Special Women's Day | Learn to Count 123 | Cartoons for kids | @Numberblocks

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[Music] I I can't wait to visit the pattern Palace is it far there's a shortcut around this Ridge if you can cross the balancing Bridge [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoops I guess I forgot to put the safety locks on I say we go softly softly like this [Music] we need to balance the bridge out before 15 falls off but I'm not big enough to do it alone 10 is less than 15. you need 15 blocks to balance me out but 15 is 10 and 5 so it's I land a hand oh two plus five equals 15. foreign [Music] what's going on oh 12 needs balancing and 12 is ten plus two come on ten wait where's ten bit busy sorry then we need another 10. ah seven three you can make ten oh that's Lucky Seven plus three plus two equals ten plus two equals grab hold we're halfway there what could possibly go wrong [Music] we need to balance thirteen but we haven't got a three or a ten maybe I can help I'm only one less than ten that's close oh and after that we need three more blocks so that adds up to one two three four four blocks oh Square power nine plus four equals ten plus three and both sides equal thirteen grab out one more Bridge To Go [Music] we need to balance out 14. somehow OCTA block think one two three four five six seven eight think Hmm how do I get from 8 to 14. ha from 8 to 10 takes two blocks and fourteen is ten and four so I need four blocks more which makes one two three four five six [Music] eight the six equals fourteen grab hold thanks to our team we've got a clear run at goal all right cut before [Music] six bridge is fixed [Music] hey I guess this shortcut's not so Swift next time we can take the lift oh no my shoes have lost their Sparkle where will I get a new pair of magic dancing shoes oh oh a magical shoe shop that's where welcome do you like shoes uh-huh well I like twos I'm the two times table and we both like to dance [Music] I like things that come in twos I like ears and elbows and knees like pairs of gloves and turtle doves are like wings and Wellies and water skis When you're counting slippers or Flippers or shoes this is the method you'll need to use a table for twos two is to four four three twos are six are you keeping the score four twos are eight five twos are ten six twos are twelve are you ready for more seven twos or fourteen eight twins are sixteen nine two or eighteen that might be plenty but why should we stop now reach for the top now ten two 20. it's Showtime work boots and Wellies flip-flops and jellies slip-ons and Sliders strength shoes with spikes shiny black tap shoes bubble and strap shoes slip-ons for Riders of super fast bikes that'll grow a lace-up let's keep the pace up and count all the shoes and twos one pair is two two pairs are four three pairs are six now let's take to the floor four pairs are eight five pairs are ten six pairs are twelve you can guess what's in store seven pairs are fourteen eight pairs are sixteen nine pairs or 18 that might be plenty but we can still do more why not have two more ten two [Music] are twenty two tens can Tango and do the Fandango 20 Unstoppable swappable blocks ten twos can line up and shine up their shoes where there are shoes there are usually socks strappy and spotty diamond and Dot T yellow and red with holes in their toes long socks and short socks School socks and sport socks one will leave bed socks which grandma once chose silky and snazzy jolly and Jazzy let's count them all good call one pair is two two pairs are four three pairs are six now let's open the drawer and four pairs are eight five pairs are ten six pairs are twelve socks you cannot ignore seven pairs or fourteen eight pairs are sixteen ninth favorite team that might be plenty let's have some new socks orange and blue socks and pears are twenty sideways one two is two two twos are four three twos are six are you keeping the score four twos are eight five twos are ten six twos are twelve are you ready [Music] that might be plenty but why shouldn't we stop now reach for the top now ten two [Music] I am the four times table calling all fours all fours to the dance floor four on the floor and one more forward that's what fours are for to get funky on the dance floor or on the floor and one more ball that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the groove with 36 be there be square when all the fours are on the floor is 40. 40. ten fours a forty one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to tell it straight four four is a sixteen five four is a twenty six fours a twenty four seven fours are twenty eight eight fours of thirty two nine fours at 36 and we'll hold the fours are in the mix ten fours a fourteen four and four and one more four and one more four and one more fall than the four before four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four then a four before one four is full Square Auto disco [Music] a twelve ride those Rays switch turn switch switch turns [Music] five balls a 20. Big Dog's number tap tap tap tap tap six fours a 24. super duper ride there's ways switch done Party People yeah eight fours double double dance [Music] [Music] great big rectangle come on one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to tell it straight four four is a sixteen five four is a twenty six fours are twenty four seven fours of twenty eight eight fours up thirty two nine fours are thirty six and went all the boys are in the mix [Music] four on the floor and one more four from the four before that's what fours are for to get funky on the dance floor or on the floor and one more four that's 24 28 and 32 now one more four is Here to Make You Dance get down get in the glue with 36 piece there be square where all the Falls are on the floor is 40. 40. ten fours a 40. whoa [Music] [Music] four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four then four before four and four and one more four and one more four and one more four then for the four cyclists one four is four two fours are eight three fours are twelve we know how to celebrate four fours are sixteen five four is a twenty six fours are twenty four seven fours are twenty eight eight fours are thirty two nine fours at 36 and when all the fours the last time we were here one yeah you asked what if and the whatever appeared and wait wait wait what's a whatever now that's an interesting question what is whatever the best way to find out is to ask me a question what sort of question the question like this what if you kept on Counting forever it would earn the admiration of your friends might make it to a million in a fortnight but how high could you get if forever never ends what if you kept writing zeros after one same as if you multiply by ten pretty soon you reach a million again what then what then what if you start with a single grain of rice then double it double it double it every day in a week you'd have no more than a handful in a month you'd be giving it away stop the rice please stop the rice never stopped interesting question ask me another one could be divided into pieces smaller parts like the slices of a cake [Music] or eight or sixteen [Music] the fractions you could make [Music] what if we tried to build a tower to the Moon would it take a hundred years to reach the top [Music] you might not want to think about the drop oh don't stop don't stop what if the number blocks each had a different name flinty bun he imagined you'd have to count would be no difference but you'd have to learn new words for everyone equals fun what if three was the highest you could count to it's a question that could tie you up in nuts counting sheep to get to sleep could be quite tricky one two three what if the number blocks all disappeared one day would one and two and three still equal six you could count it using Pebbles blobs or bricks or sticks good fix what if there could be a number less than zero you draw it you're in our stand or imagine there's a lift that keeps on going negative one negative two negative negative three how low could you go under number [Music] seven found a heptagon and wore it like a Hut what if one was made of jelly what a two is made of cheese what if beds were made of bubbles everyone trees what if one was really massive what if ten was really small what if number land was upside down which way would we fall what if you could spend forever in a world it never ends on a wonderful adventure with your favorite number friends [Music] how many other questions you will find so say whatever pops into your mind there are many other Mysteries that still remain unknown but if you thought of some questions of your own foreign
Channel: Numberblocks
Views: 12,637,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: number blocks, numberblocks, learn to count, learn maths, maths for kids, learning cartoons for kids, cartoons for kids, basic maths, sums for kids, easy sums, numbers for kids, count to ten, count to five, #12345, women's day, happy women's day, 123, cartoon kids, cartoon for kids, numbers cartoons, kids tv, women, special women's day, girlds power, family time
Id: n6cgsbYxMEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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