TNT vs. Security House - Minecraft

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today we're building security houses to Shield us from that wow that's a humongous fear of TNT whoa yep we need to build a security house capable of withstanding the explosion from the TNT that's right Mikey easy I'll go first you watch sure Mikey do your best all right what kind of security house are you going to build Mikey just keep watching hmm good luck so just like this how do you plan for your security house to withstand the TNT explosion don't you know TNT's weakness it's weakness keep watching hmm like this and this is it what are you doing be patient JJ see this TNT here I'll detonate it huh hang on Mikey what are you doing whoa no need to act so surprised see huh TNT doesn't do damage in water didn't you know hmm oh interesting the TNT really didn't destroy anything when it exploded yep that's why I'm gonna use TNT's weakness water to build an absolutely safe security house I know your weakness TNT whoa just watch JJ good luck Mikey like this and this hmm what are you making there Mikey this is a water barrier water barrier yeah okay A Place Glass Blocks just like this hmm and then up here I'll pour out the water hmm okay whoa this is a water barrier oh theoretically anything on this side of the water barrier will be completely undamaged by the TNT impressive Mikey you really made a barrier out of water here oh it should even be able to block the TNT spheres explosions interesting Mikey you really thought this through and now for some of this right here hmm oh are you building your house Mikey Yep this is my house the water barrier will protect it so it's safe here yep huh very interesting Mikey your strategy is that your house will be safe inside the water barrier yeah and here like this [Music] oh and now to place my bed like so and then this goes here and I think I'll place a jukebox to listen to music on oh very nice wow next I guess I'll build a barricade for the entrance whoa you're making a barricade yep like this and this now for some Redstone Dust here [Music] hey my barricade is finished see wow impressive Mikey oh that wraps it up for my house oh so the lever is there to block the entrance and protect you from the explosion yeah yeah is your house finished Mikey no no play some lasers next here lasers that's some heavy security Mikey yep that's right how's this mm-hmm I think I'll connect the lasers here okay like this see here the area inside the lasers is the Zone protected by the water barrier it'll definitely be safe oh I see Mikey the area behind the security lasers is safe yeah that's why I'm surrounding this area oh should be safe hmm [Music] all right finished the area around my house is all protected by security lasers impressive it's safe in here while I'm here I think I'll make a farm you're making a farm yeah well making a farm is nice but won't the explosion from the TNT destroy it what a chance JJ you really don't get it uh look carefully JJ this area is protected by the water barrier so it'll definitely be fine well I guess so next up I think I'll plant my beloved carrots oh okay it's a carrot Farm a little of this wow it's finished your security house is finally finished yeah that wraps it up for my security house oh it's awesome Mikey I wonder if your water barrier will really be enough to cancel out the explosion from that giant TNT sphere you still don't get it JJ yeah as long as there is water in the way all damage from the TNT will be nullified water is TNT's weakness well I guess I should test it Mikey are you ready of course I'm ready everything is completely ready to go see oh all right then let's find out if Mikey's security house will be able to withstand the explosion from the giant TNT sphere I already know how it's gonna turn out all right yep this will be a piece of cake hurry up and light it okay well I'm gonna light it hurry up ready to detonate I built my security house behind TNT's weakness I'm so smart here goes Mikey three two one ignites night water barrier will nullify every last block of TNT I wonder if Mikey's house will be able to hold up whoa my water barrier will protect me oh whoa protect me Mikey's house is doing fine whoa incredible the water's protecting me huh hang on oh Mikey's house the TNT blew it up yo hang on Mikey 's house wow oh Mikey got caught up in the explosion there's nothing left of your security house my security house got blown to Smithereens it's gone I thought my plan was perfect I thought that water being TNT's weakness it cancel out the entire explosion JJ still Mikey you were doing great up until the end well now it's my turn to build the security house oh it's JJ's turn [Music] okay I think I'll build my house around here what kind of security house will you build JJ first of all I plan to build a security house with an underground shelter so I'll start building my house like this just like this I wonder what kind of house you'll make JJ okay now I'll build my roof just like this and this oh all right now here like so that's my roof wow for the ground I guess I'll use a command like this from here to here and I've turned it all into blocks of quartz next I think I'll put the entrance here it looks very sturdy but can it