Super Mario Bros. "Minimum A Presses" TAS Commentary & Explanation

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in this video we explain the minimum a process  tasks in technical detail and with slowdown   if you haven't already seen the premiere  video make sure to go watch it here   okay welcome to the commentary for the minimum  a press task we are going to be using slow down   and save states just to explain everything um  crailer 37 is here he is an author of the task   he contributed a lot more of the inputs to me that  are than me and worked on a lot of the really hard   parts that uh are honestly over my head so thanks  for joining kriller to help explain this and   yeah of course this will be fun there's some  like general concepts i could talk about but   i think i'll just mention them like once they come  up right like gravity like for the first time all   right let's do it so the very first thing uh you  know that you're going to want to get fire flower   because shooting fireballs to kill enemies  is going to save tons of jumps not having to   jump over them so you got to figure out where to  get power-ups and this first mushroom is perfect   because if you jump like the frame before  you hit this goomba and you don't do a full   jump then you can hit this um this mushroom and  then you have to jump over that goomba anyway   so you get this power up with no additional eight  presses so it's perfect and then same thing on   the power-up grab you have to jump over the pipe  always grab the mushroom while we do that right   yeah and then doing that floor  clip in underground loses time   and doesn't save any presses but it doesn't  actually lose any time because of frame rules um   i'll start explaining gravity in this game  a lot of experienced mario players know   that you get these really um like floaty bounces  or whatever i call gravity when you haven't when   you spawn somewhere and you haven't jumped yet  so mario came out of the pipe and then he hasn't   jumped yet and then he was able to bounce like  super high on these goombas um the point of that   in the game is so like when you run off the pipe  you kind of fall down slowly and it looks nice   but we abused that here by bouncing on these  goombas super duper high to clear this gap   yeah this this applies every time you jump  it's going to set you with a different gravity   because there's several different ones in the game  depending on how what speed you have when you jump   so sometimes we need walking gravity which means  um you know you're just going at like walking   speed there's like specific a range of speeds  that it's between but um you'll bounce higher off   enemies if you do a walking speed jump instead of  a running speed jump or if you walking speed jump   onto a ledge and then run off of it onto an enemy  you still have walking speed gravity so you bounce   higher yeah so the gravity only like updates  to something else when you jump so it doesn't   matter what your current speed is it only matters  like what your speed was the last time you jumped   a lot of times you can maintain a crouching state  in this game even when it doesn't look like it and   one of those is when you run off of a ledge so  mario actually crouches here but it's the last   frame before he runs off so you don't even see  it there is a down press right here you can see   down on the input display he pushes down and  so he's actually crouching right now which is   why his head goes through the blocks before  hitting them because he has crouching hitbox   and then one other thing that's  really subtle i want to mention here   is that if you go back to when mario's on the left  side of the pipe mario's kind of playing around on   the left side of the pipe and he's like falling  off it for just a frame and then going back on   and it's really fun and entertaining but that's  actually required to be able to clear this gap   um that's it's uh ever so slightly changing  mario's y position or why sub pixels if you've   heard of that before which makes it which gives  them better y position to barely be able to   clear this gap but yeah as fun as  those are to watch it's also like   required to do for the setup uh yeah should  i should i explain what subpixels like are   um yeah go for it in this game they store  mario's positioning with a number and his   positioning is just stored very very precisely  like his positioning is actually stored more   precise in the pixel so the game will sometimes  store his position as pixel like his position   is four point one or four point nine like that  point one or point nine is like his sub pixels   because that's his differencing difference in  positioning even though it's within the same pixel   it exists because if you didn't have that then he  could only move by by flat pixels and then like   that really limits you maybe two is too slow but  three is too fast so mario actually moves 2.5   pixels per frame in this game so he'll move like  two one frame and then three the next and that's   because like the half pixel carries over and all  of that's happening all the time to determine   his exact position on the screen something i  want to mention for these wall jumps too um   wall jump is a glitch obviously that many of you  probably have heard of um it's performed by having   