Speed Texturing with Peter France

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my [Music] food oh oh one [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right all right all right i think we're live peter okay hey buddy how you feeling i'm feeling pretty good man um that in and out last night was pretty perfect yep much needed supreme we're live right now we're live right now oh wow okay at least i think so if i'm not screwing everything up let me turn it on we're live right now yeah good morning everybody hopefully everyone can hear us um hopefully everyone can see us me and peter we're gonna be hanging out today uh it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome yeah it's gonna be making some textures hungover edition it's gonna be great yeah we had a go going away party for a friend mutual friend last night um they're moving away from la so you know it was it was a good night it was a good night good night i i had a lot of wine which is like i think a sugar based alcohol and that's never good on the system so we're we're persevering we got the we got the coffee we got the spicy water got the normal water so i think i'm all set i got a cucumber bro wait you have an actual cucumber right here yeah yeah i can't see you but you gotta trust that it's here you know okay i got a cucumber water wait i'm confused do you have a cucumber or a cucumber water the cucumber from the salmon oh my god yeah i can hear you crunching yeah it's real great so we're back we're doing it big um peter and i are gonna take your suggestions via the discord link it's in the description check it out um we're texturing your suggestions we're going to speed texture your suggestions and you know we've done this before with modeling we're going to do a few rounds here i'm going to do more than a few rounds we're going to start with five minute rounds and then we're gonna do a 15 minute round and then we're gonna do a 30 minute round and we got sotomonte um moderator supreme behind the scenes here he helps set up the stream he's taking your submissions and he's putting them through the sotomonte like pinwheel thing and he's just you know he's calling the shots today so we don't know what we're going to texture yet but we know we're going to be texturing stuff and i'm in c4d peter's in blender um and then i'll review your weekly challenge submissions the top five winners and after that after hours we're playing smash bros oh yeah you you feeling okay buddy i'm feeling okay enough to three stalk you that's for sure yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure just as long as you're in a good place like mentally i wouldn't want to you know put you in a for sure dude that's very considerate coming coming from you dude that's very considerate yeah yeah i i'm trying to be better so [Laughter] um before we hop in while people get their suggestions in uh discord link in the description um i wanna tell you guys about about my my weekend i went to camp mograph and it was the best time ever um it looked so fun was i telling you last night about it at all or no i don't remember okay basically no it really was the best thing ever so like can't mograph if if anyone doesn't know mograph.com people who run mograph.com put together this camp experience for people in the 3d industry 2d as well and it's a place to go out and disconnect from the phones and the computers and really just meet people um share a good time together there was you know hacky sack ping pong rock climbing archery hikes i taught yoga like it was so sick it was so sick um did you guys sleep in bunk beds yeah yeah so i was glamping you know we had bunk beds and stuff but the whole time i was there i was like man i was thinking of you and i was like peter's got to come next year it's the best oh yeah dude oh yeah um i would love to yeah it's such a good time yeah you could probably teach next year um cause wow i taught a surface imperfections class ah that's fun it was so cool it was there's so many great takeaways like everyone at that camp there's probably 150 people there like people was there ashtorp was there windbush ej um like all the people who make tutorials were there and that's amazing yeah it was super sick um jules from otoy was there makes octane it was great it was really great and like you know everyone everyone is very understanding and just knows where everyone else is at so they're like ah you're going through this right now man i'm going through the same thing or i've been there yeah a lot of shared experiences i imagine definitely yeah it was it was good um so i'm still vibing off of that and just excited to create and not so worried about everything you know so worried about oh the stream's gonna be perfect and this is gonna be perfect and i was watching mark robie's stream too oh man yeah so good and like he just doesn't care you know he's like he just goes and he does his thing and you know his last stream had like a camera collection he's like i know but i'm not stressed out about it and i'm like i could i could use a little bit of that you know so hey i mean the fact that you are so stressed out just shows that you care like for everybody watching clint puts so much work to these streams it really cares a lot about yeah and soto as well you know he's helping out it's it's hard to do on of course on your own and i really appreciate you um being down for this so what's up to show up last minute and and do textures with my boy yeah dude excited heck yeah uh ciron i see you uh happy to see you guys is what he says thank you thank you sai awesome awesome so um let's let's let's move forward let's go over to this two-person display and see if there are no technical difficulties okay yeah yeah we're good so this is what we're doing right we got the prompt up top we've got a five minute timer for the first uh for the first prompt here this is gonna be a nice warm up for the both of us we're going to create a texture um based off of your suggestions again the link is at the top of the description uh drop the name of the texture like if you want us to do a wood texture um show a picture of it upload a picture and simple descriptive text that says would um and sodamonte will grab it he's working behind the scenes they'll populate the prompt and uh and we'll just go for it and we'll we'll have this first round we have five minutes on this first round we have to create it no mega scans okay none of that um we got bridge open ready to go no dude disqualified i'll drive down there and slap you myself [Laughter] like that 20 minute drive yeah seriously um so yeah we're gonna try to do as procedurally as possible i'm probably gonna use my surface imperfections pack if it's like if oh my i'm a bit you know product placement dude sometimes you just got to get it in there [Laughter] okay where can i where can i get this pack well you don't have it you don't have service imperfections on your computer i got you know polygon surface imperfections you use those okay cool i'll send you this stuff later when we're not on the stream okay cool um but uh i might sneak some of those in there but yeah i'm trying to keep it as procedural as possible i say that now but you know i'll figure it out soto do you have the prompt ready do you have the first five minute prompt shoot up all right sweet yeah i everything up sorry oh my god oh my god oh we're going right now hold on moss five minutes we have moss okay that i don't know let's start uh i moved everything around where did i go objects materials okay i guess a glossy material huh let's get this popped up over here um yeah let's apply the material to the sphere that'd be nice i'm also gonna save my scene my desktop untitled one bright green and glossy huh you heard me boy all right green and glassy um a bit of roughness these days goes a long way uh octane has an has some noise i could probably use that in the bump channel what's your approach on this peter i'm just going yeah i'm going full procedural noise putting that in the bump uh displacement i got like a noise texture feeding through a color ramp to give it some variation in color a little bit oh that's a good idea yeah i'm going to try and give it some maybe like a velvety texture yeah cycles has a velvet shader for moss maybe i'll put this on a plane instead of a sphere this is like low poly 8-bit moss yeah let's get a noise open that diffuse uh with a octane gradient we have two and a half minutes by the way and if y'all want to join us in this mossy journey and the rest of these textures i'll be taking a look at everyone's submissions you can submit it on the discord same link follow the link in the description and there's just another another channel below that essentially where you can submit all your goodness um this looks like more octaves more octaves right input i'll give that some very oh dude the fuzzies if this was a 15 minute it'd be there'd be fuzzies are we allowed to i mean fuzzies aren't the real thing you could potentially make it work and i can throw some fuzzies on there can i do displacement a noise should be able to this might just crash everything 45 seconds oh boy wow i don't know what i'm doing this is about as far as i got dude this is some moss from a distance those are some swampy mossy adding fuzzies okay 20 seconds i dare you fine easy to resize my window though uh oh i feel like i can tone this down like five dude that's some like thick moss all right dude three two one time's up all right what you got yeah