withstand the giant TNT's Fierce explosion it's quite close to the sphere I'm a bit nervous but it'll be okay now to start with I'd like to work on the interior of my house so hmm how about a red sofa and I think I'll want a TV whoa now over here I'll set up my TV looking good and over here the sofa something like this yes oh nice now this doesn't look quite right so I think I'll make some windows hello I think I'll put a window here something like this I'll change these to glass windows too next Mikey I'd like to make my underground shelter you're building a shelter underground that's right it's like you said Mikey TNT's weakness is water that's why I'll make the underground entrance a water slide so over here how though I think I'll put in a pool first I'll turn this area into a pool I'll make these blocks of quartz like this [Applause] [Music] this pool will be the entrance to the underground shelter now fill it with water like this okay Mikey that does it for the pool oh next I want to build the entrance here something like this and I'll use these to build it now to build the Redstone circuit I'll place these repeaters here just like this then hook up a redstone circuit and then to connect to the opposite side something like this now for the repeaters on this side time to hook it all together with redstone dust whoa [Music] okay then I'll set up a lever on this side I'll set it up here just like that oh okay this will be the entrance whoa next up this is where I plan to put the water slide yes so I'll build a water slide like this right here [Music] and now on this side like this so it all connects together whoa [Music] then I'll do something like this right here like so I'll use a command now to make a space Oh with a little of this create an empty space I made a giant empty space wow okay the entrance to the underground shelter is complete incredible all right the bottom of the pool is the secret entrance to your underground shelter yeah this is the secret entrance we can slide down the water slide and get inside oh wow now to turn this huge empty space into an underground shelter huh but JJ the TNT explosion was massive I don't know if you can be sure you'll be safe underground you're right Mikey but that's okay to make sure I'll upgrade my defenses with obsidian oh this obsidian won't break from a TNT explosion uh-huh all right then I'll put this right here then I'll use a command ah and for the other side right here and with this sweet ow my huge empty space is ready it's all obsidian now that sure is sturdy ah is that the pool yep yeah whoa okay obsidian feels too dark so let's line the inside of the obsidian with blocks of quartz a place blocks of quartz all around like so to make the inside of my shelter look brighter just like this with all of this padding I think it'll be able to withstand the giant TNT sphere oh just like this all right now to do this side as well just like this okay now I just need to finish this section covering it with blocks of quartz all right the empty space is ready time to decorate the interior I want to make it a super comfy security house whoa all right so this comes first I want to make a pool for the water to pour into whoa just like this I'd like to make all of this the pool about this size next I'll use a command here from here to here like this there yes whoa and now to fill the pool with water just like that the pool is filled next I want to put some benches to lie on next to the pool like this then on this side something like this I'm setting up a diving board here okay the pool is finished Mikey oh it's nice okay Mikey I want the interior of my underground shelter to look good so I'll hang up some paintings this house just keeps getting better just like this here whoa I'm putting up lots of paintings I want to cover the walls in paintings it's getting fancier JJ like that all right whoa whoa it looks impressive it's awesome all right now on this side I want to put up just a few more like this whoa okay all right next I want to build a farm so I can be self-sufficient a farm next so this is how I'll make my farm you could live in here with a farm that's right it would be quite comfortable I'll make a giant farm here wow like this now to fill this with water moving on I'll till the dirt blocks to plow the field that's quite a big farm just like that all right still there's no sunlight here so the plants won't grow that's why we need to set up some torches like this then I'll Place torches here like that now I'll plant various seeds here just like this [Music] like that okay next I'll put watermelons on this side uh and I'll plant pumpkins too I'll start by planting watermelon seeds here and uh over here I've switched to planting pumpkin seeds just like that oh foreign next I want to make another giant farm over on this side like this till the soil just like that let's put up some torches oh and now I'll plant carrots here just like this that's a lot of carrots like that okay I'm planting beetroot seeds over here yum all right with that my farm is now complete Mikey whoa you did it wow it's pretty big you won't be low on food that's right Mikey all right next I think I'll build a ranch on this side I'll build it here I think I'll make it this wide