good positioning so you can go inside of a  wall for a frame and then all the walls are   built out of like blocks like you can see  clearly on the ground how big a block is   like big mario is the size of two blocks but  if you jump out a wall in just the right spot   um where you land on one of these blocks  then you can stand on it for one frame   as is being pointed out right now and then if  you jump on that frame you can jump off of it   um and then one special thing about the start   of one two is that this uh to be able to clear  the gap to the right after the second wall jump   you need to accelerate very quickly and many  people know about backwards acceleration how   if you're facing the opposite direction  which you're moving you accelerate faster   but there's actually even more ways to manipulate  mario's acceleration uh there's depending on the   exact scenario there's like multiple different  uh speeds at which you accelerate and we need   the fastest possible one here which is why at  the start we run to the right when mario spawns   and then run to the left and do the wall jumps  because that looks like just a simple time loss   but we actually have to run to the right  and then build up enough speed to the left   to get a running to both get a running speed  jump and to meet all the conditions that are   needed to get the fastest possible acceleration  because we don't have the fastest possible   acceleration then we can't clear that gap  at the top all right so starting off here um   we you can jump off bounce off that koopa and  hit the fire flower block to reveal the power up   and it's just you barely reach the fire flower um  this the gravities that we talked about earlier   um you can't do this with running speed  gravity which is like what you normally have   usually um but because of the wall jumps  we did earlier we have a gravity where we   bounce higher so that's nice we can use it to  hit this power up and then right after we hit   the power up we kick the koopa to the right the  koopa falls off the ledge we follow the koopa   and then there's another glitch where you can get  enemies stuck in the ground that mechanic like you   said getting stuck in the floor like that's used a  lot in this task and i guess that happens because   if you stomp an enemy like up here it knows it's  above the ground but to know if it's on the ground   it just checks if it's on the ground or lower  so if it's lower than the ground it still like   stays alive um so what we do is we go and  grab that power up that we used earlier   and then this koopa wakes up you can barely  see a couple pixels of its eyes at the bottom   and then um mario is at the very top of the  screen um and then when mario's like above   the top of the screen his hitbox is also  like at the bottom of the screen in a way   and we can use that to screen wrap and have mario  bop the koopa um and if you go to the frame when   mario bounces on it you can see the koopa's  eyes at the bottom disappear because it's been   stomped and the score up here at the bottom of  the screen um and yeah this whole setup is also   very very precise um we have it's barely possible  to reach that koopa it's hard to tell because   literally everything's off screen but um it's  barely possible to reach that koopa we had to   manipulate when the lifts and elevators spawn  exactly exactly when the koopa spawns um when   the koopa wakes up what direction it walks to and  like the sub-pixels of the koopa um and all this   crazy stuff to be able to just barely reach this  koopa because the game's 8-bit um like the screen   there's not so many values they can work with  so that's why the vertical screen wrap happens   and and horizontal like the screens are  connected on these old games because   there's only 256 values to work with so  they overflow and underflow really easily   and yeah we used to grab the flower  here it seemed like a good idea because   we need to get on this block anyway so we're  like oh okay so it's good to have the flower here   because we're jumping there anyway but getting  it in zero eight presses is obviously much better   and then comes another new glitch well not  brand new for this task but another glitch   that hasn't been shown in this task  yet is uh turning a spiny into a koopa   you can actually turn well i don't know about  any enemy but you can turn a lot of enemies into   a koopa i know for sure i've done like goombas  and uh spideys and multiple enemies but i haven't   you can do goombas yeah and they don't stay alive  they they like die and fall through the floor what   yeah that's so funny okay so the reason this  happens is actually really weird i actually   asked um micro 500 if you know him household  name and tassing shout outs to him he is one   of the pioneers of like task replay devices um  the type of thing i used to play this task on my   console i asked him to investigate this he went  and dug into the workings of the game and like   this was already known but we didn't know exactly  why the reason why is because there is a function   in the game that transforms parakoopas  into regular koopas right when you stomp   on a pair koopa it needs to become a regular  koopa and for some reason when you hit um an   enemy from below like the enemy's x position gets  left over in a register