyed and it's trying to win you're gonna do worse than soulja boy i'm telling soulja boy you said that [Laughter] pretty good right wasn't it that was good it was okay that was a good one no desert there's gonna be a desert on the edge of the savannah but i don't know where once did you know that strongholds can't generate under swamps um i didn't know that the more you know interesting well i had how do you know that i just saw it in this video somebody said it i was like really somebody i didn't comment but i just read it and i was like what that's kind of weird reddit and a weird champ he read it on reddit yeah read it i found that on reddit that is strange though well now i know that if i'm in a swamp there just can't be a stronghold below me yeah and you just gotta wait until at least the edge of the swamp how does that work what if it's like what if like there's like a giant swamp that's like all towards the border like does the stronghold just push like past it or something bombs are yucky now i'm doubting myself i like 99 centuries also when i say that i can't strongly generate under swamps that seems so random this it is really random is because the slime chunks because like then slime would be in the stronghold or something they don't want that oh wait yeah it's true oh there's a temple this is looting right here and then it's gonna suck because it's already five minutes in we're gonna have no cave we have no lava yeah but what if you're right next to the stronghold you're so far that's true i'm i'm far actually but then the whole point of running i guess it's in the desert and the whole point of running to the stronghold is kind of defeated but oh yeah then you can't really get pearls yeah you can just run around on top of the stronghold though looting looting charge up everybody rotate their hips rotate their hips i'm rotating and it counts clockwise motion and counterclockwise motion it's not counterclockwise it doesn't count no the rotating didn't work stream we're going to rotate together rotate these nuts no no rotate your hips savannah [Music] um wow puns you're just you're just waking up just now that's so embarrassing oops funds message me this guy's twitter um it's i think it's just that without the hashtag at the end right well let me check oh yeah it is there's a template in a village rotate your hips everybody rotate your hips in a counterclockwise motion might as well you might not know you probably should be awake unless he's west coast oh better wake him up the guy that i told george to talk to you better wake him up call his phone right now puns yeah yeah i'm just just best friends with this phase clan rep wait flex i'm gonna sign to phase dude trick shotter call of duty i've got a video on trick shots you know i used to make videos i used to do it all the time make videos of trick shotting things in like two thousand fourteen thousand wow two thousand your grandpa puns yeah trickshot videos in two thousand yeah on um my freaking gamecube crazy a nintendo 64 at 360. donkey kong yeah donkey kong donkey kong i get this one there's an iron golem i don't know why i grabbed cactus but i did oh god rotate your hips i'm rotating i've been rotating my hips ever since the last time you told me to well you just rotate your hips all the time george so that's not really that's not much of a statement now is it i don't know how many bits do i have uh dicks i think there might have been one more over here that i can grab nope i'm not confident with six so any more beds anyway but is that seven oh i have seven hey puns if i don't get in this i'm almost one i'm blaming you by the way um it shouldn't be full there's no way they don't let you in it's your fault if i don't so where's your life oh well know what i meant to do mlg placed a crafting vest nice he did it rotten flash well no way not bad the hip rotation has worked guys did you get it i wasn't looking my god there's a cave right there it's two in the stream perfect it's so much iron there's a lot of iron here this could be good oh god the shaking of hips work oh wow you gotta hurry up ah this is not good jam i know i know i need to hurry up i mean this isn't gonna stop speed run oh is this not good it's good because you're getting like memed by your own tnt you had twice in knock knicks i wasn't prepared for it that's the dead be prepared now you can't go back because the tnt you blocked yourself in 17 oh gosh i need a bunch more oh this cave isn't as good as i thought it was more iron here oh yes he's learning from his mistakes he blocked off the water was like just yesterday you were doing this huh that didn't make sense it was literally like an hour ago it wasn't just yesterday it was today guys we need to wiggle our hips we need to rotate our hips rotate the hips in a counterclockwise motion i might find a lava bull down here actually wait there's light down there right oh god whoa that water pool went so far down it did you could say it was a street so deep you're like a double ravine all the way across the sky diamonds are they worth getting like with the iron is it what's getting extra iron for how many oh you blew them up oh oh you got one i didn't even know you could do that you know how tnt works why is blowing up the iron i didn't know it worked on diamonds it works on everything i think that's not crazy you can get diamonds we'll get some some right there oh my god dream there's more diamonds what there is get them i can yeah i can i should i can