speedrunning this 99.999% impossible wallride in GTA 5 left me emotionally scarred

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all right we're checking out the only game where boards can get so impossible that it will crush your soul until you die from it it's gta 5 i love that you have to complete this ridiculous crap before you can even start the impossible challenge there we go i have been told that this is a stunt wall ride board that will make most mortals kill themselves before they're done with it sounds like just what i want to do anyway my pain is your entertainment so i guess here we go well looks like we're starting off with a nice wall transfer real happy about that here we go oh that was a fail uh wall transfers are like my achilles heel hell you must eat no i eat it too hard wow first first wall ride and i'm already having this much trouble huh okay okay yeet nice oh come on that was a good wall transfer all right congratulations you made me pull out the controller i almost got it the problem is the wall transfer after the first wall transfer is really close all i have to do is just learn the pattern learn the exact spot that it wants me to jump at the problem is if you transfer too early then you don't get enough traction if you transfer too late then you're already past the spot where you need to do the secondary transfer okay there oh come on baby you son of a bit okay strong transfer into okay i just need to transfer a little bit earlier they call me wall hopulus the mighty oh yeah baby there we go what else you got for me this looks fairly unassuming i'm very scared all right see how it goes okay into the lovely banana wall right over here that's fantastic i like bananas so that's something that hasn't been ruined for me yet in gta i guess it's something new and exciting that could go wrong what the hell oh am i supposed to go down the yeat tube i i i literally have no idea what the hell is supposed to happen here so i'll just pretend that i'm supposed to go down that tube we'll see what happens after i go and totally overshot it welcome gta car to the rectum of sadness in you go never mind sometimes i come out to the beautiful beaches of florida and i'm instantly filled with regret because i know i have to complete some crazy ass wall ride i think yellow is supposed to be like a comforting color it doesn't comfort anymore for me i can't be the only one that has realized that level rhymes with devil oh you need to go into a wall ride down the tube you cheeky bastard oh this is gonna be exciting and by exciting i mean mentally painful all right so i'm gonna want to come into this right i was gonna say as equidistant to the wall as i can oh god okay and almost like a wall transfer penis okay okay oh god and of course the wall ride from the tube is offset amazing maybe if i just keep doing this the board will eventually despawn nope still there all right hold on i need to i need to figure out where the hell i am in relation to the wall ride all right hey all right i can do this get ready for the transfer right for the transfer and now oh hell yes baby ah i hate this board okay wall ride and then get ready for an upcoming wall transfer i always thought to myself you know what you need gray more pain hmm you know it's serious when i have to do most of the map with the controller okay i just gotta time my transfer correctly that was better nice nice okay is there another one coming up are you trying to screw with me oh no you bastard in this world it's eater be eaten i'm not gonna lie i feel like i'm getting geeded a lot and i'm not doing very much of the eating oh damn you map creator i loved you trusted you and you betrayed me yetis got it i'm not gonna lie part of my soul did die when i almost didn't make that transfer checkpoint what's next what the hell oh my god gotta go around the slowdown sticks great can't go around him too far though otherwise you won't have enough space i think i missed him yes damn it okay i need more speed you can do it go i can do it [Music] come on oh god i need even more speed okay i actually need to use this other platform there's no way to do this otherwise [Music] come on okay so i actually can't just start back here from a stand still i'd be going as fast as possible come around the corner hit the yidi platform miss the stop sticks ah and then land this welcome to the channel where there's always new and exciting ways to experience unending relentless torture okay i've got the distance down now i just have to get the transfer timing right okay nice landing and now yeah oh i eat it too fast okay and then a little bit slower of a heat or not okay i figured out what i'm doing wrong i'm coming at this wall transfer like a normal transfer it's actually more like a falling transfer yeah you gotta transfer super early like right now okay a little bit too early i'm getting there though oh come on kiss those tires you know what i always thought to myself i was like you know what i haven't had much practice with wishing i was dead while some people have said that this board may be impossible we're never gonna give up until we get it okay after doing this part about 20 times i can now tell you exactly why it's so annoying the issue is if you wall hop too early then you you go you won't have enough speed to actually capture the the roadway right here like this if you road hop too late then you'll just barely go over the top if you wall hop going too fast you won't get the traction if you rode hop too slow you won't get the traction so not only does the launching point have to be absolutely perfect but the way that you land your vehicle has to be absolutely perfect too boom god say okay we're almost there as much speed as possible going up to the wall hit it slightly sideways transfer ah this is it there's about a one millimeter area that you're allowed to launch at in order to not undershoot or overshoot this but i think i have it we're doing this baby just like a super saiyan the more i get my ass kicked the stronger i become what the hell i hate whoever made this board wow after that insanity this part of the wall ride feels like oddly s what the hell is that what do i have to wall ride on someone's freaking thong what is this this is the wall