maybe because like they   didn't this is pretty technical so if it goes  over your head like don't worry it's pretty uh   kind of need a background like computer science  type stuff to really get it but the i don't know i   don't even understand the enemies x position gets  left over in a register and then when it checks to   see if it needs to run this function it checks to  see if it's a para koopa to turn it into a koopa   and because it's x position is left over in  this register certain x positions it thinks   you just hit a para koopa so it turns into a  koopa there's like five expositions near the   left side of the screen that um it does like a uh  a truncation and then it like happens to to match   like parakoopa value anyway hit enemy from below  near the left side of the screen it can turn into   a koopa is the thick and thin of it or whatever  a lot of a lot of work in 4-1 was done by happily multiple times yeah multiple times eight thousand  kids eight thousand point show oh eight thousand   point shell kicks in this task i didn't even  realize either and that's like my favorite thing   so that's so cool okay so once again we stomp  it below the screen now it's stuck in the floor   and every time an enemy like a koopa it or a buzzy  beetle goes in its shell it has a 50 50 chance of   walking left or right and it's based on a frame  rule just like the end of level frame rules so   there's lots of timer manipulation with this too  yeah the koopa is like heavily manipulated to both   wake up as soon as possible after being  stomped and to always walk to the right   because we want to wake up soon because then it  walks through it sooner that's faster and then um   i'm not going to mention it every time it comes  up but like i talked about in one one with like   why subpixels are like y positioning being like  subtly affected to get stuff to work that's used   constantly all over the place throughout this  whole task there's so much behind the scenes   going on like this is just a sort of standard  floor clip at this point compared to other   things in this task could you explain a bit about  what it takes to get in the floor like this um   the games like wall collision if you run into a  wall but you're at like the very top corner of a   wall um you the game won't just like stop mario um  i believe it's mint so that like if you you know   like went to jump up to a platform and mario's  like the tip of mario's foot barely brushed the   corner of a block like the developers didn't want  you to fully come to a stop so they're like oh if   you're like barely in the top corner of the floor  then we won't stop mario but we can abuse this by   if you with like a a really good angle in white  positioning uh you can start to go in that top   part of the floor where the floor where that  wall or sorry where the block isn't gonna like   stop mario so you see how he's still going  into the wall and then um as soon as mario   is gets to the peak of his jump and he stops uh  moving upwards and now he's now moving downwards   then the game is like oh he's in a wall now we  have to kick him out of the wall basically walls   want to keep you out of them and there's kind  of a flaw in the way they tried to program that   and it actually just pushes you opposite  of what you're holding rather than   pushing you out so yeah we're in the floor uh this  isn't this is like the main thing that i had this   idea i was like wow we could make turning spinies  into a koopa useful in a task and you could skip   so many a presses by being in the floor uh running  under walls like these um at the time i didn't   know exactly how far you could keep this koopa  going or like anytime there's gaps i was like can   you clear that in one jump or like do you have  to jump sorry do you have to jump again to like   clip on the next one or not and yeah it's  really cool what turned out to be possible   you pretty much keep in the whole stage and only  have to jump when there's a really wide gap like   a shorter one like this mario can totally  run out and then bounce right back in one   other quick thing i want to say that was just  happening a lot that we forgot to mention um is   when mario's in the floor he's constantly it  looks like he's just inside these spinys they're   just not taking damage um but what's going on here  is there's a thing called coin toss in this game   which is basically just the game only checks for  if mario's touching an enemy every other frame   um so on one frame it won't check if he's touching  any enemies in the next frame and say is mario   inside an enemy if so make him take damage but it  does that every other frame so what we're doing is   we're crouching and uncrouching every frame  so that he's inside the spiny's hitbox when   the game doesn't check for the collision with  enemies and then he's crouched and not in the   hitbox when the game does check for closure with  enemies so he's constantly just spam crouching   um if we were uncrouched for any one of  these frames or a crouch we would take damage   yep so we're totally inside it it's not  a a piranha plant case where it's like   half of it just doesn't hurt you no we're  straight up where it hurts you but only on   even frames help if even a odd one yeah one  of them yeah well it like it resets every   level so it