and i will i only got three coal from that i just start stop smelting let's go and get more i don't actually need this uh this wood much that stream go how do i only get three coal oh there's a lava pool right there too oh yeah i didn't even realize oh my god wait okay rotate everyone that's all i know just rotate oh the diamonds will also give me xp oh that's an iron diamonds oh my god you have five diamonds that's enough for a picture boots not a shovel i don't have wood i only have one wood i don't have for a sword i need to make us oh that's so bad i wish i had this wood in the furnace what in the furnace no there's only one there was two there was two yeah you're right let's go george george strats oh my god don't die use the wood pickaxes fuel oh never mind lol do something yes yes you need level 7 remember we like that we've got the bottom obsidian straps coming in i don't have to do that you already level four as well you'll need like three more levels there he goes eats the bread here we go another eight and a half minutes not good eight half minutes is faster than my other time so could be good pretty sure i just saw a fortress yep no no way oh my god that's insane this is it shake the hips shake the hips it's rotate is it rotate that rotate them i know something oh my god unfortunately across a lava pool that's lame you name it nope cookie strats i'm naming it nothing diamond sword one you name it one diamond one for the win oh it's not across it you can just get into it easily i can well actually i'm not sure i think i probably can it's gonna be open on the top or you can just jump across to that bit on the right if it's not it is it is there's a spawner this is a spawner no way oh he's doing there's only one blaze looting three strats i got four blaze rods from that one blaze that is disgusting oh there's one down there but i don't want to they just need one more okay there's a guy here black 10 minute leg oh god oh my god oh my god yes seven that's insane that's enough yeah he's out run dream run eat the bread yes he ate the bread he's doing what i say even though he's delayed for you yeah i don't mind in time for me oh god wait what's the record 21 minutes and 30 seconds or something like that he already has all the beds and stuff you gotta find him in the overwatch yeah he just runs through a desert hopefully and there's just enderman i need to get up uh pigmen came through here what are they doing i but you wish you kept the water now you could have swam up there it was right by the lava right here's a diamond pickaxe it wouldn't be take too long just dig up i think i know where it is right here this isn't where you came in this is where i came in this is definitely where i came i linked up i think yeah okay 11 31 not bad let's go go go no way i need an enderman they're already in a desert i just need to head away from spawn you don't have much food i only have six do i i don't have rotten flesh either oh you do have rubbish zombies okay oh god i think i need a boat for the enemy i don't have wood because i use it to cook a tree nearby there's an ocean too i'm just heading pause pause because i need to head away from spawn and i'm already oh there's a shipwreck oh save the day i can grab wood from there i need an enderman hopefully oh there's iron nice that's big they can drop up to four wait he just needs one to know which direction to run yeah i just need one to know which direction to go i need a boat though i'll just kill it you need a bow as well no he's a boat do you need a beverage no i don't need a bow and i got four you got four it's all coming together oh my god it's this way too that could be close i have some way to make bread too oh my god it could be it's oh my god it could be like literally a thousand blocks away not even it's an ocean biome i was here i was here wait what's the record again 21 i'll check right now what'd you need the wood for oh the record right now is 2126 in game time i guess i'm gonna grab this just in case i need it run dream run i need more enderman though oh should i stan i just gotta go i can find the enderman in the stronghold or i can find it above the stronghold if it isn't in the ocean ah i wish i got more enderman spawns there i should have looked around me i was too focused on getting the boat because i didn't have a boat i shouldn't have used my wood as fuel ah so many shouldas i'm not close enough for it to it can be here yet so rotate your hips everybody rotate their hips rotate clockwise motion it's in a clockwise manner don't worry oh my god some sea monument there might be hitting land i think i i want to hit land i do i want to hit land you need yeah you need enderman at least one or two i need to hit land like the next like minute otherwise it's gonna start turning day soon don't get mining fatigue definitely not there's a trident getting shot at me another ship i entered the stronghold at 1810 in my last one there's land there's a land but there's another sea monument what's the chance of two of them being that close 50 50. either it happens or it doesn't it could be really close right now yeah i could i'm gonna throw one on the shore probably i need to focus on killing enterman though oh no it's just an island i think i see enderman on it i'll get off i don't see any other man i'm gonna hit this land though i don't see it below me if it was right here would you see it i think i'd see it yeah i'm gonna throw it on land though you don't even have enough paws