yeah yeah pretty good pretty good it's like grass it i mean that would definitely be like one of the quick like mega scans uploads you know yeah all right yeah it it functions you know i i wouldn't put it under scrutiny but it works for sure for sure um i don't know if you can see mine oh damn oh you got the roughness map going on that looks good you know it's actually bump because you do get roughness from bump like because it's breaking up the surface right so but it looks like hair almost like uh yeah kind of like strong across the surface underwater moss or something yeah yeah very simple um it's a very simple setup it's just bump channel with noise here um i threw a displacement texture or a displacement node in there that's not working so let me delete it and then in the color channel i just stole your idea and i have another noise in there with a gradient that's going between like a bright mossy green and a dark dark green so there's a little bit of variation in there that's it five minutes so what is it what are we seeing on your viewport it looks different than the texture final what are you talking about i don't like the the noise it looks so much different than what's being oh i got you that's probably just because octane and hold on my my stupid screen hold on wacom has this thing um yeah it doesn't update sometimes like entirely so i don't know good times um walk us through your process what you got going on ah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah do you clean it up first off by the way okay so yeah we got our uh just principal bd bs df bdsm um which is just blender's you know default shader it has all of the physically accurate settings here that's feeding through a mix shader that also has some velvet going on here so i can velvetiness but a little bit i feel like you know you just have like the tiniest little bit of velvetyness sauce also have a noise texture feeding through a color ramp which is some variation in color i could yeah that is um then that is also feeding into the displacement node which is that's it sick very simple very very simple very similar approaches i like the velvet on it i think it's really nice um heck yeah let's see what everyone else did um if anyone did anything if anyone joined us let's see um let me switch over to the discord view hopefully this works i think i have to open up discord okay that's not what we want to look at hold on um bear with me bear with me y'all which uh chat is it in submissions it's at the top it's at the very top on submissions dude these are nice these are nice mitch mitch up in here as you master yeah everyone's working with the noise and the bumps bumpy noise ted open noise i like that lovely taco very nice that's good stuff good stuff all around oh yeah ooh ego robbie that's like 8-bit style i like that a lot very nice michael looks that looks fantastic sweet yeah we got some good ones we got some good good uh good mosses everyone's in we got mr ant popping off mr ant is like killing it by the way he is from india i believe and is just constantly sending me his work you know and he's he's improving like constantly improving he's so good really really cool to see um sweet yeah let's let's hop into the next one here this is already fun let's save our stuff here um let me let me let me properly say this a live stream let's see speed texturing and somebody's saying flaming hot cheetos lemonade cheetos oh that'd be pretty sweet that'd be pretty sweet um you see how this is moss five mins all right we got another five minute texture or five minute shader ahead of us so let's see just name it i'll name it in here look at our moss five minute moss boom good to go all right i'm chilling how you doing i gotta go dude you gotta go yeah you can wrap this up without me yeah dude i got it i got it all right everybody peace shout out we got shout outs to give um jan petrasen vibes um thank you for the super chat i appreciate it i'm glad that you're enjoying it um you know we're doing this stream without music put on your own music put on your own vibes uh leave the option up to you we got i'll win thank you thank you ren says make a uranium shader i don't even know what that looks like dude and ren is in here by the way what's up surrender popping off hey ren we're playing smash later at the end of the stream you want to hop in get in there we got a proper setup this time by the way so uranium looks like some kind of but i wonder if he means like the glowing green [Music] style rhenium uh oh something that looks nuclear slash toxic oh like a like um yeah i got you i got you that'd be cool uh adam bubbling adam robiel shout outs to adam uh with the super chat victory big victory thank you so much for the support that's awesome man very generous of you and alwyn zero chance of failure that's what's up no matter what the fact that we're here and we're working on our texture game means that there is zero chance of failure even if we fail we're still popping off you know so um let's get going let's do the second one let me reset the timer okay we got another five minute one going soto um i assume we got one pulled yeah oh my goodness give me a minute here um give me a minute to just like google a reference photo of this real quick i'm just gonna go generic uranium radioactive um peter let me know once you have like a good reference and then we can we can hop into it oh wow okay so it's like if yeah if you type in uranium radioactive it's the first image that's the one that soto pulled okay all right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay i might go more uh like a bubbling uranium lava for this okay all right yeah ready to go yep let's do it all right five minutes let's do it all right uranium renderer so i can get some flow going on for like so that's a diffuse texture in octane um and it's dark up in here it's dark but maybe it will save the glow for just a second okay so it's like a bright green i like the noise situation in the color channel and you hit that with an octane gradient and we go right bright bright bright green and maybe yellowish touch yellow in there get just a mix of both maybe it's a little too yellow run away texture with the color ramp to kind of clamp some bubbles out of it dude just clamp them bubs dude i clamp them bubs son uh where are you bumpy noise octane noise always with octane noise projection xyz to uvw that way it wraps around anything you throw at it really nicely i always crank my contrast to 100 so i can actually see what my noise is doing let's see uh three minutes i feel like the the chance of something crashing would just destroy this five minute run here all right i gotta get the glowy stuff going so that's gonna be emission black body emission and we'll throw rgb spectrum which actually can just be this gradient it's really bright right now 20 seconds hmm not too happy with mine it literally just looked like there's no noise i need to scale up the noise two seconds left ah that's it shoot yeah oh boy is right oh this is hard i know that's that's a tough one hey yours at least looks like something man mine is literally just green emissive like this i mean i think if you looked at some radioactive uranium and oh my god the discord is popping off really wow people people have made some really cool stuff specifically lovely taco what the heck it's amazing well let's switch over dude you're hyping it up um hold on here we go discord mmm good vibes only that's nice i like the texture on that wow psycho on that's really cool i like the fractal look on it yeah lovely taco that's ridiculous i wonder if that's a surface imperfection or something that's really nice you know what it could be oh very cool uh eating yang um you got that looking good like it's very subtle barbvasi momo incredible these are nice these are much better than mine yeah oh that's cool that's cool oh ren that's good not ren wykman but r-e-n-n-e ren that's good i like that a lot like it looks like you're actually using you're only emitting on certain parts of it which is great like my whole thing is it's emitting on the entire thing and my noise uh bump is a little too small so it just looks like one solid color it's pretty bad actually i would need some more time with it but hey everyone's doing great work here that's solid peter walk me through your setup how did you do your your situation here so yeah we're starting with two varroanoy textures which are just like at the command and basically just looks like this nice mathematical ears or whatever and then i inverted that and threw that through a uh color ramp node to you know give it the green limey color and mix those two together fed that into the color channel and the emission channel of a support the sdf and then i also use that for uh you know a little displacement and what's cool about this one is if i add a mapping node to the textures i've used this trick a lot before for like puddles in the rain and uh like a bubbling egg yolk whatever you can actually since it's a 3d texture you can move it in 3d space and you get like bubbles popping up and around oh that's super cool yeah pretty well yeah good little tip uh for blender users if you have the node wrangler node wrangler add-on enabled you can hit any texture and press ctrl t it'll bring up a mapping node and then you can start screwing with it node wrangler that sounds like a person dude oh me yeah hey i'm a fan dude i'm a fan of that it looks really good what you got going on nothing look at this