won't even be like even or odd  like it'll change right it's like even rod   that one timer that is used  for lots of things yeah yeah   okay 4-2 it's pretty short and there's no like  waiting moment so it's one of the fastest levels   maybe the fastest at the beginning there's  nothing special you can do you have to jump   up here and two is the least you can get it  in but uh this is one contrib contribution   that the smile cat came up with and that's uh  doing a backwards bump here if you know anything   about 4-2 you want to do a wrong warp when you go  in the pipe and to do that you need to get mario   farther to the right side of the screen one way to  do that is by bumping into blocks so we got some   increased exposition here to the right and then  the rest of that will come because we have to wait   for that platform anyway so that bunk didn't waste  any time yeah because without that first bump we   had to clip in the wall and then just let mario  slide for a little while yeah um and it was like   uh and this is only like a few frames faster  but it saved a saved 0.35 seconds all right   it's actually crazy um just that jump to the  pipe i didn't even realize like it looks pretty   like tight just jumping over yeah and not hitting  that block and then landing on the pipe with   enough time to fireball the plant i never realized  that either okay eat one um no do you want to   maybe you can probably talk about i'm sorry sure  uh yeah i'm just pointing out a lot of times in   this test you'll see mario's going full speed and  then randomly he slows down and does like a slower   jump and that's all because of the gravity thing  so upcoming for some clips and things you need   walking gravity so walking speed jump onto the  pipe and now we have that forever until we jump   again so if we need to clip in the floor for  example we have that this had never been done   before in a test um there hadn't been a use for  it or like if there was it wouldn't have been   faster ever but in this case we need to get in the  ground in this because there's tons of pipes and   things we want to run under so i asked happily can  you clip in this this space right here he's like   i don't know i've never never tried anything  like that and he just comes back i did it so   that was awesome um it's like brand  new thing in super mario bros testing   and the very first time he he did a jump right  here and then bounced off of the koopa and then   went into the wall and so it took it took an a  press to get in the ground basically the reason   uh it's so hard is because in the past you uh you  could see most of the time it was like a wider   gap you had lots of time to get the acceleration  you needed kriller mentioned earlier about like   getting the maximum acceleration that you that  you can and you need that to clip in the ground   here and it's really hard to get in like this  one block wide gap but it is barely possible if you're standing on the left side you slide out of  the wall at the perfect time there's just enough   space to build up the max acceleration you need  and then barely clip in the wall and isn't there   something where like you have to push right on  a certain frame and then it gets you a little   bit extra in yeah you can um go like a 16th of  a pixel further into a wall if you press right   frame perfectly in frame before you land  inside of a wall after wallpaper thank you   and like that's the difference it's so  incredibly close to not being possible   and we keep that all the way until here we want  to get out of the ground because um yes you can   run across one block gaps in this but because  there's a break in the wall that mario's inside of   he'll exit the wall and then you would have to do  another clip to get in the next one so you would   just like smack into this and fall in the hole  so you need to exit and you don't want to use a   jump to exit so mario bounces off the koopa uh you  always bounce on an enemy in this game if you're   moving downwards it's not about whether you're  on top of it although that if you're on top of   it and moving upwards you still bounce but anytime  you're moving down where it's regardless of where   you hit it you will bounce on it so even though  we're like totally underneath it and mario's nose   bounces on it we get it i like tass videos calls  that a mustache jump i think which i really like   and then we just have to wait for this beetle to  fall on the floor so we can get it stuck in the   floor same glitch as shown in one two earlier  and this time like there's a beetle this time   every time we do one of these get the koopa or  the beetle stuck in the ground it's always like   super important what height you keep them at  especially like eight three um but yeah this   one specifically you need the beetle to be you can  see it's like barely above the ground and that's   so that you can stomp on it later yeah i believe  that's the highest the beetle can be and that's   like the only height where you can uh bounce on  it like you can bounce on it from above the ground   and again all of that is hard to manage when you  can only bounce on an enemy every other frame   we mentioned what subpixels were earlier um and  there's some weird stuff in the game where like   the exact positioning or the subpixels of one  enemy can