1 VFX Shot per HOUR, per DAY, for the next 15 DAYS

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Peter has tallied every single visual effects shot in Spider-Man. To say the least, I'm shook. How many shots are there? 153. Peter sent over, uh, a rough cut today of his Spider-Man: Cake Day short film. There's a lot of stuff that's great about it, but it's only about half done. And you are hoping to have this done 15 days from now? That is the maximum number of days I have. You have to finish 10 shots per day, EVERY day, for the next two weeks. Let's say you're working 10-hour days. You have to take an hour or less per shot, every day, for the next two weeks. *reality sets in* *soul leaves body* Hey, what's up CMike? Hey man, what's the most amount of VFX you ever had in one of your short films? Uhh, I did a Smash Bros. video back in the day. The project took me a year. There is probably 50 or... 60 or 70 full CGI green-screen... ...everything. Uh... it was - it was intense. It was like 120? 110-120, yeah. Frankly, 122. How long did it take you to do that? Like, a month and a half? Well, my friend helped me. Yeah, it was crazy. It's important to note that not all VFX shots are created equal. Peter has 153. A solid chunk of them are labeled full CGI. And apart from like, laying out the groundwork, He does not have a single completed shot. What? Two we- How long does he have? 15 days... 15-? Sorry, bud... Okay, but- but, okay, here's the flipside. If I actually do do it, how cool would that be? That'd be - it'd be legendary. Either way, this video's gonna be incredible. It's just, are you being realistic with yourself about how long this is gonna take? I am already cutting out shots. I got one shot cut out... so far. 152 shots. All right! Today we're here with Portal A and Google. The idea is to take a small-scale zoetrope, which is essentially just a spinning collage of either 3d models or Different frames of an image that make up a moving image you're spinning this collage and you get to see the final effect we want To take that and we want to do that on a big scale with people instead of just an animation looping We want to continue the action and tell a story over a minute and a half to two minutes This is the first time anyone has ever done this at least on the Internet Kind of like a Chaplin not use Chaplin as a good example I think we were trying to go too much for like what's the artsy story about it as opposed to like How do we entertain and the best way possible, you know kind of and a lot of old chaplain stuff? There's not like this big story It's just he needs money trying to do XYZ And it he's trying to get there in different different funny ways because it's not working out for him. That's the vibe here He's going but everyone is doing is the same thing in so trouble as he goes to do something. It's happening behind him, too So he's like stealing from himself but he doesn't realize it as he starts to realize that he tries the game system that still doesn't work and they realize the only Way for this to work is for everyone to come together to form into the same person. So we're going out We're shooting a technical test for this zoetrope idea We're shooting it as if this is for real(hey guys whats up) So we're bringing out all the equipment throw it into the computer and see if we can get one of the people on this merry-go-round(a small little easter egg) to sync up in the front of frame what fair isn't ready to test 6 12 18 24(bye now) 60 the goals that have six people and 33 seconds. Yeah Basically the point is take out what frame rate you need for each person is sync up in the same spot from there It's just hopefully it's syncing up in front of the camera not like off to the side We did a test on a merry-go-round in a playground We have to have this merry-go-round spinning Consistently at an even rate for us to be able to speed up the video and just have it work So we want to get divided right? Right? Yeah Zero to three point zero two frames per second We did that test actually worked is janky as it was it worked and then we got a decent effect from it So I was like, I don't know There we go spinning 1g did we get that's clearly 2g I think we're in really good shape I think we're really set up for success right now because the actual version will have a motor so be completely consistent Hopefully at least we'll have professional dancers So the goal today is to get all six dancers on that merry-go-round with 12 second revolution time So every time I spins once that's 12 seconds, these guys have put together essentially a display rig for a car You know like you see a car sitting on the side of the car, so it will be spinning. That's what we're working with They have kind of crafted it into a merry-go-round You know with all the poles and the bars and stuff and they can control how fast it goes We've got six people on this merry-go-round. It takes 12 seconds to complete one spin one revolution Retin help me do the math yesterday it's gonna take An hour and a half to get a minute and a half The idea is that when these guys are spinning around the front is right. The back is dark naturally They're gonna be silhouetting the person in front We have to break up the hour and a half long take in two sections that way the dancers don't pass away and turn into Crispy tombstones yesterday. I shot the final choreography. It was a minute and a half long I slowed that choreography down by the same amount. I would be speeding up our footage today We have this hour and 20 minute take to use as reference today and everyone's gonna be going off of that I'm gonna be going off with that for camera cuz they worked in camera motion into the test deer and the dance guide He's gonna be off camera doing the moves that I was doing in the reference video I shot yesterday, but the slo-mo version the Tai Chi version right that way all the dancers can reference him I'll be referencing that same video for camera motion We're gonna have to figure out the camera timing how fast I mean need to be moving this camera How slow do we need to be moving this camera to match the camera moves that I put into the reference video? We're almost at the cut point guys Alright guys, that's a cut Yeah, guys hop in the shade catch your breath we can ends up your mass we'll take a little break it looks amazing It's like watching a meditation video We just shot two hundred and six gigs filled up half of a 512 good card in one take Yeah. All right. How's it going guys? It's been a while. It's been about one scene, but about a week of real time Let me tell you I'm feeling pretty burnt out I've been pulling a lot of 10-hour days All I do is this every day doing VFX non-stop basically and let me tell you I'm kind of sick of it, but Let me should all show you what I've done so far I've actually been working on completing and putting shots into the Edit this week And so you can see this page has all the shots I've completed then if I continue scrolling you can see all of this That hasn't even been touched yet So I've completely taken out 25 shots or so from the Edit. I Sat down with Sam and Nico and they suggested a lot of shots that While they might have been cool weren't necessarily needed to make the final piece cohesive so far I've completed about 25 shots, and I have a couple more shots that are just waiting to render uh They can progress but slow progress The question becomes now am I still gonna be able to finish this by the time I go back up to San Francisco? And the answer is I have no idea Hopefully I have about let's count up the days seven eight In days ten days left to do roughly a hundred shots, which is ten shots a day Thankfully, I did pre visualizations for them, which means I basically have animated them already I just haven't put in all the city assets or made them look pretty or anything like that So if I really keep my head down and keep working him I spend a few nights here at the studio so I can just save time driving to and from work You might be able to finish it. I really hope so If you would like to donate pizzas to Peter bye VIN Mose Is it Come on income right? Welcome Jakey's home studio This is exactly what a picture should look like When you look up what a recording studio should not look like Google what not to do for a home recording This should pop up. Yeah be of the the drumset miked up two overheads One kick one snare one mono room learning into a completely separate system for drums than we are for everything else. Not ideal Better get the job done So I was like Hey, Sam, I've got idea you know that snowdrop video Let's score it ourselves and I was like, I'll be over in one minute. Let me hop in my car. I'm driving now And then I crashed my car on the way over here Anyway, so, yeah, we're here trying to figure this out. They put the drumset down here We got microphones Casey's got two computers. I am a one-man band. I work out of one machine I have one premium that is mono. We have to record a drum set here with several microphones So I pulled out a north computer but it's gonna get the sound. Oh I'm very aware of that our productivity dropped by like As soon as that camera show though, we were jamming Soon as soon as you get here, the productivity goes down by 90% I need to start playing happy birthday friggin So business to do let's just start with your clickety clacks, okay, okay
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 948,756
Rating: 4.9500804 out of 5
Keywords: sam and niko, sam, niko, corridor, corridor digital, corridor crew, google, chromebook, spiderman, short, film, fan, fan film, VFX, peter parker, zoetrope, irl, best, new, awesome
Id: 4_z4VzoMssU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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