this is the worst it's like oh such detail if you zoom all the way in you can see that it's just green um it's just green baby yeah so i i let's go in here so it's very similar to the moss um i think it's my the glow that's killing me really yeah i think it's much or too little um i don't know to be honest see you can see the bump here but as soon as i put the glow on it uh it just washes everything out so i think i need to actually localize the glow with like a noise node or something um right yeah but yeah it's the same deal you know it's just i have two uh noise nodes here added together into the bump channel and in the color or the diffuse channel it's just another noise with a gradient choosing betw between two colors again very very similar to the moss it's like the same thing um but i just this was i ran out of time on this on this glow which i should have i should have done the glow man i should have got the glow to work my own fault that's my own fault um but hey for everyone joining us right now peter and i are doing speed texturing we are texturing your prompts there's a link in the description to a discord server um drop us some suggestions we're gonna do a 15 minute one right now we just did something weird yeah we just did two five minute rounds we're gonna hop into a 15 um take a little bit more time on this and i'm excited i'm i'm after this uh join us right we're gonna take a look at your submissions i got one more cucumber in your cucumbers dude okay i'm gonna hit the bathroom i'll be right back get it dude i'll hold it down mm-hmm good to be back you know i went to alaska and did a crazy week in alaska a bear safari and uh we got so close to grizzly bears and there's a part of me was like i always wondered if i could go hunting but after that there's no way there's no way i could go hunting after that those grizzly bears were just too cute and they were trying to get their fish and it was just a good time it was beautiful experience um we went mountain biking we went kayaking we went all around alaska alaska is huge so much to see in alaska i came back a week after that and i went to portland for camp mograph so it was a lot of traveling and a lot of adventure so it was a very good month and i'm back after a week i feel like i'm finally ready to get back to work and i feel refreshed i feel very good i'm working on a piece of art in unreal engine right now something for a friend of mine a musician i'm putting together like a little six to seven minute video for their song and i'm doing it all in unreal engine i'm gonna do a breakdown of my process and that'll come out the beginning of october october 2nd i think so i'm very excited about that i'm learning a lot i'm learning a whole lot in unreal engine it's a super cool program very excited to learn more about it but yeah yeah things are good no no no i'm not making a game um maybe one day maybe one day i'm playing games i love playing games but uh you're making a game i know that yeah yeah it's on hold right now it's a vr game it's a uh action romance game it's gonna be pretty ridiculous it's gonna be fun you were telling people about it at the party last night and people yeah actually down dude yeah well we were talking to um a guy who works at respawn entertainment on like titanfall and stuff like that yeah i gave him the pitch he seemed jazzed about it which was a nice feather in our cap so yeah super cool but you're working on your short film right now right oh yeah yeah games on the back burner right now i'm working on the short film you can actually see some set dressing over here we got like uh characters like doing a heist or whatever so this is all with all the the yarn and the thumbtacks and whatever that's awesome how's it been going back back and forth between a short film and a game like do you feel like it's a lot of work or do you like having two projects to go back and forth between i always love having two projects because you know i i my work is also my hobby so i try not to get too burnt out and a nice way to do that is like if you have two projects it's like work on one thing until it gets boring and then you work on the other thing until it gets boring and then you work on the other thing until it gets boring and you can just like keep swapping back and forth and that way nothing gets too boring and you can forever totally totally i find that i'm similar like i have a lot of hobbies and i love doing a bunch of different things as long as i finish what i started it's okay to hop around you know like it'll get bad if you can't finish it but that's the hard part that's what i'm trying to work through this month yeah trying to finish that short film for south by southwest see what happens but uh yeah i'm feeling good about it heck yeah man that's awesome that's awesome yeah brother um we got some super chats to shout out we got sadozen thank you for the super chat thanks for the support uh vj vj verma my goodness with that super chat thank you so much very generous of you greetings to all speed texturing is awesome i have a question for peter do you prefer to use blender with octane wow um you know i've never tried blender with octane i'm sure it's great i only use like the blender internal renderer or not the internal render the cycles is like blender's path tracing under and occasionally i'll use ev which is the real time renderer but uh you know i'm happy with cycles i don't really have a reason to switch over i mean unless it was like insanely fast or something like that i'm happy with work yeah maybe one day yeah and you seem to love octane everybody who uses it loves it i should give it a shot i mean it's kind of like the first thing that the first render i really fell in love with ren for the longest time i was using physical render in cinema 4d and he was like dude stop and i was like no i have to learn the first thing first and go to the second thing second and i just wasted my time i should have just been in octane but yeah like each person has their thing [Laughter] um johnson shout outs uh clint the left side your headphone lines up exactly at the corner of the wall and instrument holder case meets you are being crates balance i create balance that's what i'm saying um interesting very very interesting um uh what would you call that um my brain isn't working right now dude i feel the same way you're good derek i'm in like half capacity right now yeah yeah for sure but it's that loopy kind of goodness what you're saying um derek parra shout outs thank you sir thank you thank you the burton charles thank you i see you keep clamping them bubs um dude that's a shirt right there man clamp them both and clamp those bubbles i feel like that's a double entendre what are you up to tonight dude orange clamping bubbed you know i hope to be clamping bubs tonight we'll see what happens got on the town have some bubs that's this that's the funniest oh my goodness that's stupid all right um let's uh let's get into our first 15 minute one yeah great i'm so ready dude yeah i'm ready to spend some time on something um let me reset the timer here for 15 minutes give me two shakes 15 all right uh let's get that reset we got 15 minutes to create a texture that soda monte is going to throw at us that he chose from the ideas pool that everyone is thrown in to the discord server link in the description um sotomonte i think it's time man oh my god wow all right i'm gonna model a quick croissant i guess yeah same oh this is gonna be tough [Music] um 15 minutes starting now what's the quickest way to do a croissant i guess a cylinder or just cross section oh that's a good idea model from doing a circle is a good idea now i'm gonna just move forward with my bad idea let me at least at least throw this into some symmetry dude that's actually kind of jacked up for all my blender users that saved my life if you want to scale like say you're scaling something like i'm modeling this and i want this part to be smaller than this part but if i just scale it now now height of it also changes so if you want to just scale on two axes you can do that i'm gonna press shift or i'm gonna press s and then shift z and now it's only scaling on the x and y axes super can be and you can do that in c4d as well by uh toggling these little buttons up here through the nc40 yeah and i think i did it on accident this looks like a janky banana actually ah damn it that grid um i like your modeling techniques man you got some good modeling techniques i like your modeling techniques i don't know i don't know but hey i appreciate it man the this is banana dude this is the jankiest freaking croissant okay screw it i'm gonna pull through what on earth why this isn't a modeling challenge and they're supposed to be like layers of chunk layers of chunk oh so bad dude i like forgot how to use cinema 4d you want to pull up a quick tutorial or something that's cool yeah kind of in the same boat just gonna have to make this work god that's that's so bad that's so bad hey it's about the it's about the texture it's about the texture that's what we're here for not this like janky body pillow oh that's horrible okay let's try and texture this thing um specular texture whatever no dude pause i'm pausing i'm pausing i'm pausing pause pause i crashed i crashed oh hold on let me reboot no no no no stop working stop thinking there's a cookie dude a cookie disappeared oogie i think kim just dropped off a cookie oh thank you i didn't even know man wow unbelievable give me a