Liyue Locations: Pronunciation Guide (Genshin Impact)

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also known as dps queen hello and welcome to the live locations pronunciation guide that y'all have been asking me for for literally six months i'm sorry for the tardiness of if anyone ever gives you crap about being a procrastinator just send them my way and i'll show them how it's actually done we will jump right into it but before that let me go through how it's gonna work okay so first i'm gonna display a screenshot of the location on the ganshin impact map so you can situate yourself and understand what this location is i'll also have the name in chinese followed by like an americanized spelling of the name that i think will help at least american english native speakers i've test run this on a friend who doesn't speak mandarin chinese and it worked pretty well at the end of the video i'm also going to include disclaimers and notes as well as a patch of the character names that i missed in the libya character names guide which i will also link in the description and in a pinned comment below first up is ching ching i'm gonna add a quick disclaimer on two points here the first is that um as a southerner and i'm gonna talk more about this at the end as a southerner i don't really have a differentiation between like a back nasal tone that we often have in chinese that northerners do so northerners you might hear them say something more like i'm not doing that quite right but as a southerner who speaks mandarin our nasal sounds of the ing especially will come out just sounding like [Music] my second note here is not to worry too much about the tones if you're not a native chinese speaker even the chinese dialects like within all the different dialects we use different tonal systems so what really matters is that you're here and you're trying to learn and we applaud you for that so it's just and if i were just saying this in like an english sentence for example i would probably drop the tones and it would just sound kind of like hey let's head over to chingsaw village you're gonna notice this in a lot of vowel sounds um it's kind of two sounds strung together so with the hua it's and then you blend them together to say it over and over again and it will string together into one sound stonegate does not need a pronunciation guide because it was fully localized into just english but just for fun the chinese name is which literally just means stone gate so that sh sound is just a little bit tricky especially for native english speakers so start with the american english like shh sound and then curl the tip of your tongue against the back of your front teeth so like what you would do for like an er sound at the front of your mouth rather than in the back and then add it into the sh sound so it's like shh try to get to that sound and then you'll know you have your tongue in the right place so this is another one of those two vowels into one yeah [Music] a quick note on that shu in english we have a lot of diphthongs in general actually most of our vowel sounds have some kind of diphthong in them and a diphthong is where the vowel sound kind of changes over the course of the syllable um in this case it doesn't so if you listen to like it keeps like your mouth keeps the same shape for the duration of the of the vowel sound so an americanized pronunciation of that word might sound like shu ching shu right which is pretty close but again if you're able to remove that diphthong it'll get you a lot closer so instead of ching shu just say arrive at the ending of that vowel sound and then just hold it the fun note here is that the y sound in english is like it's kind of a soft sound like like you yikes yup you start with like a yeah sound in chinese the y often has a bit of a glottal stop so a glottal stop is like a uh has a glottal ha does not have a glottal so in this case you can hear me like adding the glottal in as opposed to you but you is you know you're close but if you can add the glottal you're good you're golden that's it um as a fun sidebar for this one i've actually heard someone call this kuchi slope and since i have the sense of humor of a middle schooler that's all i've been calling it ever since but the official pronunciation and mandarin trend uses this this one this one really got me my final sidebar this is our last location oh tom really screwed with me because when i was just looking at the pinging i super thought it was going to be like oh it was not it was totally different oh character and then instead of sung it was tongue and i just i don't know why that messed with me so much but it did pausing for a quick note i looked this up after i finished filming and found this reddit thread about how actually the localization team made the same mistake i did because tsung and tang are written as the same character it's a doing which just means it's one character with multiple pronunciation options so actually early on when genshin was first released the map actually said ao zang instead of al tang which is what it says now so that explains my initial confusion i think also sorry i just realized that i missed like literally my favorite spot in the whole game it's called lu or luha pool and it's based off a real life location in the world it's called huanglong and i've actually been there so i'm gonna drop a photo that i took when i was there as you can see in the photo the weather wasn't so nice it was a little overcast but when the sun is out it