affect that uh subpixel the next   enemy and like we have to manage the exact like  subpixels of enemy positions just so that like   it's like a quarter of a y pixel lower so that  we can get the setup to work or like ridiculous   things some more experienced mario players  may have been thinking of the idea of doing a   full flagpole glitch with this beetle but  that would require an extra a press to jump   to the flagpole to do that um so we don't  do that right we'll take another a press   again there's holes here you can't keep going in  the ground gotta leave it and then yeah you can   bounce on the beetle here and  then you land on the flag up here   you can't like bounce you'd have to bounce on the  beetle like here to get full flagpole glitch all   right you worked on the beginning and and the  middle and then you worked a lot on it too so   yeah so um this is all you're at the start of  a2 you guys i just want to say this is also like   one of the most precise i feel just from what i  could gather when they're talking about it like   managing subpixels to actually get in the ground  and everything so yeah this this level and get   these floor clips are really insane oh yeah so  this first enemy bop at the start of 82 is like   really high and weird because uh as we talked  about gravity earlier uh mario hasn't jumped   at all so he has a very high like very low  gravity so it's like super bouncy and floaty   so that that first balance is just for fun um it  doesn't do anything it's just cool and then as   cosmic mentioned earlier you can stomp enemies  from below as long as mario's moving downwards   so mario just gets past the peak of his jump  and then is able to bop the bottom of the koopa   with his head which is kind of funny i believe  there's also a down input right here yep so   mario again does crouch falling he's crouching  hitbox so he doesn't hit his head right here and then um we can see mario does a little slow  down at the spring and that's again for the   gravity uh mario gets to walking speed for one  frame and then jumps so he jumps with walking   speed um and then you're able to gain back running  speed on the spring and even though we do a big   bounce off the spring it's actually not a jump  um so we keep the walking gravity even though   we bounce off the speed spring with running speed  and then here comes just absolute insanity um all   these ideas for a2 were come up by happily um we  happily like knew we were trying to clip in this   floor but the way it was originally done required  like two or three a presses and then we're like   trying like had theorized ways to do it like two  or like maybe one and then while we were working   on this um there was one point happily said he had  an idea how to do it in zero a presses which was   like blowing everyone's mind when he was talking  about that and we're all asking what it was and he   was like just wasn't explaining it because he was  just saying it would be too complicated to explain   and then he was working on it like like a little  while and then he was like let's all hope this   doesn't work because we don't want to have to  like deal with this and we actually task this   he finally got it to work but like when he first  got up to work it was still like he was just   hacking in all these enemies positions and just  saying like if theoretically we had all these   enemies in this crazy locations at the perfect  time would this technically be possible and then   he figured that was true so then we had to figure  out a way to match all these insane circumstances   and there's a whole lot of stuff again like  we've talked about before with like mario's exact   y position and like these koopas are  like that koopa in the floor is stuck   in a very specific spot in the floor um i  think it manipulation as well right here   yeah um i think that koopa's position  is like pixel perfect um and then   we like spawn all these enemies at the perfect  time and then that bullet bill only has like a   couple frame window to shoot um and we just  have to get it to shoot at that time um   and that's like really difficult to manage  especially with um if there's too many enemies on   screen more bullets won't fire so we have to make  sure that like bullets don't fire beforehand too   much or else it'll be impossible to get another  one um and like it's it's really really difficult   to manage all this there's stuff like there's even  a koopa that spawns off screen that you never see   and we have to like manage it very very precisely  when this koopa spawns and then despawns   even though like it never even comes on  screen because like it affects the rng   and like when bullet shoot and all this stuff um  this is like crazy to manage and is just insane   and then the y position here is also really  precise to get mario to actually clip all the way   in the floor so this is a one block wide uh clip  just like in eight one but this one has a block   on top of it so if when you move upwards you hit  a block and it pushes you back downwards so it's   it's like a really difficult uh situation to try  and clip all the way into so that's why you need   so many enemies and you have to be like moving  at this perfect speed with perfect positioning   and the enemies that are there are like rng  based so yeah it's really