second dude the unprofessionalism i mean honestly that's bad all right i'm gonna do this very quickly give me a moment don't you dare think about how you're gonna do the next steps i've been thinking about it this whole time oh boy can i like uv unwrap this in a creative way or are we just like just materials procedural uv i'm gonna wrap if you want i mean no i'm not i see your c4d yeah i know you're doing you got a moss doughnut i'm gonna i'm gonna re i'm gonna remodel it and then i'm gonna yes i got my i got my feet ready to jam out [Music] is that a shaker [Music] oh yeah all right don't you even move don't you even move i haven't touched my mouth nerf dart what do you call what you call let's me about your water bottle oh thank you i could see how you'd be confused thank you thank you oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay people are saying i'm working on the part of the screen that you can't see just creating a masterpiece okay i'm starting no no no no no god damn it what are you even doing see i can look i'm i'm catching up dude everything i see from you is like a minute late because i'm just watching the stream i can't see your video [Laughter] all right let me just bevel this edge and then we'll go dude give me a second making macaroni making beautiful magic save so janky okay all right all right ready oh yes all right three two one go um i'm gonna uv unwrap this sucker so it's like the curved surface is laid out full oh what am i doing all right croissant is like yeah okay i need it to wrap around this thing wrap this let's try cylindrical all right so i know i need to get my wrapping correct but i'm gonna move forward because if that is the last thing i do then fine but i'd rather have something than nothing nice golden brown all right you got your wrapping right how the it needs to be the other way though like it needs to go the other way um right crispy golden goodness okay you know what how much time do we have seven minutes oh that's a tough color to get oh that does not look good here's the questions like would you eat this that's the test it has to pass um can you not use a noise or displacement okay there we go so bad yeah i'm right there with you hmm i've never been able to get this placement to work this is difficult man this is very difficult not even on texturing yet [Laughter] dude this is laughable this is very bad i can't even unwrap this here we go wow this is just a pile um it looks more like wood than anything here so why don't we get easy ones man like why don't why don't we have wood all right um okay now so bad like this this could pass for a croissant that's not bad in a market in a low poly video game this is so booty we have three minutes that was the fastest 15 minutes ever jesus christ all right time to start materials dude that golden crispy goodness straight up looks like an xbox controller oh no minute 30. mm-hmm yes that's so bad what is this it's like a head crab oh oh oh painful dude you got the shape down yeah you got the shape down 25 seconds oh geez yeah yeah you got the shape down pretty nicely uh zero seconds time's up oh boy dude oh oh boy hey yours came out yours came out pretty good yours actually is a croissant um mine is like some sort of massage device i don't know what that thing is but i want to try it i want to take a bite it's so bad i can't tell like would it is is it would it be crunchy or would it be slimy um it'd be made of wood and you'd break your teeth if you but if you bit into it um i can't model dude modeling like i can't do organic modeling for the life of me um like i can model robot stuff no problem but organic modeling has always been my downfall and i've never really put the time in to to get better at it just because i feel like i don't really need to um because i like doing other stuff yeah but hey here's me justifying like this crappy thing um we got a couple super chats um melanie hey good to see you it's been a very long time um welcome back thank you for the moral support and uh greetings to peter as well very nice mystic thank you for the super chat it says clinton's a blast from the past but your puncher app still out oh my god that's so old own a shirt you got an app son i did have an app yeah 2014 or 2015 that's crazy what was it for it's some someone just reached out like hey we'll make you an app it's gonna be great you'll be our first customer and i was like that's cool all right why not you know um yeah that's long gone it's long gone i guess it's the discord server now um peter walk me through how you made a croissant so the important part here was getting the uv mapping right so that way the curves will follow the shape of the muscle um didn't quite get it right basically it's it's unwrapped like you're not familiar with uv unwrapping it's basically like if you have a gift wrapped present it's like you have the gift wrap on the present it's like what would that gift wrap look like if you just laid it flat or like a bare skin rug that's like i'm doing a terrible job of explaining this but basically you know it's like an unwrapped the bear skin rug is unlocked flat and then if you were to just if a bear were to wear a bare skin rug and you like stitched it back up it would be like pants and and a suit so basically it just tells the computer where to put the texture and uh so you can see this is these are all the vertices of the model right here and if i shift this around that actually nothing is happening because i that's why it oh my god i forgot to you actually use map okay now it should work no you can't change anything because time the time is up by the way so it looks good enough dude okay anyways so yeah we got a uh a noise texture that's just stretched to just squashed a little bit so it looks more like rings and that's feeding through another color ramp uh node which just has you know the round bits and uncooked dough a little bit of uh darkness in there just for contrast and that's feeding in color input and it's also feeding into the displacement input basically all the materials have been doing is just like noise of roanoi feeding into a color ramp that's getting into the uh color input and also replacement and a little squash and stretch little uh turn down the roughness a bit give it a line got a question that's very nice yeah for me i'm failing on the shape um and and even the texture too it looks more like wood than it does like a bakery item you got the bakery item vibe going it's really good it's really good i'm learning i'm learning from this um yours looks like um in the i mean this is a compliment in the like 1800s when you know like uh industrialized toys weren't a thing yet and so your parent your dad would like whittle you a toy and it's like here's a i made you a croissant son there you go it looks like the shoe insert you put into the shoes at the mall like but for someone with like club feet or something like dude it's so bad it's in the alien mall where they have like that that's the shape of their feet um it's okay i don't have to be good at everything this is fine i like it this is good good uh ego exercise for me um god you need it i know dude i know i can't stop talking about myself uh let's let's talk about everyone else's work here let's let's see what everyone else has going on right here this is good oh good damn dude people are so good this right here come on that's great so it's the shape that that we all need to get down it's the shape that's a brick wall that's not a croissant this is great yeah cartoon actually zzz has a really nice this one looks like a like a like some like puffy crunchy snack of some sort ah ted that's so good yeah i got those layers down impressive it's the shape man it's the shape and then then you hit it with the noise in the right direction and you're off to the races um dude these are some some of these are some like demented croissants oh my god look at uh roy the koi i'm going top to bot or um bottom to top right now so this one's just unfair that's insane that's a poop dude that's a straight up poop what which one are you looking at roy's yeah right it hurts dude so good for us oh my god matt madness hmm that's that's good see the here's the thing is like do you want to eat it do you get hungry when you look at it yeah these are great these are great good job everybody everyone's everyone's killing it honestly everyone's killing it man what am i doing i i shouldn't be i shouldn't be uh making croissant props or at least doing them in 15 minutes um as a job you know right well thankfully it's not your job how do you even spell croissant hey my like preview window looks not bad actually yeah you can't even see it but you gotta trust that actually it looks pretty it looks pretty legible yeah um i'm worried what's the next one gonna be dude give me a give me give me something i'm excited let's do it um hold on now hold on two one super chats we gotta get shout outs to um save polar bears i see you what are both of your inspirations for becoming a vfx artist and wanting to make games and videos and short films peter you go first okay good question um dfx i got into vfx because i was making movies with my like family's home camera when i was younger and i loved action movies and i was like i want some freaking muzzle flashes in there and so i uh you know i feel like that's honestly how every vfx artist starts is like making action scenes and you want some lightsabers so you google like software you get your ripped version of after effects