like this I'll build my giant ranch right here like so [Music] all right next up I'll use commands it's a ranch so it'll go from here to hear like that I'll switch them out for dirt blocks wow I'll do the same on this side too [Music] nice I changed them to dirt blocks yeah all right next up I'll make entrances okay my Ranch is finished sweet all I have to do now is put animals in the pens build them with them with ants like this [Music] nice my giant Ranch is complete yeah yeah you did it whoa It's really wide Mikey there are so many animals whoa and finally I want to build a room for us to relax in so here I'll do something like this I wonder what it'll be like I'd like to make it a really big room like this whoa I'll Place glass blocks to build it like that nice ah I think I'll make this the entrance something like this okay uh next over here I'd like to make this the bathroom I'll have this space be the bathroom like that oh next I'll put the entrance here oh the paintings fell off I guess I'll put them back up okay I'll put the toilet on this side and on this side I'll set up the bathing area this should go over on this side and here I built a shower wow all right now I'll fill this with water like that and that all right the bathroom is finished it's so roomy yep it is quite roomy moving on I'd like to make this side a place for us to relax first over here I'd like a big bed like so I think I'd like a TV as well that should do it I'll put one over here too and now I'll place the sofa so we can relax in front of it wow hmm next I think I'll set up a computer and stuff here something like this it needs a chair too okay our relaxing area is complete wow whoa does that mean your security house is finished JJ hmm no Mikey I found a flaw in my security system huh where's the hole in your security it's already perfect no Mikey TNT can pass through the water barrier so it's possible that it might make its way down into the shelter true that means I've got to build something to stop that so I'd like to build a mechanism right here oh okay I'm gonna make a button that closes off the entrance I think I'll put it over here which means up here I'll connect it with the Redstone circuit maybe two blocks apart okay first up the button is right here so I'll leave the redstone dust off from it then I'll Place dispensers here like so next I'll connect repeaters right here this is how I'm building the Redstone circuit I'll break this away too and this side is the same hook up the repeaters and connect them with the Redstone Dust just like this okay now to close it all off just like that I need to be sure to use obsidian to close it up right okay that should do it next I'll Place buckets of lava in each dispenser huh lava like so what's that for all right it's complete oh so if I push this button lava will pop out from those dispensers oh when that happens the lava will touch the water and create obsidian that will seal off the entrance oh wow you're even blocking the entrance with obsidian it's perfect Let's test it Mikey okay all right let's get this test started oh I want to flee into your security house too JJ sure Mikey let's flee into my security house together yeah I wonder if my security house will be able to withstand this giant TNT sphere it sure is big all right what'll happen let's find out press the button three two one click huh yo it's lit it's lit lit whoa ouch this is bad Mikey it's incredible hurry hurry up let's get to the shelter it made it this far what an explosion hurry we did it hurry my Jeep I'm activating the security system explosion wow wow did it work huh it turned into obsidian Mikey it should be sealed up by now whoa is it gonna be okay all right Mikey we can relax I guess hold on the explosion is unbelievably powerful but your house isn't even phased by it you're right Mikey no it looks like we're okay [Music] whoa Mikey our paintings fell off the walls the rumble of the explosion reached through the walls still it looks like we'll get by without taking any damage yeah nothing else is broken inside the security house incredible security I'm hungry let's eat some carrots good idea I am hungry let's Harvest some carrots I guess we can hang out in our room take a break it's still quite an explosion at least it seems like the shelter will hold up looks like we'll be okay as long as we're in here yeah let's eat some carrots delicious these are great yum yum yum yum yum yum huh TJ hold on it sounds like the explosion settled down oh amazing we've survived we did it Mikey yay your security house is really amazing JJ all right let's take a look outside yeah let's go see let's exit from here I'll Place some blocks here to reach it I'm really curious about what it looks like outside inside the shelter was completely unharmed I'll break through this obsidian I wonder what it's like out there Mikey that was quite a large explosion what's it like out here hmm whoa it's a mess out here it really is we survived the giant TNT sphere if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time [Music]
Channel: Maizen
Views: 5,038,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: Irp6DktfG00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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