ridiculous so you   get like partially in and then you bounce on  the bullet bill and like barely get in there man   yeah and then even after all that ridiculously  precise manipulation we have to get a bullet bill   to fire from here as soon as we can and with all  the crazy setup we did earlier there's not much   you can do to manipulate future bullet  bills um we actually got pretty good rng   and got like this one of the first bullet bills  to shoot like really soon um and then yeah this   first one shoots like ridiculously soon yeah like  you like you as soon as it can shoot when you're   if you're right next to it they don't  shoot so that's really early for a tissue   yeah that's like i think that's like as soon as  it could or maybe one or two frames later but   with how uncommon it is for bolts to shoot  that's like crazy yeah like um we do a lot   of playing around to make this look entertaining  but it's like it's very precise and exact movement   um and then we have to find a way to also make  it fun to watch which is sometimes hard but yeah   and the reason we need so many is because there's  a lot of things we want to skip jumping over   like oh we need to get out of the ground because  there's this one black gap but we also want to be   in the ground still so we just click in the next  one and now we still have to get out of the ground   so we use this one to get out of the  ground and then with like a perfect jump   you barely get enough height off that bullet  bill to make it here yeah so just so much   ridiculous planning all done by happily and  then uh i helped out a lot with like actually   passing it but happily was like all  the brains behind all of it with all   the theorization and stuff i just always  saw him saying like yeah make the canon   timer say this and make your y sub pixel  this and make the koopa this and yeah the main difficulty here is getting his first  bullet to shoot as late as possible and that's   really rare um happily was like analyzing the  rng a lot to try to find what frames you can   come out of this pipe and then like we had to  come out of this pipe at that exact frame um and   yeah it's like the the luck we got in eight two  is just insane like how fast we got the bullet   bill to shoot after the first fourth floor clip  and then like as much as we slow down in that   underground it's really not that much compared  to like what it could be like sometimes you have   to slow down like a full second or two this is  the uh coming out of a pipe or starting a level   gravity like haven't jumped yet that's why this  is so floaty yeah and then we use the floaty   physics again to do a stair clip and um if you  know a bit about this game you may be thinking   like if they're clipping in the stairs i thought  that was impossible or else you know it'd be used   for two warp zones to save time or things like  that um and you're right it is impossible in   almost every single circumstance except like this  exact circumstance where we haven't jumped yet   after spawning and have these really floaty like  really floaty gravity um and it makes it so that   we can just like stay in the wall for a while and  get pulled really far in the wall before landing   which allows us to clip all the way in  um and then you need this bullet to shoot   yeah and then we just like get this  perfect bullet build to shoot after   getting like the really rare bullet bills  from beforehand and then get two more to shoot   that is like earlier than i've  ever seen playing the game rta um and then we need two blonde males here too  yeah and like they have to be like yeah this   is just ridiculous the the top one behind the  bottom one and normally mario walks over here   and like this block right here is solid and when  he touches that it says okay trigger the countdown   and put mario behind the scenery and so that  puts him behind the castle starts the countdown   and yeah this is the same thing as um 4-1 where  you're able to grab the flag inside the block and   very low so that you don't even get up onto  the block you get pushed out of it and it says   trigger the countdown because he's running into  a block now and put him behind the scenery so i   think it's really funny there's a tree here that  you go behind i do want to take a second to talk   about this spot um because there's some bullet  bills that shoot there and you might think oh you   know get some bullet bills to follow you maybe  you can get past these stairs somehow or like   get a whole bunch of bullet bills following  you do something else in the level and we had   this is really the only level where we had some  ideas that didn't work everything else we got   i it took everything to happen but this spot we  tried really hard to save some a presses right   here some things were close but we just couldn't  quite get them so couldn't either couldn't get   a good enough bullet bill pattern to like  stomp them in like quick enough succession   to either like clear this gap and that gap or  like run off of here and like bounce on multiple   so quickly that you could clip in the stairs it  just didn't seem possible there was an idea to   do what's called a damage clip right here if you  take damage while moving downwards inside a wall   then during the damage animation you'll keep  scrolling in the