or whatever just to like but like means to an end to be able to put effects in your own things and then over time it you realize it's really fun and you just get better at it uh yeah i mean i i love the effects it's not what i want to do like as a job um i'd rather be doing directing and stuff like that but i do love it i i think we're at the same exact position because i got into it because my brother had a picture camera with a video mode on it and um so i started messing around with that and i discovered windows movie maker came for free on my computer and i started i started adding muzzle flashes to my action scenes because i had airsoft guns as a kid discovered andrew kramer and that just went off you know um and then like i was i remember being in high school like messing around with a program called wings 3d and it's just like a free thing to mess around with and i loved modeling like modeling was actually believe it or not believe it or not it was the first thing that got me into 3d was was modeling because i love creating i love legos and like building stuff um yeah and then just control yeah yeah it's fun like you can do whatever you want and 3d to me was the idea of like you can create whatever you want as long as you're technically proficient and like you know how to get there so you're only limited by like what you can by your mind at the end of the day so yeah that's why i love 3d and then i want to make movies of course um direct movies because i love so many movies and i love the way they make me feel and i love creating so it's like a mix of all that stuff um i think we're on the same exact path you know are you ready to announce your uh concept not yet not yet okay but it's it's the one i found the one i found the one it's great i'm excited for everybody peter was there when i was like i'm honored yeah like what do you think about this man and like y'all just started laughing immediately and i was like okay this is good my friends like it i like it it's it's good that's always a good sign get people giggling yeah which is what i want to do why i'm not at corridor i should probably give an answer to that i haven't been trying to like avoid the question i just haven't gotten around saying it um they actually fired me because i smelled too bad uh they were like you're stinking up the studio walking by your desk is i have to hold my nose every time it's like a minefield in there you got to stop eating what you're eating or you got to start brushing your teeth and nope i will do neither of those things and they're like okay well there's nothing we could do and they let me go well i don't want to say anything because you know i could see it in your eyes i didn't need to um no but for real are you still there i'm still here okay cool i thought it cut out um no i mean we're still buddies and we're still working together but uh i think work on my own project but yeah like a part-time thing there now yeah you gotta gotta gotta do your own thing take care yourself but also you know do what you gotta do to make ends meet and everything oh yeah i've tried deodorant recently made a big difference um if you guys haven't heard of it you should check it out it's great you just like it's the slab thing you put on your armpit it makes you smell good dude i actually don't use deodorant really i never put it on got that musk musk no i don't think that like i smell really but that's what i've heard that like the more you use deodorant the more you need it oh that's terrifying i don't know if that's true that's terrifying well you really don't want antiperspirant because then you know trying to attract a mate you know those pheromones do a lot of the work for you i see anti-purse spraying up that armpit it's it's not doing you any favors that's why you go with deodorant it makes you smell good but it doesn't block the sweat that's a that's a that's a good point that's a good point um gareeb i see uh thanks for the super chat uh do an animated jet slash rocket engine exhaust oh boy oh that'd be cool that'd be uh that would be a job for ambergen which would be a fun stream just messing around ambergen that would be fun we should do this challenge but with like different simulations smoke sims fire sims i just don't know the program don't you have it i do yeah i do okay good yo cave's rd is in here welcome caves dude man i gotta try that new have you tried his new demo i haven't tried it but i've seen all the stuff on instagram yeah it's absolutely incredible man like so caves rd for people who don't know at caves rd is the like my inspiration for photoreal environmental unreal engine stuff um it's just so good like the looks that he gets out of it and i just want to like pick your brain to matt i want to sit down with you and just like watch you work or something cause i don't know if you do streams or what but yeah caves rd on instagram and you could probably find the rest of his stuff from there but dude it's so good and so talented and it's it's like the visuals and the vibes like the vibes are off the charts yeah you know excellent vibes like super chill music it makes these like these little uh exploration type games where you can like photography simulators you have a camera and you can take pictures and stuff and just like very chill vibes very serene it's it's the life i want to be honest yeah yeah it's it's what i look for when i travel like i love traveling like i was talking about alaska and it was just rainy there and i just had ambient music on the whole time and there was steam and fog and it was so beautiful and that's like i love that feeling it's so peaceful dude texture an armpit good idea why don't you just go texture in armpit bro um shall we shall we get into our last 30 minute round uh no yeah yeah usually smash bros i mean always but let's do it let's do it yeah no let's definitely do our last we'll do a last one we got 30 minutes to do it hopefully i can do it better than my croissant here um after that 30 minutes we're gonna do more cool stuff just not texturing so hang out with us um let me reset the timer real quick and we're gonna we're gonna do it we're gonna do a big those 15 minutes went by so fast it's unbelievable okay i got the 30 minute timer set up switch back over reset the timer yeah i mean that's a clint question that'd be sweet yeah that'd be sweet you can try and hook it up sweet okay yeah let's do it um let me delete and get rid of this don't delete it um okay let me just prep the scene real quick figure out what we're gonna do heck okay um i'm set you set peter yeah all right soto hit us whoa [Music] we're gonna get reference before we start the timer all right let me pull up some reference okay whoa oh dude that second picture wow the one with the tree well the close-up these two close-up ones that's beautiful okay frozen bubble okay that's all in the bump actually i think i'm gonna do something custom in photoshop oh wow yeah okay um do you have an approach on this peter do you have a plan lord of i i'm just gonna start messing around with some nodes and see what happens plan mess around nodes okay i'm gonna try and hop into photoshop and make a custom texture and use that on like my bump channel or something okay okay all right so we both have two different approaches to this frozen frozen bubble oh peter's just cheating okay let me start the timer goodness wait what oh we're starting with oh sorry all right just for the record we're already going cheating okay oh my god i had no idea let me open photoshop goodness dude wait can i start now yes dude okay [Laughter] nothing's stopping you at this point um let me adjust this a little bit all right so it's kind of like in a hexagon shape but there's like rivets to it oh yeah that's the brony with f2 hmm i'm gonna make a brush basically just make like a quadrant here a little pizza pie and divide it by six i think i'm doing this the long way but hey i enjoy it enjoy this turns into a triangle cut actually you do like a hexagon what's the best way to do a hexagon polygon tool shape six sides yeah there we go and i rarely use this polygon tool yeah let's fill it black and i just want basically it's the wedge so we'll take that and that's what we want that's perfect like that we just have our wedge bam so that's what we'll use to select our piece this here let's see this i want to use to reveal this yeah okay i'll invert that reveal piece there we go there we go unlink it and then we can actually just scale it up and stuff there we go sweet boom one of six created duplicate this take everything and merge cool smart object that way we can i actually to duplicate this ctrl j right up in there ctrl j ctrl e to merge ctrl t to scale transform boom and then one more ctrl j ctrl t yeah there we go wait okay so this is our brush i'm gonna double down on it if you hold shift it'll actually like draw a straight line in photoshop so i'm just clicking on the anchor or on the angle points here cool this will be our brush scale it up edit define brush preset soap bubble frozen uh frozen bubble frozen bubble yeah how you doing peter you still with us yeah i haven't said anything um and just trying to figure out this i'm in shape oh damn you're really good oh yeah no jokes here wow wow all right so let's set up a brush so i want to be able to scatter this around and stuff my brush settings here we go okay there's too many of them i think it's gonna be under [Music] shape dynamics scattering yeah it scatters a little bit the count we