no i know i can i can get them on the way go this way that's not great but no i think it's good that's that way so you can get enderman hopefully yeah it's good that i'm yeah yeah it's good that i i can get enemies need them to spawn though they're less likely for me to see them in forests i could find them in the stronghold too so i can't rule out just going into the stronghold and finding like only like one or a couple enderman you know i hope i find one more on the surface and then i can find i'm gonna throw one probably very shortly maybe it's just an eight eye eight eye border room you never know very unlikely what uh four minutes have to go really quick i don't see any under men i see zombies spiders it sucks that we didn't have the desert for longer i should have just stuck around in the desert for a little longer that's my bad i'm gonna throw it in a second no enderman there's an ocean i'll be on the edge here i'm gonna throw it oops it's backwards it's in the ocean oh you see this yeah i see it oh nice oh my god there could be like hopefully there's enderm in there two endermen oh and oh my if you there's like two in a minute and pause in the chat i want to follow it back this door that door that's kind of why i'm worrying about armor um not that way this door following the door strats door stretch this is gonna be starter that's starter oh god damage there only an enderman one eye all right good enderman there's a spider spawner here still needs six more you need two more enderman kills at least i'm sure they're stuck in the desert longer that could have been a record right there that's fine this is like a this is just a remake of this is like the 1.16 run time like part two this is the sequel you need to find two yeah the sequel damn um that's unfortunate just running around looking there's a cave here no enderman ah that could have been a record it could have been record that's good i mean that's fair first day i mean i think regardless you should still play this out and try to get a a win for the day at least oh my god jimmy oh well um daytime now daytime all this other entrance i'm doing here so unfortunate that it wasn't the eight eye that's not the unfortunate unfortunate part is that there's no there's no good ties in the portal there's no good enderman spawns that's really close though yeah that was really good it was really good should have been a record yeah probably if you did stay in the desert a little bit longer like another minute and a half two minutes yeah i should have just sat there for a minute um getting enemies i was just hoping that along the way maybe there'd be another desert or that we'd just come across uh when he doing making it dark bender and spawn true big brain they kill the mobs and then there's more chances for other mobs to spawn that could be an enderman imagine you got the world record like your first day back running well i said i wouldn't be that surprised what happened honestly i mean that should have been that i mean that should have been but that definitely could have been it very well could have been i mean if i just if i just got two more intermittent on the way that would have been that would have been recorded and the fact that you're already running towards the way of the stronghold it would have been a strong record that could have been like 18 minutes the whole way was water pretty much yeah and it was in the water so i didn't have to dig down yeah it was perfect that was a good rush to mess it up it wasn't perfect and i didn't write george you were rushing him to get out of the desert it's your fault no yeah you're like go go no it's just an honest mistake i won't make it again the thing is it's like i think maybe i'd go back and do the same thing i mean i mean not knowing now but like it might be the smartest play like what if i found in the forest i just found one airman and i found one entrance down here risk for the time yeah this is a risk to get a better time so obviously i'm not on my way to the stronghold if i'm i'm not on my way to the stronghold if i'm uh sitting in a desert you know and the kind of whole point of looting is that you're you're on the way to the stronghold yeah just world record things you gotta you'd be the most efficient with your time so it makes sense to not just sit in the desert for two minutes because yeah it could be two minutes that you don't get the world record with so yep it's such a risky play like making all these mobs spawn because i'm in no armor but now you have one food left as well oh this sucks there's no no no anyone with unfortunate spawns oh well we did good again actually we would agree that like all these times i'm seeing on like the 1.9 between 1.15 like you're the only person on 1.15 i like everyone else like on the on the minecraft speedrun website or whatever um like everyone just plays on 1.14 and you're like the only person oh yeah yeah no because i'm the only one who does looting strats and looting struts i just run on 1.15 because i don't need to do 1.14 1.14 uses trade strats and 1.15 nerf to trade strats and nobody uses it but because i do looting i don't need the trade strats no enderman i might just give up because it's kind of annoying just running around here finding nothing you could spawn them in if you want to just do the one cycle but buddy entered your channel i just want to legitly find an enderman well the one intermediate killed that good rng because you got four and that's the matter that's the max