wall and clip into it and   that those are pretty specific conditions because  you can only take damage while moving downwards   from like a spiny a hammer or a fire bar basically   those are your options i guess piranha plant  so we had that idea to do that right here   but like you also would have needed some  bullet bills to bounce off of and if you   got bullet bills to follow you here then one of  the hammer bros didn't spawn and it's the hammer   what you needed to throw the hammer to clip off  of so yeah it just didn't work out but that was   that was like probably the closest idea that  didn't make it in basically everything else did   anyways for this section um we bounce on this  koopa to help us get out of the floor and then   do a wall jump here and then that's all while  this coupe on the right is spawned and then we   use it to clip in the next floor um and  again we're managing like the rng of where   when this coop is going to wake up and what  direction it's going to walk um because we want to   walk to the right um and you need this section um  one thing is you can't reach this pipe with like   less than running speed from down here so you i  think at one point we probably like bounced up and   waited for the cooper to wake up again and then  jumped up or something um but happily had a really   smart solution which was to bounce off of it and  then wall jump and that gets you up here with the   gravity that you need because you need you can't  use running speed gravity for this next clip   yeah you need walking i think at one point we  were just like ditching that first koopa and   only using the second one and we were like getting  out of the floor instead of wall jumping early on   i don't know if it was before you were not we  were using bullet bills at the end i don't know   if you knew that oh no i didn't know that also i  love this screen scroll yeah that looks so cool you almost never seen mario face right the  whole time and be able to do a screen scroll   yeah i didn't i don't even really understand he presses right to fall off the block and then  presses left to go back on the block oh i see yeah   yeah i was totally lost when i watched it too and  i had like watch the input display frame by frame   but yeah i was so creative that was um a lot  of a3 was done by the smile cat like a while   ago we were talking about trying to clear this  gap with these koopas but we couldn't get it   we couldn't pull it off just about a month ago  i was like messing around with it some more and   then i found the strat of bopping the second or  the first koopa twice um and then i was able to   like prove it theoretically possible to pull  this off but it like it looks like we just   run to the right at the start of this room and  then just use the koopas as their spawned but   there's like the spawning these koopas  is heavily manipulated and it's very   very precise if you just run to the right the  way the koopas spawn you can't clear this gap   um there's like a lot of sneaky stuff that's  done to start to make it just barely possible   to clear this gap and then you'll notice that  the a button is uh held the entire time here   because we don't do any extra a  presses throughout the rest of   the next room so that does a buffered jump  right here if you're holding a when you enter   a level or come out of a pipe it buffers a jump  which also caused that weird animation glitch um and then also because we buffered a jump  there which saved a press uh because like we   carried over the same press that means that we're  stuck with whatever gravity we have which in this   case is standing gravity because we jumped  without any speed um and it just so happened   that that is the gravity we needed to get all  these crazy stuff all these jeeps to work um   and this is another level where mario's like  y position is managed very very very precisely   um you can see like one of the on the first  cheap bounce we like go up and to hit a wall   jump pixel on the first pipe then when we bounce  on a cheap later we don't hit the wall jump pixel   because we don't go as high because of like slight  minor variations in y positioning and i believe   one of these chips that's used on this like  right here on the right side of that second pipe   i believe one of those cheaps isn't even required  but the only reason we have it is to like   slightly change mario's y positioning by less  than a pixel so that we're able to climb up the   pipe i think it's this one um yeah because um it's  that same thing where mario would normally like   stand on the edge and like kind of teeter and that  changes the y uh that cheap does a similar thing   the thing with the cheap is like cheap sheeps  can jump at different speeds they can come up   at different spots you need them to go at like  the perfect spot basically um because mario can't   jump so a lot of times you bounce on an enemy by  like jumping and then falling down onto it but if   some if mario ever just like hits the top of an  enemy he'll bounce and you can only do that like   by running at them when they're perfectly at floor  height so like all of these chips have to come at   the perfect spot so wherever mario needs to bounce  on it it needs to be right there so his feet touch   it periwinkle made a spreadsheet and then um  basically the