can take down count jitter tip shape spacing let's space them out a little bit and then i think you can do rotation angle 180 or maybe what if we just try like 30 degrees hmm i want that i want the angle to rent be randomized shape dynamics roundness bitter angled jitter there we go angle jitter 100 much time do we have 17 minutes 17 minutes that's so sure sweet okay okay um let's go one more let's go one more on that this is a really cool shape wild i don't even think i need to make it seamless i'm just i'm gonna do this in the possible way you're gonna draw it um i'm excited to see how this looks like this might just be it this might be game right here dude yeah maybe maybe maybe for you um plug it into the bump no not freelance there we go moment of truth okay okay okay let's wrap it and scale it box and transform it down so it's a little like intense really yeah let's try it again so like you can't it's too bumpy you can't tell like what the shapes are so i'm gonna do i'm just gonna take this down to like point two okay it's got potential um let's try the roughness channel i've been working mainly so cool good it's so interesting the light really shines through those things too they're like they're very very smooth let me go back to photoshop and try cleaning this up a little bit just come at these with like 50 gray or random opacity when i do that nice yeah that's kind of what i'm doing just through photoshop and i'm not even worrying about seamless because it has kind of a natural seamless thing or it has a natural uh way it breaks up and then let's see if we set this to we set this to black or maybe oh that's interesting let's see what this guy does for us 10 minutes ah interesting okay um adjust the intensity on this let's see we can turn this into a normal map filter 3d generate normal oh that's cool peter yeah all in blender oh yeah nice i love texture painting in blender with a normal oh crazy uh invert that i feel like it looks more like a soccer ball we got six minutes and dude thanks dude i'm wondering if like just going with different colored hexagons is really all it needs it's a little bit more subtle um hmm oh peter that looks really good yeah yeah yeah it looks really good oh yeah i think mine's like too rough let's take this down are you just in roughness pretty much yeah i have a little bit of bumpiness going on mostly roughness oh there we go a little bit of film layer i like the way you're going with it i can actually probably get the reflection oh okay okay we got two minutes let's see if i can do this reflection real quick it's going to be a gradient we're going to try loading up a preset um [Music] like a spectral pattern here full colors rainbow we'll get rid of the film layer just to see if this is working yeah peter yours looks nice dude yeah i think the lighting is yeah actually getting that like gradient light let me get an overcast day popping off grayscale gorilla plus let's hit them up ultimate skies what do they got for us maybe overcast 15 seconds i think that's uh yeah five seconds all right cool oh yeah that's great i'm happy with this finally yeah yours looks awesome oh yours looks yours looks great too and like it's actually different i feel like we we actually came out with some different results i love the geometrical thing you got going on thanks man yeah it's um it was actually really fun to create a custom brush in photoshop you do you you were working in photoshop i wasn't paying attention yeah so i basically like went into photoshop and made my own brush out of like this shape here which is six little pizza pies put together um [Music] and stamped a pattern yeah and just kind of like kept messing with the different values and stuff until i got something that looked interesting and i just plugged it into um my roughness value here my roughness channel and i just kind of dropped the gradient and kind of washed out the values a little bit crunched it a little bit to get the look that i liked um [Music] and then i threw that same one into a bump channel i use the multiply and float node to like really chill out the bump so it's subtle and then i actually made a um a normal map in photoshop too so i made a normal map um photoshop yeah yeah amazing yeah so i did a normal map here and used that as like an extra little layer but like i i could definitely go to town on this and spend a few hours doing this and get it roped in to look perfect but um other than that you know i just uh in in the material itself i in the reflection channel i just made a gradient node and i pulled a little preset of the rainbow so you're getting like that nice like rainbow reflection and that's how you get the different you know these different colors yeah when you kind of move it around and stuff um what was your process how did you how did you do your thing looks super sweet dude thank you man thank you oh yeah mine was basically at first i was just playing around with a bunch of different like procedural noise things like really i had no idea what i was doing ended up with this okay i have like some swirlies and then some little wheels here that's sick kind of random yeah i what is it even like it's like planetary yeah and then we got a musgrave texture that's all jacked up so full swirliness and then after that i was like i have 17 minutes so i made a similar to you i made a custom brush it's just this it's total garbage and then uh looks great i just like hand painted a bunch of those onto the surface and so this is actually the map for here cool then uh yeah put those two together into roughness so you're all roughness like for your roughness baby there's a little a smidgen of uh bump map going on ours that's awesome go forward super sick brother let's see what everyone did on discord i got a piece of it go for it go for it um let's pull up the discord give me a second give me a second here we go nice nice oh this is good ye good stuff very nice that's cool i like that this shape is good i like the the way this shape is kind of broken up and everything rage squid really nice mr j not bad hmm zachter that's that's nice looks good this is a tough one definitely a tough one but my favorite no doubt is my favorite that's that's uh yeah they're coming in slow mode they're slipping in there looks good very nice super sick um so when i was at uh camp mograph this last weekend i taught a surface imperfection class and we actually busted out like a white and black poster board and we had black paint to work with we had steel wool scrub brushes spritz bottles isopropyl alcohol and flour and water and we just got our hands dirty and made all these different textures i made some scratches i made a lot of grunge textures um all that stuff is going into my second surface imperfection pack i'm still working on it now oh what's up dude back um you're talking about at mograph you were doing the uh making custom textures and stuff yeah yeah that's awesome and like this what we just did right here and hopping in a photoshop and making a little custom texture is exactly what we did but just with our hands and with like leaves people go out and dip like a leaf in black paint and stamp the paper and get a really cool texture yeah so that's what it reminded me of um but yeah people have some people got some cool stuff some good soap bubbles um that was really fun that was really fun and very peaceful um [Music] some shout outs here kale thank you for the super chat thinking about trying to make roman greek renders into a story and have no idea where to start do you have any advice for what i'm trying to do wow what are they trying to do they're trying to turn roman or greek renders into a story well i think that they got a lot of mythology to go off of there right yeah and um you know uh a photographer of mine actually had a really good piece of advice and he said he said a location is not a story so you don't go to spain and make a photo book or a photo essay of spain and just say this is spain there's no story there so a location is not a story and in this case a style of architecture is not a story so get specific that'd be my piece of advice kale is to get specific what about that roman or greek style do you love um find a story dig dig deep like look into some like cool stories cool mythology um yeah yeah uh dig deep try and find try and find the element that like really piques your interest there and then focus on that get as specific as possible um so maybe it's like an achilles thing focus on achilles okay well what's achilles about was he the one who was like dipped in the river with the ankle keely's heel yeah he's like held by the heel and like dipped in to be invincible and then uh right because he was held at the heel like they didn't want their fingers to get in the water so they just right right like you could do some renders around that you know i don't know get specific with it yeah yeah i mean you could do the classic thing of it's it's the uh corridor formulas you take something everybody knows one twist on it that's something fun yeah what's on your eyebrow is there something in your eyebrow eyebrow or is that just the camera it's the lighting weird it did this weird lighting thing your eyebrows fine what was happening it looked like there was a black fuzzy clamp on your eyebrow that's weird anyway moving on all right um vj very very big thanks for that super chat is very generous of you he says that we killed it both results look excellent octane glass shader is definitely the