you have no food now buddy joined your channel welcome back oh hi hi bad bye bad boy dream almost got a world record how close was he very close i should have gotten it um just enderman spawns no no like way more than that i would have been there like three minutes i think but i saw 1.50 in that 1.16 well i mean it's it's fine we're going to break it this week all good nothing no problem yep okay i believe in you watch you're gonna break it literally on your next attempt well i'm definitely not but no it's true i think that mushroom is making too much light for the enemy enderman i don't know why they're not spawning we get a lot of spawns in the stronghold like usually like in our videos and stuff when we record we get we get a lot of intermittent spawn in the stronghold normally they're not in the stronghold they're in like the caves yeah yeah you're right you're right george hmm yeah that's actually weird they don't usually swarm that much in the stronghold but they spawn more in the caves around the stronghold that like a thing they have a lower spawn rate in this round they probably just have more places to spawn in the caves because they have more space and the stronghold there's like a lot of small passageways and there's a lot more light as well it's lit up tiny well this run sucks now yeah now it's becoming like it went from being world record to being nothing because no ending response if we're on the surface i'm telling you in night time they spawn everywhere like we just we just should have stayed on the surface longer i should have stayed up on the i should have just for the last minute or two yeah i need to stay up on the surface in the future because even if it even if i don't know even if there's a chance that i'm spawning in the stronghold if i only i only had four so if i had like eight maybe i should have came down because then there's a chance of it being like a three i and i get one pearl or something but well oh well i don't know i think i'm going to stop running now because that was a good one to end on and um it's noon and i think i was going to stream until about noon is what i was thinking in my head that was good um that was good we got three looting books we got one looting one we got two looting threes and one looting three was like really crappy seed and one was a pretty good seed a really good seed actually um but on your first stop here tomorrow first day back yeah i've been doing a lot of offline runs to be fair but because i wanted to warm up because i was trash but for 1.15 at least because i wanted to get the whole making the furnaces down getting all the whole strategy down but um yeah that was fun uh we'll come back tomorrow we'll do it again and probably the next day do it again we'll do it until we have 1.15 record back so we're going to get it back and people i know guarantee we're going to start stealing my strategy and they're going to analyze what i do with my furnaces and crap and go oh this is what we need to do and then they're going to do it and they're going to steal it and then maybe so i need to get it quickly i need to get it over the next couple days no you can't you can't you're not load um bye guys thank you guys for coming uh bye bye um i love you guys uh is anybody streaming about are you gonna stream uh i can i was thinking about streaming during the party you know what yeah why not the party party's in like four hours yeah it's in four hours right now they moved it back i moved it yeah they they meant to say pst in the invite but they wrote est well if they moved it back i'm just going to start my stream all right i'll read you them already change my i'll meet up just start streaming and i'll read you okay um all right awesome guys that was a lot of fun thank you guys for watching it's probably more boring than normal speedrun streams just because it's you know looting and it's not you i'm barely ever getting into another i got to another twice so um but that's what happens with them like i said like i said and it's gonna be annoying but at the same time whenever you get a good run it's a really good run so looting is a very very good strategy if you know what you're doing and um and and once you get a looting book then it's very good so um i will see you guys tomorrow probably i'm not 100 tricks if i if i record the manhunt tonight or tomorrow i don't know if i'll stream tomorrow because i'll probably be editing um but if i don't then i'll probably stream so but i'll be streaming a lot over the next like week or so so um i will see you guys soon that was a lot of fun i'm gonna raid bad boy halo because um why not cool guy i can't even rate him but i'm gonna host him bye guys love you guys
Channel: Fruit River
Views: 35,021
Rating: 4.9226069 out of 5
Keywords: dream minecraft, dream minecraft livestream, minecraft, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream livestream, minecraft challenge, minecraft speedrun, minecraft but, georgenotfound livestream, dream twitch livestream, dream speedrunning, dream minecraft youtube, georgenotfound twitch livestream, dream minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunning, minecraft speedrun world record, dream speedrun minecraft, dream minecraft speedrun, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft 1.16 speedrun
Id: TllQ3MICYfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 41sec (11441 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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