smile cat was able to use that to   brute force what um frames we should pause on or  like basically the combinations we could do to get   cheap cheap patterns that would let us clip  through the pipes and like staircase up this   pipe and this this was the fastest solution found  by it um is with all of these pauses and one thing   um that's pretty subtle in speed runs you  you go in this pipe because it it's faster   you're supposed to go in the next pipe to go to  the water room but you can go in this pipe if you   scroll the screen far enough to like load the next  pipes um entrance point basically so you do need   to scroll the screen far enough but also when  you come over here you start making three cheap   jeeps jump at the start of the room only two cheap  cheaps can jump but if you scroll the screen far   enough or like come far enough into the room three  cheap cheap start jumping so that lets you get a   faster pattern up as well or like it might even be  required so that you can do this crazy staircase   okay so we're still holding a through that  whole room you let us buffer jump in the   at the start of the previous room  it also buffers a swim right here   that actually does not save an a press because  you could use a swim to clip through the corner   right here um so if you had to release  then you would clip through the corner here   and yeah that lets you go all the way through  this wall in one a press instead of buffered   swim plus one swim since we were able to hold a  all the way it's faster to just go over but if   we couldn't then that was an alternate possibility  that frame you were just pausing a moment ago was   shooting the invisible piranha plant that's in the  pipe we come out of that's not some crazy glitch   but just kind of funny because there's actually  piranha plant in the pipes underwater it's just   they're behind like yeah the picture of the  prana plant is behind the picture of water   so you can't see it just like uh the water is  on a layer right front of the uh piranha plant right there that's also why mario disappears  when he goes in the pipe at the end   and then there's another uh probably pressing  down off that ledge to make mario's hitbox smaller   same as falling off the other ledges yep  right there but it's always the last frames   you never actually get to see the crouch  but trust me he's crouching look at this yeah we also spent so much time  on this last room entertainment this is the part that you tasked cosmic these  are your inputs whoa sub optimal falling crazy   this part i like made up though i wanted to  make him keep falling off while turning around   wow probably could have been done  better but now kriller took over   he did nice nice turns and all this nice beat  this part he's like spinning around like crazy there's like the fireballs exact positioning  like subpixel stuff are manipulated really   heavily here just so we could shoot do we like  we said so much time just for like this moment   like to shoot some fighters usually the fireballs like those fireballs will often hit the  pipe instead of bounce over it both like certain   scenarios they can bounce over it look at the like  he's doing the crouch every other frame thing but   mario's also shooting a fireball that's so pretty  and then same thing with bowser is like you do   some crouches so you don't get hit yeah and then  look how cute we only have to do one crouch there   okay look bowser dies in five fireballs you might  think oh i've heard this thing where you can do   double damage to bowser sometimes that's only if  you hit him like right here so you can't do that   from the back so one fireball two fireballs  three fireballs four fireballs five fireballs that's the end of the test it's so close  that's the minimal minimum a presses test   that's all that went into it yeah uh try to  make it technical enough that you understand   how much went into it but hopefully  still in a way that anyone could follow   and just kind of understand what went into  it even if you're not the person who made   mario go in the ground in a2 because even  i don't know everything that happened there yep so 62. it's it seems like maybe a big number  especially if you know mario 64 gets all 120 stars   in like 18 or something now um but that's a  very different game they can they can move   they have lots of enemies and they put them  wherever they want and do all sorts of stuff   and we have tiny little bounces off of like  really simple enemies so yeah yeah and there's   there's no way you're getting over the first  goomba or the first pipe like it's just yeah   there's just no way we have like we have like left  right dna to deal with like yeah you're gonna have   to use awful buttons no like a backwards slope  walking in shallow water to build infinite speed do you
Channel: Kosmic
Views: 128,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kosmic, cosmic, kosmicd12, speedrun, Super Mario Brother, smb, twitch, highlight, SMB1, Super Mario Bros., Super, Mario, Bros., Nintendo, TAS, Tool Assisted, Tool Assisted Speedrun, Challenge Run, Minimum A Presses, ABC, A Button Challenge, Pannenkoek2012
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 26sec (2666 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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