best started with veronica texture and dropped it uh after 15 minutes yeah man thank you so much thanks for the support and um it was really fun these are my favorite streams to be honest they're really chill and that's great they're fun to do with a friend uh oh yeah great way to spend a saturday morning it's also so great like i love the community feeling of it seeing everybody else's artwork and having my ass handed to me with all these amazing renders great to see yeah it's so sick it's super sick um kale we got another one thank you thank you so much um you want to have a story that follows two brothers they get separated into rome and and greek from children to them as adults where they find or they fight and realize it's the other from the opposite side that's pretty cool whoa that's very specific yeah this has nothing to do with that but i heard stories this could be hearsay or urban legend but like of twins who will like be separated at birth and then they meet each other later in life and they have like their spouse is the same name and they have the same job and the same haircut and they're like oh my god their favorite color is the same really crazy stuff no idea if that's true there's probably gotta be some sort of version of that that's pretty insane wow that's a cool story that is a cool story kale um roll with it i'd say start small start bite-sized um see if you can do it in like little comic strips you know so you don't spend 10 years on a project um but yeah just have fun keep keep uh keep at it and uh ammar thank you for the super chat very generous of you ddd thank you for the super chat uh wait what peter went to the store dumped a body there and called his mom sick weekend i don't get it look here i can't read it what does it say can't read well it's so tiny in obs um it says go to store dump dead body call mom okay okay okay that's good dude that's good it's my errands for today it's funny i laughed thanks um so hey we're gonna play we're gonna play smash brothers but also is caves rd gonna try and see what's going on does caves play smash uh oh it's 3am okay guys you got you guys maybe maybe at some point we'll do a caves thing um it'll be great yeah unreal yeah and if ren is still in here we're going to get smashed in a second um i can call him and sweet um we have we have uh whatchamacallit we have the weekly challenge real quick to to talk about the five winners and then there's like four runner-ups and the new challenge announcement so peter i guess i just follow along as best you can i know you're probably watching it from a lag um but uh yeah let me let me just talk about the weekly challenge so over the last two weeks the challenge was to create a spaceship from everyday items since i didn't stream last week it was a two-week challenge so um some really cool stuff and i'll show y'all right now who the five winners are for the weekly challenge we had nearly 100 submissions um we do this every single week there's gonna be a challenge this week it's ongoing and i'll fill you in on that in just a second but first and foremost we have frizzler coming in and this is in no apparent order this is just cool stuff like freaking awesome here you have the phone charger unplugging from the wall turning into a spaceship and there's people running away from the spaceship at the end it's so good it's dragging the phone the hand tries to stop it and they're like go run run run run i didn't catch the people at first that's so good i love it i love it i just realized too peter i need to add you i need to add you to this uh this layout real quick um or you know what hey peter why don't absolutely absolutely hey peter do you want to you want me to add you to this or do you want to just take like five minutes and chill yeah get a room going get a room going and i'll i'll join up um i'll go i'll get through the other winners so hey frizzler congrats you're winning the challenge winner roll um for this week that basically gives you access to the full discord server including the pro tier channels where we're going to do game night we do our first game night pretty soon here um art review um you can ask me anything all that good stuff so congratulations to you getting that getting that uh challenge winner role all right next up we have bam folio with this one this one's so cool um there is music with it i'm gonna post the winners on the discord server after this but i don't know if it's music i can use on the stream but super cool it's like a work a work wrench i don't know is this called a monkey wrench i don't know if this is called a monkey wrench but it's a wrench you can tell what it is i love it it looks beautiful it's very well lit well rendered um nice blue atmosphere in the space there super cool design i really dig it polio congratulations you got the challenge winner roll for this week that's awesome so cool yes that's amazing beautiful design good colors you can tell what it is too there's like point definitely points for like knowing what what this is let's go to the next one this is by apologies if i'm mispronouncing that but this is sick it's a big old shoe a spaceship shoe and the angle of which you know how it's shot from is beautiful looks like you're actually there looking up at this thing taking a photo of it it's very well not composited but composed that's the word i'm looking for very well composed and it's well lit you can tell what it is immediately it's a really really cool render i dig this one a lot da uh deybot did ya congratulations you got the challenge winner roll this week super cool great render good color good composition i dig it next up we got two more for this week creep of steel with this beautiful animation couldn't be better so good so good so good beautiful render quality beautiful lighting beautiful textures amazing absolutely amazing you can actually tell like you're making the spaceship from a you know like a hot wheels car a lego character and it looks like some uh you know lighters strapped to the side of this thing going around the globe it's really nice it's so nice big congratulations to ya creep of steel got the challenge winner roll this week i love it i love it cinematic wide screen beautiful colors so well executed camera shake is perfect this is just a perfect render love it so so much congrats all right and finally last but not least we have one dead duck with this awesome uh power drill spaceship it's two power drills smacked together as some sort of like space fighter craft it looks so beautiful really cool design really cool idea great use of the prompt you're just knocking it out of the park your backgrounds are ridiculous i'm assuming that's a photo and you composited them in but i'm not really sure regardless it looks amazing and wonder duck always puts out solid work and this is no exception so congratulations one dead duck and to the rest of the challenge winners this week you got the challenge winner roll opening up the full discord server pro tier good stuff very very good stuff we got a couple uh honorable mentions i want to talk about so we'll start with nugget this is an awesome one this is like uh paul chad heason if y'all know paul chadhasen on instagram it's that's where i consume his content uh which is probably the worst place to consume his content because it's so tiny i mean really honestly instagram is probably one of the worst places to consume any piece of content because it's all so tiny but i got sidetracked there for sure this is awesome it's a mechanical pencil with eraser spaceships on the side really nice gribble really nice lighting great composition nugget congratulations this is really really nice honorable mention here karam yes it is me karam i love this this is such a beautiful render and it just has a lot of nostalgia baked into it feels very fun it's lit well it's rendered very well it's shot well and it's built well a spaceship from a water bottle some straws looks like a milk carton some cardboard and toothpicks i love it very very nice karam congrats honorable mention i had to shout you out it was too good too good not to get the shout out we got a addicted lung destroyer next um yeah it looks like a lighter it's another lighter kind of looking like a tie fighter star wars kind of spacecraft i love it it's composited well the color color's really nice it's rendered well maybe a little heavy on the chromatic aberration you got to watch out for that in the corners there but it's really not that big of a deal for this i like this a lot your design is very nice it's very simple which i'm a big fan of is simplistic design super cool i'd love to see a little animation with this and a lot of people had animations this week speaking of we got roblob with a nice animation this is super cool i love your scale here you really really uh nailed the scale this thing feels massive and it's another paul chad he's in style render and i say that just because paul chad heason makes these massive renders of you know spacecraft he has a lot of ships cargo ships spaceships that kind of stuff and they just feel so huge and you really nailed that here uh roblob so i gotta get you that honorable mention for sure it's looking really nice the tiny ships go a long way that's really what sells that scale and it's a speaker for anyone who didn't know it's a speaker so that's a that's the weekly challenge for sure um making a spaceship from an ordinary ordinary items congrats to all of you who got the weekly challenge winner roll