ride that the uh creator got during the half off sale over here okay all right no problem it wasn't you know i say it wasn't that bad all right hard turn upward but don't let it send me off into the solar system and no i wonder if i could land on this nope totally can't well transfer fong wall ride into banana sadism into cheshire [Music] this is like the torture that keeps on giving oh i hate you so much creator i hate you so much all right and get ready for the wall transfer i transferred way too early one day i'm gonna take a psychiatric evaluation and they're gonna show me a picture of a wall and they're gonna be like what do you feel when you see this and i'm gonna be like like dying okay so there is a lot of different ways that this part can potentially trip you up there are many many places where you can lose traction and it pisses me off from the highly canted freaking wall ride to the goddamn almost instantaneous wall transfer if you don't have the right speed you fail [Music] that almost had me go off the edge there and made me want to shoot myself checkpoint what else you got for me i'm starting to wonder how much worse can this possibly get oh it can get a lot worse ah i shouldn't have asked okay so there's at least three wall transfers okay one got it and then the second one coming up i screwed oh it's a wall transfer downwards oh piss okay hot but then go low how the hell this board does things to my soul that i haven't experienced yet how exciting new types of agony okay at least i got the high low transfer style now i never had enough practice with these wall flips after all this is very valuable it's valuable in the same way that people keep taking doses of poison saying that it's going to make them immune to the poison hey board creator you really couldn't give me a longer wall to do the transfer on for the second transfer you maniacal bastard all right you gotta start on the bottom like right away i almost got it oh ho almost there come on man that lower wall hops are real pain in the ass oh call me the easter bunny because i'm hopping all over your ass here we go okay so far so good hey and that right there boys and girls is a checkpoint i like how rather than give me any kind of respite the only thing that this board does is make things worse and what the hell is that at this point whatever i'm ready my balls are ready for the pain oh and now i have to deal with boosts that's nice is there anything else you'd like to do to ruin my life the creator's like don't ask god these boots are a real there's not a lot of curvature here either to do the full wall transfer okay almost there i'm the reason that that place doesn't give free windshield replacements anymore for the insurance just when i thought you couldn't make your wall hops any more annoying you give me this i'm not gonna lie this wall hops parents hate it i know they do okay strong transfer into another are you serious another wall ride thong oh okay oh into a oh oh god okay and then into a wall transfer oh oh oh let this happen god let this happen yeah baby boom i cannot believe i did that now not in the first try but in one piece hell yes i'm starting to learn the patterns give it to me ah i love it give me more wall rides i want them all straight to oh sh great so now we have a wall ride into a pipe into a transfer awesome okay so like [Music] i'm still alive i wonder if there's a way for me to save this there is not i appreciate too that you have to come up at just the right angle because the floor [Laughter] because the floor of the pipe is only flat in one area man it is incredibly easy to lose your traction there not gonna lie okay i can't screw this transfer up ah yes and into a checkpoint what the hell you supposed to do now i have to go back okay i mean oh there actually is an a there's like an entire new map here oh my god you have to go straight up give it to your hatred i am all right so we have to go straight up weight forward oh wow wait forward straight up get ready for it come in at an angle come in at an angle and now oh don't lose traction though oh god okay start as low as possible and then begin going high begin going high oh no you have to do this and not go off the edge okay so start low go up as high as possible but then turn nice okay perfect is there a transfer of course there was why wouldn't there have been if you listened closely to the fail i just did you can find the exact moment that that i lost most of my will to continue on oh god okay it looks like there's only one wall hop after this so there's there's like a light at the end of the tunnel it's not a very bright light and it could just be a gigantic lie but there is at least something don't screw this up don't screw this up don't screw it up i screwed it up i'm so used to the creator not giving me more than like a hundred feet to actually attempt to transfer that now i get so much on the second part i'm way over correcting i've been expecting a kick in the balls so long that when i get a slap in the face i'm not ready for it okay strong transfer oh hello depression my old friend i see you've come to gta again okay [Music] okay the anal pain from this one is excruciating but not as bad as what had come before it and i think i got an idea of exactly what to do here oh land it square baby anything is possible if you believe and checkpoint oh what else you got for me ah a yeti platform i am prepared to eat and that is a rap holy penis well folks i'm gonna go ahead and bleed vodka and regret anyway hope you enjoyed this episode of gta 5 until the next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,757,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 online, gta5 online races, gta 5 online stunt races, custom races, stunt races, gta 5 skill test races, best gta 5 races, gta 5 races, hardest gta 5 races, gta 5 hardest stunt race, gta 5 hardest stunt race ever, gta 5 hardest race, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ramp, gta 5 mega ramp, gta 5 super ramp, gta 5 noob pro legend, gta 5 noob pro hacker, simulator funny moments, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, graystillplays gta 5
Id: pWHMQ42EnjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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