looks exactly the way it looks in the game so with the blues and the yellows and the iridescence and the water it's incredible all right so that's it for locations i'm gonna do a quick patch for all of the characters that i missed or weren't released yet in my previous livia names pronunciation video so if you haven't seen that video yet that's linked in the description and in the pinned comment the zh sound here is really tricky actually especially for english speakers but we have this sound in english so think of um drive for example when you say the word drive or drought or draft that like dr sound in the beginning that's basically what the joule is so try that just take the the sound from the beginning of drive and add the to it so also known as dps queen so now that we're done with character name patches let's go into notes disclaimers and faqs the first probably most common question i got was are you chinese yes i am i'm chinese-american by that i just mean that i was born here in the u.s my parents immigrated here from shanghai and that's why i have a really standard sounding californian accent it's also why i have a little bit of shanghainese in my mandarin chinese accent actually so most southern chinese accents really don't have like the r curled retroflex sound most of us just have really flat tongue wise really flat sounds and consonants so for example the chong li that sound in there for us it would probably just be i don't have this problem quite as much as a lot of shanghainese people i know but it's still definitely confusing for me and i often have to look up like which consonant sound it's supposed to be another common thing with southern chinese dialects is that we often drop that this like back nasal sound that a lot of chinese words have especially the ones that end in ing so for example the shin in shin yin is very different from the shin in shinchu but when i say it it sounds mostly the same if a northerner were to say those two things it would sound a little bit different it would sound kind of like xin yin and then did you notice that swallowing sound at the back i'm probably not doing that completely correctly but southerners and shanghainese people like me we just don't we don't do that i'm not i'm not familiar with that sound so i don't say it in my day-to-day mandarin chinese this brings me into my next point which is that there are lots of chinese dialects like lots of them and one might even argue that you know there's no one correct chinese pronunciation because all of these dialects are technically chinese and all of them are you know perfectly valid dialects so who's to say that like there's a standard chinese pronunciation this gets really political i'm not gonna lie there's a lot of complicated history here the government had like conventions where they decided across multiple conventions actually what the standard and correct chinese pronunciation would be in terms of like mandarin chinese it has been difficult as you can tell by even my own struggles or even listening to my parents talk uh it has been difficult for a lot of people to standardize on like a clean pronunciation that everybody can get behind so in the same way that you wouldn't say that a californian accent is any more accurate or standard than a texan accent is i would make that same argument for chinese dialects right and so the reason i raised this point is that you the viewer as probably someone who is not a native chinese speaker you don't need to worry too hard about pronouncing things wrong because even we don't technically get it right most of the time so the fact that you're even here and trying to learn it i think is already super admirable and i commend you and applaud you for trying to learn how to pronounce such an honestly difficult language the third and final point i want to make why do the japanese voice actors pronounce some of these names totally differently like for example ning guang became gyoko and chongli became shorty right like how did that happen why do they sound so different the reason for anyone who's not familiar with japanese is that japanese uses three alphabets one of those alphabets is called kanji kanji actually uses chinese characters and so what that means is that if those characters exist in both kanji and in chinese you can effectively read a lot of chinese names just as if they were written in japanese but in kanji instead of actual chinese characters that's it for my notes in faq and disclaimers if you've made it this far in the video i'm gonna give you a massive a plus right here print that out show it to your parents have them put it on the fridge that's one thing you can be proud of you know um i i really no i really mean it i am really really proud and honored um that people would try so hard to try and learn how to pronounce these names correctly and hope everyone's been enjoying the game so far i just rolled kazukalik a few days ago and i've been having so much fun with him and i'm really excited especially for inazuma which i think is coming out soon i'm going to be streaming a lot of inazuma gameplay and exploration when it does finally land so if you want to join me over on twitch i'm at ing underscore verse we'd love to see you all on stream come hang out anytime and thanks again for watching this video bye you
Channel: Ying - 莺
Views: 972,603
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mGEegOgq8qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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