um into the honorable mentions and this week's challenge we got a challenge this week going and it was voted on by the community and it is going to be i believe i don't want to say it wrong yep all right it's weapon right so you gotta hand model this one yourself hand model a weapon yourself no downloads just get in there and make it from scratch have a blast with it you have one week uh you have to deliver by friday this friday by 9 a.m i believe yeah 9 a.m pst that'll give me enough time to go over everything and choose the five winners so get your weapon renders in model it from scratch don't download anything don't follow a tutorial and post it you know you can follow the tutorial but just make it your own make it your own i think that's it yeah that's it i'm very excited i'm being i'm gonna be working on an unreal engine piece of art here and i'm gonna do a whole breakdown on it so definitely watch out be watching out for that it'll come out october 2nd full on breakdown of this piece i'm working on an unreal engine i'm learning it it's crazy i have so much to learn and i'm excited to share what i learned with all of you now we are officially after hours it's after hours right now and we're gonna play some smash bros because i got a capture card hooked up it's smash bros time peter's amped uh i think israel did you get wren yeah ren's in the ring does he want to hop in the stream like does he want to throw a mic on or something that's a great question let me text him because we can get him in there okay great okay ren's not gonna hop in the stream but he'll play with us okay cool what map should we do random battlefield i don't hire you hyrule yeah all right heck yeah um online let's do this um smashing battle arenas oh god we get to see ren's new main do you know what he's meaning no i'll just let you it's gonna be something stupid dude it's uh you'll see [Laughter] all right let's full screen this full screen baby open the ring it was freaking go son okay let me add ren to the call then real quick all right let's well hold on now y'all just going for it yeah hold on um let's add ren where are you at rin get the reaper up in here funky freaking joke cranky kang dude um came from when i was at rocket jump we would just come up with silly names off the top of our head and we just take turns like all day coming with stupid names and bonky jojo was one of them it's a really fun game you just come up with stupid names like crud marks mcgee red marks um let's see we got the chat popping off call went to my pc how about we try again let's try it let's try the man himself once more let's just start he said okay oh he's joining here we can add him we can add his voice yes ren hey he's in yeah yeah let me um let me add discord real quick as a window capture or audio source audio output then you're gonna hear peter you're gonna hear peter double oh thank you did i mute myself on discord then how am i gonna hear peter oh i see what you're saying i see you're saying photo okay bear with us we're gonna get red in here um oh no that's not what i want maybe i'll just do a window capture no hmm that might be the easiest way yeah let's do the ninja route but let's get a game in first let's get a gaming yeah let's get a game in here all right um oh no i can't wait that's who i wanted anyway should i cancel it no no we're good piranha plant please wait so can everybody here run right now or no no no it's just me and you but we can hear ren ren don't say that you can't say that by the way i have input lag so just to let you know all good oh crunched out flaps um so let me know how the refresh rate is and everything on the on the playback for the stream come here boy all right cool snapped here let me clap you real quick you know jan plays prana plant really get him oh sit here boy no dude don't touch me with that tree [Music] [Laughter] oh oh the elevator is cheap you ran you think you're so good so does the audio sound okay can you hear like smash versus our voices are all right oh no okay okay cool dude someone needs to like take care of this plant there we go i can i can work the volume mixing after this i'm perfect oh ren thinks he's good ron thinks he's good dude what is a stage hazard nonsense oh my goodness uh leave me be leave me be come here snap no yeah i'm on those joy-cons too oh no oh wow that was so lucky oh no get off your high horse oh my god oh my god that was great do that uh i don't know that's what's up that's what's up wren can't win on the stream ren can never win on this stream ever again oh look at that seashell try getting good okay here let me switch my character let me switch pull out old trusty it's ness let's go pew all right bringing out old trusty most annoying character oh yeah was good's toy chest man that's that's an old time classic wes is much better than me at twitch us i'll admit it people are like what's toy chest bowser jr it's over for both of you that's right because you're scared yo oh no oh that's a little hard to recover here with the lag just a little bit of input laggle oh god damn it dude he got hit not me that dark wind out of here my wheelchair i'm nothing without my wheelchair oh ren okay dude i'm i'm getting destroyed dude stop stop bullying me get them get them oh uh no yeah go on and get uh no dude your stupid toys i'm done playing with your toys dude your toys your toy chest is dumb no oh god oh ren this is what i've been waiting for [Music] i don't know his moveset eat it get out eat it damn dude that's the same way you killed me on in that video that you did the same exact place the same exact map vicious just different character i'm getting my real controller i'll be back oh boy i believe i won the last one ah it's dead it's okay oh huh it's weird because i'm getting levels no game audio automatic background noise canceling how's that even possible though hold on oh yeah how's that possible like i'm getting the levels here um oh that's why that's why i had it set to uh monitor only [Applause] do it [Music] [Applause] are you ready all right let's go three two we got you a different level huh nice nice [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] another [Applause] [Applause] oh my god oh perfect what was it [Applause] oh [Applause] nice no [Applause] [Applause] how do you fare against dean with with uh piranha are you serious [Applause] that's the best [Applause] like that ball is just out there [Applause] i can't tell this level's so big yo go for a random battlefield next time i gotta be careful about that oh [Applause] are you healing yourself what is that [Music] [Laughter] same same same no it didn't work i'm still on these little controllers i'm playing like this dude i'm playing like this you know just one single little controller nah i got the i got the dual jewelry count for everyone joining we're we're in after hours right now we've uh we've done the texturing maybe this is confusing maybe i just need to set up a second stream or rename the video wait i didn't change the thing back out output the discord let's try audio output uh it's cool i'll we'll do it next time [Applause] do it the dick three two one go [Music] oh dude that's brutal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] get in grasp oh rent this you got the brunt that was so lucky [Music] how many stalks do i have i can't see oh i know you have to do i what no these joycons dudes man that's how many how many did i win in a row i can't even i don't even know uh yeah last one for me ggs [Applause] i want to change it up are you guys going to change characters yeah going back to the classic i'll keep it i'll keep it as is any uh specific stages you guys are feeling this random battlefield keeps us close i need to figure out a way to play or to like i need to figure out a way where i'm not playing through obs because there's that lag [Applause] all right final match wow why did i jump right into that uh [Applause] that's so scary there's a poisonous fog come on playing another tree [Applause] [Music] nice [Applause] no what am i doing [Music] [Applause] oh no that was so bad [Applause] do it again peter do it again i got this plant [Applause] stupid spike balls where they even come from [Applause] lag town [Applause] no [Laughter] [Applause] oh dude that attack is so brutal [Applause] [Applause] we can't find it [Applause] um [Applause] that was great [Applause] wasn't my day [Applause] yes i know we textured earlier this is after hours picturing is finished this game [Applause] yeah yeah man yeah thanks for joining us ren yeah we'll get your voice going next time but uh have a good day have a solid day yeah peace out yeah later man all right it's been a pleasure peter good times yeah thanks for having me buddy absolutely man enjoy yourself everyone else thank you i'm gonna go get some lunch yeah man go for it go for it i'll talk to you soon alrighty everyone else thank you see y'all bye bye thank you for stopping by everybody good times everyone uh i think i'll see you next week pretty sure i'll see you next week i'll be working on some unreal stuff so until then peace [Music] tip so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: pwnisher
Views: 70,500
Rating: 4.92977 out of 5
Keywords: pwnisher, 3d, render, challenge, vfx, tutorial, cg, cinema 4d, blender, unreal engine, ue5
Id: ZaAq2sBSKiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 40sec (10540 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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